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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1926)
TUB HBUMIfiTOB HERALD, HBBMIBTOy» ORBQOlf. Wirnlò not exist, ao a definite count to as certain Just how far growth of the business has gone can aot be made. r Publlahed every Thursday at Her- Letters of inquiry as to a possible mlaton, Um atlUa County, Oregon by market for breeding stock, the num Joseph 8. Harvey, editor and man ber of birds here and bow fast the ager. Meadowbrook Subscription Rates One T e a r ________ ______ ___ U . M 8 » M o n th s .....................- ............ >1.00 (Payable in Advance) A MATTER OF COMPARISON iB being sent out In reply to such inquiries, it Is said. The suggestion of forming an or- anlzation Is undoubtedly sound Poultry growing is destined to be >ne of the major farm activities on he project within a few years, and right now is not too early a day to launch an organization. It would have plenty of work to do from the day of being formed, and properly launched and steered. It should be worth much, not only to the poul try growers themselves,' but to the project generally. Sometimes we bear of the difficu ties that have beset Irrigation and the farmers who in this generation have devoted their time, energy and capital to the development of land that has been reclaimed from the desert and iia sagebrush growth. MANY TOURISTS REGISTER These difficulties are not mythical. They are very real. Much money (Continued from Page One) and a vast amount of energy, deter mlnatlon and persistency have been been granted visitor's permits. The required in bringing about that highest number was recorded on June poetical transformation known as 23, at which time 990 were listed. “making the desert blossom as the One of the most interesting feat rose." ures of the Influx of non-resident But has the conquest of the desert automobiles is its diversification. by means of Irrigation been a.“ So far In 1926 every one of the difficult as was the reclamation ol states and territories of the Union, the land In the great corn belt where <everal of its island possessions and sturdy forests had to be removed be a number of foreign countries are fore the land could produce? Un represented on the registration lint. doubtedly It has not. It is prob In addition to 387 such registrations ably true that the actual cash outlay from Canada since January 1, there In reclaiming the desert has been have been 18 from Hawaii, 2 from greater than was the case In tht China, 2 from New Zealand, 1 from wooded plains, due to the fact that Japan, 2 from Mexico and one from the reclamation of arid lands ha; the Philllplnes. In June the only been done with such speed. state missing from the list was Back in the early days in the corn South Carolina. The complete re belt, John and Matilda built a log registration of non-resident motor cabin on a plot of ground, possibly cars for June was as follows: after they had spent the first year Alabama 6, Arizona 93, Arkansas of their married life living with 28, California 8,171, Colorado 206. the parents of one or the other Connecticut 5, Delaware 1, Florida Within five years they had managed 69, Georgia 7, Idaho 1,001, Illinois to clear several acres, but 1 h was 92, Indiana 36. Iowa 91, Kansas 81, very hard work. John’s shins ac Kentucky 6, Louisiana 11, Maine 2, qulred marks plowing in the "new Maryland 4, Massachusetts 16, Mich ground” that he carried for many n igan 70, Minnesota 80, Mississippi day. The marks were inflicted b> 2, Missouri 62, Montana 161, Neb roots that snapped back on his shins raska 134, Nevada 64, New Hamp as he plowed through tough roots shire 2, New Jersey 10, New Mex Matilda did at least work enough for ico 13, New York 30. North Carolina two women. But they managed to 3. North Dakota 34. Ohio 68. Okla get along. They raised their own homa 84, Pennsylvania 32, Rhode food, made a part of their clothing, island 2, South Dakota 62, Tennes look care of the children and had u see 5. Texas 76, Utah 204, Vermont little fun as the days passed— not 2, Virginia 5, Washington 2,422. much fun as we of today would West Virginia 3, Wisconsin 44, measure it, but they were not too Wyoming 84, Alaska 4, District of sophisticated, and of cynicism they Columbia 6, Hawaii 14, Canada 123, knew little. Mexico 1, Philippine Island 1 Today results must be secured al- Total 13,818. moet over night, or else something Is wrong. We move at much more rapid speed. But the chances are Redact by Breathing, that the spirits of John and Matilda Says French Doctor could visit some of our reclamatloi Bed rest Instead, of physical exercise, projects and sigh out o f puretenvy and deep exhaling front the lungs. In for the greater comparative progres: iddltlon Io tlic usual noufattrniug diet, made by farmers on irrigated land »re prescribed mm a cure for obesity by than were made by them and their Dr. (1. I.even, general secretary of the neighbors when the coin belt was rhernpeutlc society of Paris. Doctor I.even tenches ills patients to young. No age has a corner 01 breathe out so hitrtl thnt they bend the either fun or trouble. lam e of a candle anti to Inhale only ORGANIZATION IS SUGGESTED • ery slightly. The breathing can he lone lying In bed, sitting up or stand ng erect. Series of five exhalHtlona are repeated every half hour fifteen to twenty times a dtty. One patient lost fifteen pounds In tw en'y days anil another sixty pounds in th.; course of eight tnonlhs. When a person overeats. Doctor I.even believes, the solar plexus Is Ir ritated nnd tills disturbs tlie function Ing of those cerebral centers that reg ulate the destruction of fat. Othei conditions tuny also cause tills tils tnrhance. The course of treatm ent prescribed Is claimed to counteract the Mrs. W. Freeland Kendrick, wlfo of the Mayor of Philadelphia, who also la president of the Sesqul-Centennlal International Exposition Association, organized to stage a great celebration to commemorate the 190th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Mrs. Kendrick Is shown beside the historic Liberty Bell, which she tapped at a recent broadcasting eveet when the world was told of completion of plans for the big ezpoeldon. Open Sundays Detaib tell impressive story FROM 7 A. M. UNTIL 3 P. M. o f quality standards strictly maintained Always Ask For / Unprecedented sales prove how well the public knows that Dodge Brothers Motor Car is sturdier and more dependable than ever before. Delivers more miles at lower cost-per-mile. Stands up under harder going. Calls for fewer repairs. Provides greater safety. Excels in every quality that has earned its good name. Western Club In fact, you have only to check any chassis part against its own past best—engine, axles, gears, bearings, frame, springs, shafts, elec trical equipment —to prove how strictly and consistently Dodge Brothers have pre served and improved the basic goodness of their product. AT YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAIN SPECIAL Eottled By WM. ROESCH B O I iL N E. R. SCHILLER, Pendleton, Oregon J. G. Pearson, Black and White Garage, Hermiston, Oregon CARBONATED EEVERAGES D o d g e B r o t h e - r s CANCER SPECIALIST Pendleton, Oregon MOTOR C A R 5 ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage L SITE OF THE FIRST PHONE MESSAGE PENDLETON, OREGON mini8trator of the estate of Thomas William Peters, deceased. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. All persons having claims against the said es tate are hereby requested to present such claims duly verified, and with proper vouchers attached, to the un dersigned at the office of Raley, i Raley & Stelwer, in the American i National Bank Building, Pendleton, Oregon, within six months from date of this notice, the same being dated and published the first time this 8th day of June, 1926. -READ T H E WANT A D S- When In Pendleto Michael Keating, As administrator of the estate of Thomas William Peters, deceased. Raley, Raley & Stelwer and H. J. Warner, Attorneys for Administra tor. 44-5tc That there Is a need for a local or ganization of poultry men so thnt problems confronting the industry, or likely to arise in the future, might be handled by the producers as a body, is the statement made by a local poultry man. The business la not vety old on the Umatilla pro ject, but It Is already apparent, ac cording to this one breeder, that a local organization should be form, effect. ed. For several weeke an effort hat been under way to secure a chicken census on project farms, hut the -TRY THE HERALD WANT ADR— machinery to take such a census does A FIRST LADY ICE G o o d Through “ ‘‘T h r o u g h - industry la developing, and other questions are constantly bein^ re Entered a» second class matter ceived. In the absence of a formal Deeember, 1909, at the poetofflce at organization, very little Information Hermiston, U m atilla County, Oregon NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’^ SALE IN THE COUNTY COURtJJF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY In the Matter oí the Estate of Susan A. White, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Susan A. White, deceased, and pursuant to an order of the above entitled court made and entered on the 30th day of June, 1926, will sell for cash in hand in one parcel at private sale upon Walter S. Gifford (left), president of the American Telephone and Tele sealed bids at the First National graph Company, and Leonard H. Klnna-d (right), president of the Bell Tele Bank In Hermiston, Oregon, subject phone Oompany of Pennsylvania and Associated Companies, are shown to confirmation by the above entitled standing on the exact spot where Alexander Graham Bell first talked over court, all the following described bis Invention at the Centennial Exposition 60 years ago. In the background lands located in Umatilla County, can be seen Memorial Hall, relic of the Centennial, and which la now being deed aa a museum. It was on this spot that Don Pedro, then Emperor of Oregon, and all belonging to said es Brazil, met the 29-year-old Inventor and exclaimed, “My God, it talks!” when tate, as follows: be heard Bell's voice come over the wire. Tho exhibits to be staged by the East half (E H ) of the West half erganlution these men represent will be one of the great features of the (W *4) of Section 30; the East half Sesqul-Centennlal International Exposition, which opens In Philadelphia June (E H ) Northwest Quarter (NW14) 1 and continues to December 1 to celebrate the 160th anniversary of the Section 31; and a strip of land con Signing of the Declaration of Independence. taining 7*4 acres off the north end of the East halt (E H ) of the Southwest Quarter (S W U ) Section NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS 31, Described as commencing at the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Notlee Is hereby given that the center stake o í said Section 31, STATE OF OREGON FOR undersigned has been appointed ad thence South 18 rods, thence west 80 UMATILIA COUNTY ministrator of the estate of Jannla rods, thence north 13 rods, thenca > In the matter of the Estate Senn, deceased. In the County Court east 80 rods to the place oí begin In the State of Oregon, for Umatilla ning. all In Township 4. N., R. 29 I County. All persona having claims E. W. M.; , Joseph W. Cralk, Deceased. Notice U hereby given that the against the said estate are hereby r e -ian<{ that said administrator will re undersigned has been appointed ad quired to present such claims duly c«|Te bids for said land from and ministrator of the estate of Joseph verified, and with proper vouchers after Monday, the 9th day of Aug W. Cralk. deceased, and has quali attached, to the undersigned at the ust. 1928, and will sell the land to fied as the law directs. All persons office of Raley. Raley A Stelwer In the highest bidder for cash, pro having claims against said estate are ,he American National Bank Bulld- vided said bid Is satisfactory to the i squired to present the same to me tn*- ,n Pendleton, Oregon, within six Judge of the above entitled court. This hot Ice le publlahed four con ;«t the office of W. J. Warner, my I months from date of this notice, the attorney. In Hermiston. Oregon. w lth!i‘*me beln< d ,,ed ,nd Published the secutive weeks In the Hermiston proper vouchers within six months! >hls glh d» r^ G J"’y' 2 ’A* Herald, a newspaper of general clr- The First National Bank of Pendleton! eolation, published In Hermiston, from the date hereof. A , administrator of the estate of ¡Umatilla County. Oregon, and by Dated this 22nd day of July. 1926 Jannte Senn. Deceaeed. ! posting the u un , notice m three pub- RAY C GOODE. Raley, Raley A Stelwer and H. J. He places In said County and 8tate, (48-(tc) Administrator Warner. Attorneys for Admlnls->11 In the manner and form aa by irator. 44-5tc law provided. Dated thia Sth day of July, 192«. T. B. SW AY ZB, —TNT the herald want A D S - v z z z : NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice le hereby given tbat the undersigned hae been appointed ad- Administrator w ith w ill annexed, of the estate of Busan A. W hite, de ceased. (44-Stc) Call in and let us tell yon in perron what we can do for yon at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied ».stonier is our best advertise ment. Come and see for yourself. All the latest methods are u se’ at this Beauty Shop and all work is done tinder sanitary conditions. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUT Y AR. O . Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties Smart and Excli'.riv? M’Uinery at Most Reasonable Prices. 645 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone; 380 WE ARE GROWING day by day Thai is because we please our customers with the kind of vulcanizing work we do. Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines together with good matriais and workmanship turns out a first class lob PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY- V 2C81/ i E. Alta St. Pendleton, Oie. Domestic Laundry With the approach of hot weather our service In taking care of your laundry worries has an added appeal that can hardly be resisted by the family In which the health and well being of the housewife receives consideration. For a nominal charge all the drudgery of wash day and ironing dny can be banished from your home and done by us with the most modern machinery poss ble to buy. That— Our Service is Satisfactory Is proven by the large Hot of satisfied customers we serve every week in this territory. We welcome new customers. Whether It is finishing work, rough dry work or Thrtf-T- Ser vice you seek, you are bound to be satisfied if the old reliable Domestic Laundry handles It. Domestic Laundry Inc. Wm. Shaar, Agent Phone 461