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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1916)
MTCDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORECIOX, FRIDAY, .U'XE 0, IMfi PAGE THREE osr - - 0 t i : V 1 I CROP FOR VALLEY OlhnaRor U. U. Young of the Pro ducers Trult company has Issued tlio following bulletin upon brocell: Jlrocoll Is a winter cauliflower mid la m easily grown as cnbbngc. Tlio plants are sot the latter part of July, and tlio crop Is ready for market early In February. 'Woll drained clay or slit soils, properly enriched, aro bent adapted for Its successful cultivation. Do not attempt to grow the crop on In ferior soil. The land should bo well cultivated and shouldbe stirred well Just previous to sotting tho plants. Water should bo avallablo when need ed, as tlio plants should make a vig orous growth before tho winter sets In. dirt of Plants After experimenting with various kinds of fertilizer at Koscburg for tho past two years, thoy havo adopt ed a chemical fertilizer, formula "D", manufactured by tho Union 3lunt company, which costs about $B0 per ton dollvorcd. It requires about COO pounds per acre. Tho plants nro set 21 Inchos apart In throo foot rows, nnd ir00 plants nro roaulrod for an ncro. We aro prepared to furnish tlttwo plants, transplanted Into small boxos, at f4 per M, all of lato St. Valontlno, which is tho only variety that has proven a nuccess for oastorn shipment. Wo will also furnish the crates for pack ing. It is packed from S to 20 heads to the nrato, nil of uniform size. "Wo hnve secured all the seed avail able, having sent to Knglaud for It at n cost of $20 por pound, tho supply In tho United Statos having boon com pletely oxiiausteu. Next soasou wo will Import all seod(nud will be nblo to furnish It at half tho prosnnt price. Demand KverN Supply llrocoll will mature roadlly If treat ed proporly, and get a good crop and keep plants from becoming stunted frequent cultivation Is necessary. You can obtain all necessary Information for tho growing of the crop by ad dronelng Mr. Arthur t). Uoquot, Oro gou Agricultural Colloge, Corvallls, Ore. The demand for brocoll has nevor yet boon suppllod, and the trade can bo oxtondod. It sold In Now York last no8on as high as $3.75 por crato and the avarage rocolvod by tho grow ers at Itosoburg for 5 1 car loads shipped, Mftor all chargos and ex poiiHon had boon doductod, was 1 1.11 por crato. If you are Inlorostod, sco us early, as our supply of plants is llmltod and wo can secure none othor. Wo nro anxious to glvo all oncouragemont possible as wo bollovo It Is a pro duct which can be grown successfully ( in Orogou, nnd can bo markotod without competition at a big profit to the growers. FJU AT PAGE THEATRE Th fnllowinjf i taken from tlie lotion Picture Nowh (nncerniug the movio attraction holding the hoard at tho Pnge theater today and to morrow. Dongas Faii-bunk has rUon to the rank of uiidibiHitetl film favorite tlmt i I'leariy evident from tho ap plmitio whWh humid hit (ipiHiai'Miieo in a picture. "Hi I'ieture in tlio I'upoii." wan oliviouxly molded hpovinllv for it tiir. It ?ici nil a likuahlu role, for lit) i tho only noriMMl member of the family of Proteus I'rindle, a manu facturer of month' food, much aa jiredigeettxl iruneri and doiuduatod UouiehnuU or uowe otkur illiterate combination. Pete, the name whieh Do UK oarrioe, j to Iihvo a share iu hia father hug. itie which will ouahlo hiui to marry one Chmliiie Cadwalader. To pro cure the idiara lie tuuut jcet but iiHiue aud iridure ia the napers, and his .various atUiupU to do so furahdi tho body and the fuu of the subject. lie i uuceeBful in Mirny, many way, mihI eaeh on U iu itMtif a hearty and elaau aeries of laughs. Petti, be it kuowu, net hia oountwi att iu the public pnnU by aiKNUi; a I'enuia testimonial, but that doeau't idea old Proteus, so his erowninK and tnumthant act i to avrt a rail road wreck. ' Then he get bin pic ture on the front page and aUo the promised buines ahare and the prettv girl. , Lorrtta Wake is I)im' oppowit. Whilf 4'lntiie Hand.k. r'tiarlra IluiWjr, Hnr Hint acjt "titers ap 'lat AToif "t . niC iniMiit.ini BR I IS PROFITABLEWINTER INSTRUCTON flffi SEASONALSPRAYING ORGHARDISTS -Mnny Inquiries conio to the office regarding the scab situation nt the prosont time, nnd it Is hoped that growors will continue to use some funglcldo In tholr arsenate of lead sprays. Whore good spraying has ocen uono tno scab :ms boon con trolled vory nicely up to the prosont, but It Is possible to have a largo per centage of scabby fruit If tho earlier sprays aro not followed up with Bomo funglcldo in each codllu moth spray. In somo orchards very little scab Is to bo found on tho fruit, but by careful observation nn abundance can bo detected upon tho leaves, es pecially Is this truo of tho Nowtowus. Prom tho spores that aro produced on tho loaves wo will get Infectious on tho fruit If It Is not kopt thoroughly covered with spray. Where llmn-sulphur is obtainable, and tho trees havo received the pre vious applications for scab tlio grow, ers may uso tho llnio-sulphud In tho nrsonate of lend spray at tho rato of 1-40 on apples nnd 1-G0 on pears, wlion tho concontrato tost 1b 32 de grees. Where atomic sulphur Is used It should bo applied ttt the rato of 10 to 12 pounds to 100 gallons of water. Thorough agitation Is os- sonttal. Use good pressure and noz- zlos that will throw a fine mist thor oughly coating nil tho fruits and loaves, but not drenching tho trees, treos nro unnecessarily drenched, moro burns to tho fruit and foliage may bo oxpectod, Oodlln Modi. As 'has boon expected tho codllu moth Is going to string out iu a suc cession of broods throughout tho sumrnor similar to last year. At prosont nil stagos of dovolopmout of tho brood muy bo found, although tho overwintering larvao aro vory fow. Tho ovonlng tompornturos nro now GO dogreos or above nnd It Is found that tho moth Is busy deposit Ing eggs both on tho leaves and on tho fruit. Many eggs havo hntchod and tho larvao havo eutorod tho fruit where it has not boon covered with arsenate of load. K)n account of this stringing out and overlapping of the broods, tho only effective means of combating tho codllu moth Is to keep the fruit covered nt all times. To do so will roqulro n spraying every 25 to 30 days from now on. If this time is stretched, there mny bo too much now surface exposod and a groater rhanco offored tho larvae for enter ing. Should thoro bo n hoavy rain following an application It may bo found necessary to mako another ap plication soon after. This will re qulro ono additional spray over the usual spraying schodulo where every application has been mado ns rccom mondod. Prom last years oxpcrlenc0 many orchardlsts havo, thomselvos, coma to the conclusion that thn only means of preventing senbby fruit is to keep It covered at all times. Paste arsonato of lead Is usod almost uni versally In this valloy and -i pounds to 100 gallons Is tho propor amount. If powdered arsonato of load 1c mod only two pounds Is requlrod. Aphis. Tho aphis has nwulo Us appearance In several orchards and at this time Is cnpablo of deforming tho fruit by Its stings. When thoy aro prosont to any appreciable oxtont ndd 1 pint nicotine sulphate to ISO gallons of tho solution. C. C. CATI3, Pathologist. C. A. .YOiUS.V, ISntomoloalst. BILLIE BURKE AT E Hillio 1 tin kc, who will appear at the Pane Sunday and Mondav, cap tured the eritii-K m "Peugy," her firnt film play. The newMiier of New .York afforded the ouuir tur a re eejitiou that equalled if it did uot surpaufc any that ever greeted her ai)iearanee in a real new fleah-and-blood role. The expert reviewers of the trade pre aUo hailed her i ttertion of the legitimate for the sereeu drama as a diatinrt advance for the new art. The bo office tftorv ha been the same wherever ''I'egtry" ha been hown always ca- paeity audieaeaa. Ilillie Iturke u a born freen act- Te ahe waa probably u tomboy eattier in life, jiai-k of her feeinat- lug vtvaeity are the high spirits of sound heallti he is a fountain of -... I ....... 1 ... ,0.. ..M uniiitoi vKvigy null ttrjr.irgii rw- r'o--, wirirA fjv-r t.oe-m'nt, tii.Uf'W r )ii civ iu ml l tr.uniriif - " " -prm.- 'ruin tin irnpiil-e t.I a IDE w 'i , . i i -r i i . - t PACIFIC COASI LONGSHOREMEN'S STRIKE SETTLED SAN PUANCISCO, Juiir 9. -Tho strike of tho Pacific coast longshur mun Is off. Tho men who wnlkod out June 1 In an offort to secure higher waged and a "closod shop" policy, thus tying up shipping In every Amer ican port on tho const, returned P. tholr tasks today of loading nnd un loading ships today with all tholr do mauds temporarily granted. Tho employers nt a conference hero early today agreed to pay the stevedores what they wanted ponding tho arbi tration of their demands. 0000 men obeyed the strike order. Commissioner of Immigration Hen ry M. White, of Seattle who had boon requested by tho department of labor to net as mediator In the strike, pre- sided nt tho session. Tho men were represented by tho cxecutlvo com mittee of tho Paclfc coast district of thn International Longshoremon's union nnd tho employers by a com mittco from the local Waterfront Km ploycrs" union, which nlso actod for ship owners of Pugot Sound, Oro gou and southern California ports. Ileproaontatlvcs of tho unions and employers will bogln a series of con foroucos here Saturday to determine upon n permanent wngo scale nnd set of working conditions. Thoso will be submitted to tho unions at a ref erendum election before being adopt ed. ION I N15W YOIUC, Juno !.I.argo dry dock Interests on tho Atlantic nnd Pacific coasts will bo merged, It was announced today, under tho nnmo of Todd Shipyards corporation, to bo In corporated undor tho laws of New York fitalo. The new organization, it was statod, will acquire directly or through stock ownership the proper ties nnd businesses of the Soattlo Construction and Drydock company, Robins Drydock and Ilopnlr company of Brooklyn and Tiojon nnd Lang Drydock company of Hobokon, N. J. William II. Todd, president of tho Hrooklyn company will head the new corporation, which, It Is stated, will havo outstanding (0,500,000 of sub sidiary companies' bonds, an Issue of $3,000,000 flve-yoar C por cent con vertible note and S5500 shares of common stock of no par voluo. IRISH COUNT AND COUNTESS ARE EXILED LONDON, Juno 9 Count nnd Coun tess Plunkett, who wore arrested early last month shortly aftor tho suppres sion of tho Irish robelllnn, were ro Toasod from custody last Wednesday nnd ordorod to lonvo Dublin by npxt Saturday according to a Central News dispatch from Dublin today. Three wins of Count Plunkett (George Noble Plunkett) wore Impli cated In the Irish revolt. One of them, Joseph Plunkett, was executed and death sentoncos on tho two othois, (eorgo and John Plunkett were com muted to ten years i-onal servltudn. A Man's Worth UeHW?UM umiii hi HiHcr t pro dwe what the world i- o-mi a u value. And when ou kinui-li arouHil you'll find that thm power- whieh ia just Miuer of mind and body depends to a remarkable degree on the food one eats. For highest arroiuplUhmcnt one iiui-t hue the l)-t allien in food- loud chilli buihU Wfll-biilanci-d liodicB und braiiw. Grp8-Nuts FOOD Has that kind of value. It eouUias all the nutruueut of whole wheat and barley, including- the important mineral ele ments so often lacking in the Ukual dietary. 6rapo-Wl)ts eome ready to ot, is easy to dtgwti, nouriah iojf. economical, Wonderfully deli-ioii ii help in buildup IlK-ll ol Willlh. "There's a Reason" DRYDOCK INTERESTS OF NAT RGE OTER OF CRUELTY (llazol lloouo of Ashland hns charged her father with assault and alleges that ho brutally beat her. Chas. 11. flny was called thero to pnss on tho morlts of tho case. A warrant has beun Issued for the fathor, Constable A. It. llainnmnl leaving today to som it. Tho girl alloges tlmt she Is sixteen years of age mid has never been al lowed to attend school In tho past seven years, with the, exception of six months somo four years ago. She is mndo to plow and harrow nnd do genornl farm work, boyond her strength. Her father has boaton her froquontly, alio alleges, recently striking her with his fist, knocking her down and blnckoulng hor oyo. 'G0ECIAL ARMY ORDERED DEM0B0LIZED BY KING ATHKN8, Orceco, Juno 8, via PnrlH, June 9. King Constantino to day signed tho order demobilizing twelve clnsses of tho army, amount ing to 1C0. 000 men. OBITUARY Frank Kasshafcr Dlod At IiIb homo In Jacksonvlllo, Thursday, Juno 9, 1010, nt 3 p. in. Frank Knsshnfor, ngo Oti yoiu-s, n na tive of Maryland and for 48 yonrn a resident of Jnokson county. He was a veteran of tho Civil war, enlisting when n boy of 14 years In Ilia 09lh Pennsylvania volunteers. Ho was bai liff of tho circuit court tho last four years. Ho Is mirvlved by his wlfo, TUary B., and olght children, Frnnk of Kdgewood, Cnl., Mrs. Frod La Hock, San Francisco, CInronco, Jacksonvlllo, Mrs. Atiulo Iliimmoly, Jacksonville, Miss Viola Knsshafor, Srh Frnnolsco, Mrs. Ksthor Douglas, Medford, Mar garet and Vincent, Jacksonvlllo. Fun oral from tho Jacksonvlllo Catholic church, Saturday at 10 o'clook n. in. IJurlnl 111 Jacksonvlllo cemetery. TtSLWrtite MMMMpaMMflfHWMir ; . m BELIEVE all yo frenrs fish stories. It makes 'em like you better an you don't have to buy the fish. p. ill Heinz Vinegars Never FaiJ WE ESPECIALLY RECOMMEND HEINZ PICK LING VINEGAR FOR HOME PICKLING. IT IS THE SAME THAT IS USED IN HEINZ CELE BRATED PICKLES. WE ALSO HAVE HEIN PURE CIDER VINEGAR, BOTH BY THE GAL LON AND IN BOTTLES. WE INVITE YOU TO TRY OUR HEINZ VINEGAR AT OUR RISK. YOUR MONEY BACK IF THEY FAIL TO PLEASE. Personal Attention MARSH & PHONE 252 TEACHERS' COURSE Preparing fr June cxaininatiKiis. SUMMER Tfalf-Duy Sessions June, Tutrs. t oai'luiiff ei,fv lr i'oiriml, Melted Commercial College CLERK 0. S. COURT Hoy Davis, official Monographer for the eireuil court, linn been up pointed deputy flerk for I'mted Statf diKtriet eomt, Kiieeecdinir i.lildge W. II. Cnuuii, who rfHigued to bt'couie legiMler of the federal law ! flee at lNwebuiy. Court onlv iiutt at pres(nt onee in tho yenr nt Mid ford, in Oclobcr, to Irj- southern Or egon cases, but Mr. Dnvla will or eupy the fine offlre fitted np fi the nlerk iu the federal building. No npMiiitment has been made t' United States commissioner at Med ford, but it ia exported that A. S. HMtou, former eeininisxiouef, will be appointed shortly. Judge Wolverton, who ma la's tlio npKilutimint, is now in Nuw York. A new Inw pnaacd prolilldtR the doptity clerk rroin boldiiig nnolher federal office, nnd Hie iHwitions of commiHuioiier nnd olerk ennuot be consolidated u formerlv under Mr. Chiuiii. LONDON, Juno 0. -A lteuter dl patch from Amtitordnm says that n statement has been Issued from the Dutch army headquarters stating that tho army Is thoroughly propnrod and equipped for any possible war. SALE ELECTED PRESIDENT OF COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS LAFAYKTTK, Intl., Juno 0. Dan iel W, Snlo of Virginia was elected national presldont of tho Travelers' Protective association of Amorloa at tho closing session of tho national convention of that organization horo today, Prompt Sorvico BENNETT - j Now in session. SCHOOL July and Augiwt. Spaoinl jrraue pupils now being I'lioiic 1"j L M allipMIII ll'IIHT ipe PW I I "1 I II nn aJl iinniin II . a. wwkd Get tlio Round Package Used for Century. (S. Caution , Avold SubitltutClg yCSMAtTtDMIVKtU' h AClNr,WI.,U.9.A Michclin Red Inner Tubes give the wCjm Un.r si uionr AHMMmntmii .owztite MIC WSJ in WMICHELINW m m Red Inner Tubes v Wi law I HI Imvc n wotld-wide reputation for durability ufi l lot (ill for tlie following reasens: jl Hi Ljj lli Michtlin Rol-RuUxtTubfidtecompounilfd M J fll IHll iVl ol cciuia qusliiy-eivina inmfditnli which prewnt UR frMJ w V ''lfm ',nm hNoniinji Inillle or po'oui tid which fM: mil TO pittcire then vtlytly lollneM indcfinilcly. fm: jljiwl WM JWk 2nd I Michrlm Tuhfi ate not limply pifeei m )ij mKv oliliaigliltulHngwiththtifmJictmtnted, M J.I VKJV. iS hut ie loinitd on a ringmindirl to M$ fMI vJX' k. Mstilylheciiculirihippoflho Jjft if W, Skv imide of the csiing itself jffi' Mff MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS u:irom, oiu:cio. I Michclin Red Inner Tubes give the utmost economy and satisfaction. Get this $1.65 Wear-Ever ALUMINUM SIX-QUART KETTLE For Preserving, Pot Roasting, Stewing, Etc. Uesful every day Pirate nolo new adjustable hail nBSf For ONLY and the coupon If presented on or before June 17, 1016 Aluminum utantiU r NOT "all the aam." He sura yu gat 'War-Evor." I.Mik for the "Waar-Evar" trade mark on tlia iMittDin f rtr utfiiail. If It l not there it U not "Wear-Ever." iu:itsk sLiisirruTus. Mrt r . . m Kepiace utensus tnai wear our. kp with utensils that "Wear-Ever" JMMWJtt Sn fnr yoiirelf the iliffcreiup K i nils nf liiiiiiiiuiil anl rnamclnd mmiy vtoiiiiii prefer "Wear-liver" Cut out this Coupon MM) "Wear-Ever" Coupon (?S) 1 r iJfliuvi Iv will aoeesii lata roupoa aU i lutMrwaat tar ae-Vf- VAllKMI ll ks flfmiW r-vv aii quart Aluminum KetUe. wlilrk talk MuUrly for FtWullvJ ' il Grater Lake Hclw. Co. (H & ahi. vnr nnA r.rT r HORLICKS THE ORIGINAL MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infant and children thrive on It. Agrtet with the weakttt stomach of the invalid or tha aged. Need no cooking nor addition of milk. Nourishes and sustains more than tea, codec, etc. Should bo kept at homo or when traveling. A nu tritious food-drink may Ik prepared in a moment. A glassful hot before retiring induces refreshing sleep. Also in lunch tablet form for business men. Substitutes Cost YOU Samo Prlco Take a Package Home utmost economy and satisfaction. vlwi mz rmwu mim bui.j; p .. . VtUIWI, laMMML blwri'ii "Wnar-Ever" ami oilier i won llii'ii iM will know why . cuukiiiK uirmiU. Bring it to us today ' 98c ; W w, ' 1 ' t ( i W 'Ml m i r vi sf 4 v L .1 IS Whs smoke Hit f'lgans "Wl.'n I a !, i , i i I""" " , IPSaM