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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1913)
5 ! City IUH i Medtord Mail Tribune SECOND ED1TJON WEATHER Hlimrern tonight and 8tHi4jr Mm. I, Min, 117, 1'rrr. ,'Jfl I'urt y-ttilnt Ywir. Dully niKlilli Yrnr. MEDFORD, OHKdON, HATl'HDAV, AVHU 7, U)V.i. NO. 12. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF TIE GREAT TQRNAQO THAT LASHED NEBRASKA. LEAKING A PATH (IP HEATH AND DELATION tt SACKED HEAttT CONVENT IN THE CENTRE Of THE FASHIONABLE CATHOLIC SECTION OP OMAHA, VBGCKED BY THE TORNADO PHOTOORAPH FROM "ME HERAIM SPEC I At. CORRESPONDENT WILSON USES suck SUGAR NTEE LARGE FREE LIST IN NEW TARIFF WASHINGTON, April .1. For Ihr first lime since In- look up tho rein of government, President Viitlro Wllnmi (winy brought the ''big slick" lulu lny, HKi! It foil with u resound ing thud. Tin Mignr Inrlff ilivltilt was buck nf (lie move, mill the presi dent, his fighting blond firou-eil, dc I i mm id n straight from tin nhnuldur ultimatum to the augur intcre! who arc iVmm'i to tin mil ln Iiiih ap proved fur I ho new mignr schedule. Tin- sugar men were gneu duo of two nltertinliwN either llii'.v must mii'i'pt llio pmpotioil reduction in the sugar tariff with free sugar within thro1 yours or stnitil lor the president "ponly declaring for fioo sugar ini Mediately. Today' ilecloptiieiiU hno upset tho democnilio hiinnoiiy tunff pro gram. President WiUou bus been unofficially ilifuitncd thnt ho must icceile from Id attitude mi llio sugar schedule or fight ceilnin lender in tho M'liiilr. Tliofcc who follow oil Wil son' career as governor of New Jersey say ho will fight before ho ie- CCltl'f. HI) illl'll f I Olll llU stlllld. Senator ThoiniiM of Colorado wants tin pioifiit duty on Hugnr ictniiicil nod ptini to onll on I'lr-idciit WiUmi within twenty-four ImiirH with a plan of coinpioiiilsi', 11 SEVEN EXP NS L FAIL TO PROFIT BANK E IN Ah VAIIADO, Cat., April ...1 -He ruiiHo tho door of tho vault blow in ward and jiimmod Unlit iiKiiiiiHt llio ivocptiu'lo in which .f'J7,0UU wiih con toluril, throo yoggiui'ii worn foiled in tho atlt'tnpt to rob tho bank of Al varailo early today, and with two others who were hodiK '''t' pwno of eitieiiH mid offieern on tio out hide, eHOaped into the hill in mi automobile, taliiuu; only 1D.-0 of tho hiiuk'H I'iiikIk, Tho abandoned auto wan found at Simla Clara. It had been Moleu from a Kiirago there. Kommi oxploHioiiH wero i off, eaeh one of them rucking; llio town. Tho Kpaec. in front nf the bank wnt kdou MviirmliiK with armed men, but they were held off by threat of death on leb part of tho two pickets, who wore aimed with rifloH. While they held tho hank agaiiiHt the mob in front tho yegg in the iiiflido net off explosion after nxploniou, wrecking the entire interior of the placo. They worked dcllbernlely, remaining in llie bank for aliuoHt (yo bourn, 11 could be hcpu from tho outHido that thoy'emv lied powerful eleolrimil IIiiuIiIIkIiU. WA8IIIN0T0.V, Aiirll f. Prel dent WIUou l nwuliliiK today a ro ll ly from mignr IntiTcntii In tin nun Hi to hit miugcitlon Hint they nce'il a duty of 1 cent per twiuml in Cutni.t xiigur ami a rMo or 1 1 0 rrr too lioiiiutH on all oilier mignr. Out:'l-i of tho HKnr rati'H, Chairman l.'o 1 ' -wood anil the other inruitiTii of tti Iioiiho w)n anil meuim rommitten Imvo (InUlied tho tariff bill. lUcopt for thi' uKar nnd wool lirovlMloun, the tariff tilti la expert")! to lio acrcpteit by courtcm '.ir.ii'liral ly im It now itiuuU. A flglit no th'fio two roiiimodltli In nlmont crtrln. Honnlor Wnrrcn of Wyoming Im lead. Ing llio fight ngnlniit freo voo', ln iUIIiir It would ruin (ho oluii In diutry of tho wcntcrn ntntoi llo Iiojiom to offect nn nlllnnro with the democrat who nro o)iohii to free wool nnd migar. WIImiii Confident. I'rrlilent WIUou In confident, liouovor, tlmt IiIh rcronimrtidatlon regarding ugnr nnd wool will ko through. Ho Iish taken poll of both the Iioiiho and tho ncnntn n r.l In juhllnnt oxer the outlook. He ex pcotn the noutliurn inemtiorn even, tually will aerept bin mignr ichrdiilo plan, but If they refiim It will Im eliminated nnd n general tariff bli' put up to the mmutc and pnKM'd, An the bill now MouiIh, duty on nti'i'l rnllrt ban been taken off en tlruly and nil other Mccl ilullra rad ically reduced. Tho rovcuuo !uHt In Ihlii way will bo uiiido up by the In count In law, which In expected to pro Ido 1 per runt tnx nn nil cor porntloitH with lueomcH of more tli.i.i TiilOil a year; I per cent on pcriunut liiromoK of between 40()0 to 20,. 000; 2 per runt on IncomcR from 120,000 to $RO,000; a por cent on IncomcH from ITiii.OOO to 1100,000, and I per cent on nil Incomes nbnvo 1100,000. On tho I'ivc I.lst. Tho freo Hut IncludeR cattln and beof produrtH, boutH, hIiocm, timber, luuitior, HltlngloH, India, comen, wlro fenrltig, (duplex, Iron ore, Iron hoop. bamlH, Hli'cl, cotton liamilng and tlea, liarueHH, HnddleH, leather belting, farm ImplomentH, nowiug iiihoIiIiich, pnlntB, mncliluo tnoln, cut hiiIIh, cash roglHlom, linotypes, typcacttlng mn chlnory, printing preaitvd, typewrit orH and rond Improvement mncblii' cry. Tho dutlcH on luxuilert nro malutnlued at tho prcaont ratcH, AUTO BANDIT LEAPS F 10 DEATH PARIS, April R. Leaping from tho roof of tho prison court In tho Buuto prluou noro, after ho had es caped from IiIh cell, M. Luuombo, a mombor of tho famous Hoinmt auto mobllo bandit gnug, waa killed lioro early today, Tbo prlHon officials had cornered him ou tbo roof when ho Jumped to bin douth, TVPICAL 5TR.EET SCENE: IN OMAHA AFTEB THE TOR-NATX). PHOnrOQRAPH FROM TrlE HERAUD3 iPCIAl CORRESPONDENT STRONG SENTMENT Fl OR RETENT ION OF PROFESSOR O'GARA .SEARCHING FOR &0DIE5 AT M STREET AND LINCOLN BOULEVARD PHOTOGRAPH FROM THE HERALtH SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT 20,000 HOMELESS F FROM D SOUTHERN LL NOIS WASHINGTON', April .l.-Tele-graphing from the flood district, Er nest Uicktiell, M'orotnr.v "f tlie Amer ican National lied Cross Society, hays Hint twenty thousand persons are homclcm in Koiilhcni Illinois, nnd thnt food is badly needed in the stricken districts. At least III) cities ami Iowiih, Hickuell Miid, nie iiiuii datcd in Ohio, twenty in Indiana and many in Kentucky, Illinois nnd WcM Viigiuia. "The boundary lino surrounding (bo flooded territory is inoro Hum Iwo thousand miles long. Tho hittiatiou is extremely herious in many Indinun cities." llicknoll also transmitted n report from Adjulunt (lenernl Diskson of Illinois, showing the condition in that stale is critical. 259 INDICTMENTS FOR MEMBERS SAIL FOR EUROPE MOW YOltK, April 5. Dr. Ulch nrd Derby and his bride, who was MIhb Ktlu'l Itoosevelt, sailed this af toruoou for Nnplca on a two montus honeymoon. They will tako n viV near Home, owned by Mlsa Knnly c'nrew, tho brldo'a aunt, I. J. Itoose velt, a second cousin of tbo bride, wiih tbo only relatlvo at tho dock to bid tho couplo goodbye. OMAHA, Neb., April ,r. Six hun dred persons, inoluding twelve school boys, spent today clearing up tho district devastntcd by tho destruc tive tornado of Kutoor Sunday. Tho work will bo continued tomorrow. All of tho workers are volunteers. Society women and high school girlH Bcrved meal to tho workor freo, 56 OF ARSON TRUST CHICAGO, April S. Klftvslx merchauta and fire Insurance ad juster, alleged flrcbuga, wero in dicted by a apodal grand Jury here today In connection with tho Invoa ligation of tbo so-called arson trust. Tho Indictments charged Anion, ar Hon with Intent to defraud, and con spiracy with Intent to commit arson. Two hundred and tlfty-nluo In dictments were returned In nil, auv oial ponsoiiK being Indicted ou nu merous counts. Tbo trim bills weio based ou tho confessions of Ucu.'a mln Fink and John Daulea. The grand Jury'a report raid: "At least half of tho fires that occur In Cblc.igo nro of Incendiary origin." Tho report alao blamed tho Insur nnco companies for laxity In permit ting tho formation of such n conspir acy. It recommends that tho Insur ance people study more carefully tlio fitness of applicants for liiHiirance. Tho names of tho Indicted today will not bo published until next week. LEVEES WEAKEN AT MOUNO CITY CAIItO, 111., April .".Advices re ceived hero shortly hoforo noon to day said tho citizens of Mound City, HI., wore threuteucd by weakening le vees. Colonel Moriarity, command ing tho militia hove, started for Mound City ul onco to tako charge of tho situation. Ho also plan to investigate charges that soldier nl Around City and Villa ltidgo have been rioting. WE T STRIKES AT INSURANCE FIRMS FIGHTING NEW AW SAI.R.V, Ore. April 6. It the casualty Insurance companies, which havo been acttvo In their efforts to stir up sentiment In opposition to tho workmen's compensation law passed by the legislaturo, push their opposition to the extent of Invoking the referendum against tho law Gov ernor West will nccept tho gago or battle nnd carry tho fight Into their own camp. "If tbo casualty companies for their selfish Interests Invoke tbo ref erendum against this law I will go out over tho state and defend It," declared tho governor today. "At the same tlmo I will advocate state Insurnnro and seo If wo can't Ini tiative a law that will glvo It to us. That ought to glvo tho Insurance companies something to think about besides the conivensatlon law," NKW YORK. April 5. Flvo thou sand dollars for the Injection of his soriim Into tho tubercular arm of an unnamed millionaire was rofusod hero today by Krodorlck Franc Frledmnun of llcrllu, tbo dlsqovorer of an alleged tuberculosis ouro, ac cording to nn announcement today by W. K. D. Stokes and Colouol Asa lllrd Gardner or this city. It Is stutod Frledmann refused lo trent tbo mllllonalro bucauso of his promise to tho United States 'public, health officials not to accopt rtny pa (louts oxcopt thoso of their chqos-lug. In response to n call issued by (he county court for expressions from the fruit grower of (he valley re garding (he retention of Professor O'Qnra us pathologist for . Jackwm county, nearly 1.10 fnutRrowcrs of Jmvvnllejr attended (he meeting nt Jacksonville Friday afternoon. So large was the crowd (hat tho court adjourned to (ho circuit court room. For two hours (he subject was dis cussed, tho court taking (ho matter under advisement. The sentiment as expressed nt the meeting was over whelmingly in favor of the retention of O'Gnrn, only n few dissenting voices being heard, A. C. Allen of (he Hollywood or chards and It. II. Parsons of Ilillcrcst led the discussion for tho retention of I'rofe-sor O'Oarn, others speaking in his favor being Stanton Griffiths, Pnfessor George Ilcbcc, Col. Wash burn, J. A. Westerlund, A. C. Hoover nnd others. Opposing the retention of O'Gani was F.d Hanley, D. M. I.owe of Ashland, John Gore nnd Col. Minis. Tlte.o men did not criticise O'Gara's work but questioned the price paid for it, stating it was too high. The matter was discussed in detail. The advantages o the "Jnckson County system" was pointed out in nil of its phrases, including adver tising the valley. Following the discussion County Commissioner I.eever explained Hint the bearing orchards wero bearing the exense of inspection ns (he ns s'essed vnluation of (he orehnrds were raised to create this fund. Ho then announced that the court would tako action some time during tho next month. EMIGRANT GIRLS BY KIDNAPPED W E MERS CHICAGO, April 5. Because he sticks to his original story, despite close and persistent questioning,- J. Y. Lundgren, who revealed' the al leged kidnaping ot 20 emigrant glrJ en route to Chicago from New Yer: at Newcastle, Pa., has practically convinced the police' heratfiat the girls were spirited away from their train by white slavers. "A youth In a brakeman's cap and uniform boarded the train at New castle and told tho girl's they could stop tbero for lunch," Lundien stated today. "Ho said nothing to the elder women and men who ac companied the girls and the girls then alighted and started for the lunchroom. "Then tho train started and I pulled tho signal cord. The train stopped soveral hundred, feet from the depot but before (ho girls couli! catch up with It, It started again. "I tried to get tho conductor to wait. Ho would not listen to me. The last I saw of the girls they wero running after the train and scream ing for It to watt for them. None of them appeared to havo' any money and none could speak Kngllsh." TURKEY'S CASH SENATOR MIXED UP IN SCANDAL WASHINGTON, April o. Charges that n western senator offered in dignities to a woman on March 2-1, when he went tther room hero to confer with her regnrdiug n federal position for her husband, nro uuido in n formal statement filed with tho secretary of the senate by a man whose name is withheld. The names of tho principles in tho nffnir nro being kept a secret. Tho person making the complaint declares that ho was a witness to the incident. Tho secretary referred tho com plaint to Yite President Marshall, who refused to make nnd comment or discuss the nature of tho charges. District Attorney Wilson of tho Dis trict of Columbia was advised of the charges. Ho said: "I will make no further invesli- gution, As far as I am concerned tho muttov will bo dropped." PRICE OF PEACE IN THE BALKANS SOFIA, April C Peaco In thu Ualkans will come when Turkey an nounces Its willingness to pay a heavy cash indemnity and cedo tho Aegean Islands to tho victors, and not until then. This, In effect, Is the gist ot tho formal reply by tho .Balkan allies to tho peaco proposals of tho European powers. Tho allies, tho reply aald, wero willing to accept tho Turko Uuropeau frontier tho powers pro posed. Tho Hulgnrlan foreign oftlco do llvorod tho reply of tho allies to rep resentatives ot tho powers here. FOUR GANGSTERS KILL TAMMANY LEADER NEW YORK. April 5. Four gung sters early today shot and instantly killed Eugene Smith, a Tammanjr political leader, The shooting oc curred on Park How, Smith's as sailants escaped. A brother ot the dead man said that Smith had been mistaken for some one olso, but tho poMeo say he recontly had become Involved In a, gang feud. ' ')' "