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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1926)
S' tTlu Wnmafcm %ralh VOL. XX i l HERMISTON, UM ATTILA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 18, 192*» VO. 24 =■ [ get - together project is overstocked with bees and ln *>«“• other « « I o n « . TMlds of than the average for the state but is committee recommends: 1. That since the keeping of there is at present no room for in- cor“ tor silage are also satisfactory, above the average for some coun-' crease. W ith an etimated In- making It a profitable crop tspee- ties. Progress is Jbeing made in system atic records is essential to creaa of 15M 0 acres of alfalfa there lB,,X wtler*' cooperation is obtained th is regard an mprovement ts notice, dairy success the conference chair- would ba room for not more than in harvesting and ln the fillin g of able. The number of grade or man appoint a committee to deter- scrub sires in use is gradually de- mine the most feasible method and another 1000 colonies w ithout over- sil«8- crowding. Thia increased acreage' 7n determ ining on the kind of creasing and the purebred breeders assist in organization. COMMUNITY GATHERING TO BE 2. That the apparent success in w ill not be available for some years 8110 to build it is found that the association, which la the oldest or- j HELD IN AUDITORIUM total cost of tb s concrete silo is less ganlzation of its type west of the controlling the abortion disease in to Conference opened In general a s - i ---------------- by 10 per cent then that of wood, Mississippi, has contributed m a te r l-o n e community In the county war-- Cost of Production. sembly Monday morning, Feb. 15 Tuesday session continued la the Only one beekeeper present had while the cash coet is 50 er cent ally to the increased Interest in the rants the .extension of the work to Program, Stunts and Eats on Bill, w ith F .; Phipps, president of the form of general »ly through- ‘ the entire project, and that we re- Bring Yonr Own Cap and Spoon C of fin d in gs « « aoount records. Thue less where sufficient labor is avall- use of purebred sires. Umatilla Project Farm Bureau, pre-l*”*1 tb e daY- of tbs' live- showed a cost of 10 cents per pound able on the farm. Health conditions of the dairy 9°® « ib is added assistance from ' It’s AU Free, siding as chairman of the confer-1Bnd recommendatii : A „ Grains are not grown to atty ex cattle are fairly satisfactory. Com- those in a position to aid. In addressing the conference j “took, beekeeping, poultry, pasture, Or 76 Pounds of honey per colony to 3. That in view of the success The big get-together m eeting that on the purpose of the conference he aBd truck crops comm ittees were cover coat of operation. It would tent, consequently most °* th® con* plete testa for tuberculosis have the Hermiston Jersey Breeders has been talked of and planned for stated th at in the period of five to read a n * adopted on vote of the therefore seem that unless an aver- centrâtes used in feeding are Import, been made and a very small num ber, fifteen years spent on the project assembly as w ritten, w ithout modi- Bs® of 75 P°und8 1« secured ther© is ed. To what extent feding of con- of anim als have reacted. Of great- association, commonly known as the a good many months w ill be held It is recommended that entrâtes Is profitable has not been ' er seriousness to dairy herds of the purebred bull association, we urge next Thursday night, February 25. by the majority of the farmers very flenliona . or amendements. The no profit. •few hare accomplished wh it they ;*BnB crops committee report was clor® beekeepers keep coet account definitely determined, and dairymen ' project s the abortion disease. W hile its extension and us« by additional There w ill be a varied program con- had hoped for. Further that their amended on vote to include • re-' rcord8- j are not ln agreement as to its pro- j the number of anim als affected is herds on the project. sistin g of stunts, music and other eager participation in this conference commendation that the state expert. ' Factors Limit ing Present Produc. fitableness. To those desiring to | probably of not higher percentage Since increased productive modes of entertainment. A big in other dairy sections yet ability in our cows can only be ob- “feed” that w ill long be remember- is the logical outcome of their d is - ! "lent station investigate w hat i s ’ A- Poor W intering It is req u est-' use concentrates, the Farm B ureau '' than appointment and It is hoped that Ils commonly termed as “alfalfa sick- A Poor W intering. It is requet- ’ mixture is recommended, or hon^e th© losses sustained make. It more talned through selection and better cd by those who participate Is sched. ;«suits wUl be manifested in re- “ noticeable on many forms ed tbat the experiment station ca rry , mixtures may be made in which bar- rerious than other diseases. The breeding we use the exclusive use uled for the event. A ll of this is , free to the public. The committee ’ on experim ents to determine th e ley or corn, or the two together. c n ly effort ln the state to combat ° f purebred sires. newed confidence in th l possibilities of the project. -• 6 That since the success of the who are in charge of the refresh- The chair appointed the existin g Talu® o i winter packing and the most form about tw o-thirds of the mlx- the disease in a community way is for the farmer of the project. Although some of our methods and doiry committee as the body to de- Practical methods for Eastern Ore- ture and the other third may consist Leing carted on In one of the com- Farm Bureau Cooperative in the ments ask tat all bring a cup and enterprises are economically sound term ine th e most feasible bnethod gon' Jot oats, bran and oil meal or oats munitles experim entally ln coopera- j handling of feed is due to the vol- spoon. This Is necessary for there tlon with the Oregon agricultural j lHlle of business, we continue to give will be several hundred present and many are not and w ill have to b e '0* keeping system atic records and B- Disease. Di®®88®- The The present present loss loss with dither of these feeds. jn providing feed for the dairy college and results are proving sat- that enterprise our united and undlv. it w ill be impossible to provide abandoned In favor of new mehods to assist in organization of this ,ro,n disease has been reduced to 2 j tableware for them. Just stow them < l • 1 I . ided support. and • new enterprises, according to method as delegated to the chair in per cent- Iu order to eradicate dis- cows ,t |8 found that on the aver- efactory. 6. That in th© feeding of m in er-' away in your overcoat pocket. On the recommendation of the Dairy 8aae ®Btirely It Is recommended: 1. age a cow consumes her w eight in Mr. Phipps. He further explained Of recent years comparatively lit i That more educational work be done j,ay per month. For dry-lot feed- tle has be©n done to Improve mar- ala we recognize that sterilized bone account of the limited space avail- the object of the conference to be committee. Four motion were carried by t h e anK>BK hee keepers. 2.^ That ing it w ill then require one one- ' keting conditions for dairy products ! m eal or flour w ill furnish ail ro- able for the entertainment the that of arriving a t some definite m at the final rs- tb® Preeent inspection and registra- half to two acres to produce t h e 1 though there has been some agita- oulremen 18 and even to high pro- committee ln charge ask that th s conclusions as to Just what methods assembly: (1 ) ___ . ' . . . . . r i l i r i n i ? f n w M n p p d n n * h«x In - children be left at home the sam e as is tlon for cream pools and for a co-1duclng cowa need ”°t b® f®d and enterprises are sound, which are ports and recommendations of each t,on laWs be ,u l*y enforced. 3. It bay required. Whqre pasture was done at like events given in ioperative creamery. In connection j ce8s of tour ounc88 < * » * committee participating ln the c o n -. is ur8 ed that an effort be made to provided one-half acre is needed for unsound economically, and follow 7' Tbat tbd Ufl® of 8“ age be R e years past. Bleachers w ill be built in g up these conclusions w ith a po- ference be published for distrlbu- i 8e<!Ur® 8tat® supervision of disease pasture and the hay acreage is cut w ith the latter some Investigational en greater consideration on those In the hall to accomodate the crowd to one or one and one-half acres. work has been done y a m of community betterment, the tion, (2 ) that the Hermiston Dairy control and inspection work, farms which can profitably grow but even then there w ill not be C W inter Stoves. Beekeepers Grain feeding decreases the amount Farm Bureau, Grange and similar and Hog Show be continued, (3 ) In connection with cream pools It ' organizations working with the bust, that the final report of the project Bhould leave a minimum of 45 lbs. of hay consumed to a certain exten t has been learned that marketing con- ’ corn and which have sufficiently .enough room for all. The older fo ik j ., , . . i large herds to make the use of the are to have first call. uses men of the community ln an economics committee be deferred un i 07 honey for winter. but ln the amounts usually fed it tracts should be signed by the mem. ©©ononllcal Th© various clubs of the commun effort to gain the cooperation of all til such tim e as the comm ittee is I D- L“** of Cooperation ln Locat- w ill not materially reduce the hay hers, then if any advantage Is to be 8. That concrete be the preferred ity ar© sponoring the meeting. They enabled to complete it, (In Justice ing APlar1«®- « 18 recommended that acreage necessary. individuals concerned: gained in prie© the product should | material ln silo construction. are the Hermiston Commercial club, acreM of alfaIfa be al- “How the Conference W ill F unet. to the membes of this comm ittee i t ! four to Th)e factors which tend ¡toward be sold on grade. One of the d iffi I 9. That we support all organized the Community club, the Project Ion” r was th e .topic discussed by should be explained th at they w e « lowed fOr each colony' Trading to- high production costs, such as low culties In connection with grading P. V. Maris, director o f O. A. C. appointed w ith less than one day's cations might in some cases make production per cow and sm allness Is getting a disinterested party to do effort., toward the Improvement of Farm Bureau and the Neighborhood club. It is called for the purpos© of extension service. Differences ln time In. which to gather data from lt P093“ »1® to place apiaries closer of herds, w hile apparent are not the grading. W ith the cooperative i the quality of dairy products. 10. That Investigations as to a community good time and lt la go many sources, inqludlng department together and thus »u,© im .eage and adaptability among the different dis. peculiar to th is project alons and creamery the present necessity for the feasibility of cooperative cream , ing to^ be a "rip snorter.” Yo uare tricts of the project, comparson of offices in W ashington, D. C. I n , can be remedied. Th© sm allness of ( a quality product if success Is to be ery organization be continued. invited to be present and join in the E' Poor Stock. Higher grade yields and methods, elem ents of fact lt was found that they must herds has limited the use of silos attained makes it essential that festivities and you are going to miss competition we have to contend with rely to considerable extent on final <lueen8 wou,d 838181 m aterially In , and has practically prvantpd the or- routes be established so that cream the time of your life if you fail to Il r port of Poultry Committee and marketing possibilities were reports o f the various other com-! lnc***, ‘n« Production on th© pro- ganlzation of cow testin g assoc la- I m ay be gathered ev*-y other day come. The place w ill be the Her 1. The General situation. declared to be some of the most es m ittees) and (4 ) that approval be Ject. tlons The very sm all herds also 1 and that sufficient product be man- F. Lack of Pollen During Cer- Th© poultry» Industry'now on the miston auditorium and the hour 8 sen tial points for consideration after voiced to the worthy activity of the tend to deliver products o f poor ufactured to ship In carlots every t'm utllla Project has b i l l pi-.I P. M. w hich a definite course of action Hermiston Commercial club ln their tain Seasons. quality which affects consum ption I three weeks or join an association of Marketing. A fter oonslderablo since 1920. Prior to th s muBt be outlined. "How we can efforts to obtain appropriations f o r . .. m » . „ u u . u , . demands, with a resultant general cooperatives and ship together. best meet competition of Minnesota • X ,,t e ,< ’r t h e ^ TO5reX’ ’ rtm en ti carried that a committee of five b e l ‘low er,n* of Prlce’ about tw° ‘ | In general “ may 8ald f that try keeping -was given little or no butter on our markets ln spite of station. Riarmn. , thjr(jg ot the of (.j,© project conditions on the project favor consideration beyond the sm all fnrni (Jock whjch supplied only the nt Ae The follow ing resolution was read aPP°ln U 8tudy tbe l a b i l i t i e s of overproduction in our own state there are eight co w s'o r less. The dairying-and that Its expansion w ill w as cited as an exam ple for one of read and adapted on vote Of the cooperative m arketing. The — -ow. number of cows kept per farm should Be profitable at least to the extent of the home. During the agricultural depress the .problems wo are facin g. Dr. assembly: “Be it resolved by this ln g comm ittee w as « .p o in ted : C. be dependent on the feed available 'that surplus hay Is consumed. The ion period which followed the war Ola8gow- Irrigon, -in. L. L. Spllman, of the department of agri general assembly of the U m atilla and where the supply is ample the dependence of truck crops on fer- culture, was quoted as saying that Project Economic Conference th at P*nny> Stanfield R. C. Mitchell, greatest number possible of anim als tility provided by livestock gives a n . | maI’y fa™ e is on the. project, de SEVENTH ANNUAL EVENT TO BE tire laws of agricultural economics we express oqr hearty appreciation Boardman, Chas, Kaiser and George should be .................................. cared for, consistent _,..K w ith -»U— other reason for dairying «« on fh» the »rn.I pro-j P®Bdln« ,ar«ely « p °n bay a« 0 STAGED BY LOCAL LEGION POST money crop, were compelled to In can be harnessed and placed at our of the hospitality of the peopl© o f Bancroft, Hermiston. the efficien t use of labor. |Ject. , (¡J aB oarrled that clude some other cash crop as a service if only sufficient thought Is HfermlAon and wish t0 thank th e i A “rottoB w« The average production per cow Dairy Recommendations— In view Fletcher’» Orehe»tra Will PniBish given to them. Mr. Marvis stress Hermiston Commercial club for the'tb® comm ittee recommend the en . cn the project is som ewhat lower of the above considerations your ' means of revenue. l(usic. Supper Served By The average land holding en the plendld luncheon given Tuesday, i couragement of the boy and girl bee ed the necessity of grow ng into any The Auxiliary. project is thirty four acres. Except business rather than haphazard We request that our chairman pren-!club work- snt a copy o f th is resolution to the! Members of com m ittee. J. H. during periods of inflation farms of methods of going into business w ith The seventh annual W ashington’s this size were compelled to diver its attendant uncertaintlee. The Commercial club. W e also exp ress!Tabor- Hermiston; H. W. Louder- slfy. Poultry keeping became popu birthday dance sponsored by the need for cooperation among the var our appreciation'of the cooperation! m ,,k- Hermiston; C. M. McCall, Stan, total post of the American Legion sk ovbo, Hermiston; Chas, iar as an added source of income. ious communities ln the matter of given to make th is m eeting a s u c -!7leld; The consum ing population on or will be staged next Monday n igh t determ ining the most essential line cess by th© O. A. C. extension s e r -;Ka,* 'r’ Hermiston; L. Buhman, Her- Bancroft, Herm iston; neap th© ^project was lim ited. It in the Hermiston auditorium. The of activity for im mediate considera vice, the Prosser exeriment sta tio n ,1 B“ 8ton: Yviu are cordially invited to attend the “ Get-to-gether” was only natural that a rapid In Idea of givin g the dance wae con tion by the new ly appointed assist Mr. Lee Lampson of Kennewick, Mr. Corven Champion, Hermiston; Les- meeting to be held at the Hermiston Auditorium on Thurs crease in poultry production would ceived six years ago. The event W - AdamB’ Hermiston; C. E. ant county agent was also stressed A. C. Cooley of Salt Lake city and day evening February 25th 1926. We are going to have a Glasgow, Irrigon; W. G. Rodda, Her over supply the needs of local con proved so popular that it woe de and the statem ent made “that strfe the M. E. church of Hernrinton.” good time—music, instrumental and vocal—vaudeville stunts sumption and creat a real market cided to make lt an annual dance among comm unities defeats their Follow ing is a list of the standing miston. hot dog and thir whole works. Be sure and come—you ing problem. When the local mar and now every year it la on« o t th« aim s and purposes Just as does committees of the conference, ¿hair, won’t regret i t On account of lack of room in the hall we k ets became glutted pome of th e outrtandlng social affair«. Every Report of Dairy Committee strife among individuals.“ The men being tinted first. Extension Dairying is becoming one of the producers started shipping to out member of th© local post work w ith artjtsk in g everyone to leave the children at home—toq bad— speaker in d o sin g explained th at the officials in parenthesis: m ajor enterprises on the Umatilla side indepndent markets and a untiring effort to make each dance fin d in gs and recommendations made Poultry— G. . R. Robinson, but the old folks must have first choice this time. No Rhodes, k Spinning, k Buhman. J. ^ tu r n in g approxim ately greater number joined the state wide a blggqr and better event than the by each of the eight groups repre charge, of course, the tre a t is on us. m arketing association and shipped one before. No time or money la sen tin g various enterprises would be Johnson and Mr,s. F. Ricks. (A. G. *200,000 to farmers In 1925. - In creased Interest is due to th e fairly Individually to the central office ln spared ln making this fact a real condensed and put in w ritten form Lunn.) Remember the date—Thursday February 25th. Portland. The costs of marketing ty. Committees are chosen and to be presented to the general assem. Farm Crops— R. Brown, J. Mc- favorable conditions of dairying Bring Your Own Cup and Spoon can be reduced when car lots can ¡each member of these comm ittees bly on the follow ing day for their N aught. C. Jackson, 1. Reid, P. Sul compared to other enterprises and b© marketed collectively, but Indl- are made to feel that the success of further modlfiaction and approval. livan, W. Logan, A. Yergens, F. also to the Improved hoove market Hermiston Commercial Club vldaul shipm ents provide the only the dance depends jn a large meas A. C. Cooley, In charge of demon Frederickson, A. Skovbo, S. Cooper, lt provides for a lfalfa hay. pondltions are favorable for eco solution until farther expansion jus ure on his Individual effort. stration work on government recla F. Green (E. Jackman.) Community Club Next Monday night tha seventh an tifies a change In. methods of mar mation projects, speaking on the Livestock— L. Soiling. C. Jackson, nomical production of dairy products Project Farm Bureau nual event w ill be staged and you keting. general purpose of the conference, C. Nlzer, C. Calkins, F. Stone N. in that high yeilds of forage crop« Thru the cooperation of several can tell tbe world that th* boys ore quoted Andrew Carnegie In the S tillin g s and G. Strohm. (E . Potter.) essential to dairy cattle feeding are Neighborhood Club agencies the shippers secured refrig. working hard to make th is dance the statem ent th at “big business is done Beekeeping— C. Glasgow, W . Rod. obtainable. T he high yields -it a l erator car freight service to Port best ever. Fletcher's orchestra has in sm all rooms,” Inferring thereby da, L. Penny, W Loudermilk, Geo. falfa hay gives dairymen of the pro- land markts. During the hot weath i>een engaged (or the occasion. This superior advantages over those . it takes sm all groups of ear Bancroft, L. Buhman, R. M itchell, er on the project this service has re -lggrgatlon of musicians have been nest individuals to accomplish big Cotant, r . Otto (H . Scullen.) sulted in the eggs reaching the playing here quite frequently and things. .Mr. Cooley likened the D airying— W. King, A. Agnew, C. market in a higher quality condi are fast finding favor among local work ot the group comm ittee meet Dyer, R. Addleman, L. Todd, A. Mc tion than where a shorter trip was lancers. ings of the conference to that of the Farland, F. Ricks, W. W right, S. There w ill be an abundance of con. made in hot express car. achiteet in preparing blue prints cor Coo'per, P. Smith, H. Ott, T. Had- A local pre-cooling plant has been fettl on hand to aid In ’he merry rect in every detail as the essential dox (N . Jamison.) planned for vegetables, fruits, dairy making and all those who attend are basis of ultim ate construction. Truck Crops— J. McMullen, H. and poultry products. This will assured of a royal good time. The Mr. Cooley explained that his Grimm, A. Sm ith, H. Ott, T. Hnd- provide Ideal conditions for assemb local auxiliary w ill serve “chow.” work was that of helping farmers on dox, J. Dyer. F. Gniwite, a Sailing, lin g the export eggs prior to ship western irrigation projects but that B Dlllabaugh, B. AttebUry,-T. Fras. A new dentist from Portland ia ment. the state extension service ns w ell er, N. Seaman (C. L ong). There are at present approximate, now associated with Dr. Prime ln ns the U. 8. department of agricul Pastures— (E. Jackm an), A. Ag ly 20.«00 hens on the project. There his offices in tbe First National ture epends almost entrely on the new, L. Sailing, (R. Morse, F. Ben- | are many flocks of 100 or more hens hank In this city. experiences and data furnished by nion, H. Singleton, E. P utter), i which w ill gradually develop Into farm ers on these projects for mater Project Economics— J. McNaught, Transfer Co. Hood Rlvt. I larger and more economeal flocks. ial w ith which to outline their pro E. Cherry, F. Swnyse, C. Sailing. F. V? rehouse. «tarts 810.<’'. 0 co: ;tz Th© poultry Industry is compara- gram s of activity in extension work. Frederickson, K. Dbdd, F. Green, (L. tlvely new on the project. Many of A letter from H. K. Dean, direc Brelthaapt, P. Maris. 1 errp is Dough T c'.unt bro 1 the diseases of older Intensified dls- tor of the Hermiston branch experi Follow ing are the fa d in g s o f tfcu trltts hav not been produced. The about 4'AJ sc » or aboi't 1209 ment station, was read; Mr. Dean various committees: hardest problem on the project, carload... being nt the present tim e in W ash where disease due to new conditions ington, D. C., on business connected Um atlla Project Economic Oon. Salem— 1 ) 1.-. h r f 10» Jias not occurred. Is to convince the wltB*%te work hero. ference: Report o f Beskeeptng com- acres sold for *40.990 grower that success, over a period of Ittee members and ®xten- mitt©©: years depends upon their foresight eioa service specialists working w ith ' j PrBent condition: liigl - ay dis- Reedsport— Ump«;- in follow ing a system of manage tern wore extended an Invitation to x Number of bees now owned: ment tf>a t w ill reduce these disease trict formed. W ill comp'"ie Roose dine wMk th e Hermiston Commercial i rr, Kon 200 coionise; Her- velt highway from Coos Bay to danger« to the minimum. clnb by tbe president, F. C. Me- m tru a and Stanfield, 5000 colonies; Reedsport. Th poultrymrn on the project are *•■■**• iB oerd tvin , 1000 colonies; total 0250 cooperating to their advantage In IN e afternoon wee devoted to Astoria— Burk© Packing Co. wants purchase of seeds through their co in which data ee-i B. 'Estim ated present production operative warehouse and are buy to buy 1.000,009 prunds strawber eigaed lor collection by the various j go «— Ebtimated F^ t 1® »«»- ing their feeds at relatively lower ries In J *28. commit tee member» wag discussed, duettos w ith present number o f col. values than outside districts and consolidated, and put Into w ritten onl©, managem ent, S id Tillamook— Rebuilt Coats Lumber mnrh lower than they bought here form for presentation at th e. gen - tons. ‘ Co. mill electrified and w ill employ *qnd there ns-lndividuals. sral assembly schtdbied fee «be feik( a . Present acreage o f alfalfa. f It has b<>n the Intent of the pout, large force. IM M ed In thses ]< A 0 0 scree. There is a t present group to study the poultry Industry tbe project economic approxim ately one colony to Hood River— Work begun on May. of the project from many angle«; appointed by the eheir a t four nereo o f alfalfa. It w m nerd and Child 8100,000 fruit WON. th* leuernl ss w m kly la the morniag. feella» pf tbq committee that (Continued on Page Two) I {muée. 'EBNOMIt CBNFERENCE ENBS TWO DAY M E H HERE MEETING FEB. 25 a y WASHINGTON EIRTH- DAY DANCE MONDAY To the Public G e o r g e W a s h in g to n o f T o d a y