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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1926)
i >i-1'- * ’ m m m w oB hkbjjld . mnogsyoy, o&BQoy. XABSX snsoxan CONFERENCE REPORTS Burt Mullins (Continued from Page Two) A -5» j ’ * . ■ working demonstration of the prac tices recommened by the poultry department sf the Oregon Agricul tural college. i | i■ Chairman. YOUR T IÉATRE 1« a growing Bank Account. It mains freedom from worry over financial matter«, and provide« ’a m a n s of obtaining th« luxur ies of life. Deposit all of your Income and pay your bills by check. You’ll be surprised to learn how rapidly your balance grp4r« from month to month. of Hermiston •pitel, surplus and Undivided Profits Over *50 ,0 0 0 ayzr. Hre« R- Alexpder, Vise-Free. •\ H Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier w . nuos Oh SALE K ALB— 2 fresh cows, milking ' o thorps. William D. Prior. 7tf C • th«rs buys and sells al- j Office In building for. » .jccupled by Western Land and Ilay Growers’ Assn. Phone 1-tfc A 7 room strictly mod ae. full basement an dgood ' n. Cose to school. Might trade. C. H. Skinner. 4«-tfc ARS FOR SALB— Terms given. Plrces right. Kellogg Motor Co. U -tfc ■ >H SAI K- 750 pound Primrose sep ta, ha Enquire Inland Empire Litmber Co. 43 tfc OLD MR. CARTER HELPED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE “After taking Adlerlka I feel bet- ter than for years. At my age («0) It is ideal—so different from other medicines." (signed) W. W. Carter. Adlerlka d8 a simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., •which removee GAS In ten minutes and often hrtngs surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old waste matter you never thought was In your system. Excellent for chronic constipation. Mitchell Drug Company. SNAPS 10 acres all alfalfa, small house, well. No. 1 land, close In; *1500. 10 acres No. 1, close In, as been In alfalfa for years; *1200. 6 acres, good house, chicken sheds. No. 1 land, *1000. House In town to trad« for small acreage. E. P. DODD We Have Anticipated FOR SALE— Small green house with heating plant. H. E. Shesely. 24-1 for Come in and give our line the “once over.” 4.GXNT8—Sell guaranteed hosiery Street from mill to wearer; all «ferles and cotera; salary paid for Mil time or apare boun; no money needed for samples. International Mills, 10*8, Norristown, P«. I AM IN THE MARKET FOR VEAL, and hogs. Phone 36-W-3. D. D. Folletti 23-6tp We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing th is news* paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure T o See Us D O IT N O W „ — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— Aiwa: tys In the market for Veal, B eet Fprk and Mutton. J. C. Diwnlng. 7-tfe for Profita. rh S l bbtatb exchanges and IHBURANCH 1 - J - 1- — WY Send u* the price o f * year’s subscription if you are in arrears W e N e e d th e M oney LAND TRADES ro machias rolls nt the Hsmld ALTOR. - Stilling». 3 7 « tor bargains. Try J- M. BIGGS, RE >•-**« QUWJX SERVICE ON CLEANING AND PRESSING. We esQ for odd «sliver. Imperial Cleaner». M-W. » •-» * NEW AND USED CARE—Kel- * -tfs Motor CO. T roy L aundry C om pany Phone 461 Colonel WM. F. YOHNKA j j. L. VAUGHAN ! ■ ■ s '“■"■I ' SOOOO0 » 0 0 00 0 » o » 0000*000000» SMITH’S SECOND HAND STORE— You get more for your money; Isn’t that funny. Furniture, stovee and everything. Jnst walk In and forget to ring. 36-tfc LAUNDRY Everthing Electrical Rendd Want Ads Bring Yon Remit« LEVELING LAND—See Peter Cas- trie, experienced and reliable, I mtlee nerth of Hermiston. , 4-tfc Announcment ’ *4 . . J T .H . Gaither I W e A ppreciate Y our Business Army Burk’s for bargains. Send ft To The Laundry Wm. Shaar, Agent FOR SALE—Good light team of hones and set of harness, cheap. Apply at this office. 11-tfc BURK 1« headquarter» Shoes. w— — ~ Domestic Laundry tae. Your needs in everything that is necessary to com plete your golf dutfit. ..tch, clock and jewelry repairing. Seg Newell, next door to Sappers. 18-tfe » AUCTION SALES! POR SALE—White Leghorn Baby Chicks. C. J. Vollva 23-6tf> POUND— Pair of gloves near re clamation office. Owner can have name by calling at this-office. 20-lt - ■■ S E R V IC E FOR SALE or trade 15 acres, part alfalfa, part orchard, and some in asparagus. For partculars call at Herald offce. 7-tfc tiSCELLANEOUS . Krause’s Chocolates The Best in Candies A PICTURE OF MERIT F ir st N a t io n a l B a n k S T A T IO N E R Y , NO« Report of th» Track Crop Committee 1 hnve purchased the con Truck and fruit crema such as s cossi tally I bv U e A. fectionery known as P a t’s Ja*p«r Tem ptatoa. N. O. asparagus, strawberries, early pota- Place and solicit a share of :. toes, grapes, sweet potatoes, canta RECLAMATION IZ)E loupes and watermelons do remark- your patronage. o f P . moots eo “ ____„ _ Muck's H all, at 7^0 P. M. j ably well upn the Umatilla Project brother* oonUdU ly invtod. W. H. McMillan R. A . B r o w n m . due to Its early soil and favorable it . R. aod 8 . C .C i climatic conditions. Asparagus is produced in quality PROFESSIONAL CARDS and quantity upon these acres. In S a t u r d a y , S u n d a y , F e b . 2 0 -2 1 ' the Kennewick district from f ift y , Dr. F. V. PRIME to seventy-five cratee per acre is_cut DENTISTRY the first season after planting, from Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis two hundred to two hundred and to so . fifty crates the following year and Hermiston, Oregon Neu» stand Bank Bldg. Phone Connections from*four to six hundred craterf as Cigars and Tobacco an average the following seasons, from well cared for and heavily W. J . W A R N E R fertilized commercial plantings. Attorney-at-Law ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A Thirty-five acres of such aspara- ♦ ♦ ! gus are now growing upon this pro Hermiston t :: Oregon IF ITS ject. This acreage may be safely Increased to one hundred or one hun. DR. W. W. ELLSLEY dred and fifty acres. This will Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon make It possible to ship in carlot YOU WANT shipments. This together with Phone Res. 712 Office 731 ¡ comparable acreage of strawberries, CALL 25-J 'early potatoes and cantaloupes will M c K enzie a ueualleh ' Justify the much needed pre-cooling COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITE1 * | plant. Eye, Ear, Nose and ThtWtt The commercial acreage of asipar- H rs removed from hi* foem er location in the Bond Bldff. to ; agus has almost doubled sine« 1921. ♦ TRANSFER AND DRAY Rooms 1. 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldff- One half of this acreage Is produced Pendleton :: Oregon here upon the coast. About two- Science proves that it is very n healthy to dry dothing in | thirds of the Pacific coast produc- : tlon Is canned, the other third Is doors, especially during damp or «‘ormy weather when pneumon R. M. HESTER, M. D. shipped fresh. The shipments from Eye. Ear Nose and Throat ia is more or less prevalent. this district follows closely upon the Office, 123 W. Court St. I .peak shipments from California flli- Over Telephone Building The Domestic Laundry offers the following services; lng an already created demand at We Wash Everything But the Pendleton, , Oregon good prices. Baby. 1— FINISHING DEPARTMENT One of the Washington varieties Our new and modern equipment makes It possible tor us to turn DR. THEO. BELETSKI, FOUR TIMES A WEEK Is recommended. out a grade of finished work that Is a source of pleasure to our Ve'terinarian SERVICE Strawberries do wjpli upon' jth,ls Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter many customers. project. The Clark Seedling variety state Stock Inspector is a fair producer and a real shipper. a— ROUGH DRY The harvesting season, of this fruit Needs no Introduction. Our rough dry patrons have more than fits In well between the seasons of dougled In the pi at tw oyears. asparagus and early potatoes. The acreage of strawberries in the 3— THRIF-T-S7.RVICE United States showed a tendency to Pendleton, Oregon Is the name of a new department which is meeting with great decrease from 1899 to 1919. From QUALITY SERVICE 1919 to 1924 however there has, popularity. The flat work, both towels, handkerchiefs, etc., are been a general Increase totaling ironed carefully and ready to use. Th wearing apparel la return more than sixty per cent for the en Residence second house west of the ed damp but woolens are dried e 0 that no possibility of shrink tire period. The principal percent, Catholic church. Phone. 82-R. age exists. This service Is being offered a^ 5c per pound plus lc age of increase in acreage was In the early states, runnng from 226 to per piece. WHEN IN A FEW IFS AND WHY! ' 350 per cent of the 1919 acreage. This is contrasted with an Increase PENDLETO N IF you Intend having an Auction, ■ESS ,of 115 to 135 per cent in the late MAKE YOUR and states. This project produces with H E A D Q U A R T to IF you want to sell at good prices, the late states and for that reason -A T — is not required to meet the oom- and WESTERN AUTO CO. pelltln of tht hulk of this increase. IF you want an auctioneer who The spring frost risk is probably Cottonwood and Water St«. can speak German as weii as the one limiting factor. English, COMPLETE OARAGE SERVICE - Potatoes are produced as a very Tires— Tubes— Accessorial WHY the man you are looking for early crop .upon the Umatilla Pro ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 ject. Their harvesting season comeg Tom Swearingen, Mgr. from June 15 to July 15. This is a period of rather low supply and high I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B B B B B B « ■ * BB B ^ B ■ ■ M BB B H ' prices. Following very closely upon the strawberry crop early potatoes keep the flow of cash unbroken and fits In very nicely with the agri • “The an Who Crie« Sale« i 206 East Court St. | culture of the project. Everywhere” Irish Cobbler Is apparently the ■ ANY AND ■ most popular variety, although con siderable Earliest of All and Early His prices are reasonable and he does the business. • Ohlos are produced. The planting dates are usually during March. Sale Date« can be had at th i office. The white potato only Is recommend, FOR YOU ed. Early Ohlos are recommended against. Phene 139 Pendleton, On. The need of a locally grown sup And in recognition of our appre ply of seed at a uniform price is ap .« B B B B B B S B B B B B B B aB a» ciation we give you the kind of HERMISTON TOtX SHOP parent. Arrangement» with a dis service that cannot be equalled. trict such as Weston to grow this We meet you a t the door when would probably bo I v » this difficulty. you bring in your cream and in Yields of sixty sacks or more are forty-five minutes the check is AND TIRE WORK necessary If a profit Is to be real waiting for you. ized. I Early potatoes are generally .more First Door West of profitable than late season ones. Hermiston Light Co. Cantaloupes is another crop well adapted to Umatilla Poject condi BURKENBINE & DOSSER tions. Hearts of Gold and Burrell Gems are the desirable varieties. Very good prices are the rule up to about August 7, then only fair We Haul price« for another week or so and then rather poor prices. “Get them ANYTHING early” Is the slogan for the canta ANYWHERE loupe Industry here. The shipping ANYTIME season usually starts about July 15. Neglect of the liver result» In self An acreage of from sixty to TELEPHONE 31 seventy-five, sufficient for carlot poisoning! Not so quickly, perhap , IB B B E B B B B E B U E E S E E B E E E E B B E E B B B B B E B E B B E B E shipments Is essential. Handled but Just as surely as If you drank properly this should be the fourth poison out of a bottle .If your liver 1 5 , of a very good succession of cash lB not doing its work of heplng dlges 5 crops for the project. Starting with tioi^ eliminating waste from the B asparagus then strawberries follow bowels and purifying the blood, you jj'ed by early potatoes and finally can. will always be troubled with alrk headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad g . taloupes. breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa B Watermelons are very satlsfactor. »AIKT3, W / LI PAPER, J u ly grown upon the project. Kltck. tlon. Cleanse and tone your liver! Pul To Your O rder and at Reasonable Prices J ley Sweet and Monte Cristo are the ricT U iu mou ; uings your system In condition so'you feel B most desirable varieties. The de- a : 3 CT 31 Sjm and at a remunerative price Is your very best again! Try Just » spoonful of Dr. H, B. Thacher’s ex B' limited to local markets for early 513 M -i St. I ’.m e ÎZS cellant Liver and Blood Syrup after B stuff up to August 16 to 30. the next few meals and notice the 8 1 The usual acreage of watermelon» qufok Improvement In the way you Pendi«, on, O it; n. « M B S B B a a B B B B a a B B B a a a B B a f l B B B a a a » upon the project Is sufficient to take eat, sleep, look and feel— the return care of this demand. of strength, vigor and energy. You Grapee are produced satisfactor will be completely sntlsfled; other ily upon this project. The Concord wise there will be no coet. HEMSTITCHING, PLTATINa Is especially well adapted. High BUTTOFS yields of high quality, carrying an and extremely high sugar content are ac TREE! T hi, Coupon i , Good foi i PHYgtCIAM A ID SURGEON BUTTON HOLES cured. Sample Bottle The grape Industry of the United Dr. Thacher’» Liver A Blood Syrup Mail order« promptly States has Increased rapidly In ths If presented before the supply tor attended to. past few years. In 1917 21,000 free dlstrlbtlon Is already given rsrlefa of grnpen were shipped. This away. Read the full dealls above, ' tii increased until 30000 carlot» then act at, as this offer 1» THE SMART SHOP Mr«. R. L. Parker, Prop. ■ a -c shipped In 1919, 37000 In 1921, limited. Get a trial size now by . ’ 'Y’7 OH IKBRUAXT » , ISM SluOO In 1023, and more then 70,- presenting this coupon to Mitchell 822 Main 8t. Pendleton, Or«. (Contlnued on page tour; Drug Company. M THE KEY TO HAPPINESS C O N F E C T IO N E R Y QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER MR 191, O. B. 8.. mests SMoad and fourth Tuesday evening» of each month at 3:09 sharp la Maaonle kaff, Vlaltlng membsrs welcome, Euthsmla Jackson, W. M, Kathryn U Garner, Secretary, TU ■« :re* near Vancouver, nil In berries, garden, etc., good buildings. Wants alfalfa traet. 200 acres Bitter Root valley on state highway. Good farm; want lower altitude and alfalfa. 200 acres Unton county, sloe stock ranch; want« land here. l« 0 acres nt Colville; deep black soil, fine bonding«. W aste alfalfa land. 40 acres near Salens, well » » r o v ed, want similar here. 800 acre wheat ranch In 01111am ednty; wants an alfalfa ranch. Can get I»“4 moot anywhere yo« want to go. E. » , DODD, HE1MBT0D, OBXGOD Vulcanizing Legal B lan k s for Sale at This Office Hermiston Transfer M utual Cream Station LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING L . F. M c A t e e H O N EY THE HERMISTON HERALD JAMES L. SEARS, M. D. Announces the opening of an office in First National Bank Bldg. Jl