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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1916)
EM .'V y rv 1 Hv PAGE TWO AIUDFORT) MAir, TIMMTXK, MlODFOltt), OUF(IO, FIUDAY, JfXK 0, lOlti TOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 vnn tiiim the liaurnnt dato l- Arthur Hrown arrhed Thiintiltrv Urt tlie Woathrr urow roldoi or it from KtiKHie to ilt lifs falnlh for i T P GuRlner, of Yrcka, Cal , Is The Uuckcve dub will meet at the attending to business tnattcru in tills public llbrarv this evening at 7 M AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS 6 -. tJiH am Moratory, boanl of kht1b oiiuimiara. Hi tho l M1ss Ionln Sttyirt arrived this rooming to vlult friends In Lake em. ,Wwt Cftmm Shop for flrat-claat - kotUfc flutiltln ami kodak wppllM.- B. B. Jtkmk Of Abordeon, Wftifc., W) haa boon proapectluK on too Uttlfe 'Afipteiiato, Itft for floid Hill llat multif . . ITS Vba giro trading fttampa with cvoryUtU axcept j:rocerlfl. fttobart It. Italrd of Denvar la ponding a fpw day In Madford. tlet four milk, eraatti, butler, ogga nnd IfUllariHllk at I)t Voa'a. . Mr. and Mm. if. U. Hftllms of Italia, are vlaltlnx In thla city. TjTiowritor papar ot all kinds at Modrord Prlntlnfr Co. ltoto raiidala ara culling roao btiah ot' And dootrftyliiR tka troao In the imrklnju. At on nlac roae llniba HlrW feat In IftngUi wer cut and loft dn th lawiu Oiib atom hnld Hgfii biidi, Poonlo who 011 flowora itato lliwjr will gfvH roaaa to tlioao lit) deal re them, but object to the de Htruotlnn ot the buahai. Tho world's grentoat companies. Ilolirioa. The Inauranoa Man. il'oitmaatar Italtth Woodford ro tuniod Wedneadajr avenlua: from a trip Uirotixfh northern Oregon eltlea. Try a King Spit, olaar and on oourago homo Indnatrv. tf AIlM Nell I Storey, who haa been tdauklHK at Agate, la spending the MirAinor at I Grand. 1'ontHMe aUmi at Io Vow. Wri. l.onla llennatt, formerly of thla ell)', wrltea that Hand la aa live ly na .Medford In 110. Houaea ara holntr rtiahtHl to completion, but the mipply dooa not mfual the demand. Uailw, lic. Dotal Holland. Mr. and Mra. W. Hyora, of Kan ana Olty, arriTod Thwraday evening and will Itay in thla city for a few daya. 800 Dhvo Wooda nlhowt that fire In mininoo policy. Offios Mall Tribune Illdg. Tito IT. g. Civil Service poinmlaalon nunoltnooe th nn olevator conductor (txnmiuHtlon will bo held at M ml ford, Orogou, on July 1, 11, to fill n va onnoy In tho poultlnn of elevator con ductor, J (500 per anunui, In the cuato dlan tervlop. faderal bntldliiK, Med fortl, Ore. Age limits are SO to 110 yaftra. Application blank and further Information may bo obtained from civil Med ford. Or., poatoftlee, or fioiu the aarre Ulry. lovtnln elrll earrloe dlnlrlrt. tit Poot Office llulldlng. Hoattle. Waah. mnoka a Xing Plt cigar, 6c. Thoy ara )m-made. tf Fullou Smith, who waa eonvlrtod roftwtly for nonaupport of a child Iwirn out of wadlock, and waa to be MHtattawl 'Wmlneaday, haa dlaap ptwrad. Ilia ball ot tit0 la declared rorftllad and the police or the neigh boring atalea ara on the lookout for ltlm. Whan apprehended hia aentence will ba lucraaaa! for thla act. Ha Vm buy a bear bottlea. Mr. d Mra. J. II. IMuham, of Walt Walla, lert for Ragle Point to day. Mr. Dhthant la In the horao buy ing aualMHa. OaAaa aotla ford care, 200 down khM IIS a wauth. J. A. farthing, of Stockton, paaa ad tferoagli with Hta family today In an OAktaad oar on hla way to Walla Wait. They will return to Caltfor- Hlt ky eaatarn Oragon, auondlng aev fMl waoka In Bend. gaUtrmltk Ic quart at I Voaa. THe Qrliiltaa will climb Aahland pak M June lata They will leave 344tor atrday, Juae 17, at I aad GUM af Uonga cabin. The peak h fill rtt In height. Aahland peak la H m1n aonth of Aahland. The Jouraey will bo more than 63 mile for the round trip. ttt e radkahakae at Da Voe'e About S cara will go to Aahland t take in the pageant, 'The Heart of th World," at the Aahland park to- Klgllt. Vttr reat. t-room furnlahed houaa 0. A. DoVoo. Mra. Lelmaator rfleo llrowa o( Otbl MalMt la In Medford for a frw daya before ahe laaraa for Crea eant City, where ah will apend the an motor. UnlUrwtlk 10c gal. at Pa Voaa. Ooo. Oatee who hat bean attend ing tha uulviiTilly returned Thwrada tvtnlng. Dr. Klebgaaaner will bo at Hotel efnsli every Wednesday. Iloura for eonaultallOM Iv to s. St. 9. ttbgwr aa arreeted thla morn tag lor paddling gee atove attacb mMla without a Ibeitae and waa flu d ft.o. Wbippfng cream at DaVoa'a. M. B. Miliar, of Twohy l) rot him amoaoy. arrived In the ity una gfornlng, accompanied by bin mothtr. lirb. M. W. Millar, who tll feare for aevaral daya. Mr MtlU-r Bffa that Judge Twohy aad ou. ItaJgrt. ara at Billing. Mont . at thU tiin-tut thai tbey ara eaimted to rrif Ui Portland within n few daya. vtUv ""' ('our'r' raiiiB The weather la fine and the roada grand, ao don't forget to attend the pavllllan dance at Oold Hill Satur day night. Pifat claea mnale and i. royal good time. It. It. Turner, receiver of the local I'nlted State land office,. left here on train No. IS met evening for St. Lonla and other eaatern and outhnrii atalea, where he will apeud aevoral wawka. Ilofora returning home he will attend the democratic national convantlrin. Ha Is a delegate from thla dlatrict and la pledged to nip port Woodrow Wlleott NoRehurg ttevlew. Ir. K It. Soeley will retnrn from Portland Bbturday. He h attending a clinic or aurgwona today. Jamea Vance will arrive Sundav mtrnlng He hca hoen attending tl e unlveralty at Kugeim. The railroad to tho Hluo Lotlgo la Medford'a opportunity. Itemombor an opportunity knocka one at every man'a door. Iluttor be at homo whon the lady calla. Phone XIR, Iliittor flold'a Grocery. 00 .Mr. and .Mra. A. V. Walker aro In Portland thla week. Thoy will re Him Sunday In a new Chalmar. A. I). Itlffee of .Yew Orleans la t buBlueaa visitor In Modfon' Mra. IC. It. Seelcy, who haa boon pending a few daya In Portland vis iting witli eaatorn Oregon frlenda ro turned thla morning to attend the pageant at Aahland. She la one of the cast. , (Mra. Tad Furry of Phoenix waa hopping In Med ford Thnrailay. It. B. Caranaugli of ltdgewood, Calif., la apendlng a few days in thla vicinity. Hold Ultra baseball team waa de feated Sunday by Ulendale, the score being tl to 6. The game waa loat by a dropped throw to the plate, allow ing fllendale to wore alx tallies Caster of .Mmlford pitched for UolJ Hill, but hurt his arm while wanning up. At that ha nearly won his Katne by hard hitting, getting five hits In five tlmea at bat. He allowed nine lilts, while Oold Hill gathered twelve. K. IC. Nichols of Portland and O M. (llllmnk of Mlasoulii, Moijl., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur llrowu. They will locate hero. fl'lio railroad to tho Hluo Lodge Is Medrord's opportunity. Itoniemlipr an opportunity knocks once at every man's door, (letter be at homo when the Indy calls. Phone 216, Hotter field's (Irocery. 6,l Mrs M 1'rlsch of Santa llarbara U visllliiK In Midford. few das clt thla wopK The Holller eight made Its first ' Jamos Henderson, of Kukoiio, is apeparauce In Medfortl Friday morn ing. The ear Is owned by V. It. Kucker, of Bdgewood, Calif , who drove It from there to this city. He will apend a few weeks in thla valley. among tho out of town visitors in the city thla wook. M. A. itadnr has growing in his back ynrd a thoriiless roue, one of the plant creations of Luther Bur The car is the lowest geared eight on Jmnk. It has a largo rod blossom, and In very fragrant. George Wheeler, of Ounsmulr, Cal ifornia, is visiting friends and rolu tlvos in this city this woek. John Harklns, of Grants Pass, spent Thursday in this city visiting friends nnd relative. i C V. Nutting and wlfo of Grants the market, can start on high and throttle to one-half mllo per hour and A maximum of 00 miles. Prom J to 18 mile ran ha made on a gal lon of gaa and lino miles on a gallon of oil. i. H. Patterson and Udw. Sou iter returned Thursday evening from a three weeks business trip thru the'Paas spent Thursday afternoon In FRECKLES m U tho Tliiii to (.'! Kid of TIiim I'gly SmiIk There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed or your freckles, as tho prescription othlne doable strength Is guaranteed to remove tkea homely spots. Simply get an uunre of othlue -doublo strength from any druggist aud apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to dlaappear, while the light er ones have vanished entirely. It la seldom that mora than on ounce la needed to completely clear the akin and gal na beautiful clear com plexion tie surp to bhK for the double strength othlue aa tliU Is Hold under guarantuf of iiioiicn liaK if It failM to ri'iMow fn kl'- Sacramento valley. Mr. Patterson reports that there la au overwhelm ing sentiment In that Motion for Wil son for president, and that he waa surprised at the unanmlty of farm ers and stockmen for tlte democratic standard hearer. W. It. Brewer, editor of tho Hogue Hirer Argus, Is spending tho day in Medford attending to business mat ters. Martin' Uoddy, who haa heou ill for a couple of years, Is now Improving rapidly, and la able to bo down town every day. ' Mrs. Phylo Keith, who has been visiting tho family of II. I). Mcllrldo In this city for the Inst Ofght months left Thnrailay for her homo In Sou Diego, Cal. James Ingalls, of Corvallls, Is among the out of town visitors In tho city this week. i J. II. rarleton, of Central Point, spent Friday In Medford attending to business mattora. The Sunset Magazine for Juno con tains pictures of Crater Lake In an article untitled "Our National Parke A Seven Heel vPature," also an article upon Will G. Steel, superin tendent of tho park. Don Itader, or thla city, who Is a member or the Voruon team or the Coast league. Is now ujaylug second base for that loam, tho rogulnr hold er of the keystone being off color In his work. Medford an route to I.os Angeles, where they will visit friends. W. C. Larned and It. U. Hoke, of tho Koguo Illver Valloy Cannery, ro turnod Thursday evening from n four days trip to Klamuth county. Thursday afternoon tho roach polo or a wngon, belonging to n fartnor broke on Main street, causing a mix up. Tho farmer tied his toum to an electric light post, while shopping. Tho horson wore guntlo and did not try to run away. (Joorgo Launspach, of JnckHonvllle, spont Thursday In Medford on busi ness, i W. L. Pnrritt. of Alnmeda, Cal., Is amtftig tho out of town visitors In tho city this weok. Charles Kvans or Tonnpah, Nov., Is spending a few daya in tho city nnd vn Hoy Inspecting mining condi tions. iPraotionlly every Idlo man In tho city Is at work due to orchard nnd farm nativity, the nrchardlsts being busy spraying and thinning nnd tho farmers cutting hay. Tho wage la from 1 1.75 to t por day. All or tho Idle teams In the olty, and many from the county aro at work on the resurfacing or tho Jacksonville road. Prank Dybeo or Jacksonville spent I'rlday morning In .Medford attending to buslnoss. Itogor H. Ilounett is visiting frlonds and rolntlvos and attending tho roue show in Portland this wook. sharp. All members should attend A. J. Hill, general manager of the Wtarreu Construction eompany, re turned to Portland Thursday after visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J Lawrence Hill, Wood and steol filing systems for every purpose. We help you start tho proper system. Medford Liook , Store ! Prank Melone of Portland, is vis iting with frlonds on Little Apple-, gate. . ' CL. II. Hoborts, of Seattle, motored through today on his way to San Diego. The now Autographic Urownlc Ko daks. Now models aro wonder Medford Hook Store. (Miss Ueselo Hosolyn of Abordeen Is visiting In Medford today. ' II. II. Corliss and son of Phoenix aro In Medford today. Mis. T. K. McAllister of Kagle Point returned from Portland today Mrs. James II. Gordon of Little Shnsta atopped over today to visit friends. She will go on to Portland to poo tho fosfivnl. Jlownrd Ixickwood Star theater tonight. L. T, Moorohouso of Santa Kosn, n hop doalor of that district, is look ing ovor tho valley In regards to tho , growing of hops horo. Ho spent sev-, ornl weeks In the WIHametto valloy. ' Goo. McGtiln or Kelso, Washing- ton, arrived today to spond tho hiiiii- mer prospecting. Piro ChloT Lnwton nnd daughter , who left Thursday on a horseback trip to Klamath llls woro rorccd to , turn buck, on account or eight fcot or , snow between Pish Lake and Pour Mllo lako. j Harold Lock wood Star theater tonight. The pageant at Ashland will be be gun at S o'clock. Cars leave Mid lord at 7 p. in. PICTURE PLAYS designed to expel dull care, tempered with entrancing music. NOW PLAYING ?8Sorr6w great comedy Filled Willi CONTINUOUS FUN and GOOD HUMOR. Douflas Fairbanks , , ... o, at his happiest in the fast mov- MetropOlltan Mar jngi clever comedy drama TOO IjATK TO UIiAKHIKY. WIANTKD ICxperloncod thinner nt Goo. Marshall Orchard, South Oak dale. Phono UG-J. 70 ion of I'roleuK.mnker of tin- '17 variclie-, to win In sweetheart nnd half hia flHlieHa Am tune, mu-t ret liis picture on the front pnge. TIip oxeitiiur nden tuies ot this genial persoiinliill'liis futlier's fortune, mu-t -luism id mirth. AND- Thc Famed Comedian Wl otl Sier in the Perfect Keystone u "Better Late Than Never" i DOD'NTl Kon-it oiir rLi am eiird No. toiiiurrnw inIit A MEDFORDS Lcatllny Motion Picture Theater COOL COMFORTABLE-WELL VENTILATED- ziz&iwiii X T G CROWDS ATT t V ? t I $ And why shouldn't they? Satisfied customers have advertised :'; it from the start. The bargains now are even greater than at k the beginning as many lines have been further cut from time X to time. Many lines are cut to one-hair price and less. 1 Co night Only THE LURE of THE MASK miiKieriili 1 1 rui urliiK !!! sir JANK II. SOS .10,1 II MtOl ll I.ik K VtKl. Oh! Oh! Oh! HENRY! A uuliut two rrel ruined). i'OMINU- Kanuy Word lu Tim u.Me Purduer," TOMOHKOW. John llarrnioro 8uuU ami Dan nl. the Yodltr tin peroon.) Monday (iernldue Karrar in "Temptation " Three guaranteed altrailtoiis ll vorth tit'e the udiikikalou I ? ? v i f Y V V ? V ? V V T y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y t Y Y f ? Y ; t Y Y Y i HOSE IdHlics' 2T)t Armor I 'Into Hohp, in blnck, hpvpihI wt'ihtg 1.9 LiulicH' HOc Armor IMtiit IIono. tloop ribhi'd tup : 29; UuHpk' 7.V Armor Plnio Silk Usle Hosp for t9; l-ntlii-K' Jjei.-JS ntul $1.B0 Armor Plato Silk lloru Ian itntl hlnck SJ) ,GLOVES Niagara Maid 2-Butltm Doublo Tippod Silk Glovos, all colors 4i Niaxm-Ji Maul 2-Button Silk Glovos, $1.00 value 79 Niagara Maid Long Silk Glovos, S9, 9S and S1.4S Dolls and Parasols DOLLS -DOLLS-DOLLS I Y Y Y 3. Sac Clinmcti'i- Dulls 23 7Sf Oluimclpr Dulls 4Zp f $1.25 nnd $1.50 flutmplci- and TJiilfh Dulls, V lllso C'uwlxiy Dulls , 9S( V PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS All 1'iiiiisuls Hi liijt liHi'Kiiim. 70 tu J .SO Miislin XJntlerwiMtr at Blirgain Prices. Aluldios. vcs. .lack Tar Middies everv um ill special pfiiw !)S, ?1.X0 and $1.-19 Iiiiiiieusi' liaixains in Shirtwaihts, full ta llies, at . . OS', SI .98, S2.0S, SS.OS Suit Values to $35 $14.98 Suit Values to $25 $9.98 Suit Values to $47.50 $19.98 Silk Dresses Vals. to $30 $ $5 and $6 Trim'd Hats t t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t t $1.98 V ,JL TWO TRIPS DAILY nKTVYKKX - MEDFORD and EAGLE POINTS 8 It llltlll-llH Mil tO It III lluvu' Kle Point at (i A M nod 1 P M doll, t'Xn'pt SiimU) . leave Medford HAM and ,s P. M Will cull for PMaeniiera at hutuli lu Medford and botel aud tiuninou aouaoe to Kugle Point. I'i'i'y (lay your chaiU'i'S art- less in getting oxactly wlmt ou want, but the xtni'k is ivmarkably com l lt as yt'l. Sonic now lint's bat' itmo in that wore nrdorvd oarly which arc added to this sale. Remember all high grade Suits, including Taffetas, Gros de Londre and all wool suits, vals. to $47.50, now $19.98 Think of it being able to choose from this showing of Silk Dresses, beautiful dressy models, values up to $40, now $22.89 All Millinery at tremendous bargains This is an opiortimity that hasn't presented it self to you for a long time, t be able to pick fiim such a stock as this at such remarkable prices, and then on a rising market, but aro it must. phonic a..a ott a-.xu. X The Daylight Store T r w fr v y f i JUki&m A On the Corner as You Go to the New Postoffice t t t Y Y t V t f Y f Y Y Y Y Y &f&&rM