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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1915)
-i'; ' - ( n1 Second Street Medpord Mail Tribune v , SECOND EDITION WEATHER Mm, (12.5 1 31 tit. ar. Fair Tonight; Hliowors Wed. .' roily fifth Vnir lilll Trnlli Vriir CZAR'SI TORIES BREAK EASTER Russian Successes In Carpathians Unofficially Reported French Make Gain on Western Lino American Note Pleases British Dulliarla ami Srrlila Friendly. LONDON', April II. - What bun I"''" called Hit Ranter lull in 111" fishling is mill Kfil Hume iliiyn along litilli but Ho lines, incept in llio CiirjmlhiiiiiN, uhoio tin snaggle Tor access lo llit llmututimi plain is kUII U"ii'K "ii, This iontic iiiil tin given niiiili iiiiiiituiiity fin- dUeuwiinii 1"V II"' IliilUli )iniH nl' the Aiiii'rii-iin unlit in icply to the Htilixli null1!' in oonucl. Tin comment hti been wideapreiiil. Mot of it i'iri'N.c gmtificiilioii with tln lone nl' Ilia unit', lint thoie U prut ilinVii'iii'tTiif opinion to tli' pii.NiliIn null. Newpnpor which J mm the find hnvo advocated it fir iiml hlnelmilo nl' Germany, see it loop, hull' in lint note for nctlion on tin pin I of tlic llrilioli uiiVKiiiiiii'iil lend ing l 1 1'i 'iul. while ottu'i-H cxpicst the reeling lliul it fullir undcitmul in h.v the Culled SIhIih f I lu lliil- pniliou will IchiI In ueipiiceeiiee with tlio pioxcnt order iu council. AuMilnut In I'.ciicnt rnoffciul Austrian news leiiehing Loudon hy way of Paris declare I tint llio Alistro-Ocunun forces in tin' vicinity nf the Lupl.nw pnN me in lull ictrvnt, lint nil other report, from lliix section indicate Hint llu' nppoHiiii; aiiuie Mill nrc locked in n deadly grapple. KiioKin iepoil righting within Hi" hoiiudnritit of Hungary north of Cxciiipwit.. Tlio Austrian nn de scribed n retreating uflor n Muhboin filtlit, while on Hie other hand the Aiitiimi claim lo linvi' prevented the Russians fioin einsMiiK the rier OnioMfr ninl (o line taken 1 1011 pris oner. In the dinlonmtie fit'lil there is lit lli of inlorcM except the lupnrl tlint Milium in mnl Scrliiu have tcndicd it fiii'inlly ollemout of tint tumble nii-iine frnin the IiuhMoii of Soibiun territory h Bulgarian hropidiu. ArlMty In Wot An nltni'h which tin Gorman milt liny chiefs regard mm the opening of n now phui of I lu oMeru ciiinpiiimi Iiiih lii'cn initiated hy I lit' Fieneli in tin' Mii'linn of (he fmnl between thf Mouse nml tin' ,Moclli. The offn'inl hlnti'iurnt fioin llt'ilin loilny sny thnt tint French employed Mroug force with it Imii' mnoiint of mtil Iriy in inliKiiiK iiimiIh nt m'mtiiI piilntrt .MiHtunliiy. Tlio fiKliliiiK w''s pnrliiMiinily oiiii(i'il in tlm iiuiylilmr liiMiil of Viml im ninl I'ont-ii-.MoiiKMon. .Ili'i'lin cxpt'clt a I'liiiliiiniitinn of llii'-c Illllll'liX. So far iin i kIiowii hv thu Oi'iiniiii htutdini'iit, little wiih nci'iiinplihlii'il hv tlu'hn iishiiiiIIh, nlthiinuli il i-i nilniitti'tl thai in nni' M'clioii lh Krcnch niiicil a It'iiipornry foothohl. Tin oflicial Ht,iil'iiirnt frtnn I'aiiH u'uiw ftw il' tailri of the finlilinj,' hcyoml the claim tlllll ill tWO phlfl'H llllVlUU'CH Wt'l'C iniiili'. On thf cnsloni front IIiimd lias heen fnilhi'r ftulitin ni'iii' thf HuHhinn lior- ilnr. The fliMiniiii war offico hii.vh Hint lliiMHinn iiIIih'I.h wi'i'o icpnlxcil, BUSINESS BETTER STATES PRESIDENT 'ARIIlNnTOX, Apiil (l. llopoiln on linwiin'ss ciiiiilitloiiH iu tho I'liiU'il SlnlOH iiinilo lo I'ithhU'iiI WiImiii hIiow u stonily iniprovviiit'iit. ll lohl uiillurti loilny Unit liUHiiii'ns was hi' 'oiuin,' h'HH "(.polly" mid inoro uni l'ni'in in iU iinprovi'iiH'iil. Secretary UciU'ielil niaile hid iwnal ropoit on hiirtinehs conilitimiH at the cabinet iiieetiiiK, II wiih hiiid hy the whlto hnuxo offieialH that there wax every indication Hint husinens wan hot I or than it Iiiih heen in ninny iiioiiHih, Hocrolary Itedl'ield laid lie font the mihiiiet fiiues nhowinK a trade hnlniice in favor of the I'liitoil Stnten of .122,(100,000 for IiihI week. The trade halmieo in favor of Hie United Slult'K for the entire month of March wn, $1 1,000,000, its aaiiiHt n hahinco of ifl "JUMO.OOO iu tVhrii-ry, LULLINFIGHTING INDIANA BALLOT :ii:: RS FOUND GUILTY Tcrre Haute Politicians Convicted of Election Frauds and Will Be Sen tcncctl Monday All Who Stood Trial Found Guilty Balance Had Turned State's Evidence. I.N'DIANAI'OI.IS, Apiil I. All of I ho hvi'iity-Novou iIoIimhIiiiiIn, iiiciikI- iiiK Mayor lluiin M. ItoheitH, in the Ten i' llniile election Irniid ciihcm, were found tsnUl v hy a jury today. The cum! Iiiih lni'ii on tiiul in the IVil- oi ii I court hcie hiiicc Mil roh K. Indue Atnlerxon minniiiiccd that Hcnlenee woulil he piiwcil on the Iwcnly-Hevcii ulm weie I until jjnilly mid the ciithty-niint who have ploin!o, unillv net Monilay. In the iih'imi time he pernnttcil all tlio ilofoinlnntH, with Ihc cNceptiou of Ali'Mimlcr Ac re), nliii Steel, to leiniiin at liherty miller Ihc iirecnt hoiiil. Steel hn In en in jail, nimhle lo yivc lioml of .fiimo fiir allcticd ntteinpl to inlln ence Kiivi'iiniii'iil MiliHttti". I.Nl or (V.ihIiIimI TIioki" found kiiIIIn an: Doiiii M. Itiihcitx, imiyor of Tone llanle ami cmidnlntv for the ileum orntio iioiaianiion for ncinnr; Kli II. Kediinin, deelnreil elcetoil Vigo eiicnil judii hy ten vote-; Klmcr Iv Talhott, former controller o Tcrre llanle; I Ifiinin Shea, hheriff of Vij;o comity; Mininec WhIhIi, county mmiIit of woiyhlM ami nioniiif ami troiiH urer of eumpniu liiml-.; Hairy S. Mouteoiaery, pro-iiloiit of the hounl of iiihlie works; ,lolm M. MnH-olinl;, citv inspector of weiKhtn ami iiioiih. nrenf foimer mendier tif the Mate le- Ulaltue; TIioiiiiin (. Smith, city judi", (ioniyo Kliioiihiinlt, memlier of the hoanl of public work; l.ilwaitl It. Drioeoll, nccretury of the ViK" county democratic committee; Hilton Ueilmau, nou of Kli II. ttedmmi; that Houghton, iifKi-lnut custoiliau of the city hull; l.evm Niinley, ii-Hitiint city etik'inecr; .limoph O'Maiii, trcet com ii)it.ioner; William S. Ciochelt, mi- pcrinleudent of city crematories; Kiclmril KuucKey, cemelery cleil; mid Koherls' iuesieiicr; AlcMinder Ai' el, u foiemner, iucctor ot .reel piuiiiK; Attliur (lilli-, iiuiltrtaker, pro)tresie election official; .loliu II. (Ireeue, proprietor of .-ooninl-hniiil wloie; William llo.vle, Kiiiuhler; Pear ley McKay, uaiuhler; (lemce Soveru, vmnhler; Timothy (Hull) (Vnun, former iuilit, haitemler; Autliew O'lliion, haiteuder; ,lo-cph Strauss, liipior kiilesman; (Iohiko Wooilall, sa loonkeeper; William I'. O'Domiell, su looukueper. I'oilonil .liirisitlrtlon The fcderul unvei'iunon! placed lis obiiniH to juiisilictioii in the fact that a Tniled States senator and a mem- her of eonrenrt weie hoinj; voted for in the election. It wax said that this is the first time the foilernl Koveru inent hud out interfered with mi election on this continent. lEXIlLrTllS WASIllNnTON', April C Itopro- 'HontiUlvea of Aiuorlenn toxtllo inan- ufiictures, homlcd by former Con KiORBiunn Motx, tohl whlto Iioiibo mid tHtnto doimrtmoiit offlclnls today thnt t'tlio end Ih In hIkIiI," for oiorntloiiR of American toxtllo mills, unions tho Kovurmuent cnu do nomethliiB to lirliiK dyeiftufHf out nt Germnny. Thoy wore nsaurod by Soorotury (Tumulty ntitl CouiiRolor Lunslag thnt Hlio ipioBtlou would bo InKou up, for furthor effort. Tho inuiuifncturora told ofHclnlH thnt tho supply of dyo HtuffH In tho United States wns now practically oxhnusted.' Tho coinniltteo doelnrvd Hint they hnd boon In communication with lniiuufncturora In twenty olght cUIob nml hnd found thnt mllln emplnyliiK 100,000 oporntlvcs would fnco beliiB eloBod within thirty to nlxty dnyH nil- loss rollof comoH. Thoy doolnred Hint other iiiIUh avIiIcIi would ultl niutuly feci tho noed of Oorinnu dyo HtuffH will have to throw ninny other moit out of work, NEED mm M GERMANY U3DFORD, Before and Stfis. JiT- ' 111 1 Ht l ''1jY J -' V Ill "' 1 V ill iv I ft t . m 1 sr ? iM I IHk . -n? ffl it h r- m I i ' 1 K .L. S..X. W . Be ateJMM BBf k. JUaJ w V1AX.."- """""! - Vvv J ft&BVl JpFTF, "f H I -'lA-- i Swj . sS. I NASI r II I - 4L VS tr XV i- ' iBVH ' M II I ' ' '" mm ' v H ' ' fX .111-'1 H Hfm JjbIbbhvBvBvI k"M c SIB' ' " 7 BBBfeiBWSk-. .LtfiBBBBBBB iJ - tt BIB BBBBBBBlBWMBUaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TmF'Z 111 "BBBBBBBBBsBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI w-a" ' . - 111 jfij'' - ..BHBBBBBBBjBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI itLjw, mtH I HJHKSaHMSBSBflBBHBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBB sSr . M$t' It BvBvBVBvb'bVbHbV'b'bVbvBvBVBvBVBvBvI y hHjntv ft It J H9Bh9BB'".BwBwBBBBwBBBBBBwl tT'?x.--ijw' IU "m BBBBBBBBBBBuKjHBBSBr BBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBBBBB kgk2Sr-' IBB BBfllBVBvBvBVBBVB4BBHBr mWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm EvfljMBpp .. cvW uLmmmmmmmmmmmm99mr1mmmmmmmmmmvmmmmmmm QSiy' " T -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB JUMML . " J'... Mj . tf.ii BBtiaBlBBBBf Wk' ' faMMttBBBBBByiii,.. - mVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm --- . . , ur " - i i,ii..ii . -rmm i Just before the German submarine U-29 torptftfocd the British steamer Headlands, off the Scilly islands. Pliotc.;raph taken by Captain Ltiflfj of the Headlands, en board bis ship as Ids crew was leavinn.the vessel. In the distance is the submarine, with Iter crew, about the conning tower, waltinn to hurl the deadly torpedo. The picture below was taken after the Headlands was sunk. It shows the Brltitsh crew in their lifeboats belnjj towed into the port of St. Mary, Etiflland. M BRDSEYE OLDEST OF WOMEN IS Mrs. Clara l'lemin Mird-eye, the oldest woinnn pioneer of southern Oregon, prominently identified with the caily history of this seolion, and one of the most widely known wom en in the state, died at her homo on Itinlseye creek, near llopiu River, shoitly after iniduiKht Monday night, aged 80 years. Mrs. Ilirdseye came to Oregon from West Virginia in 18.iU ami lived nil the intervening (k"i yearn on the donation claim where she mid her husband settled. She wns a dseeudant or the Flemings of Vir ginia, prominent iu Colonial life. 1'ott Hirdsoyo stood upon this claim mid in the Indian wars that mark Hie early history of this valley she took an active part. Shu was acquainted with all the terrors of frontier life, and watched the Rogue ltivi'i valley grow to its present posi tion from u wilderness. She was the best known woman iu southern Ore gon. Mrs. Ilirdseye was an mint of Unit ed States Senator Harry Lane, grandmother of Mis. Clarence Roniues, wile of the Cniled Slates dis. triet attorney, and the mother of the wife of Judge William M. Colvig. She is survived hv twelve grandchildren and 10 grout graudehildien. A sou, Wesley Mirvivcs. The funeral arrangements will ho made later. PLANS DECIDED ON WASHINGTON. Anrll !. Con- fttriu'tion of tho government railroad iu Alaska will ho carried on hy lhe AhiHknu engineering commission, which surveyed possible routes rather than under tho engineer corps of the in my. Secretary l,uno s nnuounceti after today's cabinet meeting, PONEERS D ALASKA RALROAD OKIWOiV, TlTKSI)AV, AVUWj 0, 113 After Submarine Sunk It's Prey WILSON EMI REPLY 10 NOTE WASHINGTON', April fl. While the American nolo regarding the Hiiti-h order in council does not ask a reply, President Wilson told call era today he expected one, The pres ident described tho American note as not being argumentutive, hut jn-t a statement of Hie understanding of the I'nited Slates on tho law iu Hie ease. Tligftprcwidont said ho was nwnit injf; further information about the easo of Leon C. Thresher, drowned iui tlio hiuking of tho llritish ship Fnl liiia 1 'a Ooniian submarine, heforo deciding on rcprosentations to (ler iha'ny. ., .-. Continuing, llio newspaper rebukes tliojjo Knglisluuen who think the American government should testify to the world nguiust tin) violation of Belgium, infractions of Tho Hague conventions mid other exhibitions of Clormun frightfulne,ss, mid brings its article to an end with these werds: "Tho allied cause in Kuropo owes an immenso debt to the moral and in tellectual support it 1ms had from vast numbers of tho American people who sou instinctively whnt is tit stake iu this conflict. In no neutral coun try has tho allied causo been more warmly espoused or nioro forcibly presented by men of light and learn ing, Let us always bo grateful for that and refrain from criticising a government which bus all manner of difficulties thnt cannot be rightit appreciated in this country." GERMANY SUSPENDS FOREIGN POSTAL SERVICE BERLIN, via Loudon, April fi. The German postal officials have suspended until further notice parcel post servieo to Argentina, Colombia, Costa Riea, Greece, the Italian col onies, the Hutch West Indies, I'an ama, l'ortugali Spain, Uruguay and Veno.iiela, UPON BLOCKADE KMSER PROTESTS L AT WASHINGTON', April Ik Germnny bus protested to the I'nited State. against the detention of the Hum-burg-Aniorionn liner Odenwald nt San Juiiu, l'orto Rice, under the neutral ity regulations. The German embassy today asked tho state department to investigate the case of the Odenwald. Tho cap tain of this steamer had asked for elenraueo papers for Hamburg, and the steamer was searched lv order from Washington twice thoroughly by customs house authorities. Tho re sult of the search having been satis factory, tho captain was promised clearance papers. "After having been kept waiting for three days, the captain believed that tho situation forced him to sea, dis regarding tho rules of tho harbor, because otherwise (ho assembling of cruisers of the enemy which hnd been informed of his intention would have involved the inevitable loss of his ship. ''When the Odenwald tiled to leave, sharp firo was immediately directed against her from Morro Castle- with out tho blind warning shot hnving been fired, which is usiiul, according to international rules, "Tho fire was continued until three minutes after tho machines of tho Odenwald had been put on full steam backwards. It is attributed to n lucky chance by this attack no hu man lifo was lost." PHILIPPINE COMMERCE WASHINGTON, April C Tho Airmy transport Sheridan, Balling from Manila April 15, will bo tlio first of tho government vobboIs to bring Phil ippine commerce to tlio United States undor tho recent order of I'rooldont Wllsou, INERS EN PORTO RIO COLLIN RESIGNS SUPERINTENDENT OF CITY SCHOOLS l'. S. Collins, superintendent ot Medford public schools for the past i five years and for a year previously rprtnclpal ot tho high school, tonight tenders his resignation to the Bchool board to take effect at the expiration of the present school year and will not bo a candidate for re-election. Speaking on tho subject ho said: "I think I liavo served my time with the public schools and havo de cided to retire to private life. I Intend to contlmto to make my home In Medford. I havo purchased a Ford car and will enjoy a vacation spent riding upon tho Pacific highway. "Next summer I will become assoc iated with A. B. Cornell as district agonts for the Oregon Life for south ern Oregon and northern California, observation having glvon mo consid erable insight Into the lusuranco bus iness during tho past year' During Mr. Collins' regime, tho schools of Medford havo more than doubled In number or school build ings nnd trebled In number of schol ars. Ho has beon popular with both teachers, scholars and tho public, and his decision to rotlro comes as a surprise to his largo clrclo of friends nnd acquaintances, who learn the nows with regrot. T VIKN'NA, April 0, Tho war office gave out tho following statement to te day: "Fighting iu tho Carpathians is de veloping, Austrian and German troops took strong Russian positions yesterday on tho heights east of La lioreza valley, capturing- f0 10 prison ers, In adjoining districts savcral strong Russian attacks woro repulsed with sovero losses to tho enemy, in cluding 'J3',IQ prisoners, A REPORTS RUSSIAN DEFEAT no. ym TIPS NECESSARY TO GET SERVICE Probe of Wanes and Working Condi tions of Sleeping-Car Conductors and Porters Being Made In Chlcai Few Tips for Conductors In surance Graft Worked. CHICAGO, April 0. TnvcsHgnllnn of the wages and working conditions of I'ullmnn company conductors and porterrt wn.s continued hy the United .States eouimition on industrial rela tions today. R. W. Bell, seeretnry of tho Federation of Pullman Conductor-, nnd Porters, who resumed tho stand, wnii nnnblc to estimate tho average income in lips of porters. Speaking of expenses of porters and conductor, he said: "Porters and conductorx must tip the dining enr waiters, or thy will get the worst of it." The salaries of conductors, rang ing from .$70 to .0."i, he said, nrc re lieved of some strain by free moron nt certain hotels, which hotels they recommend to passcngerrt who inquire on the subject. Mr. Bell said Hint ho wns formerly n conductor, but wan dismissed because of his nclivity in trying to unionize the employes of the company. ffors to Unionize Mr. Bell, questioned by Chairman Walsh, said that the effort to union ize the employes originated among the men nnd not with outside ngitntors. "We worked under cover n long ns wo could," ho paid, "hut nbont a fast ns tho men signed np they were dismUcd nnd the list did not pro gress. The -men grew tiinid,Hnd .told us they would not care to join a union until tho union was strong enough to protect them." The witness hnd n stock of letters from men who claimed that they hnd been dismissed for nctivity in behalf of the union. The witness snid thnt on nlmost nil roads the employes are given half rates on dining cars and in eating houses, but the quantity of food de pends on the good nature of the stew ards on dining cars. No Tips for Conductors "Is n conductor's incomo augment ed by tips?" asked Mr. Widsh. "No; they nrc rare. Once in a while n passenger will buy tho con ductor a meal on the diner." "Can you givo tho average amount that a porter cams in tips?" "That is impossible; the only way to find out about Hint is to get a por ter who has kept a record." Asked to insuranco of employes, Mr. Bell said: "There nro three in surnuce companies approved by tho Pullman company. Their .solicitors are permitted to go among tho men nud tho company deducts the prem iums and dues from wages." On this subject yeslcrdny L. S. nungerford, general manager of tho Pullman company, denied that any Pullman official wns financially in terested in any of these insuranco companies. I IN NET OFF DOVER PARIS, April 6. A Uornian sub inailiio has becomo securely en tangled In a net specially designed for that purpose, and placed oft Dov er, according to the Petit Journal! Dunkirk correspondent, "who adds that tho French naval authorities expect to capture tho submersible when it comes to tho Biirface. "Miles of submarine traps have been set by tho British nary at harbor entrances and other strategic point nroun tho British Isles. Tb train are not unlike gill nets usd by fish ermen, Malolablo Iron fram ten foet squaro, three frame Jelae4, are sunk, to a depth of thirty fet, sus pended from Immense buoys. If a submarine, which la a feltad InIbjc when submerged, enters eae ef, Immm frames its sides are iMtUffct, .wiMtftC the lower frames to atwkk; ttpwar4, 'catching the. profiler, ' UPON PULLMAN SUBMARUAUGh1 SECURELY TRAPPED M A . l