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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1914)
VKQK fftfim' MKDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INI)Rt'KN!)i:NT NUWKPAPKR rUBUKIItCn KVKHT AFTUIINOON KXC1CIT HUNDAT IlY TIIH MBIU'OUU 1MUNTINO CO. Offlca Mall Trltmno llulldinp, :6-17-l North Kir alrt; tticphuns Ii, Ths Democratic Times, Tha Medford toil. The Medford Tribune, Thn South ern OrRonln, The Ashland Trlbun. USMKCPTXOM U1TH On yesr. by mall , ,.,S,00 On mnAth, by moll.. - .to Pr month, delivered by carrier In Medford, Jscksonvltla and Cen tral Point ... - .SO flaturday only, by mall, per year 3 00 Weekly, per yr-r , 1.60 Official Paper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson County. Kntered aa teeond-elaa matter at Uedfnrtl. Oregon, under Ik aet of March S. 1IT. With Medfons Stop-Ors FLEET OF ALLIES TO LIVE ON SELF HORDKAUX, viu London. Sept. 'Jl. Orlii it. in. An official comtniinien tinti ntldivsM'tl to the navy nnd re view iin: tho work of the fleet since tlm outlirt'itk of liostililic-, fa: "The unvy was enllinl on to cover the return of troop to France from Africa, which was done satisfactor ily. "AhMMetl by the Hritih forces in the channel ami tho North sea. the command of the sen was attained from the firt day tho war broke out. The French nnd Hriti-h fleets nlo assured the security of the Mediter ranean after the flight of the Gocbcn and the Itreslati, and the enemy has not appeared again. ''The German fleet does not leave its base. Nevertheless, the HritUh fleet wan nhlo to fight a, naval bat tl off Helgoland, from which it emerged victorious. It is impossible to know whether the cncmyV fleet will end by accepting the challenge, but meanwhile the allied squadron nre jnistres of the sea nnd are blockading the Gentian and Austrian coasts, forcing the enemy to livo 111 inot" exclusively on themselves, and reckon only on their own resources. This is certain assurance of ullitnnU miccp'O for us if tho war is pro longed." The communication proceeds to show that French sea-born trade continues to enjoy full liberty of movement and concludes by empha sising the manner in which the nnvy and the army lime co-operated for the, defense of the country A HUH UN. Sept. til, bv wireless iu Hayville. Subscriptions thus far re ceived ) the (lennuii war loan have usMircd the brilliant siicccs of tin war loan plan. One paper npeakn ol the public rcspoiifC n the ''victory ot thuiy ut the Homme." The call was for $ l.'JOO.OOO.OOU marks ( M.O.'jO.llllin, with a number of leports not yet received, the total huhxfiiptiou to the imperial bonds being '-',010,000 minks. The tienMirv certificates which were ut fcicd to the amount of 1,000.000,000 mark have been ovcrMib-cribcd b.v 'J00.000.000 marks. The newspapers esprc-s pride that this te.sull luttf been reached without foreign subscription or send ing subscription blanks to many ot the wealthy Geiumiis now in the field. On account-of the iiiK'.poclci. sin cess the iinal term of p.ivment h.te been postponed until December. I.a-t nightV repoit rom hciidipmr lei stated that the German armies in lYnnce eveiywheic huvo tissiimcil the oifciiuhc. OF SEMLIN BY SERVIA KIKII, Kcrvlu, Kept. 'Jl, tin I.on don, 1:0.1 p. in. The Seinan oflieial presx bin i'iiii denied today it leport I'riini Vienna that lint .Servians had lost (J0UO piisoneiif and seveiul pieces of artillery in retiring from Ki'inlin. The biirciiu iidujiii) Hint (ho Kch Inn evai.'iiiili'il Keialin tor sialelc leiisoiis. The leliremeut wax iiecoiu. ivlished in perfect order and Mm Aiis lilnH diil not it-i'iilcr the city mil I FORCES MANY GERMAN WAR AN SUCCESS lw 4) mm ' REIMS AND NOTRE DAME INSTRUCTION" by the Germans of (He famous old witlu-dral of Notre Dame ut Roints, tht- most liei'l'eei D specimen of Gothic nivltitecture loft in the world, ami one of tho historic monuments of Europe, onuses widespread regret and indignation. " The cathedral has had an interesting history, almost as interesting as that of the city of Reims, which dates hack before the Koman conquest. Reims was the ancient 'ap ital of the Komi, a Gallic tribe which made voluntary sub mission to the "Romans, proved loyal and became a favorite Roman city. Christianity was established at Reims in the third eenturw when the bishopric was founded. The Van dals captured the city in ll)l, and Attila the lluu burned it afterwards. Olovis. after his victory at Soissous in -ISo, was bap tised at Reims in HH, and subsequent kings desired to be consecrated with the oil of the "sacred vial," brought from heaven bv a dove for the France were crowned at Reims and popes and mouarehs. including Charlemagne, testified to its importance. The archbishop of Reims took precedence of all ecclesiastical peers of the realm and consecrated the kings of France, i I. i.i . . ... ii. . i ii i ii. . ....i aim rue city oceanic in uie center of the nation. By the treaty of Toyes in 14120, Reims was ceded to England, but the English were expelled by .loan of Arc. who. in 1420 caused Charles VI 1 to be consecrated there. A revolt, due to taxation, in 14GI was ruthlessly sup pressed by Louis XL In the religious wars, Reims sided with the league, but submitted to Henry IV after Ivrv. In the Napoleonic wars it was captured and recaptured. In the Franco-Prussian war it was captured by the Ger mans, made the seat of a governor-general and impover ished by requisitions. The cathedral of Notre Dame, where many of the kings of France were crowned, replaced an older church, burned in 1211, on the site of tne basilica where Clovis was imp tised by St. Kemigius. It was completed, with the excep tion of the west front, in the thirteenth century, and this portion was later finished along the thirteenth century de signs. The voof and spires were destroyed in 14S1 by fire, but rebuilt, ami the facade and balustrade were repaired at a cost of $400,000 in the 70's. This facade was called the most perfect masterpiece of the middle ages. The three portals were laden with statues and statuettes. The central portion, dedicated to the Virgin, was surmounted by a rose window framed in an arch, itself decorated with statuary. The "gallery of the kings" above has the baptism of Olovis and the statues of his successors. Tho towers are 2G7 feet high. One con tains two great bells, one named Charlotte by Cardinal de Lorraine in 1570, weighs eleven tons. The facades of the transcepts are also decorated with sculptures, with statues of the bishops of Reims, with a representation of the "Last Supper," with figures of Christ, the prophets and apostles. The interior of the cathedral was 45 feet long, 5)8 feet wide in the nave and 125 high in the center. It had a pro fusion of statues and thirteenth century stained glass. It was hung with rare tapestries, with priceless paintings by Tintoretto, Nicholas Poussin and others, and adorned with carved woodwork and figures. The loss of this cathedral is the world's loss. Its de struction could accomplish nothing. Geography of PEKONNi: A town of northern Franco on tho right bank of tho So nunc, at Its confluence with tho Cologne, 35 miles cast by north of Amiens by roll. In 153G Charles V besieged I'oronno but -without suc cess. In his dofcnsc a woman called Mario I'ouro greatly distinguished herself, and a statuto of her stands In tho town. Pcronno's greatest misfortunes occurred during tho Kranco-Goriiiun war, when it was In vented and bombarded from Decem ber 28, 1870 to January 9f 1S71, upon wblili date, on account of tho sufferings of tho civil population, among wliom smallpox bad broken out, It was compelled to capitulate. Its population approximates .1000, LAO.V A town of northern Franco 87 miles northeast of Paris, with a population of about 11,000, It I situated on an Isolated rldgo which rises some 2110 feet above tho sur rounding plain and tho little river ot Ardon. From the railway hlntlon straight staircase of several hundred '" "" ";"" coumrj u,. un stops leads to tho gate of tho town. I llu ",,, bve been moderni.el. and all tho roads connecting ' ' lu', w",l'r M, w !;f'nll ' with the surrounding districts aro! cut lit zigzags on the steep slopes. Kaon farms, with l.a Fere and Itclms. a triangle of important fortresses. Its fortifications consist of an Innor line of works on tho eminence of l.non Itself, and two groups of de tached forts, ouo somo two and a' half miles southeast about tho Illago of liruyorcs; the other about tlireo miles west of soutbucBt, near I.anlscourt. In 1814 Napoleon (rled In vain to dislodge HHichur from Luon. In 1870 an engineer blew up tho powder magaziuo of tho citadel as tho Gor man troops wero entering tho town. ltKTili:i.r A town of northern Franco, 31 miles southwest of Mci- leres by rail and -'3 miles northwest of Helms, on tho right bank of the Alsue and tho Ardennes canal, Wool spinning, tho weaving of light woolen fabrics, and the manufacture of farm Implements am tho principal Industries. Tho town Is of Komuii origin. Its population U uppioxU mutely C000, I.A I'HIIH -A fnrllfled Krwirli K'li, Hill "bout Vlliy UihubJIMIlK, 'mt.dfoiu) matl tribune, baptism of Olovis. Kings ot leiuu eeuuuy me niu'invuim the War Zone on tho Olso rlw:r, 13 miles west of south of St. Qucntln, nn equal dis tance from l.aun, ami fi5 miles nortlicnst of Paris. It was bom barded and taken by tho Hermans In 1870. A school of artlllory founded In 171!) Is located here. An art col lection of COO paintings, a few of which arc of great valuo and scleral of which wero Injured by tho bom bardment, Is owned by tho town. DAXZIO A htronc maritime fort re, and eiirt, the capital of Went Prussia, on the hc-Itu b.iuk ol' the Vintula, '-'.'i.'J mill-, northeast of Mer lin by rail. Its population i clone to 17.1,0111). The stroll foitiCicutiuiih which, with rampart, linMioiiK and watered ditchc, formerly entirely hiinoiiiiiltil the city, were icmoted on the north and west Mdc in 181I.1 18!)(l. The rcmuimler of the maive defence remain, wilh twenty bus-lion-. In the hand of the militun 'authorities, the machinery for flood- leoniou oi J on crouuiUK tne hum. Theie are large (itnhlihmcnth for the manufiictiiie of tinn nnd artil lery. VenxelK of the larger ie arc built in the Dniuij; shipyuid. The city buffered eveiely through vuri on wai'H in the 17th and 18th cen t lilies. In 1807 it wit captured b. the French, nnd Napoleon declared it u free town, It wn given back to Prussia in 1811. THOKN A forlre tntwi of We-t Pruin, on the ViNuli, VI miles from the Ituihjnu frontier. Its position I'omuuindinf; the puiigc of the Vis tula iiijiU'k it a point of Htiutegie im portance; It turn hliougly fiirlitied in 1818, and in 1878 win converted into it iortrcHM of the lirt Hum. The de fciisiic works consi'. of a circle of thirteen outlying foil, about two mid it hulf mile Ironi the center of town, It population h VIomi to fill, 000, Tlioin currie on an uclivo trudit in jmilu, limber, wine, grocer ie mid minenilh, It U famous lot Im pfelfeikm-lieii, u hind of ginger bread, With Metlfoid mir Mvdfori) iiisdo tod - ford, orkoon, RHEIMS INS BUI UNCAPTURED CUAI.ON-SlMt.MAHNH, Nht Paris, Sept. 21 Tho Oermaus continued bombarding tho principal building of Uhelma all ostorday and last night. Debris and crumbling walls are all that Is left ot thu thirteenth century cathcdrnl, tho most remark able example extant of early Gothic architecture. In addition to tho cathedral, tho museum, the hospital and tho city were all for tho greater part do- stroxed. South! Inhabitants of the city wero Killed. ' Itlirlnm Still ItiUt In spite of the bombardment and their repeated attacks on It, the Germans hao been unable to taka Ithclms. which they eMdeutly desire so ns to obtain command of the rail was leading to Charlelllo. Verdun and Chalons. The allies haui re pulsed tho German attacks and made scleral Impetuous counter-inoo-ments In which their Infantry charged with magnificent brmery re gardless of tho terrible storm or shrapnel. Tho first ranks suffered terribly, but as fast as tho men fell other rushed up to take their places and when the enemy's Hues wero reached there were furious hand to hand oil counters In which the Germans ere forced to ghe ground except on tho heights of llrlmon, which, owing to the overwhelming flro of machine guns, the Germans captured. tapomiKdlc ("npturcd At tho same time tho French made a fierce asault on the heights of l.n pompelle, which they carried nt thi point of tho bayonet. Tho struggle hero was a desporste one and after, tho retirement of tho Germans, Titr cos wero found dead from bayonet wounds with their hands clasped In such vlco-llko grips around tho necks of antagonists that they literally had to bo pried open. Persons who hare returned from Ithclms say that ft Is difficult to find words to describe theso attacks nnJ counter nttacks of Infantry nmU showers of shot and shell and In n ilclugo of rain. The Germans, they assert, seem In a desperate hurry to finish their task and aro enraged at tho stubborn reilttanco ot the French. Tho Germans, thoy say, had all the best ot (ho position at tho opening of tho battle, but the situa tion Is now changed and tho French haui been able to gain positions on high ground that will enable them to fight on oven terms and they de clare the Germans will never bo ablo to break their lines at Ithclms. EG LONDON, Sept. 'Jl, 1:1:2 p. m. A MuuleiD'iiii nnuv in only ten mile from Snr.ijevo, nipilnl of llo-inii, according to a dipiili'h iceeived to day by the Montenegrin miuiter from the foreign offi"'t ut Cellinje. The coiumiimiatiou udd that the Austrian mih i- rclrciitmg rapidlv Indole (he Moutcucgiin, abandoning inpid-lire gun- and -lore. SHOOTS EWE 10 ESCAPE ALIMONY SANTA IIOSA, Cal., Sept. 21. Itathcr than pay tils wlfo alimony Ira, a well-to-do faimer, murd ered his wlfo today In the corridor ot tho superior court building and shot and klllod himself with tho same re volver. The court had Just gianted tho wlfo alimony in divorce proceed ings. As toon as thu award wan an nounced .McU'tin sought his wife, Just outside thu door and shot her dead. .Noricu. Notleii Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will apply to the city coun cil at its meeting to bo held October G, 1011, for a llconso to sell malt, spirituous and vinous lliiuurs in fluantlttcH less than a gallon at Its plain of biihliHHH, 13 South Frou. street, city of Medford, for a petlod of six mouths Dated September 21, 1011. O. M, HUI.HIIV, Trustee. . . ir-is S5TS3rr j-5 S GERMANS MNTEN IS N SARAJEVO John A. Perl UNDERTAKE I-S(lr AMlltSDt W H, IIAUTMCTT I'Iiohm M, 47 h 47-JS AuibulM Hmlev lfI VfMf Monday, sijiptiombkr CANADIAN APPLE NOT E 10 SI'OKANi:. Wiihh., Sept HI. The I'uimdiau tipple el op i not goiue; In be the menace to iiiiiIIiwohIciii apples on custom iimrkelH t lint wn nrediel ed u few weekx ago, ueeoiding In Walter M. l)ieketon, who lui" jul returned fiom t'atmda, where he va one of the Ninth Pneilie Fruit Hih tiiUiitniN' dixluel uiiniiRi'i. Seveinl weekx ago the opinion vwih fieelv i'N pies(l bv niillioilttis that beeatie of the big apple crop ueneially, in cluding t'anadit) and the eiiiluilmeiil of I'liuadmii apple epois by the Kuiopeaii war, t'.iuadiaii apple would eek tin outlet in the I'lillcd States in competition with upplcx glow ii hete. "Aule Ironi limited hipmeulN of (!ruveutein fiiiin Nova Seolln and Noithcm Spien hnui Ontario, vniie tie in which thoe ditiiel excel, apple expoil from ('aimdit into the I'niteil Stales will 1 veiy light," de elated Mr. Iiekernn. "lloxed tip ples fiom llitih t'tdumbin, etiumt ed at about Sill) car, will be market, ed nlmot cutiiclv. in home territory. The duty would place limit at too great u disadvantage to peitnil them to compete with Notthwetetii boxed itpides this xeai. Half of the bar relied tipple crop of eastern '(.'iinada will not he harvested ut nil. "The apple iudustiy theie is con ducted mi a different bai than ill in this country. Dcnlcr fitt get Ihrir outers nnd Iheu go nut into I he orchards ami huv up to the ipmutity that ha been ordered. The glower aeipiired the habit of doing business in just that fashion, but thin vcar there have been verv few ndvanee orders, utid most of the xrower nre aill waiting for buvers. "Thi is verified bv that fuel that very lew darrein have been ordered from the manufacturers who ny that if the grower comic to u reiilialion of the situation nnd Hood them with it rush of orders nt (he lat minute, thev will be nimble to supply them." L .W.W. AT CHICAGO, Sept. '.'l.-The imniial meeting of the Industrial Worker of the World began hete this nllctunou under the chuirmuiisuip of W. D. Iluvwood, general oigauler. Ad journment until toimurow vviih taken after the appointment ol the ernleii Hals commuter. About fil'tv dele gates were present. DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS, USE SALTS If your Back ii aching or BUddw bothers, drink lots of wsUr and eat 1cm meat. When ywir kidneys hurt and your Wk UtU sorr, ilon't el crrd nnd prorrrd to load your stumsch with a lot of drugi that exclto the khlnrys nd irritate tK entire urinnry trnct. Keep your Lblnoys clean like you keep jour lwel clean, by flaihlng tlwni with a mild, lisrmlrM s.ilts which rrmovts tlie Uxly's urinous waste and stimulate them Ui tlirlr nop rnal activity. Tlie function of tho kid. nrys It to fllUr tho blol. In 21 hours thrv strain from it COO prolan of acid mi wnite, so wn can readily undcrshiad the vital Importance of keeping tho kid neys active. Drink lot of water you can't drink too much j also pet from any pharmacist about four ouncrs of Jad Balls take a taldrapoonful in a glais of water Uforo brrakfant each morning for a few days and your kldnoys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grape and lemon juice, combined wilh lltida, nnd ha Uen Hied for gitaera. tlont to clean and stimulate clogged kid rieva; also to neutrallo the acid In urlno so it no longvr 1 u source of Irri tation, thus ending bladder weaknes. Jad Rait I inexpcniiva) cannot In lurej make a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean and active. Try thin, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt voil will wonder what became of your kidney troublo and backache. CROP MENAC NORTHWEST Notice Ranchers and Farmers Tho Medford Poultry & Kgg Co. havo opened a houso where they will reielvo your poultry and eggs dally and glvo tho highest murliot tush prlies, Wo aro situated lu tho first build lug south 'or tho Onion Meat C'o.'u warliuiiso where you will find us ready for business, Wo solicit your patroungn, MICDrOKDIPOULTRY & KOG CO, ritvfw owl 4sf 4 in'T1!"")"" -inmn 21, inn CAN'T DENY IT If This tlm! llapM'iieil Kloevvhew In- stead of .Medfoiil Vim Might llottbt It The aveiage man Is a doubter. This Is nut mirprlHliiR tho pnbllo havo been humbugged so frequently thoy aio skepllcal. Piiiof like thu rulliiw lug will HtaniJ luvesllgallon. It can not be disputed. M. H, lllden, till W. Huik HI., of Medford. Ore., rnont "1 suffered from rheiimalle paliiM, caused by too much in Ic acid lu my Hstem. The imln was especially ttoHno in mv back. My hlduevs wero disordered, too, nnd my health was alt run down, I couldn't stoop without netting illisy. Doau'a Kidney PIIIh wero highly lecommeiided to mo and they did Just what wan rlalmed tor them. As soon as I used tlioin, tho pain be gan to leave me and tho action of my kldnevs was legulaled. Ily the Hun I had finished two boxes, ! vviih with out a sign of kidney trouble. I glad, ly confirm what I said In prnlso ot Doan's Klilnnv Pills when I lecom mended Iheiu wveral ears ago. I can out) add ttmt the kidney trouble nnd rheumatic pains havo never re turned." Price Stic, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Donn'H Kidney Pills tho samn that Mr. lllden had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props , lluffalo. N Y. MRS. H. L. LEACH Expert Corsotlore Lfi North Bartlctt. Phono OK. M. Southern Oregon Electric Company Liglil, Urat and J'owci Wiring, del. oiip csliiiiato I it1 fo ni lot lini,' your job. Ilin S. liivorHido. riionc 180-u Jifazdn Luinns delivered Light Housekeeping Apartments Fully Modern. Prices Reasonable COLONIAL FLATS 1M7 SOUTH HIVKIlSIIIi: UNION FEED AND LIVERY STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 South Ivivx'1'.sido Phono 100 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK Proprietor. PAGE THEATRE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Greatest Educational Subject Ever Produced BETTER BABIES or How to Raise Your Child Illustrated In Motion Pictures With an liiteiestliiK Hhoit l.ocluro Ily an Authority on Hmiaiilcrt. MRS. LaMOYNE LIVINGSTONE The pit I in cm uio pioiliKcil ai (ho .Vatloiml IhiKeiilcs l.'onven. Hon lielil In Poillaud. Kteiy limn, vtoiuan ami ililldln .Meilfoid slionlil sen ami tieni' this, HIiohii In iouJiiikIIoii iillli mi (Dielleut piomain of leuulur pie. hues, IbKtiliie piouiam slaiU nt 7iin, Mis, l.hlnKloni) uinl (ice pl hues villi ujiM-ar tnlin iIiiiIiik Hie VieiiliiK, AI)U!r.S 10 GltNTS GIIILDKISN 5 GBNTS -ra Obi Your Nnit rluU.ot,, LOTHES Jv MADK AT L E I N pint'iiH f&i.tHi m Also Cleatilni;, Pressing and Alluring TT Theatre .Monila) and Tuoday Matinee 1! P. M Kv citing 7 I. M. Our Mutual Girl Thu Woild'n (Ircutcst Deteitlvo Heeka for Her His Hour of IManhood Two Keel Domino I'eatiiro The Success of Selfishness Thaiiliotiser Riot In Kuheville Majestic t'omedy I c Alvvayi ttie STAR THEATRE TONIGHT MARY PICKFORD "Wilful Peggy" Tin; h.viaii'S vow" Interesting characters, beautiful scenery, sharp photography. "Till: DITUHM' ATTOUNKVVS uriKiiaii" .Special llloKraph fenturo "SI.IPPHItV ShIM, OIPWI.MAT" Kss.ttiny comedy MimilWIi WOOMVOIITIIH PAGEHle MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Sob Sister lu Two Paris A Man and His Brother In Two Pails Their Parents Kids Comedy TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Better Babies An Extra Attraction Hour the l.aio PACK TIIKATUK ORCHESTRA IIAIUIV IIOWKI.I.. Dlrrclnr St CliaitKo In Price ADUIi'K Klo ClllhUItHN' fin X ' Y JLf