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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1913)
I FAGKJ TWO. smfmsmsBssaz mmrnrn r ALAND , PERSONAL J-,"'UJ'!" 0, l' Hilling of Ashland upont several hours In Mcdford Saturday on business. V. V. Henderson of Grants rns Saturday with Mcdford friends. T. Y. Dean of Grants Pass spent Friday In Mcdford, returning homo tlio noxt morning. Dry fir wood, fl.7B per llor, nt Jacksonville. Call nt 71? North Itlvcrsldo, Mcdford. 275 M. Vaiighn and 15. 1 ltnlnoy of Antloeh were In Medford recently. Dr. and Mrs. Smith of Gold 11111 wore In Mcdford Krldny, an also was Charted Plotting of tho snmo place. John Hansen of Phoenix and Cliff Payne of Ashland woro nmonR Medford friends Friday. Closing out sale ot pipes. Ire-, Innd'a Smoke House. S. II. ltarntsh ot KaRlo Point made a business trip to Medford Friday. Win. Chambers of Central Point visited relatives living In Mcdford Friday. The county commissioners court. which has been In session nt Jack sonville slnco Wednesday, will ad journ today. Real homo siado bread at Dc Voo's. Mrs. Nina Smith nnd her son ur Tlvod from (1 rant a Pass Friday. A. Ii. Wlmcr and A. Alford of Talent precinct were In Mcdford Fri day. Fred Colvlp, county recorder, who has been Quito sick, Is convalescent. Ho speVit a few hours lu Mcdford Thursday. Bring that old toook with torn binding down and have It rebound at tho Mall Tribune offlee, CosU but HtUe. tf John Mast and D. tenners of Phco utx tarried a short time In Mcdford Tuesday rooming. Mrs. W. T. Grlovo and Mrs. If. of Jacksonville were Mcdford vlsltorsFrIday. Insure and be sure, night If we write It. IU A. Holmes, Tho Insur ance Man. Mlsa Euxcnla McCracken of Grants Paw Is making Medford a UIL F. I). "Walte of Sutberlln, who Is Interested In a large tract of land near Ashland, arrived In Mcdford from San Francisco, Friday. Vanor hatha and scleatlflo mas sage tor men and women. Dr. It. J. Lockwood, chrlopractor, 203 Qar-aelt-Coray Bldg. Phone 145. Q. 8. Hudson of Milton and A. V. Bradshaw arrived In Medford Fri day. The latter went to Jackson ville. J. W. Hicks, J. W. Hayes and J. J, Pankey were among the Gold Ml lers In Medford Friday. Carkln & Taylor (John H Car kin and Ulenn 0. Taylor), attorneys-at-law, over Jackson County Bank Building Medford. J. S. Barnett and Mr. Cochran ot Central Point were business visitors III Medford Friday. , Mrs. J. T. Burns was a visitor at Grants Pass, her formor homo, this week. New York Life Insurance Co., C. Y, Tengwald, Mcdford National Bank Bldg., phone 3371. Mr. and Mr, Gcorgo H. Durham of Portland, who are visiting In tho val ley inadoModford n visit Friday and HntiirilBV. Mrs. I. T. Cnlllher of Bock Point was a Mcdford visitor Friday after noon, Kodak finishing, the best at Wes ton's, opposite book store, John Thompson arrived from Kla math county Friday. Ho was called hither by ii message Informing of tho critical condition of his father, II. Thompson, who resides north of Jacksonville and Is afflicted with a cancer. A. J. Itoscborough, Sidney Sprout aud Kmll Haghorn, promlnont In San Franclkco business circles, ar rived In Medford Friday ovenlng. Fashionable dressmaking. Evening and afternoon gowns. Latest stylo Ungorio a specialty. Mrs. E. M. Painter, lato of Now York City. Hours 2 to'5 p. m. 518 King street. Phono GQ8. ' David Duncan of North Jackson ville was In Medford Friday. Tho new suit of clothes ho thought had boon stolon from tho Itoguo Itlvor Valley Ittillway company's depot, bo camo mlxod with a pllo of freight In tended for Jacksonville and was re covered later. I). B. Phlpps of Big Sticky mado u UubIiicbs trip to Mcdford during tho wook. II, A. Cnnady wcut north Filday on professional business. ftunuol Voslnl ami Henry Daley of Raglft Point worn among those who had tiuslhcMl Jn MctUortl durlilg the wr-eki- Mrs. W. K. Flnniy nnd Mm. C. Wilcox were nmoiig thoso over from Jacksonville Friday afternoon. O. . Nelson nnd lien Baton of Jacksonville have returned from a trip to Ashland. B. D. Weston, commercial photog' raphern, negatives mado any tlmo or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. B. P. Hughes of Ashlnud wns In Medford Krldny, exhibiting a steel railroad tie that Is being Introduced by n company ho is Interested In. It Is attracting considerable atten tion in railroad circle. Constablo Bstes was at Phoenix Friday afternoon on nn official mat ter. Collect tnose scattered sheets of music you value and have them bound In book form at the Mall Tribune. tf John a Urth, cashier ot tho Mcd ford National Bank, has been vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. Krauk Crump of Applegate. Oliver Helms of Barron precinct, was a recent business visitor In Med ford. - Take free guess ou school pictures and get a boautltul picture ot Crater Lake frco at Qorktng & Harmon's studio, 12S B. Main street, near First National Bank. Phono 2154. Chariot B. Gay was at Central Point Friday visiting his parents. Mrs. T. M. Hurlburt. wife or the city surveyor of Portland, died n few days since, aged 49 years. Tho couplo formerly resided nt Ashland. Dr. Meyer of Roscburg was a re cent visitor In Mcdford. Miss Esther Kasshafcr was in Jacksonville the forepart ot tho week. Crater Lake photographs pro nounced by experts to bo tho best ever made ot the lako at Gerklng & Harmon's studio, 12S E. Main street. near First National Ban. Phono 21G4. Kodak finishing and enlarg ing, negatives mado any place. R. D. Hoke of Seven Oaks dis trict transacted business In Mcdford one day this week. Henry G. Dot and Chris Ulrlch of Jacksonville wcro among their Mcd ford friends Friday. G. A. Morso and Wm. Fox of Tal ent spent n few hours In Mcdford Friday afternoon. Kd Sutton of Klamath county Is In Mcdford visiting his father, who Is qulto III. and other relatives. R. Boswell. who la developing a quart mlno In Josephine county, not far-'from Kcrby, Is lu Mcdford for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Coleman of of Jacksonville visited their former homo at Phoenix Friday. Thomas Robinson .of Corvallls nnd F. II. Coffin of Lebanon aro among thoso from abroad who uro transact ing buslnoss In Medford. W. F. Turner of Portland, comp troller of tho Hill lines lines In Ore gon, who was formerly a resident of this city, Is In Mcdford on a short business trip. Henry Richardson, and son Sam uel, aro spending a fow duys In Mcdford from their Steamboat homo. J. W. Dudley leaves this evening for an cxtendod visit cast and north. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bordymau nt TiiiKAliurar aro visiting friends in this city. 4 . arrcrwoun mattj trttmtnr OTiDFori). oriwok, sATnmAV, lwimr aim's, 101:1. At the Churches Methodist Klropal Metliodit Kti'tiNil church, cur nor of Hnrllolt niul Fourth sired, K. Olin Kldrldge, pastor. Mm lees Sunilnv as follows?: Ptvachinj; 11 n, in., 7::I0 1 1. m. Subjects, iiiorniiu; "The Hnw .Material timl the. Finished Product"; evening, "The Urcnl ltnh. some." Sunday school II vlfi j Kn- worth League ll:lf; prcncliini; nnd revival service r:'tO. The rvviwil hervii'c tire of a mosl intcrv.tUiu; character, and mighty large congre gations led in Mtigiin; by u chorus choir umlcr the direction of F. K. KdmcniN, nro Imvim: delightful nnd furi(uiillv profitable time. Kmentoen have professed faith during the two weeks of service. Those meetings win continue all the week, Saturday excepted. Fine muIe for Sundnv. A hearty welcome awaits all, especially ntmngcri). Ion Lutheran At .Ion Lutheran 512 W. Fourth street, thero will bo no morning service owing to tho pastor's absonco at Grants Pass. Evening sorvtco will bo conducted in biigiish nt 7:30 o'clock. Sunday school (English) nt 10 a. m. Come and worship. EVELYN THAW SAYS SHBISPIiNNIM-SS ( v 'I fSN " lfr k' -assssa W v. m CUR T ADJUSTS RECORDER'S OFFICE Tho cuiiiily coniiiildslonei'S and niul Count)- Uminlur Colxig have ad justed all their dlfforonrcs in con nection with tho tuples of vocords furtilshod to uhtitrncl conipaulrs, Mr Oolvlg iiRrei'liiK tn fuiulMhliig a cop of hl.i rernrd to tho coniii iiHicimor onl), Tho iilil-aet copumitles aro .- - '.!. ,,i 4:1 i f, U,mnhsl,r(,wl,,p(n.M,, WHncr'S Rcli EStfC Tho uiiirt hlmiN to ouUirRo (ho r conler'H i(flro u onto niul liullil lihil it now vault. Tho nbstnii't roiiipa ales Mlntn that they eoiihl nut infikn their own coplcn owIiik to a Inch of room. .-: l:- HnptUt Rev. R. W. MacCullouRh. A. M. Ph. D.. pastor of tho Jackson street Baptist church of ScrnntOn. Penn., has accepted an Invitation from tho First Baptist church of this city to visit them as a caudtdnto for the vacancy hero nnd will arrlvo In Med ford on tho 15th, occupying tho pul pit, Fob. 1C, 23 and March 2d. Dr. MacCullough Is a very strong man nnd it Is hoped that all the members nnd friends ot the church will hear blm. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Sunday morning service at eleven o'clock; subject of Icssonsormon "Spirit." Wednesday evening meet ing at seven-thirty. All aro wel come. Sunday school at ten. nil under tho age of twenty aro Invited. Reading-room hours, two to flvo p. in. dally, except Sundays. Church edi fice, North Oakdale. Mt. Hevrry " Tho.w t'otiwl for r.ul)ti Neshlt Thaw has de-lnrts.1 that she U now ntniluiolv without uti'iiutt and h.i no iimiII.iIpIu domw r IllCOIIie.x Mm. Tlinw Imo Ie cAntuliird its to her exact financial coiulltlon. 7; 30 tho subject of tho sermon will be. "Whatsoever Ye Do." Minn Hanco will sltiR. A good service. You nro Invited. The Knights Tem ples will hold Easter services lu the Presbyterian church. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. c B. society at 0:30 p. in. Junior Bu- ucavor at a p. in. Program ot music at tho Piesb) terlau church: Morning "The Radiant Morn" words b) Wood- nrd "Recessional words by R. Kipling, music by P. a. Schuecker. "Ninety and Nine" sung by Mr. Goo. Andrews. Evening Miss Hnncc will sing, "Why Thou Cast Down O My Soul, Splckcr. FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands HavcBccnHcIpcd I?y Common Sonso Suggestions. ' Mmt Art by Baptist Sunday bclinol nt usual hour. Itev. O. C. Wright of Portlnnd, will preach muruiu uud evcuiui;. Dr. It. W. Mac Cullough of Scrnutoti, Pa., will vlit tho church for three Sundays begin nini: Feb. ltitli, with a view to the pastorate. AH uro invited to hear hiui. The musical numbers at the Bap tist church for the inorninc senico will include the nnthem "A Dream of' by IlnmiKon Gruy. Tho quartet will render tho nnthem "Though Your Sins He as Scarlet." At the evenine sen-ivu tho choir will render the uiithein "Jcrusulero." K. Mark's ' Rev. Charles Scaddlng, bishop of Oregon will offlclato at St. Mark's hall Sunday morning at 11 a. in., nnd will meet tho men of tho church nt 3 p. m. AT THE PHOTOPLAYS J Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS JtABX A8MI8TAKT py rUout 8371 .teMWoaMlT.W.WMksaon The now management of the Bgo Theater Is already "In right" with tho public through Its policy of run- nlnir only tho best licensed films and keoplng tho prices always the same. The films tonight offer a wide variety, from tho Kitty In Dreamland film which Is particu larly pleasing to children to the "Water Rights War," a stirring western drama which might have had Its setting In tho Rogue river val ley, so familiar docs tho landscape look. Thero Is also a comedy film, which Is a scream and "Satin and alngham," a pretty love story. A series of animated scenes In a Lon don amusemont park round out tuo very complete program. Tho two reel film, "Tho Harem Captives" Is the featuro ut tho Isis tonight. This a real story shown well nnd full of thrills and situa tions. The vaudevlllo act Is ono of tho host of tho year and is wurinly w'olcomed by Isis patrons. O'Hura, squatter and Philosopher, another licensed film Is well worth seeing. Two doublo reel features aro billed at tho Ibis for noxt week. Home of Truth Now Thought center 31 North tirape, Col lego building. Sunday school, 10:30. Sunday morning ser vice, subject, "What Is New Thought?" Thursdays, Now Thought study class, 3 p. in. Thursday, teacher always In nttoiidnnro from 1 to 5 p. in. Friday ovcnlngs, Heal ing meeting, 8 p. in. Library lu connection. All aro wolcomo, lovo offerings. Christian. A largo audience greeted the evan gelist last night nnd tunny favorable comments wcro heard on his splen did sermon. Ho showed that con venience, unless directed by tho In fallible word ot (tod, was an iiusnfo guide In religion; The music wns good, Including n well rendered solo by Miss lues Coffin. Services to night. "Tho Trull of tho Christ," tho subject, song service nt 7:30. Sunday's service as follews: Bible school nt 10 u. m. Preach ing by Bills Piirk-o nt 11 u. nt. U. B. at 05:30 p. m. Preaching again at 7:30 p. in. Tho evangelistic mcotlngx will contlnuo through tho week. You aro cordially Invited lu com n and worship with us. Thcru will bo good music and a hearty wel come. D. D. Boyle,' minister. O.thellr: Mnsnc 8 nnd IQtfO, Evening de votion and senhou 710. Subject, "A Hard Snyinjj," ifo in Jackson ville nt I). Our Best Heller. Wo aro selling tnoro ot Mcrltol Fczoma Remedy than all tho others put together. This largo salo Is duo to tho fact that It is a preparation of unusunl merit, mado expressly for ono purpose, to euro eczema In Its var ious forms. If you are afflicted with this lontlmomo disease, do not delay using Moritol Bczcma Remedy, 1 Ins kins' drug store. Women suffering; from any form of female ills aro invited to communicate promptly with tho wownn's private corri'spondenco de partment of the I.y din l-:.riuhnm Med icine Co., Lynn, Mass. Your letter will bo oiH-ncd, read ami answered by n woman nnd held In strictconfidonce. A woman can freely talk of her privnto illness to n woman ; thus has lieen cutnbllshtsl a conlidc ntinl eorretpomlviicff which hns extended over many years and which has never Iweii broken. Never have they published n testimonial or used n letter without the written consent of the writer.mid never has tho Company allowed these confi dential letters to get out of their h sesflou, as tho hundreds of thousand.1 of thttiu in their files will attest Out of tho vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it Is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed In your case. Noth ing Is asked In return except your good will, and their advice has h'lpsl thou sands. Surely nny woman, rlch"or or, should be glnd to take advantage of this generous ouVr of assistance. Address Lydia K. Pinkhnm Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Maw. I'vory vvoninn ought to Imvo I.ydlu i:. lMiiIclinnr NO-pago Text Hook. It Is not a Imol; for general distribution, us it Is too expensive. It Is frco niul only olitulnnlilo by mall, Wrlto fur It todny. Neglect is Dangerous To propel ly care for thu oes Is a duty mmi owe to imrnolf mill to throw ileptuidotit, upon joti. 'YVcak eyes' iiicnn a huudlcaV, no matter what your position In life, ami In this ngn of tense nativity, no maiit woman or ciuiil can miry a handicap and hopo to win. ' I can easily domuiintruto to your satisfaction It )otir eyes need cor recting or not. DR. RIGKERT Over Kcnlner's & Employment Bureau All Kind of Property For Hutu For Salo .Its lines rinse n, n room hoiiso, largo hat ii and chicken home, fruit 1.1.300. 1 10 nuros I miles fioni good town, 0 J norm u eultvntloii, t nnnH in ul falfa, Hi in;rw lywr-od trees, plnm feueond and eioss feuneili. himmI rauito for stock. Mimll fruit, good Iuihho., Hum linilnnisiits. rlii no.ouo, C. A. DE VOE -IIS W. Main Distributing niul Hiiliicrlptlous AtlliST for Tho Saturday Evening Post Tho Ladies' Home Journal Tho Country Gontloman Sc nnd 15c per copy, $1 CO tho year. For sale at all news stands More Boys Wanted Phono Main noil Presbyterian At 10:45 o'clock, fifteen minutes earlier thnii usual tho morning sorv Ico begins. A sermon to tho young people, subject, "What Is Llfo?" The uuartotto will sing. At the close Mr. George Andrews will sing "Ninety and Nine." All the young people nro requested to bo presont. Tho ser mon nnd sorvlcu will be Inspiring to old and young. In the evening nt TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Tho Star Theater has secured rights to tho Gaumont Weekly, ftltnB showing current events In u concrete form never dreamed of until tho mo tion picture business reached Its present high development. "Her Own Country," u pretty California story is portrayed by tho well known Flying A compauy to good advantago and tho big foaturo Is tho "Fires of Conscience" a doublo reel. Tho Star has a surprUo In store for Its natrons, unuouncomont of which ill be mado witnin a iow uuy. B, S. r B. KIRCHOKS8NBR. M. D Prac tice limited to chronic diseases. Office Hotel Hollund, Saturdays 10-3, Both phones. Rculdonco pheney: Farmer lCxxS Eaglo Polut and Rogue River lino. FOR RKNT Ono six room house, closo In. Call No, 810 N. Iiart- lett. FOR BXCHANGB 2 ranches near Albany, all bottom laud, for Med ford property. $2100 merchandise stock uud store for property and some cash, IH500, 2 hotels on coast, clear, for Medford property. $8500, livery IhihIiichh and resi dence for ranch, no fruit. Portland residence properly $50,000 uud cash up to $50,000, for acreage. Clark Realty Co., 200 Phlpps Bldg. 274 FOR RKNT- Closo Iji pleasant loca tion, 3 room furnished bungalow, Inqulro 527 South Holly. Phone Main 7791. . Spring Footwear Now ou display Come In aud look as our windows are entirely too small to display the muiiy now stylus. Wo ask tho attention of nil who deslro a good comfortable and yet Dressy Shoo. Wo enter to tho Shoe require ments ot every body. The person with but a small sum to invest In Shoes, will recelvo the same cuiiiteous treatment and tho snmo pro' portlouutu measure of good shoo value for thu money In vested as thu pjitrou who do sires Shoo Luxury. Kvery Shoo wo hell Is an exceptional good valilo for its price. If' It wasn't wo wouldn't noil it to you. BEHLING'S Good Fit Shoo Storo Haig'iit Music Studio lilt S. Uniivl St., .Medfortt, Ore. .Mil. t'ltl'D AMll.V IIAtmiT New York Piano niitl Harmony .Mr. I'liireute llnllldaj.lliilgltt London ami New York Voire Ciiltuie Phone "1t,2 Pruning Shears The New Improved Faulkner Shear tho llglitet two-luinl pruning xliuur on the market Tho Faulkner Shear has been known for years as tho best make, but iho Now Improved comblnos not only the Faulkner quality, hut also has that big advantago lu a pruning shear, viz LIOIITNKHH. For salo by thu M. F. (& H. CO. Forultfhed and uiifurMlshod bonne and rooms for rent. List your houses audi nuiohu for rent with us. " For lUrlmugn IDG acre ranch, Id miles out to uxchniiRo for ranch lu Arliouu, Flue Ashlnmt rosldono" I" trade fur small Improved noroucc near Med ford. 10 ncro hearing pear orchuid. IiIkIi ly Improved, flue buildings, flue wat er s)slem for Irrliintlnit, to e.iilinii. for Medford or Los Angokw proHrty. Good city proKirty and vacant lots for salo cheap. Binplo) incut GIiIh and womsu for housework. Hunch hands. Dalr) raurh hand. general MRS. EMMA BITTNER Phono Home 1 1 Oplioolto Nali Hotel ROOMS (t niul 7. VMM BLOCK. FOR. RENT Wc have several up-to-date, modern 5 and 6 room Bungalows MEDFORD REALTY AND IMPROVEMENT CO. M. R&U.Co. Mclir. I 1kAWSl WHICH Wi: Al'l'BAhi: mIUi BAKERY DELICACIES Hint) to I'leiKiC. ltlti:.l), III ,H, COOKILH I'resli I'.wry Day, PIUS, (WIUIK, DOUfJIIM'TS HaKed TUB HAXJTARY WAV. AT MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN 11! Koutli Central Why is Crescent Better? It Is mado uniler the dliertlou ot expert chemists, by modern methods and Is a linking I'oMilir known for Its purity and whole somnnuHs 11 leaves no Your Appearance Speaks For Itself. H Is the duty of every one to look their very IhmI. Putting the best fool forward Is not only pleasing, but It Is guild bust netts our liicoino and Its amount lias a great deal to do with tho way )oii can dross, but not vflrthliig, Aliuosl as miioli do points op how )ou spend )our moiioy. If jiiii buy as Iho liu pulse strikes ou II Is n rcrtuluty that )ou will not aiess gel fall aliio. Your buying should bo doun with foru! bought. You i itn gain full kuowludgo of when, where, and what to buy in a few moiiienls' time Qauh day. i lakes no ImiKcr limit that to go through tho advertise- mints of the merchants of this city, tho Iwst of whom mlturllso lu The .Mall Tribune. Rend thoso advertlsemuuts nlosely and louslautly each day, then you can be Mire. of getting tho best that mouoy ran buy nt thu lowest pi Ice for which It can be sold. (Cop) right. 1IH3, by J. P. Fallon.) food harmful and it residua In tho ALWAYH ItAIHIM THU DOI'tJH Bosldes all thin II redmos tho cowt of living by saving on eggs lu cako making, 25c a pound, nt your grocers. Try It and prove thlH to your own satisfaction. CnESCENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Heat tie, AVasliliigloii Avoid Impure Milk for Infants and Invalids Get ,v - HORLICK'S U mcfl?8 the Original and Genuine MALTED MILK rf. UM&M 47 Jl ti &mumwm 99 ate The Food-Drink for sl Age Rich milk, mailed grain, fn powder form. For infants, invalids and Blowing children. Puro nutrition, upbuilding ilia whole body. Invigorates nuning mothers and thq aged. More healthful than tea or coffee. Agrees with the wcukcut diRCitlon, Keep it on your sideboard nt home, A (tiich luucli prepared in a m'nuU;. Take no substitute, Ask for IJORLSCft'S. HORLICK'S Contains Pure Milk WS&-SKMM,(J umgxisuam