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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1913)
it T OfttfWl HUtiwIenl WHcn City Hall 1 Medford Mail Tribune . SECOND EDITION WEATHEFf ftlintvrra toWghi n4 Mwn day. Mn. B7, -MIh. 47 l J fiirtr-third Yrnr, imlly MIkIiIIi Vrnr, MEDFORD, OJtrcaON, KAl'UKDAY, MAY 10, 19KJ. NO, 42. n SENATE PLANS AMENDMENT TO TARIFF BILL Senator Simmons Proposes, .With Consent ot President, to Give Sec retary of Treasury Authority to Proclaim Fixed Standards of Value. Rcitltot Floht Promised This After noon Louisiana Dcmocrr.ts An nounce That They Will Dolt. WASIIINOTON', Miiv 10. -A roil li'iil iiiiicmlmt'iit to the ilciii'irrnlic tat if f liill was proposed n House Mujotlty Leader Underwood today by Senator P. M, Hhnmoim cir N'mlh Carolina, chairman of llit Ht-ttitlit fi nance euiniulttrc, mill it in reported lliiil President WiUmi unmoved the pin ii. 'I'lu' amendment proponed would ghc Hcurctur.v of I In Treasurer Mo AiIini niitliorjly to proclaim flxt-tl standards of ditto fur tln iinkcsx motil of ilutiiM Irrespective, of the price riiii'liiiilioiN of foreign mar kets. Such standards would In- m foreit mi fifteen days' notice mid could not lie changed without hinty day' notion to importers. To Audit ('onriikloti. I'lm change U designed to avoid roiilVinii in llic chunun to mi nil viilorcm hyt'iu of nMOMdug nines of iniwirtn mliipti'il in tlii Underwood bill I'rillll till) hK'ci(1l' HVHtl'lll of till) I'n.MlO law. l in believed Unit Midi uclinii would avoid much lillunlinii Mini npiMMiU from decisions of cus toms npprnUcrs. Tin' plim vvn Niik'k'ifelril by Ait nnt SriTftiiy of the, Treasury Cur tis, A rcdhol fight In tin' "finite on the Underwood tariff bill wns promised this afternoon when Senators Kiiiih. dell ami Thornton (ilciuocriitM) of LoiiiMiHim nniinmiccd Hint they would oinm I lu bill if the free sugar anil wool prnvUions leiuuni intact. 1'ivillit Aliiriiilint'iit. .Senator I'oimlcxicr of Washington tin. afternoon predicted llmt llic bill would pas (lie zonule w lilt the frro wool mnl mignr provisions clniiiiialcil. "The enntu majority." said Sena tor I'oiudcxtcr, "jk not for the hill in its present fonn. Am it passes the hi'iiate, the bill prohiihly will ron- lain hiiliNtantial icductiniis in the preen! rates on wool mnl sugar. On the rimil rollcall I believe that it will he In Mich fonn that I and other re pnhllcmiri who aio independent will olf- for it." IS TO MEET The Southern Oregon mnl Northern ('alifornbi Miniue; Ciiihks will meet at Itciltlitik'. ("al., on May til and eiuitiuuii in hCSHlun thicn dayM, Much wink Iiiim been done to make the eon KIcnh mi lutclCHllili; mid iliMl'iirllvii KCHHinii. A uliiiiber of ininliii; men will vWt Kfddiim' from Medford. The Oildfellou'H I'diivtiutlou here, will Keep ninny at homo however. SWALLOWED TOOTH IN SAUSAGE TO COUGH IT UP YEAR LATER HOOD ItlVHII, On-., Muv 10. 8. V. Ileppuer, u wealthy oichardist is today entirely rocovered from Ihu el' IVetH of hcver nhdoiuiiuil paiim fol lowing an nllacl; of eniiuhiui; during which he lellnved blinsiill' of mi Uory timth from ii Indies' haretto. The lonth had very Hliurp ciIkoh. Ileppuur Mated that n year uo be luiil eaten koiiio boomin mid had told IiIh wll'o shortly ul'tcnvaril that be huliiivuil ho bad swallowed sinno I'oi'oIkii huIhIiiiicu. ii ii i wm ifmm SUFFRAGETTES BLAMED FOR FARINGTON HALL'S BURNING M'NIiKK, Hfotlnnd, May 10. Sul't'niKiitti'H mo bbiuied heru today lor the diwtnu'tloii by lira of l-'ariiif;-ton Hull, noliililn uuiusloii, with n loss of !K0,0U0. "Voles for wo men" litoruturn wns found near Ihu biiiiiiiiK hull. BRYAN CONFERS FAIR DIVORCEE WITH CHINDA CLEARS O'HARA O'ER ALIEN LAW OF IMMORALITY Secretary of Stale and Japanese Am bassador Discuss California's Ac tion Amicable Adjustment of Difficulty Certain, Says Dryan. Protest Discussed In Detail Another Conference Is Scheduled for To nluht Wilson at Mount Vernon. WASAIIINOTON, May Hi. See ictarv Hrvr.n mnl VhcouiiI Chimin, the .liipanemi umhiiHsuilnr, held a long eonfeienee here today over the .Inpniice silunlinii in Califoriiln. The iiilininiHtration is cipi'dcil thin af ternoon to publish .lapmi'ri protest ngniiiNi llic Cnllfornlii miti-nlien hind law mnl the reply of the fcderul gov eminent to Japan's rrproM'iitnlinns. 1'iif.ilcnl WiUoii toilay ileelnrril hnsclos, rcMirU that he planned n special meeting of I In) eahinet to further consider the Jnpaueso situn lion. Secretary I tr nri tin m told the president that mi mnlcable mljiidt nienl of the difficulty U certain mid the president Iiiim decided o leave the matter In the hmnm of Inn xecrctnry of htatc. AnihuMiiilnr (Tiimla mnl Secretary Hryan were clonclcd for fifty inin iitiw. They dlhcuhned Japaii'x pro tent in detail. SMrelary Hryan will m'c I'rewi dent WilMon whim the latter return front Mount Vernon, mid will con fer with Ainluiht-ador Clunda nyaln tonight. I'renidi'iit WiNon In hpend. ink' the day at Mount Vernon. IN HUGE TRUST HAN I ItANCIHl'O. I'u I . Muy to -I'onmitlon of n no-ealled wm trmit Ih eiiuipletcil hero today with tho Ink- ItiK over of the llntlnnttul8 Wluu rompaiiy al Anil, I'ul., liy tlm L'nll- foruln Wluu nnnorl.itlon. Aotinl roiiviimmntlon of tho murder It Is mild will lie effected J mm 23. Tho ntihorptloii iiuirkH tho ikiskiiko of the InKt Mr, Independent wluo coinpauy In tho Ntlllo. Tho Callforuln mmorlntlon tnonl thnn a year ano lieKiui to ulisorti In dependent roiupnuleN, taking pver the California Wluorleii ami DlKtlllor Ich, tlm Coopcratlvi) company of l.odl ami tho Mutual company of Virion It wan reported today that M. J. lon tana ami Andrea Khnrhoio, president ami secretary respectively will retain a larKo portion of their holding! and will rpntlnuo actively In tho iiiun aKeinent of tho Ak(I colony. The California aitnoclatlon, It was vnld, has aeipilred oulHtaudliiK stock t'DiulMliiK largely of vhurcii held hy tho Italian HwIhh Agricultural com pany, to the value of J75O.U00. APPROPRIATION TO T WASIIINOTON, May 10. To pre vent tho riipplliiK of tho parcel pom tho hmiHo today pimmil an omerKcn cy remilutlnu approprlatlUK S 000,000 for tho hlro of additional clorkB, I'ontnuiHter (funeral llurlenoii had re ported that tho money was ruipilrod hy Muy in or parcel post oporatlous would have to tin curtailed. CARRIER PIGEONS FLY TWO THOUSAND MILES I'KNDhKTON, Or.'., May 10. From Whitosville, Mo., to I'emllelou, over 2000 miles is the record flight today usliililishcd by ttmr hoininu' piKCiniH owned by Mrs. I,. (1. Veil of this city. Mrs, 1'ell tcut the pigeons to N. 0. llodeukur of Whitesvillo, who, after kvepint; them penned for n while, relensod tliein. Tliey disiip pen i od, Ho then wrote Mrs. Pell, who upon invehlignliou found the hints in her duvccnle, Tiey were identified liy iiks iilliu'lied to their le-s, CALIFORNIA WNES Woman In Case on Stand Asserts Relations Willi Lieutenant Cover nor not Improper Affidavit Made at Request of Employer. Mrs. Maude Robinson Tells of Meet Inn O'Hara on Train and Seeing Him in Chlcarjo Afterwards. CIIICAOO, May 10.- Complete ex oneration for Lieutenant (Inventor O'Hara, against w limit mi tilfidnvit charging iuuuoial CDiiduet was filed with llie stale senate, was inadii here toilay hefore mi investigatiiii; roiu mittco of thai hody hy Mrs. Maude ItohiiiHou, mIio signed mi affidavit Hint O'Hara had been her companion dining n slay at the Kbciiiimi House here. Mrs. Itohlnsoti, pretty, beautifully gowned mnl very much alive to her prominence, was escorted today to tho senate committee's room in the l.aSalle Hotel here and freely ml milled signinir mi nffidaxit againsl O'Hara, which, she was told wns not to he ptihlished but was to lie used to silence O'Hara and prevent his smmiiiiiiing hefore the stannlinn wages committee employers of girls who disliked to testify. On examination Mrs. Kohiuson first testified that she lived in Springfield mid that she tue O'Hara on n (Tiienpi and Alton train eu route to Chicago on January 17. Tliomni Vu'deiihuig, a imlliouaire, was with her. On arriving at the UiSnlle Hnlel.liere 8het. V.rcdeiiliur): and O'Hani met Tom (libhomt nud.n Mm. Iinhuseli of Madisoil, Wi. Mr. Kob inson said: "At 4io time uero my relations with O'llarn improK'r. Wo did not oeeupy the snme room ami wo were not nlune together in any loom at nny time. "I signed that affidavit at the ur gent reipicst ol .Mr. Davis. 1 was told that the nfidavit would not be published and that it was to be used only to silence O'llarn." Tlm Davis mentioned in Mrs. Hob. insou'rt story is Samuel Davis of the firm of Davis, Kusel mid Company of Springfield. Davis hitteily fought a siibsienn to testify before the vice probers headed by O'llarn and is said to have secured (be Kobiuson nffida xit for ruvengc. O'llarn on Stand. Lieutenant (lovernor O'Hara him self took the stand this afternoon and detailed all his movements on the night mentioned hy Mrs. Itohinsou's affidavit. He admitted he had met Vredeuhuiv mid Mrs. Kobiuson on tlm train on route heic. Ho said be dined that night witli Senator Lewis mid .101111 llin kt. now treasurer of Hie United States. Later he attend ed the theater uml nfter the show ae munpmiicd Viedonbiiii; mid the two women to tlm Sherman Ilnue. He added; "Vredeubiirg explained that the m'rls registeied I hero beeauso they wanted to entertain gentlemen friend I did not register us mini mid wife with Mrs. HobiiiMUi. I never stopped at the Sherman House in my life. Certainly not with any woman." Tint to lllackmail. O'Hara said the first ho heard of the whole mutter was ti rumor in Spiiugfjcld about mi affidavit uml learned Hint it related to n subpoena for Davis, who be ulleged, "is re puted to he the owner of segregated houses in Springfield." He added: "County Treasurer O'Connell of Springfield told me Deputy Sheriff Sullivan informed him of tho plot to 'gel' me, 1 denounced Ihu whole, tbiii; as frame -up. 1 am sin prised Unit these other affidavits have not been produced. 1 demand nil inves ligation which will make tbeu plot ters show their hand." FLAGLER'S ILLNESS CAUSING MUCH ALARM TO FRIENDS m YVKRT PALM UKACII, Fin., May 10. The illness of Henry M. Flag ler, the railroad magnate, is eausiiiK much alarm to his friends hero toduy. Flngler is growing weaker dnily and his business nssociales liuvo been siiniiiunied to his bedside. Hucrta Reported Repudiated i- ,:. OCNEPWJU VlCTORIAlK) HUERXA T FOR ALASKA TIE-UP: WASIIINOTON. Muy 10.- Teftlfy-j Iiik lioforo tho senate, territories hearing on tho Alnnliaii railroad bill today Jomes (lallbrcath, nocrctary of. tho American Mining rongreiM, do dared that the order luucd hy fur mer .I're.MUcpt ItoofciM. withdraw ing Alntkan coal lamU from prynt entry w "iiiffleleut to Imvc raued ft revolution." 1U blamed present conditions In Alaska to former Chief Forester Clifford I'lnchot's policy (Jnl)tireath 4ld ho favored rov eminent owned rail road a In Alaska but did not think tho goieramcnt should attompt to control coal lands, regulate prlcen and arbltrato labor disputes. I NKW YOltK, May 10. Announce munt of the goeniment's decision to Inbtltuto further proeeedliiRS agalnt cortalu membera ot the group had a depressing effect on tho stocks of coal Caroline roads at tho opening of tho stock market today. Jersey Central dropper three points. Head Iiik ami Delaware & Hudson (ell 1 , and Krlo a point Prices ever) where woro shaded but no significance was attached to tho dealings beeauso the sellings woro so light. Tho market closed dull, llonds wero steady. DOCOLAS, Am., May 10. Offi cers at tho Apia I'rit'ln headquarters of the Sonom constitutionalists an nounced today tltat they bavo re ceived confii million of n reported rebel victory over n siiHiior foieo of federals near Muytoreim, Si.ty A'dernls were killed uml eight offi cers mid two hundred men taken prisoners, it was stated. Tho rebel loss is biiid to bavo been heavy. I0NAL SACUAMHNTO. Cal., May 10. Tho California senate today passed u resolution calling upon tho secre tary of tho Interior uml tho com missioner of tho laud office to uso tholr Influeuco to allow livestock In Callforuln to ho turned Into tho na tional parks to grave. Tho stock Is In danger of perishing because ot tho drouth, according to tho resolution. PMCHO BLAMED RANGES to Have Ambassador Wilson snr mm. carxiaauT oca BILL TO MAKE IS INTRODUCED WASIIINOTON. U. C. Mny 10. Charging that 75 per cent of ths clothing gold In America Is adulter ated, Hepreseutntlvo I.lndquUt of Michigan today Introduced a "puro fabric and leather bill" In tho house. It provides that articles of wearing apparel must boar labels stating tho quality of the material and would compel mnnufueturors to fumigate goods beforo marketing. "Thero Is no conception.'.' bald llcprosoutntlvo l.liulnult, "ot tho great percentage of coinmodltlo man ufacturers adulterate' for no other purpose than to make an unjust prof it." EVELYN THAW 10 GO UPON THE STAGE PLYMOUTH, Kusland, May 10. Hvelyn Xesbit Thaw, wife of Harry Iv, Thaw, slayer of Stanford Whito is to return to tho stage, according to uuiioiiiicemcut hero toilay. It wo said she would tour Kubuid ut a snlnry close to $,")0()0 a week. Mrs. rimw's first nppearunco will luVnl n Loudon ntusio hall uml within n few weeks. i"" c c mn -mm - iHRsBiRliliHflBJviiiiiiiii : B8IHiBiiiiB.'vT niH sPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPsssv TTznpr ppjppppppppppppB Rmi m , . . . mil . ill PORE CLOTHING 10 E I. BY STATES WASIIINOTON. May 10. The state department has re ccii ml m confirmation of n report tlml Provisional Presi dent Huortn lnw rupmlinted American Ambassndor Hen ry Inline Wilson in retalia tion for America's failure to reoojrnize the Kucrtrt govcni ment. Secretary of Statu Hryan this afternoon said ho bad received no report on the matter. "As a personal friend," Huerln U iiuotcd n fcn.yitig, "I would be gJud to treat with Wilson but diplomatic ally he has not stnmling." Ilcprc.-cnlative Hamilton of Michivmi has npcalcd to the state department to demand ademiato prolectifin for American in Mexico. A Michigan man. now in Mexi co, wrote Hamilton that American "now arc on tho same footing with the Chin ese m Mcxicm." tmAuui.cvi TRYING TO TO CRATER LAKE For the purpose of forcim; tho Southern 1'aeifie company to open tho Medford Kiiteway to Crnter Luke by sellim; oxeursiou tickets to this point as well as to Klamath Fulls, A. L. l'arkhuot of the Crater Lake company ii in Mcdforxl toduy on bis way to San FrnnoNco where ho will e.ull upon the offieiuU of the rail road company. For sometime tho railroad com puny lain sold excursion tickets to Klamath Fulls to tourists desirim: to visit Crater Lake. -Mr. L'nrklutrsl bclicvui that liku tickets should be sold to Medford ami will so en deavor to puruuilo tho Southern l'acific. Mr. Farkluiri-l stnte (hat ho ex pects a heavy traffiu to the lake this summer. T CIIICAOO, May 10. duongo and tho middle west are recovering today from mi unexpected cold wnve. Freezing temperatures prevailed in scores ot cities ami towns. j I ! I . - v N MEDFORD GATEWAY EBEATS TURTLE SERUM AS A REMEDY Tuberculosis Sufferers Told to Doc tor With Food, Air, Sunshine and Proper Living and not With Patent Panaceas Like Freldinaim's. Dr. Rucker, Surgeon of Health Serv ice, Sends eut Messatje Secret ef Turtle Serum Learned. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar N.-r- Through tho United Press. Dr. D. CJ. Ilucker, assistant surgeon general of the United States, today sent, a -. sago to tuberculosis fufforwB throughout tho country who hf been looking to the Frtodmann eur. for salratlon. Ho said: "Food, air, sunshine, proper lltr Ing, and not those panaceas watch nre widely heralded or are recom mended by Bomo willing 'frlcnil theso may effect a cure for tubercu losis." Dr. Rucker displayed a letter froai a Michigan woman asking him to send Krlcdmann's cure for her son. "This letter," said Rucker, "would rnako a wooden Indian weep. I wroto her what I am tolling all. tu berculosis sufferers, use the reme dies nature has provided. The, gov ernment cannot tell tuberculosla vic tims not to use tho Frledptann rem edy, nor can the government recom mend until Its curative power are proved or disproved. We tare , In vestigating Its merits' In aa abso lutely Impartial way." It has beeome posltjvely known that tho public health tenrlei,.h learned the secret ,Sfv Fried ma wt JW!!l?jirtt- .Erjiitasao.'.ya. tho service only the culture which forms tho basis of the COHapoHBd for his treatment, but did not give the secret of preparing the culture. The government has learned, however,' that this culture is merely virulent bacilli killed by heat. Dr. Rucker refused to comment on this matter but another service sur geon declared this fact had been dis covered In Germany. TOU VELLE GETS E Mrs. William Welsh, appealed to County Judge P. L. Tou Vcllq Satur day for protection against her hus band, more familnrly known aa "Win dy Hill," who, sbo enys, has threat ened her lift?. When Judge Tou Vcllc wns not emphatic enough in his reply that ho would, Mrs. Welslf proceeded to rend tho riot act to him. Her tongue lanhiug of Judge Tou Vclle at tracted n grent crowd in tho corri dor of tho court house. When Mrs. Welsh first made her appeal to tho judge sho demanded that Hill be locked up at once. Judge Tou Velio stated thnt ho would bee. what he could do. Tho reply wni evidently not entirely satisfactory and the judgo "got his." Mrs. WeNh is known in the city us 'Gallopinir Snl." On several' oc-i-usiuns sbo has "bawled out" offi cials in tho city, her wrath the- last time being directed at Officer Qtug- .'tide, whom she blamed for allowing some one to steal a few pictures from her daughter. BEE STING KILLS :! COLUMBUS, Ohio, Muy 10. Mrs. James Tliumasson is dead bore to day from u beo sting suffered u week ago. Fifteen minutes after being stung she lost consciousness and never regained her senses. BLENHEIM PALACE CLOSED TO PUBLIC ACCOUNT THREATS LONDON, Mny 10. Followjng tlm receipt of an anonymous, letter re vealipg uu nlleged plot to destroy ho mansion, tho Duke, of Marlborough bus closed llleuhuiiu I'alnco to llie public. NAUR TN LASHING - xwf v '- I if i i