Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1926)
CPC HEgMIgTOli Vie/in String* fo r C ara - - T FARMSRS like te patronize the First National. They find that we are always ready to help them » Ir e their financial problems. We realise that the farmer is our b:st friend. The many prosper- ons farms around Hermiston form the backbone of this commun ity, and upon their success depend* the success of this institu tion. If you are not one of our regular depositors, come in and let’s get acquainted. First N ational Bank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 P. B. 8wayxe, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Pree. A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier WANT AOS FOB SALK FOR SALE— One team and harness cheap. Weight about 1100 each, 6 years old; well matched. R. C. Rogers. 41-tfc I'OR SALE— Hoosier kitchen cabinet. L. C. Dyer, phone 78-W. 39-tfc FOR SALE - Hammer. Fresh cows. B. M. 37-tfc FOR SALE—Adding machine at the Herald office. rolls TAKEN UP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have taken up and have kept for about 45 days at the E. E. Shaw ranch, 10 miles northeast of Hermiston the following described animals: 1 buskskin gelding and 1 black gelding with big double Brand on neck about 12 years old, weight about 1200 each. Said animals will be sold, unless redeemed, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 6th day of August, 1926, at the above described ranch at 10 o’clock A. M. Dated at Hermiston on this 22nd day of July, 1926. 46-2tp Signed, E. E. SHAW, FOR SALE— A 7 room strictly mod ern house, full basement an dgood lawn. Close to school. Might trade. See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc Want Ads Bring Results For more than a century the story has been revived at times In England that the ailment sf lumbago would flee from the human body If the Individual would wind a violin string loosely about the body and wear It for a few month*. The D, A and F strings are favored as having that curative power, and re cently when a few cases of lumbago developed among members of the Lon don Stock Exchange there was a very real run on the music store«, the de mand for these violin strings taking nearly all the strings on hand. Fancy prices were demanded and re ceived for pure Italian gut strings, particularly the E string, that was said to have a very marked power over human suffering. HKRMISTOX OREG OK. H a rd and Soft So Id or» Soldering operations are classified. according to the composition of the al loy used, as either soft soldering or hard soldering. Solders of low melt Ing points, composed mainly of lead and tin In varying amounts, are known as soft solders, while those of high melting points, ceuipueed of varying amounts of copper, brass. xlnc. silver and gold, are known as hard solders. The soft solder commonly used Is made up of hulf lead and half tin. and melts at a temperature of 370 degrees Fahrenheit. The more lead there Is In this alloy, the higher Is Its melting point, and an alloy composed of one part tin and two parts lead melts at 441 degrees Fahrenheit. B arber Shop QUEEN ESTHER CI 101, O. E. g„ meet fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 8:00 sharp In Masonic hall. Visiting members welcome. Euthemta Jackson, W . 1C, Kathryn L. Garner, Secretary. Bert Mullins V I N r Y A B O LODGB NO. MA L O. O. F . v DW-t« ea ih Monday -ven in * in Odd FallMra hall V lsttin g monbara cordially inyitad. W. R- Loaxhorn. Src. Jaapar T em plet««. N . O. FOUNTAIN C ig a r s , T o b a c c o RECLAMATION < LODGB N e . 1 io » ,« . Me. o f P . meet» each $ T Thursday svswMMt la Mack’« Hall, at 7:30 P. M. V toitin« brothers cordially invited. W. H. McMillan R. A. Brownao«. K. R. and S. C. C ♦ IF IT S A n d T h a t W a , T h at A famous London comedian who need not he named was invited to a Nut» and M ik Chief peer's house during the festive sea Material» for Buttons son. After dinner lie was reciting a An older button than that of mother few of his best yarns and In the midst of pearl was the so-called horn button, of one of the choicest was interrupted which waa really hoof. The hoofs of by a guest, who said to him: "Excuse cattle were bollel and cut up into ! me, but your handkerchief is hunging slices and then (rested into buttons half out of your pocket.” “Thank you very much,” said the by rneana of metal dies. At the present time the two most i actor gravely, as he adjusted It. “You widely used materials for buttons are know tne company so much better nuts and milk. The Corozo nut Is the than I." — Sporting and Dramatic favorite missile of the monkeys In cer- | News. tain riverside reg one of Central and ,'•« A p p e a l South America, and it* kernel of vege A journalist, his wife and child, little table Ivory can bo turned upon n Alice, were having lunch together. lathe, cut to any shaie, and dyed to “Can I have some more pudding, almost any color. Its isefulness to the mother?” Inquired the child. modern button msker is only equaled “I think you have had enough." said by that of sour milk. Milk from which the journalist; “It will make you 111.” all the cream hat- been separated Is His wife, as Is the way of mothers, soured either natu ally or by means of said, “Let her have a little more.” rennet or some i-.cid. and converted “It will make her III," Insisted father. into erlnold or g a ll llth from which im Little Alice looked from one to the mense numbers ol fancy buttons are other. Finally she sighed and said, made. “The editor’s decision Is final." G irl’s Essiy on Men From a schoo girl s composition: “There are three '{Inc's of men—hus bands, baehelors and widowers. An eligible bachelor is a inass of ob stinacy surround d by suspicions. Husbands are ol tl w>e varieties— prizes, surprises aid consolation prizes. A widower Is a man someone has rescued as he gras down for the third time. Making n husband of a bachelor Is one of the highest plastic arts known to civilization. It requires science, sculpture, common sense and faith, hope and clmrlty, especially charity.”—Exchange. LODGE DIRECTOS? SERVICE YOU WANT CALL 25 -I COUNTRY HAULS SOLICITEl ♦ TRANSFER AND DRAY FOR SALE— Pure cider vinegar, 40c gallon; 35c In lots of five gal lons. F. J. Prann. 46-tfc ADDINO machine rolls at the Herald office MISCELLANEOUS >R RENT— Modern 4-room house, close In, $15 month. Inquire Dr. Prime’s office. 46-tfc FOR RENT— Four room residence. Inquire Knerr’s Repair Shop. 41-tfc FOR SALE—Good Jersey cows just fresh. Inquire at Herald office. ' 44-tfe Library Hours—Library Is open every day except Sunday from 9 to 10:30 A. M. and 4:30 to 6:30 Fateh, clock and Jewelry repairing. 6ee Newell, next door to Sappers. 18-tf» Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf CAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS. RE ALTOR. 26-ife ermlston Second Hand Store.— Furniture and Hardware, Bee Sup plies, Harness, Saddles, Wagons, j 35-3fc PASTURE for horses or cattle. E. P. Dodd. » « to TRADE equity in 5-room house, Port land for acreage. 4S4# $4 8. E., Portland. 43-ltp Hotel Dorion of Pendleton has just completed the new addition. Her miston people are Invited to make the hotel their headquarters when la Pendleton. 45-4te , FOR TRADE— $1500 equity in 23 acre ranch for good used car. In quire Herald office. 46-3tp PIANO MUST BE SOLD Will sacrifice fine piano In stor age near here for Immediate sale. Will give easy terms to a responsi ble Party. For full particulars and where It may be seen, address. Port land Music Co., JJ7 $th St.. Port land, Oregon. 46-3tc Attomey-at-Law ♦ Hermiston THE BAST INVITES YOU and the Union Pacific makes your journey economical by low round-trip excursion fares to all important points in the East, Middle West and South. A parson’s little dnugliter came home from school In great concern. “Isn't devil a horrible word to ne In the Bible, daddy?" she said. "It was in my portion this afternoon, but I coughed when I came to tt and wouldn’t read It." This reminds one of the curate who rendered a well-known passage; "He that believeth not shall be damned, as It were." OregM L1BBBAL B T O P O V M P M V I I . B e » LAUNDRY Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Office: 1-2-3 Inland Empire Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon enable you to visit the big eastern cities or America's greatest wonder lands We Wash Everything But the Baby. JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. Z ie n N a tio n al P a rk Yellevrstone N a tio n al P a rk Rocky M ountain N a tio n al P a rk FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE Physician and Snrgeon Office Phone 733. Res. Phone 71$ all reached via the scenic and historic Union Pacific. De Luxe trains. Superior service. Descriptive booklet on request. W if/i Reservations i : : h s. mckenzie , m . d - Office in First National Bank Bldg. U N IO N Troy Laundry C om pany V A C A T I O N ROUTE Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE FO B IN FO R M A T IO N A N D B B 9K B V A - T IO N C A IA O N OB W R IT S F. C. Woughter, Agent, Hermiston, Oregon. DB. CHARLES H. WHITTAKER Chiropractic Physician Electric Therapy Massaga Hours: 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5:39 P. M. 18-20 Judd Bldg.. Main at Court Phone 691 Pendleton, Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. In te r state Stock Inspector We Have Anticipated | Y our n eed s in ev e ry th in g th a t is n ecessa ry to com- i p lete your g o lf outfit. Come in and give our line the “once over.” FOR SALE— Cheap, 8 room modern home and 6 lots In Adams. Ad dress A. H. Kirby, Pendleton, Ore. 45-4te -------------------------------- / ----------------- PIANO to be sold at Hermiston. Quality Instrument going at big discount. Termg $10 monthly. If interested in particulars write Cline Plano Co., 66 Front Street, Portland, Ore. 46-4to W. J . W A R N ER J T. H. Gaither J PIANO BARGAIN—The case of this piano was marred In shipment. Will sell at big discount; can be bought on monthly payments. Pen- land Bros. Transfer Company. 44-4 FO SALE— Pair geldings 2700 lbs., pair mares 2400 lbB., all young and sound; Weber wagon with wheat bed, 6-horse H type Fairbanks- Morse gas engine. Call at Boone ranch, 1 mile Minnehaha school, I I I ' 46-c I I ' ♦ ♦ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ♦ ♦ Dr. F. V. PRIME ♦ DENTISTRY ♦ Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis ♦ Hermiston, Oregon ♦ Phone Connections ♦ Bank Bldg. € C S' Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Phone. 82-R. .The Readiness HITT wide range has come ’aKoùf L L over the then-known L world the runner« and through a far-flung tystein of mounted messengers o f ancient (wires, c ab le s / switchboards and supplementary apparatus.1 Assyria bore the decree« and edicuof t heir ruler». Trained for Th rough the cooperation o f a A The demand for commer cial printing nearly always is slack during the few hot days of summer when vacations are in order. That condition prevails now in the Herald shop. In order to keep the wheels turning, we will make, special reductions on unrush orders. Do you know of something in the printing line that you will need within two or three months? If you have some of these needs, take advantage of this offer and get figures from us. THE HERMISTON HERALD *The n ew sp a p er th a t k eep s clo se to th e h eart and m ind o f th e U m a tilla p r o j e c t ’ fleet nest and endurance, these* message hearers o f a vanished empire stood at their post«,«trip-1 ped for the task, prepared for instant dispatch o f whatever Was given them to speed to dis tant points. T h e universal message hearer now is the telephone. Its nation* T he vast army o f men and women it daily transmits the thoughts and desires o f millions. I t is because o f unceasing in spection, watchfulness, coordi-! A LITTLE TALK ON BACKBONE Challis Transfer & Storage nation and all else that makes for instant readiness that Am er We Haul Anything Anywhere icans today, any where, can talk to one another, any tim e. pacific telephone and telegraph Anytime C ompany BELL SYSTEM O n t Policy • O n t System - LONG DISTANCE MOVING When we speak ot the farmer be ing the backbone of the nation, you know what we mean. The backbone Is the supporting structure of the whole body. Chiropractic la baaed upon this supreme fact. Let us tell you about It. Dr. W. BOYD W H Y TE Chiropractor Stangier Building PENDLETON, OREGON A SPECIALTY Universal Service Phone 74-M Penland Bros S c ie n c e fo r S e r v ic e True education combines theory and practice, and Its goal is ser vice. Oregon’s Land-Grant College affords the liberal training es sential to personal culture and etvl? efficiency, combined with special training for leadership in fields vital In modern life. B u ie and General Training— In the School of Basic Arts and Sciences and the departments of Industrial Journalism, the Lfirary, Physical Education and Music. Technical and Special Training— With curricula leading to the bachelor’s degree In the schools of AGRICULTURE HOME ECONOMICS CHEMICAL ENGINEER MILITARY SCIENCE ING MINES COMMERCE PHARMACY ENGINEERING VOCATIONAL EDUCA FORESTRY TION Graduate work Is offered in most of the schools. In addition to the Resident Instruction, the Experiment Station and Extension Service specialize In the application of science In every-day life. FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 20 For latest Catalogue and Information address THE REGISTRAR TRANSFER CO. You do not have to crate your furniture when moving In our closed padded van a we have furniture pads for all kinds of furniture. •J. s ■ L. 206 VAUGHANS ■ East Court St. ■ S ANY AND 5 S Everthing Electrical Î I FOR YOU ■ | » Our big closed van has electric lights and sleeping quarters over the a Phone 139 Pendleton, Ore. n driver’s seat, nnd on long runs we "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ran drive day and night. Let us give you a price qp mov ing your goods. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 339 Hermiston Transfer We Haul HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Mail order* promptly attended to. ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31 Oppnflte Kellogg’s Garage * Oregon A gricultural College THE SMART SHOP Mr*. R. L. Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton. Ore. CORVALU8 L. J. M cA tee PAINTS, WALLPAPER, We Want Yon W E G R IN D A N Y T H IN G Bring in Your M ow er Sickle« K nerr’s R epair Shop to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this new s paper w e do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure PICTURE MOULDINGS . AND GLASS CONTRACTING 513 Main St. Phone 15« Pendleton, Oregon. Legal Blanks for To S e e Us Sale at This Office,