Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1926)
BXBMIQJOir HERMISTON, OREGON, At the Baptist church January 3. Bible school, 10 A. M. Morning wor ship 11 A. M. Theme, Passing but Once. Evening service, 7:30 P. M. Theme, The Golden Gate of Oppor tunity. The Lord’s Supper at the morning service. Start the new year right, give the church a place In your program. A cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell ipent Christman and this week In Eu all. A. J. Ware pastor. mene visiting. Why not buy mileage Instead or Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Holt and daugh tires. I sell you guaranteed mileage ter were Christmas guests of Mrs. in Melllnger tires. V. S. Keikkala, Hermiston. 13-tfc Holt's relatives here. W e C a rry a S tock o f Pistons, Rings and Pins KNERR’S REPAIR SHOP A Christmas party that proved de Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Challis of Pen dleton were Christmas visitors at the lightful was given Monday afternoon ■ ■ i home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Downing. by Mrs. Mabel Ralph for her daugh st ■ ters, Charlotte and Helen. Twelve Miss Golda Mamma of Portland, is| girls were the guests, and games spendings the holidays with the home wene played and recitations given. Favors were little snow covered folks. houses, and Santa Claus napkins were Mr. and Mrs. Burnham and two used. daughters of Stanfield, were guests n To Your Order and at Reasonable Price, * Melllnger regular tires guaranteed of Mrs. Mumma Sunday. for 12.000 miles, and Melllnger De The heartiest laugh you’ve had for Luxe cord guaranteed for 15,000 DeLuxe Balloon, 15,000 ages— “Up in Mabel's Room” at the j miles. miles. Our prices can’t be beat. 1 Playhouse, Saturday and Sunday. S. Keikkala, Hermiston. 13-tfc Mrs. Rev. Trumbel and Misa Stellai "I believe you are having milder ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » i Kenn lasiin of Stanfield, were guests weather here than we are having in I of Mrs. Mumma Monday evening. Pendleton,” was the comment made Margaret Nelson of Pendleton Is by C. L. “Buck” Lieuallen, Btate ! here this week as a guest at the home traffic officer, when he was here Tuesday. “The streets up there are of Marian Henderson. still covered with snow and Ice and i Miss Peggy Neary who tenches are slick so tljat driving Is more or i school at Pilot Rock, Is spending the less risky. It Is a pleasure to drive along the highway down here.” Tht holidays at her home In this city. traffic man had his biggest Christ Forget your troublées at “Up In mas present this year the day before Mabel’s Room” at the matinee Sat Christmas when he became the urday afternoon at 2:15 at thfe Play father of a baby boy. house. ‘ The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Kern and his Beasley was the gathering place for father, Fred Kern, were here as a merry crowd on Christmas day for guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a big dinner and a good time. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. C. E. H. E. Hitt on Christmas. Hensly and family of Pendleton, Mr. WHAT IS ADVERTISING! Frank Swayze Jr is here from Wil and Mrs. W. H. Bensel and family of lamette university as the guest of Hermiston, Richard Beasley of Her his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. miston and W. J. Wilson of Ellens “Advertising is the education of burg, Washington. Swayze, during the holidays. the public as to what you are, where you are, and w hat you have to offer Acceptable Christmas gifts were Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander, accom in the way of skill, talent or com panied by their son Roy, were Christ not hard for Ralph Gilbreath to find modity. The only man who should mas guests at the home of Mr. and when he decided to come from Wil not advertise is the man who has sonville to Hermiston to spend the Mrs. E. P. Dodd. nothing to offer the world in the holiday season with former friends way of commodity or service.” Miss Clara Bryant Is here from and acquaintances. He Is working —Elbert Hubbard. Great Falls, Montana where she Is in a greenhouse so he brought flow teaching, as a holiday guest at the ers. He was guests at the W. W. home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Fraser. Felthouse and O. O. Felthouse homes. He formerly lived here. Miss Bessie Hammer of Portland, is spending the holidays with her LEAF HOPPER IS CAUSE parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hammer, of OF YELLOW TOMATO BLIGHT Columbia dlst.-irt. «■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■a* I HONEY LABELS I M 5 ■ THE HERMISTON HERALD ; Mrs. J. W. Witherell, eon Bob and Tiny Hopper Found by Oregon Men liOle daughter Phyllis of Pendleton, To Carry Virus T hat Causes Wert w.sltors at the home of Mr. and Serious Disease. Mrs. J, S. Harvey Monday. H. K. Dean, superintendent of the The cause of western yellow to experiment station, was a visitor in mato blight, which has puzzled scien Corvallis Monday on business con tists for 28 years, has been found by nected with hlh work. M. B. McKay and T. P. Dykstra o‘ the Oregon experiment station. The Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiatt of blight ravages squash, bean, canta- Heppner were here for Christmas as toupe and other crops as well a guests at the home of their son, Ur- tomatoes. The disease comes from a vlruf sel Hiatt. that resides In curly-top of sugai Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lance recent beets and is carried only by a very Subscribe For The Herald ly moved to the Pat Doherty resi little leafhopper with a very hart dence which formerly wa occupied name— Eutcttlx tenella, A close re lation was noticed by the investiga by Rev. J. A. Ware. tors between the unusually severe at tacks of beet curly-top last year and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Waterman and unusual prevalence of western yellow baby have been here during the blight of other crops. They found holidays as guests at the home of the virus carrying hoppers and put hie mother, Mrs. Rena Waterman. them to work upon plants under con trolled conditions. One of the big dances of the year The blight appeared on plants vis will be given Saturday night, New Ited by a single disease-carrying hop Year’s Night, by the American Leg per, thus proving the identity of the ion. Plans are being made for a big two diseases and also the culpability attendance. of the little leaf hopper. Squash was also infected In this way, and it le Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Prime and two thought that potato, cucumber, can children of Salem were here over taloupes and pepper are also sus Christmas as guests at the home of ceptible. FARM POULTRY The guilty hopper Is so elusive that his brother, Dr. F. V. Prime. They came up last Friday and left,Tuesday. no means of control have as yet been PROVIDES GOOD FOOD FOR THE FAMILY devised. So heavy have been sugar GIVIS SOMETHING TO SELL EACH WEEK. beet losses through his depredations A «-Ib-tiekllng tempest of giggles, FITS WITH DIVERSIFIED FARMING. laughs and roars, all over a perfectly that several million dollar factories Innocent, filmy chemise— “Up In have been moved or abandoned. He e rx 11 ■ Mabel's Room,” Saturday and Sun- is only an eighth of an Inch long and quite slender, of reddish straw ■ d»y at the Playhouse. color when grown. He files or hop The poultry census is taken only every 10 years. The last cen readily and has been known to Join Deo Smith, a student at Whitman sus showed theirs were in the United States 360,000.000 chickens. whole masses of his fellows In lonr college, and his brother Jewel who They produ id 1,G"6 000.C00 dozen eggs. The year's production flights, though such migrations art Is attending high school at Pilot of chick ns and eggs brought $1.048,tCO,000. rare as far as known. Rock, ar? here thia week to spend The blight and curly-top dlseases- Ninety per cent of this billion dol’ars goes to fanners or rather the holidays with their parents, Mr. have been chiefly In dry to arid ell to farmers' wives. These good wives spend it for grooeries, cloth and Mrs. Mark Smith In the Colum mates until last year, when the at ing, lights, wa hin” machines, rugs, pictures, books, phonographs. bia district. tacks were widespread In the Willam If we should t a k : the poultry money out of a farm community, the ette valley. Whether the hopper can country town merchants would wondsr what had happened to their Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Fraser enter winter over In the wet climates Is business. tained Informally at their homo Tues not yet known. Higher labor and feed prices, our new r knowledge of the fac day even I leg In honor of Miss Clara The best hope for control lies In tors making- for economical and successful egg production, and an Bryant, sister of Mrs. Fraser’s, who development of Immunity plants, Pro increasing demand lor a standardized product on the part of the is here during the holidays from fessor McKay believes. Knowing consumer ate factors which are forcing many farm folks to make Great Falls, Montana, where she j the nature and cause of blight will adjustments in th it flocks. Farm poultry is fast getting down to teaches. enable investigators to speed up the a more bnsin ss-likc basis. control work already under way. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Belscamper I ■ have just received a number of booklets giving the results ■ of We entertained a number of friends and FARM REMINDERS several experiment stations and s ccessful poultry men, of ■ Hatching, neighbors at a Christmas dinner for Brooding. Culling and F eding. as well as labor saving ■ which a big turkey proved the center devices in the care of Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys. Cop The cabbage maggot Is classed by of attraction. Seven guests were the experiment station as the worst ies may be obtained at the office. ■ present. Mrs. Belscamper was the pest of cabbage, turnip, rape, kale ■ recipient of a purse which was sent and radish In Oregon. The best pro from Germany 41 years ago. tection from Its ravage« la screens over the seed beds to protect the A family reunion waa held at the young plants from the fly that lays home of Mr. and Mra. W. T. Bolves- the maggot eggs and treatment of in- ■IMI ter at Christmas. They had aa their f«Rted older plants with a corrosive guests Mr. and Mra. S. F. Walters of sublimate solution. < “ The Yard of Best Qaality” Blalock and Mr. and .Mrs. Rolla “Bus- M. M. STRAW, MGR. tor'’ SolVeStrr of Arlington. Mrs, ' Pollination of Ettorsberg strawber Walters Is their daughter and Rolla ries 121 by Interplanting of other Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau Bolvoatcr Is th«lr son. Mr. and Mrs. varieties had no more effect on the Rolla Solveater will remain here un crop than self-pollination. In tests »■■■■nnnannnnnannnnnBi««iBee»BHBaBBaB||Bt| til Monday. conducted by Oregon growers and the Poultry is an Important Part • of the Grow-Your-Own- Living Farm Program s ■ I n«n> V /"« h 18 a Billion Dollar Cash Crop : 5 Inland Empire Lumber Company experiment station. Barrenness of some of the terminal blossoms was ascribed to defective structure of the pistils. L ife ’s Span G row s Washington.—f>r, Harvey W. Wiley thinks that science within a quarter century will add three to four years to the average span , of life In this country. The doctor ieems to’have a recipe of tits own. -however. On his eighty-second birthday he walked to work, as usual, and took no time for lunch. New Year Greetings For Comfort D ■ ■ To our Patrons and Friends and Economy j Oregon Hardware & Impl. Co. H. T. Fraser F. C . M c K e n z ie B M GET THE BEST COAL AND DRY WOOD. WE INSIST ON GETTING THE BEST COAL POSSIBLE, AND HAVE IT READY 1 FOB DELIVERY WE ARE NOW BUSY WITH OUR AT ALL TIMES. BY PLACING Y0UB ORDER A INVENTORY WEEK OR TEN D A ft AHEAD IT CAN BE AND AS USUAL ARE FINDING SOME SHORT LINES OF VERY DELIVERED FROM THE CAR SAVING YOU OUT AT SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS FROM REGULAR PRICES. TUTS 50 CENTS MERCHANDISE WHICH WE PROPOSE TO CLOSE B T T.T A BLE COVERS A LINE OVER THE RANGE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK AND AS WE COME TO THEM WE WILL SORT THEM FOR THIS— PER TON. Materially Yours, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY REDUCTION A SAVING CAN BE MADE SHOULD YOU NEED AITY OF THESE ITEMS. IN A FEW DAYS WE WILL DISPLAY THE MERCHANDISE IN OUR,WINDOWS PLAINLY MARKED. R. A. BROWflsON, Mgr, ATTENTION Hermiston Produce and Supply Dairym en Company WE PAY HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE FOR CREAM Also guarantee correct weights and jests. At the Playhouse Sat. and Sun. We would appreciate a share of your patronage. January 1 and 2 Matinee Saturday 2:15 SW IFT & CO. HERMISTON OREGON MARIE PREVOST J. D. WAGH0RN, Agent Next door to Leo H nrly’s Grocery In A1 Christie** Laugh Special CRISP MORNINGS “ UP IN MABEL'S ROOM ' A Screaming Farce and Riot of Laughs 7:45 P. M. 25-50c CALL FOR GOOD WHOLESOME FOOD TO START OUT THE DAY IN THE RIGHT MOOD TO GET THINGS DONE. What is more sensible and econom ical than— MEAT Maybe you want Cured Meats. If do our line of Bacon and Hams will suit you. If you want Fresh Meats you can hava a ehoiea of a wide range of offerings. you City Meat Market PHONE 1S1 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Is our sincere wish for you Hermiston Market Phone Four-O ne-One F re e D e liv e ry We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us x oaooeoee»»>00040*0*00< MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN---- TRY THE HERALD WANT