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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1926)
W E HEgMISTOg HERMISTO j S, OKBGOy. l. Thomas William Peters, deceased. Section 31; and a strip of land con LODGE DIXSOTOM Ited. Martha Lens had been visiting there for several weeks, and she con* Raley, Raley ft Stelwer and H. J. taining 7H acres off the north end QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER Ko. Warner. Attorneys for Administra of the East half (EV6) of the eluded her visit. Mr. Lens Is carry 101, O. E. 8.. meets second and tor. 44-6te 'Southwest Quarter (8 W !t) Section ing both his hands In bandages now, fourth Tuesday evenings of each 31, Described as commencing at the due to bolls. During his enforced month at 8:00 sharp tn Maeonle hall. vacation he Is getting out of milk NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S center stake of said Section S I ,1 Visiting members welcome, thence South 18 rods, thence west 80 Cigar«, Tobacco ing and other kinds of work on the SALE Euthemla Jackson, W. M. rods, thence north 13 rods, thence ranch. IN THE COUNTY COURT. PF THE east 80 rode to the place of begin-] Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. - J Barber Shop STATE OF OREGON FOR nlng. all in Township 4, N., R. 29 FARM REMINDERS UMATILLA COUNTY V iN E Y A K B LODGg N O . 20». L O. JX ». E. W. M ; v m e e l, each Mon,Iky even)«« 1» Odd fkMnra hall. Vint tin g members coniial)? invited. and that said administrator will re Nicotine sulfate as sold in Oregon In the Matter of the Estate W. R. Longhorn. Sec. Jasper Tem pleton. N. Q. ' of ceive bids for said land from and in liquid form will keep indefinite Susan A. White, deceaeed. after Monday, the 9th day of Aug RECLAMATION IzODGE N o. )0V< E . ly without loss of strength, says the o f F . meet« each Thursday ev en t« } in ust, 1926, and will sell the land to Notice is hereby given that the experiment station. The highest Mack's Hall, a t 7JO P .M . ViMtln« brothers cordially invited. grade is a solution of nearly 50 per undersigned as administrator with the highest bidder for cash, pro W. H. McMillan R. A. B ro w n « * . K. R. and 8 . 0 7 C. ft cent nlqotine sulfate in water con will annexed of the estate of Spsan vided said bid is satisfactory to the IF IT’S taining 40 per cent nicotine. The A. White, deceased, and pursuant to Judge of thg above entitled court. PROFESSIONAL CARDS This notice Is published four con only forms in which it is available an order of the above entitled court made and entered on the 30th day of secutive weeks In the Hermiston are black leaf 40. Hall's 40 per cent Dr. F. V. PRIME June, 1926. will sell for cash in hand Herald, a newspaper of general cir nicotine, N. P. C. nicotine, and Or in one parcel at private sale upon culation, published In Hermiston, DENTISTRY LEVERAGE tho nicotine sulfate. Nicotine dustg YOU WANT sealed bids at the First National Umatilla County, Oregon, and by Dental X-Ray and Diagnoiis may be either staple or unstaple. To move obstacles that would seem Impossible is afforded by an Bank in Hermiston, Oregon, subject posting the same notice in three pub Hermiston, Oregon CALL 25-J to confirmation by the above entitled lic places In said County and State, accumulation of your spare amounts of cash. Bank Bldg. Phone Connections court, all the following described all In the manner and form as by COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITE1 We invite you to open an account and start saving today. The common “millers” flying lands located in Umatilla County, law provided. W. J . W ARNER lights in the evening are parents of Oregon, and all belonging to said es Dated this 8th day or July, 1926. Attorney-at-Law the destructive cutworms that often tate, as fellows: F. B. SWAYZE, TRANSFER AND DRAY ♦ strike down portions of Oregon gar Administrator with will annexed, of * East half (E I4) of the West half Hermiston : : : Oregon of Hermiston den and field crept), the experiment (W U ) of Section 30; the East half the estate of Susan A. White, de Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over 950,000 station points out. The female lays (E14) Northwest Quarter (N W U ) ceased. (44-5tc) H S. McKENZIE, M. D- 200 to 500 eggs singly or in masse; f. B. Swayze, Pree. R. Alexader, Vice-Pree. on or near the food plants of the A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Aast. Cashier Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat larvae, which are hstched from the Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. eggs in a few days. This grood grows Pendleion, Oregon up feeding on the mid-summer plants Call in and let ns tell you in person what we can do for you FOR TRADE— 5 acres In northern We Wash Everything But the and develops into moths later tn the at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied customer is our best advertise Cal., for city property or anything JAMES I . SEARS, M. D, Baby. fall. It is this generation that lays ment. Come and see for yourself. can use. Also property in, The the batch of eggs from which the Physician and Surgeon All the latest methods are used at this Beauty Shop and all Dalles for trade. Inquire Herald FOUR TIMES A WEEK cutworms that winter over as half Office Phone 733. Res. Phone 712 work is done under sanitary conditions. offlqe. 47-ltc SERVICE grown larvae under the surface of Office in First National Bank Bldg. SLOAN BONNET A N D B E A U T Y P A R L O R S FOR TRADE— »1500 equity In 23 the 80,1 are hatched. They are eas --------------------------------------------------------------- j - Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties ily controlled by a poison bran mash, j TOR SALE acre ranch for good used car. In Smart and Exclurive M’llinery at Most Reasonable Prices. DR. CHARLES H. WHITTAKER quire Herald office. 4(-3tp FOR SALE — Plume, pears and 645 Main St., Pendleton, Ore, Telephone: 380 The International Institute of Ag Chiropractic Physician prunes. Plums 3 cents pound at riculture at Rome ig a clearing house PIANO MUST BE SOLD Electric Therapy Massage farm, east of Carl McNaught’s. F. Will sacrifice fine piano in stor for agricultural information from 90 L. Allen. 47-tfc Hours: 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5:30 P. M. countries. age near here for immediate sale. Pendleton, Oregon 18-20 Judd Bldg., Main at Court QUALITY SERVICE POR SALE— 2 coal oil stoves, two Will give easy terms to a responsi TAKEN UP NOTICE WE ARE GROWING Phone 691 Pendleton, Oregon burner hanging lamp, Alladin ble party. For full particulars and Notice is hereby given that I have lamp, electric vacuum sweeper, 2 where It may be seen, address, Port day by day. That is because we DR. THEO. BELETSKI, electric motors, electric iron, land Music Co., 227 6th St., Port taken up and have kept for about 45 please our customers with the Veterinarian 46-3tc days at the E. E. Shaw ranch, 10 clothes wringer, lavatory, small land, Oregon. kind of vulcanizing work we do. miles northeast of Hermiston the Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter gas engine, 2 horse collars, line Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines state Stock Inspector shaft and 24-ln. wood split pulley Umatilla • Hermiston - Pendleton following described animals: together with good matrlals and Helix Stage Schedule 1 buskskin «gelding and 1 black and friction cluth pulley, and workmanship turns out a flrat class Eric C. Schroeder, Prop. gelding with big double brand on small ga8 engine. Want refrigera Job. P. M. neck about 12 years old, weight about A. M. Leave tor and china cabinet. C. W. Til Leave Umatilla . Pendleton 7:30 4:30 1200 each. den. 47-2tp PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY Hermiston 8:00 Rieth ...... - 4:40 Said animals will be sold, unless Stanfield Barnhart .. 4:50 8:20 206% E. Alta St. Pendleton, Oie. FOR SALE— Hoosier kitchen cabinet. Your needs in everything redeemed, at public auction to the 8 -30 . 5-10 L. C. Dyer, phone 78-W. 39-tfc highest bidder for cash In hand on that is necessary to com Nolin ....... 8 5 0 - 5:30 the 6th day of August, 1926, at the FOR SALE — Freeh cows. B. M. Barnhart . 9:10 Stanfield .. 5:40 above described ranch at 10 o’clock plete your golf outfit. Residence second house west of the Hammer. 37-tfc Rieth ....... 9:20 Hermiston 6:00 Catholic church. Phone. 82-R. Pendleton 10:00 Umatilla .. 6:30 A. M. Dated at Hermiston on this 22nd FOR SALE—Adding machine rolls Helix ___ 11:30 • ! 1 » 1 :zl- day of July, 1926. at the Herald office. .T h e 46-2tp Signed, E. E. SHAW, Sunday Schedule With the approach of hot weather our service In taking care Leave Umatilla 10:30 A. M. FOR BALE—A 7 room strictly mod. of your laundry worries has an added appeal that can hardly be Leave Pendleton 4:30 P, M. ern house, full basement an dgood NOTICE TO CREDITORS resisted by the family in which the health and well being of the No trip to Helix Sundays. lawn. Close to school. Might trade. Notice Is hereby given that the housewife receives consideration. For a nominal charge all the See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc Leave from Stage Office Dorion Hotel undersigned has been appointed ad drudgery of wash day and Ironing day can be banished from yqur ministrator of the estate of Jannle Phone 1105 home and done by us with the most modern machinery possible to PIANO BARGAIN—The case of this Senn, deceased, in the County Court, piano was marred In shipment. buy. HERMISTON LOCALS in the State of Oregon, for Umatilla That— Will sell at big discount; can be County. All persons having claims bought on monthly payments. Pen- "Make hay while the sun shines" against the said estate are hereby re-' land Bros. Transfer Company. 44-4 is the motto of Henry J. Taylor of quired to present such claims duly, Pendleton, candidate for re-election verified, and with proper vouchers FOR SALE— Cheap, 8 room modern to the office of Joint senator of attached, to the undersigned at the home and 6 lots In Adams. Ad* Union. Umatilla and Morrow coun office of Raley, Raley & Steiwer In dress A. H. Kirby, Pendleton, Ore. ties. The senator was a Hermiston the American National Bank Build-, A LITTLE TALK ON BACKBONE 45-4tc] visitor Tuesday In the Interest of Ing, In Pendleton, Oregon, within six When we speak of the farmer be PIANO to be sold at Hermiston? his campaign. He is a strong advo months from date of this notice, the ing the backbone of the nation, you cate of economy and fewer commis same being dated and published the Is proven by the large list of satisfied customers we serve every know what we mean. The backbone Quality Instrument going at big sions and is making his campaign as first time this 8th day of July, 1926. week In this territory. We welcome new customers. is the supporting structure of the discount. Terms »10 monthly. | a farmer’s candidate. The First National Bank of Pendleton We Haul Anything Anywhere Whether It Is finishing work, rough dry work or Thrlf-T- Ser whole body. Chiropractic Is based If Interested In particulars writs As administrator of the estate of vice you seek, you are bound to be satisfied If the old reliable upon this supreme fact. Let us tell Cline Plano Co., 66 Front Street,] Anytime “The best stretch of highway In Jannle Senn, Deceased. Domestic Laundry handles it. you about It. Portland, Ore. 46-4te the state of Oregon Is the Old Oregon Raley, Raley ft Stelwer and H. J. LONG DISTANCE MOVING FO SALE— Pair geldings 2700 lbs.,| trail between Pendleton and The Warner, Attorneys for Adminis ' Dr. W. BOYD WHYTE A SPECIALTY Dalles.*’ This unqualified statement trator. 44-5tc Chiropractor pair mares 3400 lbs., all young and Phone 74-M sound; Weber wagon with wheat was made last Friday by 3. A, Mur Stangier Building NOTICE TO CREDITORS bed, 6-horse H type Fairbanks- ray, district manager of the Pacific PENDLETON, OREGON Notice la hereby given that the Morse gas engine. Call at Boone Telephone ft Telegraph Co., while here from Pendleton on business for ranch, 1 mile Minnehaha school. undersigned has been appointed ad 46-c his company. He recently returned ministrator of the estate of Thomas from a motor trip that took him into William Peters, deceased. In the OR SALE— Pure cider vinegar, 40c the southern and western part of the County Court of the State of Oregon' gallon; 36c in lots of five gal state. for Umatilla County. All persons « 206 East Court St. J lons. F. J. Prann. 46-tfc having claims against the said es-' F. W. Lenz and son Martin and tate are hereby requested to present j ANY AND ■ ADDING machine rolle at the Herald daughter Martha returned Satur such claims duly verified, and with office. day from points in the Willamette proper vouchers attached, to the un You do not have to crate your valley where they spent several days. dersigned at the office of Raley, furniture when moving in our closed True education combine« theory and practice, and its goal Is ser Mr. Lens and Martin left last Wed Raley ft Steiwer, in the American padded van a we hnve furniture pads MISCELLANEOUS vice. Oregon's Land-Grant College affords the liberal training es nesday. They were guests of Misses National Bank Building, Pendleton, for all kinds of furniture. I FOR YOU 2 sential to personal culture and civil efficiency, combined with Emma and Sophia Lenz at Salem. Oregon, within six months from date Our big closed van has electric OR RENT— Modern 4-room house, From there they went to Crabtree, of this notice, the same being dated special training for leadership in fieldr vital In modern life. lights and sleeping quarters over the -z Phone 139 close in, »15 month. Inquire Dr. where they visited Mrs. Minnie Nor and published the first time this 8th Pendleton. Ore. ■ Basic and General Training— driver's seat, and on long runs we Prime’s office. 46-tfc man, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. day of June, 1926. In the School of Basic Arts and Sciences and the departments ran drive day and night. Lenz. At Lebanon another daugh Michael Keating, of Industrial Journalism, the Library, Physical Education and FOR RENT—Four room residence. ter. Mrs. Herman Kowitz, was vis- iAs administrator of the estate of Music. Let Us give you a price on mov Inquire Knerr's Repair Shop. ing your goods. 41-tfc Technical and Special Training— With curricula leading to the bachelor’s degree In the schools of TOR SALE—Good Jersey cows Just Phone 339 AGRICULTURE HOME ECONOMICS Pendleton, Oregon FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WE WELL GIVE fresh. Inquire at Herald office. CHEMICAL ENGINEER- MILITARY SCIENCE 44-tfc INO MINES Wc Haul COMMERCE PHARMACY HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING Library Hours— Library Is open ENGINEERING VOCATIONAL EDUCA ANYTHING BUTTONS every day except Sunday from 9 FORESTRY TION and ANYWHERE to 19:30 A. M. and 4:30 to 6:30 Graduate work is offered In most of the schools. In addition to BUTTON HOLES ANYTIME the Resident Instruction, the Experiment Station and Extension TELEPHONE 31 Watch, clock and Jewelry repairing. Service specialize in the application of science In every-day Ufa. Mail orders promptly Opposite Kellogg’s Garage « • Newell, next door to Sappera. attended to. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 20 18-tfe For latest Catalogue and Information address Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf THE SMART SHOP THE REGISTRAR ' Mr«. B. L. Parker. Prop. RXAL BBTATM EXCHANOEB AND 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. INIURANCE. J. M. BIGG8, RE CORVALLIS ALTOR. PAIIITS, WALLPAPER, Hermiston Second Hand Store.— PICTURE MOULDINGS r - B L 1.— Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup AND GLASS plies, Harness, Saddles. Wagons. 35-Ifc CONTRACTING FO U N T A IN Bert Mullins SERVICE T. H. G aither J First N ation al Bank ♦ W h en In P endleton— LAUNDRY Troy Laundry Com pany W e H ave VULCANIZING Domestic Laundry Our Service is Satisfactory C om e in and give our line the “on ce over.” H IT T Challis Transfer & Storage Domestic Laundry Inc. W m . Shaar, A g en t Phone 461 Penland Bros. ■J. L. V A U G H A N S Science for Service T R A N SFE R CO. S i Everthing Electrical 5 | i ■ ! ■ ■■■■■■■*«■■■■■■■■■■ ■ H erm iston T ransfer FREE A Safety Razor, either Keen Kutter or Gem PASTURE for P. Dodd. or cattle. E. 94-tfe TRADE equity In 5-room house, Port land for acreage. 4149 94 S. E., Portland. 43-«tp Hotel Dorion of Pendleton has Juat completed the new addition. Her miston people are Invited to make the hotel their headquarters when in Pendleton. O -4t« with each $2.50 purchase. THESE ARE THE REGULAR RAZORS SOLD FOR $1.00 SEE OUB WINDOW DISPLAY ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER W. L BLESSING HARDWARE Oregon Agricultural College L. J. M cA tee We Want Yon W E G RIND A N Y T H IN G Bring in Your M ow er S ick les Knerr’s Repair Shop to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this new s paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure 513 Main St. Phone 158 Pendleton, Oregon. Legal Blanks for at This Office To See Us Sale , .1 till—