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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1913)
'- Vrtnm UUI&rhtil IhM Clly Hall 4t f J i H Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Main tonight ami HtHt(r. Mat. l, MI. fW, I'M. .01 I'titly-thlnl Year Dally-Uulilti Year, MEDFORD, OJIEOON, FRIDAY, AWtlL 4, 19JJ1 NO. 11 LEVEE BREAKS BN R N 0 maim WeslHlckmnn Flooded When Levee Collapses Banks at Iwjleslde Give Way Cairo Probably Saved From Destruction Rain Adds Suffering No Loss of Life Is Reported River Will Go Foot Hluhcr Danutr Is From Wind MCMI'IIIH, Trim., April L-Mnre lliuii fllio homos wuro demolished in WYtit Hickmnu ut noon today when llm leven there collapsed. No falnl illt'N have been reported. Governor Ilrmvcr of Mississippi o lay rushed two hundred i'iiniuU on a special train frntn the Mississippi Htuto form In MIIIci'h llend, above Oioouville, Mi., where n erevnsso In threatened. i:V.N8Vll.l.i:, Iml., April -I Tin leveu al Inglesldi', went of here, I'ol lupoid (oilny, flooding limn limn two liiimlrril house, N'ii fatalities were loportcd. Tliu north section of the town Is under ti'ti feet of witter, all liiininiwM being conducted in IkiiiIh. CAIRO, III., April 4.-With tlm li'wr hero holding anil lln ercM of tin' flood alioiil reached it wns: be lieved (inlay Unit Cairn would ln (i mI f i oin destruction. It Mint pic ilii'lnl (lint n fifty fiMit singe, twelve inches above tlio former reoonl, would tm reached before night. A river Mourner IihIm.v rescued llilrty refugees nt O'llricii'rt Landing. Knln liiNt night added to the suf fering of tliu refugees Ml Gregory Height. Iti'IMirtM received here say Hint Slut window n In nliuokt out of pro viloiw. Tin' rl(r nt H o'clock liad reached a singe nf fifty-four and scwu-tcntlis ffttl ami wax otlll rising. Hundred", of men nn working on tlm levies ami It in now believed tlli'.V will liold. Morn tlinii '-MlllO tni'ii an' Mrougth cuing tlm levees ut Hickman, Ky., whoie the situutioii in rvportt'il crili nil. COVERTICOAT WINS MVCItrOQI, April I Covrrll coat, iiwiiril I))' Hlr JnmoK Amtlnilon Hmltli, won tlm Km ml nntlomi nKiipU'rlinMu on tliu Alntrro rnco track nuiuhurti toilav. T. I)raki' IiIhIi Mull h m'conil nml Cirnny wan third. Tw nut) -two horwoH utirt id, but IllKhnrlilKu, tliu Aiu.iIimii I'll try, own ml by J. It. 1'cll, and U othur racilra full. Tliu ilUtaliuo w.u four ami u lml( iiiIIuh, Tlio inro which Ih worth ll.'.iUJ, iiHntnucit ipiltu nu Inlvrnutloniil actor thU yi'iir on arcoiint of tliu pri'iunco In tha Hold of a (auilu.l Amurlran cuiidltliitn In .1. It. 1'jIIV lllKliluldKO, two rriinch nind'ilntiM In II. Do Mil in ill's (of. C'hapmaHn (iiuio), Trianon 111 unit I'oinpiilour II, and an Austrian lioreo JnniUKntu, IiuIoiirIiii; to ilorr Haitosvh, to my nothing of tho Irish conipotltors, ). HlKRlim' (lion Patrick, V. A. WallU' Minor, nml Count HIoIoIiltk'h Victor Olympic. HEAVY RAIN WOES I DAYTO.V, Ohio, April -I. Tlio wiiHliiiiK mil of u nilliond trai'U in IiihI ninlit'ri heavy rain noar Ziiui'Hvillo ciiusiul (lovormir Co.x and otlior nioiu lioiri of tlm Ohio roliof imnnniHbloii nml othoi'H to iiliiimlon their propnsod trip to Hint city. I'iipiu wan vixituil iiihtcail. It inini'il in Dayton (his ninrniiiK mid cm lain of tho I'ily'n ilinttictH nrn imimlati'il in u low iiudion of wilier. No tlircatoiiui, ilaiiKi'l', hownvrT, Ih STEEPLECHASE OLSON ASSERTS I Typical Scene infrac Capital of Ohio During the Great Flood AIJTjA FFARS WIFEHYPNOTIZED :Wbb :'MMHl! RUSSIA BACKING BY HIS VICTIM WmJR&$EB&M MONTENEGRO Collrue Professor Pleads Unwritten Law In Defense for Slaylnu Laun dry Driver Darllno Who Exercised Hypnotic Control Over Woman "Superhuman Influence" Exerled Which Led to Murder of Destroyer of Ills Home by OUen HT. I'Al'l,, Minn.. April I. lln K'lUMi in a liloody I'lironutiT with the Hilii'iaml tiampliiiK down wonion nml I'hihlri'ii, a moh htoriiied tho court room hrra today in n nmh for uralh to wltnt'M the trial of 1'rofchNiir On far OImui, mIio hhol ami killed ('lydo Darling, a laundry waon diivtr. af ler tin' latter, it is ulKid, Mole Mr ONdll H llffl'llliotlH. .Mrx. OUoii in I'xpoi'tnl to IcHtif) IimIiu that her hnxlmud Mew Darlint; .after ln' oufi-.ed illicit relation with Hnrliutf. OUoii ri'xuuieil hii tctitiiuony today He Maid that on tho iiicht of the tia'cdy he told the mici it wax a ciKii of "ihr unwritten law." Count v Alloniev O'ltrieii crnxH exninlncd the wilni, and OIhou htainiuurin, re cited hit wifcV confohdiiin. Ol-on ih a mrmlier of tho Uuiver- xity of .Miiiiii'Hota faculty. Hjpnollc Infliieaic. That DarlniK held Mm. uiulci a hypnotic npcll won trslificd to liy Pnifrionr OUen. O'ltrieii forced nen to (jo into t lie dctaiU of Ihr in timncy hclwreii hih wifii and Darling ami fairly wrun tho tcxliiuouy from the witni'HK. In hit tctlmoiiv OIcn declared his wifi. once Haiti to him: "Darlint; would hold hip in hi arniH and nir into my eye until In had me In his control. Hi niiiid niiiHtcrcd mine. He hyptimireil mini'. He h,ptoiiii'il me. Uf looked at me until I felt my will Hwnyini; ami my moral ludd liio-.ciiiM. I can deny him nothing, I feci in mortal terror of llilll." Olson Milled lhal hih wife did not Id) him of DnilinicV threat, nt that time, hut he went to the "Capital l.aumlrv nml warned Darling to May away from hii lioinc." I-VummI VriiKcanci', l.ulcr, fen ling Dnilin'M vciiKcance, he IioiikIiI n revolver, nml concealed It in IiIn home. Then his wife told him of Dnrliiiu'rt threats hiiyine: "Hn Miyn he will kill yon if ho cannot han inc." Olnm dcscrihi'd hin effort, lo nt another wiMlioii in another uuiersily and leave Minnesota in order to tako hirt wife away from what ho termed "tho MUM'rhuman inflnenco" cxprcised om'C Imr hy DailiiiR. He lolil of the Male of terror in his home thereafter mill how he ami his wifo constantly ilieiiM'tl their troubles, lie Knid n hearso pnsMii tho lumsu would aioiiHe u fear of death in their IiciuIh and the slam of a door would Murtlo them like u pistol shot. Tho witness is on the vci'ko of collapse nml Mrs. OIscii is iiImi oiiluutly breaking down. I HIJATTU:, WuhIi., April I. HotttU oast wiiruluutt worn ordoren dis played at all ports In Orcjoi and WasliliiKtou at noon todny, A Meno Is appronchliiK tlio const, mo conbr of which will hit tho mouth of tho Columbia rlvor and pass uoit'toaat. Wind fro incuat to ho nth anil thr.u southwest Ih expected teulRh: which will reach a voloclty of over ,'. 1 nnlos nn hour. y M'MANIGAL PERMITTED TO TAKE FISHING EXCURSION I.OS ANUKIiKS, Onl.. Apr, d-Ortlo MoManial'rt nhsonca from his cell in tho county jnll is oxpliiiiii'd today, tho prisoner luivinpr ro-uppcarod in iioiupaiiy with Dctuetivo Malcolm Mt'I.arcn, hriiigiiiK lluoo inmikerol and u'timult, Tho pair hud bvvn fUliliif, !iskskskskskskskskskl'?'urj5-. jv ., " ;HmvCmMhHIIB DYNAMITE USED TO WRECK TRAIN!' BY SUFFRAGETTES HTOCKPOIIT, KnRlnnd. Apill Jl Suffrnci'ttu threats of Imnorlllui; hu man llfo In retntlAtlon for (im thr.u )imt seiitcnco 1inKsitl In I.oudo'. )ctordy on .Mrs. Kinniclla Punk hurst wnrv mnilu good today. ncrorJ ItiK to Allegations of railroad olfl cluls, when cxploslre pnrtlally wrecked a London & Nertliwcstrri: railway train near hero. Yin cii rlsRos were utmost empty nt thn tlmo and tlm tiAMoncers cscap"! Iv-jory. Seventeen cam wero atticl'ivl tt. tlio train, tlio bomb cxplodlue In (ho thlrd-clniM rnrrlaRii. Hxnrutuntlo.i showed tho car had boon Hittir.ited with roBln and frnRinonts of a torn powder canlMor also wero found. The police are working on th ;bc ory that mllilnnt suffrnKetto!) are re sponslbln for tho outrnm. 20 FOREIGN GIRLS LOST TRAVELING CIllCAtJO, April ly Federal offi cials, officials of the llaltimoix) nml Ohio ruilrond nml the Illinois Icis latiuc vice pi-ohe coiiuuittcc arc in vestifjuliu).' the invMerioiih disuppenr u nee ul Newcu-flc, 1'a., of twenlv iiiiiiiiKiiuit kIs en route to this cil., from New Yolk. The railroad offi cinls believe tlm gills will arrive hero Mifcly on a later tmin. The fcdcrul officein mo fur from doing coiiviuocd of this. The I'llUliuiv ami Xeixeastlo police department loduv luhi-ed the local department Hint thev are iiuuhle to find trace of tliu KirK, NOT TO BE DISMANTLED SADKM, Oro , April f . -Tho ro port that thn battleship Oiegou wis going to bo dismantled Is erroneous, according to a letter received todu by (lovoruor West from Socretnr Daniels of tho unvy dopartmont. Daniels wrote that there was no In tention on tho part of tho depurt meiit to withdraw tho Oregon frim tho Pacific reserve fleot at tho lire niortou navy yard. OREGON INSTRUCTOR FOR YOUNG FRENCH ATHLETES PARIS, April -I. William Hnywanl of tho Oregon University nml two other. American athletes will in all probability bo retained ut InMniotors in tho French Collcgo of Athlples which opens (his spring; lo train men for tho Olympic gimu of 41U0. I'lioun o.y riahi 1. AMERICANfGIRL LONDON. April Angered by tho words "for Cod' sake save my daughter." In a letter written dim by Mrs. Kmcrson, mother ii MU Zcllu Kmcrson, nn American sutfta getto now In llqllowny prlsoa lore, Home Secretary McKenua nlisilulol refused lo relcnso MUs Knienou or Answer the letter hero UJay. After being advised bv Surctni) l.nughlln of tha American cibaMy that her nctlons were "un.llii'er.utlc' and hindered her daughter' chances of liberation, Mrs. Kmersan rushed Into tho homo office nnrt donunn?d that her own physlcfan bo, allowed to seo her daughter. Tho Jeutand wnt rofused. It is stated that Miss Kmcnmn I still being forcibly fed and Is near death In tho prison. TO LOCATE IN TACOMA TACOMA, Wash . April i With tho coiihiiiiiniHtlon of the ealo of "II nctCH of tide lands today hero to a Vancouver man, local realty men 'to llcvo tho Canadian Pacific railway has made its final decision on tho location of Its tcrmlnnls In Tacom.i. Thu main tracks of the Chicago, M.. WAukeo &. St. Paul railway, which It, Is said will bo used by tho Canadian Pacific In reaching this city, runs through tho tract. Thn prlco paid for tho 31 acres Is SG2,000. and an additional tract of tho samo slid Is to bo acquired, tliu pricu of this be ing $73,000. Tho principals In neither purclus-i have inaili) themselves known. A. . Ingersoll, assistant to tho vice pro blem of thu Milwaukee Hue, said tm knew that the deal for tho propel t,' wna being put through, and admit ted that thu Canadian road Is to mc tho Milwaukee tracks. PROFIT TAKING DAY NIiV YOIUC. April 4. Largo blocks of tho fnvorlto stocks wuro marketed at thu opening of th) stock exchange todny. Duo to an Invrcuo In Kuhber dividend, that Issuo row sharply. Gains of from 1 to 13 polnu among tho standurda woro comuiui. Owing to a relaxation of tho mon etary strain both hero and abroad and conditions produced by exccsslvi Bhort soiling, tho tone of tho mar ket was good throughout. Despite ImpodlmoutB, tho profit tuklng was on n largo scale. Tho marko; tlotod fairly strong, Honda were firm, NA DEATH BRITISH PRISON tlJ. (. sk York lltra d Ca FROST WARNINGS BY HOME PHONE Ilcginninx with todny the local Weather Hureaii will distribute the frost forecasts tdruugh the Home Telephone. Subscribers will call cen tral fur weather nt 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. The evening forccuM will be given to the telephone oyraioi5.j!l. Jacksonville, Talent. Ashland, Central Point Knglc Point, and Mib-cribers, may call their local exchange iuMeail of iticiirriug the cxis'ioc of n long distance call to the kev station nt Jledfonl. Informution relating to local maxi mum and minimum t cm p rat tireg, pre cipitation, etc., may be obtained by calliiif; up co-ovcrntio ebserver: A. C. Kiero. Central Point; V. V. Smith, Tnlcnt; Mrs. J. C. Pendleton, Tndte Rock; G. G. Knlinnk, Ashland. TWO WHITE. TWO BLACK MONTOOMKHY. Ala., April 4. Two wblto and two negro murderers wero hanged early today In tho jail hero, sixteen minutes was necessary to effect tho execution of Colonial! German, oue of tho negroes. Tho white men wero Walter Jones and Arnold Gilmer, and tho other negro was John Adams. OF TO MIIMPHIS, Tenn., April -l.-Hesi. dents of the lowlands about tho city a vo moving; to refugeo caiuns as n re sult of tho continued rise of the Mis sissippi. Tho levees nro holding' well but tho river threatens to overtop thepi. It rose six inches last ipght. A relief fund was Marled here for flood sufferers hero nml elsewhere. ALL GOOD GOLD CLAIMS STAKED AT LAKE TESLIN 8KATTLH, Wash., April 4. -Urlnglug word that tho pay dirt In tho now gold fields ut Lake ToaUn Is 90 feet bolow thu surface, and that nil of tho good claims wero staked long ago, Itobert McKce at rived hero today with J400 in p'neer gold taken from tho new Hold It brought JIG. SO an ouuco and Is simi lar In color to that fpuud In tlu At- llu dtstrlct. EIGHTY SIX CORPSES RECOVERED AT COLUMBUS COLUMM'S, Ohio, April 4. Tho body of another man was uncovered here this afternoon, making the num ber of corpses recovered oighty-six, All tho bodies have been identified, DISTRIBUTED DAILY TARIFF BILL IS NA COMPLETION AS ON WOOD WASHING TON. April 4. FlaM efforts were made here today to complete tho tariff bill so It will bo acceptable to President WHin a well as both houses of coagre.u.- Chairman Oscar Underwood of the ways and means committee con ferred with President WUoi and then tho democratic leaden In the Donate examined the bill as dratted by Underwood and his auittnnts. Free wool and free sugar are the only obstacles to a harmony urogram and President Wilson Is strain to havo a final say regarding thes?.- T NKW YOltK, April I D. T. Stotcsbury. head of the Urexot-Mor- gan banking house, Is named as bind of thu New York banking house of J. P. Morgan &. Co. to succeud the late J. P. Morgan, according to a report current hero today. It Is expected that Stotesbuty will gradually assume tho dictatorship of all tho Interests relinquished by Murgau through his death. SAN FHANCISCO. Oil., April 4. Charging falsification of tho ruiords of a national bank, au Indictment on 40 counts Is returned by tho fodo-'al grand jury today again:'. Charles llakcr. who Is alleged to have em bezzled more tbnn T-P0.000 c( hil employers' f inula vvhllo adjutant cashier of tho Crocker National bank In this city, Kach car.' os a 10 year scuteuco in tlu oYuut of con viction. Tho Indictment was mad' toturn ablo next Tuesday afternoon before Presiding Judge Van Flout, of tho United States district court. WORLD'S BIGGEST SHIP II HAMHlTtO, April l.I)eelared to ho the largest steamship in tho world, thu liner Vnterluml is launched here. She is ."1,00(1 tout, larger than thu lm porulor, which is bigger than vvns tho ill-fated Titanic. Tlio Vaterlund is 11 Hauiburg-Amorioun liner. ESBURY W LL SUCCEED MORGAN Czar Said to Be Secretly Altllns Klnf Nicholas In His Defiance ef tho Powers Austria Expects ts Act Independently, If Allies Fail Servla Supports Mntener al kans IffKK-e Orders Frwn Ptwirs and CwiJIrwe Attack wi Scutari LONDON, April l.FInt chnrKes by Austrian pditon that Ruwiia iji behind Jfontcncgro's defiance lo the powers Is mnde In tho Austrian capi tal today, according to despatches re ceived here this afternoon. Although rfussia ajrcoil lo the united plan for the coercion of Montenegro, the Vien na editors allege that the Czar H secretly nidiujj Kinjf Nicholas. All Vienna, newspapers, (he des patches say, print an apparently in pired declaration announcing that Austria-Hungary expects to act fn ilcjK'udcntly against Montenegro IC the powors' naval demonstration proves insufficient. Scrvia'a support if Montenegro nlso is causing alarm in Vieutin. LONDON, April 4. ConvcrsaVwiiw of the representatives of European powers regarding the attacks of Montenegrin ami Servian troop on Scutari, were .resumed here today. The Halkan soldiers have ignored flat order from the power to allow" rei .dewts of Scutari to leave the besciged city and the advisability of resorting to 'ijwutiouiieaim-to mnuil was discussed at today' meet ing of the ambassadors. Telegrams received here today from Constantinople say the Bulgar ian troops nre withdrawing from the Tchatnlja lines. It is not known whether they contemplate joining the Montenegrins nnd Servians before Scutari, or plan to end tho war by ac cepting the pence tonus proposed by the powers. PA WASHINGTON, April 4.T0 ask a pardon for her brother, Julian Hawthorne, son of tho famous author, who is now in the federal prison si Atlanta, Ga., after being convicted of using the mails to defraud, Sister Rosalie, a Catholic nun, visited Presi dent Wilson today. Tho ' president asked Attorney General Molteyiiolds to investigate the case. Ilawthoriio was eligible for 11 pardon March '20, Sister Rosalie first presented her self to Jos. Tumulty, tho president's secretary, who introduced her to Wil son. PATTERSON MOST T A PA N WASHINGTON, April 4. Despilo his notable relief work ul Dayton, O., it is reported hero today that tho de partment of justice will not consider a pardon for John II. Puttersgn, president of tho Nutlouul Cash Reg ister oompnny of Dayton, wjio wua sentenced to u year's imprisonment for violating the Sherman anti-trust law. It is dinted that if Patterson makes it persoual application for pardon it will bu considered. CNNERYMEN WANT TO FISH WITH SALMON TRAPS JL'NKAL, Alaska, April 4. Seek ing to prevent tho passing of a bill prohibiting fish traps by the legis lative, canuerymen offer to show MutiMtcs providing that the use of traps is not depleting the salmon sup lily. Thoy nlso ak that the legis lature do away with private hatcher ies and send u resolution to eougrwttf calling for federal hutcuorW upd fed eral inspectors under whose super vision fish may bo packed. ".ir'J ) . ( ' T t I - -f