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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1913)
9f' t 7 ftt 11 ' MTOnroun matt, TumuNrc. mebford, oreoon. TninmnAY, may 20, win. ra 'J : ' '',KI u i A j1 WCMAND L PERSONAL Mf, intiil Mr. Lawrence Drown havo returned to Jacksonville after innitflnit ro days With Mr. nrown'o wether and elslcr nt Grants l'n. jA herd of 46 ot the bent Guerngc-y ilall-y'cbW to bb found In I ho eait vfllt tenvo i-'oVl Atklrtson, WW., nn Tlinrftilny for (Iranta Pans, to enn jll'tutb U10 luictait ot tho l.oo'nnid drchoril company' lrtnl of 200 that xiAi form the hoVIno population of tho-olil Ponn-Orcgon rnnchi now n Vrt ot Nib Ltdndnt holdlnfefi. ' "drcWrd", bunting, rUhing nd bfftter itin Scenes' for silo at Gcr- ItlnB Harmon's studio. Negatives made any place, kodak finishing. 128 mi. Main street; Phone fclB R. W. 13. Thompson ot Oold Hill trans nclcd business In Medford WVlncs uny afternoon. Ernest Smith, Iho druggist, bo Is In charge ot a drug storo nt fcoqulllo, Coos county, IB making Medford a visit. He was employed nt Ilnsklns' for fccrern years. k Kodak finishing, best In town, at Weston'. Mfs. V". P. Chlsholm and KIley Hammcrsly, her brother, wero Med ford visitors Wednesday. , They have returned to Gold Hilt alter residence- of some length nt Kogun Hirer. ' Mrs. Welngartcn, who has been visiting Mrs. J. C. Tsggnrt. Is on her way to southern California. MnL M. Waschall, who now resides In California, la looking after her real estate Interests In Mcdford and may again become a resident ot the To cemetery tomorrow, 25c each waf. Cara leavo Hotel Nash stand ovory IB minutes. Hall Taxi Co. "56 ' M. XI. Taylor of Jacksonville mado a trip to Medford and northern couti Vy "points Wednesday. Ml. . District Attorney IteamcS loaves for Portland this evening, and will assume tho duties of his ottlco feathrday, Juno 1. To comelory tomorrow, 25c each way. Cara lcnY6 Hotel Nash stand every 15 minutes, llall Taxi Co. 58 ' Councilman Campbell has been at his farm near Talent for somo Unlc planting tomatoes, etc. Mrs. Tom Moffat lctt for Bandou, Coos county, Wednesday evening tp visit frletid's and wlllj be gone 'sev eral weeks. ( ' U. II. McCurdy writes all kinds ot Insurance. .-401 -if. F. '&. II. bldg. ' riio'nd 349. Thomas K. Osgood, county survey or, left on a business trip to Portland -Wednesday evening. Porter J. Neff has returned from Myrtle Creek, Douglas county, where ho delivered tho address to tho grad uating class ot Iho high school. To cemetery tomorrow, 25c each way. Cara leavo Hotel Nash stand Dvery 15 minutes. Hall Taxi Co. 58 Iter. J. K. Howard, who has been visiting in Mcdford, left for his home at dlondalo Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dullis ot Olc'an, N. V nro registered at Hotel Med ford. ' Miss Florence Marshall, teacher cf KngUslt In the Medford High scboal. has gone to California to attend a summer school at ono ot the univer sities of that state. Gerklng & Harmon, studio por traits, home portraits, flash 'lights, kodak finishing, post card work and enlarging.; 128 East Main street; telephSno '215 It. r ' J. 'V. Casey, pioneer of Portland's railroad row. Is in tho valley In tho - interests ot tho Chicago, MIlwaukeoL,,, wM nmonK hogo w,)o irm & St. Paul. h. A. Nell and G. W. Owens, prom inent stockrnlsera ot the upper val lo, wgro In Medford and Jackson ville Wednesday. Insure and be sure, night if we write It. II. A. Holmes, The Insur ance Man. James Dootb, tho horseman, Is In tho valley again. j Madamos Kenworthy, Johnson and Jtoth iiayo gono to Sacramento on a visit. Tho two last named" wero ac companied by their daughters. rflss Catherlno Meafs, n member of tho faculty of tho Medford High tichool, has gono cast oh a three months' visit Tho Holman White Sulphur Daths and Swimming Jfaola nt Aihlaifd, Oregon, will open for tlno season Saturday, May i6. 64 'Robert W, Telfor, represontatlvo ot 'the Clark-Hone'ry down from fcugono. company, is J. C, Mooro, who has been visiting in Grants Pass, has returned to his noma at union, uro. t;. K. Taylor of Wheatland, Cnl., ia u recent arrival In Medford. w Uv D. Itenmo and Clauda White of &nYj,alJolnL vero in Medford on Wednesday, Weeks & McGowan Co. tJOTERTAKERS XU.BT AHISVAirr Day Phone 227 Ntekt F, W. Weeks 10U-JT.2 Phones A. K. Orr U78-M Dr. .1. K. Hhearor of Ulcndnto, who Is well known In Medford, will bo In charge of the Btcphouson fanllnrltiin, hnW 'building, and will be nsorlntil Willi Dr. M. T, Hobltuoh, Into of CnrbondMe, Prii ft. D. Westoli, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any ttmo or placo by appointment. Phono M. 1471. MisstMlfo Galnea W ltltlug rrleitda lUlnfe' In1 Ban KranclBco. II. U Kcyte'bt Berlin Is tnsnrt Ing business In Medford. Lester liallcy, ho hns been em ployrd on tlie Sun for some time pnst, lert for Portland Wednesday v nlng, whefo ho has sccureil n ui Hon on a newspalor. Dr. Klrchgossner wilt be at Hotel Xaih every Saturday from 10 a. in. to 3 p. m. on and after May 24, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Conro Klero nnd Mr. and Mm, Phil Hamlll motored to Mcdtortt Wednesday excnlng. Mrs. Stanton Grlftls has geno to Welleslcy, Mass., to attend her class reunion nt Dana Hall. Wlllla'm'WhIcimnt, n former busi ness man of Mcdfonl, who went to Colorado a few years ago, has re turned with his family. Fred Alton Hnlght. teacher ot piano and harmony, specialist In cor rect principles of touch nnd tech nique for beginners or advanced pu plls. Faults corrected. Summer term. Halght Music Studios, lie S. Laurel street. Phono 72C-It. C9 K. W. Durdell. Whiter Evans nnd W. J. Hnhn or Rlcrsldc, Cal.. ar rived In Mcdford Wednesday eve ning. They are on their way to Van couver, I). C traveling by automo bile. Miss Pearl Dox of Jacksonville !s tilling the position ot night operator at the Home telephone ottlco In Med ford. Vap&r baths and sclentltlo mas sago for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono 145. Tho first annual military ball ot tho 7th company C. A. C. w'lll far outshlno any soclnl function ever at tempted In tho Roguo River valley. Tho decorations, which aro very elab orato havo been completed and many new nnd novel features havo been effected. Quito a number of prom inent military guests aro expected from out of town Including Adjutant General Finxor ot Portland, and Colonel Hammond ot Eugene. R. W. Elded of Seven Oaks tarried a few hours In Mcdford Tuesday. Henry Millard nnd John Slpplo transacted business ' In Medford 'on Wednesday. Jacob Klippel. N. II. Ilrndbnry and other members of tho G. A. R. at tended tho funeral of tho lata A. P. Talent at Ashland Wednesday. Miss Lorraine Rounds, a nlcco of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. It. Glasgow, who has been teaching In tho Mcdfbrd schools, left for homo In Iowa on Wednesday evening. Wnlter E. Hard)', J. A. Moody and G. W. Deanft wero among tho cltlxcns of Jccphlno county In Mcdford dur ing tho week. E. D. Drlggs of Ashland, tho nt torncy, was In Mcdford nnd Jackson ville Wednesday. The library will bo closed Friday on account ot .Memorial day. Ross Kllno was n business visitor In Ashland Wednesday afternoon. W. Doeson and L. H. Houston wero up front Talent' tho foro part of tho week. ' ' Mrs. Dora Young of Ashland has been visiting friends living In Mcd ford. ' '" Wlllltfm Ulrich mado a buslucss trip to Gold Hill Wednesday. Henry Manklns of Poormans creek acted business In Mcdford Wednes day. Orant Wertz, city recorder of Itogno Illv'cr, was in Medford nnd Jacksorivlllo Wednesday. Miss Kstelia LeVy uAd Mls Lulu Rock wero over from Jacksonville tho fore part ot tho week. J. M. Garrett and M. F. Hanley, Lake Crc6k stockrnWrs, spent Wednesday In Medford. H. C. Stoddard inAdo a business trip to Grants Pass Wednesday eve ning. G. O. Taylor nnd E. C. Hogsdtt wero at Jacksonville nn professional business Wednesday afternoon. At tho recent election In Klamnt,h Foils only eight' votes " we're cdsl against the proposition to bond tho town for J77.00O to redeem outstand ing warrants und platoAhb town on a cash basis. Dr. It. C. Kelsoy, 8. W. McClendon and Charles Irwin of Gold Hill spont Wednesday (n 'Jledford. v 'Mlss Imogend Thomason of Port land is making Medford a visit, ac compnnying her father, who Is in tho valley In tho Interest ot tho Mitchell, Lewis & Rtaver company, Miss Mnrnlo Deuel Ih at Eaglo Point, tho guest of Miss Frances Heath. R. E. Hlno went to Ashland on Wednesday In the Interest of tho In vestors Uulldlng & Trust company of Portland. Polk Hull of Griffin creek district was among his Medford friends on Wednesday, Mrs. Gcorgo Von der Hellon of Eagle Point has gone to southoru California, on n, visit. Rata aro becoming rather numer ntis and dcilrurilvo in snpin parts nt tiui valley, their ancestors tuning bben Imported In box cars loaded Willi feed anil flour nt tho wharves ot San Vrnrirlsco nnd Portland n tow ypnYa Aro. A lady living near Med ford who Intended to ongnge In rais ing poultry hnd 150 chicks and 2i oung turkeys devoured by tlum in a short time. It Is high ttmo that tho rodents bo exterminated. Wind, blowing nt the rate of 40 nlles an hottr, did considerable dam ago Monday night to fruit nnd stand ing grain In tho Vicinity of Clici, Cnl., besides blowing down mnnv t'rues. Tho grain was about ready for harvesting nnd more or less ot It will prove n total loss. Mrs. W. (1. Aldenhagen ot San Francisco U lsltlng In Medford. s 5lrs. V. 11. Maddon entertains Thursday evening at dinner for guests at her homo. E NKW YOKIC, May 'JO.-The Cubnn warship Cuba, nrrhed here today, it was oseorled up the harbor b the emWer Ynnklon, tho American fleet at battleship firing a salute. OpeniiiK ecremomes, incidental to tho (led ion t ion oC the -Maine moim- meiil lomorrow, begun here today. TOU VELLE AIDING T County Judge Ton Velio is send ing out blank' upon application to dependent mothers ho think the nro entitled to receive pensions frem tho county under the nw mothr's pen sion law. Only those who nro de pendent upon their own exertions vtith children to aupptjrt, nro entitled to jM'hsmns, though ninny women who hne property interests ns well ns thoeo in receipt of incomes from other sources, have already applied. The Inw goes into effect June !l. The blanks consist of n Inrgc number of iicstions to which the applicant must fill out satisfactory replies, nnd swenr to the sumo before A notary. Under the law, the enmity judge U mndu the solo judge of the applicants nnd must decide whether or not n pension i deserved under the terms ol the Inw. BIXBV GETS LONG STAY tri WRITE SLAVE TRIAL LOS ANUKLHS, Col., Mny 29. By nu njfreemenl between Assistaiit District Attorney Oscar Lawlor, counsel for Gcorgo Ilixby, tho hit ter's trial on n charge of contribu ting to the delinquency of young girls, will be xslponed unlit .Inly III. As a result of tho agreement Iho case will conic up as scheduled Juno 11), nt which timo it will bo contin ued. Bixby, who is n Long Beach millionaire, wn nrrested in connec tion with Hie recent vice probe here. PRESIDENT SERDS IN i BUNCH OF NOMINATIONS WASHINGTON', Mny 'ill. Presi dent Wilson today sent tho follow ing nominations to Ihe senate: K. A. Fitftlicnry, to bu surveyor gcnbrnl of Wnsbinglon. John Densmorc, MontAun, li bo solicitor general of thu dcpurtiiicnt of Inbor. l!ttrl llugcs, to bu posliunstir ht Fresno, Cnl. Olio 'I!nes, to bo" poslmrtHler nt Mojnve, Cnl. Ihe DuJiy . - . .m inrW. Ji I Vt Cw,M MJ4 n t 11, r-N, DirU bl-i lailoi.'u ,'jt) null wlili Mliltu pipings nlxl tiultuiu )hki( of velvet nn collar and eiiU. SluUon Ttfarc, WELCOM n CUBAN I DANIEL MELSA, VIOLINIST OK TWENTY, A0ENIUS NP.W YORK, May 29 Daniel Melsn, tho boy violinist, for ho Is now under twenty years nt nge, has been taken In charge by rich Jowa of New York, Including Otto II Knhn of tho great banking firm ot Ktthn, IOub ft Co.; Mrs. Samuel I'nlormycr, wlfo of tho Pujo money trust committee counsel, and others, who ImtlovA ho will develop Into a great musician. Ho is an orphan of tho pogroms, when tho Jews ot Russia wero cut down like cnttte. After the pogrom of 19 or. n Poland the mother and son wero hunting for tho bodies of the father and sister. Who had dis appeared. Tho father was never heard of again, but about a week after their disappearance tho mutllnted body ot tho sister was found In a deserted cemetery, whero It had been heed Isssly cast by her slaers. As they woro leaving tho cometory with tho bullet-torn remains of the child n strong force- of Comekn sud denly surrounded thorn, still frcnzlod b' sccnea bt massacre and bent on further slaughter. Not knowing, wbnt cls'o to do In tho fjco ot such deadly peril, young Mclsa took his rhorlshcd violin from tho bug which ho always carried and began to play with the Inspiration 6t a grea crisis. Tho yelling Cossa.nks Immediately subsided Into sltanco nnd n hush ot rapt attention felt upon till. Then tho leader dlamlsrod his men nnd told the young Orpheus and his mother to go In peace; the hand of the Lord was on the boy nnd no harm should como to him orhls f .1 JW-I" . ' GONDmON OF JAPS SACRAMENTO, Cal., May 29. Seeking liiformntton on the living conditions of Japauso In tho Sacra mento valley before tho private of fice ot Governor Hiram W. Johnson for a conference on the Japaneso sit uation, 8. Kbara nnd A. Hnttori, members of the Jaoaneso itarllanfeuts IC. Yatnoto, sccrojury of Kbaru nnd K. Abldoi a newspaper editor of thin FrnucUco, mado In trip today down tho Sacramento riior to Inspect the orchnrds and berryllntricls that aro tlllod by their roiintryiiutn. "Jjfo request haH been received hero for an Intervlow with tho governor," Socretary McUnbo anii(5unred today at tho governor! office McCaW ladlcltiA that such n re (iioct wohbl readily bo grnntcd. The Japanese, nro stopping at u fashionable hotel hlld havo rcfolvcd many visitors slucu. their urrivul. 10 SACKAMHNTO, Cith, May 21). (lovenior llimm W. JoIiiihuii lodny nniiotiiiced that )ih Voulil grant n heating lo Gus W'joiian uin Husaiinn Viercko. wnute'd iii l'oVlJi'ifid, (Iro- gon, on a elitugu 'of udntery, liel'oro taking action on tho request for ex tradition by the Oregon urithorilics, The coiiplo weie nirested in Hnn Frniieisco. . OUT ON $3000 BAIL KKATTLl-;, Wi.s.h fny 2l. Neil MeArtluir, custoinH inspcelor, who wns jailed s 11 witness ngiiiust Char lie Louie in an opium smuggling ciihq upon his ictiiiu to Heat tie. after 1V1H uppenring when wnntcd lis t witueau 111 nuothor sniuggiiig case, is free loduy under 300" cush buil, t I COUPLE INSPECTOR Mfr mm MHM ! I- . . MOTHER AND BABE : ATTACKEb BY DOG KKNNKYYU'K, WhhIi,, Miiv i!IK -Mrs. Osrur I'unliti und her lirti-your od baby hoy nrl rceiArrliiK hero to day rnim hilt't tufliclcil bV a bulldog. The dojr stjili)d to Wohy the bivliv while it wivl ii(vtoyi Atlineled bv Ihe baby's oiirs'Mfs; 1'iinlin grubbed t up nnd rtlshcd iitsido tho yard only lit bo grabbed by tlio nun hnd drugged )o the groumMiy the dog, which bad jumped I IpJ lViico. licr Hcientuil brought Nlc. Cdliwnv, n iteiglibor, t Ihe Hccito tinned with an axe mid he, (Kvoiupaiiietl bv hisN own dog, il locked iho bulldog mid k tiled it. The child's bend was badlV gashed hnd Mrs. l'tirdin'H itniis lacerated. S.P. BY U. P. 10 flj MCW YORK, Mny 29.- Speaking ot plans for the, uumorglng of tho Southern Pacific nnd Union Pacific railroads, In Accord with tho supremo court's order, Judgo Robert Lovett. chairman of the otecittlvu board of the t'ntou Pacific, said. "Wo buvo decided on two alternate, plans, details ot which nie not set tled. We propose to nffer tho South ern Pnclflcstock held by the Union Pacific for public subscription In a way similar to that In which Now York bonds woro disposed of. and to Invito bids at such price and amount as bidders desire, tho minimum prlo to bo fixed hereafter. "As nn alternating wo propose to deposit stuck n the hands of somo bank a a trustee, with voting power and against tho Issue ot its certifi cates. Such certificates, while hav ing no voting power, would entitle the holder to dividends and be ex changeable by the holder for tho stock Itsolf upon tho statement by tho holder that ho Is not a stork holder In the Union Pacific. As this would result lu disfranchisement or stock whllo hold by u trtutrn nml as long as held by any Union Pacific stockholders', ft Is proposed In this caso that certificates bo offered shareholders of I lib Union Pacific alono nt such prices at Its directors may hereafter determine. I Intend to submit both plans, lo tho court." JOHN DAVIS MEETS T IDENI The third of n s cries of oear fatal nccidcnls Thursday Injeil John Davis of (ho Griffin Creek district up with n sprained hack und severe bruises, the result of tinting 11 large tree, just felled, roll over him. A year ngd Davis wha bitten by n wild enl, blood poiifonitig set in und he nearly lost bis hrin. Htx mouths Inter a cnlf Davis wan lending, rail liwny, Ihe rope becoming wrapped about bun, dnfggiug him along, breukiiig n leg. Davis was chopping wood 111 Iho forest back of his place, some six miles iront Mcdford Thursday morn ing wilb his two sons. One of (ho boys relied n large tree 011 the lull nhoVc, which rolled down iho bill toward the father. Thn latter nl ti'uiptcd lo run out of Iho way, Ids fndt ruught in a stamp, nnd the tree crushed over him, sti iking his back mid bruising him badly. Dr. Por ter was Htiuimoiicd Iron! Medford ami reports Iho patient not fci-riously, though painfily, iiijuicd. ' DHTROIT, Afny iS. A. I), flarret son whs tonight ro-olectcd president of tho Order of Railway Conductors, ItL'AlllSo 'Tfllf MJWH Is not very easy when the eyes hre wdak or tho glasuos are faulty, !f you find your eyesight troubling ydli whothor you bo young or 'old do hot doluy but como and havo (hniu examined and treated at once. I will select for ymi tho lonscs that will h'elp your sight exactly, and tho cost wlllHo tVlfllnft lu comparison with thu borfoflt J'bif rc'celvo. Dr. Rickfert ISyoBlght Specialist Ovor Kontnor'fl. ' ID WOULD LET jj OFFENDERS OFF EASY 1'OIITI.ANI), Oto., May "JO. United Slates Dishict Attorney iloliiisou today decided not lo prusH Iho indictment rctniiu'd ngntiisl Ida Kennedy, l.uoy OilVlJllo mid Chits tine Pablo, Iho Unco gills unwdod at thu 'luunnwti Indian school nit charged of'huung mined 11111110,1 or ders. t They weio teliiiiied lo Iho school. Tho gitls.aio t$ild lo 1ms.' made 11 full siulrWiit io tho ilislthtt utlor iuvv In which limy dcolfircd Ihuy did not ical'uc Iho hcrloiihiiOHH ot their actions. With Medford Undo is Medford mado. Dressy Shoes Wo LIU To PR As Behlings 'Studebaker certainly last a long time9 ."' 'mv,Btl (tits wngon twenty-two yenia, nnd cltinntr that time it cost mc only $0.00 for rcpoirs.und that wns for setting two tires." "And nftcr twenty-two years of daily ud In fiood nnd bad wcntticr nnd over nil kind of roads, I will put tliis wagon ngninst nny neiii Wnj;on of another mukc that you can buy today." "Studebaker wnuone aro built of nir-diied lunibrr nnd tested iron nnd steel. Even tho paint nnd varnish nro subjected to n laboratory test to insmo wcniinj: qualities." "No vrfon iinsde l ulJied lo m inimy Inls ot U lnlrl rrrrulh niadtf thun SludUUr. You can buy thrift of Smdc. taker daslert cvetytvneie." "Don't Kiton li Ihe denier who wuntt lo el yon n chfoti wagon, VrprcMnted lo bo jut n jtoo.1' ai a StudcbAkcr." rrm w2on trurki. dunt vrdgan and C4ili. tb-hvrry wasona, IiuiKio. tuttrrt, depot wagon-iid hamcit of all Lmda of the aaino hlh aUudard tho StudcbaLer vehicle. St out Dtaltr ot urilt to. STUDEBAKER HEWVOK cmc MlfWEJUXlU) tALTUhBCITV Bl., HiHBH Rose Festival Special via tho f I C0,SU N S ET AiPtil I' i0GuEN&5HA$TAri j 4 'ifT,rm xiCATKAiaN fAshlandL Medford Grants Pass nnd liitcniicillato iioinU Lenvliry Mcilforrt Stoiuluy ovuiiIiik, Iiuiu Dili nt (1:30 1 At. ROUND TRIP tfARES jriidford $!).!)() Duo fftlr, romal trip, fr'om titlidr iVolnlu in Itogno river villoy. TiolcctH wilt bo hold Moiidnyj Juno Olli only, nml will bo good for return on dr buforo iTiitio 10, I-'or fnrtlidr ilnvlidulrti'ft, VfhofvnlioliH, oto,- call on A. S. Roftulilinunt, ngoiil, or rtddroRHj Jolin iii. Scott) General JPasaengor Agorit,' FortVand, br'egon," MAZAMASOFF FOR ? oOUTH OREGON 1'OIITI.ANI), Ore, May UD. A paily ol' I O.i Mimuunx, n inounlaiu 'climbing oigituiriilloii win loino hmo toiiiuht for (linnls Pass, over Iho Kotilhuni I'lU'ilio, nn llielr viny to llm Oregon inaiiiinolli eaves. The 'li'ip ('nun (liaiils I'sm Iji thu oiUen 'nnd leluui will he iiuido oil fold. Sclmoiirr In Hoipio Auroiiml. . (lOl.l) IllJAl'il, Ore., Mnv ail. Till! KUttolluu Nclioottur Hiiudolph, hmlled villi MitpdliH Ar (ho Widdnr bnru enmieiy, is fal ugiound 011 Iho mhiIIi npit of the Itogno nvor today, I'lew and cargo itto hiiIV. fer: Every Day A InrKo part of Iho Walk-Over Shoes that wo otirr) oto drosV enough for any occasion, 'fhnj' aro good fltlors, loo, and you won't havo to pay tho prb'o of dlnroiufrt for hc-liiK styllih, Let yAiir next pair bo Wnlk-Otur.HJiOQ H.r.ti, 6.i)( Other good shor-i at Ji.nO 1 ;.m(.i rit Tho llm I To I'll Mmh Hloio Jf wagons South Bent!, Id. GO DALfLAI if AWfli rrr hu. lANnlANiiAU I tTLAUt. M. rdm 1 j A 1 1 r itihlwto ! M .V A tl J .jMUb rMit4Miljl H4i - -4 tt A I k '! 1 , 4Ar,tl ! ij s 4 i . fW t4 m MO 4 4n4f4 f- l!J