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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1913)
ttrem HUTtwInnl Hofrnftjjr 207 Second Street m A Medford Mail Tribune ffi WEATHER Hhowcm Tonight or Wert in-mlny. Max. .7fl, Mln. .flfl SECOND EDITION Kirtyllilri1 Year. Ilnlly -r.lHlitli Year. MEDFORD, OWKJON, 'JTWSDAY, JUNK 24, 3013. NO. 80. r i 1 I M'NAB UHERS MORE THREATS OF BROADSIDES Charijcs Already Filed Mild as to Tlioso Comlnn Stales Federal At torney Walls Until Rcsliinatlon Is Accepted to Make Others. BAN FRANCISCO, t'nl., .Iiino 21. " lleforo Judge Itulni I Itfiui of Portland, in tin) I'liilril MlitU'ri ills trii't oouit hero today, District At torney IiiIiii L. MoNub, who resigned ItiMt Saturday lirmiiixi" Im liml been oidcictl by Attorney General Mr-Key- Holds til pllstptlllO Ill'lioH ill I llC wllitc hluvcry t'liin ngiiiuM Maury I. Digg inn) !'. Drew Cniiiliii'tll of Nuorii mciito mill tint null-trust ease again! tlm Western Fuel company, reiter ated his defiance of order from WllhllillKtWI. Till) CUM) llgllillt till' Western Fuel company I'linm up lo- ilny to tm Hut on llio fi'ili'inl eulondnv. Mo.Nob'w Statement When tint ulerk enlled tlio rase, Mi Null iiiom'. "I have been nnli'iril liv lln attor ney general," miiIiI Ins "to MHtsiim indefinitely the proseoulion of two of tin' iliifi'iiiliiiitrt in this riixv Holier! Union ami Sydney Smith. To grand jurii't linvii dctei milled lluit (Iiimu iin'ii tin' ns guilty iim tlm oilier rl.x miller iiulletiiieiil. I Imvu refused nliiiliilely to prostitute my of fiec liy jichling to appeals- in bit Imlf of llii'xn defendant or to give llii'in ptefcroiieo over tlii'lr follows. I resigned my office rather tluui to follow instructions which would make a monkery of juttioo. I will not bo it party to tliir trimvtlv." Judge. Mean tlu'ii mi tin- onsen for July in. When tin' DigcH-Caiiiliiolli rases wore called MoNnb moved a eoiitin mince of two week. "I Iiiimi rufiiHi'il to delay these i'iini'n also," lie said, "lull will consent to (wo week ilelny mo iih not to hum per tlm work of my HiiocciMor." Tl Dlggs-Cnininotti ease wore then sol for .Inly 8. HAN FHANCI8CO, Cal., Jnno 2. '.My charge agulnut Atlormy Ceneral Molteynolds In tlio Dlggs Oataliiiittl nnil Western Fuel rum piuiy case nro vt' mllil," wild Unit i Slate District Attorney John L .MoNnb hero today. "When I hoar from Washington an to my reslgna lion I will wind up thlH affair wll'i thu attorney general ty a double hroailNlilu Hint will Mitllo tlio wholu thing." This cryptic threat by McNab was toilay'M earliest development In tlm scandal which ban net the wholu country by tlm mini from Han Fran cisco to Washington. MrNnh, wIkim) nvory mlnuto l takon up with rnn fiirriircM n'ttarilliiK hi brt-iik with At tornoy (lonoral Mrltu) hoMh, would not at tlili tlmn enter further Into thu nature, of tlm aililltloiiat clmrnea ho plaim to brhiK iiKalimt Pronldrnt (Continued on I'iiko 4) HOW UNCLE IKE WAHIIINOTON, Jilim 'J I. An onmclatod, upavlnuil, dlnroiutahlo lookliu; liurxo, ilrawluu a ramtihacklo, oiit-of.datu, rlekuty and much abimotl "oa k"Ik" hank Htoptioil nt tho iloor of tho Whlto Hoiiho today. A roiuwl bhoiihlorml, hkoiI nottro "call bio," hlH "pliiK" hut dcnttid a:id riiBly, and hla onro Mack ralmunt, now Krt'iin with UK", lookoil anxiously throiiKh thu kIiuh dourH at tho on trnnro to thu uxocutlvu afdeus and waltud. An old man omorttod. TIioiihIi iioatly druiiHod ho didn't look llldi thu annul Whlto Hoiiho callor, I lo chuwod tobacco and worn HoniKKl.v whlHluirii. llu Hhufflod to tho car rlaKO. Tho noKro "cuhblu" oponod thu door and tho tall flKuro hunched Into tho rauiHharklo vohlidc. Tlio mmro waved IiIh whip with a ahow of prldo and tho omiuinto horHji Hliur flod down thu ravol drive- Into 1'onn iiylvaula nvouuo. "Who wan that?" Inaulrod a vis itor of ono of thu pollcdinan. " 'Un do Uto' HlophoiiBon, of WlHconsIn, tho rlchoHt mnn In tho United' Htntc hod HtQ," tuiHWofoil tho pollcuinnn. VISITS WHITE HOUSE GARMENT WORKERS IE .AT CINCINNATI, Ohio, Juno !M, IJIuvuii thoumiml unrment worlieiK hero ami In Covlnijlou, Ky,, acroin tlm Ohio river from Clnclnuull. am expected to ntrlkn today. altliniiKh tho bund" of tho International Onr uiontworkora' union an yet havu to aKri'o upon a ruiirKo to hu aduiti'l In connection with tho domain! of thu operative!! fornliorter ourM. In turniitloiial Hecrntary UirKitr ordorcd iiiivoral hundred ulrlkem, who wnlknd out Haturdiiy iilKht oh thu ndvlco of I. W. W. or;aiiUiim, to remiiiin work yenlerilay. I'reiildeiil Itlckert of tlm i;urmi'iitworki'rn' luteruatloual or KiiuUatlou, ordered today that tlm Mtrlko rontluue, Itlckert hi on bin way to Cincinnati lo lake pumoiuil cliiiriU' of tlm iilluutlon. TTO L OAKLAND, Ciil., Jmm 21. - Carry Ini; out plaint lo beroum bold wltn went deiipurailoen, four Kiut Oakland Kclmolho)', Harold Krlbbn, 13, Lar ry Croit. 11, l.afayelto Whlto and (lodfrey Heed, wound iii livru today with Imo In thu honplial ami two m tlm di'tentloii home. Tho autliorltlou alb'KD thtilr mcapadeii nuiKi'd from burclary to attempted JnllbreakliiK and maimlauRhtur. After tho arrent of tlm boy -U NlleH, Cat., they koI In n flKht In Jail, In which Krlblm wiih Hhot throiiKh tho bnrk and Heed lout a plero of bin ear. Tlm lioyH broke from their relln. niunlied a conntablu'u dunk and ho cured n revolver. An hey could not Kct out i(f tlm Jail, It In alluced they delermlnod to lay In wait for tho ronntnblo and kill him an ho entered, hut In tho meantime wit In a Unlit an to who Mhoiild bu rhlef of tlm band, and Krlblm wan Hhot by Front Another bullet hit Heed'H ear Krllitm' woiiiiiIh am nerloiiH but ho Im expected to recover TWO IRE POLICEMEN KAN KKANCISCO, Oil., Juno a I. Two morn offieern, Tom CurlinH nnil Friink Mel'ouuell, foimerly on tho police bunco nrlail here, weio niiiueil today by Miko (lallo, chief biincouinn, teritifyhiK in tlm eonnpiraey trial of Arthur Mel'hee nnil CIiiiHom Taylor, iih having received money for protec tion, tliomsli he naiil Im personally liml not paid it to Ilicm. "Chilo" l(oipt, tho youthful lum en operalor brought from St. Loiiih lo IcNtifv imaiiiHt Mael'lieo ami Tay lor, Iiiih told hirt htory to District At torney 1'ickerl. llu involved each of the eiejit moil indicted with tho no ccplant'o from liiiu of briho money. Itovipi in the only one of tho bunco pint; who claims to have paid luoitoy directly to Mael'lieo nnil Taylor. Ho HiiyH tlmy wore liniup'tt In him by Frank KmiIu and iiitrotlut'ed ns now men on tlm bunco detail. At tlm lima Im paid them $3:1.'), ho sny. Itovipi is t'lip-r to I aim tho Hlaml and tell nil lie known. STRUCK BY TORNADO KSTHVAN, SuhIc, Juno 'J I. Thia town in rccuvoriiiK today from u oy elono which HlrueU Imro iiliout 7:110 o'clock IimI evening. Bovornl liuilil iiiKrt worn Imilly ilamap'il nnd u num ber nl! plato pJuku windowH woro broken by tho flying debris. After tho Hpcclutoi-H had left tho hall pouudrt where n baseball punu was in jiroKicsH holwcun Kutovan nnd Woyhurii, tho blcaehorH woro totally iloHlroyed by thu wind. Many por houh wero oompclled to lio flat on I ho ground in a drouohinj rain to avoid lieiup; carried off their foot. Ono mnn received u had pish on tho head by H.vinK kIk. Tho dainnpi is cstiiutited ut .f20,000. CINCINNATI BY AND SEN HOSPITA HOUSE TO HEAR ARGUMENTS ON KAHN'S MOTION flcsoltillons Conccrnlnii Camlncttl Case Come up Before Judiciary Committee Thursday General In vcstlnatlon Souulit by Authors. WAHIIINOTON, Juno 2i Chair man Clayton of, the hotmu Judlclu.y rominlttcii announced today that on Thuriulay (lint body would hoar ar KUmeutN on KiiIiii'm Camliiuttl revo lution. Tlm lllnebniiKh nm'ilutloii, which wan orliclnallv referred to tho Judiciary committee, wan later dent to thu ruled committee, which Im expected to uranl a hearing hood KiiIiu thnmtcmi to force a fll lit on tlm floor of tho houto If tho Ju diciary L'ommltleo attemplH to pig eonhole IiIh remilutlon. He mibh "I'niler tho rtileM a renolutloti re ipilrlnu liiforiiiallou beromen privi leged mid la HiibJect lo deliato on the floor of thu houim If thu committee to which It In referred falln to ad within lx daM. CiiIcmi tlm Judicial y committee nrU beforo then I hIiiiII call ii l my rimoliitlnu on tho floor of the hoiiho. "I am not Interested In Hltii baiiKh'a rcHolutlon beraime, In my opinion. Iteforo tho rommltteo can decide whether tlm matter merit In veiitlpttlou, wo hhoiild bavo thu in liera In Urn race. My resolution necks to uncover tlm evidence." HIimbiiiiKli oxpectH lo appear be foro tho rule committee In mipport or bin ronolutlou nnd today Intimated that Im will imk thu commltteu to Hiiuiinon tho pcmoUH Im deMlrei lo examine. Attorney Oenoral Mclteynobln wan reticent today on tho controveni). llu mid; "Thin In not tho thno to Imuo any Miitemciit. The matter U behiK handled In tho regular way.' T I'OltTI.ANI), Ore., Juno 24. A committee of rectum of thu KpUco pal church today In couHldertiiK the charge a brought by lluv. Dr. A. .A. MorrUou, of Trinity church, Port laud, npilmit Mrn. Marculln Clar, whom ho accuBe of being nn "oo Btrepcroun pomon, a uihichluf-mukcr and a unUauro In thu pitrltth." Kvldenco wiih heard In secret Bou illon hint night and thu committee will decide whether or not Mm. Clark may remain a communicant, lllaliop UharlcH Hcaddlng did not attend tho hearing, explaining that luuHinuch as hu ban never been notified officially of tho cane, bo does not consider It IiIh province to Interfere. Mm. Clark has continued to at tend church a beforu her quariel with tho rector, but In suing him for $225,000 dainngoa. L ING 01 KLAMATH FALLS, Ore, Juno 24. Charged with kidnapping II-jear-old girl, Harriet Fink, and tak ing her to Dorrla, Cal., (leorgo For i'Ih, an aged mnn, U on trial hero today, tho defense taking up ltd side of tho enso today. Tho girl tcHtlfled that Fink, per suading hor that life In a munll town wan butter for a girl than a placo llko Klamath Falls, Induced hor to loavo hor homo and widowed mothor and go with him, AVIATOR FALLS INTO THAMES NARROWLY ESCAPES DEATH LONOON, Juno 21. Aviator C. W. FnirbiimiB, while flyinu over tho river Thumps today, had an almost miraculous escape from doatli. Front homo unknown chum), Fairbuirns lost control of Ids machiuo nnd foil into tho Thames estuary. Hecoininu; en tangled in tho wTocknp) of his ornft, Im wns carried under tho water. While it was thought ho was dead, ho extricated himself nnd bwiiiu two miles to bhorv. PREACHERS RIG WOMAN ON CHARGES SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GRAND DUCHESS WHO 0EFIED CZAR HEollHPL.c KmMrtfy lT f Weport in bt. 1'ctCmhiiru has it that the cub -t cliibl of thu Czar of Huxxin, (Jrniul Duclic-i Olpi, now milv heven teeii yearn of npj, him had her way and will wed her wild yoittii; eoiihin, (iruml Duke Dmitri 1'avloviteli, le Hpite the bllter opMHition of her mother. HEAVY WEIGHT TO REDUCE HER FAT DKNVKIl, Colo., Juno V! I.-While twenty other heavywciehti waited here today to tcMify, Mrs. Xellio JoIiiikoii, '210 pounds of all too solid fal, luld the court her troubles in the trial .of Mrs. Walter Cmuiing hum, "Mnjorie Hamilton," for vend ing an anti-fat, nuti-leau cure that would not work. Allium' the letter nrodiiccil bv Mrs. Johnson and rend in court were u 111) iage pamphlet entitled: "Mar iurio Hamilton's eomnlete iiuadrunlc hyMem of dniRles reduelion, n seien- tifie, simple method of reducing snp- crlluous nnd (Inutile emus.' Mrs. Johnson "fell" for the cure. Part of tlio instructions slin cot read: "You must not cat bread or biscuits or drink liiptids with your menN, chow your meals thoroughly, InU'ii ii luilli ilnilv nnil drink lemon juice. Don't envy the woman with a bountiful form. Havo one. Don't order new clothes whilo taking mv trealmciit; you are sure to loiwo ilesli nnd then ytmr clothes won't fit you." Mrs. Johnson said she gavo up in.nnn for the treatment. .It didn't phase her fat. Sim denuinded her money back and got only icy silence. TWELVE C1SPIRIT0RS CONSTANTINO!1..!.. Juno 21. Twelve of ciirhleen men eoutlcmued to death for ooiuplicity in a plot which icsulted in tho murder of Shef kot Pasha were hanged hero today in Hnvaxido Suuare. A double cordon of troops nnd police surrounded tho scaffold. An enormous throng wit nessed tho o.NCcutions hut there was no outbreak. Soveral of tho prisoners delivered speeches from tho soaffold. WILSON REFUSES NEW ROSIN TREATY LONDON, Juno 24. According to n despatch from St. Petersburg .pub lished by tho London Standard to day, President Woodrow Wilson bus refused to renuw tho commercial treaty with Kussia, at tho lattor's re (piest, unless it is stipulated that American Jews nro allowed to enter Itusshi without vcbtnetion, A 10.000 RAKER LIKELY TO PROSECUTE IN CAUFORNEA Cabinet Considers McNah's Wilson Asjcs for all Papers White Slaves Cases to Be Rushed at Once Confjressman Prosecutor. WAHIIINOTON, June 24. After n cabinet meeting at which tho res ignation of Cnlted State District At torney John L. McNab, of Han Kran cJrco, was dlftcuKxcd for two and a half houm, It wnn announced today that President Wilson will liauo a utatement thin afternoon regarding tho resignation nnd tho charges mado by McNab In tho Dlggs-Camluettl and Western Fuel company cases. All the cabinet members were ret icont oh to tlm discussion of tho Mc Nab affair. It Is believed, however, that tho president will accept Mc Nub's resignation and will immedi ately announce his successor or will name a special prosecutor to act In tho Dlggs-C.imlncttl cases. It Is con sidered certain that tlm president will direct that the Dlggs-Camlnctll caios bo tried Imtncdln'cly. Ilryan Insistent. At tho cabinet meeting tho pres ent Insisted on complete explana tions from Attorney General McRcy nolds and Secretary Wilson. The latter deulod that ho had any ulte rior motlvo In tlio appeal to McRoy nolds to poatpono tho cases other than to give A. Camlncttl, tho new commissioner of immigration, a chance to learn bis duties beforo ho went west to attend his son's trial. Mclteynolds said that Wilson's ex planation covered his position. It Is understood that at tho cabinet meeting Secretary Hryan Insisted that tho administration mus,t push tho whlto slavery casesnt once. Secretary Lane also discussed tho situation, especially tho political .r nation that might arise out of the scandal. Itakrr May Prosecute. Tho president asked for all papers nnd telegrams In tho case. It Is reported that Congressman linker, of California, is considering an offer by the president of McNab's place. Tho report current hero Is that Itnkcr will bo appointed special ly to prosccuto Diggs' and Camlnettl. with nn Implied promise that later ho will bo mado a United States Judge. E WASHINGTON, Juno 24. Sena tor Pomorlne, of Ohio, listened to day to protests by tlm California delegation against bis amendment to tux brandy used In fortifying sweet wines 1.10 instead of thrco cents ns at present, but refusod to alter his position. Tho Callfornlans ar uged that tho high tax would ruin tho sweet wlno Industry of the Unit ed States nnd would deprive the gov ernment of 57,000,000 a year lu no enue. MALE SUFFRAGETTE WINS HUNGER STRIKE LONDON, Juno 21. Kdwy Clay, ton, tlm "ninlu suffrngotto" sen tenced to twenty-two mouths im prisonment for conspiracy with tnili tuut Buffrugettcs, was released to day after a successful hunger strike Clayton was very weak. It is reported hero that soveral prisoners in tlio Hollowny and other big jnils nro following tlm suffru getlo tactics on hunger strikes. Tim authorities aro puzzled to know what to do witli tlioso who will not oat. FRENCH STANDING ARMY TO NUMBER 727,000 l'AHIS, Juno 24. Tho standing army of Franco will number 727,000 men wlion the three year serviuo hill is passed, according to nn an nouncement in tho chamber of depu ties today by Deputy Lo Ornud. CAUCUS EAVORS TARIFE BILL IN F WASHINGTON', Juno 24. At v caucus of democratic senators today tho tobacco schedule of tho tariff bill wns Approved with change. The agricultural schedulo was taken up this afternoon. Tho cattle, wheat, oats and barley sections wero ap proved In tho form In which the; passed tho house. A strenuous fight over free sugnr Is predicted. Democratic senators opposed to freo sugar agree to support Senator Shafroth's amendment to substitute a duty of approximately halt n cent per pound for tho provision for free sugar In 19 1C. Senator Walsh, of Montana, mado another speech against free sugar. Senators New; lands, lUnsdcll, Thornton and Wl- liams announced themselves as ready to back a movement to eliminate tho provision for free sugar after three years. Senator James, of Kentucky was expected to defend the freo sugar section. After nil the schedules havo bonn approved the question of binding sen ators to support tho bill will be tak en up, Tho administration currency re form bill probably will bo Introduced Thursday In both houses of congress. Democratic members of the banking committee of tho house discussed tho bill today. On Friday tho full com mlttco will dccldo tho question of whether public hearings on tho bill wilt bo held. Tho majority members of tho committee arc opposed to ct tcnslvo hearings, and will try to ex pcdlto as much as possible the pas sago of tho currency hill by tho house. CHICAGO, Juno 24. Sex hyglono will be taught In the upper grades of the Chicago public schools begin ning next fall. Lectures on matters relating to personal purity will be given by physicians and be mado part of the regular curriculum. Tno school management declared for sex hygiene Instruction after Mm. Ella Flagg Young, superintendent of schools, had given her approval. "High school pupils need some thing to Improve their morals," said Mm. Young, "and sex hyglono has becomo essential In tho higher grades. Tha elementary pupils noed It too, but tho tlmo Is not ripe for children of such Immaturity to tako up this study of such a serious prob lem." PENNY POSTAGE BILL E WASHINGTON. Juno 24. A bill recommending penny postago for first class mall matter was Intro duced today In tho house by Rep resentative Ilodenborry, of Georgia. PRESIDENT CELEBRATES 28TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WASHINGTON, June 24. Today wns tho twftity-eight wedding anni versary of President nnd Mrs. Woodrow Wilson. The day wns spout quietly at tlio whilo house, where a few relatives called. It was an nounced this afternoon that tho pres ident Iind changed his plans for a flying trip to tlio summer eapitol nt Cornish, N. II. Ho will remain there only two days instead of ten. Leav ing Washington Friday night, tbp presidential party, will return on Monday. HEAT CRAZES CHICAGO HORSE IS SHOT BY POLICEMAN CHICAGO, Juno 21. Officer 'Hill' Patton, Chicago's tallest negro po liceman, mounted a barrel today so he might get bettor aim as ho fired two shots into tho brain of a lieat orazed horse. Tho barrel collapsed just ns Patton fired and ho tumbled to the ground, tho dead horso falling across his body. Six men from a neighboring firo btntion released Pntton, PRESENT M EX HYGNE CHICAGO SCHOOLS DEADLOCK OVER ELECTION K L Stino Gets Votes of Mrs. Gore and Mr. Cochran, Yho Refuse to Per mit Chairman to Cast Vote for Crawford Lawton Absent. The new school hoard, at its first meeting Monday, developed n dead lock over the election of a clerk. Mrs. K. E. Gore, tho newly elected member, took her scut. George K. Marshall, senior member wns elected chairman. D. T. Lawton was ab- Ucnt. J. If. Cochran nnd Dr. K. It. Sccly, tho other members of tho board were present nnd participated in tht trouble. Oris Crawford, for many years cicrk of tho school board, was re nominated for the position. II. S. Stino wns nlso named. Mrs. Goro and Mr. Cochran voted for Slinc. Dr. Sccly voted for Crawford. Mr. Marshall announced his vote for Crawford, but Mr.' Cochran and Mrs. Gore held that the chairman wan not entitled to a Vote nnd refused to permit him to count it. For nn hour Mr. Marshall held out for Ids right to vote. Attempts to get n ln7er for nn opinion fnilcd. Finally Mr. Crawford stated Hint ho did not wish to serve a divided board. Mrs. Gore snid that a vote of thanks should be given Mr. Crawford for his long nnd faithful sen-ice. Mr. Craw ford snid lie did not wish nny thanks, the treatment ho was receiv ing spoke louder than words. Tho two members who voted for Slinc dcclnro him, elected by a vote of two to one. Doubt regarding tho validity of the election, or the right to bar the chairman "from a'votc7iH freely expressed. Tho rcmoVal 'ofj Mr. Crawford lias aroused a good deal of indignation among ids' friends. The position of clerk pays $2."0 i year salary. Mr. Stino was former ly n public senooi icneuer ami is now nn insurance agent. Chnirman Marshall appointed tlio following cemmittees: Finance Messrs. D. T. Lawton and J. H. Cochran. Insurance Messrs. Cochran and E. U. Seoly. Dullding Messrs. Lawton and Seely. Repairs Mrs. E. E. Goro and Mr. Seely. Judiciary Messrs. Cochran nnd Seely. Supplies Messrs. Sccly, Cochran and Mm. Gore. Visiting (Visiting schools) Mrs. Goro. Health nnd Sanitation Mr. Seoly and Mm. Gore. Another thing decided at tho mcot Ing wns that Medford schools will havo no moro doublo seats. A con tract was let to chnngo the doublo seats at tho Washington school to two slnglo seats. TO INVADE SERVIA V1KNNA, Juno 21. That Bulgaria is preparing to mako a concerted at tack upon Servia immediately is re ported in despatches received ltoro to day from Uelgrndo, Thcso alarmist reports aro partially borno out in ad vices from Sofia, which stato that Bulgaria lius rejected tlio proposal of Hussia for a meoting in St. Peters burg of tlm premiers of tho Balkan States to discuss tho situation. Ser via is said to bo taking stops to re pel tho threatened invasion of Bul garians. Russia's proffered media tion hud already been accepted by Servia. WHITE SLAVER SENTENCED TO M'NEIL'S ISLAND SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 21. Ben S. Yoager, formerly proprietor of tho White House nnd several other lodg ing houses in Seattle, was sentenced to fifteen months ut McNeill's Island for violating the Mup ,au in trans nortiiig Gertie Evans from San Fran cisco to this state H BA BULGARS READY f i iiy A L ii i