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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1926)
JgCB gKSMISTOH gB R M J), ¡•d ît', ....... ................ ...... ............. 53 66 mlston, Oregon, sell the following described lots, pieces and parcels of Lot 1, 47 % feet, Otto G. Sapper ................ .............................. 53.66 Published m r j Thursday at Her. land at publle auction to the highest Lot «, 47 % feet, Otto O. Sapper bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds Balaton, Umatilla County, Oregon by .................................................... 53.56 from the sale of each lot, piece or Joseph 8. Harvey, editor and man parcel of land to be applied In satis Lot 7, 47% feet, B. E. McMillaa ager. Eat.......... ..................................... 53.56 Little Chance to Develop faction of the assessment upon said Sintered an second class matter lot, piece or parcel of land with in Lot >, 47% feet, E. E. McMillan Trend* Now Outlined. Est.................................- ............ 53 56 December, 190«, at the postofflce at terest thereon from March 1, 192*, Washlngton.—If the San Bias In Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon. at the rate of 6 per cent per annum Izrt 9, 47% feet E. E. McMillan Est................................................ 52.56 dians of Panama could be left alone together with a penalty of 15 per for the next few centuries, they might Subscription Rates cent ot each of said assessments and Lot 10, 47% feet, E. B. McMillan One T e a r .......... ............. ....... »2.06 all costs. Est................................................ 53.56 develop a unique culture, like the fa mous Maya of Yucatan. Rut this In Biz M onths................................... 11.00 Following is a description ot each Lot 11, 47% feet, E. E. McMillan teresting scientific experiment has lit Est................................................ 53.56 of said lots, pieces or parcels of land tle chance of taking place, since alien with the number of feet frontage, Lot -12, 50 feet, B. E. McMillan 1927 tribes are steadily encroaching on the Est. ............................................. »3.75 land occupied by the San Bias. J name of owner or reputed owner, District No. 2— According to plat The new year that Is about to be and amount of said assessment. The situation among these Indians, ushered in promises to be better for who Imve become widely known In City of Hermiston according to filed March 21. 1908. tills country through the visit of the the Umatilla project's different dis plat filed with County Recorder Nov. Block 1— Lot 14, 84.8 feet. Geo. Bncroft 55.94 "white Indians" of their tribe. Is de tricts than in 1926. It niay r.ot be ¡23. 1904. scribed by Herbert W. Krieger, eth greatly better, but there i» every rta- Bjock Name Amt Block 2— Feet Lot 16. 45 feet, R. Crowder.... 53.15 nologist of the United States National son to believe that thj profit *-'urve j Block 2— museum, in a new government publi will continue its gradual upward Lot 1, 60 feet, Minnie Brown »5.00 Block 4— cation on the people of southeastern Lot 1, 40 feet, Ray McCarrell 52.80 movement. 2, 50 feet, Minnie Brown »5.00 Lot Panama. Agriculture is the chief business of Lot 3, 50 feet. Minnie Brown 55.00 l-ot 2, 50 feet, Ray McCarroll 53.50 The San Bins, who are a link be these districts, and any anticipation Lot 1 1,50 feet, R. Beasley...... 55.00 Lot 9, 60 feet, W. L. Blessing 53.60 tween tlie Peruvians and the Maya In Lot 10, 60 feet, W. L. Blessing 53.50 their characteristics, have not amalga of improvement must automatically Block 3— be based on confidence of fanning to Lot 1 3,50 feet, J. McCoy........ 55.00 Lot 11. 50 feet, W. L. Blessing 53.50 mated with oilier tribes since very Block 5— early times. gain back a little of what it has lost. Block 4— Coast Guards Trail Strangers. It has lost much during the post war Lot 11, 50 feet, F P. Adame.. 55.00 Lot 1, 45 feet. C. S. Sanderson 53.15 Watchmen of the tribe guard the period. Lew prices that cut profits Lot 16, 50 feet. B. W. Mack...... 55.00 Lot 2, 46 feet C. S. Sanderson 53.15 Lot 3, 45 feet, C. S. Sanderson 53.15 coast and trail any strangers who ♦o a narrow margin, and in some Block 5— cases eliminated profits altogther, Lot 1, 25 feet, F. P. Adams.. 52.50 Lot 13, 45 feet, W. E. Goodwin 52-15 come to a native village, and any at tempt to stay overnight is discour have made the lot of the farming in-1 2, 25 feet, F. P. Adams.. 52.50 Block 6— aged. But the Panainalns are trying Lot 1, 84 feet, W. L. Sampson 55.95 terests hard. Lot 8, 25 feet, H. R. Newport 52.50 to force this Independent and self- It is a fundamental fact, however, Lot 9 25 feet, E. W. Mack.. 52.50 Lot 8, 50 feet, J. B. Shaw......,53.50 sufficient group to accept their govern that the men who work In such cloBe L((t 12 25 feet, Dick Hardison 52.50 Lot 9, 60 feet, J. B. Shaw. .. 53.50 ment and to send their children to relationship with old Mother Nature ; ¡A)t 12_ 25 ieet> R R Newport 52.50 Lot 12, 50 feet, F. L. Sampson 53.50 school, and It Is only a matter of time have a way of coming through with Lot 14 25 feet H R Newport 52.50 Lot 14 ,86.7 feet, Fred C. Stone 56.00 before they will give in and will blend with other tribes. solutions to their problems, and one IjOt 15, 2g feet_ cole A Swayze 52.50 Block 8— The’ only measure which might en- of the most hopeful indications about 2g feet. Cole A Swayze 52.50 Lot 8, 45 feet, O. A. Beasley. 53.15 1927 is that project farmers will be Lot 19 50 feet,H. R. Newport 55.00 Lot 4, 45 feet, G. A. Beasley 53.15 uble the Snn Bias to remain Isolated would he to establish a reservation. In better condition than ever before Ix)t 23 69 feet> p B- Swayze.. 55.00 Lot 5, 45 feet, G. A. easley 53.15 | 1 And while this might solve the prob during the reconstruction period to | Lot 24 59 {eeti y< B. swayze.. 55.00 Block 9— lem to the satisfaction of the San Lot 4, 50 feet, P. B. Doherty 53.50 Bias, Mr. Krieger says, as far as sci cope advantageously with adverse j B,ock 6_ 53.50 5, 50 feet, P. B. Doherty Lot conditions Lot 1, 26 feet, First National Bnk ence is concerned, It would really The program of farming on the ............................ ................... 52.50 Lot 6, 50 feet, P. B. Doherty. 53.50 come too late now for the tribe to de Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this velop Its own culture. project has been materially changed. | 2, 25 feet, F. B. Swayze 52.50 “The reason why they have not per 10 th day of December, 1926. Farmers have been changing their Lot 5, 25 feet, Wm. Olasson Est. fected a system of writing, a calendar GEORGIA HENDERSON, plans of operation during the past ............................................... 52.50 City Treasurer. or other developments of a high civ several years with os much sp cd as 1 Lot 9, 11 % feet, Sam Rodgers 51.18 (15-5tc) ilization may be that they have never was possible In most cases. Diver Lot 10, 25 feet, F. P. Adams.. 52.50 gathered Into large communities,” Mr. sity of production on smaller acre Lot 11 25 feet, F. P. Adams.. 52.50 Lavish German Castle Krieger believes. “Instead, they live ages with the maximum utilization Lot 12, 32 feet, First National Bnk In small villages off the Islands of the W aits Kaiser’s Return of his time during the whole year 63.20 Panama coast, and commute to the Berlin. — Castle Homburg, near is being practiced. R. Newport 62.5C Frankfort-on-Maln, to which the for mainland where they cultivate planta It is a source of aggravation to Block 7— mer emperor, according to ills settle tions. farmers and to those who know from Lot 7, 35 Have Turtle* Calendar. C. Durfey.. 63.50 ment with the state ot Prussia may practical experience of the complex Lot 8. 25 “The first step toward a system of C. Durfey.. 62.50 “eventually” return, Is considered the ity that attends farming the criti Lot 9, 25 C. Durfey.. 62 50 Jewel of German castles. It bus 300 recording time Is shown In the turtle cisms sometimes made that farming Lot 10, 25 G. Sapper.. 62.50 rooms and salons, many of which are caleudur of the San Bias. This con is too slow In making new adjust Block 8— preserved Just ns they were built by sists of a stick worn around the neck, ments to suit the requirements of Lot 9. 25 W. Mack.... 62.60 the Landgrave Frederick II 250 years with which to keep account of the time of hntchlng of the turtle eggs. changing conditions. The helmsman W. Mack.... 52.50 ago. There Is a solid silver service of When a turtle comes ashore to build cap not whirl the w heeland takf a n '[jOt 2g W. Mack. .. 62.50 400 pieces which 100 years ago cost Its nest, the Indian fisherman begins W. Mack.. 62.50 a small fortune. In the workroom of cutting notches In the stick until four of the moment. His business is too Lot 13, 25 feet, Georgia Hender- William II Is a rocking horse which teen days have gone, when he knows complex for such action. The flock Bon ................. ........................... 52.50 he used for a desk chair. William, the turtle will again come ashore to of chickens, or the herd of milk cows, Lot 16, 25 feet, E. W. Mack.... 52.50 when not writing, was wont to lean visit its nest and the eggs can be to utilize products of the farm and Lot 17, 25 feet.M. W. Sharrard track In the saddle and rock hack and taken from the nest and eaten." The beginnings of an alplmbet may convert them into concentrates that ................................................... 52.50 forth as If riding at the head of his be seen in their system of nemonlc bring higher prices and cost less Lot 18, 25 feet, F. B Swayze.. »2.50 troops. The bed clyimber of the Inte Em or memory writing, which Is a highly freight to move to market, can be Block 9— brought into production only with Lot 6, 50 feet. E. Mummt.... »6.00 press Augusta Victoria In the castle developed form of picture writing In la paneled In solid mahogany, Inlaid telligible to the Initiated and used to the passage of years. Lot 7. 60 feet, E. Mummt.... »5.00 with precious stones. Almost ns cost record lore concerning treatment of Farming Is like any other business Lot 8, 50 feet. E. Mummt.... »5.00 ly Is the suite occupied by the late disease, religious practices and tribal In that It contains among its mem I«ot 9. 50 feet. E. W. Mack.. »5.00 King Edward ef England when he history. bers too many who lack balanced Lot 10 50 feet, E. W. Mack.. »5.00 c^tine to visit his German relatives. Mr. Krieger’s new publication on Judgment, energy, the clear vision to Lot 11, 50 feet, E. Mumm».... 55.00 The castle, though a priceless hlstorl- the cu ltu re of the people of south analyze, and the willingness to play Lot 12,25 feet. E Mummt.. . »2.50 eal treasure, Is roughly valued nt $10, western Panama Is Intended chiefly to the game. The Umatilla project is Lot 12, 25 feet, J. Skovbo..... . »2.50 .<00,000. It remains the property of i catalogue and describe the National fortunate In that it has few of this Lot 13, 50 feet. J. Skavbo..... . »5.00 the state. If William comes back to museunf*s fine collection of over 1,000 Germany he will’merely huve the use objects from that region. sort of men trying to farm. It will Block 10- have lea« next year. The men who Lot 17, 25 feet, E. W. Mack.... »2.50 of It during Ids life. possess the neccrraiy qualifications Lot 18. 25 foet. E. W. Mack.... »2.60 Bar Chinese Narcissus - to farm successfully are giving de -Lot 27, 25 feet, J. Skovbo.... »2.50 Doc* Earth Shrink? Infested W ith Insect* monstrations every season, and the Lot 28. 25 feet, J. Skovbo...... 82.50 Tests Seek Answer San Francisco.—The “Avenue of the chief cause for optimism is the re Block 11— London.—An attempt to accurately Temple of Heaven” mourns. An In sults that may reasonably be expect Lot 1 25 feet, F, B. Swayze.. »2.60 determine whether the earth is shrink describable loss Is felt in the narrow ed to come from their persist nt Lot 2, 26 feet, F. B. Swayze.. »2.60 ing Is to be made by scientists of the streets and dark alleyways of San plugging. As farming operations Lot 3, 25 feet. F. B. Swayie.. <2.50 world, who have begun tests to de Frunclsco’s Chinatown, for the govern are changed to bring back greater Lot 4, 26 feet, F. B. Swayze.. »2.50 tect and measure possible moves of ment lina placed its foot down on fur profits to the men tilling the soil, the Lot 5. 25 feet, F. B. Swayze.. »2.10 the earth's crust. The principal ob ther importations of the famed Chi nese water Illy or narclssns, because country grows and prospers. Lot 6, 25 feet, F. B. Swayze.. »2.60 servatorlee In various parte of the globe are co-operating with the Royal destructive Insects have been found 1927 should be better than 1926. According to plat filed April 6, observatory at Greenwich. secreted In the Innocent-looking bulb. The indications are that It will be. 1905. The fragrant plant, some Chinese The first experiments consisted of Block Lot Feet Amt. wireless signals sent by stations In believe, has powers to prophesy the Name Alfalfa hay is not bringing as Block 1— the United States and on the conti grower's prospects for the ensuing mudh as growers should receive, ac Lot 1, 30 feet, Lowman A Pelly nent at the rate of 61 rhythmic signals year. Generally at this time of the cording to the cost of production, »3.00 per minute. The time of tlie signals year, the bulbs are being prepared for but that Is not the only crop that Lot 2. 25 feet. Lowman A Pelly was registered by the observatories planting, timed to blossom forth their Is lagging. Cotton Is in the same »2.50 at San Diego, Calif., Algiers, Shanghai, flowery message of hope or despair on category. The corn grown In Iowa IX)t 5. 25 feet. Tom Marxen.. »2.50 Paris, Washington, Berlin and Aus the first day of the new year. Some have tried to preserve last Is now selling In Portland for 533.50 Lot 6. 25 feet. Tom Marxen.. »2.50 tralia. year’s (lowers by drying them and per ton. Freight charges are nine Block 2— burying them In earth, but the out dollars per ton, and other handling Lot 6. 10 feet. H. R. Newport »1.00 60,000,000 in America come of this method Is uncertain, and and warehousing charges bring the Lot 7. 26 feet. H. R. Newport »2.50 Belong to No Church hs no substitute has been found Chi price received by the Iowa growers Block 7— New York.—Sixty million persons In natown fnces abandonment of one ot down to about a penny u pound. Lot 7, 60 feet, A A. Little.. 56.00 the United States are without any Its principal New Year’s table decora Block 8— church affiliations, Edward J. Kried tions. Another friendship has been bust Lot 1. 30 feet, F. D. Cllahan„ 53.00 ler, stute president of the Natlonul ed wide open. Ed. and Walter, the Lot 2. 25 feet. F. D. Callahan 52.60 Federation of Men’s Illhle Classes, an editor of the Ea<t Oregonian, and Lot 3, 25 feet, F. D. Callahan 52.60 nounced at the opening of the state Student-Operated Oregon’s governor, are at outs, appar Lot 16, 25 feet, J. 8. Weat... 62.50 convention In Itnnoklyn. Bank Make* Record ently for quits, over the location of («ot 17, 30 feet. J. 8. West.... 63.00 There are 6,000,000 In New York Lynn, Mnss.—Students In the Lynn the Eastern Oregon normal. The Lot 21, 25 feet, C. C. Durfey.. 62.50 state, Mr. Krledler siihl 1,500,000 of i English high school run their own sav only harsh criticism that can be made Lot 22. 25 feet, C. C. Durfey.. 62.50 1 them being men. He suggested men’s ings bank and combine, to practical Bible classes as one means of drnw- advantage, study nnd thrift. The bank of the Pendleton editor Is that he lot Block 10— 1 Ing most of these persons to church. Is said to hold the records for deposits Walter fool him too long. Lot 1, 15 feet. R C. Todd. .. 61.60 in such nn institution In a single day— Lot 2 25 feet, R. C. Todd ... 62.50 $3,100—received one Monday morning. Governor-elect Pattarson is moving Lot H H I I H I-1-I 4 I1 -I I I I -I I l l l -t- 3, 25 feet, R. C. Todd.... 62.50 The school has 1,400 students. prudently along as If he meant to be l«ot 18, 30 feet, Geo. Brlgga.... 53.00 The Lynn system of a student oper governor of this state with a maxi Lot 19, 25 feet, Geo. Brlgga.... »2.60 ; Pension List Lowest ated school bank has been tested by mum application of business acumen Block 12— in 35 Years, 499,622 : J 12 years’ successful service. It has and a minimum of talking. It will be Lot 24. 25 feet, L. H. Berry. .. »2.60 ; W ashington.— A decline In the I | been copied in 14 states and two for- refreshing to have hysterics banished Lot 25. 25 feet, U H. Berry ... <2.60 • number of pensioners on the gov- • ■ i elgn countries. Regular banking rooms are maln- ernment rolls below the 000,000 ’ > from stat<\ affairs for a while. Block IS— mark occurred during October ’ ; , tallied. Students, themselves, fill the Lot 1. 50 feet, L. A. Hunt.... »5.00 for the first time In 35 years, ac- I I I various positions, receive the deposits Wonder, /low that La Grande has I«ot 2, 50 feet, L. A. Hunt.... 65.00 cording to a report made by the ;; ! and keep the accounts. The School the normal, will Walter Pierce be th< Lot 3. 60 feet, U A. Hunt.... »5.00 (»elision bureau to the secretary savings plan has spread In one form democratic nominee for vice-presi Block B— of the Interior. ! or another to all the public schools dent? Lot 4.47% feet, E. E. McMillan i of the city above the third grade. In The report gives the number of pensioners at 400,622, and ! that time the students have saved Est............................................... »4.75 NOTICE OF SALE shows that 1.285 veterans and more than »200,000. '«ot 5. 47% feet, B. E. McMUlan Notice Is hereby given that by vir 1,418 widows of the Civil war Est.........................................._... »4.75 tue of the authority of the City Char lx>t 6, 47 % feet, E. E. McMillan died I11 the month, terminating ■ • B a ra B a llo o n . P a n to ter of the City of Hermiston and the their pensions. Mexico City—Wearing of balloon Est................... ....................„..... ,4.75 direction of the City author Lot 10,47% feet, E. E. McMillan pants Is forbidden by the governor » I I I H H I 1991 4 9 9 5 5 1 I I I I i izing and directing the Treasurer of of the state of San Luis Potosi. He Est................................................. ,4.76 C le v e r J a d f* considers them unmanly. the City of Hermiston to collect the Lot 11,47% feet, B. E. McMUlan Not all Englishmen drop the! “hs." unpaid assessments for the city Ir Est............................. . »4.75 Tk> ninny of them such dipped words rigation water for the year 1928. lev I«ot 12,47% feet, K. E. McMillan as " ’ot" and “ ’ouse" sound as un The Project Growers’ association ied and Impnecd under the provisions Est................................................ ,4.75 pleasant as they do to us. The story will meet this evening at the library of Ordinance No, 76 passed by the First Addition to Hermiston, Plat la told that on one occasion a case , City Council and approved by the filed March 8, 1907. having to do with a horse was being Mayor on July 2, 1913, as amended Block Lot Feet Name Amt. tried before Judge Darling, and the plaintiff's attorney kept referring to by Ordinance No. 122 and ordinance 1 B| (>ck x No. 96 passed by the City Connell j Ix>t fee, OUo Q "the animal ‘orse.” Justice Darling stood It as long as | and approved by the Mayor on April! U H he could, then he said: “Mr. X , was !7, 191S. U * 2. 47% feet. Otto O. Sapper the animal a large horse or a little 1 will on the 15th day of January 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the Lot 3, 47% feat, Otto O. Sapper "Oh, a little one. my lord." forenoon of said day at the City “Then, Mr. X., for the remainder , Council Chamber In the City of Her- Lot 4, 47% feet. Otto O. Sapper of the case let us call It a pony." Otyr^rrmtatmi Wrralii SAN BLAS INDIANS AT EDGE OF CULTURE .....................-... »»-6« ..............-..... ..... »»-«• H as Y our Subicription ZZTrw’Z! E x p ir e d ? IF IT COST A FORTIINT TOT COULD HARDLY BE EXPECTED* TO MAKE THE INVESTMENT IE DELIBERATES A LONG TIME ABOUT INVESTING A LOT 0 1 MOTET, BUT HAPPILY— A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE HERALD FOR ORE YEAR HAS A LOW INITIAL COST. THE TWO DOLLARS THE PAPER COSTS FOR ONE YEAR IS AN INVESTMENT. MERCHANTS USE IT TO INFORM THE PUBLIC OF THEIR LOCAL BAF- GAIN8 IN MERCHANDISE, AND THE WISE SHOPPER WILL SAVE THE PRICE OP SUBSCRIPTION MANY TIMES DURING THE COURSE OF THE YEAR BY TAXING ADVANTAGE OF SAVINGS ADVERTISED. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BECOME A SUBSCBIBER. AND WHY NOT SEND IT TO THE FRIENDS WHO USED TO LIVE HERE. THE HERMISTON HERALD