Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1926)
RAILW AY STATION IS CARRIED OFF Handsom e Structure in F lo rid a 1927 R azed by Negroes. LODGE DIRECTORY QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER H«. 101, O. E. 8., meets aecond and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 8:00 sharp in Maaenle hall. Visiting members welcome. Euthemla Jackson, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. W e H ave ^.A nticipated JacksonvlRe. Fla.—A complete rail way station was carried off at Mag Y our n eed s in e v e r y th in g nolia Sprtags, near here, recently. The atari««, a large and handsome th a t is n e c e ssa r y to com bulldfcg, eaaetsd as an addition to the MugnsKa Mprings hotel,-"which burned p le te y o u r g o lf ou tfit. down meaatly, was missing when W. G. S im m s , tie owner, went to ascer tain If It needed repairs. May be depended on to respond to the desire for success very Flret appearances denoted that the largely In proportion to the amount of directed energy and Intellig station had been burned <jpwn but fur ence put into work done. ther Investigation showed It had beeu To work hard and consistently to reach a given goal Is an excel razed and the material earted off. Subseqaently, Francis Richards, ne lent way to be successful financially, but hard work alone is not gro, was found with ten wagonloads enough. Careful planning of contemplate/! moves should be given. of lumber In his yard. Anothew negro This bank may be able to aid materially in furnishing Information had a similar amount. They said a man who gave the name of McConnel- on proposed changes in the business of customers,"and '"this'*service ly Issued orders for the station to be will be given gladly to make 1927 a year of bigger success. razed. He told them they might have the lumber for their trouble. Since McConnell represented him © ! « • FTAMOASP O U COMSAMY OF CA U FO SN IA self as an employee of the Atlantic Coast line and said he had been or SUMMARY OR MiNARY BILL proved by the chairman,'or by such dered by officials of the railroad to of Hermiston , officers as the board may designate, raze the building, the negroes proceed + + * + + + 4 > 4 4 4 > * * * * * Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 ❖ are required for the expenditures of ] ed openly with their destructive work, ❖ F. B. Swayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Pres. (Continued fom Page One) they said. IF IT’S the board. Audit of the books apd A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst, Cashier The Atlantic Coast line offleinls de occounts of the board by the general stabilization fund of profits arising clare they have no such man in their accounting office Is provided for. from these operations, and (3) may and have assigned detectives Sec. 14. All executive branches employ, to hunt McConnell. provide for the n aklng of advances of the government are required to YOU WANT The missing building wns 4d by 25 from the stabilization fund to such co-operate with, and assist the board feet with wings and had many valu association, In carrying out this act, and the able decorative features. CALL 25-J ‘‘Basic agricultural commodities Beginning Feb. 1, we w ill do board is required to avail itself of the are to Include wheat, corn, rice and COUNTRY HAULS SOLICITEI custom hatching at one cent per facilities and services of these gov-1 A* I ri: swine; but whenever the hoard finds ernmental airencl.« T h. m„„l A * • * « a m o k e s C ig a r egg per week. that any other commodity should be G iv e n H im 6 3 Y e a rs A go Seventy-five per cent hatch also co-operate with any state . or FOR SALÉ included in this act, it is required te guaranteed after four day test. territory, or agency thereof, or with Greenville, Ohio. — T. J. Burns TRANSFER AND DRAY Bookings now being made. First report thereon to Congress. smoked his Irst cigar on his seventy any person. FOR SALE— Barred Rock pullets, O. Sec. 7. For ejch basic agricultur seventh birthday. come, first served. Sec. 15. In the case of wheat, A. C. strain. Bess Spencer, Colum- al commodity, there is created a com And as he smoked, memory pictured rice or corn, “processing” is defined •bia district. 14-tfc W H IT E P O U L T R Y F A R M modlty advisory counctl of seven as the m illing for market, or if not for him in Mie fragrant blue haze n members representing the purchasers scene In a little cross-roads store at FOR SALE— By Mrs. J. A. Cameron, Gerald A. White milled the first processing In any Gettysburg, on his fourteenth birthday, of such commodity, to be selected 206 Center St., Oregon City, Ore., manner for market; in the case of when the proprietor presented him Hermiston, Oregon annually by the beard front lists sub Roller Singers, $5 each. 13-4tc cotton, it means ginning; In the case with a “ten-center,” mltted by co-operr tives and farm or of swine’ it means the slaughter for In those days, a “ten-center” wa> ganlzatlons. Thet.e nihmbers are to CR SALE— Baby buggy, newly market by purchaser. considered qn4te a cigar. Burns <U- receive a per diem compensation not pain.ed and re-tired. M. W. Sims. J _ T h i« coupon and 25c en title the under* elded to keep It “until after supper.’1 ■ • a lin e d to o n e 35c can o f Acm e Q u a lity Definitions Given to exceed $20 and necessary ex 11-tfc 2 E n a m e l-K o te , a n y color, and a special After supper lie decided to save It un l 20c P a in t Brush. In the case of wheat, corn or rice, penses for attending meetings or per til he was elder and better able to ap FOR SALE—On easy terms, Dodge forming other work authorized by the the term “sale” is defined as a sale preciate it. coupe in good condition. First board. Each counctl is required to or other disposition in the United And the longer he saved It, the National bank. 8-tfc meet at least twice a year and may States of such commodity for mill more attaclied to it he became. He- Address. _ meet upon call of a majority of Its ing, for other processing, for market lavished every kindness on It. He FOR SALE —No. 1 fresh cows. B. T o acquaint you w ith Aetna members. or resale, or for delivery by a com wrapped It carefully In cotton, and Q u a lity , we are m aking a spe* Hammer. 37-tfc mon carrier in the case of cotton, it moistened It Wbw and then to keep It Fee Must Be Pu blislied •hurt tuneooly^ means the m illing or ginning for from caneklng. Each council is authorized to con market, or resale or delivery by com He decided at last to smoke the For sale-H ay derrick and ward fer with the board; (o make recom mon carrier. In the case of swine cigar which had furnished him so robe- See 0 . 0 . Felthouse. 4-tf. much anticipatory cheer during sixty mendatlons; to ask for information means a sale or other disposition three years. from the board concerning its opera FOR SALE CHEAP— Modern five of swine destined for slaughter for 'I was afraid I might not he <icie to tions and the collecting of the equal market without intervening hold for room house. Furnace, hardwood smoke It next year," he said. “Oh, ization fee, and all matters of inter floors, etc. Call or see Dr. Prime. feeding or fattening. The term sale yes, I been smokin’ nil my life, but est to the producers; and to co-oper however does not include a transfer this was my first cigar. Right good 12-tfc ate with the board in advising pro to a co-operative association for the one, too,” EVERYBODY’S ducers and the associations in the purpose of resale or other distribu FOR SALE— Bedroom set, 3-4 iron GOING! adjustment of production. bed, stand table, floor lamp, kit tion. U n c le S a m P r e s e r v e s Se«. 8. In order to distribute chen cabinet, two bookcases, two Co-operative association is defined Indians’ Burial Ground equally the burd«n of handling the according to the Capper-Volstead Co A L IF O R N IA b id s y o u heating stoves, kitchen utensils, Yakima, Wash.—Melmnloose Island turn back th e calendar surplus, ‘an equalization fee may be operative Marketing Act.. The defi and fruit jars. Mrs. H. M. Schilling. M ak e sure, for one th in g , h ow to sum m er and com e play in apportioned on a basic agricultural nitions of the words “transportation” In the Columbia river, burial ground 14-2tp lon g it w ill s ta y on— for a n commodity when operations have person” and "United States," are for western Indians for uncounted th e warm sunshine. other, h o w p le a sin g itw illlo o k . generations and particularly sacred FOR SALE or EXCHANGE — 800 been determined upon for such com the usual meaning of these words. As an added inducement the to the Yaklmss, has been set aside by E xp erien ce w ith all m akes and modlty. acre took ranch. Box 14, Con Union Pacific now offers special Sec. 16. A revolving loan fund of the government as a red mail's city qualified o f p a in ts qualifiés ua low round trip fa res and assures don, Oregon. 4tp. Sec. 9. Before beginning opera of the dend. $250,000,000 is provided by the au you a marvelous journey on the t o b e o f real assista n ce. W e ’ll tions, the board Is required to esti thorization of a Federal appropria Sine« the days when thousands of finest of fast trains. Connections se e t o it th a t y o u g e t p a in t Indians fra« western plains and via Portland or Salt Lake City. mate the probable advances, losses, tion. th a t w ill la st. W e’ll h elp y o u MISCELLANEOUS nnnttnl fdlgrlmages ti MAKI TOW« ZZ«B*VATION« NOW costs and charges, incident to opera An appropriation o f $500,000 for mountains in d ecidin g on a p leasing color the fishing gsmunds of The Dalles nnd tions in suefi commodity, and from administrative expense Is provided. effect. , NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL YOUR the "WyiijSwIcr" of the Columbia time to time, It must determine and Sec. 17. The usual section in re hringtmr Ducks. We want them. Bring them dead with them, the A n d b eca u se w e w a n t y o u to publish the amount of the equaliza gard to “Separability of Provisions to J. D. Waghorn, Swift’s Cream Island ff*s ¿ ‘qn a holy ground for the b e th o ro u g h ly sa tisfied , w e tion fee to be collected upon each is provided. ” * Station. 17-tfc aborlgin^. formerly It wns covered w ill recom m end th a t y o u unit of such commodity, and the Sec, 18. The bill Is to be known with la/gy ■'dyad houses," built of m a k e y o u r ch o ice from our length of time during which such by the name "Surplus Control Act? cedar, dh t^p FOUND— Beaded bag. See Mrs. A. of which reposed co m p lete lin e o f fee shall remain In effect, as well F. C. W0UGHTER, Agent, the nimjpmijad hodfrs of the red men A. Little or call 261, Identify and as the manner and place of its pay RI new:w rapped bows nnd stone Hermiston, Oregon pay .for this ad. 17-1 TO 1 RATIO MADE LN tipped arrows yere deposited with ment and collection. Bring your broken furniture to me Sec. 10. The equalization fee is DEFEAT OF AMENDMENT! some etf th« elder nemalns, and more modern wesrpons with some of the to be repaired. Tom -Jensen. to be collected upon the transporta — READ THE WANT ADS— more recent. 17-tfc tion, the processing, or the sale of B e fo r e y o u b u y a n y Reaction of the people of Oregon such unit, as determined by the p ain t, com e in and see ua. FOR RENT— Four room residence. board, but not more than one fee to the proposal to place this state Device Trains Shell W e are here to serve y o u , Inquire Knerr’s Repair Shop. 8-tfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE shall be collected in respect to any in business, in competition with re D ire c tly on P lan e BLESSING HARDWARE CO. STATE OF OREGON FOR unit. Ban Pedre, Calif.'—A new fire-con Watch, clock and jewelry repairing. UMATILLA COUNTY HERMISTON, OREGON. The board Is authorized to require cognized private industry, which al trol Instrament for the opeatlon of an See Newell, next door to Sapper«. any person engaged in the transpor ready Involves an investment of mil-] tlalrcraft guns, recently perfected by In the Matter of the Estate 18-tfe tation, processing, or purchase of a lions of dollars. Is demonstrated the Navy department, has proved of CITATION. basic commodity, to submit, under through an analysis of the vote on “highly satisfactory” In Its first serv William C. White, Deceased Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf oath, information In regard to such the much discussed constitutlcnal ice tests made aboard the U. 8. S To Elmer White, Will White, Fred FOR SALE—Adding machine roll« transactions, and the amount of the amendment Initiated by the House Maryland, naval experts revealed. White, Gladys Ward Boss, Eva Ward The device, which transmits elp<- gt'th e Herald office. equalization fees payable thereon, wives Council at the recent Novem-) trlcally «11 firing data to the anlliiir Corse, Grace White, Lells White. and to require such person to collect ber election. •raft bnMeries, Is said to direct shell Mary White, Clarence Getchell, Bon- REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND and account for the fee, as directed Upon this amendment there were fire wiHi such accuracy that nntlalr neta Oetehel, Millard F. White, L. INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE- by the board. 183,405 votes cast, of which 148,- craft gunners enn anticipate the path Owen White, Rosie Hammer, Nannie NOTICE TO WATER USERS 26-tfc ALTOR. In the case of cotton, serial re 092 were opposed, resulting in the of a flying plane and by merely set Means and Lizzie Estes. Under the new contract of June 23, 1926 between the United States and ceipts are to be Issued to the produc defeat of the proposition by a vote ting the fuse of an explqglve shell WHEREAS application has been Hermiston Second Hand Store.— the HermlHton Irrigation District all ers of such commodity, and If there of more than 4 to 1 throughout the can fire so the »hell and plane will made in due form to the above en Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup- Operation and Maintenance charges is an excess of funds collected, such state, and by 8 to 1 in Jackson and meet at a previously calcnlated point. titled Court on the 16th day of Nov pllee, Harnese, Saddles, Wagons. must hereafter be paid in advance. excess may be returned proportion Grant counties, 7 to 1 in Benton The lnstr«ment, described us having ember, 1926 by F. B. Swayze, admin 40,000 working parts, Is so designed 35-Ife No water will be delivered by the ately to the producers. and Linn counties, 6 to 1 in Baker, that since the altitude of the plane is istrator with the will annexed of X Failure to collect or account for District In 1927 until the O. & M. Marion, Union and Wallowa coun-| determined, the only action required said estate, tor an order authorizing ADDING machine rolle at the Herald charge of $2.40 per acre is paid. This the equalization fee renders a person ties, and 5 to 1 in Coos, Douglas, is for one observer to follow the tar and empowering him to sell the real office. charge, together with the construct liable for Its amount, and a penalty Gilliam. Josephine, Lake, Lano and get’s elevation nnd another Its dlsec- estate belonging to said decedent and ion charge of $2.05 for 1927 is pay equal to one-half its amount. Polk counties. The unfavorable J tlon. This Is done through telescopes described as follows, to-wlt: FEED PRICE QUOTATIONS able to the Sheriff as taxes as here Beginning 345 feet west and 30 vote was in excess of the average] mounted on the Instrument. Money To Be Loaned tofore. A tax receipt showing the feet south from the center of the in the state in Crook, Curry, Des (Furnished by Farm Bureau Co-oper Sec. 11. A stabilization fund is payment of the O. & M. charge should SE‘4 of Section 10, Tp. 4 N. R. 28 ative of Hermiston. Unless other established for each basic agricul chutes, Malheur, Tillamook, Wheel should be presented to the District E, W. M. thence west 157.6 feet, er and Yamhill counties. wise specified, prices are per hundred office at the time, or before water tural commodity, to be administered thence south 300 feet, thence cast under the exclusive control of the w eight.) delivery is requested. 157.5, thence north 300 feet to the board. Each fund is to be made up Scratch. 100s ............................... $2.30 Application of stomach poisons to W. J. WARNER, place of beginning in Umatilla of advances from a revolving loan plants for insect control has come Egg Mash ............— ...................... 2.30 (17-4tc) Secretary. County, Oregon. fund, frpm tbe equalization fee« col to be regarded in Oregon as most sat Ground O ats.................................... 1-98 AND WHEREAS said court fixed C igars, Tobacco Ground Barley ............................... 1-68 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE lected, and from such profits as may isfactory in dust form, says the ex on the 8th day of January, 1927 at 2 result from the operation of the periment station entomologist. Dust STATE OF OREGON FOR HE W heat .............- ............................... 2.20 B a rb e r Shop* o’clock P. M. at the regular January board In such commodity, or its feed sticks to slick-leafed plants such os COUNTY OF UMATILLA Corn .......... 2.03 term of said Court at the Court room products. In order to enable the cabbage better than liquid, covers the Cracked .corn ................... 2.16 In the Matter of the Estate of this Court In the County Court of board to begin operations In advance entire surface more evenly and seems Ground Corn .................................. 2.13 House In Pendleton, Umatilla of the collection of equalization fees, to burn tender foliage lees. It may Mill Run 8 0 s ............................— - 1.08 William Henry Spafford, County, Oregon, as the time and place Deceased. the board ia authorized to make ad be applied through a coarse chees- Cow feed .................................... 2.00.... for hearing any and all objections to NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT vances in Its discretion from the re cloth bag, but a preferable way is by Ground W h ea t....... .... ................... 2.30 said petition and the granting of said Notice is hereby given that the volving loan fund, together with In means of a commercial type of duster. Shorts, 80s ...................................... l . H order and license of sale, Rolled Barley ......— ..................... 1.21 undersigned has filed her Final Ac terest on such amounts at 4 per cent THEREFORE IN THE NAME OF Calf meal, per pound................. 3Me count an the Administratrix of the per annum. Freezing injury to fruit trees is THE STATE OF OREGON you, and Sec. 12. The board is authorized recognized in the spring by dead bark Middlngv .— .................. - ............. 1.50 Estate of William Henry Spafford. each of you are hereby Instructed, Oyster shell ......... ...................... — -90 Deceased, in the above entitled court to loan money to any co-operative that usually has a sour smell and may IS OUR SPECIALTY directed and required to be and ap Whole o a t s ........ ............................. 1.88 and that Saturday, the 15th day of I (whether handling basic commodlt- crack and peel off, the Oregon ex HOME MADE PASTRY pear at said time and place and there Balt, half ground -------------------- .45 January, 1927 at the hour of 10:00]les or not), in order to assist such periment station explains. The peel show cause, If any you have, or if any o’clock A. M. of said day and the association in handling the surplus WE SERVE 40c LUNCH FROM ing discloses discolored cambium and exists why an order of sale should Court Room of said Court has been of any agricultural commodity, and 11 :8 0 TILL 3:00 P. M. sapwood— black on pear trees. Or not be made as in said petiton pray fixed as the time and place for h ear-! in order to assist it in the purchase Fried Chrckea, home ztyle, 50c the bark may adhere and shrink as ed for, and why said petition should Ing and settling said account and I or construction of storage or procees- any objections which may be filed j ing facilities for such commodity, It dries out, forming a sunken area. SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOUR! I not be granted and said order and Sometimes a new bark la formed un I license should not Isaue. thereto. j Such loans are to bear 4 per cent In- Open 5 :30 to 8 :30. der the old, which scales off. At Send us the p rice o f a y e a r’« WITNESS the Hon. I. M. Schannep, MRS. W. A. CONLON, i terest, and may be amortized over a Judge of said Court and the seal of subscription i f you are in arrears Admlnitratrix of the Estate of W ily twenty year period but the aggre- other time« the wood Is killed while the cambium and inner bark remains ¡this County affixed this 15th day of 11am Henry Spafford, Deceased. gate amount, at any one time, must alive. The sapwood then grows a November, 1926. C. Z. Randall. - not exceed $25,000,000. new cylinder, which covers « dend, R T. BROWN, Attorney (or Administratrix. l$ -5 c 8««. 1$. Itemized vouchers, «P- black or brown heart. (1 2 -5 1 0 . * ‘ Clerk. C om e in V ' n f y a b d lodge no . sm , i o . c . r. , . « M « . each M ootlay eve n in a u> O d d Follow « hall. V is itin g members cordially in vited. W . H. Loaghorn. Sec. Jasper T em pleton. M . G . and PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connection give our line th e “on ce o v er.” THE NEW RED CROW N W. J. W A R NER Attomey-at-Law H IT T First National Bank Hermiston h WANT ADS s. M c K enzie , m . d - Eye. Ear- Nose and Throat Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empira Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon SERVICE C ustom H atch in g Ongoa i : : JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 733. Res. Phone 711 Office in First National Bank Bldg. T . H . G aither J SPECIAL Two things to watch when ordering your house paint C U N IO N PACIFIC ACM EQ W UJTŸ Paint •^Varnish F O U N T A IN Bert M ullins Chiropractic is a philosophy, a science and art of things natural and a system cf adjustnig the cirticula- tions of the spine by hand, for the elimination of the CAUSE of Disease. Ninety p r cent of diease is caused by nerve pressure. DR. DAVID S. ROWE, Specializing in Acute and Chronic Disease. Location, 2 doors w sst of Postoffice Hours, 10 to 6, and by appointment. Office Phone 303 Res. Phone 312 HERMISTON, OREGON s J. L. V A U G r iA N : ■ ■ ■ a 206 East Court St. ■ ■ B ANY AND » 5 2 E verthing E lectrical S FOR YOU ■ " Phone 139 ■ ® s Pendleton, On. "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a H erm iston T ran sfer We Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 L. J. McAtee PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PICTURE MOULDINGS AND GLASS CONTRACTING 513 Main St. Phone 158 Pendleton, Oregon. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING . BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Mail orders promptly attended to. THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, On. H o m e C ookin g DO IT NOW R EX C A F E W e Need the Money Herald Wagt Ads Bring Yai Ritolto ■ ■ AGENCY IM P E R IA L CLEANERS CLEANING. PRESSING AND REPAIRING DONE All Work Guaranteed. Oive me a Trial. To please you is my aim PEER Hermiston B 0K I8H Oregon