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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1926)
S s® ’»" ■À” THE HEÄM 1STOK m m A m , H E R M IST O N . OU TO O N . » r ■ ■■■»". ■ . . i . ■■»■, - . 11 -■" 1 '■ ■ 4 ■ i ' I' i p I i g g = E wife, the Oregon, Washington •Ml described in the complaint kreln, Is recommended such flocks as are' (12) Pullets should have plenty Slp^rnRiatam ferali Defendant*. Railroad A Navigation Company, now carried be reduced to the small- of ventilation during their develop- pto flfw * they eannet afford to a corporation, and atoo all othsr SUMMONS eat number necessary to M W * o a * P«*«* a * « * " houses used very Thursday at Her- person# or parties unknown claim Equity No. ««2«. for range houses soon become over VmatUIa County. Oregon by the need* of the home table. crowded. It to recommended that To Mrs. U n to A. R on and John ’ ing any right. Utto. aatata, lion, During the flush eeaeon a great Crowder, Kdltor aad Man- or Interest In and to the read ea volume of Inferior eggs from poor producers guide their eonatruetlon or Dos R on and »too »U other persons tat* described la the complaint. ly managed farm flocks la dumped range ho ne w by the'plans for "The or parties unknown blalnalag any Defendant». Open Air RBange Hones" (Bxpert right, Utto. « ta ts, (ton or latsrsat 1 ad aaeond olaas matter on the market. SUMMON8 >9M, at the posto «Hoe at (6) On farms where labor is meat Station Circular 14.) This In the real eatat described In the Equity No. 417«. Cmatllla County, Oregon. available each day of the year, where type orbouee has provede attofaetory complaint herein: To Alexander Bosley aad ■ ■ —■ feed can be provided at »>• under Oregon climatic conditions. gre IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Subscription Batea (IS ) Too many laying houses OF OREGON; you and each of you Bosley, hla wife. Mason J. Hewitt reasons ot the year, and where cap- end i ■ ' ■ ■ Hewitt, hie wife, and One Tear ---------— ------- «2.0« ital is available for neceeeary outlay ! xre constructed according to some are hereby required to appear and also all, other person« or parties un Biz M onths -...................... ... «1.00 In starting the business. It Is recom un tiled hobby. Such houses may or answer the complaint in the above (Payable In Advance) mended that during a two or three may not meet climatic and product entitled matter within six weeks known «(aiming say right, till»., es tate, Hen or Interest In and to the year period a flock of four hundred ion requirements for the flock. from the first publication o fthl* It is recommended that poultry real estate described f nthe com hens and pullets be established as CONFERENCE REPORTS uuimons and you will take notice producers consult the plan of poul plaint herein. Defendants. RENT INCLUDES TAXES AND INSURANCE AND INTEREST M a side line business. that if you fail to appear and ans IN THE NAME OF THE STATE («) As a major actlvlly or spec- try house recommended by Oregon wer or plead within that time that (Concluded (rom Page One) the money inverted. Yon pay it all only yon o a t seo it. OF OREGON you and each of you lalled commercial egg farm, where agricultural college, (Experiment plaintiff tor want thereof will ap are hereby summoned and required to consider the advisability of ex one man expects to derive bis major Staton Circular 51) before building. ply to the above entitled Court for to appear and answer the complaint pansion; to consider methods of loc Income from poultry, it Is recom All poultry bulletin* referred to the relief prayed for In. Ita com (lied against you In (he above en al storage; cooperative buying of mended that, as soon as experience may be secured from County Agent. plaint herein to-wit: for personal titled suit on or before six weeks Xieds; co-operative selling of pro. warrants, a minimum unit of one « (14) Green feed Is one of the judgment against the defendants ducts; means of transportation, and thousand hens and pullets be estab four major classes of poultry feeds from the (late of the first publica Mrs, Llzsl« A. Ross for the following necessary for growth and egg pro to Incorporate Into this report, above lished. tion of this summons, to-wit- on or (7) In commercial poultry farm, duction, an regarded as the most amounts, to-wit: 211.00 with Inter before the 12th day of March, 1*26, all else, certain methods of manage est at th« rate of six per cent per lng, or as a side line business, the Important feed. It is hereby recom ment which will make *he poultry and If you fall so to appear and annum from and after June 1, 191«; mended that the poultry produern bustnese a safer enterprise over a poultry group recommends that the answer said complaint on or before «11.00 with interest at the rate of period of yearB for the farmers of percentage of the flock each year plant a small patch of root cops each said date, for want thereof the plain consist of approximately fifty per year to be used as an emergency win. six per cant l‘«’r annum from and tiff will apply to the above entitled the project. 2. Can more Eggs be Marketed. cent pullets and fifty per cent hold ter fed, to supplement the alfalfa after June 1. 1920; «11.00 with In court for the relief demanded In or other greens during the winter terest at the rate of six per cent said complaint, to-wtt: The Umatilla project now pro over hens. 2 per annum from and after June 1, (8) The producers of commer months. duces a surplus of eggs which must For a decree determining and (15) The poultry commodity 1921; «11.00 with Interest at the decreeing that the plaintiff Is the You will find «very beauty, every convenience,» every comfort cial eggs must have the benefit of he sold outside of the project. The state of Oregon also produce* fall and winter production to get a group desires to go on record as rate of six per cent per annum from owner In fee simple of the following you have dreamed about In our book of designs. On view at our a surplus of a few hundred carloads higher average price for the years favoring the new egg grading law June 1, 1922: *11.00 with Interest at described real property situated In office or w« will take It to you ou request. and Its enforcement, which was pass the rate of 6 per cent per annum from of eggs, which in turn must find a production. Umntllla County, Oregon, to-wlt: This committee strongly recom- ed by the last sesion of the Oregon and after June 1, 1923: and «11.06 market outside of the state. Fortu Commencing at a point 148.5 Aa Professional Building Material Merchants, we offer our ser nately a strong outsde buying de mends that producers get the chick* Iglslature. This law provides that with interest at th0 rate of six per feet South of the Quarter Cor vice» la aiding you to secure your IDEAL HOME. cent per annum from and after June! early enough In the spring to be old all eggs that reach the ultimate con. mand exists for the surplus eggs of ner between Set^lons Nine (9) good quality. This export surplus enough to come Into flock product- eumer must be candled and sold sc 1, 1924; and that the Court will by | and Sixteen (16) in Township its decree declare said judgment to could be more than doubled with ion by October. It Is’suggested that cording to quality and size. Five (5) North of Range Twenty- out Injury to pricee, provided this the most desirable time to secure! (16) Poultry farming has been be a Hen against the following des eight (284, thence West along Increased volume came from locks chicks of lighter breeds Is from the exploited as an easy business, re- cribed property, to-wit: the North line of the O. W. R. A- ntlddle of March to April 15. Heav- | quirlng but smnll capital and little Al] that portion of the South large enough to Insure good quality N. Co’s, right of way 662 feet, Half of the South Half of the and large enough to ship regularly ier breeds should be secured earlier experience. Such propoganda Is thence North 662 feet, thence 331 Pho as they require a longer time t o . unsound. : | ’ I Southwest Quarter of the North In case lots. < Easterly 662 feet parallel with The poultry group desires to pres west Quarter of Section 30, The surplus eggs of the state are icach maturity. said right of way thence South ' The Tard of Bert Quality (9) It Is false economy to at ent a few facts in order to promote marketed cooperatively thru the Township 4 North, Range 28 662 feet to place of beginning; H. M. STRAW. MGR a common understanding. Pacific Co-operative Poultry Produc tempt to brood and range together East of the Willamette Meridian all east o (the Willamette Merid The development of a largo flock ers Association, a recognized success chicks of different ages. This often lying East of the canal of the ian. In the County of Umatilla Exclusive Representatives of Nations In the field of coopeartlve marketing. happens where the small farm Incu. should be made gradually. An ama Western Land & Irrigation Com and State of Oregon; excepting This association works In close har bator Is operated aeveral time« dur- teur should select one reliable source pany, the said tract of land con a right of way reserved ftjyr a mony with similar cooperative as lng the spring of the year. It la of Information and follow It closely t o taining seven and three-puar- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a a a a a sss. • public highway for road pur sociations in California and Wash therefore recommended that produc rather than act upon the mlscellan ters acres, more or less, poses In the deed of John B. ington. The above association ben. tive buy or hatch all chicks at one eous advice handed out from many and will decree the same to be a Swltzler, a widower, to the eflts all poultry producers whether time,, where only one brodder and unreliable sources. lien upon said premises to aequre plaintiff herelln as grantee, Where the farm and home are members or not. With the surplus one range Is available. the payment with interest as afore and further decreeing that the THIS IS THE PLACE owned and a poultry unit is to be (10 The greatest undermining eggs shipped away the local mar said of all the amounts hereinabove plaintiff’s said fee simple title be kets are kept at a higher level than factor in the poultry business Is soil established It will require an ap named, and that the Court will If the home markets were glutted contamination. This ^results when proximate outlay of cash or credit ' further decree that said Hen Is a forever quieted of all adverse and conflicting claims of you and each of large numbers of fowls use the same the first six months of «2.85 to «3 with eggs. first and pi lor lien upon said prem you, and that you and each of you, 3. Recommendations of the Poul. • oil area too long. The greatest per pullet under Umatilla Project The expenditure Is ises and superior In time and right the said defendants, and all claim danger applies to yards ot ranges conditions. ty Group. • 1 to any right, tille, Interest or claim (1) The Umatilla Project Is used for brooding chicks and rearing pro rated as follows: Using a unit of any of the defendants her«eln, ing by, through and under you or any of you, be by said decree for them to maturity. A lack of a cre-[ of 500 chicks as a basis, (a) well adapted trt poultry farming, and that the Court will further de ever barred and enjoined from as land prices are reasonable, eggs of age contributes to poultry farm Brooder house, brooder, fuel, sup- cree and order safd Hen foreclosed serting any claim. Interest or estate good quality can be produced and failure. Real estate agencies should pllee, per chick, from fifteen to and the said premises sold by the of any kind or nature adverse to or twenty-five cents, (b) Feed, lit sold at a profit, a ready market not exploit two or three acre tracts OR ANYTHING IN THE HARNESS Sheriff of Umatilla Coutny, Oregon, conflicting with the said fee simple exists for quality eggs ahd mean» for Intensified poultry farms where ter, cost of chicks, morality losses in* the manner prescribed by law, title of the plaintiff therein, and to six months of age, range house, young stock Is to be reared each of transporting the products to mar nnd for such other and further re- thereto, and generally quieting the ket are gorxl. Thl. group therefore year. It le hereby recommended per pullet from «1.10 to «1.25. Permanent laying house, m a t-!11«* maV *>e meet In equity. (c) that commercial poultry keeping title of the p’nlntlff r t all such recommends that the poultry Indus try on the project and vicinity can • M »«-♦ be attempted on lees than crlal, labor, equipment, fencing,' This summons Is published pursu-' claims, Interest and estates of every he safely expnncd. Four hundred f id W fifteen acres of ground for etc., per pullet «1.60. Approximate nn* 1° I*1® order of the Honorable kind and character, and for such WE ARE GROWING total, «2.85’to «3.00. ) McColloeh, Judge of the above further and other relief as shall In liens on each farm nk ten acres or euch unit of one thousand hens. The above statements show an ap- entitled Court duly made and enter- »nutty be meet, and to Justice apper (11) Poultiy producers will sue. more would ndd wealth to the pro day by day. That la because we please our customers with the ject and give volume that would aiB ••eed accorilng t their foresight proximate overhead minus labor, r«l b«1 the 25th day of January, 1926 tain. and ability to rear healthy, mature taxes. Interest on investment and directing that publication herein be kind of vulcanizing work we do. the marketing problems. This summons is served upon you made once a week for a period of Our up-to-date vulcantrl g me“*"-- « (22 It Is recommended as a more pullets. Clean soil must be provld- depreciation. by publication thereof In the Her They show th* necessity of follow six consecutive weeks In the Her economlcal method for the new be-jed for brooding and ranging young together with good man-in , miston Herald, a weekly newspaper v orktnsnshlp turns on’ n f'r-i glnner or strictly commarclr.l egg stock, If Intestinal paresltes and ing a system of poultry farm man miston Herald, a newspaper publish published In Umatilla County, Ore job. farm to purchase day old chlckB or diseases dangers are reduced to the agement that will make the Invest ed In Hermiston, Umatilla County, gon for six consecutive weeks be Oregon, and that the first publica ment safe. three months old pullets than to minimum. tion herein is mad* pursuant to ggid ginning with the Issue of January It Is further recommended that On farms where hill land makes engage In breeding or Incubator PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY 28, 1926 to and including the Issue More work lg needed t0 safe a portable brooder house undesirable demonstration flock of poultry b oarder on the 28th day of January, H f A work. of March 11, 1926, pursuant to the 2C6% E. Alta St. Pendleton. Ore. I^uard th* buying public from un- (described in Experiment Station established on the Umatilla Branch | 1926. commands of an order for publication Circular 66) a permanent brooder Experiment Station. The purpose Raley, Ra'ey A Stelwef* and H. J. j< liable sellers of chicks. of said summons made and entered Warner, (3) Many losses occur due to house becomes a necessity. In such of this flock being to furnish a In the above entitled suit by the eases It Is recommended «hat tho ! — — — ------------------------------------ the foct that many people attempt Attorneys for Plaintiff. Honorable C. H. McColloeh, presid prtr.anent brooder house be located ' (Continued on Page Three) Postoffice address, Pendleton, Ore poultry keeping on a larger scale ing judge of the above entitled Court, w iwo lum » _____ ___ . ___ that two or mors than their experience or poultry on a glv*n area so u gon. 21-7tc said order being dated this 26th day he provided. Under this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE knowledge warrants. It Is the re yards may of January, 1926. STATE OF OREGON FOR commendation of this group that not system It is understood that only one ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Dated, thia 27th day of January, UMATILLA COUNTY ABRAM METHOD mors than five bundled chicks be 1 ynrd 1 b to be used each year In Its STATE OF OREGON FOR Western Irrigation Co., a corpora 1926. brooded the first yf»r. Two hundred logical turn (yards may be formed OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT William J. Warner. tion, Plaintiff. UMATILLA COUNTY pullets secured from this number of by use of panel or temporary fenc Ralph Atchison, P. O. Herlston, Oregon. chirks will provide enough expense ing.) As Boon as the pullets are old Lowell, Clark A McIntyre, Plaintiff. nnd exeperlence for the beginners' enough (eight to ten weeks) they Mrs. Lizzie A. Ross, and John Doe vs. Residence and P. O. address, Pendle Ross, and also all other persons should be removed from the brood- first year. PENDLETON, OREGON ton, Oregon. o r p a r t i e s u n k n o w n Alexander Bosley and------------- Bos <4) On farms nol Interested In ?r bouse and brooder yard and taken claiming any right, tllte, estate ley, his wife, and Mason J. H ew -' Attorneys for Plaintiff. poultry or where other farm work . ut on free range not us'd the prev. and— Hewitt, his 21-7te lien or Interest In the real estate does nol provide surplus labor, It tnus yearlong year. Y o u P a y fo r It! . W h y N ot Own Your Home? If another person can make a profit by renting you a house, surely you can make a * profit by owning y u home. Inland Empire Lumber c ■ If you want your Auto fop or Recovered A New Set of Side Curtar.' S A Tent Made to Ord »r W. I. G A D W A , Pendleton, Ore NIZING CANCER SPECIALIST Dr. B. B. Brundage r/- Community Get-to-gether * Meeting Will Be Held NEXT THURSDAY FEBRUARY * « Every Adult Is Invited P, & Bring Your Cup and Spoon Time, 8: P. M. Place, City Auditorium Hermiston Commercial Club Project Farm Bureau Community Club Neighborhood Club A