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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1926)
IB B H EB M 1STO 4 g g R À frD , H g g M IS T O y , O & EX3Q X. entitled Court and cause on the 28th miston, Oregon. for want thereof will day of August, 192* wherein and apply to the above entitled Court Population In NUio’i 4,400,000; 1V whereby It was sought to hold esr- for the relief preyed for In ltg com taln property described as follows: plaint herein, to-wit: 000,000 in World. For judgment and decree against New York.—Ttere are more Jews Cne Dodge Automobile. Motor No. In the United Stales than in any other 1565658, Oregon 1926 License No. on the defendant, Thomas N. Marxen,1 country in the «o ld, say» DaTid front of car only No. 204-457, which for the sum of *1,500.00 together | Trletsch, a Germa.a-Jewish scholar and said property was seized in the City with Interest thereon at the rate of! authority of Jewish statistics, in the of Pendleton, Oregon on tbs 28th 10 per cent per annum from the 27th J I day of August 1926, and heretofore day of January, 1926, until paid and Jewish Tribune. Estimating the Jewish population of I attached and arrested and la now for the further sum of *175.00 at- the world at 18,080,000—an Increase j held by and In tho poseesslon of R- ¡torney's fees and for plaintiff's costs ' of 150 per cent since 1881 — Mr. , T. Cooklngham, Sheriff of Umatilla and disbursements In this suit and Trletsch says the t u nber of Jews in County, Oregon, for a violation '■* for a further decree that the mort this country is 4,100,100. Poland has Chapter 29, General Laws of Ore gage described In plaintiff's com plaint which was recorded In the a Jewish populat on of 4.000,000 and gon for 1923. Russia is next with 3,600,000. That by order of the above entitled office of the County Recorder of ♦ New York leacs t ie cities of the Court, all persons having or claim Umatilla County, State of Oregon, ♦ world with a Jew.ah population of 2, ing to have any interest in the ab. vr on the 28th day of January, 1926, 000,000. Warsaw is next with 400,- described property are required to at Page 485 In Book 88 of the Rec 000, toilowed by Chicago and Vienna, appear before said Court on or before ords of Mortgages for Umatilla with 300,000 each the 4th day of October, A, D. 1926, County, Oregon be foreclosed and and defend aginst the aforesaid pro that the premises therein described ♦ Prance to Reduce Army Personnel. ceedings and that upon their fail situated In Umatilla County, State ♦ Paris. — Reduction of the French ure to do so a Judgment of foreclos of Oregon, to-wlt: ♦ army, as agreed i.poi by the cabinet, ure will be entered. Lots 6 and 6 In Block 1 in the ♦ met with rather general public ap This notice Is Issued by virtue of original Town of Hermiston as ♦ proval. The plan provides for the an order of the Honorable Gilbert platted in Section 10, Township ♦ gradual reduction of the strength ol IV. Phelps, judge of the above en 4 North, Range 25, E W. M. 6 the army by 2700 permanent and 1200 be sold and that the proceeds there ❖ temporary officer!. bunging the total titled Court. of be applied for the payment of R. T. BROWN, down to 128,000, which is 7000 fewer than the pre-war f gnrsa. Other meas 2-2tc Circuit Court Clerk plaintiff's Judgment in the amounts aforesaid and for a further decree ures include modi, ¡cation of the terms forever foreclosing and barring the of army service, raisi ig the minimum WESTLAND IRRIGATION DISTRICT defendant in the above entitled suit age limit of conscripts from 20 to 21 NOTICE. of any and all right, title, claim, In in preparation for a bill reducing the Notice is hereby given that the terest or estate In law or In equity term of compulsory service to one board of directors of the Westland and all equity of redemption In and year. Irrigation District, acting as a to said premise« and every part there board of equalization, will meet at of excepting only such right of re American D ye, c ,ual to Best. Philadelphia. — America virtually the office of the district in Hermis demption as shall be allowed by the has made itself inde pendent of the ton, Oregon, on the first Tuesday of statutes of the State of Oregon and world In dyes, the American Chemical October, 1926, for the purpose of for such other relief as to a Court society was told here W. E. Austin reviewing and correcting the assess of equity may eeem meet and proper New York indust) ¡all it, speaking be ments and apportionments of the In the premises. fore the dye division of the society taxes to be levied in said district on ThlB summons Is publlsed pursuant said 95 per cent ol the- dyed furs usee or before the first Tuesday in to the order of the Hon. I. M. in this country were home product! September, 1926. Schr.nnep, Judge of the County Court and were equal to tin best produced •J. W. MESSNER, Secretary. for Umatilla County, State of Ore in Europe. Dated this first day of September, gon, duly made and entered on the 1926. (l-4 tc) 13th day of August. 1926. directing Diamlases Ilwaco Bank Suit. that publication hesein be made once a week for a period of six weeks con Olympia. Wash. — Suit brought by 178 depositors of the defunct Ilwacc IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE secutively In the Hermiston Herald, State bank agairst John P. Duke, and the first publication herein s STATE OF OREGON FOR former state bant leg supervisor and UMATILLA COUNTY made pursuant to said order on the others, was dismissed by Superioi 19th day of August, 1926. The First National Bank of| Judge George "B. Sinpson of Lewis Hermiston, a corporation, | Raley, Raley ft Steiwer ft H. J. War county, according to word received Plaintiff,| ner. Attorneys for Plaintiff. here. vs, P. O. Address, Pendleton, Oregon. Thomas N. Marxen, Portlsnd OH Me > H -Id for Fraud. (50-7tc) Defendant.! Portlanu, Or. - - Six independen) service station proprietors are undet SUMMONS. arrest on charges of substituting in AGENCY Equity No. 4243. ferior motor oils f >r c uality products To Thomas N. Marxen, the above IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE named defendant. STATE OF OREGON FOR LODGE DIRECTORY AMERICA HAS MOST JEWS WOMEN MORE A ID MORE ARE USING ACHECKINO ACCOUNT We note with satisfaction the In creasing number of women In th’a community who are using a check ing account to take care of the ex penses Jt their homes and their own personal expenses. Where the fam ily is on a budget, as every family should be, bookkeeping ig greatly simplified, every cancelled check Is a receipt that will hold in any court and all chance of losing coin or currency Is elimin ated. First National Bank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over *50,000 P. B. Swayre, Pres R. Alexader, Vlce-Pre A. H. Norton. Cashier W. la. Hamm, Asst. Cashier BIG CORN CROP PREDICTED W *!T ■3$ i 702. SALE— No. 1 fresh cows. B. n -n trer. 37-tfc CfAPES— Concord, Niagara, and ~v atwater A. W. Prann. 60-3tc FOR SALE—Fine wool aged breeding Cunningham Sheep Co., ■ ton. Oregon. 49tfc Adding machine rolls etald office. c .,■■■ SAI K A 7 room strictly mod . n h< use. full basement an dgood lawn. Close to school. Might trade. See C. H. Skinner. 4 6 tfc Total Wheat Yield Also Promises to be Materially Bigger. Washington, D. C.—With cropa near- ing harvest, more definite indication « production this year was given by the department of agriculture in its monthly report. September I condi tions point to a corn crop of 2,697,- 872,000 bushels compared with 2,576,- 936,000 bushels a month age and 2,- 905,053,000 bushels last year. Spring wheat indications are for >12,109,000 bushels, compared with 212,719.000 bushels a month ago and 270 875,000 bushels last year. The preliminary estimate of winter wheat placed production at 626,482,000 bush els, compared with 395,610,000 bushels last year. » ______ ___________ Want Ada Bring Results U m atilla - Herm iston - Pendleton FOR SALE— Rhode Island Red pul H elix Stage Schedule lets. Joe Dyer, Hermiston. 52tfC| Eric C. Schroeder, Prop, A. M. Leave P. M. FOR. SALE—Winter Banana apples, Leave 25 cents box, no culls. Paul Miller. I Umatilla .. 7:30 Pendleton 4:30 52-litp Hermiston ,8 : 0 0 Rleth ........ 4:40 ___________________ - - ¡Stanfield .. 8:20 Barnhart .. 4:50 FOR SALE— Concord grapes, Dellc- Echo ........ 8:30 Nolln ........ 5:10 ious and Wagner apples. N. W. Nolln ........ 8:50 Echo ........ 6:30 Bloom. 52-2tc Barnhart .. 9:10 Stanfield .. 5:40 9:20 Hermiston 6:00 FOR SALE—Delicious apples, extra 10:00 Umatilla .. 6:30 fine culls, 50 cents. Orchard run 11:30 *1 per box, you bring the box. F. M. Guiwlts. 14tc Sunday Schedule . Leave Umatilla 10:30 A. M. t'OR BALE—Washing machine and Leave Pendleton 4:30 P, M. wringer. E. P. Illsley. 1-2‘P No trip to Helix Sundays. UMATILLA COUNTY IM PERIA L CLEANERS O pened u n d e r N ew M an ag e m e n t CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING DONE All Work Guaranteed. Give mo a trial. To please you io my aim. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT— Modern 4-room house, cloee In. Inquire Dr. Prime's office. 45-tfc Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing, g e. Newell, next door to Sapper». 18-tfe Poland» for Profita. Stilling». 37tf REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND <CR. J. M. BIGGS, RB- INSURANC J*-tfc ALTOR. Hermiston Second Hand Store.— ■* Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup plies, Harneaa, Saddle». Wagons. 35-3fe »M i l l » H I l»»»»» M 61 •»»♦»« We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing thia newt- p m r we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in thia line be auro To See Us iW S No. Bert Mullins V i n e y a r d l o d g b n o ms . l o . o . » . ’ Bteets each Monday even in* W O M Fattor« hall. Vigttinjr members cordiallv teritod. W. R. L e g h o r n , bee. Jaspar Tem pleton. W. « . PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « IF IT S Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connections SERVICE W. J YOU WANT W ARNER Attorney-at-Law CALL 25-J Hermiston i : : Oregaa 30UNTRY HAULS SOLICITEl H S. MeKENZIE, M. D- T. H. Gaither * TRANSFER AND DRAY ♦ Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. Pendleion, Oregon JAMES I . SEARS, M. D, Physician and Surgeon LAUNDRY Office Phone 733. Res. Phone T il Office in First N ational Rank Bldg. We W ash Everything But the Baby. DR. CHARLES H. WHITTAKER Chiropractic Physician E lectric Therapy Massage FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE Hours: 9 to 12 A. M„- 2 to 6:30 P. M. 18-20 Judd Bldg., Main at Court Phone 691 Pendleton, Oregon Phone 121 Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. and by appointment DR. DAVID S. ROWE Chiropratie Physician Massage, Dietetic«. Electrotherapy, Phototherapy Office at Hermiston, Hotel Corlis Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian We Have Anticipated Treats all Domestic Antrnals. Inter state Stock Inspector Y our needs in e v e ry th in g th a t is necessary to com p le te your golf outfit. Come in and give our line the once over. »» € C f» ' Residence second house wast of the Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. (pined ^Ulumn HITT S E R V IC E NOTICE A LITTLE TALK ON BACKBONE CHEERFUL DRUGGISTS OR SALE— Plows, springtooth har row, two cultivators, double and sin gle harness, hoes, shovels, etc. Household goods, kitchen cabinet, cream separator, milk cans. F. J. Prann. . ^tfc FOR SALE—S cows. Might take som e bees in part trade. F. W. N ew ell. 2-2tc CHAPTER B arb er Shop Cigars, Tobacco PEER BOKISH M O r e g o n FOR SALE— Fine sweet potatoes, 5c per pound, field run, S. T, Davis. F H 2tfc h Grade Piano near Hermiston 11 be sold to reliable party at big ring; |1 0 monthly will handle. A tl buy, write at once for particu- ra. Tallman Piano Store, Salem, egon. 2-3tc ESTHER 101, O. B. S., meet» »econd aad fourth Tuesday evening» of each month at 8:00 sharp In Masonic hall. Visiting members welcome. Euthemla Jackson, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. Troy Laundry Company In the Name of the State of One- State of Oregon gon: You are hereby required to Plaintiff ▼a. NOTICE. appear and answer the complaint filed In the above entitled suit with One Dodge Automobile, in six weeks from the date of first Defendant. To Frank Cable, Robert Slmpso i publication of this summons and you A Son and to ail others whom it may will take notice that If you fall to appear and answer or plead within concern: that time the plaintiff. The First Notice Is hereby given that an ( Leave from Stage Office Dorion H otel FOR SALE— Apptes on trees. Stay- action was instituted in the abov National Bank of Hermiston, Her Phone 1105 mens, Winter Bananas, Rome Beauties, Wlnesaps. In small quantities 25 cents box. Half mt’o west of reservoir. Phone 66-W -li. Mr». Ida Simmons. l-3tp NO HUNTING cards for sale at the Herald Office. QUEEN FOUNTAIN I A B I L I T Y O ver tw enty-five y ears ago we s ta rte d serving th e peo ple o f U m atilla county. A lm ost all o f o u r custom ers of a q u a rte r o f a ce n tu ry ago still tra d e w ith us an d a re o u r friends. W e o ffe r th e sam e co u rtesy an d carefu l service to o u r cu sto m ers outside o f P endleton as w e do to those we see every day. I f th e re is som e p a rtic u la r p rep aratio n or item th a t you can n o t obtain, w rite u s a letter. W e’ll do o u r best to g e t it, or will tell you w here it can be obtained. Seem s early to be ta lk in g ab o u t C hristm as, b u t we like to believe t h a t w e a re g o in g to have th e b est lines of C hristm as cards, to ilet sets, statio n ery and o th er g ifts in E a ste rn Oregon. W e a re daily receiving new goods and p u ttin g th e m on display. D rop in an y tim e or w rite us, if you wish a g if t or a n y th in g fo r y o u r n ex t card p a rty . W e’ll m ake you welcome. KOEPPENS “ The Drug Store That Serves You B est” Pendleton, Oregon F R IE N D L IN E S S Thia Is to notify the puWlc that I will continue to operate a transfer business in Hermiston. Drayage and long distance haul« will be continued. When we speak of the farmer bft* ing the backbone of the nation, you knovz what we mean. Th« backbone Is the supporting structure of th» whole body. Chiropractic 1» baaed upon this supreme fact. Let ua tell you about it. E Geo. L. Challis X Penland Bros. P TR A N SFER CO. j J. L. V A U G H A N j E 3 Everthing ï Electrical R " ■ ■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a I Hermiston Transfer E N C L. J. McAtee E Dr. W. BOYD WHYTE Chiropractor Stangier Building PENDLETON, OREGON »■■■■■ You do not have to crate your a furniture when moving In our closed S padded van a we have furniture pads for all kinds of furniture. Our big closed van ha« electric lights and sleeping quarters over the driver's seat, and on long runs we Î can drive day and night. 208 East Court St. ANY AND ■ FOR YOU » Let Us give you a price on mov 5 H Phone 139 ing your goods. Pendleton, Oregon Pendleton, Ore. ■ E Phone 339 HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES We Haul ANYTHING Mail order» promptly attended to. ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 THE 8MART SHOP Mr». R. L. Barker. Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PENNOCK'S TIRE SHOP FOR A SQUARE DEAL Opposite Kellogg's Garage ♦ ♦ PAINTS, WALLPAPER, ♦! PICTURE MOULDINOS ♦ ♦ ♦ <> « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AND GLASS CONTRACTING 513 Main St. Phon» I5S Pendleton, Oregon. Herald Want Adi Bring Y«i