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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1914)
E 10 APPLE WASHINGTON. Sept. 21 -Accord Iiik to tho (Wlit of MnrknlH, Depart iiiniit of Agrli'iiltiue, piemuil liiillcn IIiiiih iin Hint Hm cnninienliil npplo etnp or Ho t'nltf'd Htnt"M Ih much larger IIiIm yenr tlmn IiikI, lint loan tliim Unit of 10 1 2 liv several inlllloii Inn rein, nwovor, It In i'hIIiiiiiIi'iI In llin curiont number or I ho Airleultii ml Outlook of Hut Di'imiliiinnt that tho inolilioii of distribution will prnvn to ho morn complex lliiiu two uri nun, owing to lerlnlii rjundltlnu 10 uniting from tho European vwir, Attention Ih railed to tlio small iiuniilll) of Ainorlinii njpl I""" (linn 2.000,(10(1 Imrri'lM tnkiui 1')' Europo In normal times, lloth Hi" growers mill dealers nro urged to view tlio xlliiiilloti with optimism nun ' propnri for tlio disposal of Eu ropM'R usual portion tn oilier ways I Ih suggested (lint with Judicious handling the demand ul homo may lit Increased mill tlio common Inl crop marketed with relatively fitlr aurcuss to nil. An to Just lonnllliiliM Jllllll'IOUH hllUllltllg, tlio Officii of Markets umbos tho following (uiggcri Hon: I'litr Fruit t'lilfoim I Grower should pick tlio fruit In uniform condition, gleaning llio Iri-oH only for what In rend) to ioin off, repeating tho pror'NH until tho rrop U ImrtiMliHl. Tho iiilvnutngn In to seeuio u longer tlnio for dlstrl tuition unit to provenl tlio park from t,'prutluK trmii stage of ma lurlly ranging from rlpo to green. 2. Whim picked tho fruit should ho handled from orchard to mm In ttiii'ti a wnv mi to prevent dolcrlnrn Hon, aro being exercised to protect tho npptiM from tho element. It U lujilnlnoil Hint under proprr runill Hiiiih fruit which U picked tmlny uhnttld not ho packed until tomorrow mill thnt for (his ptirpos l1tr should lio provided. 3. Thoin using tti" barrel package should uniformly grade and park tho rrop In mmpllnnco with tho HuUor law nml hriinil In accordant o wlt'i Its provision, for th purpose of creating (cellug '' coiiflilonco among dealer nml consumer. Col Out Coll Moik I. luforlor grade should ho oltin Innloil from tho green fruit markets not oi(ly, for tho reason that tho di ii i nml for mieh grade will ho wry IlinlU'il, hut also lMicntiNi their pros euro In tlio market will undoubted ly hamper profitable disposition of tln better fruit B. All npplo Kroworn, oporntor. Oonlfri nml iiwiirliillimi ihmilil onrlv nrrho ut mi otlinnti of tiuo vnluo In onlor to HiTiiro n quick niovoiiiciil. Il In okplnliioil Hint If nrhltrnrlly prlron rulo In tho hoRlnnliiK of tho hiiumoii, tho rop will not pnim rcnillly Into ronmiiuptlon, hut Hint on tho othor hmiil. nlmnnuiil nrrimiiiiu liulon mul ronnotlon will occur tliroiiKhout tho chmmoU of trml" vlth ilUnntroim rcmiltn to nil con cornril. fi. Only ntnnilnnl nrltlrn well pnrkml nlmiilil ho plncoil In colli mnr no for'tho roimon Hint prlcon llkolr to rulo In tho Into full nml onrly winter. nH tho Inovltnhlo rc-mill of ni oral offorlniJH of common Mornno nlook, will prohnhly limit tho ilomniul for rohl HloniKo iipplo until mljN u tutor, Supply Smnll Tomiin 7. An effort ulioulil ho innilo to nupply buiiiII towiiH hy illroct unlcH in onlor to Hocuro n moro uniform ill trlliutlou nml nx'l'l conRoiillaK tho lnro iniirkiilm Altonllon U to tho prnrtlro In foino kocIIoiih of Krouorn who go with -h of npplo to poorly Biipplloil lawim mirt k'" tho truck. (Irottorn or dc-nlum who il.-Nlro to two thl ylm nhoulil np ply to tho town nml rnllwny nuthort-th-H for Inforinntlmt iih to roKulntloni controllliiK hiicIi hhIob. . f 0,,,u tlomi Jimtiry hlinilni:. tho unlvnl t tho rnr iihoiilil ho procoiloil hy Jtnll (Ioiih mlvortliiluK. 8. (iroworrt who Hv In coinnuinl HoH whuro co-oporntlvo orKiuiUntlonn mo opornloil Hhoulil ilo nil iohm11io to HlmiiKthoii thoHo oxcIiuukob. It Ih iiHHKitoit tlut tho ilUloynlly of iiiom liuin Ifl tho hliJr olomont of fulluro In co-opoinllvo vntorprlHOH, nml Krow. ,m rt mo utioiiKly "rRt-il to Hiippon their nwioclnllon nn tho IiohI wuy to irroct millHfiiclory illHtrlhutlou, l'..lrll KIl'JIIIKT Kltmo TIiobo who rnilo, jinflc nml hrnnil thulr luiruilH lu mcoiiliimo with pro IhIuiih of tho Hulor liiw Hhoulil ho liimo HiiccoMHfiil In innkluK quick mul riiitlHfiiclvr) JiiiIoh limn ollirwH. With roHpott to Uitiopo, tho offlro or iiiiiikotH nrKUH oxporloiH In rum Mi!) wutch Urn mowuitoiit nml "H iiiiio IhoiiiHi'lviui or iilouimir npnro mul it iioinuml on Hio ullior hIiIo liofom IPiil.liiK hIiIIMimimIh. I.utiml iiuiioillico. IHOllltl (if HllMIIIIMhlp roitipiinlo mo I" llin i.ffurt llml fullly M'MHliir hIumI uli'M will ho imiliiliiliioit lo'tHooii Aliit'llui llin! UK' I"""'" iwnisoom. ADVIC GROWERS FROM FEDERAL BUREAU I'or tho licniiflt of thoioj who tuny not ho iIIhiiohoiI lo (ixcrclnoNmpiicliil (nro In tin ml 1 1 ii k llio crop, on tlm KKMimlH Hint It will not ho worth whllo, llio offlro of nutrient kiikkonIh It iih piolmhly fmliiK truo of HiIh )oii Hint not only jiropor hmullliiK hut nlfo iticiit iIIIUdiicu will ho rwiulroil for offi'dliiK HiitlNfnclory illntrlhulloti F I FOREST IREE SEEO A rump of u ilo?i'ii mi'ii nml lio llllK KCCIltH IM'I'II (-'llllll-lll'll IIIMHll lliiil.v mill'" imrlli of tlm Colnmliiu iImt, on llu Colimililu milioiiul I'm iwl, I'or tin' puipoho ol colli'clin 1 1 co MCl'll for lIlO lll' of till) foil" I M'IV ice Wi'li'iii nllow ilni', Doimliii fir mul iiolilo lir mo llu! ipci'icK ili-hinil, In tin1 proccKH of i(iilliiirliil llio ni'i'il, tin mi'ii I'llmli tlio Iri'i'H nml ili'U tin I'uiit'i oil, for Hit- nTciI U lilililcn in lilt IMIIICf. It Will Hilt ill) til Willi until tlo- couch full from I he trcci Iji ciiii.c then tin coiuw nro itpcn mul the hicil ol. After tho i'oiio'h tunc lii'ci untlicrcil. llio ih'.nI Htcn U lo extinct the xci'l. ThN i ipiilo o pnu'OHH. If the woollier is fiiwmihle, ho couch mo Mucin! on n hliccl in llio hum nml nlloiveil lo lr,v. If ill uKiillii.i- Im iwl. tho couch- miPt ho ilncil nml opened hy iirlifielul hciit. TliU in M'citrcil liv iiicmis of ii port- lllile ilrv Idlll ttllieli IlllH hccii iIcVIkiiI, ooiKiktiiiir of ' tout rcifilpticil with .(Hon nml (.lioh'o. "WlilMi th hi . '. . JW I i I or' lry. tiiev mo iiinoeo; i mm mul tlniimlil "linlii"! iiulil the ki'i'il roll" out. The M'i'l il'lf mil"! it" tlnouiih till flirllliT pioeomi. It in pnnNcil (IhoiikIi n fniiniiiir ii ill nml nil the ihnlT iciiiiiMil, Till" Ii'iim'h the ix'cil in liool fliup' for owiik or mIoiiic. V I niiiln v It will he Iiki'i ill III' nil lller iiui-Hen, mmr tiiron, Wrtxti.. where Hie Kovrmnenl ilii. loo niillnui liei'M eii'li ,eor with which to refuted the ilciiiuliil an'ii in Ori'Kou nml Woliioj;tim niitioiinl fui ex I h. The M'lWi'c iIock not propo-cil In collect iel mi mi it"liivi' mntle thin viii r, iih :t(lll or lllO miiiihIh will ho xiiffieiciit for pri'xi'iil ueciN. Thi miioiint limy he ohlniiicil ciihily in the Mi'imlv of the ptocut cmiip. I MARKET REPORT I Price I'olil ty m-aierti r.tifis :i.v. Ill TTi:H - fiemncry, ni'ao; iluiry, 11,'c Iwo poiimlH. I'OTATOKS l.:.(l por 1(10 IM. ONIONS I ..( per Ih. IIONI'.Y llo per Ih. t'll)i: UTio. I'OIIK-Uli' to llijo. Iti:!:! i t.i ll'io. LAIfl) -lie. IIACON -'Jlle. siioui.nmts 1 1,. 1 1 AM 2 1 i. liriTKIt PAT - 2fti. svi:i:t rmcAM sop. I.lvrlork llOflS DroHti'il, ll,; nlic, T'!'. SIli:!:!' - lot .re. sti:i:iis-aiivo, ri;,(itio. I'OWS -Alive, Pir.V. NEW TODAY SpciiMiii; of IMxt'i lfl,',l 1'iiniiliiK No, 1 3'J acres of orchard, nml n. fnlfn, plenty of both, flno Jcrncy cows, film huiiKiilow nml other hullilliiKH, In center of vnlloy on iacit hljth wny. Look It over. It Ih mnklnt Komi money nml prlreil nt $M,000. Thero nro IC000.O0 worth of liu. proeimmtH, No. 2 00 ncrcn, unilor Irritation, tho flnerit, chontioHt operntea nyxteni In tho vnlloy, 20 ncron of five-) par ol il penra In flno ulinpo, tho bnlanco U Ideal dairy nml pardnii, nml fnnu lro pmittloii. (looil huiiKnlow, Htock nml oiiulpmentH. hook It ovor nt $12, 000,00, C. D. HOON WHY? STOCK UANCII It Is my liualncaa to know tbo beat buy la Jnckton county nml have It optioned nt tho lowost cash urlco. That best buy today Ih n 100 ncro stock ranch, 100 ucroa loam soil, tr- rlciitod, now In 1; nil 11 nml nlfalfn No hotter nlfuirn laud lu Jnckaou county, ditch built covering 140 ucroti, porfect wnlor rlcht, klouo worth 110,000,00, Thla laud IIch botwoflii tho Applo Knto rlvor nml tho foot lillln, nil hot torn land, bout of riuiKO, uiont do lluhtfiil cllinuto, 110 know or foK Moilom, now hiinitalow, harm, fotiron, corral U uud orchard nil ready, Thin plnro Hhoulil brliur 135,000.00 will lull for IIK.000.00, Imlf ciiHh, I'JOOO worth of imichlmiry mul vtnok aIIIi pin co. idcnl homo nml muok ranch, lut I hnyo over offorcd, l'!i.t Nt'l Hunk llhltf,, I'Iioiih IUO.I J. C. BARNES 0RES1ERSC0LLEC MPinFonn matti trtww:, Oh! Look TvaO RoAttiCr ,M,v&..,G B6.NC "XJfife W in PA.t' WHILC V $2 'vnCr Y- I V- A JWsAsy-J THGPJH IS ABSOLUTE (. . , , 1 WJPRlm' rvLUAAOR. THA.T THE f ' ' ; AMErrcsitfS ivto rQ.csv ''s&fc ReruQvcp mom spmatg VKAI DrosMMl, JOfJTlLV. I'OUl.TltV Mixed chioken", 13c; ilrciicil, V2 to I7r; liVn, llin; fpruujff, 'Ifie. Hay nml Rrnln (lliixiiii; 1'riccn.) WIIIJAT fl bushel. OATS Lie IiiihIic). HAY Vetch, .fll ton; jjniin, $in to li. HAIfl.KY Whole, $'X ton. COKN iir Ion. POLITICAL CARDS 1'oit coijntv iti:coiiiu:ii.- 1 hereby announro uiysolf as tho domorrntlc candldato for tho office of county recorder of Jacknon coun ty, to bo voted on nt tho ponernl election on November 3, 1014. I elected, I will do my duty lis I have. In other rcsponulblo position that I hao hold. I.Ki: I.. JACOllS. (Paid Adv.) COUONKK. I with to placo my namo befora tho vntcrn or Jackson county nn nn Independent candldnto ror county cor oner.i John a. picnu (Paid Adv.) 1'oit SIIKItlFK I hereby announce inypolf ns tho democratic nominee for sheriff of Jackson county to ho otcd on at thu Ronernl election November 3, 1914. J. 1 UlTTSON. (Paid Adv.) TtJtfx JCW a i j-; Vim UOUSKS VQH BAl.K 8oon room huiiKnlow. strictly modoru, lot 00x11 ir, plenty of fruit and hurries, lurKo out hulldlnRs. Will soil cliunp, phono 417-M, inornlugti, KOIt IIR.N1--IHIChr? R)?riUOTHirMmnr'rifi'ir' iiIkIioiI modern flam, 730 WcM 11th. Phono (i21-lt. FOR RENT Four room houso, water connection. Phono 370-J, HU KOIt RENT Good hIx room Iiouho. close to Hchool. ff.00. Ilumphioy, 815 E, Main St. 267 KOR RENT Six room bungalow close lu. Might fiuulsh pailly, now, Phono hllU-N. KOIt RENT--Our fuiiiliilieil four room inn in. no children, Phono H20-L. inn VOU HENTrtlltNIHIIEII AI'IH. KOIt KENT LnrKo sivilni rooms, ami muilorn huuuekcejilni; rt Bituti, prices vry rttusoiiMbiu Phono X47-L. M'i Boiith Holly lfvt, ' Mignroim okikiov, aioxday, suptpTmmw 21, Who's Back! fk " . HUNT not m:k KOOMS I'OIt lti:.ST r'iirnlhoil hoiuckecp Iiik rooms, can; also hall bedroom, 234 Kast Ninth, 1C I Foil-IU:nt Mmlorn housekeeping rooms. a nml hath Call nftor 4:30 p. in. Phono r...-ll. 210 T.M tint St., off South Central no; nuo. 1C' roit sai.i: m:.rj ustati: POH SAI.K 40 ncro da'ry and hoi; ranch situated one-quarter of mllo from Talent, On?., on Pacific IiIkIi- wny, six room uuncniow, water tower, Kood barn, other outbulld Iiikh, electric llfihts; over half tho land Is Roar creek bottom soil In nlfalfn. If sold at once price tsooo, half cash, terms on re mainder Deal direct with own er, Address P. O. box 491, Med ford, Oro, FOR s.r.r. T.IVRS'-OCK FOR SALE A Frosh cow, 403-J:i, or address bov 7 1). No. 4. call up R F. 1CI FOR SALE- A flvo passenger. 1911 model uutomolillo. Overland tour Iiik car, ccellent condition. Phono 3-F4. . 101 FOR BALK 34 shouts, 4 good yomiB brood sows, ami one bin old nnv; nlio Drown lcghorn chlckons. First farm east f hospital. T. II. Dills, R. 1 1). No. 3. 100 FOR SALE Fresh two-j ear-old cow with heifer calf Sfi0 ror both If taken beforo October Ut. Phono 5S9-.11 or E. I). Hall. 157 FOR SALE -Llttlo pigs; lloso nml Comlco cull pears. W. J. llnrt icU, plione 40S-J1, 28u l'OirSALE MISCELLANEOUS" FOR SALE llcautiful SplU Call 71 J Woxt JiickBon St. pups. ins KOR SALE - 101 1 stripped Stmlebak- or 30. guiuanteeil to bo lu porroct running condition, Newly painted, olectrle llghtu ovvrslo tiros. Well milted for trucl; purposes. lluo ovtra fio luiRKOiiKor body and foudors. A bargain nt 1100. Tornm If dinlrod. Seo W. A. Cor ultliiH. 157 KOR SALE MiodnK'ft fio iuoiiHih old, will sell cluiip to closo out tho Utter. Phone or wrlto Geo. I). HnlUuiiiu, It K D. No. I. 100 KOR SALE- lthodo Island Rod chlck mi; nUo fruit JurH. Phono 301 M. 20 KOR KALE Hint pa)lui; whnlosnlo nml leltiil coiiiodloutiry lu Now Moxlco. Would tnko iih part pa) moul, n hiiiiiII modoiii liiimo lu Mmlfiinl I'or puillculuiM, adilronn box 3 1. Itiikui'll. Now Mo.lyo. 160 KOH SAIU- Dim iiowbU II. IS Kill lor uml JohiiKoii i;iiuollmi oiiitluo ('mi bo M'cii nt Ilex plunl, Phoenix I'lioiio lit' I uf willn I'ullfoinlu Itu. Hpiuy (-(' I'liooiiU, Oit), 'jr3Z5mMaBm:mfy ft A riutesKSm i h i fr. w. r-5Li . 1 t msmHwmm. ' i:i:ri.Nn i-'ok kk.t ruKsisiii:u itoosis dusinkss uihkctoux FOR HKNT Pleasant room closo In, ory reasonable. 23, North Cen tral, phono 4B-J. 165 WANT r.O SITUATIONS WANTKU Position by Japancso boy, cool log or Kenoral Iiouko work by tho hour. Dcat work. Phone 410, Cuorco. 1C1 WANTKI) Position as housekeeper by mlddle-agod woman. Ik'st of references. Addrctm box C02. 1G0 f ! WANTED Reliable. experienced man with team, wants charge oi stock or fruit much. Almei Wright, Phoenix, Oro. 15S WANTED Position on fruit or stock ranch by experienced man. Ad dress box 101, route No. 1, Med ford, Ore. 10S WANTED Japancso boy wants nnv kind of houso work by hour. Phono 4C1-R. Shlmoda. 1C2 WANTED USf;r.l.I..-;EOUS wXflConlract foT cut Hug I curd wood or logging off. K. G. L. Tho Cottage. MoiUord. 157 WANTED 100 Angora goatH on tho shares. Address bor K , euro Mall Tribune. 15S WANTED Day boarders. ?5.00 per week. 145 South Ivy. 207 WANTED To purcluibo well Im procd llttlo ranch two to ton acres In or near Medford from partv who will tako some property at Rend. Oro.. ami 6omo cash. Ad dross box 313. Rend, Oregon. 159 FOR KXt'ltANOr. FOR EXCHANGE- For hay or stock. Double hack, eight foot body. Ad dress box s caio Mull Ttlbuuo. ICO EXCHANGE Want to soil or buy anything! U C Rader, 114 N. From St. Phono 125. Niiff Sod. FOUND FOUND Sorroll filly, ago two )ears miuill star mid stripe lu forehead, wolglit U00, Owner can have same hy pa) lug chtugos, 33 North Riverside. Id LOST LOST, STRAYED Oil STOLEN - Small b.iy niiiro. uruuuoit a on , hip, T It on left shoulder, from ' my uastuio on Griffin crook, to-1 ward for Infill imitloii. R J. lloua", phono MIH-JO. 150 r it.-. - - -sj- "- TSfti MONEY TO LOAN to "loaS'-i'iOwo ii iiutto ''rails timber. Kohl Investment Co, 37. North Hr Ht. 150 TOLOAN Wo luivu money to loan on Improved, country pruporly nt I'llthl pur cent. Phono 317. Cur hlus U Tu!oi. ' ion By "Bud" Fisher Onrbae QARDAOE: Qet your premises cteanod up lor tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good scrvlco. Phone 32S-U. F X. Allen. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 North Front St. Plionc 315. Prices right. Service guar ntced. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary nub lie Bring your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. Instruction In Music MR, FRED ALTON HAIGIIT readier of piano and harmony, an nounccs season of 1914-15 begin ning soptomtjer 7th, 1914. A lim ited number of new pupils will be accepted. Courses in harmony and 'musical history to all pupils this season without extra chorge. Pupils recitals. Halght Music Studios. 11C South Laurel St., Medford, Oregon, phono 17C-R. MRS. FLORENCE IIALLIDAY IIAIGHT Teachor of tho art of singing, tone placement, dia phragmatic breathing, body polso, opera, oratorio, concert roportolro, classes in sight Elnglng and read ing. Children's singing classes will bo formed. In these clas.os of six tho foundation principles of cor rect uroathing, tone placemen1., and sight singing will bo taught. Halght Music Studios, lie South Laurel St. MRS. HALLlDAY-IIAiailT -W 1 1 1 also conduct a class of youngor piano pupils tills scasou under Mr. llalght'a direction at tho Halght Miiblo Studios, 11C South Laurel Street. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, reference for Huy ieop links! liny, Flour, Feed, Grain L. U, llronn, Ru:a Mill, also poultry supplies, 139 South Rlvoraldo Phone 5.9 Civil Engineer Osgood & Drown, T. W. Os good, Asso, M, Am. Soc. C. E. A. Theo Drown, deputy county surveyor. Medford National Dank Uldg ......Phono 262 Electric Wiring, Futures, Supplies Southern Oregou Eluctrlu Co,, Ma.du Lamps. 0 South Central Avenue Phone . 15-Y Farmer,, Implement -" Hubbard mothers. Full llo of John Deoru wakes. For spe cial priios on buggies, 330 Kstt HmIii.... ....... ..-..Phone II) Plumbing ami llenlliig Van It. I'ulr.ou, Ss( North iJfaPi,t,4ff.HM.Mifft.f,l ftogv VII PACWJ FIYK miHlNKH DTIIKOTOM Attorttrr I'OHTRIt J. NRFT. WM. P. MHAWST AttornoyatLUW, ilooniii S anil 0, Medford Nntlonal Ilnnk hld(t; A. H. ItKAMHH, LAWYimanrnett Coroy hldff. Wm, M. ColvlK. aaorxo Jf. Iloborti COUVIO & UOIIKIITS, LAWYKUH Medford NiUlonnl Dank niilldlnic. H. 1.'. MJt.KRY & OKO. W. CIIHUIIY Attorney nt T-nw. Jacknon Coun ty Ilnnk Iliilldlnp;. NKWTON W IJOlil)i;N Attornoy nt law, room 7, Bpnrta btilldlnK, Mad ford, OreRon. Auto hiippllcn liAIfKU AUTO BPIIINO CO. W nro oporatlnn tlio largest, oldcat and host cqulppod pjnnt In tho Pa clflo northwefit. UsB our springs when othen fall. Sold under gunr antoo. 20 Nortb Flftcfnth St., I'ortland, Uro. Clilropractorn DIL A. R IIKDOKS. Dr. LouUo K. ItodgpH Mochnno-Thcrnplsts, ChIro praetors, SpondylotheraptsU. These ygtoinn. Including dietetics, cu ra ti vo Rymnaatlc-, hydro-thcraphy, etc.. produco remilta In both acuta and chronic dUoases. Consulta tion free. Over Ootiol & Co., cor ncr Main and DartlcU. Hoiira 9 a. m. to G p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. PH. II. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor, ncrro specialist Itoomo 203-204 20S. Oarnctt-Corr bids. Vapor baths nml scientific tn a sua go given; necdlo spray, head and shoulder shower In connection; advice In dietetics, medical gymnastlca, bvdropthnrapy. Lady attendant. Phone, offico 543, rnnlduDce Clt-H. Employment Agency Wo are here to help people get re Ilaulo. competent hoip. we rur nUh help In almost all lines of .busIncM. We mako a specialty of compctont men and wives for ranches. We solicit 'yonr patron ago. Illttncr's Heal Estate and Employment lliireau. Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Duildlnn. Medford. Phoaa 858. Mrs. Dyrd Caster, Manager, successor. Dcntlsu DR. W. M. VAN DR. C. C. VAN 8COYOC SCOYOO Dentists ' Garnett-Corey Bide, suite Medford, Ore. Phone S5C. Sit Stenuffrapficr SHOE RKPAIRINO First class she ropatrlnp, on modern electric, machine while you wait. K. N. Illden, located la Kldd's Shoe Store. Phono 313J. I'liyeslclaaa ana BargeOM DR. P. O. CARI.OTV, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW -Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Carnett-Corar bldp., phone 103C-U Residesce 20 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear. nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Offico 228 East Main St. Hours S:30 a. m. to II p, a. Phone. E. B. PICKEL. M. D. Office Jack son County Dank bldg.. Office phono 4S-R; residence phone 68-11. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Pain block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phone J10-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offico 30, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practtco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phones, resldonco, 814-J2; office 814. R. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over llutchlsou & Lums don, 215 E. Main SL Phone 77. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. Lydia S. Dow Os teopathic phyblclan, offices 3-4 SL Mark's block, Phone 1C0. Resi dence the Dow Hospital. Central Point. Printer ana Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped prlntlug office lu southern Oregon; book binding, loose loaf lodgers, billing systems, otc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir SL Itakery Royal cakos. nakery, bread, plea, Corner Main and Graue, ...,..m. ............ ... ..PhoQe 87 l-'uniltur Xc, aHtl SecoBd llaad Scott WooR, successor to Mor doff & Wooif, complete house furoUbers, Special low prleaa on Axmlnlstor rugs aud furni ture. 23 South Fin. Phbae Guns, Ammunition, Hoa Oueito Ewlugs Gun Store, fishing tnckl. sporting gooirs. ' 112 West Main n ......PHoue til Real lUtMto, Lohhs ami JHyalifianH Page Drcwler Company, ferii ' lands, ubn!ylos. Slf) Aaat Main ........,i...,....,...,,Phoiia III Htaplo au4 fancy (IroiarlM (S. P, KU It. Co, SI 4 i iiitJii!,