Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1926)
The Herald Keep« Clora to the Heart and Mind of the Umatilla Project. l.OCC.OOC LATINO HERB TO WORK TOK OS 0 * TABUS O f THE UMATILLA PROJECT ©It? Wrmtßimt Wralfc a* v***’ KO. SO HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OBEOOM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1», 1928 VOL. Z Z 1000 Hen Unit PRIZES IN DAIRY MARKET FOR HAY is Goal Set by GLASSES ADDED HAS FIRMER TORE Rhodes Family HAVE YOU APPOINTED YOURSELF A MEMBER OT THE PROJECT LAUD SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE» \Oil Content High ASPARAGUS PRICE GOVERNOR TO BE a n n u m in Peppermint on SHOWS NICE GAIN Rainfall measuring .11 of an inch, CHIEF SPEAKER Mullins ranch the first that has fallen In Hermiston .21 OF AH INCH OF KAIN FALLS DURING THIS WEEK for several months, fell Tuesday EXECUTIVE TO TALK AT ANNUAL Man plaM to Acreage 1926 PRICE 20 CENTS MORE THAN THIRD CUTTING PRICE WILL BE Realization of Plan Expected To Be HOLSTEINS AMD JERSEYS PUT and Wednesday nights. The first shower, early Wednesday morning, field day ! » - — __ * — w— ® 1925 ON EQUAL TERMS HIGHER To Fifteen Acres For measured .07 of an inch, and Wed Beached Within Another nesday night the government gauge Next Season. Increase in Volume From 81,800 Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show to at the reclamation building showed Economic Conditions Affecting Farm About $9 Per Ton in Field is Ex Year. To 93,600 Crates Shown precipitation of .14 of an inch. ers to be Discussed A yield of peppermint oil 30 per Give More Prizes To Milk pected To Be Starting Point The poultry business looks promts, The rainfall was sufficient to do cent greater for the volume of h ay, In Lampson's Report. September 11. Stock This Year, For Crop. ing enough to Mr. and Mrs. Will ¡handled than has been secured dur-i some good in addition to cooling and _ Rhodes that they have their sights : ing this season by mint growers near A change in the premium list of clearing the air. The local hay market Is from 50 Qn g 1(##0 hen commerclal plaBt Walter M. Pierce, governor or Portland was the record made by The average price reclved by the cent, acfe f farm nortbeagt nortbeagt of of the Hermiston Dairy and Hog show cents to one dollar per ton higher on thglr 1# acre Oregon, has consented to be one of Bert Mullins' mint, according to J. 9. Three Rivers’ (growers association W U L J. HUGHES TAKES than It waB for the second crop, and Hermlgton Tbey expect to achieve th,s ye»r whe“ the 14th aunu“1 the speakers at the annual field day West, ! for asparagus this season was 91.45, prospecta are that the fall market th u th# fa„ of 1927 show is hold has been made In the OVER T H E A T R E OPERATION program which will be given at the The mint was cooked and the o il' according to a statement that has Just will show in c a s e d firmness, ac- Thpy haye been |n thg poultry bugl. dairy cattle division in that the Umatilla experiment station on Sat- distilled last week in the plant of been received by local grower« from cording to local hay dealers. „ess on a commercial scale for about 18»m® numb«r ° f Prilt8 wUl ** Former Clatskanie Man to Run urday, September 11, according to! the Mutual Ceamery station. I Lee M. Lampson, manager. This The third cutting will be generally ag ,ong &g anyone on the proJect, ¡ given In the Holstein class as in the H. K. Dean, station superintendent. | The mint hay harvested camej compares with a price of 91.25 Hermiston Theatre For under way within a, few days, and.and the,r experience the chicken Jer8ey c1“ 8- Increased Interest and The governor’s subject will be from about one-third of an acre, the association in 1925. .n m . m nvam o nt in .iw tM w it h in . buB,neg, . . . . them enthusiast«, . . . __ a larger number of the black and some movement is „ expected within ba8 made ’’Economic Conditions in Agricul- West said, and it did not have a falrj a handling cost, averaging 12 Art Adamson. the next week or two. The indications ,,jt takes money t0 expand In the whites is responsible for the change. ture.” His speech is expected to be chance, due to the fact .that cows cents per crate, brokerage charge of There are 13 classeB in registered now are that third cutting within buslnegg.. 8aid Mr Rhodes, "but we The management of the Hermis _________ _ per ____ into it , . In . . ___________________ June and ate it down'five cents crate ____ and 11 11 cents c e n ts Jerseys on which awards have been ton theatre has been turned over to delivered about 3 o’clock in the af- I got two or three miles of a loading sta- th,nk w |„ gQ u to tbe wlnter . _ A X- _ -1 TkT S 4 i k n l « n <9 4 rx SW I to the ground. Notwithstanding for the cost of the crate have to be ternoon twj> will command a price of about J927 w,th 1000 good type iayjng i made in the past, and this year the Will J. Hughes, and he will operate The program will extend over the this setback, the hay yield was fair- deducted to ascertain the net average nine dolltyra P-4 ton. That price he‘e and pu„ etg after eulHng ba8 Holsteins will have the same number the house for Art Adamson, under an whole day with a big basket lunch ly good, and the oil content was high price to the individual growers. two compares to between eight and eight been donp We,,j bave t0 buUd aB. T The h e tw o breeds will not be shown in li agreement that went Into effect Mon ’ — growers ---------- *------- . aa sat have ——_ expressed eon at the noon hour, and a big enough to prove very satisfactory tOi Local and a half dollars that was paid ear- otber btg jxjultry house to take care competition against each other. day. Mr. Hughes is contemplating isfaction over the price received. Mr. Mullins. crowd is expected to be present. The dates for the show will be locating here permanently. lier in the season. Nine dollars will, f g f,ock of 1000 We expe<.t to “I have about 15 acres of land up Due to the fact that growers In this “The Future of Dairying on the be for hay in the field. ! have 1000 day old chtCka next spring, October 8 and 9. The premium Under the new management the in the Staniield country that I ex district stopped cutting earlier In' In some sections of the Willamette and wltb tbe puuetg We can save money will amount to about 51,200. theatre will be open four evenings Project” will be the subject on which pect to get into mint in time to the season than Kennewick grow«« In the poultry department which a week, instead of three as In the Prof. P. M. Brandt, dairy husband valley where hay purchases have QUt of that number we should reach produce a crop next eeason,” Mr. is thought to have resulted In grow man of the Oregon experiment sta Is expected to attract more entries past. Pictures will be shown Tues btefi made previously by dairymen QUr g o a l.. ers here receiving a little more than tion, will talk. Prof. Brandt is ex Mullins said thio year than ever before, due to the there is some little volume of hay, Mr and Mrg Rhodes believe in day, Wednesday, Saturday and Sun pected to analize the trends in the Other men who are interested in the average price for the whole for sale this year, according to in having a balanced program on their growing Interest in chickens on the day evenings. Both Mr. and Mrs. the crop will also devote some acre season. formtion In the trade. Pastures place They pian a iarger dairy project, no entry fee will be charged Hughes are experienced in the theat industry as carried on here. He is age to It next season, and present The care with which packing wae recognized as an authority on dairy generally are not In good condition, unl{ lhe,r cblcken flock increases, this year. rical business. They formerly con done was a big factor in determin plans are to Install a good plant to Domestic art will have special ducted a show house at Clatskanie. ing. however, so that demand for hay '» Tbey ateo have some fruit and ing the average price received, local There will be an opportunity for cxtact the -'ll from the mint. expected to strengthen. asparagus and are putting out some prize« for awards this year. Oregon. growerte have found In examining visitors to see results of work car Boys’ and girls' club memebers While the Willamette valley crop Strawberry plants this fall In pre- Arrangements have been made to ried on In experimental activities at PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL their statements. Off grade aspara has been better this year than usual. paration for a berry harvest next will also have the cpportunlty o,f renovate the interior and exterior of gus that graded “sample” sold for competing for a number of prize*, the theatre. Quite a lot of painting the station. In the morning mem the hay crop In the Puget Sound <U»-|Eea9on. TO BE BIGGER THIS YEAR considerably less than U. 3. No. 1. bers of boys’ and girls’ livestock trtct in Washington is leas than nor-. They are now busy building a new including a trip to the state fair, a and calcimlning will be done. J. W. McMullen figured that his clubs will hold their tryouts to Inal. As a result, Seattle's market' houge Qn tbeJr farm. trip to the Pacific International Live Premium List for 16th Annual receipts with handling charges and ascertain the best judges within 1 higher than the Portland market, stock exposition, son v oash prize.- HELIX RESIDENTS SURPRISE brokerage deducted were 91-37 per Show Calls for About their ranks. and Yakima's hay offerings are now and the Union Pacific O. A. C. REV. A. J. WARE SUNDAY box. Deducting the 11 cents that At the Tuesday luncheon of the moving north. That leaves the Port CLUB MEMBERS MAY HAVE scholarship. $100,000 in Prizes. rrates cost leaves a net return to the commercial club Supt. Dean asked H. J. Stillings Is president of the land market a little less well sup grower, not counting his labor, of The pastor of the Baptist church AID ON SHIPPING EXPENSES The premium list of'the sixteenth plied than would be the case if both beard of managers of the show, A. had a very happy surprise Sunday that the club arrange a program of J l.26 per box. stunts to be given in the afternoon annual Pacific International Live Oregon and Washington hay were Movement on Foot to Raise Part W Agnew and P. P. Sullivan are morning when sixteen of the Helix Practically all growers on this as the entertainment feature of the stock exposition to be held in Port vice-presidents, C. M. Jackson is moving in regularly. . people attended morning service day’s program. project this year took only light land, Oregon, October 30-November cuttings from their beds, due to the OF Freight Coat to Help The hay crop is less than in ordi-j secretary, Enos Martin, assistant here. 6, inclusive, has just been received fact that most of the plants are still nary years, according to the Infor-, secretary and Hkrry Straw is treas After lunch in the church base Send Livestock. mation available. No very heavy! urer. The board has already held a ment they drove out to the H. J- LIVESTOCK CLUB MEMBERS IN and carries awards from ail sourcee comparatively young. It 1« prob ❖ volume is expected to move num from number of meetings, ana and more work ¡number w o i s Stillings ranch and enjoyed a trea. ❖ -• ❖ __ .of approximately >100.000. able that the yield on project aspar MEETING TODAY GET PRACTICE This great livestock university ot Hermiston, and Butter creek hay: A suggeetion that the community 1€malns t0 be done before the plans agus in 1927 wi'l be three or four of melons and grapes. They express ♦ <• ♦ * western America promises to give an _ than lt wag tbt8 season. growers report their crops short of lend some aid to members of boys’ for tbe ghow are ay complete. ed themselves as having a good and girla’ clubs in getting their stock i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WORK IN JUDGING F0R ^ ^ 8 , intensive short course week of live PnIlowlne ,B the tbe letter u tter to to growers growez usual volume. Following Is time and talked of coming again. Movements out of Hermiston dur to the state fair and the Pacific in- c o L o r a L j j ’^AUGHT RECALLS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * • ’ ’ * ’ ¡stock, agicultural products and at- sent out by Manager Lampson from Those here included Mr. and Mrs. • Members of the boys’ and girls lendan^ industrial exhibits which Kennewick: ing the past week or two have been ternational thia fall was made* a t, + + + + + + * Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, Mr. and commercial club luncheon by Henry.TAKTV DAy CASE HE TRIED Mrs. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Holman, livestock clubs on the Umatilla PV°"!bbaii make outstanding history; ex- light. "You will note the average price Hitt. Mr Hitt said he had beenl^ nj^ J + Mr and Mrs. Ralph Smith and Ject had a busy time today when I hlblts tbj9 year COming from a wider this year Is 51.45 to the association. approached who oached by a elub member wno mr,KKER IN COURT laughter Francis, Mr. and Mrs. tryouts In practice judging were con- urea o{ America than ever before, DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN TO Last year It was 51-25. We »hipped ■vas asking for suggestions about a « 4 4 4 4 4 Crowder and daughter Phyllis, Miss ducted at the Ed. Jackson ranch , Thg prUe llgt ,g dtvided amongst 93,600 crates this year as compared PRACTICE IN HERMISTON spsoker, or some other plan that L. J. Allen stale leader of livestock; lJje var| OU8 departments practically with 51,600 last yea/. VMS jrrar 81 The recent visit paid by Ezra McLavery and Mrs. Greenstreet. — ¡would enable a part of the expense clubs, and R. F. Wilbur, assistant fo„ owg; Dalry breeds, 915,000; per cent of output went east, la»t Meeker, Oregon Trail pioneer and Dr. David S. Rowe, formerly oL.-nongy to be raised. county agent, were In charge of the begf breed8j 516,000; sheep and year 70 per cent. These figures show Tennis Court Improved . Portland, a drugless physician, has Mr Hltt gave it as his opinion booster, to this part of the coun The tennis court at the J. K- , work, assisted by some of the club goatg> |io ,o 0 0 ; hogs, 53,700; heavy clear cut and definite results of or located In Hermiston and has an j tbat the club members have brought try started Col. J. F. McNught on a diatt horses and night horse show, ganized and controlled distribution Shotwell home east of town which leaders. office In Hotel Corlis. He came here ■ enougb favorable publicity to the line of reminiscence. The clubs Included in the work to 518,000 by the exposition proper and and pushing sales Into distant mar has not been used for some time haS| When Col. McNaught was a very from Portland last week and com-1 Hermiston country to entitle them been renovated, and a number of day were the sheep club, pig club 518,000 by sponsors of stakes and kets instead of blindly dumping Into pleted his arrangements for making'to some financial aid. Heretofore, youthful attorney and just getting local tennis enthusiasts are renewing. the Holstein and Jersey ealf clubs from entry feeg in these big classes, a markets after they are beginning to his start in the practice of law, his his home here. His decision to loc-ltbe ciubg have made expenses tbelr game. The court was recently j and the dairy record keeping club. total of 536,000, making this show get overloaded. The members de brother, the late Judge James Mc- ate in the Hermiston field followed tbrougb their prize winnings at the The practice w-oik In judging was one of the largest horse shows In livered grass 96 days this year. This worked over, and oil furnished by an investigation which he made o f: two 3hows, but they have been tak- -Naught, sent him to Pullayup, Wash the Union Oil Co. was utilized in the done In preparation for the judging America which lt has held for the is 20 to 40 days longer than we ington, where Ezra Meeker had an number of Oregon towns, and he ing chances. work. Some of the local fans who contests at the fairs this fall.'. The past two years. Fat stock classes, handled gr«88 a few years ago. This expressed the belief that Hermiston Last year the local team, compos- equity case up for trial. are playing include Marlon Briggs., club members will Compete at the 56,000; boys and girls’ club work, of course makes final settlements When J. F. McNaught arrived he ¿¿resents the greatest possibilities of ed of Leroy Gulslnger, Lowell Stock- John Haddox, Harold Lance and Geo. Dairy and Hog show, at the state 55,000; dairy products, 91,000; latrr than previous year». ard and Oscfcr Mlkesell, won the found three' seasoned, brilliant at •n y of the places he Investigated. fair and at the Pacific Intenatlonal judging teams, 52,500, together with Our handling cost has not decrea»ed Dr. Rowe la a graduate chiroprac livestock judging contest for club torneys lined up against him. His Cos. Livestock exposition at Portland. the groupings of other smaller items because we have advertised and push Immediate idea wa8 to ask for a post tic physician and has practiced In teams over contestants from Wash Livestock club members at Pilot wiilch will bring the amount to the ed our distant sales especially hard Officers Arc E’ecbed ponement ot the case until his Portland. He was in the Marine ington, Idaho and Oregon. This year for the purpose of taking care of At the recent meeting of the Lad Rock had a similar workout at Pilot hundred thousand dollar mark. corps during the war and la a mem Leroy Gulslnger will be past the age older brother could be present. There wlll be a wonderful fox de r.ot only the increase this year but ies’ Aid society of the Methodist Epis Rock Wednesday. "There are some pretty capable ber of the American Legion. Mrs. limit to belong to the team, but the partment. It Is assured at the pres the future Increase. copal church the following officers Row« and their five year old son other two will compete for member lawyers on the other side,” he told were elected; President, Mrs. F. P. "Our handling cost 1» occasionally Dr. McKenzig Out of Office ent time »hat foxes from the entire Mr. Meeker. "Don’t you think we ship on the team. are here with Dr. Rowe. Dr. H. S. McKenzie of Pendleton, Pactfic slope and Alaska will be criticised. We have only to r®P’Y Phipps; vice-president, Mrs. Rena ought to get this case set over?” It la planned to take about 15 leye, ear, nose and throat specialist, shown and a movement Is under way that the organization was set up for "Don’t worry, Joe,” Mr. Meeker Waterman; secretary, Mrs. W. A LIVESTOCK CABS SHOULD head of club stock to the state fair, Is on a vacation and wtll not be back whereby the American National the purpose of getting price to the Leathers; treasurer. Mrs. T. H. said. "I think we can win this Fox Breeders association shall hold grower. Selling an Increase of from BE ORDERED IN ADVANCE and probably some showings w ill be case without much trouble. The Gaither. The next meeting will be to his office until August 23. made at the Pacific International. its national show hqre. If so. It 26 straight cars to 52 straight cars held at the N. W. Bloom ranch home "It seems to me that business men judge lg my brother.” Mrs. Leila A. Phelps i8 able to be will probably mean the showing of In one year at an increase of 20 September 1, and will be an all day Meeker’s prediction came true. Livestock shippers should order and farmers are sufficiently lnter- back at work part of the time In at least a thousand fok, a wonderful cents per crate in price, Is the ans session. , t 1 their cars as far In advance a» *s eBtf<J in geeing our club members the postoffice, following her partial exhibit ln Itself and one that wtll at wer. w e take It that the member« Mr. and Mrs, C. T. Saling of Ir consistent with their plans. '"'¡keep up their success to aid with a ar. more concerned about our show H. W. Grimm was here from Ir- recovery from Injuries recently suf tract nationwide attention. was one of the outstanding recoin-, expcnge money to help pay rigon were Hermiston visitors Tues- fered in an auto accident ing net results ln price than they The “Truth In Meats” exhibit at mendatlons emphasized at a recent, freJght.. Mr HUt gald .<rd nke ,o « 7 • are ln our squeezing a few cents m a tin g in Portland of the orderly know bow tbey fgel about helping.” ,— " t tracted so much notice last year and out of the handling cost and weaken i has resulted in so much good to the marketing and livestock committee or ¡ _______________ I livestock Industry that lt has been ing our __ policy of developing distant , be Pacific Northwest Railway Ad-| __ _ _ _ _ _ .... decided to put It on again this year m8t.kets, visory board. The extension service AFPLES MUST BE WIPED IN 7 ,.v .... ' with added features. The «xhibit — of the Oregon Agricultural college PACKING, IS RULING MADE will show the cost of producing a j u s t RATED LECTURE ON through the various county age:.ts. Is pound of beef from the time the ---------------- desirous of aiding in giving public OREGON'S BEAUTIES GIVEN ranch investment 1* made until the y to mis m > i ~».. The assistant county agent has ly this appeal beefsteak is on the plate before the It was unanimously agreed that informed by the state Dairy Pictorial views of Oregon disclos 1 consumer. tbe railroads may and w ill be of and pood commissioner that all fruit The dairy people are very much in ing the scenic beauties and wonders considerable benefit in educating carrying visible spray residue, which terested In putting on a vary con- of the state were shown Tuesday the livestock producers and shippers j8 be marketed fresh, must be cars- stt active dairy products show thi» night In a lecture by W. 9. Ra*er of to the economic advantage which will 1 fujiy wiped. His office has ample Portland, president of the Audobon come from the woking out of thi8 . authority to enforce this order, year* . Probabilities are that one far society. The lecture was ‘ll«8tr,t8^ orderly marketing plan. But to which Is "none too stringent to meet beyond any previous year will be by means of stereopticon slides and further perfect and sustain this plan tbe requirements of the bureau of staged. This In recognition of th . was given in the Methodist Episcopal It will be absolutely necessary that chemistry in enforcing the pure food tremendous Importance or the daiiy church. A goed sized crowd wra every shipper of livestock order his and drugs act. present. , Industry In this western country. care not lew than 19 days In . ad- under this act not more than 1-100 Among the views shown by Mr. Boys ano and Kin» girls' «lub work has Bovs ............. . vance of shipping date und that m ^ i n of arsenic per pound of fruit been given a very Important place Raker wOs BOmc of the t e r m X the case of cattle and sheep moving , |g permitted, which a the same tol- 'll Irt-viz n __ . Tne voiv In the Pacific International and un jaccnt to Hermiston. The Cold te eastern points that at least three ernCe a|iOWed on any other food pro- der authorization of the Uplted Springs rerarvoir was pictured in one weeks notice be given to the ratl-iducts lt wlll require very careful, Slates Department of Agriculture a scene, and another picture showed a road agent. 'wiping of most of our apples and, sectional show has been B"<’ view of the original desert east of _____ —------ — 1 pears to get them down to this toler-, a c .mp established. H wUl «» « ramp eatabllsnen. n ” ... — - - « - Hermiston from the Mthv nr The yu*-™ »1*» valley looks very anc. Grower« in other parts of the d ‘Camp Plummer.” being named af- Mr Raker |B also presi den1 of dry now with the hay crop apparent- gtate have already met with heavy ly light, according to the vpltton gypengg | n some cases where care had X X - XT n formed by F. C. McKenzie on t rip to he unloaded and re-wlped dde to „a » . x x , through central and western ’. ’ • on. , he iact tbat the original wiping had Mr. aad Mr». McKenzie and famil’ ^ e n done carelessly. ‘ •„rnlun, ,1« b. left three or four weeks ago. They ---- -—_ _ _ _ _ _ _ addre.slng O M Plummer, General Monday afternoon and T west to Bend, then to Crater Lake. Machinery II InztaUed Manager. 211 Northwestern Bank hej> Mr Rs<|er cbarl<.„ lack over the McKenzie P»88 «n l grinding and mixing mach- Rida Portland. Ore. Entries mu.t >t the hon)g Mr. a„d Mrs Char I s dowa through Eugene and Cbrvallls lneg that w |„ M tB the h r m l e In before October 1««h on ¿ 8lTay,or. Mr Taylor Introduced hl Pastures are very dry and proepee*3 Bureau Co-operative are now being, breeding stock and before October audience Tuesday n g are that hay should he in demand ji)s(a|M #I|d put riad| n«es for ,0 th on the fat « * * . ------ from the valley before long. Mr. Me (>1J and winter besinees. H. O. Kenzle said. Mrs. McKenzie remain-, n,ompeon has been here from Uma- ( John Denny was over from 81»". M t Slinda, to ZP»nd a Tac»«®» » ed at Yachats where, a number o' {j,la MTeTaJ ¿ .y , ln charge of tin , ' 1 I comp Sherman. Hfrwrt»ten peoplf pre on vacations. nwtnlMpf e( »ho machlnee, .|lflcld Twwdoy. W T&M t a m aa GoodB’ye! *’!«»• » «“ "'“"LX tu X I