Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1926)
The Herald Keeps Close to the Heart and Mind of the Umatilla Project. ws i m 1,000,000 SATIVO HENS TO WORK TOS D i OV TABUS OF TB S UMATILLA PROJECT uitte Wrmwfcm Wralh ' ▼OL. ZZ ■ ■ ■ » - ■ ■ "■ - ■ ■ . 1 ■ 7— ' ■ OBZ EARLY POTATOES WERE SHIPPED FROM THE PROJECT THIS TEAS THAN EVES BEFORE ■ ■ HERMTSTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 29, 1928 HO. 47 T ” / mbs . JULIA KNOWLTOWtOF Local Woman Is NEW ADDITION TO CAPON BUSINESS BOARDMAN PASSES AWAY Injured in Auto Funeral services were conducted TRIED BY SMITH Accident Sunday BE DONE IN AUGUST Wednesday morning at 10:30 at the A HERMISTONIAN CREED Bennio Resigns As County Agent l o Go to M on Business Men in Favor of Private Camping Ground Department Store Will be Opened _ Soon by Bonds Í 1 l i e C it y C o u s in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ — s - - - - - - - ria ¿Av üñTi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F4ÂV ZAHTW e— nuis ■ìf PROJECT HIGH IN HONEY PRODUCTION I have faith In my fellow townsmen and In the Institutions which they have bullded and are building. I have faith In the farmers who till the soli of the surrounding terri tory, In their vision and their ability to make the most of the natural W. A. Meffcrd home at Boardman for advantages that are their». Mrs. Julia Knowlton who died Fri I have faith In the gradual righting of economic conditions that will LOCAL MAN HAS M0BE THAN 500 Mrs. EY FARM MACHINES BOUGHT L. A. Phelps la In Hospital COUNTY BIGGEST day morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. G. give to agriculture its just share of the wealth It produces and that when UMATILLA Birds. F. Watson of Hermiston conducted BUBEAU this readjustment has been realised the knowledge of how to reduce After Collision Between YIELDEB IN STATE the services. Mrs Knowlton was 72 costs to the minimum, learned und*r necessity, will result In farming Ms Flans to Use Capons to Brood Mixer and Attrition K ill Will Be years old. Two Machines. being a better business In the future than It has been in thepast. A daughter who was en route home I have faith in the future of this town and of the community around Skovbo Plant in Hermiston One of Toon< Tarpeys in Flock Driven By Motor; IlRnd Work Mrs. L. A. Phelps, Hermiston post from Honolulu for a visit arrived in It. I believe that a remarkable development Is about to be realized and Biggest for Preparing Sweet mistress, suffered painful Injuries In Eliminated Next Sprirg. time to attend the services and with that land In new areas to come under Irrigation In 1927 will be settled an auto collision last Sunday eve Mr. and Mrs. Mefford accompanied by friendly people who will add to the wealth of the community, the For Market. Jk. big Kale experiment in capon ning when the car in which she the body to Marysville. Washington, state and the nation through the Investment of money, Intelligence, cour The new addition which is under growing ag an activity supplementary was riding was. struck by Leon where interment was made. Mrs. age and Industry, Umatilla county produces about 10 to turkey raising Is being carried j Norquist’s machine. The accident i constnietlon by the Farm Bureau Co- Mefford is a daughter of Mrs. Knowl I challenge any person to show me an area of equal size which can per cent of the Oregon honey output, out this season by Gilbert Smith on happened at the street intersection ®Perat,ve w i,l be ready for occupancy boast more genial, pleasant peonle that would make better neighbors more than any other single county to the old Eugene ranch southwest of! near the Farm Bureau warehouse. by about August 15, according to ton. than are mine m this community! the state, and of the 10 per cent, by Hermiston. He has about 500 cap- Merle Phelps was driving the Sldney Barn»rd. manager, who has HITT-BOSTON Believing these things, which to my mind are self evident, I pledge far the greater part is harvested by ons and will soon have another 1001 Phelps car and was going south.1 JU8‘ «turned from Portland where myself to a greater activity than I have ever given in the past to help bees here on the Umatila project, or 125. ¡With him in the front seat were the he spent 9everal days inspecting A wedding that came as a surprise realize this possibility of a vastly better Hermiston and a bigger, more according to J. Skovbo. Mr. Skovbo When asked to tell of his work soi Voyen children, and Mrs. Phelps was machinery whtch wiH be Installed to friends was that of Henry E. Hitt populous, more prosperous Greater Umatilla Project! devotes practically ail of his time to far with the birds this season, Mr. In the rear seat. Mr. Norquist was 0 handle grinding and mixing for of Hermiston and Mrs. Alma Boston of the organization, the bee and honey business and is Smith said that he has been expert-j driving west and had just crossed member3 of Pendleton. The marriage was of the big operators inthlsdistriit. mentlng and that he does not claim the railroad. The sun was shining M'hile in Portland M t . Barnard solemnized Tuesday at noon at Walla 14 SPUDS WEIGHING ALMOST He has approximately 600 colonies that his methods should be adopt directly against his windshield and clo8ed a deal for the Purchase of a Walla with only immediate friends ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ and a honey crop of 100 pounds or ed aB authorative for this district. in his eyes and he did not see t h . “ taw ’ The machlne baa capacity to present. Mr. and Mrs. Hitt are at SEVEN POUNDS TAKEN FROM a little less during the course of the “I’ve been raising turkeys on my other car. Merle Phelps said he enab,e a half ton t0 be nilxed and home in the Hitt residence on Main ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ season per colony, will make he pro own hook for eight or ten years,” he saw Mr. Norquist but was not able'sacked every half hour‘ At present SINGLE HILL BY S. T. DAVIS duction of hie apiaries bet vcon 50,- i the m lling of feeds U done by hand’ street. said, “and one of the chief reasons to avoid a collision. Mr. Hitt is a pioneer business man th e!and the directors of the co-operative 000 and 60,000 pounds. Prospects I had for going into the capon The Norquist car struck A production of six pounds and | organization have figured that costs of Hermiston and has a host of now are that the crop will be Just Mrs ness to hold over quite a num-j Phelps machine broadside, h® reduced by doing the mixing friends here who Joined in extending seven ounces of potatoes from cs* hill Offer to Re County Agent Leader about half of normal, he said, though fter of them to use for brooding young ! Phelps was thrown clear of the congratulations. His bride has re is the record made this season by S. by machine. activity later to the season may give turkeys next spring. My experience j machine and wa3 stunned for some Proves Inducement That • sided in Pendleton for some time. T Davis of Hermiston who has farm An attrition mill to grind feeds has a larger yield than Is now expected. has made It plain to me that artific time. It was thought she was ser She is a 8ister of Dr. M. S. Kern who ed a small tract of land within the Causes Change. The operators who own 200 colon ial brooders for turkey poults are iously injured, and she was rushed been purchased from the Echo Flour is well known here. city limits as a sideline propoeition. ies or more have as a part of their ‘the bunk.' X think there will be ‘a to Pendleton immediately. Later mill. The tubers, of the the Earliest of The plans of the organ’zatlon ca'l Fred Bennion, for seven years equipment plants for extracting and nlre margin of profit In capons, and X-ray pictures showed that no bones All variety, filled a 10 pound bucket county agent of Umatilla county, an packing honey, and the one owned by In addition, I want to see If it won’t were fractured, but she suffered con- for Installing an electric motor of LAND SETTLEMENT TALKED just about as full ns It could be car Mr. Skovbo, which is near the depot, prove a good scheme to use them to sideiable pain from bruisee and sufficient horsepower to drive all of AT MEETING OF LOCAL MEN ried. There were 14 potatoes In ihe nounced last Thursday his resigna the machines that will be used. Bln tion of the office to accept the pjsi- is more nearly complete than Is brood my young turkeys. If results shock. Her condition is reported to hill, all except two being market tion of county agent leads- in A on- usually found outside of citlee. prove to be satisfactory, I expect to be gradually improving. The other and chute construction has been Enthusiasm Displayed at Last Thurs able. The largest tuber weighed 14 tana. The resignation will take ef planned with the idea In mind of There Is equipment to the plant e ’ and in the capon business.” occupants in the Phelps car escaped ounces. Mr. Davis left t'ne spuds securing the most efficient handling for taking care of all the operations day Session; Second Meeting fect August 10. Mr. Smith has used several of the with minor bruises. at the J. M. Biggs office for dis of all grains and feeds handled. Tonight. Acceptance of the new position necessary in handling the honey from heavier breeds this year in his ex- Some damage was done to both play. means a promotion for Mr. Benniou, the time the knife removes the caps perimental work to satisfy himself machines, with the loss heavier on ‘THE VOLGA BOATMAN” TO both in the matter of componsut'.on ever the comb until the retail con as to what breeds are best undar the Phelps car. Business and professional men of and from the professional point of tainer has been filled and labeled. local conditions to use in producing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BE HERE THIS WEEK END Hermiston will give their hearty sup In the Skovbo plant a knife, heat view. Hig decision to make the capons. He has White Plymouth MUNICIPAL WATER GETS port in doing everything possible to change resulted from negotiatt >ns ed by means of live steam, is used to Rocks, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island. That "The Volga Boatman” l3 the be of aid in settling lands near Her Reds, Jersey Giants and a cross be- TEST SHOWING MARKED “A” best picture he has ever made Is the carried out since about the first of remove the caps from the top of the miston that will come under water the year. June 1 he announced that comb. The frame Is then placed to ---------- tween Jersey Giants and the Barred i way Cecil B. De Mille measures the next spring, according to the spirit A sample of water from the creation which will come to the Her he would remain In the county. Re the extractor, tun by electricity, and Plymouth Rocks. displayed at a special meeting which cently a better offer was made, and centrifugal force removes it from the The white birds are making a municipal system, sent to the labo miston theatre this week Saturday wa8 held last Thursday night at the eontbs. The honey drains from tho he decided to accept it. growth now that indicates that they ratory of the state health depart and Sunday. library. The meeting was an enthusi Statement Made at Luncheon That extracting tank Into a residual tank Mr. Bennion came to the county should reach 12 pounds In weight by ment recently by J. S. West, was In this romantic melodramatic astic one and was attended by repre from Montana in 1919 where he was to the basement which has a capacity Tourists Now are Passing maturity, Mr. Smith said. The Jer giving a rating of “A” which is the screen spectacle with revolutionary sentatives of practically every busi assistant county agent leader with of 5,000 pounds. sey Giants and the Jersey-Rock cross highest that can be given. Russia for a backgrodnd of an in ness Institution in town. Up Hermiston. Live steam Is used to heat both nine counties In his district. He is blrdg give promise of being even tensely Interesting stcry by Kon ad It was called as a result of action the extractor tank and the big tank a graduate of the University of Penn heavier. The Rhode Island Reds, he Bercovlci, Mr. De Mille presents a taken by the commercial club and That the establishing and con ln the basement so the honey will aid, do not appeal to him as a breed cast of players of exceptional 11 was held in the evening so business ducting of a privately owned and sylvania. University of Utah and took run. Hot water jackets make this work in Montana State college. for furnishing capons and brilliance. William Boyd, Eli men who can not get away from their operated camp grounds will have the News oP his decision to leave the possible. The honey is drawn at When asked what price he thought nor Fair, Victor Varconl, Julia Faye, places at the noon hour to attend the moral support of the business Inter pleasure from the big tank Into cans, capons might reasonably be expected and Theodore Kosloff have the feat weekly' luncheon meetings could be ests of the community was the sen county called forth many express then strained through cloths Into a ions of regret In Hermiston and the to command over a period of years, ured roles, while Robert Edeson and present. F. B. Swayze presided for timent expressed Tuesday at the unaller tank from where the bottling Mr. Smith said he thought that the Arthur Rankin also are In the cast. the one session, rtnd temporary of- weekly meeting of the conuntrcial community. The new program of range should be from 30 to 50 cents farrtSWig which waF adopted»bT- »hwjia done, Mr. Skovbo uses t,wo_alxea "The Volga Boatman" is romantic, Icers elected included E. P. Dodd, club. per pound. The principal demand Pendleton to Have Big Service economic conference last spring and of glass jars, one that holds a quart, yet more than romance; it is melo chairman; and W. W. Felthouse. Reports that tourists have been for capon meat comes from big, ex which was being applied lu some re the other a pound. He also sells to Store in Dickson Building dramatic, yet It rises above mere ccretary. passing up the local camp, In which clusive restaurants and hotel dining spects before that time was in part five pounds pails and to the large <0 melodrama; It Is both tragic and com A second session is to be held this the municipality has an interest On Main Street. pound cans. He buys his glass con rooms. Individual buyers generally ic at times— it is intensely human— evening when proposals on adver were discussed at the meeting. It a result of work done by Mr. Ben tains) s by the carload. The big have not been educated to the excel nion. He hag also been active in a gripping love story of an aristo tising tho project to attract more was stated that a plan Is now being lence of capons, he said, but the the plans being put forward for set cans are purchased by the local bee A big service department store cratic Russian girl for a pleblan poultrymen will be presented. considered to establish a privately gradual development of the appetite to serve Umatilla county and the boatman, which often rises to great tlement of the new area that will keepers association by the carlood. owned camp here, and It was the The keeping of bees has reached for the birds should broaden the mar eastern part of the state will be heights In Its Interest and wonder Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wrlglit of Los sense of the meeting that Buch a I he under irrigation ns a result of Its maximum expansion in this dis the completion of the McKay dam. ket. opened within a few weeks by Bond ful appeal. It Is typically a Cecil Angeles who were visitors here Tues move he encouraged. One of the chief advantages of Bros. Co. In the Dickson building on The matter of a successor has been trict for the amount of alfalfa and B. De Mille theme handled In that day and Wednesday were guests of A suggestion made recently b, other flowers available, Mr. Shovbo capon raising as compared with tur Main street In Pendleton, according superb manner for which all De honor at a bridge party given by Boardmen men that Joint meetings under consideration by the extension declared. At the economic confer key raising, Is that the loss of young to an announcement made from Pen department of Oregon Agricultural Mille productions are famous. It iB Mrs. L. D. Tilden Tuesday evening. of commercial organizations of the ence held last spring the reemmenda- kirdg during the brooding season ’s dleton by Bond Bros. Tuesday. a screen masterpiece second to none Mrs. Wright formerly lived here. She various communities up and down college. (much less with capons than with tur datlon was made that no further ex The Dickson building is now un ever seen on the silver screen. Is a daughter of E. E. Smith and at the Umatilla-Columbia valley be held pansion be attempted. As new key poults. Mr. Smith’s experience dergoing remodeling in preparation MARKET INTERPRETATIONS tended school In Hermiston. There was presented to the club, and a lands come Into production soma fur with 500 capons this year has show for the opening of the new business. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sunstrup at were 24 guests at the party given motion was passed authorizing the ed that loeees in operating on the The front will be made over to pro Hay prices are strengthening In ther expansion will be possible. tended the creamery men’s conven by Mr. and Mrs. Tilden. The guests secretary to Inform the Boardman Many bee keepers raise their own birds were about three pdr cent. vide the beiBt windows possible to tion In Hood River last Fi iday. The Included Mr. and Mrs. Vane Boynton, club that Hermiston will be glad 1 response to reduced estimates. There During the 10 days following capon- secure for window displays, the queen bees, and Mr. Skovbo usually was a good carry-over In Lake and meeting was an interesting one, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Simons, Mr. and to Join In the movement. lalng he lost an additional two per floor plan of the store will be alter Klamath counties and a number of raises about 300 each season to re Sunstrup said, and a big banquet was Mrs. James Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Log R. Ling "returned to her' are buying hay ln Prepara place old queens who have outgrown cent. Then he said this year’s work ed and new fixtures will be in served the visitors as a part of the an Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mrs. M their usefulness. A queen will lay has made it clear to him that another stalled. home at Stanfield today after h a v ^ “ ™ for moving atock tbere program. Mr. and Mrs. Sunstrup Longhorn, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Per from 2,000 to 3,000 eggs a day, de two per cent will be "slips.” The present Bond Bros, store will called on customers of the Hermiston cy of Rleth, Mr. and Mrs. Ursel l”g been a patient at the Hermiston "A turkey raiser Is having mighty jbe the men's department of the new- Hairy vetch seed Is offered at pending on the strength of the col Creamery on their trip. They left Hiatt, Misses Fannie Todd and Mar hospital for about three weeks for good success If he can sell 50 per big store. In addition woman's ap $14.50 to $15.50 per hundred pounds ony and the amount of feed that Is Thursday and returned Saurday lon Briggs, Mrs. Frank Hetler of medical treatment. cent of the birds he hatches," Mr. parel and ready to wear, children's ______ by eastern Importers.. Spring vetch available. A period of 21 days la White Salmon and Earl Boynton. night. Smith said, "but I believe that it Is F. A. Baker, prominent Stanfield'«» offered at $5 per hundred in east- required from the time of laying of clothing, shoes for men, women and the egg until the worker bee emerges possible to take a flock of cockerels children w ill be carried. A big T. O. Pond was up from Umatilla Budd Knapp of Stanfield traded farmer and dairyman, w a s a Her- *rn markets. from the cocoon. In a short time he at the age of caponlzing and mat bar ln basement will be a distinct Saturday. mlston visitor Friday. here Saturday. approximately 90 per cent of them , _________ . _ ___ Oregon potatoes attached by wilt Is ready to start his llfework. ive department in the new store. One of the things which Mr. for market. That is a big spread may die suddenly but generally show Bond Bros, have been In business In favor of the capon b u sln i’s as effects slowly snd die gradually. Shovbo thinks should be done by in Pendleton for the past 24 years compared with turkey raising." Plants produced from Infected tuberg either the Umatilla project or Uma and have established a wide reputa January and February are usually msy be affected from the beginn tilla county is to have a representa tion in the merchandising business. the beet marketing months. Capons ing, the experiment station finds, and tive exhibit of products of this n t - They plan to follow the same general i squire between eight and nine never reach full size at all. The tlon displayed at the state fair at plans in their wider field that have months to mature, he said. He is plants taking It from other plants or Salem. The state fairMie character- 6 0 SO M E OTHER. made them’ successful In conduct letting his birds rustle their owe the soil first show yellowness of the j lzed a8 a "farmer’s fair where a 'THAN OVE ft ing a men's store. <0 HIM feed on alfalfa and grain stubble j lower leaves then the characteristic real Interest in the producing capac stubbie Charles E. Bond Is president and I K THAT ' wilt and death. Infected stems are Ity of different areas Is shown. The sow and will not feed them fattening treasurer of the new corporation of '/ELI local man gave It as his opinion that rations until late this fall and win discolored ln the Interior, &OHCH OF Bond Bros. Co. and F. W. Bond Is the capacity of this district to pro ter. They develop bone and body vice-president and secretary. Fred growth first, and after this stage duce should be made known by an POULTRYMEN OF STATE erick Steiwer is also one of the in of growth is passed, they put on fat RESOLVE TO STOP THIEVES’ «>>“>“ at tbe fa,r’ corporators, and the capital stock of readily and rapidly. the concern is $200,000. "1 expect to caponizc 100 or 125 A drive on chicken thieves Is ATHENA WHEAT COUNTRY Charles E. Bond will have charge birds next week,” he said. "It is sought by the Oregon Poultrymen'« of credits and finances, and F. W. GETS SOME BIG YIELDS getting late, hut I want to Me how issoclation which was to sesslnn at Bond will be merchandise man and late In the Mason I can caponlze. T he yletds of w heat, alw ays good raleg manager. Harry Benson will the state college July 21-23. County This late batch I expect to fatten to sheriffs and city police were crttl-j,n tbo Athena district, are running be head of the general office, and he right for marketing for the Eas- Henry Beck will bead the alterations-* ctsed as being less organized than tm e to form this season, according ter trade. n„ .he department. The organization will ! the thlsves. and slow to exert them- to a news story ln the Athena Press. aiH“ 1”" to the capons on tne - I selves unless special reward« are of Marion Hansell’» entire acreage re place, Mr. Smith has about 800 tnr-j include 25 employes. turned him an average of 51 bushels The belief that the store will be of fered for catching the thieve« key*. Loeees on turkeys this season Member« of the association are ask- per acre. Charles F l’ k’s wheat did usual ¡benefit to Pendleton and increase itsj have been heavier than In usual ed to contribute to a fund to be usedj(lImoBt a„ wel|, and hlr Fe«toratlon veers he said. He expressed the be- trad« area « P " ”* <’d by the two In apprehending and convicting poul-HlJ tM,tlng wen. w atts Bros, have UH th .^ tb e mild winter experienced merchants In making their announce^ .it X made It easier for disease ¡«".nt of their move. Their present itry thieves. Various other means of Recure<, abOut 45 bushels on their checking the thievery were suggeet-j whpat north of Athena. ’ to survive. Turkey raiser, all location on Main street ha. b « n ed among them the practice of us- F?()erntlon is rating well for £ e 7 t o e west are reporting heavier leased to the Woolworth company Ing leg bands on the bird« or yield. according to reports. returns loeees to their Dock« than « « “ ’ he quarters for a five, ten and fifteen Ing registered marks on the skin. ; ,.ang |n)t | n a majority of caKS be- rent store. said. . ________________. The new officers are Edward Snow. twpin jq nnd 50 bushels. Selling ¡Monroe, president: Roy Putman. I t Athena has not been rapid. John Butson pf Umatilla wa. here ReT and ’ mta * C ^ w . ^Dursten are I Clackamas, vlce-preeident; H. B. ..........................— Saturday, 1 , he parents of an eight and a half Cosby. Corvallis, poultry extension Seamans Have Boy Mr. and Mrs. by»* Seaman of Ir specialist of tbe college extension pound boy horn at the home of Mrs. Wivice, secrctsry-tressurer; Ambrose rigon are the parents of a son born Two Echo matron, who shopped mother at Cascade, Idaho, here Wednesday were Mrs. Claude Ju|y n Tfce baby baa named Brownell. Milwaukie, and Mra. W. H. Saturday morning-at the Hermiston Hampton and Mrs. Hawley Bean. , uharle» Warner Jr. | Thompsqn. Canhy. directors. - ¡ hospital.