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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1926)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. Vlp^rrartatan WrraUi Published every Thursday at Her. mleton, Umatilla County, Oregon by Joeeph 8. Harvey, editor and man ager. Entered ad second class matter December, ISO«, at the postoffice at Hermiston. Umatilla County, Oregon. Subscription Rates One T e a r ...... ................ .............. «2.0« Six M onths.................................. «1.00 (Payable in Advance) THINGS MOVE ALONG the Westland district to see «h at is being done here. Some sales of laud have been made, others are in course of negotiation, and other pro«pective settlers are planning to be here within the next few weeks to see at first hand )ust what this district has to offer. Every Indication points to the ushering in of a new era of gradual expansion and development. Many people who left the farm a few years ago to try industries and a regular pay day In the cities have had time to check up on results and to find that while Income on the payroll may be a bit steadier than on the farm, outgo Is Just as regular as payday and that the farm has a lot of ad vantages that people have been prone to minimize during the period of In a survey of business conditions in Portland published Sunday by the! Oregonian, the statement was made poHt war ePre,B OB- that those lines of business whose1 " dealings are chiefly with the farm NOWATER SUM WIL TRY AGAIN FOR RIDING HONORS ers are having a better volume than for some time and that prospects are for a gradual increase. Good crops Buckarco Who Hit Gnt Last Year From Sunfishin’ Cal to be in the state as a whole with the At Roand-Up average of prices fairly satisfactory are the factors that are interpreted as explaining the gradual resumption . Pendleton, Ore., July 22— To a real of buying on the part of the agricul cowboy, that la a buckaroo, a rider of mean horses, the supreme sin is tural interests of the state. “pulling leather.” In the Umatilla valley's Irrigated As pulling leather consists merely districts a greater spirit of optimism In grabbing the horn of the saddle prevails today than for several years. It has no particular consequence In It is not a "hip, hip. hurrah" sort the eyes of the layman save as a cf optimism and is not being shout possible means of keeping off the ed from the house tops, but Its pres ground and avoiding Injury. ence can be felt and seen and heard I A real buckaroo. with his heart (torn a good many angles. in the work and taking pride In hts Thig year farmers have had a technique, will be thrown rather greater variety of crops to sell on than pul) ;eather. the Umatilla project than ever be- Last fall at the Round-Up Nowater fore. Very few Individuals had any Sllm. one of the best riders In the great volume of any one commodity, business, had just got piled rather except some who are still In the al- hurriedly and rather neatly from falfa raising game on a big scale, but^^g hack of Cal Coolidge, a gaunt, in the aggregate the sales of aspara gray demon with pronounced ability gus, berries, early potatoes and along sun-fishing lines. other truck crops have brought a Slim got up and dusted off his nice wad of cash to farmers all dur pants disgustedly. ing the season. Receipts from eggs “Why didn't you pull leather Slim, have been heavier than ever before asked a tall photographer who was nnd have come along In a steady taking In hts first Round-Up. stream that helped farmers a lot. Slim looked at him in his tired, The price of butterfat hag not been quizzical way and then looked into so high as in some seasons, but It the blue sky knowingly. has not shown the wide fluctuations “Did you see any leather up there that at times can be disquieting to where I iwaq at, stranger?" glim both produoerg and butter makers. queried sarcastically, "Gosh dinged A lively Interest on the part of ef I did!" I prospective settlers Is already be But hope springs eternal in the ing displayed In our Irrigated laml, cowboy chest and Slim will be baek both developed and undeveloped. at the Round-up this year with vis As a result of concerted efforts to ions of winning the bucking cham secure the new settlers that will be pionship during the days of Septem needed to make homes on lands ber IS, 16, 17 and 18. He has as watered from McKay reservoir, a good n chance as any, for there's number of outside people, quite a many a winner who knows the taste few from outside of the state, have of the arena’s dust, and the best of been going over the old project and them get plied at times. “I J)eLuxe Sedan A p p o in ted in Excellent Taste Meadowbrook ICE Open Sunday* FROM 7 A . M. UNTIL 3 P. M. Always Ask For Inspect the APPOINTMENTS of this beautiful car, and the PRICE w ill impress you as remarkably low. Western Club Body finished in Maxine blue lacquer, black above belt line, with silver gray striping and lustrous black enamel shields and fenders. Upholstery—silver gray genuine mohair velvet with seat backs and cushions In the latest custom paneling. SPECIAL Instrument board and window mouldings in rich walnut, hard ware in polished nickel, smartly designed for this vehicle. Natural wood wheels with dagger spoke-stripes. Steel disc wheels, in Maxine blue, optional at no extra cost. AT YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAIN — Complete special equipment, including: polished nickel radi ator shell and emblem, cowl lamps, cowl ventilator, nickeled front and rear bumpers, heater, automatic windshield cleaner, and many others. Bottled By A smart, roomy and dependable closed car that will serve you for years at low cost. WM.ROESCH BOTTLING WkS CARBONATED BEVERAGES E. R. SCHILLER, Pendleton, Oregon J. G. Pearson, Black and White Garage, Hermiston, Oregon Pendleton, Oregon CANCER SPECIALIST a R O T H E -R S MOTOR CARS ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage I ■> PENDLETON, OREGON Buster Brown oe Store Pendleton, Oregon Announces Its Third 2 FOR I SHOE SALE Two pairs of Women’s or Children’s Shoes for the price of one. It need not be two pairs of the same style. You need not buy two pairs for the same person—bring your friends and family and split the bill. Come early and get the pick of sizes and patterns. This sale will not last long, so we urge you to come a t its beginning. SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING