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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1913)
t vjW 1 1 t rtm-f if f vf 'ii 207 Sccontl Street Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Pnlr tonight nnd Friday. Mm, .71. Mln. .32. fori y-tlitrtl Ynnr Unity l.lulilb Yrnr. MEDFORD, OREGON, 'IWJtSIMY, Jl'NK 20, 101!. NO. 32. CAMINETTI IE BRANDED UNFIT, MANN AROUSED Knlin o( California Asks Transmis sion of Papers In National Scandal Minority Leader Fires Broad side. North Carollan Declares McNali Of fice Seeker Mann Declares Father Disqualified to Serve. WASHINGTON', June 2(1. Afurrt. tii); I Ik t Aiilliimy Cninliielll in unfit o mil iih tnniiiilMtIoiii'r gcnciul nf lui inanition mid ti tissuine rlutrui if tin- g.iM'niiiicut'rf wnik of running llllWII wllitt' .1lt t'f Ulllllllg llliclIN III' CIIIIIIO '(if III OnilUCI'tintl with (In1 MoNiib-MoHeyniiliU' controversy, Cungroamnnti Mann, minority leader in I lu limne, IliU nfli'iiiiii'ti demanded tt Mi'pnmli' tnilignliiiii of III" wlmbi affair. Itrirpniitiilhi Knlin appeared be furc the oinnniltleo. Ho deininiiccil Allnrtii'V Omicrnl Mclteyiiiihlrf, coin inimili'it MoXuh Air resigning when 1n wiih ntdcrcd In postpone the tiinn, nml limWi-il Hint President WiUon's explanation of the affair was nut sat Ufnelnry. Knlin, however, cnnst'iited lo nn iiinciiiluicut to hi resolution ltierliug I'"1 word "if compatible with hc public interest" In tlm chinse "instructing" t ! ntlnrncy general to trutimnil Hit papers in tin' eases. TIm'o words wore Inserted ho tlmt I lie gtiMrntticiit might nut ho forced III tltlllltxh evidence nil Wllll'll It llllSeS iln ilmiiniiil for sentence upon tin' alleged while slavers ami Iho offi cials nf the su-ralled fm-t lru- t. K'nlin's stnli'iiiciit before Iho com mitten mow devoted tuottly t a re liiv nf tin' Cnmini'lli rase. Ho pointed nut MoNnh's stntctncntH tlmt li,i Itml warned Attorney Uenornl Mc Reynolds three liiiics. iigiiiiwl delny ing nctitui. "Tlio people nf Cnllforiiln," Knlin declared, n ro wnrkril nvor these cases ns they havn not been in year. My resolution Ih not nn unusual measure -similar prot'oduu' Iiiim been tnke'i tunny limes. This committee owes it In Itself, to tlio house nml In tlio country nl Inrge In report tlio rcsn lullini fuvnritlilv unit plneo tlio on tiro onrrosHiiiileneo liofnro tlio pen plo. "MnXnb huh willing In ln his duly, lii ln wan frustrated. Now tlio ml mlliistrulinii proposes In iln tlio very tiling which Mi'Nnli wanted to do, Imt liy employing special counsel at n largo fee." At lids pniut, Knlin oIunIiciI with lldproiHonlativo WVIili nf North Caro linn, who nesorli'il Hint MoNnli U n ouiidiilnto fur governor, nf California nml was "plnyhig pnlltioK" y "nifili ing Into print tn Hccnro ulionp nolor irly." Continuing Maim attaeked tlm ptoxidoiit and tlio attorney general fjy dUoliarging MoNali, nml for what ho cjilled "seeking In iliHlort McN'nliV molives." Ho eompareil tlio pri"d dent mid Mi'HoynoIdrt to "T lightened lahldtH" In their hnslo In direct the dial of Cuiiiiiiottl and DiggH, EAST SWELTERS CIIICACIO, .Juno 20. -Two cloutlm mill (i hemo ul iiroxtrntloiie (mm ho it aro rqiiurtuil, horo toilay. Tlio toin liorAtiiio touehuil 87 anil with humidity which provatloil, tlio hiiT forlng In tho pooror uoi'ttmiH of tho city wiih IntoiiHo. CINCINNATI, Ohio, Juno 2fi. Huffoi'lni; ho io nfl tho romilt of an leu famlao cniiHoil hy a Htrlko ( tho wiujoii ilrlvorH, Ih iiciiIo ami tho turn poiaturn Ih high ami rlBlag. Hooro tary Hulllvan, of tho Htato hoard of arhllratloii, Ih horo trying to trnttlo tho Htrlko. Tho city contlnuoa to buy ami dlHtrlhutu Ico In an iittonuit to amolloruto tho nilHorloa of tho pour, IN W M GLENDALE BANK T; Ray Diamond, Tamed by Mountains Hardship Held at Gold Beach Hot Search Qalkcd His Surrender any Sooner. Ten Days' Fllujit Ends In Village Jail Bravado all Gone Money Is Hidden Alonn Trail. (IOI.I) IIKACII, Ore., .Juno 'J. -StaggKiiug out !n tlm opi'ii trail urnr horo at noon tmluy, Itny l)ia iiiouil, Ho' young tn it t who mlilii'il tho (llemlnle Klnl" llnuk of nearly f.'MI)') lit t t week, uiii nrri'Hlcil hy tho hhciiff hen'. lit ninde no reK'nttant'o, deolnr- iug ho wiih otliaimteil and could mi longer fcliiud Iho iuiilliiH of the uioiiuluiiiN. "1 iuti'iided In givo inf elf up ev oral iIiivm ago," llinuioml derlared, ''hut wiih ufiniil to c'oiuo In whilo Hit! Hciireh wiih hot." Aluioxi nil the money (uketi fiom Aiitiiiit Ctiohicr Smith wiih found mi llinuioml. The iff, I, it U thought, U hiihli'ii HoiuewhiTo on the trail. It wiih a iiirok doprnilo Intleeil who htootl hamlotiffi'il In tlio little lockup hero. All hin lintviitlo wuh gono ami he nppenreit lo ho thorough ly worn nut hy hW tun day flight through Iho limber. Dimaoml, who Ih about 'J'J years old, walkid into (ho (lli'iidalo Slnto Hank a work ngo lait Momlay, eu gagrtl AniMtuiit ("iihIiIit It. I), Htailli ia I'ouvei-Hatiou nml thou pniuli'il a riflo at him, ordoring him to throw up hin IiuiiiIh. Ditiiiiuiid then' helpvil httiiKi'lf o tho monoy which Smith had just taken from Iho toifo lo be gin tho dny'ri litiNiiicMM. I'lfiiiig with tho booty, Dinmoml eti'hangcil t-hot with Smith, none of Iho InilletlA Inking effect. Sheriff Qjiini) nl oiicq Htarletl on thn trail, but witbdrew the bloodhounds when ho found Dininouil had fled lull the mounlniUM nml wiih probably making Iiih way townrd thin pluei. HIE GIRL'S E SELF SLAYER OAKLAND, Cab, .lime L'tt.-Lmik-lag tho moral eourago of tho hum of tho "Nigger" ChnrleB M. Shuhlmi'ii heusational novel on tho negro prob lem io gio up the woild of tlio whiten, hi which he had been reared, ami ro turn to his own race, ami fearful lost the gill he loved, n white nurse of Kau 1-ranrihco, would yield to ratio repiignnnee and falter on tho wed ding day, Kohccoo C. (lalbraith, a barber, whoso mother was nn octo roon hhot hiuihelf futally hero today. (lalbraith htootl in the doorway of hirt room in it Telegraph aveuiiu lodg ing hoiiho nml Hhot hiuiHulf through the hIdiiiiicIi, dying half an hour later, llu left two farewell note, hinting nt tho dread burden which had heuoiiio ton heavy for him. Ono nf these notes wiih simply addressed lo "Anna," presumably tho girl to whom ho wn engaged. Sho it bo lieved to bo in a San c'rnuoiHoo saiiiliiriiim, from remarks Galbrnilh inado to frientlR. (Inlhruilh had pnsetl nn n white man among his friends, hut Is unid tn hnvo recently informed hifi finneeo of the fact that negro blood coui-hciI in bin veins. LLINOIS SUFFRAGE BILL BY SI'HINOTIKM), 111., Juno 'Jd. Tho iimubet' of women entitled to volo In the United Stales wits doubled today when Governor 13. V. Duuiio nt l):,r),ri o'ulouk signed tho Riiffrago bill recently imssed by tho stato logishii turo, Tho new law ciiFriiuchtseH 1,1100,000 women lit Illinois. ROBBER CAUGH LOOT RECOVERED BLACK RAN MONEYLENDERS WOW s E Police Think Borrower May Have Murdered Rich Los Anodes Man Rohlicry Theory Advanced as the Motive. Failure to Return Home Aroused Wife's Suspicion Missing Account Book Clue. I.OH ANOm.CR. Oil., Juno 20. J'ho tlKitititml ilolhtm rownril won offered lioro today for tlio nrrcHi nml convlrtlon of tbo inunlcror or inur- dercrH of CharliM K. I'cmlcll, woulthy realty ami loan mini, who wnn ilono to tloat It In bin offtro In Tom plo lilork Into cntorilay. Mm. C. K. I'cndell, tho inurtlercit iiian'K wife, offeri'il tlm rownnl, through Bhorlff V. A. Ilauimi'll, who win n friend nf tho dead mnu. In imiktug tho an nouncement, Hberlff Ilauimi'll tottt tho nownp:iioruieu: "In order tn nucertaln an toon iih lioNhlblo tho nxnrt hour of IViitlcll'i death, an nddltloanl reword of $100 will ho given to any o no who vleltd I'cmloirn officii between tho hour of 12 nml 2 o'clock ycnterday. A ro wnnl or $1,000 will ho pnlil for In formation Hint will lend to tho Ido'i tlty of Iho inunlcror, whether ho U nrrented or utit. Cor tho a itch t ami conviction of tho murderer or mtir dorert, MrH. I'oudidl of font B,000 " When I'cndell did not como homo for dinner Imt night, Mm. I'cndell hecamo nlnriuctl, ami lelophnnlnK '. Ij. Martin, a lifelong friend ot tho murdered man, had htm accompany her to t'eiideH'M office. Tlioy found I'emlpH'it body ) Ing on n cottcli, whllo tho wbolo room was In dU- order. Two theorleH aro advanced an to Iho prohnhln motive for tho crime, ono being robbery. Tho iinnll nafo lu l'cndell'a office wob rifled. Two diamond, valued at $4,000, worn by I'emloll, were iiiIksIiir, an wan n book In which ho kept tintcH of money loaned out. Tho mlsitlng hook Ion tin to the the ory that utuo borrower might hnvo quarreled with tho murdered man nud ntriick him down out of revenge. Tho weapon with which tho murder wan committed wnn not round. Peti tion wiih tho bomUmnn of Shorltf V. A. llainmell, nnd won prominent In Hovernl fraternal noddles horo. STOCKS TAKE DROP NEW YORK, June 20.- After large buying orders hud been executed early trading in tho ntoek market to day turned downward. Canadian Pa cific, Union 1'ucifio nnd Northern l'a cifio all rose n point in the first hour. On the belief that tho recent rise in IOiuloii was manipulated from here, Iohch of from ono to two points wero scored against neveral leading ftpceii lativo issues before noon. Some Helling wiih brought nut hy tho deci sion of tlio inler-htato commeroo commission o restrict the hearing on the rates of the eastern rnilromls. Uonds were heavy. Tbo mnrket closed irregular. QUEEN MARY'S TABOO ON RIDING ASTRIDE LONDON, Juno 2rt. Qiieon Mary exploded n bouibihcll among thu wnmon cxhlhltora ami rldora nt tho liiturnatlounl homo hIiow lu Olympla toilay when nbo iBsued an edict for bidding women to ildo astiido. Oreat Indignation was expressed among tho woinoii rldora. Amorleaii wonion rldora woro espo elally Boro. lluth lloyd, ot Now York, said hIio had never loarnod to ildo a homo with a aldo saddle and that tho odlct would cost her a ehaiico to win any ribbons. Tho edict niplled only to this itf tomoon'a performance when King Oeorgo, Queen Mary and President Itaymond I'olucalro, of Franco, at tended thu show, :; WA GRANDDAUGHTER OF JOHN BRIGHT OFFERS $60,000 FOR CHILDREN S2. tCg.t-"'r,i rlSif ' f ! Jy mamAPfRitc Mrn. Kthtli WilMiii, n young nml charming New Yotk woman of great wealth, recently ciproed her will iiigncMH tti contribute .ffiO.UOO townrd a fund to be lined in eHtablisbing in New York City n Mnnnnrnt home of healthful ami iiit-p:riiig cnttertuin iiietit nml training for children. What NKW YORK, June 2(1. I-Vnr thnt Helen McCnrty, ltl-yenr-old daugh ter of John .McCnrty, a wealthy news paper broker, may have fallen a vic tim of while slnvers, increased to day when the girl'K nhsenee was still unexplained. She disappeared Tues day from the Hotel Hargrove, where her parent re-ide, nnd vnnihed as utterly as did Dorothy Arnold, whose fntp is hi ill n mystery. Miss McCnrty retunied recently from a convent nt Torre-dale, lt., when' she bail been n jiup'i. Her father M'nt telegrams to nil her girl chums. All replied thnt they had not seen her. Mrs. McCnrty sent Helen on Tues day to n nearby utoro mi nn errand since when she hns not been seen. Kvery hospital in New York has been visited without finding trace of the missing girl. Miss McCnrty when last seen wore her hair in two braids. She is fivo feet, four inches tnll, weighs 128 pounds and bus dark brown hair. Her mother is pros trated with grief nud apprehension. E WHEAT FOR GIRL'S RUIN 110ISK. Idaho, Juno 20. A. U. Conley, 7S, known as tho "wheat khiK" of La Grnndo, Ore., Is being held hero today for tho Portland po lled on a chnrgo o( contributing to tno delinquency of a 10-year-old girl. Conley Is alleged to havo taken tho girl from Lu (Hondo to Portland threo years ngo. A warrant waa Hworn out for his arrest, but was never nerved. Whoa ho arrived hero yesterday to tninafor some real es tate, ho was taken Into custody. L NOW AT ALTER SAN FUANCISCO, Cat., Juno 2C Waving a miirrhigo IIcouhu In ono hand and dragging Father Henry Stark of tho Patillst Mission with tho other, Joseph Stugor, tho mechanic who unmasked pretty Klleen Shaw horo when sho waa working aa an "olovator boy" to buvo hor honor, nppoared at tho city prison today and this afternoon fit .1 o'clock u Mm, Htuger will como Into oxlatenco nt tho Paullst Mission, WEALTHY PARENTS JACK JOHNSON FEAR DAUGHTER FLEES COUNTRY; SLAVER'S VICTIM 5T hhc iniMmeH in ii children's houc, t embrace n theater, library, rend ing mid rent rooms nud a training Hcliool for promining tnlcnt such nn enterpnxo to be vclf-KiiHtnining after the needed working capital in pro- vinen, wiih iih iiciieins ami nervicc within tuny meaiiH of even poor fltltllltAit iilllil i- GONE TO PARIS TORONTO, Out., Juno 20. Jack Johnson, (he negro prizefighter, un der sentence in the United States for violation of the Mann white slave flct, has fled. Johnson, it Is declared, was in Toronto Inst night and left hero un Montreal for 1'nri.s. CHICAGO, June 20. United States officinls here nre investigating n re port from Toronto, Ontario, that Jackson Johnson has fled to Canada, en route to Paris, to escape the "un plensnnt notoriety" of a year's sen tence in n federal prison for viola tion of the whilo slave net. Johnson was not nt home when the federal officers arrived, nnd his rela tives said he was fishing nt Clenr Inke. His wife cannot bo found. United States Judge Carpenter last Mondny reduced Johnson's bail from $.10,000 to 13,00 pending an nppeal against sentence by the negro's law yers. Tom Vlnnngan, Johnson's ex-manager, ndmitted today thai Johnson nnd his wifo stopped over night in this city and left todnv hy nutomo liilo for Montreal to sail for England nud theneo to Paris. Ho declares Johnson intends to forfeit his $l.r,00() hail rather than go to ft federal pri son. WHITES DRIVE JAPS niVKItSIDB, Oil., Juno 26. Driven from Uoinet, Oil., where thoy wero under contract to pick fruit, a largo contingent ot Japanese, are returning hero today, Tho Japanese woro met nt Ilemet station by a crowd of white laborers, horded Into a baggago car and forced to lenvo town In tho next train. None ot tho Jupaucso were harmed hut It was soon that tho whtto laborers wero l'i earnest uud no resistance was of fered. AEROPLANE TO HARASS 110UOLAS, Arlt., Juno 20. A mossago fun Governor Posqulorn, of Sonora, received by tho- rebel Junta horo, says that ho will loavo Her moslllo today for a flight ovor tho Mexican federal positions at San Lo iindro nnd Santa Ilosa with IMdlor M118S011, the French aviator and adventurer, m KEY S 0 SUNGE AYS E KELLY Leading Figure in Clay Hearing Con troversy Unable to Understand At tltude of Predecessor Brands It "Cowardice or Carping Littleness." Calls Morning Paper Reply Attempt to Discredit His Office and County Court Minimizes Dangers. Prosecuting Attorney E. E. Kelly, Thursday submitted the folowiug vig orous retort to the printed ronton tions of his predecessor. It. V. Mul- key, nnciit the Mrs. Clay insanity bennng: Editor Mail Tribune: Mr. MulkcyV further contribution to the Clay hearing, published in tho Morning Sun, fails to explain his rea son for injecting himself into this enc nnd by cheap innuendo criticis ing public officinls in discharge of a most unpleasant duty. Iteplving to Mulkey's personal al lusion that I have muddled the pro ceedurc in this case will say thnt there has been no muddled proceed ure in this office since the sixth of Jnnunry. That the complaint filed ngninst Mrs. Clay was In all re spects regular and that upon the evi dence nddueed she wns properly com mitted to the proper institution; bnt that the office of the district attor ney hns no power or disposition to suspend the right of appeal. I submit that Mr. Mulkey ianotlhe most competent individual to pass upon technical legal proceeduro nnd that if be.jvore, inrieir-of tEe-num-ber nf criminals that escaped trial through his muddled indictments while in the office of district attorney, ho ought to maintain n most discreet silence on that subject. The fact remains that Mr. Mulkey after publicly declaring thnt the no tion of this offico should be directed against Mrs. Clay, and after furnish ing reasons for such action, cither through cowardice or carping little ness attempts to cvado his share of the responsibility therefor nnd to dts. credit tho action of this offico nnd the county court. Mr. Mulkey need have no fear of being shot, there is nothing about him that anyone but the most c.xert marksman could hit, save possibly his conceit, nnd a few punctures in that would be no grent public calamity. E. E. KELLY. CAMUS WIFE DENOUNCES MATE JACKSON, Cat., Juno 26."Mr. Mc.N'ab could not bo a truo American and do otherwise than bo has done." This was the declaration hero of Mrs. Elizabeth Camlnottl, wlfo or F, Drew Camlnettl, who Is living in seclusion with her two children as a result ot tho escapade of hor hus band, F. Drew Camlnettl, Maury I DIres, Marsha Warrington and Lola N'orrls, of Sacramonto, the political consequences which nave convulsed the nation as a result ot the resig nation ot District Attorney John I. McNub, of San Francisco, "I want to see tho men punished," continued Mrs. Camlnottl, who is just 22 years of age, as sho sat with hor two children. "Doth ot them de sorvo tt ami I beliovo that will bo tho outcome. Hut the children thoy aro tho ones wh must suffer. Thoro Is tho tragedy. What does all tho national entanglement, explana tions by cablnot officers and tho president and tho Jeopardizing ot po litical fortunes amount to beside tho welfare uud tho futuro ot theso two bnblos?" CIUCAG.O, Juno 20. II. A. Greg-oi-y, 35, was killed nnd Miss Minnio Bristol is believed to bo nt tho bot tom of tho lngoon in Lincoln Park bore through nn automobile in which thoy wero riding crashing through thu railing o a bridge oarjy today, PRASES M NAB JUNE WALL ABNORMAL: 1 .94 INCHES TO DATE Precipitation This Month Twice Nor mal and Close to Extremely Wet Year Records .35 Inches Fall en Thursday Morning. , Insuring Heavy Secondary Alfalfa Crops, With Less Irrigation ami Cultivation Ranyjcs Green. llffl PAST WET JUNES 4 Year Prerip. 3894 3.15in. 1898 2.30 in. , inOO 3.70 In. & 1012 2.19in. PAST DRY JUNES 189. 02 in. 1901 04 in. Precipitation for the month of June up to noon today was 1.94 inches, nearly twice the amount of normal rainfall for the month at .98, nnd placing 1913 n the list of abnor mally wet months in Southom Ore gon. The total precipitation for June Inst year was 2.19 inches, a quarter of nn inch more than has fallen ho far this year. In tho early hours of Thursday morning one of the heaviest down, pours of the year fell, totaling .35 of an inch. Between six, ami Reyen. o'clock the heaviest fall was noViee nblo the drops spattering from the pavements in tho eastern style. According to Professor O'Oara tho rainfall is a blessing o tho farmers, fruitgrowers nnd stockmen. To tho first nnmed, it means less irrigation nnd cultivation, thus bringing a sav ing in expenses, nnd insuring n tho rough saturation nf the ground. To the stockmen, it means a heavy growth of grass on the rtwges. It will also bring n heavy growth of weeds, causing worry to the truck gardener, and Street Commissioner Owney Pntton in enforcing the anti weed ordinance. Bumper second and third crops of nlfnlfn will follow the abnormal Juno rains. The first crop cutting of al falfa is out of the way, but the tim othy ont hay did not faro so well, much on the ground being highly discolored. Cereals standing in tho fields were not damaged by tho down pour though pessimistic souls pre dicted that tho standing grain would be beaten down in the fields. Indications point to continued cloudiness nnd showers until the etui of the week, with prospects of clear weather by Sunday. A number of street corner weather prophets pre dicted that n wet summer would be the order, with abnormal precipita tion in July and August, and no au tumn to speak of. The wettest June was in 1900 when 3.79 inches of rain fell. Other de cidedly rainy month of brides wero 1894 when 3.15 inches fell, 1898 with 2.30 inches, nnd 1012, the lowest of. the lot with 2.10 inches. On tho other extreme, thcro wero two very dry Junes. In 1895 but .02 inches of rain fell and 1001 only .04 inchos. Tho weather records show abnormally wet Junes wero followed, in course, by ono just as dry. TO SAKKI BATHS ST. PETERSBURG, Juno 20. Arrangements woro completed today to send the young Crareviteh to Sak ki, in tho Northern Crimen, whore h will undergo a course of treatment hi tho famous salt mud baths. Besides tho mysterious nilmcnt with which the heir to tha Russian throne hns been affliqled since last fall, and which is said to be incur able, he has been suffering recently from n hardening of tho tissues nf '-' tho left knee, which the court doctor boliovu thu Sukki hatha will rliva. ft t t ilk 4