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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1916)
University of O.'Csofl Llhrary HI B Medford Tribune I FORECAST 1'Allt TODAY AND TOMOWtOW WEATHER Maximum Yesterday 87; Minimum Today t:j. .' i Forty-sixth Tenr. Pall l.iciiith Yer, MEDFORD OKR(JOX. MONIUV, .irNK !', 1M(i NO. 70 JL JL xjL JL JLJ a 0 t. I1K READY FOR CONVENTION Procecilinys Cut anil Dried In Ad vancePreliminaries Completed t Glynn Temporary cnairman con tests Settled McComus Given an Ovation Upon Retirement by Na tional Committee Contest Over Admission of Bryan From Nebraska. T. LOUTS, Mo., .Juno 12. Prelim, ltinrlcs t( llio rionfocriitlc nutlunnl convention pracllpnlly wore complet ed today with tin) ineetliiK of the nn tlonl committee which formorly no leelori former (lovornor Glynn of New York a tomitorary chairman to tlollvor tho.koy note npcecli ; chose temporary offloora and dlaposod of i. content. ( , t rriio retirement of Chulrninn Wil liam l McCoomhH brought about n remarkable iIoinoiiHtrntlou In the committee which gnvo rhuara and u volt of thankH to him. Ah tho com mitteemen cheered tho dolomites In tho hotel lobby-Joined in tho demon stration. Replying to tho tribute of tho com mlttoomen Chairman McCombs anld: "I cannot say how deeply I am touched by your motion and I loave you with groat regrot and will nl wnys cherish tho memory of tho pleasant aasoulntlons I have had with j on." Completed Tonight Chairman Kdwnrri (Soltra of the nr ranaemonta . uomiulttHo, announced tlmt tho convention hall would he completed tonight. Chairman MeCoinbs appointed Son tor Thomas Tnsgnrt of Indlunu, Na tional coiiimlttoman Norman K. Muck of New- York, and National Coin Mack, of New York, and National Committeeman William I'. Sapp of Kansas a Hiib-commlttoe to hear both aides of the Texas content for nation al eommittooman and report to tho new national eommlttoo which will meet after the last session of the convention. fThe contest which W. I. Jarrott of Hawaii hat ontered against the prosent national eommittooman. John H. Wilson, also was roforred to tho new national aotmnltteo. Mr. Wil son will continue to serve on tho ' committee until the new committee has been organized. Nebraska Contest The delegate contest from Hawaii was settled by a committee composed of National Committeemen Thomas Taggart of Indiana, Arthur V. Mul len of Nebraska and .1. l'red C Tal bott of Maryland. Members of the Nobrnska delega tlon export a fight when It meets to neleet IU member of tho resolution committee. The delegation Is (livid od with eight for W. II. Thompson,, a Hryan supporter, and oight fori Indie W. 11. Oldham, who opposes! Hryan. ' Ou motion of Secrotary Kremer the national committee today select ed Comltteemnn A. W. McLean of North Carolina, W. It. King of Oro gon, and Arthur K. Mullen, of Ne braska, to draft resolutions on the death of Thomas J. Pence, former aeeretary of the national committee. At Michigan headquarter It was announced that Kdmund Shields, for mor state chairman, would second the lo-nowinatlon of Mr. Marshall. Mr. Shields was schoolmate of the vice president. NORFOLK, Ya., June VJ.-The new super - dreataauffct Pennsylvania earn to the Norfolk navy ard today from ber bulkier at Xewport Sew. and a eommiiwiaped in the I'uijcd gtate iihvv, with Cuptain II. H. Wil Mm lomniandiBf. The Pwvlvaniu ia considered by Ameru-au expert the mot Miverful warship u float. She tli-ldiuM - :!-.UOO ton, I 't lonyr and made iliihtlv more than Jl Ji!,. 1 - i, I,' ir "h li r -)eil GENERAL STRIKE PON RAILROADS AT Ultimatum From Employes Halts Peace Conference Tentative Offer of Compromise Rejected by Men Who Assert Proposition Is Not Modifiable. NKW YORK, June 12. The con ferences botwoon Mie rcprcHontativcB of tho prlncluul railroads of tho Unit ed States and their omnloyos, called to avort a threatened general strike, camo to n sudden halt shortly after rosumlng sessions here today when tho railroads submitted a counter proposal to the demands of tho men. Tho workers have asked for an eight hour day, tlmo and n half for over time and the continuation of tho ex isting rules calling for doublo com pensation for dlfforent classos of nor vleos during the Minn working day. rillnmtiim Fixim Men The conforonco adjourned unlll later In the day when tho rullronJts will inoko n reply to what Is consid ered the ultimatum of tho men, de clining to consider the railroad prop osition doscrlbod as tho "yardstick" method of compensating. The railroad's answer to tho mon's demandrt was a toutatlvo offer of compromise, granting tho eight hour day and overtime, providing tho doublo compensation rule. Is wiped out. In other words, tho railroads maintain that If tho men desire n shortened day they must put In tho full tlmo In whatever class of sorvlco thoy nro asslguod. Under oxlitlng rules nn engineer on a 100-mile run usually considered a day's work Is granted overtime If within IiIh working day he perform another class of service. Tho break came following tho rend ing of the outline of tho "yardstick" method by Kllflia Loo, chairmnu of the railroad managers. Hoatod objoo tlons were Immediately mado by tho brothedhood leaders. Not Modifiable A. II. Oarrotson, president of tho Order of Ilallroad Conductors, vole-' ed tho Houtlmeuts of tho men whon he said In reply to Mr. Lee: "Our proposition Is not modlflablo It Is either It or nothing. Our proposition's chlof demand Is tho eight hour day. The ovortlmo Is sim ply a penalty to forco It. Our answer, Is that If tho 'yardstick' Is your united offor there Is no reason for continuation of this conference." Chairman Lee declared the attltudo of tho men made it Impossible to pro ceed and he ordered an adjournment until the afternoon whon ho would announce, he said, whether the rail roads will continue with the confer ence or not I ILARKDO Teas, June 12. Three of the baud of Mexicans who partic ipated In the raid on the T. A. Colo man ranch at San Samuel yesterday wore killed and three more captured today, according to a report received here. The report did not make It clear whether the pursuers were Tex as rangers or American troops in command of Captain Welborn. Since three of the bandits were re ported captured early today, this ac counts for nine of the band. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., June IS. Overnight reports to General Funs ton added nothing to his Information regarding the raids near Laredo and the Mauling expedition of Captain Ola W. Bell. No official report of the raid bad been made to headquar ters and the exact location of deneral Bell is unknown. SAX ANTONIO. Ten. June II, T. A. Coleman, owner of the raneh near Laredo, that was raided by ban dits, reported to General Puaeten to da that later reports to him Indicat ed that the Incursion was of a char acter almoit Irstgnlflcant ' KM AND PIP PURSUT RAIN BANDITS IN LINE ANTI-AMERICAN LATEST PW NOMINEE 10 WIFE WICKERSHAM AGITATIONGRQWS' mMM -, ) NOT MEDIATOR THROUGH MEXICO' Additional Troops Sent Border In- i creasinn Excitement in Northern i Mexico Causes Anxiety at Wash-, lngton Carranza Indifferent to , What Is Goinn On. WASIllNflTOX, Juno 12. Seerc ' tnr.v linker nnuoiineed lulc toilu that , 100(1 nilditionnl const urtillervmen , and a linttnliin of engineer troops I from thii eily Iiml been gnlereil tot the .Mexican horrid for patrol duly. I In all about MOO men will he added to Oeneral FiiiiHton's eomiiiHnri. Kxcitcmeiit Inctvnslng WASHINGTON', June TJ.-ln- t ereiiMing e.eitement and nnti-Amen-onu I'd'liiiK ilirouffliout nurtliern .Mexico Jh ileseriberi in torin.V riix- jmtclicM to the tute riepnrtment. In lniiny i'iinoh, it wiim Kniri nt the rie- jmrtment, Hie Ciirninzu uuthnqtiex iiipenr to ho inilitfeieul lo what n j o'mti on. Di'lniU of the rcimrU woie not miirie publie, OlTieiulH murie no nlleinpt lo eon cent llieii nuxictv over the mttmtinii. All ilioimteliM wore reuri by Seero tury I.tuihin iiml the more imporlnnt were scut to the white hoiwo. Kiiiuli ilir(iuieling reporli lire t'eiii'liinir the department jnf jiiHtiee from ulniif the honlei. 1 Ilenu)iiti'iitloii nt Clillituiliim (MlllirAIII'A CITY. June l'.- MeicniN tlirougeri the Atreel lierel Snndiiy, unti-AinOiicnii ineetiulis ing held in vurioim mrts of tlie eil.v. Il.sreer, tho inwrin wero ntrierly ami in no iiwlnnee did tlirenieueri rioln rievelo. The riemoiihlrntinii liomin with h imrnrie through the priiiei'wil treei In the military euartel, whom Ounoritl Jneiulo Trorlnit in n brief Hilrirei.ti Ihmikeri tliein for the iwtriotie riin pliiy. l-'oi hull' nn hour the crowd checreri uuri lioiit of "Throw out the AmerieiuiK!" were frequent. Mies Meetings Held Kl. PASO, Tex.,' June 12. lie porlri here otriny imliente tliat nnti Aiueriean iihim nieelingx in growing number are heingr lielri in the -eral eitieri of Cliiliunliuii wtiite nnri t lint the riintrihiiliou of ineeuriiury litei-nlure ornithine... l ' ' mm W3LTL tft" FOR ROOSEVELT li tgggggggggg? PggKuZ ggggggf is j " SSnJ. twlilr ju erf Ou v. tf lleiv Is llio very latest plcim If 1 1 unlit Is elected, mil) be the ne ORPETS FATHER WITNESS' WAl'KKdAN, III., .line 1.'. K. o Orpet, eoneludiiif Iiih tertimouv toilnv ' in the tnnl of bi- u'O-veiir-old son, Will II. Oqet, licenced of the iniirder of Mm lion l.iunliert, deeliired his sou iliri not stei'ii nt home u the niirlits of Felinmry S or tt, the night before tho "IiTk huly wu found iu the snow eoverori wmiiln. The olrier Oriiet nlsn I est i fieri tlmt u moiitli before the death of .Miss Iimbeit he hnri. instrueleri nu anisl nut to throw itunv tin- -luck of ihmhoii lie lii-eri in Jiii'dciiiiitr, ulnch I lie prM- ecilllOII llllcuc I-IIIIM.I I In- drill ll , the unl Ti i Ml THE JUNE BRIDE unocrop (b"ni of the Justice and Mis. Iliilies, who, w "flit lady of the land." !HUGHES APPROVED- BY WALL STREET NKW YORK. June I J. Wnll struct indicated its attitude towurri the uoininntiuu of Justice I Inches nnri Colonel KiMiseu'lt's eonililionnl riee liiuUion with h series of wdviiiiees nt the oH'nitr of the stiM-k miirket In riuy. I'liitwl .States Steel nnri leading railway slmnm hn well u numeroiu NieoiHllitM were higher hv 1 to 2 IHiinU with jmin of .i for .Vew Yoik Airbrnku. Trariinff wits iictive and eommisHJou houses seemed to he prominent in the buying, suggesting uit-of-town rieinuiiil fur stoeke. Tho n-iill wns n Uo usileil by eonsuler able -hurt eovenug. Former Attorney General Visits Hughes, But Denies Political Sin nlflcancc of Visit Nonpartisan Hughes League to Be Organized to Promote Candidate's Cause. NKW YOIIK, June 1- -KffoiU to rend Mitiiiiicunrc toilnv into u eon Miltiitmu heie hetveeu t'luulcs I'miiih llntilics the ropuhliotoi iiriirientiul caiiiliriute, and (leoi-jte W. WieUor sluiin us the mcriintor so minor went in plans to train the support of Colonel l(ooeelt for tho repiihlionn eiindiriiite, weie met by rieillnl from Mr. Wifkcrshnin tlmt his visit had anv "iKiiifienuec nt nil. Mr. Wiekeixlimn'H conference with tlie eiinriirinte wns held soon after Mr. lliighei.' nriiMil here from Wnshiiife ton. Nolhiujf wns allowed to leak out us to the nature of their discussion. .Mr. Wiekeixhnm insisted his visit hnri notliiitt; to do with polities. No I'ollllcnl .HlKiiiricjiuro "I liuve no expectation of seeing Colonel Roosevelt and uo iuision to see him," said Mr. Wiekei-shuni nfter pinorning from a thirty-rive minute talk with Mr. Uuvhes. "You entirely mistake the incanini of my visit. have uo poIlt,ienI vo lutions with Mr. Ilujslies on this oe I'lision. aia honrtilv and eiithuslns lienlly sinmmting him, of eouise. I think the progrocslven will k'ivo him their support nnri 1 do not expect Colonel Roosevelt to henil u thirri lieket, hut tlmt is only Ktieeswork on mv tmrt." Others of mniiy who onllori upon Mr. Iluuhes in t ! nfteriioon iuuliiricri Heni'v W. TiinClinitlierof the former presirienl, rturi Williniu Cnry Snnger, former iisHistn( iwrelnrv of war mi rier Roosevelt. Noil I'm tlwin frf'UKiie The fiwt oivunixeil nolilieiil move nti'iit in (he fin tlieratice- of the enin- iwigu for the election or Chnriea K. Uiif-lies wns niinoiineeri toilnv uivmi Hie in-rival of (he remihliciin cKinli. ilnle here fnifl WiiHhiitgton. It whs Hie reiVHl or the Hughes nllinnre, hii oivnnisnlion'of repulilienns, deino emt nnri inriepeuilenl triers, which dime into existence in the second cMiriftigu or Mr. Hughes foi'nver por of New York iu 11)08. The announcement wum nmde by Dnviw II. Whitney, public 'service eoiniiiissioner, one of the fir! to meet Mr. Hughes upon his nrrivnl on nn early morning tmin. Mr. Whitney nceouiwnkri the iroeirientiNl cMiididnte to the Hotel Astor where Hughes fins eatahtisheri hoHilquMrlem. It whs said that Hie sHiiii men who were irieutlfieri with the HuiHiea allinnee hail rieeiileri to get together to work j x ynr slate for the election of their candi date, probiilih mirier the mime of lluglie- vn ruth-mi leiiune. TEDDY SILENT, BULL 10SERS IN A QUANDARY OY8TUU HAY, S Y June 12 Colonel Theodore Uoom-icU rcmuln od secluded In his home on Sututnore lllll today, except for u tno-honr hoiw back ride which he took this ufternooii with .Mrs. Roosevelt. A newspaiier man ou watch for him ou his return asked him if he hnri any thliiK to say In regard to the polit ical situation. "Nothing at all, sir." he replied, "nothing of auy kind." CIIICAdO. June IS,-. lUywowl Iloblus, chalriuHH qC liie progreaalre national eouveutlon and Harold Ieket progrewive eouuultteeuiau. aHiiouuc- ed today they will leave today or to morrow for Oyaler Hay to talk over the parly situation with Colonel Roosevelt. Mr. Ickes said the na tional committee was "ail at sen when It met Saturday night." Iu a Joint statemeut by Mr. Robins and Mr. ickes they sal "wise and loyal progrealvea will wait until their national committee reports June It before tuklug Individual action In the present crisis. RUSSiANSAT CZERNOWITZ If Spectacular Drive in Galicla and Volhynla Apparently Unchecked 114,000 Austrians Taken Prison ers During Advance German At tack on Verdun Swings Again to East of Mctise Germans Unable to Gain In Last Night's Attacks. PKTROClRAD. June P2, vin I.on. don. The Russian troops yoatPrriiiy npproneheri the oulaklrt of rrerno wllx, the capital of Kitkowuiit, the war office niiiionueeri toilnv. The stHlcniciit also sny Hint Riih siuu troos nttneked the bridu'elienri nt Zuleseayky. Am .the Russian troos drew near Cxorimwllit, tho rejioit snys, there wen numerous oxnlnalona cunxcri 1 the Austriiins within the city. The number of Am-trimis enptuvcil by the ItiiaaimiN in tho new offensive movement Iihs been inenmaori to more tliuii 1 1-1,000. In ninny sectors of the front, the slutement snys, Hie Rus sians are still pursuing riefmiteri An tiiiins. Russian Statement. Tho Russian orfleitil slntcmenfc ii,vs: "Owing lo Ntnrnm in south Russia nnri consequent temporary rupture of telegraphic e oinmuulenltnn, vcporls nro rielnyeil niul iipwm nt one arming la voslrlcteri. NeverthoJoas it Is oon- rirmcri Iiml Oenonil Hiiianiloff'a of- Tensive continued yeslorriny. In iiniiiiy o.ojir of Hie front we nrosflfl puisiiing the riefpnlwl enoipy niul In some plneim wo nllnekeil him holly. lie eniinlei'-nttopkeil with doifM'ra lioir. "The lolnl of our nrfifliior now niuounta of 17(H) officers anil ll'l.lilM ineii." I'l-encli Slateriient PARIS, .Juno 12.-GwHMiii InfHii iiy nt lucked French ivoaitiouH wc- of Fort Yaux on the Verdun front lnr night. The uaauult fnlloil entirel.v. the official rejmrt of toriay aays. The (leunniu eontinueil their Iipuyv homhnrrimeiit in the regton imrtli of Souville anil 'J'nvaiinea forte. AVct of the Meuse there was a lionvv nrlil lory action iu Hie vicinity Chattiiu court, (Jcimaii Sratemeut HBRMN. Juiie Vi. ltucaggu troops attempted to ailvuuoo norUieast ot Ilnesaea, Oaliue, am were reuseri, tho war office aniiounceri loilav. Mom than l.'JOO Russians were wpturisl. The officiul xtatcmeiK tm; Kastern frent: Oennan ami Au--tro-llungaiiaii tnwiw helimeiii" ( the army of Oeneral Vow Rotluner re pulsed Russian rieiaehweuta whiclt weie ailvaneiug nortkeast- of', ii the Stripa. Moi Uinm 1:100 Rii siniia remained iu otir uonri. Oilier wiae the situation of the (lennnii troops is unchanged. 'Wwterii rioiit; H the Chum., pague, north r Perthes OemiRii re eoiiiNiiteriug iletaehmenU penetrtoil IVciich (HMitiun- mid after a short light look three offlcer hhi! ninro tliuii llio nifii primmer, eaptureri four iniicliiiif i;iin and returned to their own Ircui lic in uceordanee with our pllllln. "On both ,irie of the MtHWO (Vfliv dun In. in ( Hut artillery wna netivak The -itii.itn-n , niicliaiigwl." OF MERCKIiKS, T.x. June 1. Ro purts that llurtv horsemen hail eroaaed the Rio (Irande south of Douua are reported to he uutnio by Cataiu lfainc and laeuteiiHHt G I lifts of Troop C, Third cnMlrv, who imirio an invengtitioii hi( night ami re turned here earlx toila. They found n truce of bniidits H.-i.oiu iIihi American solriiers en. .'iiueil with Mexicans across the rixir ni Pn . -o on FiidiiN is nl,,, re ported to he erroneous Th r ptirt I- sunt to be toanrieri on die i.u-C that Carruma soldiers were ehnaiuK bandits on the Mexican iJdo of tho ri er. ADVANC .? .kf i