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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1913)
u c:J Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair tonight mid 'Friday. Mnt. nil, Mln. Itf. SECOND EDITION rurirtlilrd Yxnr Dully UkIiIIi Yr. LINER IN FOG STRIKES ROCKS; TOGS TO RESCUE JT fcn J If P 'PS,HI American Liner Hnvcrforil Willi 000 Pnssengers on Reef off Queens town Crew Still Aboard hut Pas topers aro Saved Vessel Doomed. Deep Water Surrounds flocks and Llttlo Hope Held out Loft Liver pool for Philadelphia Yesterday, qi'dknhtown, Mny 20. Tint Amurlcitii liner Haver ford In reported tn ham striu-k Daunt' Dock uff burn today In n denim fog. Tugboat uuvn left for tho ceuo. Tim lluvr font loft Liverpool yesterday for Plillnrlitlphtn. Tim llnvcrford In till nKronnd with It crow nboitrd. At tin com pany' offices hern It wn stated that tlin vii1' 900 passengers liml broil removed. Ainri'iitly tin ship In doomed on arroiint of tho deep water surround Inn tlm rook. A heixvy (or ntlll pre vail. Tlm vtmiiol strurk tho reef nil It filtered tlm harbor preparatory to taking on 80 piwieiiFer. Ailmlrul Cokv. In charge of tlm llrllUh squad ron hero, linn sent several vcinmln to tlm Havcrford's assistance. QUF.KNSTOWN, Mnv !!.--Tim which located the Aumrii'iin liner Ifnvrrfnril Into today wircleiMed here tlmt tho vessel is ngruuiul nt Cork Head. Knrlicr pipnrt hliitud tlmt lli vcel grounded nfter strikSim Dnimt's Itock, near tho entrance to thin hurhor. . ..'. . Uuth tug mill Hritish wnnditp nrr tniulitiK liy while the llnvcrford' iitno huiiiln'il NisengeM nro being trnhitferrt'd In oilier vessels. Little hope In entertained of inning Hut IlnTorfonl. WWHVBBW LIVnitPOOL, Mny 29. Offloials of tho American l.lim, owner of tlm toamcr llnvorford. declared hero tlinl limy hud received ho oltlvu lufornmtlou roKurilhiK tlm vei'soi's met condition. They admitted, however, Hint everything Indicated that It wm In bad shupo. BE SF.ATTLK, WaMi., May 20. -Knrl ttogors, chief attorney for Clarence Harrow, nnd formerly ntlonmy for Patrick Calhoun, In horn tmlny en mute to Alaska for n long vncntlnn nftor seven yenrs hi tlm forefront of tlm biggest legal battles in Cnllfnr iiin, Rogers will kill for tho north tomorrow on tho Alameda. "I nin going to hnvu n good time," said Roger. "Mm. Rogers nnd my self nro going to wander nrouinl tliroiiKli tho far north and kwj nil that lx woi Hi while. 1,1 am jiimI out of tho lioiiliil nf tor n four iiionlh'rt hIoko nnd I nm CoinK to ho a kid nuiiiii and ei wpII." WIioii imknl if ho would KI do fi'inl Dnrrow. Hcirfirt nnid: 'I do not hcliovo that Darrow will ovor ho broimlit tu trail n;aiii. 'lliu ,.l,,i .-,., ulill uliiiiilx ni'iiinst him hill it I HM'h" ! ..,... n - my opinion thai it will qoon ho dropppil." EVERYBODY BLAMED FOR WASIIINdTON, May 'JO, -Con-(ii-sH, tlm iiidli'o and tho women innrclioi'H nro inolndcd in it mild ro juoof today in a report hy tho bcnnto I'oiiuniltoo which InvosliKiiled tho dia mdurri thai ooeiuri'd during tho mif fragottu mi ado horo March !). It doolaiod that iioiikiohh blmuld have uutliorixcd tho olonrliijj of 1'ununyU vnniii aveiiuo unlU later in tho day nnd hlnnmd tho miffriiKoUoa nnd po llen for failure t wain eongreHi on thiH point. HARROW CHARGE MAY DROPPED COLONEL'SCASE STRENGTHENED BY RELATIVE Cousin of Ex-President and Nuincr ous Newspaper Men Deny noose velt Was Tippler Troubles Have Hit the Colonel Hard Last Year. Roosevelt Out $10,000 In Trial Wcddliiu and Campalpn Expenses Add Din Total for Year. MAIKll.T.TTi:, MInIi., May Ul. -"Hy (leorKP. it'" (oimli hv """' Ki'tN nhot lip. IiiIh il Mi'ddiliu in lliu family mid tnrlw a llhel Mill, all in a nIiikIp year," Haiti Colonel Uoonevelt here today in reviewing hix reeeiit espprieneeu KiilmiiiuliiiK in hi preenl Hiiil for lihil imninl (leorxe Newett, editor Nipi-minK Iron Ore. "That .Milwaukee Imllut," tno eolonel weal on, "rout me .tllOIMI. The weddim; eot nliuiit the name nnd thern'H no lellint; how iiiueli the null will eott me define I'm through. Hat lluit tmnor Hiiid alt mv iiiliuiatitN kuuw almiit my InihilH. Well, I've pH 'em here, hy (lenre. Of fern of ii uiicit that he i im IriinLiirit nre iHiiirimc in mi Koiwovelt hy the ncore. The eolonel i porcon- nlly miirkhalllut; Iiih own uiuirHei nnd hiiyn who will tenlifv and when. An iiiiiilxniw of the court a ileeiMon of iHilvrdiiy Iuwm tlmt it opcni hroml inenuiw for tlm defeime. It miirilv kvcIiiiIcm ncWMMIIier clipping im lititimoiiy to HooicxellV rcputn- tmn hut otherwiM) the whole Held ot hi gcncriil reputation U open to N'owelt mill Idtt ultnchMiH. It n re ported Hint NVwetl tiinifclf will lake the Htnm!liP!ortjMlnv trial n nuicii.- A no p1oh of tlm court will he IikM tomorrow. Colonel Itoimevelt will put in the day hy an nddroHH to old holdiiTM here and In likely to witno n hall gniim hy tlm iiiiimtcM of tho N'oilhi-rn IVniteiiliary. C. . Thompson, a lepoiter lor tho New York Time wiih today'n flrwi ilin.t. lie hwore that Hooe- itll wiik nlway Holier and that ho drunk only n Mtimlo kIh or oluim lutgiiu nt ImiiquolH. Hit wan very IMiMitivo tlmt tho colonel was ntMcr drunk nnd Hint he "never heurd nnv MijjKeHtion that he wiik," Andrew Ahelo of Ironlon, Ohio, followed Thompxon. Ho testified that ho a iiiMiniil Colonel House- plt from 1 ronton to Chilieothe, Jack- Min, AlhciiH mid other Ohio towim nt Home of which, tho defeuso nssorteil, HoiiHovelt wan drunk, lie nlmi a si.rir.l Hint ltooneelt did not drink u drop at any of tho townn mentioned. Abel win cloM-lv oroHrt cxiinuneit hut Muck flint to his testimony. He wax fnllou-iM on Iho stand hy former Judge V. Z. Hlnlr of PortMiiouth, Ohio who haired half or Ailnim conn tv from tho rialit to vote on uucoiuil of election hrihery. Illair tcHlified "there wan nothing to indicate that Colonel HoOhovelt wan drinking or had been intoxicated. Ho win sober and in good phyim-al tdinpe." Philip Hoofoelt, Iho coIouoI'h uoiifiiu, then took (ho stand, lie hiiid : "I know Iho colonel ho well that 1 liiivn Iil'cii fiwiminiuir with him when ho hod no clothes nt nil." Young Itoosovclt Hiiid hu had known the colonel alwuys nnd Hiiid: "Tho foloncl hurdlv over drinkn anything except nt night, teimpoouful of brandy in milk," He admitted Hint liefnro tho trial tho tcdliinony of Colonel Hoosovelt, of IdinNcif and a number of other witueHHCH had been written out us u guldo to Attorney Pound. T T CIHCAOO, May 21).-Peter Hooked today Mutt and fatally wounded (louovlovo Tlioinus, whom ho intended to marry today, nnd then committed suieido. Ho loft n nolo to tho giifB futhor which reudt "Tills is tlm kind of wedding yon will ficon funeral instead.1' Heokor was despondent over his inability to got work, N WEDDING INTO RAGEDY MEDJfOttD, IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS HOLD UP A RICH DANE Tho lmmli;rtlon niithorltleH at Hi ll Inland, New York, throuch which coino Into tlm Cnltud KtatoM nlnr Irutlm of tlm foreigner neoklui; honu here. Imve Jumtieil Into nn olli.T en wi Ilka tlmt of MylliiH, the limit ncriiiiicd of llhelllng King Ceorge, nnd Cnntro, tho former dlc tittor of Venoxueln. Tlmy tmvo HtopiM'd Axot I'oihoi, u rich young Danish engineer and Inventor, who ciimu to tint fulled Ktnten to Htudy automobile coniitriirtlnn with tlm purpomi of returning nnd making uno In C'opeuliiiKcn of American lilonn. PLAN 10 BUILD U.S. I FLEET BLOCKED WASHINGTON'. .Mny 'JO. Heed ing numoroiiH protests from foreign nations, .Senators P. M. Simmons of North Cnroliun, chairman of the sen nlo fiuuueo committee, announced hero today after n conference with President Wilson Hint it had been de cided to drop the five tier cent dif ferential on imports in American owned or controlled vcct from tho Underwood tariff. Ho admitted that protests from foreign nations were rcpounihlo for this action. Tho slate department, Simmons, usxortcd, ruled that tho protests wero justified, nlso Hint those ugaiust tho provision which would compel foreign nicrehnnts to subndt thelr books to nn American ngent in cases of disputed valuations. Asked whether tho Iioiisq would Mihscriho to this action if Iho bill came hack to it so amended hy tho senate, Iteprcsentativo Underwood, leader of the Imuso majority, said: "l'ersouully 1 fnvor tho ratifica tion of tho tno jier cent differential provision as ono of tho wnvs of build ing a merclmut murine. Foreign na tions diseriniinnlo in fnvor of their own ships nnd I seo no reason wh wo should not discriminate In favor of our own." DYNilElS" lMJIUtlNAN. Franco, May 29. Two tons of nitroglycerine exploded hero today, demolishing i dynnmlto plant and tearing a great holo In the earth. Fho corpses already have boon recovered anil many other por tions nro luUBlng, REFUSE RESIGNATION OF SOLICITOR GENERAL ISAACS LONDON, May 20. Tho resigna tion of .Solicitor Oonernl Isaacs, which wiih tendered ns u result of tho "Marconi scnndal" in which ho and Chancellor Lloyd-Qeorgo was named, was today flatly refused by Premier Asquith, Tho proinior iu slfilcd that ho would simply "keep tho document on file for futuro notion if occasion Mmuld arise." Isaacs' notion was a result of a eoitl mot entered into by tho Hritish government for n Marconi wireless system lo girdle tho globo. Under Hritish law members of parliament afo prohibited from holding interest in any concern having govornmout contracts and cnebiuet members au tomatically become members of parliament, IHMMMMNMMMMMWMMPHMMMHMMHBB! MERCHAN OIJIKJON. TIIUHSDAY, AHO 01 COT OFF BY Slides Reported on Railroads Oro flno Wilhout Light and Mall-Railroad under water for Five Hun dred Feet River Subsiding. Columbia River Reaches 19 Foot Slaue at Vancouver and Is Rising No Damage Yet. OltOI'INO, Idaho, May 23. No innll Iium been received lioru for three duys on account of tho flood waters of tho ClenrwHter river. Tho electric HkIiI plunt here Is out of commUnlon and tho town wna In darkness lad nlnht Kevcrnl slides havo liven ro tmrted on tho Clearwater short linn between Orolltio and (Jrccr, nnd COO feet of tlm railroad rli;hl of wuy is under wnler. The river Is subuldlng today. VANCOUVKIl. Wnsh., Mny 29. Tlm Columbln river reached tho 10 fool ntUKe hero today with tho pro pods of Its being abore tho 21 foot mnrk by Hominy. No damngo has yot been done. PLAN 10 RESTORE TO PAR - VALUE Under n new law that goes into effect June li, banks desiring to net as depositaries of county funds must file applications with tho coun tv treasurer hv tho first Moudav ill June, with nworu statement of tho tinnk'ri condition. A dctositary bond, secured by n duly qualified surety company guarauteoiug tho amount of dctosits applied for or hy other security. Two tcr cent in terest is paid on balances. The county court nt its next meet ing will probably authorize tho us of county warrants as security for county funds deposited in hanks, such action being contemplated by members of tho court. Tho effect of this will ho to create n demand for county warrants hy tho banks, and result in their bebig forced to par through tlm market thus created. Such result will completely restore tho credit of tho county to its right ful parity. BUD ST PORTLAND, Ore, May 20. Milliliter Diok Donald, for Hud An derson, today stnted that ho would slnnd by tho promises mndo to Pro molor MoCnrev for n bout with Leach Cross in Los Angeles July 4. Ho would not statu what guaranteo had been made him but said it was far in excess of $3300, Hint Promo ter Coffroth offered Hivers for fight with Frankio Hums. IS TORONTO, Out., May 29. Tho long threatened disruption ot tho en tire building trnilo bids fairly well to becomo reality on Momluy next, whon 11000 carpenters will bo out on strlko. Prolonged efforts havo been mado by tho officials of tho unions to offect a friendly settlement with tho employers, Theso efforts havo proved futllo as tho employers have rofuseil to pay moro than -12 cents por hour this Benson. Tho Joint oxoc utlvo of tho Amalgamated Society and nrothorhood of Carpenters last night decided to go on Mrlko, EAT 00 COUNTY WARRANTS LEACH 0 MAY 2f), IMS. TEXAS GIRL'S PICTURE ON NEW U. S. NOTES Kllcn Kvclyn James, a Texas girl, tins becomo a goddcts tho Ooddcss of I'lcnty and as such her face will oruumont new bills to be liwucd by tho United States government. Ken- yon Coxx, the artltit. to whom was Klxcn tho work of doilgntug the bill had many candidates for tho God dess ot Plenty, but ho rho&o tho llt tlo Texns girl. Miss James Is an ar tist herself, being a studenTof sculp turo In tho Students' Art League of Now York City. RALLY FOR GOOD ROADS WILL BE LARGEST YET "The Medford Commercial club of Medford, Oregon, requests the pleas ure of your presence nt nn informal banquet nt tho Hotel Medford at 8:00 o'clock Friday ueniin;, Juno 0, 101 II, to bo tendered the state highway en gineer of California nnd the member of the Si Liy on cououty highway com mission on tho occasion of tho per manent location of the new Pacific Highway route over tho Siskiyou mountains, to further tho cause of good roads nnd to launch n onmpnign for bonding Jackson county for the construction of u system of perma nent highways. Please notify tho secretary of your acceptance." So reads the invitations being sent out by Secretary Wuro of the Medford Commercial club to Gover nor West, members of the stato high way commission, Slate Highway En gineer Dow'lhy, Sam Hill nnd good roads advocate throughout the stntc. Delegations from nil the nearby towns nro expected to bo present and participate ,iu the rally, whioli it is aimed to maku the biggest of tho year. Tickets can be had nt tho club. Plates will bo 75 cents for local members. .President Perry has appointed the following committee to take charge of the occasion, arrange a program and look nfter details: O. Putnam, Dr. C. 11. Hay, J. A. Westorlund, W. F. Isaacs, A. C. Hubbard, K. C. Guddis and S. S. Smith. DIME NOVEL JUDGE TRIES COL ROOSEVELT MAHQUETTr:, Mich., May 29. Judgo Flannlgnn arrived at tho court house today an hour betoro tho open lug of tho Hoosovolt trial and Im mediately shut himself up lu his chamber while a bailiff shooed nil visitors away. Hut ono enterprising roporter broke In on tho judgo and discovered his honor reading a blood thirsty d I inu novel with tremendous Interest. Caught lu tho act, tho judgo exxplalued: "All I rend Is lnw books and ill mo novels. I llko the wold west kind but It scorns to mo that dime novols havo degenerated lately. Maybo I'vo got dlmo novol blood. In mo, I havo wnntod an norqplano ovor since they worn tuvoutod and I hnto to go alow lu my automobile." Nig Clarke, tho old Cleveland back stop, battel for HI In his first ton games with tho Iudlaunpalls club. - . Kalis. WONT LET DOC GROUND BROKEN FRIEDMANN TEAMS GRADING INOCULATE FOR RAILROAD New York Board of Health Prohi bits Further Treatment Until Proven Good Fears "Cure" Causes Patients to Relapse. German Doctor Discredited and Firm That Bought Rights Due to Lose Large Sum Must Have Poof. XKW YORK, May 20. Absolute prohibition of any further inocula tion of tuberculosis patients in Now York with the Friedmunn scrum was issued hen; this afternoon by tho New York board of health "until nf ter full and complete data regarding tho use of u specimen culture and other agents employed therewith nnd full details of preparation mid ad ministration have been submitted to (he hoard of health and iiei-mission has been granted in writing for the use of the Mime. The rcsitt of the board of health snys : "Kvideiicc already i nt hand show ing Hint this so-called remedy not only does not fulfill tho promises' of efficacy whereon its us was first iter mitted here, but thai, on the con trary, during its administration, many patients have suffered on un duly rapid progress of their Uis ease. ' PORTLAND. Ore., May 29. Tho Portland Commercial club Is today In receipt of a letter of warning from tho Dayton, Ohio, chamber ot com merce, against fakers who might try to profit by tho recent disastrous flood there. The letter states that before long "flood sales" will be advertised, lec turers will tour the country aud other schemes will bo resorted to to collect money on the strength of tho misfortune that bell their part ot tho country, and asks that all such en deavors bo Investigated for tho pro tection ot tho public. 10 PORTLAND, Ore., May 29. Inti mation wns given today by prominent Portland attorneys Involved In the present litigation ot the receivership of tho orthwestern Long Distance Telcphono company that tho govern ment will start suit shortly to have t,ho merger of that company with tho Sunset Telepliono company, a ueu subsidiary, dissolved. That such a suit will bo filed In n few days, 't is declared, Is a certainty. Constuutino J. Smyth, special as sistant to tho United States attorney gonernl, arrived In Portlaud Tuesday and since that time has been qulot'y but extensively investigating tho sit nation. F SEATTLE. Wash., May 29. J. R Moore, formerly a wholesale jeweler hero, up to noon today tailed to fur nlsh ball to securo hla release from tho county jail, where ho Is hold on a warrant from Victoria, 11. O., charg lug conspiracy to defraud. Tho con spiracy la ullegod to havo beou con cocted by Moore- aud four others In promoting tho Hankers' Trust cor poration, limited, bp which It Is said sonio $250,000 wiui lost to Innocont stockholders. Mooro owns a beauti ful homo nt Laurelhurst, a suburb ot Seattle. Ho was arrested last night as ho nnd his wife were ullghtlag from their nutomobllo nt one ot the downtown corners. WARNED AGAINST FAKEFLOOD VICTIMS NO. 58. Grading Started on Riglit-of-Way of Bullls Electric Line Teams nnd Men at Work Today First Unit Now Determined. Road Will Leave East Main at Ceme tery Road Will Follow Curb on r Main Street Smith Deeds Land. Gmund was broken Thursday for tho new trolley line, franchise for which wni recently granted S. S. Hullis, who is now 'in the cint pur chasing rails nnd contracting for equipment. Tea mi are (grnding tho right-of-way between Main, street nnd Siskiyou Heights. Location of the first unit has de finitely been determined. Tho line will leave the business center, going east on Fast Main to where tho mud lenves the cemetery. Here a forty foot strip hns been deeded by J. (K Smith of Medford Heights, south east to the cemetery, thence tho rout i ' nini cast through Siskiyou Heights. The projectors stntc that tho cm do is too steep on East Main milk ing il necessary to swing to tho fcouth nnd cast. Tho lino on Main will probably hug the curb ' inMciid of being in the center of the street, thus leaving ample room for street traffic. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., May 29. ' To the cheering of several thousand pcrtfons who had gathered at tho In tersection of Kearney and Market streets, in the heart ot tho city, Mayor Rolnh hero today started the work ot extending tho municipal rail way to the forry building. Imme diately nfter the mayor had Inserted a crowbar and lifted a plank from the old Geary street turntable, tho work ot installing a special track to connect with the present tracks In lower Market street started. "The city Is happy," Mayor itolph told the crowd, "to see things moving In the right direction." MARKET DULL WITH FRACTIONAL ADVANCES XKW YORK, Mary 20. No import ant changes figured in tho Mock market today. Fractional advances were made in smelling und Amalga mated aud Heading, with slight de clines in Pennsylvania, Steel and Southern Pacific. Distillers' securities five per cent bonds declined two. St. Louis nnd San Francisco five per cent bonds ijtl vnnced a point. Later Canadian Fn oifiu declined two points nnd tho rest of the list weakened Mightly. Krio iir&t preferred dropped mpro than a point. Honds wero irregular. The market closed dull nnd weak. OAKLAND, Cal., May 29 Mys tery surrounds tho finding early to day ot tho body ot Fonton MacLoau, ono tlmo promluont and rich In thq circus world, dead from asphyxiation In his apartment at Twenty-sixth street aud San Pablo uvenuo, and, tho hurried flight of a pretty blonde woman, 30 years his junior, who joined hlpi In his apartments the night before. Evldonco gathered by detectives pointed to a wild debauch that ended either In suicide or foul play. The police are searching for the woman,. MncLeun Is said tohavo a 8lUr living In Snu Diego, FRISCO EXTENDS MUNICIPAL MAD f ' I I : j l t l J t (I