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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1914)
0tmmt mil 207 Scion;! Strctl i w .. v' 0 MEDTORD MAIL TRIBUNE f WEATHER Fair tonight ami Tijr May. 70 j Mln. 47, i SECOND EDITION V J ; ' J i K Forty-fourth Yrnr. Dully-Ninth Yrnr. BRITISH LOSE OF 1 MOT E Biltlsh Ailmlralty Annmincrj Loss of Warships Aliotikhlr. Hohiic anil Crrssy Loss of Life Heavy Vrssels Carrlril Crews of 755 Men Carh Identical In Equipment. LONDON, Kepi. 22, 5 i. in. Tin kitllll'K III tilt Hllllll llllllllUltll'H II' guiding timnl opctnlious in llic Nuilli in wo xinlili'iiK broken this iilli'r lllliill ll MIIIIMIIIH'l'llll'lll "I" II disaster In iln ItulMi nnvv which, aoeouliug In olfifllll lllloiiiilltioll, Ihih suffered lln Iiwm of lime ai'iiouil rinicrn, mink liv (luiitiuu NiihiiiuiiiH's. Tlit iff htix of tin lirilliiint -tnd-i' nil till pHIt III' III!' (IcIIUlUI I led ''''"' tin- funny, llm AlioiiClr mi'l ! Ilutfllt'. ili'r llil. Tin loo nl' llli- huh UK Ilii" crew or iIh'hk Unci isn,l tirnliiililv "ill In hlMIX.V. hIIImMIkIi I'lHINIiliTllllli' lllllll- lmr nr men were im'l.i'il up by I In 'ntUi'r Lowetofi, n tlni-hm of lor-pedo-bonl destroyer mill souii trawl- CI-. Stoiio nf lUlrr Secret Neither llio time nor llio m'viii' of Hit disaster is given in Hit' official l'Mlll. Continuing. Hie miiiiniiii'niKiil mim It it t considerable iiiitiilii'r "f tin' iri' of those im.oI wore mi oil liy II. .f. S. Lowestoft mnt iv a division of torpedo-boat destroyer. Trawl m mill llii'ir bouts uUo aided in lln work of rosoiu. Tln AlmiikliTr wn torpedoed fiisl. Tin' I login mill I'ntwv ilri'w in close to her mmiI wore slmuling by to sno Imr mow when they also wore, tor pedoed. Tin' Cioh.v, riiitniii Ilobetl v .lolinooii; tin' Almiikliii' Captain Inliii II Diiiiiimoinl, mill lln' I login, Cap loin Wlliunl S. Nii'lioUon. wen ittr uliip. The., won iiiinori'il cruiser or ii onuipututicoly o'inoIi'Ii' typo. Tin' lit of tin' cumiiiIIh among their crow will lii published im -.Him iin they urn known. All of SlIIIIK T)M Tim warships Ahoukhir, Hague iiimI Ciosy inc cruics of Hie niuii' l.pc Tlirir loiiiini', nniiitiiu'iit, I'tt'., an' iilciiliciil. TIii'm' vi'M'U IiimI ii ilix- pIlllTIIII'Ilt of I'J.IHIO lP-, WITH I ID fi'i't Ioiik, llll.:i fci'i wiilo mill tlii'H' ''(! fi'i't of wnlcr. Iviii'Ii tun liml n I'liiiipli'ini'iil of "'" ini'ii. iui'liitlini; of ficer mill oiow. TIll'KH III Iff OlllikHIH llllll lllliill- iiii'IiIh niiiMHtiiij; of lo H.-'-iiu'li Kims Iwrlvo hiv-ini'li Jims twolvi' Iwfhf-poiniilri'i mill fivi' lliri't' poiinili'ri. Tin AliouKliir mitl tin CifNsy wen' liuill nl (Iomiii in IIIDO mitl Hit' Hoi.!!! wax luilll nl llniiow tin niiiiii senr. NEW HARBOR BILL PASSES SENATE WASIIINflTOk, L'2. Tin vii'lory of Hut cniiln fililniHtiis uyaiiiht tint nvur mnl limlior bill boiii fruit hpctnlily toiliiy wbi'ii tint I'oln iiii'ii'd t'liiiiiiiilluii foiiiinlly rupoiliitl u new ineiiHiue priiviillni .'J0(0llll,(llH o bo npent by tlm iiriuy ciikIiu'iMn. No piolontuil tliseiiKsii'ii w'iik i'.eeU I'll ill llli) HI'lHltl', bill llOW (III llOIIKll woiibl hmU'Ivii tlio rciliinlitiii of mur y .1:15,11110,(1110 I'oilltl not In limlleled, Willioiit it rollcull Hut bill )UHficil Hie Hi'iinle n ft or all niiieinliunith iui brt'ii voti'tl ilown. v i ALASKA COAL LANDS WAKIIINdTON'.Hoiil.'JJ. Tim ml iiiiubili'iilioii bill luovitliiiK for lln IchhIiik of pnbllii I'linl IiiiiiU in AliiNliii, wiih up Inilily by I lit ncniitu o hit piiiil'il In lln piiHHiiye, ii pin lih'H iiiiiclilneiy fur IiminIuu: AIiihIiiiii null IiiimIk It v I'liiiip.'llllvn blililliiir. Tim IhmivIi nloo h win Linn on llio THE CRUISERS MS AC Bll UP SENATE' DISCUSSES', till, THREE WARSHIPS TORPEDOED AND SUNK WITH CREWS BY GERMAN ."1R0NNE QUENTIN HAM' montoioier Roye CHAUNY T NOVOM m ill! Knfixf Of 0& fwmTjf fCOMf Compicgne. JREINTORCEMENTS Mt 1 C FOR AlLlPCwLT AL4Re'" FOR ALLIES -D 5 10 ALLIES 1. AA GREAT E BILL REPORTED WASIIINtlTOS, Sipl. -"J Tin nibiiiiiiKtnttioii war ivu'iuu lull ni foriimlh ii-iHuU'tl out of Hid wiivh ami iiii'iiuh I'liiiiuiittt'i toiliiy wilb nil tin iliiiiot'rats votinj; in its l'aMir mitl all tin ii'publiemi' in oppo-ition. l,ro:ri'ii I.iiu1r .Miiriloek wiih nut present. Tin tn of - ri'iil kiiIIom on iiMiliut wns Kxttiuliil to toMr "iimlor hpirilc" A t'iitlit iiuifi' tui'iit was irni'lii'it wilb rrpiiblii'iiu lemleix fur n xutt nt -I p. m I'ritlay. Tin iiiiijoiily M'poil iiliiimlril llm fnlliu off in iiwiiu.'s ilniiii,' tlm nt'xt twi'lu niuiitlis, luthftl on tin .ik Miiiipliiui Hint till iiiipnrts from Hid I'ountrifH nl war wil' rrn-i, iih fol low h; (Ifiiuiiny, $:iH,(iS.I,(i()(l; rrnuri', f:i.Vi(i(l,(MI(lj 1'uitfil KiiiKtltiin, $KI, 11:1:1,111105 llfltsiiini. ."t.:lH,(00 ; An Iriii'lluiiciiry, .f'i,'J(17,(inil : Uuin in Uiiixipi, .f-' I'-MUHl, mnl Sen 111 mnl .MoutriifCro, .i'JOIIO. Tin coiiiiuiltt'i' mblri' (bill it Keemed eetlnin Hint Hume iniportH wtliilil fimliiiiie mitl Hint tin fallliiL' off would nut exeeeil tin flOIMKIO.mill. II ileeliueil (but but for tin, war in Kuiopo tin new tut iff law mnl otlmr wniiv.'t of U'voniu wiuilil Inn i yirltlnl Miltii'ii'iit iiitmoy to iiii'i'l llm Koveinnu'iit ilt'iuiiiiils. SUBSCRIPTIONS CLOSED NEW YORK LOAN ! N'i:V YOltIC, Bopt. 22, SulmcrlP tloim to tbo 1 100,000,000 New York City loiiu wurti clomul tills inornlim ami nllotinmita woro to bo mmlo lateir In tin ilny. KorolRn mibHcrlbora worn to bo kIvpii profoi'oni'o, wbllo sinnll Invi'Htnrn woro lo tulo precoilonco ovnr ilonlorH. Tlm yiullcnto bourIiI to illHtrlbutu tlm notoa tin wlrtoly uh poHBlblo, tlmroby mllovliiK to n Kreut oxlont nny pobhIIiIo inonolnry ntrnn on tbo local ImnldiiK community. OF SLAYING WIFE LO.N'nON, Bopt. 32, 3:00 p. til. UluirloH Ilonry Wontoii, formerly of Hiilniu, Miihh,, la In Jail nt Hlcbinoinl, u Hiiliiirh nf I -on ilu n, m tbo result of tlm ileiitli of lila wlfo who wiia foil nit loiliiy In their hoiino with ber throat rut, ami wbo dim! nftor bvliiK tiikan In ii lumpltul, Mm, WiiMtoii, It U iiIIoki'iI by Dm pjillnt, dtiili'd bi'foru ber duutli thul In!- woiiiul liml been Inflliivd by Imr WAR REVENU PON FAVORABLY buiunuu. MEDFORD. U" k ,GUt5E. -rf ST s& OVERVINS ? VON VON KLUCK BUEL0 .- t.. .llllSmiN oVIlt 1)RI(iHY V UnUA TkJ DORCIRN DCTUFI -y-w- .mm iovchi. w;i, U5 Ay aXrrrJ "" . ''' ' k TrrVUFIMi A . .. V -v wsOTf . ,,.; GWKHERw' SEZANNE " -MILE. 30 40 St? ,. 4 BRITISH BATTLE LINE IN FRANCE FROM NMSII. Son In. Sent '22, m l.n- ilon. U:'J8 n. in. Tin battb wblfb Iiiim In'i'ii pror.' un: for Mvtrl tlnK nrar Knipini, on tin Diiiiu nir. Iin, neeoi.lilitf lo ofl'ii'ial nuiiounei'iuuit, cnili'il in I'oinpleto tliMistcr for tin Autrinn it nny. Tlm iinuouuei'iut'iit tlocbitcil Hint 1(1(1,(1110 Auit ruins won injii;iil in Ibix encoiiiiler, wlulo tin Son inn foriTs iueliuli'il vnn.nis boilies of iiieii wbo liml been ciMii'iitrati-il nlonp tin I)riun, rt'infoiveil bv tumps bn-t-ily ri'fiilb'd from Semlin mnl Sbn ouiti. Tin licbtin,' wns ery muikhIh 11 ry. The Aiihtriiin ulUinpl on Sbiilmt wns ri'iHiloril wilb lu'iixy Iuks. LONDON', Sept. 'JJ. I:'J.' p. m. Tlm Kotim coiU"poniliiit of tin Star says Sen inn mitl .Moiittiiiiriii foii'Oi Iiiivii oci'iipieil Siiuintt'vo, wbieb wiih aliiiiuloneil bv tin Au-.triiiiw nflor an oM'iwIiL'luuni; ib'tVat. NKW YOUIC, Bopt. 22. Tbo Koil Btnr I.lnor Zt'elnnil enmo In today from Mvorpo'ol wltb ItiU pusaciiBora from tbo wnr zone of Huropo. All bad aforlea to toll. Dr. II, IF. Mc Carthy, of Spokane, Wash., was In llorlln when ji train containing sev eral hundred wounded Hrltlsh prlB onora pasaud tlirough. A crowd of hoodlums attacked tho train, crying "kill tho Kngllsh" as tho prUonora woro Bbackled at tho anklea mid wrUta they were belplesa. A Bquort of (lohnau cavalry cliarKed tho mob and bent It off with tho broad aide of their aworda. WIRELESS PLANT WABIIINOTO.V. Sept. 22. On complaint of tho UrltlHb embassy tho department of iiKilculturo baa hogim n KOiucli for n inyHterloua wireless 'plant supposed to bo operating In .llio mountiiliiB on tho I'uelflo const, luforiuutloii furnished to tbo depart ment la valine, but apparently tbo plant la busily oiikukoiI In Bonding inciiinKoM iiiicoiiHimnl by llio federal uoverniuunt. l'oreint rununra who 'patrol tlm mountain nro underslood lo liavu received onloia lo look for tlm wlrelwii outfit. SERVIAN VCTRY OVER AUSTRIANS DNA RIVER OUKCJON, TtTKSl)AY, SMPTHMMW 22, IBM S M6ZIERES 135EDAN1 $. . HTEU- PORCII 'f EUFCHATEL ' S A ' 7 " .. r e$ss - ViENrt b&V& T0 hwu) w -N A vr VITRY FRIWKOtS MLE1T NAMES OF ' V P r"r V-Att Ti SAa " ACU I EW te 1 trr i REVIGNY S. V .T Ollltfev S ' L . ? t- -vs. GERMANS 'i NOYON ALONG THE RIVER $1 FOR. TL ROAD Sheriff Slimier uaa unable to lo cate I.. I). Dollarbldo Monday to serve the Injunction emitted tiy Cir cuit Judge Cnlklna restralulng htm from Interferrlng with tbo construc tion of tho Pacific highway acros government land on tbo Siskiyou grade, iind left again Tuesday morn ing to camp on tho road until Mr. Dollurhldo nuts in an appearance. Mennwhllo the work of rood comtruc- Hon will be resinned. It was stopped Saturday by Mr. Dollarbldo who drew a six-shooter on the workmen and threatened to shoot If work was not stopped. Mr. Dollarhldc claims that when the government granted the llccnso for the toll road. In territorial duya, It granted tbo sole right to a high way over tho Slsklyous and as tbo new road crosses the old. It Is an Interference with bis right. Mr. Dollarbldo who was In Med fnnl rnusultlni: attorneys while tho sheriff sought him In tbo mountains, states that ho Is now willing to sell tbo county bis toll road for J 1 000, having come down M000 slnco ma last offer but tho county court see no reason to make the Investment. REVENUE CUTTER TACOMA IS LOST SHATTI.K, Wash.. Sept. 22. Tbo United States Hevenuo Cutter Ta homa which struck n reot 90 miles west of Klska Island, In tho Aleutians has not been hoard from directly. To day n cable dispatch to tbo Associated Press from Seward, Alaska, says tho ateaiushlp Mariposa, now at Seward, has picked up a wireless messago saying tho Taboma has been aband oned. This may mean that hor crow baa been tnken off by tho stoamsblp Tacoma Mam, the nearest voiionl tn tlin TallOlUa Wllflt Bill) struck last Sunday. Tho Japanese liner should have reached tbo cutter today. Tito position of tho Taboma wns very clangorous. FOG DELAYS ARRIVAL OF RED CR08S VESSEL KALMOl'TII, Sept. 22, via Loudon, 2:51 p. in.-Hear Admirul Wunl, 1'. S. N., lelired, reeeicetl n wireless ill. pateh loilny fuiiii Cnpluiii Aiinl-teii'l Itii-t, of Hit American hospllul slilp lied ('mis, staling Hint tbo votucl hail been ilelitiiicil by Jt'oK ilming Hm IiihI Hi roe iluys liml Would not leaeh 1'iiluiuulli uulil Wvcliicicluy night. DOLLARHIDE ASKS ONLY 000 CASH GRANDPUKil OF vyufrrTEM- -BlBfi. GERMAN "X r K PRINCE s ' OSTElW -oLONSUYON J .1 n?7 .. X OjB w . ( - x V MONr A1X MSEMVOt ' ' o VASPMW, 1 MOUS V" vi I V H, VV uo QM-tfv VPCORGESAi A 'Vl' V V . . Ti it ;, ATI REVIQNY -.v rv CZ? W ) I izt Xrin. 7P AtJUU 2fcv IN FLAGS ARE COMMANDING GENERALS DIFFERENT GERMAN ARMIES ' AISNE TO THE FORTRESS OF E F I'KTKOGK'U), via London, Sept. 22, ":2C p. in. Russian troops have occupied the fortified Austrian posi tion of Jaroslau, according to official announcement mado here today. Tin Russian flag Is now flying over tho town. Jnriwlmi U nn imporlnut niilro.d center. A bridge near Hie town crones Hie San ami commands the pas-age of Hint river. The town is located M'VPiitreii mile- norlb-nortl.-wc-t of l'ryemyxl, uinl U on Hie rail road line between l,einber; uinl t'rn cow. NKW YOKK, Sept. 22. Colonel Oolejowskl, jnllltary attacho of tho Itusslau embassy, gave out nt tbo Husslan consulate here today tho fol lowing official cablegram from Petro grail: "Tho Uusstan flag Is already float. Ing over Jaroslau." YOUTH OF 15 HERD OF HOUDKAl'X, Sept. 22. 3:13 p. in. An iinileri'it bov of 15 years., Jncfliics Jc-egel, niincil today in HonleuuN- wilb n convoy of Frencb wouniled soldier-. He nttnebed liiin self to n Fn'neb ini'iutlry regiment nt Ainien- mid kept with it through ninny battles, mukinir him-elf useful in bi'lpinir Hie wounded unci in eitleb ing viderle bor-es muid-t u storm of shot niul shell. The youth pailieulnrly ili-tingiiMi-eil liiiu-elf in the liattb of the Mnrue, where be Hived tho lives of several wounded lumper, anil won tho tif feetion of all from ojlonel lo drum mens. l.ON'DOX, Sept. a. (1:05 p. in. Queen Maty, uoeoinpanied by the llelgimi miuixter to Client llritaiit mnl severnl of her ladies, vi-lti'il Hie Uel giiiu refugees in AbtMinilrn' I'alnee Ibis ufteruoon. Her nuijesly was vtiy much inter, estt'il in llu'Mi iinfoi lunate people, niul erne emneskioii In bcr sym pathy. Ah hhu entniTil tlm iliuiui,' hall mIii'IV a n"w balob oi rcuij-'ees liml Jut urrncil nlm wiih Krei'U'il Ii U nlld uilblH'l of viic-cilUtf, RUSSIANS CAPTUR JAROSLAU MM AUSTRIAN FORCES QUEEN '1 1 J LUXEMBURG o . - iOM - rf" VUNEVlltE & wmj mf. V- " M Mk. W L r . c '-H'Jllw V O-UL .i.''uv' 't o VERDUN E BY KAISER'S ARMY I1KRLIN. Sept. 22, by wireless to Sayvllle, L. I. Tho announcement given at official headquarters under date of September 21 relates that In tbo fighting around Uhelms the Ger mans have occupied the heights of Craonno and that in advancing on tho French city, which Is described as on fire, they occupied tho vllUgo of Uctheney. Tho Germans have attacked the lino of forts to tho somt of Vordun and they crossed victoriously tho east ern frontier of Lorraine, which was defended by eight French army corps. A French sortie from a point north east of Verdun was repulsed. WASHINGTON', Sept. 22. Tb3 German embassy today received n wireless from llerlln: "Headquarters reports Sept. 21 Hint an attack against the French and English army makes progress. Uhetma lies In the French battlellno and wo regret being forced to answo their fire. City suffers but order have been given to spare tho cathe dral. "In middle Alsace tho French at tacks bavo been repulsed. "Tbo subscription to tbo German war loan up to tbo present tlmo reaches 11,200,000 mark." L l.OXDOX, Sept. 22. 0:15 p. in. The lii-itish foreiiMi office, it was learned today, has not as yet made any inquiries eoneerning the inter view nttributed to Sir Lionel Canlen, former HritiMi minister to Mexico, befoie he left New York last week for Kngbind. Tho interview was report ed us objectionable to the American government. The steamer on which Sir Lionel is retiirniiur should dock nt Liverpool next Thur.-da.vt He' wil) come to London immediately mid the foreign office it unwilliiuj to rou elude he bus had said nuyHiinj,' of fensive to Hie Wilson administration until bis version of his stuteinent Is heard. MARCONI WIRELESS TO REPLY BY TOMORROW WAKIIINOTON, Sept. 22,-Rccie. lury Daniels said today he would give llm Mil icon i ooiupaiiy until tomor row to glwi asMiriiuru Hint It would oliM'ice Hie naval neiitialily H'Kulut Hum. in Hie operation of llm Hium'iih net, Mil"., ttlU'U'k klHlloll, .v J S ' RAONN HEIGHTS NEAR RHEIMS WON NO. 157 SUBMARINE AISNE BATTLE YET UNDECIDED AS TO VICTORY Allies Trying to Turn Flanks ef Ger mans Gaining, a Little CrwHHf Day by Day No Decided AHvant aqe With Either Army Up te Date " Depends Upon Retafwcements. AT THR HATTI.RFRONT, Septem ber 22, via Paris, G:01 p. m. Not moment's respite was given last night to tho German forces cntrencheJ along the 90 miles front running along tbo rivers Alsno and Olso ami extending Into tho Woovro district. 'Tho batteries of tho allied forces never entirely ceased firing all night, although their activity diminished somewhat after sundown. LONDON, Sept. 22, 1:20 p. m. All eyes nre now .fixed on Hie west ern section of the grcnt butlle line in France, where the nllietl nnny Ik exected to ileccnd on the (lernuin right, which already is bending back ward under ersitent pre-sure o the north want of the river Aisne. If tlieseJOermnn po-itior.- nre once enr ried tralcgisls here believe Hie whole ficnnnn front will bo in dunger. l'errcptihle lna;irM Meanwliile, however, a "vorcertt ible progTe-" is nil (tin light the of ficial chronicler permits himself to throw on the great siege of the forti fied jmsitions which now has lasted ten days. German reinforcement, iiceori'injr lo Ilerlin reH)rtH. have beaten their opponents in the race to the fighting zone, mid the result is seen in the rapid R cries of hussar stroke which General You Kluek bus been able to deliver in nn effort to stem the nllietl enveloping movement nround St. Quentin. I''Vfl Thus fur the battlo of the Ainiio reproduces on u larger scale the chief feu tit res of the struggle on tho Mnrnc, but whether in the final out come the victory will rest with the Mime side is likely to remain n secret for a few day.- more. Advantage Willi Neither Ten dnys of the mo-t furiously contested struggle known in modem hi-tory hns left both armies in such n po-ition that neither can claim a definite advantage over the other, and the re-ult mu-t depend largely on what reinforcements the opposing commanders nre able to control. On the river, u- on the Mame, the Germans nre tliru-ting persMcntly ut the nllie-' center, while the, French mid Hriti-h troops nre pursuing- their fnvorite movement of working around the German flank. Day by day tbo allied line, though stationary in the center, seems, nccording lo official statement, to gain u little ground on both w ings. If the reort that General Von Kluek has moved his headquarters back to Moil be true, it will bo of the greatest significance ns showing his lecognition of tho danger whie'i might threaten him from an army marching from the wct. Slego of Przeiuysl Tho third great uutllojietwecn (ho Hussians mid AuslriaiH in Galiein, slatting witli n bombardment of I'rzenty-I, in which 2,000,000 men are said to be ongngedf is expected to be in full swing within a few hours, when the whole lino along the new positions occupied bv Ibo Austrian between I'rzemysl and Cracow will be involved. 20L0STir ON BELGIAN NNB THKWSONDK, Asia, Minor, iej). fj 22, via LoudoiCll :07 it. lib. Twenty " V two persons lost lliulr lives by drown ing as a result nf the iuklnff ef Ikv llrilish steamer, llulgi KIn wr Tnpe Kureli, yelerilay '('lie Hclgimi King citrrlcil 130 uH MengcrH mnl nrw. NiHlyWil f (hiuii were mivchI by h Nmi444J "ICMpivr, i , It W NiirHiltt4 (.vvUI WN due ii i 4(hc, Imt im fm HHs luM Hut Imu mwM. , , , .1 Mr t