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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1915)
Tiff Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER. Light Frost Tonliilir. FnIrT Mine, ft I; .Mln. 42j I'rec, ,W. .11 if,i "J i'l Knrly flflli Yt-nr Dully Tnilli Yiur. MEDFORD, OH1WON, WJODNKSDAY, AVIUL 7, Wo NO. 14 r W i PREPARES T 10 GET AWAY Styial Finns Hoisted, Whlstlrs Arc Blown mul Steam Up Pulls Away From Pier Collector of Port Dc rlarcs Internment of Raider Not Tlioiifiht Of. NEWPORT NHW1S. Viu, April 7. -Sim illy heroic :i o'clock Hit l'H"l Imixli'il a line nl' sliimil .Hugs mid blew her whistle. One nhrlll Musi win sounded. Smoke whn MiiiiltiK fi'tin llllHl III lil'l' fUUHI'l. Tin' lltol' ewtel linn limit wn ii cln-clv gunnled - ever today, ImiI inniiliiiH1 elrelM liml hclli'ved il ittp lill ilniwintt I" it eloo. Twcnly-flvo uierelmni "hip fl.viiui Ihe flag of tin1 hllii'M weie being ln'lil lll lll'lt', lfUH' I'lCUrtlllCI IH-llllilHl ii'ciH(ii'iil in tho rniilt'iV cno. Mytery WIN Arlloti At :i.VI p. m. ! Pi in Mild Pried liili -till hum nl lii'i- whin! mul llii'ii' w mi npjMtiftit explanation fur tin' iti'liulv nil board. 'I'lin oitiicr, however, pulled away finiii her pier a few feet unit her Iiiiiiii'Ii, which had been lowered since her I'litry iulo poll, win hoisted to Ilic deck. Smoke from her funnel giow heavier. "Wo niD not i'Vi'ii thinking uliout inlet imicul or llif Prior. Kilel Fiid I Irh imif," iIwJhu'iI Collector of Cii-lniiiH llniiilltnii loiln., after In1 liml united oMpcctuiitlv thtouglioitt llii iiinlit fur tlic German criii-rr to leave thi port. A tin' customs '! Iix'ior spoke he wax preparing to imoin viit tin ship on onlcr from Washington, although lie liml hade fiewel lo Cotiunnndcr Thicriehrn ami member of hi Muff Insl night. .Men limit Ship Ilitil I'p TliU declaration wn tin fin-1 mi Ihorilntivo niliiiii'fion conceitiing I ho mysterious iiosjiillulioo iclutiug to tlin nhip in ninny dnv. liileiiiuiciil, llin collector muiiI, uonlil ln a simple proceeding when tln occasion nrio. Ono inilli'ntion I lot I llic Kit el liml not lii'i'n interned early todav wn Hint tlu I'oiitlmiiitioti if tlif limi on dnpaitiiio of merchant ships f t Jin nines. Ciioloiii" officials hot i' and nl Nor Toll; were appealed liy lrilih ship I'aplmiiH fur permission lo leave. Tltev. were lold (hoy foiiltl not leave pint until fnrtlit'r notit't'. GERMANS ASSERT" HKRLIN, Apnl 7. Tin' Mcriin newspaper IoiIiin publish suminuiics of tint AiiU'rii'iin nolo to Uicnt lint nin on the oulcr in council. With the t'M'i'plioii of tin' Krone. ZcitiuiKi Ihoy iiinlit no coiniiH'iit. This paper, hov owr, "If tliis Miininnr,v i t'orii'et, tho unto iuciiiih tlie far-ri'at'hinu' iclicnl of Aim ii'n, iiiiiHiinich an it peniiiU (heat lliitain lo eiury out iln Milock nile' iiiciiKiiicK aKiiiuxt Aini'iican xhips oven when Ihev eiury kooiIh which am not coiilrahnuil, hnt count fioin or (,o to poilH of ho-t ill IiiihIh. In this Anieiicn nm lenders llio priu I'iple that every hlocKndo niiiHt he cf. J'cetivo." DOESN'T WANT PEACE I LONDON', April 7. MrR. Kmino. lino I'lirUhiirnt aunoiinccil today Hint tho Woiiioii'h Hoclnl Political Union amitl tho otlior HiiffrnKo oiKnnlzutloiiH In (I rout Ilrltnln anil Franco liml tin- oliluil not to partlulpato In tho forth- 'coining womon'H conioronco at tho MIiikuo to coiiHldor tliu (iiosttoii ot penro. I Tho lliitlBh nillltuut Jondor Biihl: "Tills laovoiainit Ih well nionnlnir, 'lint nilHtnUvn, TIioko rnanliiR thta t'onfoi'unro Imvo no polltlnil Ia fluonro. I'ro-OorinanH nro vnrkliiK linrd hi tlilrt direction horo nml In moiitral rquntrJoH ami much flornuin inonoy Iiiih lieon eliculutoil In Amor" !cn, hut thta In not tho tlmo to talk HUIIL'O." MAKE AH f Allies Renew Assault Upon German Lines, Which Lntttr Claim Arc Rc liulscd Russians Win One Pass In Carpathians Out Arc Repulsed at Another liy Counter Offensive. i I.ON'IHIN', Apnl 7. A fiirnni . a ( Nimll on Hie Oeiiiimi poi ions he ; lui'i'ii Hie .Mi'iinn mid tin' Motcllc isl heiui; iiiihIc h the Ficnch in con! mo ' alion of Iheir new offen-ne uiost incnl. The oflit'lal couiiiiuiilinlioii from Iteilin mcutioiiH nllmd. nllir ol lacl, ami "iiy Iliexe nnliiiii-'lil wire. lepuUi'tl with "etraoidiminl In aw loam's" for Ihe I'icneh. On muiic of IhoKo liallli'fieltU, it is Mini, the lirouml is coH'it'tl willi Imilitx of the I'Vi'liell. The oflieial -lillincill Itoitll I'nrin uiu'H few ili'lnll.i o t ! fiht! .... . . . i .1... i' IIIK, ailimiIKU II IN Cllllllicii nun linuiii wa aaiiicd in nuit' io-tiinci . Tin Iteilin utateinent mis the Oir- iiiuii" ahundoned Ihe xillnft' of Drei,. (Intchlcn, which thev had capture 1 fioin the HelKimiM. on necount of the Hie ftoia heay artillery to which tt wiih Kiihjoeted. .Ioiik lviilrm l'ront No further official infoi unit ion was civcii out coufciiiiiig the catu pain In tin' wiM, except n inference in tlie Iterliu xtalcmcut of the fight ing alonif the caxt I'ruo-iaii holder It is Mtid Hull Hid l'niH-iniw ucio if puUt'tl in hatilcs southwiM of .fetmd and mar AiikumIowo, one ltiiH-mii hattaliou liciui; anuihilHtcd. Attciilion is coueeulnitcd on the Carpathian piiHvx, where the llus iiiiH are hrinyinir up heavy reinforce UU'iits to pii-h their at Inch, the Mir-ce-ts of which is expected only through wciuht of umuhers, On the other hand, the Amtiuin and Herman coaunauders nUo aie mnhinir Nlrenu ouk cffoils to HtreiiKtlien their forces. I'MlU I 'if". CllptlllVll 1'eliojjrail icports that the section near the I'kmiI; 1 ', of which Vi enna mhniU ictiiTinciil, twIemU for n ilittlance of M'M'uleen mill's. To irfel, Vienna claims a counter-of-fciikixc tunwutfiit near Luplmw I'a-n, wliete the AiiNlriaiiH report Ihe tnliin of several Kuxiau po-itious with the capture of 7111)0 piionncr. A eouervatie iulcipiclatiou of hoth the l!uinu mul the Austrian ie piiils lemlx to the helief that the llus xian oIIViimvc at Luplmw has heeu checked while thev have forced their wav through the ISoMok pas, cap lining two mIIukch on the southern side of Ihe rane. PROBE OWNERSHIP OF HILL STEAMERS WASHINGTON, Apiil 7. The in terstalo eoimucice commission today announced J lui 1 it would investigate tho ownership and operation of the Pacific Mlcamslti) Oieat Northern liy theUront Noithern Pacific Slentmhip eonipany, to discover whether ihe ptovision of the Panama canal net prohibiting ownership of steam Hues by lallroads is being violated, A hearing will hu held at a date to he announced later, Jl LONDON, April 7. Anothor nt tompt to forco tho DardanollOR ap parently Is under way. An official announcement from Constantinople stato a cruiser nml a torpodo boat wore struck by shells during a hom Imtdiucut of tho outer forts on Mon day. Tho hombardmont, It Is said, was without results, and no serious attack was attempted yesterday, Tho Turkish war offlco also ro pnrtH a resumption of hostilities In tho Caaueaslau campaign. It an nounces that a HubsIuu foteo advanc ed on tho Tilths near tho fiontler, but was driven linok lo KuBshin tonl tory and that tho TihUh uftor eigh teen boms of hard fighting occupied sovoral ItusHlnn towns, Tho Home correspondent of n Paris itovvspapui' telegraphs today FURIOU! ! BATTLE N PROGRESS ON WESTERN FRONT NEW ATTACK ON KAISER IN BATTLE FRONT IN POLAND 4 ii I mpciiir Ulllhim (lo Hie Icflf) sIIiik up n Itos-Lin prisoner who liml Ik'cii bioolit iK'forc him. The knUrr N went Iiik an lulnloi-'i Jersey cap timler his lielmct. He Is alway s miirli iiiicrtMiil in ihe eommoii sold lets of llio enemy. HEN LAYS BIGGEST EGG 3 INI The In !" t ejrtf e'er Iaed liv a lieu ill southern Oregon nml perhaps the I a rut t cut Inn! in Oretmu, is on exhihitiou in Ihe (.'oiamercial chili e- hi1.ii i-.iiiiii. It i Hi.. si.. or ! i,i,' ttiniMi vat. uieamires 10 i inches! mound thr largest way hv 7 incln . Ihe other way, mul weighs 7 ounce. It was lanl Apnl hv an Orpiugtoit lieu helongiug lo Mr-. ('. A. Laird of 102 1 Ninth r'rout stieet. This Otpiuglou hen Inoke another record Wednesday when she hud tluee e;s in one day, one of them hard-shelled ami two soft -shelled. The tin oo aie ahout the fanio weight as the record egg laid Momln v, which Is c ideally three eggs in one. There is iiolhiug uuusuul in ap pearance ahout this phenouieuul tgg la.xiug hen, hut in hiMiig the higgost egg ami in laving throe e ggs in one i!n she hn- htokeu all iecoid. FORTY EIVE INSANE SALEM, Or., April 7. Foilv-five insane patients, forty-four from Ihe state iisylinu here nml one fioin llio ' I'.astern Oiegon asylum, weie depot t- .1.1 luiliiv. Iviir.imi i.i Hut .Inst liml ion of fifteen of them, Mo.sieo four and the remainder me being transput ted to stales of which they nre tesideuts. Physicians ami attendants from Ihe Iwti as.vluuis depatted on special cars with Ihe patient, An Oregon law re. tpiites the depoitatioii of insane pa tients not residents of the stale. that Italy and Serbia nro at tho point of concluding nn agreement under MEDFORD AND DAY DARDANELLES which Italy will not object to Sor-j0t for sixty years. Thirty eight bin's uctiulsltlon of territory on tho tsaloona woro votod out thoro. Adrlatlo, ptovldotl It Is not fortified. ia Wisconsin cities, towns and il If this agtomont Is concluded ns la lages which voted on tho liquor qucs oxpected, tho eonesiiomlent says, im yesterday showed n gain for tho Itnly's participation In tho war may dry forces In tho luunbor of towns bo considered Immlnont. gained, but tho larger cities voting Hulgniift's reply to Sorbin's pro- on tha Issuo, Mndlson, Suporlor, Ash test growing out ot tho Valamlovo In- land anil llololt remained in tho wot cldont (tho attack by llulgarlnn lr- column( M regulars upon Sorblnn frontlor I .n'miTM iruardfl). tlin Honin Trllionn unva. tlm . " ' ,-... -- - ........... -,.y ,.f ...w clash must havo dlsploased tho trlplo ontento powors while reviving tho hopes of tho contrnl empires, and Turkoy, Tho nowspnpor thinks UuU ,,!,. nrrjVl.rt ,w today to conclude garla la negotiating with tho allies, muij;einens with Hulgnrian vail whllo nt tho samo tlmo maintaining nlB t',. ,, establishment of direct Intlmato relations with Austria nml 'coiniuunieution between Russia nml lJo'""y- I Stilouiki, Cheeeo, ICHICAGO ELECTS mm MA 138,891 PLURALITY CIIK'AUO, April 7. -t'ompleto re turtiH from jcstenln) municipal election show thnt William Halo Tliompoon, republican. wn olocteill"" "" ' ,,,l "'i!,l " '"""Kn, mayor hy a plurality of. 13S.S91, tho lnrKiMt plurality over kIvcij a can- dldnto for that office In Chicago, Ills majority over nil was 111,47.. Out of a total regitttrntion of 7C9, 017 thero were cant for mnyor CC9, Mll otcH illvhleil as follews: Wllllnm Halo Thompson (republi can) 390,(iS.1; Kobort M. Rweltzer (ilomocral) :51,791'; Seymour Sted inun .itoclalUt) 23.S2C; John J. Hill (prohibitionist) 3,590. Slxty-ono percent of tho women's voto was cant for Thompson, accord ing to an oHtlmnto by election offi cials. It was tho first tlmo thnt women voted for mnor In Chicago. The total woman voto for Thompson was l-U.r.G-l; for Sweltier, S9.718. For tho first tlmo in tho history of Chicago, n negro, Oscar Do Priest was elected to servo In tho city coun cil. Michael (lllnky Dink) Kenna. who has served as alderman from tho first ward for twenty years, was re-elected by a plurality of 4000. Tho next city council will bo mado up of thirty threo democrats, thlrty ono republicans, two progressives, three Independents nml ono soclall- jst 'H" 001 IMXICQ IKI inn I ll II 111 I llil l uu UUU1 1 1 IUW II 1 CHICAOO, April 7. A total ot B5 Vint of 101! counties in Illinois nro entirely dry today. Thrco now coun ties, Marlon, Franklin ami Jasper liavo been added to tho dry column !u yesterday's local option olcctlon. About 100 saloons woro voted out of business, out of 330 lnvolvod In jif. townships. Tho chief dry vlc- tory was In Contralln, which has boon nUOaiMPI UtLtllHICO ARRIVE IN BULGARIA SOFIA, llulgiuiu, April 7, via Lou- .don. H:1.1 n. m. Two Russian dele- ILLINOIS R ME OF SPOILERS SHOT IN BACK BY T POItTLANI), Or., Apnl 7.-WiIhui T. Muuie, it lawyer )iroimuvutlv known was sum in me nnck in His oiitce here today hy F. A. t'onsentino, a Inn Iter. The bullet entered tho hack between the shoulder blade- ami his condition is critical. It i believed that the bullet was intended for A. ('. Smith, another lawyer, occupying of fices with Mr. Hume According to the information ah turned by the police, Con-entino pre viously had had an argument with Smith and was ejected. He returned soon after and filed three bullets from the doorway at Hume, who sat with his hack toward his assailant. Hume gained fame as a character in the "Spoilers" novel, dealing with the gold ra-h dnvs in Alaska, where he played a prominent part. OFFER PURSE FOR VS LONDON, April 7. -A London syn dicate has offered n purse of 4000 pounds bteihng (.fJO.OIIO) torn fight between .less Wilhud, who won tho heavyweight championship from Jack Johnson at Havana hist Monday, and Frank Moran of Pittsburg. Willnrd will bo offered 200 pounds sterling ($1000) for his traveling expenses. Mornn was defeated hv Johnson on points in Paris on June '27 of Inst year and on March 'JO of this year he knocked out liomhatdier Wells at London in ten rounds. DECISIVE BATTLES WASHINGTON, April 7.-A bat tle with 10,000 hoops engaged, which limy ho u deciding notion in tho war between tlie Cnrrnn.u nml Villa fac tions in Mexico, is in progress or im pending near Irapuato, in the state of Guuna.juato, Stato department dispatches today, dated April 5, hut delayed in trans mission, sent by Special Agent Car others with General Villa, said the fight would take place soon. That was construed to mean that Villa had nsscinbled n force strong enough to meet General Obtegon's army and was moving south from T''ir'on along tho National railway. Ohiegou was last repoited at Queretnio, and was said to Imvo sent a column against Sun Luis l'otnsi, while ho protected its march with a second column mid n third division of his unny under General Hill mov P LAND BARBER ITALIAN FLEET H OR WAR WI AUSTRA Finest Navy In Italy's History Leaves Mediterranean Ports to Concen Irate Near Adriatic Italy Conclud- In j Agreement Conscntlnn to Ser bia's Securing Outlet on Adriatic ON THK ITALIAN, April 7. The warships of Ihe Italian fleet departed suddenly on Monday from the Mediterranean naval Mu ttons at Spezia, Oaetn ami Maddnleml island. Thev concentrated at Aug usta, Stetlv ami nt Taranto. They are thus within it few hours of the Adriatic. The departure of these war-hips 1 caused u profound impre-'-iorr, par ticularly nt fenczia, where until Inst Sttnilnv the harbor was crowded with Jdreaduaughts, crui-ers and torpedo iboat destroyers, while the town was filled with officers and sailors. Finest of Fleet Italy has now the fine-f fleet in her Ins'ory. It is headed hv several new dreadnoughts, of which the most formidable is the Conte di favour, which corresponds in the Italian navy to Knghtmr.s Queen hhznhcth. The future movements of the fleet nre veiled with absolute secrecy. It is nsserted that ony the king nml one or two of the highest government officials nre nemminted with the plans decided upon. PARIS, April 7. Italy nml Serbia nre about to conclude an agreement, telegraphs the correspondent of Ex celsior nt Rome, on the following basis: Italy nml Serbia "Italy will not oppose Serbia's oc cupation of territory giving her an outlet to the Adriatic on condition thnt this territory be not fortified The question of Triee and Isria hah not been discussed, the allies having recognized the Italian character of these localities. The present t-it of T. Ttttnni, tho Italian ambassador in Paris, to Rome U in connection with thee negotiations. "If this Ilnlo-Serbian agreement is signed this week, n is expected," the correspondent of F.xceUior says, "the entry of Italy into the European con flict may be considered imminent." BURGLARS ENIBR E INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 7. Tho home here of Thomas It. Mar fthnll, vico president ot tho United States, has been onterod by burglars, it became known today. Vico Presi dent and Mrs, Marshall are visiting Velatlves of Mrs. Marshall In Scotts dale, Arli., whoro tboy went after Mr. Marshall bad represented Presi dent Wilson at tho formal dedica tion ot tho Panama Pacific Exposi tion at San Francisco. It had not been lonrnod today (whether anything ot valuo had boon taken. Tho robbery was discovered 'by Mr. Marshall's neighbors, who found a window had ben broken Ij&pen. IN OLD MEXICO ed toward Moreliu, capital of Mich oacan. Obregon is understood by of fieiula heto to have 'JO.OOO men, and it is said Villa has gathered an equal number. Irapuato is tho junction of the Mexican Central and tho National railway toward which Obregon'& forces nro ndvaneing. Tho stato department issued this summary of tho situatien: "Tho department is informed that General Villa hns announced that if ho is successful in defenting tho forces of General Obregon south of Irapuato ho will immediately open tho lines of communication to Mexico City. Tho department's advices in dicate that should tho forces of Gen eral Cnrranzii ho defeated in this ex pected engagement his impoitnut stronghold will ho Vera Cruz, Tam pieo nml Matumoros," Hil.LIS OF IDAHO SUPERINTENDENT OF CITY SCHOOLS New Head of Public Schools for Three Years Assistant to Meek ef Boise, Who Recommends Him High lyIs Graduate of Indiana and at Present Superintendent at Nam-. V. Mcldo Hlllls of Nampn, Idaho, was yesterday unanimously chosen by the school board as superintendent ot the schools of Medford for the ap-' proachlnjr jcar. Mr. Hlllls Is a graduate of Indiana Stato University and Normal school, thirty eight years of age, nml a man whoso life has ben dovoted to educa tion and whoso life alms center In that profession. Itcrnmmcmlcd by Mwlc It is generally recognized tho schools of noise, Idaho, enjoy nation al dlitlnctlon anion;? four certn-n schools as of first rank In the coun try. Charles Meek, formerly of In diana, six years ago took up tho Dolsa schools with the above named results. His assistant In tho work at Boise the first three years was nono other than tho superintendent-elect ot tho Med ford city schools. Tho past thrco years Mr. Hlllls has been duplicat ing tho Dolso system at iNam.? ns far as opportunity and conditions would permit under a fire year-contract. If tho Xnnipa trustees will tt lease Mr. Hlllls to this larger field (and it Is believed they will) the Medford will become his home and Medford schools his field. Mr. Hlllls was put forward by Mr. Meek when applied to como himself and take charge of the Medford schools an offer ho could not accept for financial reasons. Other Teachers Klectetl Mr. Hlllls spent Sunday and Mon day In Medford and will return to our city in tho early summer and nt onco begin preparations for the pend ing school year. Other teachers elected wore: Superintendent ot schools, V. Mel do mills. High school principal, C. R. Dow man. Principal Washington school, P. H. Dally. Principal Lincoln school, A. J. Hanby. Principal Jackson school, J. TV. Kerns. Principal Roosevelt school, Mrs. I. T. Gnllagar. High school teachers: Florence M. Carpenter, L. M. Grossly, Lucllo Mar shall. Ruth Merrick. C. Harlow Pratt Q. F. Moore, Ina Aklns, Lucllo Davis, Otto Klum. Special teachers; E. Ed Hull, Ma bel Mears, Graco Mitchell, Ella Gaunyaw. Grade teachers: Emily DeVoro, Maud Phllbrook, Sara Van Meter, Ora Cox, Mabot I. Myers, Myrtle I. Ctayvillo, Elizabeth Ferguson, Viola. Phelstor, Anna Purucker, Amy H&r dlng, Kato Stlne, Fannie Hasklns, Kathryn Dunham, Mao Mordoff, Anna S. Hansen, Hess Kentner, Julia Fielder, Dlancho Neff Canode, Mrs. Jane Cs'eevel Guernsey, Anna M. Jof froy, Josephine Riley, Graco Poarce, Carrlo Jacks. Theono Carkltt, Genu vlovo Wort man, Agues Robinson, Jennie Mae Snedlcor, Inez Coffin. raifir; jiim; VIENNA, April 7. Tho official correspondence bureau has circulated tho follewing: "The increased violeneo fo he oh served in tho fighting; in the Carpath ians is coincident with the advent of fiuo weather. From both slojies of tho Oudnwn vnlloy to ft pint nearthe Uzsok Pass tremendous lighting going on. Against tha local Biieuesmt achieved by us must ho reeliii4 tk local successes of the wiemy, ami th former must ho us little ovrtfti!Ht ed ns the latter. "Tho AiiKtro-GerinfiH sHftftlmw &h tho heights'lo the eat of' (he IjW ozn valley have not webbed so kwiv- uy in t no fW-nle, m to juwUTy wy t. CARPATH LANS H!uikhoii ot. u xmeiiH !l HI 5 - rj . . -.!