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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1913)
mw !,"a"i "nj nnn Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION weather: I'nlr tonight anil HuHiIsy- Mat. nil Mill, !M, t'ortjr.areowl Trir. lally HtVMtlli Trir MEDFORD, OUKaON, SATlTHDAY, FEUHVAllY 8, IflKI. NO. 274. i j1.. -. ALLIES TO STORM THE TURKS' HOLY CITY I II iL ENTIRE FORCE Doc.i(tjcreil Fortress Weakened by Cannonade Will Bo Stormed by Allies Spies Report Fearful Ha voc Caused by Shells. LONDON, IVIi. H. 'Hint Hii' lull of Constantinople is bellow d in iliilu. niutio uimlcN lo lio ii'Mir In seen in tho niiiinunfciucut hero today llmt tin' llrllinh mliiilriilly has dreiilrd to Mini lint entire Medilorninenii siiiiuilroii In Tltlwi"ll Wilt I'M. The furt'lKH office Indnv requested (In Mirh lo prnnit three llritish war hiw huh ul Mullii lo ruler tin' l)nr tlHiii'lliti mill pmi'rcd lo Cuiisluhlino pie. Tlin foreign office Inter semi- ofNciHllv Muted lluil I tin Ottoman iiiimUIoHhI imiiiiii'iI at ttiittiittiiio1t in euimlilcriiiK tin" lequost. VIKNXA, Kill. H. -A1riiMinplo. weakened by tin Mulgnrlati fire, "ill he Mlniitw tomorrow. TliU U lint k) of pilvnlc dispatch is. itHivi'il horn todnv from Sofia. White no itrtnllH nro gUcn, it it bu ild ml liv mililMrv obsenern here Dial tln Iihiu v niiiMiiiinlIni: hy HhIkht nnd Si'lli hiKr KHim linw o weakened till1 Intlwuiiri'd furl rev that General Sn ofr h decided that tln time lift iitiuo when liinmm life is no longer to ln considered, a ml that In' Mill throw litn whuht fnti'o Mirnliift the Holy City in Km- Kiiiinl nniill, .Mtiili IMiinnup Wrought Whllo no positive Infonnnthni if tthiuhiiilitti in to I lin dnningc wrought in Ailriiunii1i' hy the Itoiiiliiirdment, it i believed here that Hhnkri PmhIm'n wlri'lw !rcMirlH 'to Constantinople haw Krcatly iiilnimirfd lint execution ilon liv t ho llulgur shell-.. Tin' in MwtiitK force, it Ik holictcd, lius hct'i) niUini'il liv spies of tint rrnl haxoc uroiiuht ami If thr Sofia new of u Kt-lll'l-Hl Hattttlllt 'inl'h collect, mil itary ohsanons hero eniiNidcr there in imirtt tliiiu an oion kIuuiuo thai AdiiNtiopIo will rail. What 1m characterized hero an tho mint ilaHiiir fi'itt of tin war wax iter, forini'il osterday hv Captain Mnrit- iiiiih, a Gteok aviator, who snnicd owr the Dardanelles in a hwlrnphiuc ami aiini'il throe bombs at the arsenal of Maiih'H. Kplcil on Forties Looking down on Ihn (lullopi I t -iiiMilu Captain MariliniiH hiiw rod bursts of flumes indicating that, the Kinm of tint wiirshlps wore tr.tiUR to reach him, Tha aviator declared to ilnv hi' iniiiln valiiiilih observations vil the Turkish fortil'iratUniN. EIGHT BILLS GET AXE IN HOUSE SAIJv.M, Kih. H. r,iKht hill M,,r IVicil iinpilal iiiiiiinhaii'iit in tlio hniiru toilav hv Ih'Imk imh'finitoly imNlponi'd. I'oiir of Ihn hillrt imxiponcit hot I'hiiUKi'x in tint Ori'h'Dn Hpoi'ial H.VHtmn. Of tin-Hit, pnihnhlv tint miint import nut wiih tho hill already paHhcil tlio M'liulu uhii'li prmhh'it that a cinnli ilntc could hti nnininati'il for officii hy lint paynuHit of n filing fro. TIiIh umilil havo iiiailu it unnotTHMiry to ohlaiii iMiinlimllnu' pntitioiiH. A liill makliiu' It a oilimnal offi'imo for ahy poi-Hon to rccnixo moiilty for wniliiiiu for or aKiilait an Inltiatlvu iiiraHiirn ami limited u.xpi'inlitiircH In niri'iiliitini; polillmm to .fJUO, wax nUn Kilh'd. ThU hill uriulmitfil In tlio IlllllhC. Tho othur hills kilh'd worn uiiliii imrlnnl, Wilson Interested In Treasury Muling. I'ltlNUKTO.V, N. J Ken. 8. I'lOHlilont-IOIoct Wooilniw WIIhoii ox pinHHOil Kiuut IntoiOHt today In tlio ('(iiitiovomy liotwoon Uudnlpli Hproi'k vU, a Han KiuiioIbco bunk or, ami Hi'cnitary of tlio TronBiiry MuoVoIkIi ovur "TronBiiry Olronlur No. B." "I until what Mr. HnrockolH hiiIiI with tlm KioatuNt Intorost," Huld WIIhoii Jioiii tnduy, "but I will not ronimont on tho nmttvi'i H A AD AN PEE IDIflT Tfl MTC I ITLUI IU UI1ML Triple Conspiracy to Form Slnule Re public of Honduras, Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua and Colombia Sends Warships to Central America I WAKlll.NdTO.V, IVh. H. iVfinite infoiiiiiilinii of a triple roiinpiracy to fut in a ttinule rcpulilii' of llomliiriiK, (liinli'iniiln, Siiltndor, Nii'iiracna and ('ntnnihiii, ulni'h Iiiih fi'iit four Amer ican wnrnliip' hiitllnt; to (Vnlral Ami'iii'iin cmiikIk in today in the IimniU of the itiiln department, ami it K I'Xpeeled that Prtiilent-elet't Wood ion WiUon, on lakinu' office, will in hetit the iiioft difficult I.ntln Ainnr ican prohlein in hitory. Zclit) n Hie ('oiixplrnlor With the proliahlhty Unit ,cliin. tile deHiseil prcldiiil of N'ienrnKtin In Hie heart nf the ronpirni'v, the sliilc ilcpniliiient hart poxitiu'ly leiun ril that tnifeioiin fililiwlers in New Vork nml New Oilcium and on the I'liciflc coiix are faelort in it iJei'lopincnl. Thee three cronpi of revnlntioiiixlH are in eoiiHlnnt com timnicHlioii recardim; tho oulfittini; of filllnixteriiii: expeditions, nnd that it h hellevcd that nsHiixxinnlions of the prchcnl heaiN of the eountrioN iiiMihcd in one or the aiii;leH of the hcttlrmcnt. In N'ew Orlenni, Krcderico Itonilln mid .In 11 n Arins are the known heads of that tiartleidar revolntiomir i; ron p. They arc committed lo the cntiki' of Zelaya. There U nlxo yreat ttiiroxt in the l.ntin colonv or New Vork. wliein nttrniptt arc lrini mntlo lo nilnit fund to put filihtwtrriii;; partieh in tho field. Sliotv of l'oirt Jliuln Prominent NienniKiiiiiiK and Hon dnrniiM in San Franeitteo nnd Los Aiifelen houexor, arc heinu elosely watehed. Alt diloimitit and coiitnls in tho countries affected hv the M'heine hae lieen hendillir data of the plot for weeks to the Mate department here, which hv the dot-pnleh of war Hhips, now has decided that the time has com,' to make an effort to htamp out tho proposed nnolnlion h, a d play of force, holySTaIs 10 EXCITE ISLAM; I roX.STANTINOPl.K, Ki'ti. 8. Kou'Ikii lesidcntK hero today . pro foiled to have no fear that tho Uolv war proclamation of tho Sheik-l'l-Ihlam will ivhiilt in nmshiicros of ChriritiaitH throiiliout Turkey. It is Miid that no sin of tho cluing liiir tlmoK in Turkey Iiiik lieen of moio iniMirt than tint npathetio reception of the proclaimed Jehad, which only a fow decades ago would havo thrown all Ihlam into a frour.y of hatred for tho Phrihtiaiid mid would havo ic sailed in miiKHiiero, within ton hourx. So far iih Iiiik lieen Icanied horo tho proclaimed leliad Iiiih aroused no in terest, mid tho population of Hiiro penu Turkey at least is making no movo to moh'ht their Christian iioIkH liors. ROCKErELLfSlI ILL I ltHUNSWICK, (lu., IVh. 8,-Wm. Itookofollor, tho Standard Oil mm,' unto, was till in n Horious condition today from tho throat hpiihins stif I'ered yesterday at Joky I bland whllo iiiideinoin o.xiimhuitioii at tho hands of ('oiiKicsbiniiii I'lijo, ohainmui of tho houso muiioy trust iuvostiuntiiiK oommlttoo. "Mr, Itookofollor can hcaroely speak ahovo a whisper" said Dr. Chnpollo this aftornnou, "Whilo his comiltioii is sot-ions, I do not holiovo IllVfO is ny ltiiedi(ttg danger," LAI AMERICA AUTHORITY FOR IN ONE NATION CIRCULAR NO. 5 NO KILLINGS RESUL A I flDIPU InlfTD Conuressnian Glass Announces Inves vesthjallon by Concress Order Does Not Limit Amount of Gold Deposited With Banks. WAHIIINOTON, Poll. K -Taklui: tint ntniiit Hint Huilolpli Hpreeklm' attitude uKnlimt "Treasury Circular No. 5" In foiimloil on reusonolilo Itrouiidn, CoiiKroHitman Curler Ulatn of Virginia announced today IiIr de termination to lavcRtli;ato every liliimo of the order. Direct rOulrndlrllou of tlio :hilinn of AimlHtanl Attorney of tbo Trent u ry Ilitlley, that tlio order IIuiKh tho amount of gold which rould bo do ponlted In untlotial liatikn In uindo by Cotii;reunmtiti Ulufjt. "No inch pro Mon," ho ald "mii lnt fnnnd In tho circular. I.eciil an Ihorlty for thn order, ho tnnliitalui. In (oiiml lu a "joker" put through con Bren by Senator Aldrlcu lx years hko. "Aldrlch". continued Olaitu, "nmeiided ft hitrmtriui little bill call I UK for n chniiKO tu currency denomi nation, tho ineanuro tn one ioclton provtdlucr 'All government money oirept eiutoini receipts nro to bo do ponlted In national depositories.' "Aldrlch struck out tho words, except customs receipts.' Ho on deavorvd to pass It quietly throunh concrosti but n certain member charmed him with an attempt to swine customs deposits from tho treasury Into national banks. Al drlch finally admitted such was bis purpose. Nevertheless, tho amended bill went turoucti. "It was generally reallxod, how ever, that tho chntiRn waa defective. It only Infercntlally repealed tho law requiring tho depositing of customs receipts In sub-treasuries. It seems strange that the treasury department based such a revolutionary change on hucIi an Ineffective law," Senator I.aKolletto of Wisconsin took a hand today In tho controversy. Ho promised to mako a thorough In vestigation of tho order. Nattounl Treasurer Thompson ad mitted this afternoon that tho clrcu Inr contntns no provision for pay ment of Interest on tho lucrcmed gov ernment deposits. FRIEDMAN OFF FOR AMERICAN MILLION KANSAS (MTV, Fob. 8. Tho hi oret departure for tho United States hv lie. Friedmnuii. discoverer of tho turtle bonun tuhciculosis mire, from Merlin at midnight lust night, is the I'lintents of a teleciam received hero hv Chut.. A. Finlay, president of tho Aetna llnnk or New Yoik Uty. I.Vi,i.1mnnti. Ihn I'ltlileuniin stated. sailed for America. Finlnv Miys tho reason for tho secret departure of Friedmntm is that tho German government hns for bidden him to leave Germany. Finlay added that Dr. Friedmnuii probuhly would permanently reside in America.. EDDY WILL FIGHT BY U08TON, Fob. 8. -Through a npo- clrtl oiiabllng net of tho leglslaturo litigation Is ended today over tho be quest of U, 000,000 by Mrs. Mary linker a. Uddy to tho First Church of Christ Bcloutlst horo. Tho act declares Mrs. Kddy'a will valid nnd was secured by tho trustees of tho church, (oorgo V. Clovor, of I.qfltl, S. I)., tind K. J. Foster Hddy. of Wutor- buv', Vt., son and adopted son, ro- spectlvely of Mrs. Kddy, agreed to tho sottlomeut. Mrs. Kddy loft n ,(500,000 osttttv. fJOXVJGTS HY GOOD WOItK MODEL IITGILWAY MAY SUCCEED IN BANISHING GLOOMY WALLS FOREVEK A miNlfl l)rjj,k roaJ. built nsr Thr mrn norknl nllllnsly without shackles or armed guard. Ko disorder resollcd. Now Oo.rnor Oix tiMKiM tn itritruy the old cloomy ir!on lh Its ccrm.laden shops and employ conlct folcly In oulJimr work uch no road bulldlnffand farm Inc. Htntr HlKhMny Comrtilnloner Marker says the brick road butltby t he convicts wtll last (or many years. OF J WATER WAGON WASHINGTON. Feb. 8 "All great men, from Julius Caesar to Joe Cannon, woro moderate drinkers ex cept tho gentleman from Alabama" (Hobson). tho hero of tho Mcrrimac. Hobson owed his greatness not to tho water he drank but to tho water he didn't drink." This was part of tho contribution In tho houso today by Victor Hergor. socialist, of Milwaukee, to a bitter de bate on tho "Webb bill" which pro hlbltB tho shipment of liquor from "wot" to "dry" stall's. Its pussago Is predicted. Merger uttucked tho bill, sulng that ho favored abstinence uud tomperancn as opposed to prohibi tion, and cited somo Illustrious ex amples besides tho three mentioned nbovo Ho said: "Washington, Jefferson, (irnut, Lincoln and Ultnmirck were moder ate drinkers whllo Shakespeare, Goethe uud Uauto drank whenever they hud a chance " E BILL ENWI SAI.K.M, Feb. S. -Tlio minimum wago bill for women, introduced by Senator Mulnrkoy bus today pussod tho homito unit will now go to tho houso for Its approvul. Tho bill dooa not specify tho wage to bo paid tho women workers, leaving this mutter tl a committee, consisting of ono employer, one employe and one disinterested person, whoso recom nioiidiitlotiH will bo curried out. Tho governor has tho uppolntlug of tho committee WKIin CITY, Mo., l'ob, 8,-Con-fosHlou to having lured her husbuud Into n durk alloy to allow hop uc compllco, Juntos Lynn, to shoot mid kill him there, has been niudo today by Mrs. Mgo Glllmore. Mrs, QIU moro and I.jim havo boon charged with first degroo mu,rdor, HOBSN ONLY R IN rua.lrla at Mark, Completed lluad and lllghnar Cammlaitvarr Marker. olumbus. O., by convict labor, sternsjJfstlntJ M.9VArtPHiL.tU-.PftaJ. STOCK S SCORES TREASURER 5 NEW YOUK. Feb. S. Warning to Secretary of tho Treasury Mac Yelgh that ho cannot dismiss such an importnnt matter as "Treasury Circular No. 5" by jef erring to his criticism as "bosh una moonshlno" was sounded horo today by Itudolph Spreckels, San Francisco banker, Tho Cullfornlun also served notice that ho will lenvo for Washington cither Monday or Tuesday to "fight tho order to a finish." "This order," suld Sprockets today, "does not require bunks to give bonds or any other security or to pay Interest. Tho national banklug law provides that bunks designated as depositories must give sufficient security for tho vafo keeping and prompt payment of public money de posited in them." Spreckels dotted MacVelgh lo clto legal authority for tho order, add ing: "Clearly tho secretary, in Issulugj so radical an order In the last few weoks of his otflco, In guilty of bad taste, or, I fear, bad f tilth," JURY FAILS TO AGREE IN HAMMOND TRIAL UKM.1NGHAM. Feb. S. - Up to noon today tho jury in tho case of tho state against Jacob Furth, K. W, Andrews, It. V. Aukeny and Daniel Kolllher, officials of the Soattlp Na tional lUmk, churgod with conspir ing In tho receiving of deposits by tho defunct I.acouuer bunk, knowing It to bo Insolvent, hud not romo lu, and It Is believed thut they will hung, necessitating a retrial. If. in tho opinion of tho court, it appears thut u verdict is out of tbo question tho jury will be dUmUsed tonight, but tf thoro Is a chunco of an agree ment hey wl) bo held until tyQuday. CIRCULAR WALDO WRKIN WIIH WHITMAN NKW YOUK. Feb. S. Police Com missioner Hheiuluiuler Waldo i co operating with District Attorney Chits. S. Whitman today for the first time since the ixilico graft sciiudul was uncovered, nnd it is expected tho trail will now he traced to'the highest "hijiher tips" mi New York's, police force. I'siiiK tho testimony offered in the nldcrmuuio committee's investigation of tho snift soaudal by Gambler Jus. I'urcell, one time partner of Herman Rosenthal, as a basis, it was estim ated here today that the tribute ex acted liy New Yoik police from gamb lers exceed $1,000,000 a year. I'ur cell's storv was even more sensation al than that of Jack Itoc, collector for Police Lieutenant Chas. F. Keek op, under sentence of death fop Ho soiiUml's murder. Former Sheriff Huney of Queens county, Police Inspector MeLuii;hrui, half n dozen police captains, includ iiitf n hrother-in-law of Chas. F. Murphy, leader of Tamtnuny Hall nnd scores- of ward heelers and police men are nnmnj; thi-o to whom Pur coll declared ho paid protection money. jury sSTiS SAN FKANCISCO, Feb. S -After remaining out till night und deliber ating for IS hours, tho Jury reported today failure to agreo In tho govern ment's suit to recover $300,000 from A. 1). Hammond, tho local "Lumber King" for alleged thefts of timber lu Montana. Tho Jury received fur ther Instructions and was again locked up. A verdict Is expected beforo night. Hammond places tho blnmo for tho mlsblng timber on his brother, Henry Hammond, uud his brothor-In-law, Coorgo W. Fenwlck, lumber miigutitos. They uro Interested In firms operating near tho disputed timber groups, PROBING SCANDAL PERKINS T MURDER PROVOKES K Three Heroes Employed In Evans vllfe Factory Shot Down Wltheut Warnlnu by Youthful Foreman, Son of Manufacturer. KVAKSVILLE. Intl., Feb. 8 Three nejfroes who were employed in hii millionaire fiillicr's woodworking es tablishment were shot and instant' v killed hero today hy Allen Von Ikdi ren, aged 22. Then tha young" mini drove to the police station in hi nutnmohile nnd surrendered. "I had to kilt them," Von llchreii told the police. "They sworo to ftvi me." The dead men are Wullcr Wash ington, John Gordon uud Henry Gor don. I'nctorlw All Clime All factories in tho uciuilv of tho shootinir were closed after the triple murder. The negro population, thor oughly arouicd, nro concre-jatinc tu saloons nnd n rare riot it fc.ired. Ten years ago 10 negroes were slain in a race riot here. Youiitf Von Bchrcii is Huyoiiutci dent of his father' establishment. Wo had nn estiibliihed custom of nrm uig himself and carried two ren ers. The olicc assert the .youth deliber ately picked out hii three victims. 'The slain nicn met death m dif ferent parts of the shop. John Gor don was working in a shed when Von Bchrcn, without wnrnln;.', placed the reylvee.afciiust.tli. wtffVs.liV 1- ,hU. fired. Gordon droped Jeiid In' .hii, tracks. Von Kelircn tlicli wool into , another department uud kdtiltnry Gordon, the bullet almost ten rirnr off the top of Ids head. He then hurried to u third department nnd shot Wash ington through the heart. A panic followed in the work show the negroes jumping through windows and biding behind lumber piles. HOLDS UP DESCHUTES BILL SALEM. Feb. 8. The bill for de tailed surveys of tho peschutes pow er project by which three largo Irri gation projects may be brought to tho point of development, bus struck u snag In tho sennte committee on ways and means. Senator Perkins, chairman of tho committee, has pro pared an unfavorable report on tho bill. This report Is being held up by re quest of frleuds of tho bill pending tho disposition of n similar bill In tho house. The houso ways uud means committee has acted fuvor ably, and the houso bill Is on tho desk awaiting the third reading. Senator Perkins has adopted tho at titude of "having to bo shown.'' Ho says there Is danger of throwing away tho $30,00. appropriation niudo In tho bill, becauso Investigation might develop anything worth while, and bo has heard that much of tho laud concerned Is of lava bed char acter, too porous to appreciate wutor. T NKW YOUIC, Feb. 8. Tho stock market closed dull today, Heavi ness In Southern Puclflo detorrcd buying of tho general list for a tlmu. A later Inquiry for the coppers ind steel gave a bettor tono to tho trad ing. Amalgamated roso 1. Hull roads affected by tho thrcutenod strike, of firemen slumped. Bonds were steady. DELINQUENT TAX BILL AMENDED BY COMMITTEE SAI.K.M, Feb. 8 Tho senate oi.iu mUteo ou judiciary has today added an amendment to the delinquent tux list publication hill whereby counties will not he required to advertise de linquencies of $1 or K'sf, 0 N INDIANA "V3- . j .. -ww M A 1 '-.yf U