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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1913)
mtwfoud matt; tbtbunk MEDFonn, Oregon, Wednesday. ,tunf, 25, ioin. WCHW THRKW i I N 1 MEETS ON FRIDAY (Ninin out I'rliliiy 4ivciiImk to tlm llllllllllly IIII'I'IIhK Of (III) ('tlllllllllll'llll cliili mill lull wlmt you tlilnli uluiul t tut Modfiiiit nr luiliiy iiml tlm Mud fni'il of lint rmiirtt, If yim t lil 11 fc Mcilfonl run ho Improved riinm out mill mIiiIii why you IliltiU ho mill wlmt you tun hiikki'M lo cIiiimku niutttirii for tlm butter. Home iiiniiiliiirii Iiiimi coiui) Into tlm Hi'iTi'lnry'H officii tliu past weitli mill itHkeil lo luivo tlit'lr iiiiiik'h (liken off (tin rollit Mr limy milil llioy worn Kiiui'lii'iri iiml illil nut rnro who know It, Others luivo cuiiiii In anil uhIiiiiI to luivo their iiiitiiiM iut on tlm roll mul miiiiki twnlvu or flftemi hum itnkoil to liu voliul iiioii nt thin riiniliiK ini'i'tliii;. Now, whlih urn )ou, a knocker or it liiiosler? Will you lii'lp tlm ("tiiiiiuereliil rluli tulvur tlmi Muitronl lo tlio world iik t lit ImkI iliirii for tliomi who wish lo mi Joy llfu wlinra Hut tlliuiitii iiml linillli roiiilltliiim uni ttiu luml to tin foiltul iiuywlicro on tint I'uclflu const. 'S A THING OF THE PAST NKW YOUIC, Jiini) ir. NVw YmkV t'liluulou'ii, wire hit pli'lure Miic, hiiuii will In" oiilv it ini'iuory. ('mini tlin IiiiiiImIk In the mblter ni'ek wnmis mill I'liiuimTcltilir.i'il the rei Imirmitrt mul ton room, mul ulu'ii Male SiiKi' wuit inuiilrn'il tin' iiilii rli'iuuil nut tliu ilislriet mul int tliu llil mi llui Hipiy, Tin' erownlni; ii'oiini'liihtlo in'! Hull shipped tlm luxt mHhi of Klmnoiir mul in mmii'ii fioin riiinutowii i'iiiiio the other ilny when tin iiiiiiikillor or the Hip SitiK Tout; uml Hid On I.eotiK Took iiiihIo pciico tie row tlm Itmupiet lulilo. 'I'lii' tiuic wnr, n'rliiiH t!u numt fiiHi'iiiuliiit: Ihini; iiliuiit Chiiiu town, in now il tiling of tliu punt, u mere trinlitliiii. Oevotem of Cliulliuin Siiiuri' uer Hint "Cliiirk" Connor-, the Into "iiumir of riilniilowii" lui iliril n few month iiko, U I'lttu'r turning in hi- niavc Iiko ii spindle or eUe i profoundly dud to In' limit in these degenerate iIiivh of hi- "lil lime linnntx. Tin Yi'llow Triitntjle off Cliiitliiiiu Sipinrc, oli) fi'iul kiiiiiiiiI of tlits limp mul tlm plnee of Midden mm- hUNHilllltlnilH ill lillHW pit!, tmliiv flminti tlm five burred fln of tin' new Cliliirsn Itepnhlie with eonieinin ri'ilittnle, mul etrrjliody hinili Mom wonderful limn Hint, HiuukIi, On l'oui; iiii'ii wnlk npi'iily on I 'ell flrri'l mul brother of Hn Hip Sntjr touu nip their ten in Mntl street with- oii'. uppreheiiHiun. Tlm ililrii't, for- utily (he Hi'cim of nil the wiivm Hint lire ilnrk mul liieki that urn vnin, of wlui h Hrel Unite wrote, Imrilly known ilte'f uiuler the new eonditiiuw. ,.. SUFFRAGEnE LEADER PAULS, .hum 'J'i. No ii.tiim' will lin Inkcii I i.v the l-'reiii'li piveininenl loMiiiil epelliun Mjhh Chtiftuliel PiiiiKliurNt, lm i:ulir-li iiiililmit Mif friiniht, now eluiiuiiiK iik.vIiiiii in I'niui't'. 1 1 wiirt Ktumrnlly lulniilleil Hint tlm lliilixli uulliuritiort in a oeert't noti' tli'liveifil to tlio French jjovcin uu'iil toihty HiKuifietl their ili'hiiii Hint IIi'im nli'p Imi liikeu. The nttituilo of Iho Kovcruuieut hen) in Hint MisH l'liiikliuibt U u !) litii'iil priMiuer, mul liken ie u wntiuin, mul Hint to tlt'iiiiiml (hut hIio leuvc I'lnui'i) wiAilil liu conlrury to tlm p' crnl ciihIoiii of iiutioiiH. It is like wiso sniil Hint were. Kriinco tti expel M!nh I'linkliliiHt, Hiieh u liuu mul cry woulil liu iniNcil nil over Hie cuuutry Hint thoHti rcHpniihihh) woulil never heur tlm Iiih of it, Kreueh feniiiiistn ilceluro Ihey woulil iiuiueiliutely lake her pint h'iiicu Iio KiifjIiKh huffin HetlcH uru iiuliroelly i'talitiug the liuttU'H of I heir Frcimh Historn. L! NOdAMiR, Ariz., Juno ar.. Tlmt tlio Mexican feilurnl HtiltllurH nliovo (luayniiiH nro riulucml to soro btrultu liucmuo or luck of food mul nro forced to cut hwiIcos, la tliu ronort rocolvcd horo today. Tlio ioIkiIb nro rtiportod to luivo gut orf tlio fodorul Iiiiko of HiinnlltiH. FlKlitlUK still pro- cuuda iirouiul (luuyuiiiu. It Ih Hiild tluit u umiilliiox upldomUr In tlio In RiirKont cmnp pnitlnlly otiuiillioH tlm luck of food on tlm fodoinl ultlu, mid Hint tlm flKlilliiK Ii lieromo iIphu! tory. COMMERC B 10 DEPOSE MELLEN FROM NEW HAVEN IIOKTOiV, .Iiiiiii L'.'i. It wiih re poi Icil hern loiluy Unit ,i. I', Murmiu mul Coiiipmiy of New Ymlt, mul the I'liuuKylvmitii rullioiiil eninpmiy luivo (Ul'lll'll HUT llll'ir VIllillK pillxll'N lo u cniniiiilleo of New York, New I In ven mul lliirtfoiil Hlot'kholik'iH. TIiIh Pi iciinli'il im iinlicullui; Hint CIiuiIcm K, Melli'ii Ik lo he ilcpiiHcil iim pici ileut of tlm coiupmiy. WHITE AND BLACK I OF Waller Keller, a whlln mini, mul l.nltoy t'oplitnil, t'tiloreil, wero tinuiiil over liy Iteitiriliir (llllettti ut Aih laud yeiterday on a clniriut nf liav ln iitliirml a fnrKcd clicck. According to Copland, tlm white iiiiiii Induced tlm littler to malt a letter liiclenlni: tlm Imikuh check which wan drawn on tlm Tirol Nu tlonal lunik of Weed, fur 1 1 a. 7.1 and purported to Im tlm ulifcf of tlm Weed l.iunlier company, for whkiw duo Copland, Tlm luo men Hen JoiiriH'X'd to AhIiIiiiuI, wliuru the ri'KlKtcniil letter wiih taken from the poNiofflce mul tlm check prcioiiited lo W, P. I'erKiiHim for payment. l-'r KUmiii, liowwer, lieraiim Himplcloun, anil only advanced two ilollnm mi Hid cluck until Im could confirm itn Ktiiiulneiii'DN. In rim umniitliim, tlm Anhlninl pollen had taken both men Into ciiKtody hh HtiHplcltuiit ch.iractent, DlHirlct Attoruny Kelly procured n confenHlou from Copland and upon IIiIh IiiiIIi men uero lioiiud over lo await tlm action of tlm Krnnd jury. RADICAL CHANGES MADE IN THE INCOME TAX YAHIIINOTO.V, Jiiiid 2n. Hadlrnl clmiiKe III tlm Incoino tax plan of the I'lidnrwtmd tariff bill and alteration In tlm niluilnlHtrutlvu ftmtiireit of the tiieaimrt) to overcome tiiont of tliu oli Jcctloim rnlHt'd hy forclKU Kovern uieiits wait teiitnthely agreed upon today by tlm ileiuorratlc innmtiorH of the neiiato flnauca committee. Tlm Income, tax under tlm now plnn woulil apply to Individual Iiicoiiioh out three Hioimand hut would mako Important exeuiiUlon In ludlvldtiali. iiitiiilrlpalttleii, civic bod Ion mul mut ual liuurniirn companion under cer tain rcHlrlctlom. Out) new provUInu would Klvo tlio prenldeiit authority to lucreaxo tlm tariff nKalnnt tlio countries tllHcrliu InntliiK UKalnit Amurlca. Tlm proponed fivo per cont conceR xloii on kooiIh hroiiKht In American Hhlp, nutl-dmupliiK clntiie mul pro vIkIoii kIvIiik tlm United .States nil- thorltleK the rlKl't to examine tlio hooka of forelKti innnufarturerH whon a vnluallon of good la dlitputed wan Hlrlcken out hy tlio democratic mem herH. The coiunilttep nald further chan- Ken inlKlit Im uiadi) on liiromo tax and iidiiilnlNtrntlvo Hectloiin beforo tlio bill wait vent to cauciiH. LIGHTNING PLAVS PRANKS IN WINNIPEG, MANITOBA WIXNII'F.fl, Mini., .luim :. l.iKlituiiiK plnyetl nouie oiltl prunks in the eitv tliiriiiK ' lieitvy Hlonn yes- lenlav iiVtenioon. Muny treeit were Nlruek mul ilaiiiiiKi'd mul on I'ort ne nveuiie the eleetrit) fluid truek mul hcveicil n hili power eulile, run down Hie pnln to n liievelt) leaning iiKiiinut i, tote the wheel lo piece- mul then pluiiKeil into n bower iiiiiii hole n few ynnlrt tlixliuil. Every Street In Bedford Unit Hn Share of Hit) Pi-oof That Kid ney Sufferers Seek, Mnckiicho? KlduoyH weak? DlHtrt'HHcil with urinary IIUY Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look "far. Uho what Medfoitl peoplo recoinniend. Uvory Htreet tu Metlfortl ban llrt cattoH. llnro'H ouo iiiau'H experleuco. Lot O, 0. Kilbba, 311 N, drove Mtreet, tell It. Ho hii)h; "JudKliiK from perHonul exporlonrii with Doan'H Kidney l'llln, I fool Justified in recoiuiueudliut them. I tiuffoi'od from u dull actio in tlm uinall of my back for uioiiIIih. Tlio kidney hocrotloim wore also unnatiu al mul ut tliueit retarded. Upon learn lliK of Doiui'h Kidney Pills. I obtain ed a Hiipply and boKau ubIiik thoui. Tlio coiitentu of two or tlireo boxes ontlroly rid mo or too trouble and Improved my health. I know that noun's Kltlnoy Pills can ho rolled up on to kIvo relief If taken ns directed." For Halo by oil donlors. Price CO contfi. Fofltiii'-Mlllnun Co,, lluffalo, Now York, solo UBoiitB for tlio United States. Hoinonilmr tlio iiiuno Tlonn's nnd tuko no (ithor. WILSON GIVES SINGLE TAXER HIGH POSITION esh l.tlllc iilt'i.lmn Iiiik liccn civcii the Helcelloii of UhiIh F. Portt, Hm uotcil hIiikIc Inxcr, for Hie pomtlon of iih hihtuut Kceietury of Hm new depart ment of labor by Secretary WIImiii. Hut Mr. Poxl in purhupt the IichI known (.iule tu.xer in tliu Unileil HtnlcM, For ninny yenrtt he him lieen prmiehiu (lint iloclriue, uml n rccoK uircil nti mi authority in political economy, Althoiijslt Im upent II nrly yeant of hit nelivitieH in New York, IiJk liniiie iit in ('liieao. lie wiih promi nent in the Henry (Icore ciiiiipaiKii for niiiynr of New York, more than twenty .vent iiko, uml wiih a de voted peioiiul friend of Hie author of the niiiKle tux plan. He i the au thor of "The ,Siiile Tux," J'Suceesn in Life," "The Kthiitf of Dcfnocniey," "The Piophel of Han Francineo," mul nuiiieroiiH other work. I li IiihI works nre "The F.thicitl Prineiplen of MuriiiiKe mul Hivoree," niul ".Sooinl Hen ice." E TO EARN L SAN FRANCISCO, (l, .lune 'J.'i. t'niihle without Hie Mierifieo of her womanhood, to earn n living wiif;c in fkirU, Kileeji Shaw is in the city jail for miiipieiniliiii: in Imiv'h clothes in mi effoit to MiliM.t without xhmiie. Cnpliircil by the police hecniihu her lonpiiK for a luiHlianil mul n homo leil her to iio u matrimonial agency to nttniu them, the irl wan found working; iih ii hellhoy in n local hotel, iixImk tlio iimno of "lleihcrt Kmcry." Frightened hy qiieHlioiiiiiK of de teeteivi) Hie nil I lieemno confused, utlniittcit her ncx uml ut the city jail told the tory of how die htrmted for existence. ' ENRAGED LION MAULS TWO CIRCUS TRAINERS PIMNCK AI.UKRT, Suk., June 2.'). Two Imiiiers lieleiiKiut: to the lCen neily hIiowh iiiiw in Piiueo Allien were luulhly muuletl hy mi onrueil lion yiftenlny. Mare Koehester, :i wiiiiiuu trainer, wiih HcrioiiHly injuied uliout the face and hody, while Cap tain Willianw, who wenl (o Hie xvo uiuu'rt rceue, U terrihlv clawed mul hitteii nil over the hotly. Patronize THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN THE SMOKE La Noresta CLEAR HAVANA Two for 25c. Throo for 25c. , IMPERIAL CLUB Best 5c Cigar in the City Patronizo Home Industry and Holp Build up the City. W. J.LUOKEROTH Medford, Orogon. I BATTLE WITH BANDITS Han FHANCIHCO, Cnl Juno 2B Tlm Imttlo of Fort Imflance, one of the mofit dramatic Incident In Cali fornia outlawry, will ho n-cunctnd next week before the motion picture camera, accordion to urrniiKomeiitu under way here today, (JeorKo Hon tnK, of HoutuK-Kvmut fame, will load tlm party, which comprint' tnmtt of tlm HiirvlvorH of the trnKlc HtrucKln twenty-threo years ajjo, which cost his brother's life nud left Chris ICv aiiH a prlKoner of the sheriff's posse. Houtax was captured lator and nerved eighteen years In Polnoin, Hlnro l.o was pardoned, four years iiko, he hit: been lecturing on "The Folly of a l.lfo of Crime," and tlm four reels will hn UHcil to Illustrate his story. The pictures will bo staged In the actual scene of the battle In tlm Si erra Nevada mountains. Kvuiih, who was paroled about two years ago, Is said to bo IIvIiik In Portland, Ore. It In not known whether ho will tnko part In the reproduction. T NKW YOIIK, Juno 25. Tlio exe cutive comniltteo of tlio I, W. W., which recently staKcd In Madison H'junro Oarden horo a paKcant niado up of strlkliiR stlkworkers from Pat erson, N. J nud others, Issued a stiitumciit today showlm; u deficit of ll.'.i'JG as a result of the pageant. The comniltteo denied criticisms charKlUK that the money had been tnlsnpproprlated. NOTICE OF OPENING J. H. FIRES Thtf oldest painting contractor in Medford has opened THE PAINT SHOP Carrying a full line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Wall Paper at 32 South Central St., one-half block from Main. When you tire of rough, strong, high proof whiskey try the new Gyrus Noble. pure, mild and mature JV. J. Vun Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon Office Furnituro Library Furnituro Bedroom Furnituro Diniurooin Furnituro Whito Enamel Furnituro Built in Buffets, Seats And Bookcases, Etc. Storo Fixtures Porch Swings Cedar Chests Cabinet Work Done in Oak, "Walnut, Fir, or Any Other Wood Desirod Cabiuot Makers Mission Furniture Works R. G. Trowbridge, Jr., Prop. 113 S. Holly, Aledlord SWEET WINE MAKERS SFI 1.0 ANOKI.KH, Col., Juno 25. Protests against the repeal of the swrct wind amendment of 189-t, which It Is said would ruin the vltl cultural Industry In California, aro made to the California delegation In coiiKress by tho I .ok Auxeles cham ber of commerce nud Merchants and Manufacturers association today. Many telegrams havo been sent to Boosters Ocorce C. Perkins and Joh'i I). Works, and to tho California rep resentatives In tho lower house. "ir It Is tho Intention to repeal the sweet wlno law," says a telegram sent by tho chamber of commerce, "then, as a matter of simple justice, at least three years should bo al lowed the viticultures In order Hut they may arrange their affairs so as lo avoid bankruptcy." TROUT FRY PLACED IN EMIGRANT Will Htowurt Tuesday brought four cans of trout fry, each containing 1500 fry, from tho Klk Creek hatch ery and placed them In tlio head waters of Emigrant and Nells crecki, above Ashland. Several hundred thousand trout fry await volunteer transportation nt tho hatchery, which cannot keep them more than a few days longer for lack of capacity. Thoso uncalled for will be turned loose In the Itoguc. Kportsmen and farmers nro urged to tnko advantage of this opportu nity to restock their streams. Cans will bo supplied at the hatchery. Home ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. Medford Iron Works E. G. Trowbridgo, Prop. Gonoral Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 401; Home 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L. For tho best of EVERYTHING MADE OP WOOD Seo us. Wo make a spocialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc. Factory Coruor South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Phones MEDFORD SASH: AND DOOR CO. ' Break Away From Blood Bondage Drugs in CtmmiH Ut Harmful at Ida Disease Tkoy are Saapesed ie Cart. Man? rvP" aro Mioeklwt to contlnuM nurrnrlnff by Iho druirs tbey use. Theso iMem tu dry up ths surface but there's n nlomsch almost destroyed, thcro rn nlcrrsted bonm; locomotor ataxia, con vuUlonn, nbscciiflcfl, fnlllnir hair, Impaired re-sight, deafness, and a boit of otber Qt Away From This MUary. Let 8. 8. & Do It for You. troubles continue to matca Ufa mlnerable. There Is one blood remedy that you can only relr upon. It Is not a. "dope." not a physic, not a mineral poison but a pure, powerful medicine that cleanses your blood so cempletely: so washes your reins, arteries and tissues; so thoroughly bathes your body with Internal healthful Influenco that soon you not only feel a wonderful change but your entire ap pearance undergoes tho rntxt welcome transformation. 8. H. H. has long been FREE THREE DAYS ONLY JUNE 25, 26, 27, 28 A 20c CAN OF CHI-NAMEL VARNISH To each purchaser of a 10c Varnish Brush Call and see special demonstration. "Wo -will show you how to Grain, Stain and Varnish your old floors, woodwork and furniture Garnett-Corey Hdw. Co. Siskiyou Heights Now is tho time to make selection of lots and tracts in this inaguificont rcsidcuco district. SEE : JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK Industries KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME. With Medford Trade Is Medford Made recognised tut tho grcAtMt blood purlflsr oTnr known. If you havo Hmon fighting some blood trouble some eruptive skin disease, rail It ccxemn, lupus, psoriasis, malaria, scrnf. ula, or what you will, there Is hut ona sure, safe way to cure It. Ask at any drug atoro for a Jt.OJ bottla of B. 8. fl. and you aro then on the road to health. Tho action of this remarkable remedy la Just an direct, Just as positive, Just as certain In Its Influencre as that tho sun rises In the east. It Is ono of these: rare medical forces which act In tha Mood with tho same degree of certainty that U found In all natural tondenclen. The manner In which It dominates and controls tho mysterious transference ot rich, red, pure arterial blood for tho dlieosed venous blood Is marvelous. Out through every skin poro acids; germs and other blood Impurities ara forced In tha form of Invisible vapor, Tha lungs breath It out, tha llvor Is stimulated to consume a great proportion of Impurities, the stomach, ami Intesttnea cease to convey Into the blood stream the catarrhs!, malarial germs; th bowels, kidneys, bladder and alt emunetorles of the body are marshalled Into a fighting force to expel every vestige of eruptlvo disease. Thero Is scarcely a community nny where but what has Its living xamplu of the wonderful curative effects ot 8. 8. 8. Get a bottle of thta famous rem edy today, and If your case Is stubborn or peculiar write to The Swift Speclfla Co., 117 Swift Dldg., Atlanta. On. Their medical laboratory Is famous and la con ducted by renowned experts In blood and skin diseases. Cement Drain Tile Irrigation Pipe ETC. "It's Strongest and Everlasting" i MEDFORD CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. Factory N. Riverside Ave. Phono M-652 a A. Hicks General Manazer F. M. Kershaw Gen. Sale Mgr. OREGON GRANITE CO. Quarry Owners .and . Manufacturers1 4 - . , Orogoa Granite stands the tti ol time. iM Medford, .Oregon ' :11 - wt'w'-" ' yV' VA-.v' ' .(