Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1926)
TfflB H W I S T O I m n u i p , HJEBMIgypy, OBJBttOlT — district where he ha« a email herd He depends largely on fruit for his cash returns and has a wide variety of fruits. He was a Hermiston visitor last Thursday. of dairy cows. School Days Are Coming < I * We are stocking a LOCAL AMD PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES • O m i w i i a t I a t a n « Giwuwd B a n and Thara Abaat tka C4I» and Neighbor baud Bill Swltxler wins here from Uma tilla Movday. He went to Pendle Ray Brown wits here form Board' ton where be Joined a group of Round-up officials for a trip to man Saturday. Cheyenne to attend the Frontier W. T. Wright was here from Ir Days show. rigon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McKenils and T. P. Delano of Boardman was here family left last Friday for Bend. Crater lake and other pointe in Tuesday on business. s^ thern Oregon. They planned to William Mitchell of Stanfield was go on to the beach to spend a vaca tion period. In Hermiaton Monday. Young Men's Trousers and WafcA for our adv. and window display on these KINGSLEY’S H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A TIP CONCERNING Y O U R CHICKEN H O U SE Anticipating chicken home business for the late summer and fall, we secured a complete stock of material for this business early in the spring. This stock has been In the yard for the last five months and Is now thoroughly dry. This gives you a stock that will build an absolutely tight chick en house at the same price as green lumber would cost. You cannot afford to take a chance on using green lumber for a chicken house when we will guarantee the stock that we furnish not to shrink. REX CAFE W H O ’S W H O T O D A Y TUM -A-LUM LUM BER CO. Phone 111 Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Matott were Pendleton visitors on Monday. Subscribe For T h e H erald Hermiston Theatre ■ ■ ■ ■ No. 2 Common Ask us to show you our stock of No. 2 Common Good serviceable material for cheap construction. May be used in a surprising number places in your building operations, at a substant ial saving. Saturday J. M. Doyle of Plymouth, Wash ington, traded In Hermiston Satur day. , i • 1 Sunday W. T. Bray and George Hower were two Umatilla men who were here last Friday. Mrs. Merle Phelps has returned ' from Wyoming after a visit with relatives for several weeks. Mias Amy Winslow of Indianapolis, lnd„ arrived last Wednesday for a fen day visit with her father, James Winslow. Mrs. Charles Taylor was a Pen dleton visitor Tuesday. She made the trip to see Mrs. L. A. Phelps in St. Anthony hospital. A number of Hermiston people went to Pendleton Monday to see lhe circus that showed there in the afternoon and evening. Si ! * FUEL Mrs. E. P. Dodd and daughters. Isabelle and Ruth, spent several days this week at Pendleton as guests of relatlvea. Slab Wood for summer use. The best range fuel for the warmer 3 days. ■ Nut Coal in stock at all times. ¡ Mrs. Mabel Ralph and daughters. Betti«. Charlotte and Helen, will leave Sunday for the beach for a vacation of two or three weeks. Mrs. Frank Little has returned from Blalock where she spent sev eral days as a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. T. Solvesler. Mrs IJttls and Mr» Solvsster are sister*. 8 ■ Inland Empire Lumber Company and C. B. D e M ille BIG SPECIAL “The * M.AL IT R A W , M G*. Exclame Representativo sí National Batidera Bnrean ARE NOW ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. Oregon Hardware & Imp1 THE Mr». James Winslow and daugh- . tars. Mrs. Marjorie Hall and Mias ¡Amy Winslow, drove to Weiser, Idaho, Tuesday. rwturnlng Wednes day night. I | ¡ ,. ■ I ' M- F. Caldwell farms In th« Irrigon i W /y C /flS T ÍR — •. -> «TORE WE HAVE MARKED DOWN ALL LIGHT SHADES i LADIES’ PUMPS AND OXFORDS 20 P E R H 'VT 1 This price concession makes thes 3 shoes away below their value. We will include In this mark down all brown or Cordovan shades as well. « -4 We have received a new line of Rayon and Pure Worsted Hos Priced at »1.00. wear. In New Shades—just the thing for ear'y fall Don’t forget we carry the Arrow Collars for Men sa well as the Arrow Shirts. Parties will soon be In order and you will want to dies., i p You will find a good line of The scientist’s wife obeys these laws NECKTIES Of late style to brighten up the old suit If you want to. Just a little. ____________________ __ — — — — — ^ “ (JORDAN HAT Will be found a good addition for the necessary repairs to the wardrobe. 25-50c Two Full Shows Each Evening The picture that is takina the L IV E S T O C K QUALITY P& i n t»<'d Varnish T h e r e ’s an A c m e Q uality P ro d u c t for e v e ry p a in t ing n e e d outdoors as w ell as in. C om e and talk things o v e r, today. W. L. BLESSING Volga Boatman Company She know? health and hap piness com es from o b se rv an ce of th e se Jaw s—the law s of color harm ony in the finishing of th e w alls and ceii:n<:L I f you do n o t k n o w th e se su b tle color law s, com e to th is A cm e Q uality P a in t a n d V arn ish S erviop Sie.ticn. L e t us show yon ho w you can give y o u r ro o m s a d d e d re stfu ln e ss and c h arm by th e u se of A cm e Q u ality wall and ceiling finishes. Hardware PkMM'JSI * * * * The Yard oF Bett Quality * At Special Prices for this w ek Hermiston Produce and Supply James Hoskins of Stanfield trans acted business in Hermiston Mon day. IB ■ ■ Mrs. Harry Orammet was a Her ■ miston Cedar Flume Lumber ■■■ nesday. visitor from Umatilla Wed ■ and Mrs. A. Y. Humphrey A new stock on hand for your ■ were Mr. Hermiaton 8 man Saturday. visitors from Board- flumes and repairs 8 Any Pyrex dish or part which breaks from oven heat within two yearg from date of purchase may be replaced by any Pyrex dealer in exchange for the broken places. PYREX CASSEROLES PIE PLATES AND UTILITY DISHES With Heavily Nickeled Brass Stands Clint Jackson took a load of Her miston melons to Pendleton Tuesday. ■ ■ G U A R A N T E E SPECIAL from The chick door of the O. A. C. colony brooder house is placed In one of the front corners, since it is' Mrs. F S. Green of Stanfield easier to drive the chicks out through shopped In Hermiston Friday. a corner door. The shutter hangs on a top slide and extends to the E. T. Messenger of Boardman was tloor level. There Is no clogging as in many sliding door operations. here Baturday. Ingvard Skovbo was here Boardman last Friday. MATERIALLY YOURS i Pyrex is the most lasting bakliyt ware »v«y ( piade. U( never chips, flakes or crass« even after years of use. It cannot rust, turn out or dlscolqr and remains new forever. City Meat Market A M D B S H V IC t' R. A. Brownson, Mgr. Pyrex Glassware SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOUR! Open 5:30 to 9:30. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and H Mrs W. C. Isom of Stanfield shopp T. Fraser and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. ed in Herinistonn Saturday. Harvey visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. George Rands was here from Glasgow Sunday afternoon. The GOV. A VICTOR DONAHEY Glasgow hospitality, well known to Irrigon Saturday. many Hermistonlans, resulted In all “In most ‘bumper crops’ it’s the K. G. Gabriel of Stanfield trans of ths visitors eating a lot of melon price that bumps the farmer.” acted business here Saturday. THERE IS NOTHING SO C A. Paul returned Monday from EXASPERATING Mrs. J. B. Wright was a visitor in Bend after attending a big district picnic of employes of the Pacific To the busy housewife as to have to Hermiston Tuesday from Irrigon. Telephone & Telegraph company held wait and wait for the Meat to be de Mrs. Perry Arthur of Echo shopped Sunday. He formerly worked in livered, then whehn it does come that district before coming to Her find it -so tough that you can’t cook in Hermiston Monday. miston. About 300 attended. He it. We pride ourselves on the Choice Meats we sell, prompt delivery and N. E. Robertson of Echo was a left Hermiston Saturday. orders carefully filled. Hermiston visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patrick of Mrs. M. C. Burchett was here from Elma, Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Patrick of Twin Falls, Idaho, Umatilla Friday. were visitors here Monday and Tues? PHONE 131 Mrs. Fred Relks was here from day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J- S. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irrigon Wednesday. Patrick were en route to Yakima WE MAKE A SPECIALTY A. E. McFarland was here yes after a visit in Twin Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Patrick were en route terday from Umatilla. OF CREAM BUSINESS to Bend, to visit relatives. Whipping Cream........... 30c Pint O. P. Lockridge of Stanfield was Coffee Cream...............30c Pint Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Biggs will leave here yesterday. Night and Morning Deliveries Sunday for Coos Bay and Marshfield You can't get better food than S. R. Cooper was here from Stan to attend the annual convention of milk and cream. The quality the American Legion and the Ladies field yesterday. cf our products is excellent. We Auxiliary. They plan to spend solicit your business. J. W. Connell of Umatilla was a their vacation at the beach follow ing the convention. Mr. Biggs will Hermiston visitor Saturday. JERSEY DAIRY represent the local post, and Mrs. Jenkins Bros., Piops. A. B. Atchison was here from Biggs will represent the local chap Hermiston Umatilla ter of the auxiliary body. Umatilla last Friday. Blazers H t S M Í6 T O N -g IS OUR SPECIALTY HOME MADE PASTRY WE SERVE 40c LUNCH FROM 11:30 TILL 3:00 P. M. Fried Chicken, home style, 50c Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald left O. W Jackson of Umatilla was last Monday for their home in Glen here Monday. dale. Calif., after a two weeks' Mis. O. J. Kendllar was here from visit at the home of Janies Wlnalow. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Winslow Umatilla Monday. are sisters. Mrs. Fred Furrer of Stanfield was Miss Ada Soneson returned early here yesterday. this week after a vacation trip of H. L. Dexter of Umatilla was a three weeks. She visited at Salem. Eugene, Vancouver and at the beach. Hermiston visitor Monday. Dining her absence her place In El. C. Chaney of Irrigon trans Kingsley's Inc. was taken by Mrs. Vane Boynton. acted business here Monday. complete line of I Home Cooking W ANTED Phone 411 HERMISTON MARKET NOTICE TO CREDITORS D I THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY In the matter ot the Estate of Joseph W. Craik. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Joseph W. Craik. deceased, and has quali fled as the law directs. All persons having claims against said estate nre required to present the same to me at the office of W. J. Warner, my attorney. In Hermiaton. Oregon, with proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day ot July. l l t t . RAY C. GOODE, (4d-Stc) Administrator. H erm iaton H osp ital We can care for you cheaper and givj you better aervice than you can receive at home. Minor Operations Cun Be Performed H en. Maternity Cases Especially Solicited 39-J HERMISTON, OREGON