Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1926)
The Herald K e e p « Close to the H eart and M ind of the U m atilla Project. Wrmwfcm Wralh 1.000.000 LAYING HENS TO WORK FOB US OB FARMS OF THE UMATILLA PROJECT OF THE PROJECT L A B S SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE 1 BO. 52 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1928 VOL. XX ™ iX u o u c x BREEDERS WANT TO Club Members to APPLE PACKING IS 7 ry for 7 earn a t BEING DONE HERE Jenkins Bros., M. N. and C. W. START COW TESTING Field D ay 1 rials Jenkins, have sold the Jero y v to James L. Hammack of Stanfield. TENTATIVE PLANS CALL FOR IM MEDIATE ACTION Pilot Rock Association Expected to Include H eid i on Project From Stanfield to Boardman HATE YOU APPOINTED YOURSELF A MEMBER JONATHANS ARE EIRST TO BE and Herm iston Club and the new owner took possession ember 1. The of the business September retail delivery route in Hermit in and Umatilla will be conducted by Mr. Hammack. M N. Jenkins will return to Uma tilla where he formerly rssldtl, (-• d C. W. Jenklng is undecided as to what he will do. He plans a trip to Portland and then Into Washing ton to look around before macing a decision as to what he will do. The Jersey dairy was started a little less than one year ago by Jenkins brothers. HANDLED HERE Members to Compete Here September 11 Project’s Crop Estimated B y A. W. Prann to be About 20.000 Schools to Open |STATE EXPENSES in Hermiston on SHOW DECREASE IN 0AIRY-H06 SHOW 7 uesday, Sept. 7 interest is livry ______ MANY ENTRIES ARE EXPECTED Teaching Staff Complete And P h ___________ 6 - BY BOARD Made For Another Year’s Farmers Declare Intentioni to Put Work. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GIVES ITGURES 1925 Expenses S ligh tly Less Than In 1924, Department Many Animals in R ing A chance for members of boys’ | Hermiston schools will start for E fforts to organize and start and girls' livestock clubs to show ‘ Shows. Boxes This Year._ Oct. 8-9. another year’s work on Tuesday, operating a cow testing association their skill and knowledge in judg Packing of the fail and winter to Include herds on thie Greater Uma- The 14th annual Hermiston Dairy September 7. The buildingB have’ ing stock will be afforded Saturday,' D. C.. Sept. 2— The crop of apples on the project start tlUa project war« launched In ear anij Hog show* promises to aet a been put in readiness, a complete Washington, September 11, at the annual field ed Tuesday morning at the A. W. nest In a meeting of breeders and new standard of excellence for fut- "U ,f of ,eacber8 has been em /oyed, department of commerce announces day at the experiment fartn when ure years to try to beat and plans are comPlete for th« re-‘ a summary of the financial statis- local business men which was held I’rann warehouse and will continue about 20 are expected to participate until the crop hag been moved. Wedneday night. The meeting fol That is the belief expressed by " " W 1“ of according to, tics of the state of Oregon for tha in the tryout« that will be con Jonathans were Includ'd in the lowed a session of the Jersey Breed member« of the board of directors|Superintendent Cherry. ¡fiscal year ending September 30. ducted as part of the day’s activit first pack. Later Rcme Beauties ers’ association. following a meeting that was held A chanBe ,n the facu,t* wa" made 1925’ ies. Monday night ¡necessary by the resignation of Aise Thje payments for maintenance and Winesaps will be packed and The breeders’ association author Pilot Rock clubs will be represent- ■ ' Owners of livestock have evinced'Mary Brown’ »o™erly of St. Maries, and operation of the general deparL FOOTBALL CALL TO BE MADE ized the purchase of a new bull to shipped. . j , . ed this year, and in addition mem- Prospects are that the project will NEXT WEEK BY COACH HIGBEE a keener Interest in the show th.s sh e has accepted a position at Mos-| ments of Oregon for the fiscal year (111 out the quota of sires needed «or (h - , calf and the herd, of th« members. Plans da rteord eIubB of have a crop of about 0.000 boxes ytear than ever before, the directors cow’ Idaho’ where ahe wlu devote «“<»‘"8 September 30. 1925, amount- also made for rotating the ,, , A . . . . . .u «. . this season, Mr. Prann 3talsd, though Material P len tifu l For Hermiston declared, and prospects now are that . half time to high chool work and ed to »10,101,973 or »11.98 per . . . . . . k . i Hermiston will try for the honor of ” ’ present bulls in use by members / the Hermiston Fruit Growers will the herds and flocks of the project half time to instruction work In the capita. This include« »414,593, ap- _ , , . . . . making the county livestock Judgli.g ,, , . . . . . . __ _ Team This Year; New Men The association also decided to have _ . .s» handle only about half of the crop will have a true representation at University of Idaho. Her place has portlonmentg for education to the team to represent the county at the Sc me growerg will hat die their cron a Jersey booth at the Dajry and Hog the show. This condition hag not been filled by hiring Miss Jean minor divisions of the state. In 1924 ¡state fair in Salem. Look Promising. independently, and seme have ex always prevailed. It was stated, and ” >’88. ot Portland, a graduate of the the comparative per capita for «how, October 8 and 9. where liter-' State Club Leader Seymour will the increased Interest displayed is University of Edinburg, Scotland, | maintenance and operation of gsn- pressed an intention not to try to atuite dealing with the breed will Within another week the Bport of be here to conduct the tryouts of A complete commercial course will eiai departments was »11.06, and in harvest apples. be given to those interested. A. W. • interpreted as meaning that more football will have Invaded Hermis the club members. The contestants be offered in the high schol this 1917, »5.90. The expenses of public The crop over the country la Agnew, president of the association.. ton and will have its place in the livestock will be shown than ever vear, not only to regular pupils but rfervice enterprises will be required to place correctly amounted to heavy, and demand is not keen, ac the presided at the meeting of before. four sheep, four pigs and four cows. cording to market reports. Just sun. Call fo football practice will to graduates and former pupils. »9,628; interest on debt, »2,54»,- breeders. For one thing, the awarding of be issued next week, accord, is to In addition to the placlngs, mem- At the meeting of asociation mem. th e ’saw 'prix'es’ for’ Holstein clttle Superintendent Cherry stated. ¡825; and outlays for permanent lm- what price the fruit will command * . , , ,. bers of each club will be required is prtoblematlcal. Packing is ex Coach Higbee, and some practicing as are given the Jerseys Is expect- The list of book« needed can be provements, »6,052,326. The to t.l bers and business men, held after . . . . . .. . . .. . r.u*i to give their reasog for their P*ac-I pected to de done during parts of. will be done during the first week ed to result in a much larger nurn- secured either from the superintend-, payments, therefore, for expenses of the first meeting adjourned. Chair of bchool. September and Into October. her of the big black and whites be- ent or at the dVug store Tues-i general departments and publ’o Ber man McKenzie was authorized to I Materttal for a god team is ex . . ... . ... Governor Pierce and P. M. appoint a committee to consult with . . . . . . . .. wlu be for the vice enterprises, interest, and out- pected to prove plentiful, Coah Hig- ing in the show ring this year than daV” K ) Brandt, dairy husband man of the R. F Wi’btir, arsis ?nI county ag-nt , experiment stattoa> wiU be,R. 0. HORNING TRADES RANCH bee said. Practically every position ever before. The breed has come to > da*’ s0 ^ o k s should be purchased lays were »18,710,752. The totals the front in popularity In the past i before pupils go to «chool. Include all payments for the year, ' ' t0 f0llOW ,n the speakers of the day. will have two men seeking it, and Chlldrfcn who will reach the ag’ whether made from current revenues getting an organization. , The dlnne at noon w,„ not be NEAR HERMISTON FOR GRA’N under the »trees of competition two years on the project, and owners t 1RPO cow» should be in- i j ---------- - — ... n ?. of herds have' staled'’that” their anl’- l 0' sl* ycara b<’fore rbrlstmas may or from the proceeds of bond issues. a ,...» Dean I prospects are that the mien who get Of the governmental costs re eluded In the association for the n als will be in the ring. The tw o |be ■'p"i t0 srbo0'’ Superintendent LAND IN THE GRANDS RONDE regular berths will deserve them. stated. Each family will be ex * * * * * « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < * • • * Cherry said. If there is not suffic ported above, »7,523,473 was for roort economical operation, it wag breeds will not be shown in compe- Several veterans were lost to the pected to bring food and dinner will One of the biggest land deals ient room to accommodate all who highways, »2,131,414 bring for pointed out, and costs, while not de tltlon. be baten In small groups. made for several months has been team by graduation last year, «ud finitely known, probably would run One of the criticisms made In the '■ome, the youngest will be elimlnat maintenance and »5,408,059 for con struction. concluded by R. O. Horning where their places will b« difficult to »'!•• past, namely, that animals have not ed- to about 15 or 20 cents per cow per Among those who will be missing in by h0 traded his Improved ranch month. Present tentative plans are TRANSCONTINENTAL RATES Revenues $20,402,930 ----- —-------- ------ the lineup this year are Parish, half; been adequately fitted for the show i The total revenue receipts of to have herds from' Stanfield to ON TELEPHONE LOWERED southwest of Hermiston for a grain Reid, tackle; Schmidt, tackle; Young Ting, is lexpectcd to be out of place ROND BROS. STORE WILL Oregon for 1925 wt-i'e »20,402,930 and alfalfa ranch in (the Grand» Boardman in the association. end; Parsons, guard and C. Newell, this year. A number of breeders OPEN FOR BUSINESS SEPT. 4 or »24.20 per capita. This was »7,- Interest In the forming of of N ew Schedule Should Save Users Ronde valley. The daal was made tackle. | | , ]: | | BI have already done considerable 744,504 more than the total pay with Snyder & Hammack. an association is said to bo very Letter men who are oxpeoted to do work in fitting and expect to con New Pendleton Department Store ments of the year, exclusive of tbs About Three M illion a Year, Mr. Homing’s ranch here con strong among dairy men. For j their stuff on the gridiron this sea tinue it until th(e show. An extra payment» for permanent improve sists of 107 acres, and the land he yeans local breeders have had some Ready For Business In Company States. son include. Mlkesell, quarter; J. prize award of »15 for the best fitt ments, and »1,692,178 more than the acquired Is a quarter section. While of the best brood procurable in their ed dairy animal, given by the Her Newell, half; Hamman, fullback; Dickson Building. total payments including those for the future plans of Mr. and Mrs. herds and in many cases registration Woodward, end; Neary, center; miston post American Legion, is said permanent improvjsnients. This Important changes involving a Horning are not yet definite, they nnpera have been kept up to - date. to have stimulated interest in this Pendleton's new department store Swarner, guard; Davis, guard; Had- excess of revenue receipts Is reflect On the production end, however, re general readjustment In transcontl-jexpect to move to the Grande Ronde dox, end; Pace, end; Jack Smith, Bond Bros. Co. will open September cords have not been kept so that a nental ilatc0, and; in the evening j valley rbnch somle time thia fall, end; and Peugh, tackle. The amusement features will be 4 ,n rhe Dickgon building on Main ed in purchase ot investments, not shown in this summary. Property definite check on the producing cap and night period during which -re-iThk-y have resided here eight years Other candidates who will give worth while this year, according to]atreet wlth a complete modern stock acity of individuals lg not available duced rates apply, have been an- I an(j bave madn many trends who the negulara a run for their money Harry Straw, in charge of that paiti^f men’s and boy's clothing1 and and special taxes representing 38.0 per cent of the total revenue for uounced by the Bell system. 3 he have expressed, ¡regret over their In a majority of cases. E furnishings; women's, misses’ and are G. Newell, Ott, Kennings, Ham- of the program. Efforte will be made to get the changes are effective October 1. Intended departure. ’’Wie haven’t made a definite de-j chlldren.g ready-to-wear; men’s, 1925, 38.4 per cent for 1924, and nah, Dallman, Stockard, Warren, 64.7 per cent for 1917. The Increase association started within the next They are made for the benefit of cisión as what attractions we wl'l women’e an< } children’s shoes; mil- Upham, Earnheart and Robinson. in the qjnount of property and spec few weeks so that It wjji^be going users of transcontinental serve 8 INFORMATION ready on The schedules has not been cotnplet have In the way of amusement,” Mr, |¡nery¡ bargain basement merchan- ial TA «« collected”, ws*. 172.0- >el' and to eliminate service dlff'culti *s before the winter season. ed. McLoughlln high school will be Straw said, “but we are in touch ¡,¡|se. millinery; gift goods; linens; SPRAY RESIDUE ON FRUIT cent from 1917 to 1924, but there which the present schedu'e has played October 15. Games have with some good numbers, and¡piece goods; luggage; lingerie; bed- was a decrease of lese than one-half brought about. ELM BEETLE AND SPIDER Circular letters covering periodic been assured with Kennewick, Hepp- amusements will be here for young dlng. _ in fact all of the goods of” o^e "p«"”¡ñt"froíT 1924 to"l9M The net result of the readjust ier and Pendleton. Other teams and old.” which make up the stock of an up-. a Dr0DertT and sDeclal CAUSE LEAVES TO FALL ment In rates will be a raving to developments in the arsenate resi that probably will be played arfe Onm n S S H In n a h nvn h e c n : . (0-date - . . ------- i ----- * _*---- I Some o allafe» slight additions have been, department store. taxes were »9.20 in 1925, »9.33 in the telephone users throughout ihe due problem are being mailed by Pasco, Pilot Rock, Athena and made in several department this It is the ambition of Bond Lros. 1924 and 3.79 in 1917. Report From Department of A g ri United States of approxim itely the assistant oounty agent to Uma year for prize awards, and the total Cb. to give to Eastern Orea m a Earnings of general departments, three million dollars a year, »vh- tilla county shippers of apples and Helix. in prze money will be bigger than store of Its own, with service and culture Received Ry tantlal reductions will be mads 'n pears, according to a statemene by R. or compensation for services ren ever before. good values as th« keynote. Out-of- dered by state officials, represented Rev, Young Makes Trip transcontinental rates, for exam >13, F. Wilbur, assistant county agent. H. A. Pankow. town patrons wlli be made m »st v o i 4.7 per cent of the total revenues Rev. Henry Young, pastor of the the day statlon-to-station rate Unlike certain other fruit districts ce me and for ihelr use, , as well ns lor 1926, 6.9 per cent for 1924, and SMITH-SPENCER Methodist Episopal church here and in the nbrthwest, fruit shipments Elm tree« that have lost their betiWeefl Seattle and Chicago v til for all patrons Is designed the com- 1Q g per cent f(>r 191? at Echo, left Wednesday night on a leaves recently in Hermiston are be »7.80 Instead of »11.30; between In this county are handled by a Mis« Bernice Spencer became the modiious rest room on the second. Business and nonbuslness licenses tiip to Philadelphia where hie will comparatively few Individuals and Seattle and New York »10.75 in suffering from the work of an elm floor of the building. Here m o * « « ' tHuttd 40.3 per cent of the tree beetle, according to a report stead of »15.70; betw'een P ortliid , organization«, and in most cases are attend the seeelon of the sovereign brld„ of Gilbert G. Smith of Her- may bring their children and remain! I total tn(n| rpvpn revenu for 1926, 38.0 per from tha department of agriculture Oregon, and Chicago »7.85 Instead packed by them instead of by the grand lodge I. O. O. F. as a repre- ,mlston In a beautiful ceremony »ol- sentatlve of this gjrand lodge of ' emnized at the home of the brtjc a as long as they deside. Free tele cent for 1924, and 11.0 per cent for received by H. A. Pankow. The re of »11.30; between Portland, Ore grower. For this reas.-n it is Oregon. His itinerary v ill Include parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Snen- phones will be found for the use of 1917. port waa received after Mr. Pankow gon, and New York »10.85 Instead thought that such informs stopg at Chicago, Montreal, Quebec cer, Wednesday «venlng at 8 o’clo ,k. visitors. primarily of interest to the packir, Recepits from business licenses tof »15.80; between San Franct co 'bad sent in sample» of fallen On the main floor will be the consist chiefly of taxes exacted from New York, Washington, and other The ceremony wa8 read by Re lqaves and described the way the and Chicago »8.25 Instead of »11.90; can be more readily disseminat'd to between San Francisco and New them rather than to the grower ilm- large cities. The sessions will bje Hknrÿ Young in the presence of Ri men's department, and also the shoe Insurance and other Incorporated trees were affected. held from September J 9 to Septem mediate relatives of the young cou department and dry goods depart- companies and from sales tax on The remedy for the beetle is a York »11.30 Instead of »18.50. Long eelf, Mr. Wilbur said. Individuals ple. The groom is the son of ’dr. n:«nt. In charge of the latter de gasoline, while those from non-busi ber 24. and organizations packing fruit this distance cables, carrier systems, vac. spray with arsenate of lead, two and Mrs W. P. Smith. He is local partment will be Roy Buchanan. ness licenses comprise chiefly taxes fall and not having received the col!« pounds to 50 gallons of water. Twoluum tube repeaters, loading Dr A. S. Hisey, superintendent '¡manager for Swift & Co. Mr. and On the messanlne floor will be the on motor vehicles and amounts paid applications should be made, the , and other Improved devices and first circular letter dated August 25 alteration rooms and the offices. for hunting and fishing privileges. first when the leaves are just com-! methods, resulting from continue is should see that they arle on the of the eastern district of the Oregon Mrs. Smith plan to reside here On the second floor will be the rest conference of the Methodist Episco-1 ing out, and the second about three scientific research and development mailing list of the Freewater i t ’ c Indebtedness Decrease! Mrs. John Schimke and children rooms, the women's misses' and .,-1 ...O . b o ra tb rM , riavn th is ! pal church, was here three days this ' applied to the telephone industry, The net Indebtedness (funded or weeks later. Mrs. E. P. Illsley has returned'week as a. guest of Rev. and Mrs. have returned from Walla Walla and children's ready to wear, corsets. fixed debt lese sinking fund assets) Locust trees are also losing their have effected economies on the lo . -- — —*--------- were Freewater where they spent several luggagie, bedding, draperies, etc. Conferences of Oregon on Sept. 30, 1925, was i'tv es, and the ¿(image in this »-e ger circuits, and have a share In after * visit of two weexs in Spo-' Henry Young. I weeks. In the basement will be found kane. held here and at Echo. t . a »39,703,437, or »47.08 per espita, g caw ed by the rted spider, the report making these reductions possible. store complete in Itself, with goods 192< the caplta d#bt waa One of the Interesting chan»: ?s stated. Liquid lime sulphur in the ¡especially choeen to meet the popular^ >49 94 and in 1917i , 0.H . proportion of two gallons of lime sul from the publifc viewpoint is th u demand. For 1925 the assessed valuation phur to 100 gallons of water should by which one and a half hours have Charles E. Bond, president and of Oregon subject to ad valorem tax be applied when the spiders make been added to the reduced rate per treasurer of the store, and Willard ation was »1,053,880,737; the their appearance In the summer iod. Reduced rate» on transconti Bond, vice-president and secreta’”' amount of state taxes levied was nental station to station calls wl'l months. have for twenty-four year« beer, in »7,492,761; and the per capita levy begin at 7 P. M. instead of 8:30 P. business in Pendleton, as Bond BrosJ’ ^ &9 M., ag formerly. Between 7 P. M. SEVERAL FROM H ERE TO Clothiers. This business Is being ‘ ‘ ’ and 8:30 P. M the discount will be TEACH DURING THIS YEAR .approximately 25 per cent of the absorbed Into the new fin i and will MOTOR AT CITY WELL form the men’s department ' transcontinental stattdn to station w w aos^ IS NOW BEING OPERATED Quite a number of young women ate8 and from g :30 P M to 4 ;30 L a b o r D a y A c tiv itie s IRRIGON from the vicinity of Hermiston will A about 50 per cent of the day teach this year In schools la var-, ratee Because of the unsatisfactory lous places In the northwest. Miss- sgryip« condition which It brought Anna Bchachtermeyer ha« a school at - abouti tb^ existing midnight dis- Gurdsne. M1 m Margaret Neary tk count lg discontinued on trana- teaching the school on upper Butter ( continental cslls. •reek. Miss Gladys Whitsett plain to teach near Miles City, Monts n t. T ontils Are Removed Idea Helen Upham will teach at Mc- A number of children of school Kay school. Miss Marlon Briggs age, or less, had their tonsils remov-1 w ill be in the Oorvallls schools this ed thi» week at Pendleton. Four year: children of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoft- ------------------------- - 'man submitted to operations. Bobby Boardman F air September 3 -4 Mitchell, son of Mr. and «in. Earl The "Wort Morrow county fair Mitchell, had his tonsils removed, ns will bo^heM nt Boardman, Friday did Alice Dyer, daughter of Mr. and and Saturday, tomorrow and next Mrs. Curtis Dyer. day. It is expected that the fair ■ ................. - - w ill eclipse record» made in for-1 R ep ain To Be Made zner yean. One of the features this The library will be closed for ro- year will be a contest between sew- pairs from Sept. 3 to 9 Inelusl 'S. Ing club team« which will be held Books to be returned should be box on — the Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the dropped I n the --------------- . — llbr- Boardman school. steps. When tbe library reop» is ------------- - - — Friday. September IK «be h o v Mr. aad Mrs. W. J. Warber and will again be 12:9« to 4(36 P. M. (daughter Jane, aad Mr. and Mia., ■ Glena S. Warner were Pendleton R. Alexander of Pendleton was vfcttora Monday. , here Sunday. SCHOOL- BAND WILL' ---------- The new electric motor which re- BE HERE TO FLAY FOR FIELD plated the motor that was destroy- :♦ ♦ ♦ « <» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ed In the fli at the elty pumping DAY PROGRAM, SEPTEMBER 11 plaut about two weeks ago was In ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ stalled and went into operation last The Irrigon school band, led by Saturday, according to H. A. Pan O. B Kraus, principal of the Irri kow, and tl^ci city’s supply of water gon school, will furnish music for Is again coming from the regu'ar the annual field day program at the well. During the tlnve that Inter experiment station. Th(e presence vened between the fire and whgn of the boys' band at the field day the new motor was Installed the was assured by action taken Tues- waten was pumped from tl |> old 1 day at the Comercial club luncheon well. when It waa decided the club will A new well house of reinforced pay the expenses of tbe organiza c< ncrete ha« been consttucted to t Ion to get the boys here. house the motor and pump. The The band was organized last year forms will be left In p'see for sn- undjfr the direction of Mr. Kraus other week or ten days until th» and has appeared at a number of wall« have had sufficient time in fairs and public functions. The which to ripen. organization played here on one oc- - --------- —- eaa(on Mrs. George Creasy of Portland Is ___ ____________ j I.are as a guest at the home of hw Mr. and Mrs. W. W Felthou«» . n - ‘ daughter. Mra. A. W. Agnew. Sha talnad Informally Wednesday eve , recently returned from Seattle t ng Mag at their honja with bridge for, Yakima where she visited relatl'-». their guests,Mr. and Mra. Rob ot Fhe waa accompanied by ksr <rt nd- Jonca of Spirit Lake. Idaho. ¡daughter, Beatrice Agnew, t