Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1926)
THJ HZBIQgTOX HBJttAIZP, HBRMttTON. OMBQOlf. In tb s weak. Be used to Uva in Her. mieton but new la tan n in g In the Made White HoroeHel to Placate Spaniard Burns country. He expects to leave Published every Thursday at Har there tor the benefit of Mrs. Dowells Hernando Corteo, In the year 1528, ■Matoa, Umatilla County. Oregon by health and la considering returning entered Peten, the northernmost de Joseph 8. Harvey, editor and man partment of Ouatemale, on his way to Hermiston to live. agar. from Mexico to Honduras, Eugene Cunningham relates. In Adventure Entered aa second olaaa matter .«r. and Mrs. H . F. Lake and Mags sine. He Is credited with being Deeember, 1*0«, at the postofftee at daughter M uriel of Albany stopped tbe Brst white mnn to penetrate those Hermlatoa. Umatilla County, Oregon In Hermiston for a short time Wed dense Jungles and reach I-ake Peten .D E P A R T M E N T ST O R E S PENDLETON, OREGON Itxa, which In the Mayan tongue was "Haltunna," or “Lake With Houses," and look upon the busy Island city of tbe Itxue, an offshoot of tbe advanced Mayas who then peopled Yucatan and Guatemiila. route to Pendleton. W alla W alla, The canek. or lord of the Itzne, re Spokane and Coulee City. Washlng- ceived the S|xiniard with courtesy. He 'on, where Mr. Lake has a brother embraced Christianity and pledged al legiance to the Spanish king. Cortez in the newspaper business. - ’’ W i remained for s lime at Haltunna, let ting his force recover from the hard Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Dureten and Journey, and when he went on to Hon Infant son have returned from Cas duras he left behind a lame white cade. Idaho, where the baby was horse. This animal has furnished the born a short time ago. flexible Imaginations of Spanish his torians with one of their most pictur The Ladle» Aid society of the First esque myths of "Mysterious Peten.“ For the Indians, so the story rune, Methodist Episcopal church w ill hold having never before seen a horse and, a meeting Wednesday afternoon at 3 understanding only that It wns sick, o'clock. August 1«. In the church fed It as they would have fed a hu parlors. Every member Is urged to man Invalid of more than ordinary Im be present a» there w ill be an elec portance. The fmor brute did not long tion of officers and other Important survive a diet of cooked meut. tisb and birds. business. Upon Its death the poor Itzae, who had worshiped It as something rather Rev. Henry Young went to H e p p -, more than mortal, were fearful of Cor tier Monday to see his son who was tes' wrath. So they thought to be injured recently while employed on fool the conqnlstadore. They carved highway work In Morrow county, i from white stone a replica and set It He did not hear of the injury until np In their chief temple against Cor several days had elapsed and did not tez’ return. Even today, say some Inhabitants know the extent of the hurts u ntil] of Flores— the modem town on the he made the trip. He found that Ute of Ancient Haltunna—the Image hlB son was only slightly injured and may be seen at certain times In the had already left the hospital when waters of Lake Peten-Itza, near tbe uninhabited Island of Santa Barbara, he arrived. where It sank when the raft trans porting It was wrecked. Thia image, Fruit For Sale reported by two Franciscans as In the The Dalles non-lrrlgated Elberta temple In IB18. Is often termed the peaches, 70c per box. Italia n prunes "Sacred White Horse of Peten" and 3c per lb. Riesling and Sweetwater the “Sacred Horse of Guatemala." grapes, *1.25 per 25 lb. lug, prices' f. o. b. The Dalles. Other kinds of Veracity of Witness grapes soon. W rite for prices. J. Put to Severe Test J Fleck, The Dalles, Oregon, Box The courts in countries of the Far 203. 49-2tc East would not dream of accepting the evidence that satisfies us, yet con demn men to deuth for reasons that O ld Travel Map» we should consider trifling, according Motorists who use the Ingenious to Rosita Forbes, who tells how the strip maps of todHy, which are a cross mysterious East solves Its crime prob between a map and a picture, prob lem, In an article In Liberty. In Arabia, ably Imagine that the Idea Is an ex for Instance, Miss Forbes says: “In tremely modem thing, Invented In re any Important case, the testimony of sponse to an equally modern demand, two eye-witnesses Is necessary and says the Wall Street Journnl. But these may be tested In a most unpleas one user thereof was startled the other ant manner. The local Imam, or some day on coming across an exactly Iden holy man connected with the mosque, tlcal treatment of Important highways heats a long d rip of metal In a bra In Great Britain, dating hack some two zier. When the end Is white-hot, it Is or three hundred years. Instead of laid on the tongue of the witness. I f being In any wise crude or Incomplete, It burns him, he Is a liar. I f It has no the older strip maps were more de effect, he Is speaking the truth. tailed and explicit than the modem. “I have seen this test Justify Its ex Each milepost was Indicated by figures istence," writes Miss Forbes, "for the and landmarks along the route were metal rests on the tongue for only the noted In such useful phrases as: "A fraction of a second. The truthful large stone,” “An oak tree,” “Narrow man Is not afraid and the saliva In his gate Into a meadow," etc. Nor were mouth saves him from a burn. The any of the Inns or branch roads false witness Is terrtfled and his omitted. mouth goes so dry that the first touch scalds hls tongue I" nesday morning. Both Mr. and Mrs. Subscription Bates Lake are employes of the Albany »2.0« Democrat-Herald. He Is a pressman One Tear ________yi.ot and Mrs. Lake does society and club But Month»---- new» for the paper. They were en (Payable in Advance) nrr. place we live We on this Um atilla project havt a good place to live and work and get along. More and more people on the out aide are finding it out. The other day a farmer living not far from Hermiston went back home, a matter of a day's drive In a car, to visit. He took w ith him a collection of vegetable» he produc ed here this season. His former home was in the dry land section w ith an altitude higher than we have here. The vegetables e*P,alne<' to his relatives and fomer neighbors- why he is enthusiastic about bis Ir rigated land. Several of his neighbors, tired ol depending on rain fall that sometimes falls, have come down to look around at land here that can be bought. Others told him they are planning to come. Others, stranger» without the per- ■onal recommendation of friends who live here, have been stopping In Hermiston to investigate about the raw lands that w ill be under McKay water next spring. Still others are w riting for information. Every indication points to a real movement of settlers to the Um atilla project this fall and w inter and next spring. The local land settlement committee Is receiving and answer ing ’ Inquiries by mall. They have a lot more of that work coming up. The committee can not do all of the work, however, and right now Is a good time to begin giving serious consideration as to how our pros pects here may be told to people who are seeking a new location. Organ- lied effort counts for much, but In dividual effort also Is a big factor. Those who know of people who w ant to come here should w rite a letter and tell prospective settlers what we have to offer. The combln. ed efforts of local people can count tremendously In results. NY NEW SETTLERS ABE SELECTING 0BEG0N HOMES gust Bid« Fair to Surpass July In Number» Coming Here From Other 8tate». »ortland, Oregon, August 12-July a record In land settlement ac- llee which Augifst bids fair pass. The momentum of the iler movement seems to be cumula- i bringing homeseckers from far 1 near to establish themselves on »rallied and specialty farms In gon. luring the first ten days of Aug- the Portland office of the land dement department of the state 1 Portland Chambers of Commerce been the mecca of many who o availed themselves of the ser- ,s of this stato wide committee ;em. trnong the many visitors was J. C ig who came from Minnesota and chased a farm In Washington nty. Idaho lost J. 8. Brown who icted Yam hill county as hi» new te, while Nebraska continued Its tom of ranking high in the num- of settlers It furnished, and in- led O. C. Macleod in Its list. Mac- l found acreage which satisfied desire» In Clackamas county. The er county drew also W alter Com- who arrived recently from North ota. fter two year» of correspondence conferences with the representa- » of the land settlement depart- it In Log Angeles while an office maintained there, W . J. Burt come to Oregon from Southern ifornla. Multnomah county was fortunate district chosen In this i, Mr. Burt having purchased a I acre farm there for which he I *37.500 cash. c u lts In land settlement work] e never been better, and with the mdld class of farmers who ar- dally, not only In the Portland ce but at other points In the e, prospects are bright for a ner year In Increasing the Isatlon of Oregon’s fertile agri- ural acreage. In both the oast- nnd western sections of tho A CRANK INSTITUTION School Caps Ready Style—Value—Service W e have put as much thought into producing school caps as in our men s caps or hats. The right cap for the boy is here. Caps with style— caps that are trim , dressy and very service able. In light and dark cassimcres, s i l k s e r g e lined, leather lip. Prices always surprisingly low— 79c 98c and $1.49 “True Blue” Shirts For Boys—Cut Full—Buy Them for Long» Hard Wear Coat shirts, made like Dad’s or big brother’s—make a fellow feel grown-up. Buy them for school wear now, at this low price— Dutch Improved Cabbage The cabbage was taken to England from Holland shout ths je e r 1510. si though It Is said that this vegetable wns grown In England before that lime, hut that In that year Improved varieties were taken from Holland to England by Sir Arthur Ashley of Dorset. Cabbage was l " 'r’Kluced Into Scotland by the eoldlrre of Oliver Cromwell. Making It tor Him “What's Helen doing?" “Making a shrimp salad.” “I didn't know we had any sbrlinp In the house." "We haven't, but there’s one going te call o« her this eweuing." Little Thrift Sermon We Recharge, Repair and Rebuild ail makes of Storage Batteries -- l Schimke Battery NORTON & W P N « r > n GAS STATI N HAS FOB SALE U n io n G a s o F THE FUEL FOB M0T0B CABS THAT GVIES GOOD MILEAGE — Also— A r is to M o to r O il Blue or grey ch?.m- brays, striped c h a m - brays, khaki twills and fast color percales. Cut extra full and roomy. THAN WHICH THERE IS K0 BETTER O ur B oy»* T ru e Blue Blous?«— Same m aterials as Sb’ rts; well made— low priced at 79c. A share of your business will be appreciated Solid Tan Leather for Boys DRIVE UP TO THE CURB Roomy—Stylish—Great Value* CANCER SPECIALIST ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Ye», It*» a Puny One "There are hundreds of practical Jokers In tills world,” declared the Leslie avenue bachelor, "and each one has a bagful of tricks to play on hls friends. But there Is one they all use that apparently gives them the utmost In pleasure. They play It on the bald- headed guest whom they Invite out to dinner, by offering hlin the use of a cotnb. Being bald myself, I have been forced to chuckle my way through thia joke on countless occasions. But secretly, 1 think It’s the zero of them all. Aud while I don't think there Is a chance to eliminate It, I wish It could be done If only to add what little respect might be added to a practical Joker’s effectiveness.”—De troit News. If your battery has you BLUKiED then it needs onr attention. “Let Us Be Your Hatter” Inherited M entality According to • new theory on the mode of Inheritance of mental traits there are at least live pairs of heredi tary diameters that have to do with the passing on of Intelligence, if both parents are persons of high Intelli gence and possessed of all live pairs of these characters, their chlldreu will also average very high. I f they are Idiots, having none of the pairs of characters, their children also will be Idiots. Intermediate conditions rep resenting people of good average In telligence, nut not geniuses, will pro duce a mixture of offspring types, with occasional exceptional children, and once In a while also offspring of low mentality. Who si the crank in your car ? Do you “take it easy” while your bat tery cranks your car or doe» your battery “take it easy” while you crank your car? ! 1 i Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON i , i , , j "T he Collegiate,” a sm art, solid leather O xford For the boys. In tan leather ¡-fjood-year w e lt; rubber h e e ls; m edium toe. D esigned anti finished ju st like D ad’s shoes. A t these low prices— Size* 2 1-2 to 5 1-2 $3.49 Sizes 12 1-2 to 2 $2.98 Above Nation» Goethe, without being a Shakes peare, was cast In that mighty mold which we must call Slmkespearean. He fell short of Shakespeare and he wns different from Shakespeare, who was, so to speak, a "ninth wave" breaking on car Elizabethan shores with ths momentum of great seas behind him, whereas Goethe was virtually a first wave unsupported and unlmpelled by tradition and racial Inspiration. Shakespeare crowned English litera ture. Goethe founded German litera ture. No Chancer, no Spenser behind ! him; no long speech of hls race; no great companions such as Shakespeare had; no air of poetry and national ex pression such as Shakespeare breathed.—H. Q. Wells. Hat Y • our C ome ,nu ana ■ .• renew a nan m □absorption E x p ir e d ? 1925 Essex Coach IN FINE SHAPE Misfortune flnds It hard to spank GOOD TIRES the man with money In the hank, and LICENSE Friend »hip thus It’s well to cultivate and carry P r r t m friendship Is that of good nut the saving trait. THIS IS THE BEST BUY WE A habit la a cinch te make and very men who resemble each other In vir difficult to shake; so pick one that Is tue; for these, as good themselves, are HAVE HAD FOR SOME TIME «nre to pay—snd start to save— begin equal In (heir desire of good things for one another, snd they who desire today. He has of sense a good »mount who good things for their friends, love banka upon a bank account, for dol them especially for the sake of these lars wisely laid away Increase In value things. For they value them for what they are and not for something acci »very day. To bunk your cash Is very «rise, for dental. The friendship, therefore, of Hudson and Essex Dealer then It grows and multiplies; your these men endures as long as they are PENDLETON, OREGON balance ever Is at beat, when boosted good, for virtue Is something stable. And each of them Is good In himself j up by Interest. The man who never saves a cant te and also In relation to hls friend, for HERMISTON LOCALS always broke, or badly bent; and the* good men are both good absolutely he’s op against It right whenever and useful to each other.—Aristotle. Dr. H. F. M artin of Fremont, Neb., trouble looms In sight.—By the Col pieetdent of the Midland college. It. umnist of ths Tifton (Ga.) Gazette. W eir» Threat Verified F. Ray and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham In Ban Jacopo, Italy, la a courtyard of Rupert, Idaho, were here Sunday belonging to an old and now rained as guests at the home of Mr. and mansion, mid In this yard Isa deep and One o /A /a f u r e ’g W onder» Mrs. Enoe Martin. Dr. M artin Is a The elephant hrenlhea and smells ' very ancient well, of which It la said brother of Enos M artin, and Mrs. hy mean» of lila trunk ; frith II he puts that strange noise* resembling groana , Cunningham Is their sister. They '»od and drink Inin hie mouth, throws come front It whenever death threat ens one of the grant family who ou<-c were en route to Beattie. They llrl or hay no hls hark In protect N ivmi flies, pulls down traen, lifts heavy owned the property. were accompanied from Hermiston In HUM such strange sonnds came ’•urden» nr safely picks np lbs most by Mrs. M srtln snd two children. from the well that the neighbor» were lellrate. frágil» thing*. It asrvsn the frightened. Yet nothing happened. purimae of a hand havlag a sensitive " I don’t know of a section of the touch which enables It to milts knots; The sounds ceased and were beginning country where a man ran farm and «pen doors, or give himself a shower to he forgotten when news came from America that the Iasi survivor of the use his head In addition to h it hands bath old house bad died In San Francisco. and feet and make it any better than be esa right here." wee the comment — TRI THE HERALD WANT ADS— , I by J. T. Dowell while here eerly LET U S RECONDITION YO UR M OTORS W e have up-to-date equipment for this work. Knerr’s Repair Shop you an in town. Subscribe for The Herald~$2.00 SWIFT & CO. ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A BRANCH STATION IN HERMISION For Handling Bruce Ellis Motor Cars Cream and Farm Products We Want Yon The company pays cash for all it buys. Bring in your cream, watch it weighed and tested and get your check on the spot. Poultry of all kinds will be purchased on the same basis. Swift & Company’s long record of fair dealing with the public is your best guarantee of satisfaction. We solicit your business. Quotations cheerfully given. to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in thio line be sure To See Us I GILBERT G. SMITH, M anager