Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1925)
You’ll Never Know No matter how much you may wonder about where your money goes you will never know, so long as you do not keep your funds In the Bank and pay ALL blllg by cheek. 1D0 that, and you’ll KNOW, for your cancelled checks will tell the story In detail, and our Bank’s monthly statement gives you a com plete record of all your transactions This service costs you nothing and we urge you to adopt this plan and do your banking at our reliable Bank. I J F ir s t N a t i o n a l B a n k of Hermiston why the said Prances Augusta Smith should aot be adopted by the said Wm. A. Hinelina and Jaaslo A. Hlnellne, and her name changed to that of Prances Augusta Hlnellne. It Is further ordered that a copy of said petition together with a copy of this order he served upon the said Frank M. Smith by delivering to the said Prank X . Smith a copy of aald petition and of thla order, If said Prank M. Smith shall he found within the State of Oregon, and If not found within the atate of Ore gon, that this order he served up on the said Prank M. Smith and up on all other persons Interested in the said Frances Augusta Smith, by publication In the Hermiston Herald for three successive weeks, said nswspaper being published weekly at Hermiston, Oregon, the first publication thereof to be made on the 10th day of September, 1925. Done and dated at Pendleton. Ore- gon. thia 5th day of September, 1925. L M. SCHANNBP, (l-4to) County Judg«. NEW WINTER U EO WANT ADS FOR SALB STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE— Scales, cash register, refrigerator, cheese cutter. Vane Boynton, Hermiston, Oregon. 7-ltc FOR SALE— 2 fresh cows, milking Shorthorns. William D. Prior. 7tf FOR SALE— Spring lambs. Campbell. Duncan 7-ltc Bee supplies for sale for cash or to trade for honey or spuds or other vegetables, or White Leghorn pul lets. John Leek, 1% miles north of town. 7-ltp Have some very fine Delicious ap- p'es, too few to ship, w ill sell them as wanted, orchard tun or packed. A. W. Prann. 6-2tc Order your winter potatoes now. Start digging about Oct. 20. R. O. Horning. 7-2tc FOR SALE—Cows and heifers. H. A. Hooker, Columbia diet. 6-tfc PASTURE for horses or cattle, shade W. A. Leathers buys and sells al and plenty of water. E. P. Dodd. falfa hay. Office In building for. 43-tfe merly occupied by Westtrn Land Co. and Hay Growers' Assn. Phone QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING 31. 1-tfc AND PRESSING. We call for and deliver. Imperial Cleaners. 'OR SALE— Apples. Send orders to Phone 53-W. 38-tfc P. M. Quiwits for Delicious apples 1-tfc TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon paper at the Herald office. TOR SALE—A 7 room strictly mod ern house, full basement an dgood FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel lawn. Close to school. Might trade. logg Motor Co. 2-tfc See C. H. Skinner. 4 6-tfc SMITH’S SECOND HAND STORE— "’OR SALE—Or trade for good cows, You get more for your money, ">918 model Studebaker automo Isn’t that funny. Furniture, bile Inquire at this office. 46tf stoves and everything. Jnst walk In and forget to ring. 85-tfe CARS FOR SALE—Terms piren. Pírese right. Kellogg Motor Co. 11-tfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY OR SALE—Team scales. W. A. 40-tfc In the Matter of the Estate Leathers. of Notice to Creditors. TOR SALE— 750 pound Primrose sep Susan A. White, Deceased arator. Enquire Inland Empire Notice is hereby given that the Lumber Co. 43 tfe undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator with the w ill annexed FOR SALE or trade 16 acres, part of the estate of Susan A. White, de alfalfa, part orchard, and some in ceased and has qualified as the law asparagus. For partculars call at directs. All persons having claims Herald offee. 7-tfc against said estate are required to present the same to me or to my at WIB O m i T i A W EOUi torney, W. J. Warner, at his office NOTICE—Dressmaking. Plain and In Hermiston, Umatilla County, Ore fancy work guaranteed; prices gon, with proper vouchers, within bldg, on west side of track. A six month« from the date hereof. special effor tto please. Mrs. W. Dated this 24th day of September, C. Isom, Mrs. Dohlman. 8-tfc 1925. P. B. SWAYZB, WANTED— To go out by the hour, no 3-5tc Administrator. washing unless good machine, 40c per hour. Mrs. Kennings. 6-2tp IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery UMATILLA COUNTY direct from mill to wearer; all styles and colors; salary paid foi In the Matter of the Adoption of Order. full time or spare hours; no money needed for samples. International Frances Augusta Smith, a minor, and the changing of her name to Mills, 103S, Norristown, Pa. Frances Augusta Hlnellne. SHIRTS, nightshirts and pajamas Now on thia day this cause com made to your measure. 600 pat- ing on for hearing upon the petition terns of the finest silks, madras, of Wm. A. Hlnellne and Jessie A. and flannels to select from. Made Hlneline, for the adoption of Pran by Ford Klaae Shirt Co. Imperial ces Augusta Smith, a minor, and the Cleaners. Phone 53-W. 38-tfc changing of her name to Frances Augusta Hlnellne, said petition be BURK Is headquarters for Army ing filed In said Court and cause on Shoes. the 7th day of August, 1925, and --------------------------------------------— the court being now fully advised Herald Want Ads Bring Ton Results In the premises. It Is hereby Ordered that Prank M. Smith, the Burk’s for bargains. father of said Prances Augusta LEVELING- LAND—See Peter Cas- Smith and all other persons Interest trle, experienced and reliable, 3 ed In said Prances Smith, a minor, mllee north of Hermiston. 4-tfc take notice that a hearing will he had upon said petition for the adop WANTED— Men or women to take tion of said minor and the changing ordern for genuine guaranteed hos of her name to. Francs Augusta iery tar mon, women and children. Hlnellne, at the County Court House Eliminate darning. Salary »76 a In the County Court Room at Pendle tall time, »1.66 an hour ton, Oregon, on the Slat day of Octo time. Beautiful spring line. ber, 1925, at 10 o’clock A. M. of aald International Stocking Mills. Nor- day to consider said petition and aald rletown. Pa. 39-10t» Frank 31. Smith and all other per sons Interested In said Frances Au Always In the market for Veal, Beef. gusta 8mith are hereby re Pork and Mutton. J. C. Downing. quired to appear on or before eald Htrmatog. 7-tfe date to then »ad there «bow WESTLAND IRRIGATION DISTRICT ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of the board of direc tors of the Westland Irrigation Dis trict made and entered on the 6th day of October, 1925, an election will be held at the Westland school house in said District in Umatilla County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 14th day of November, 1925, fom 8 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. of aald day, to determine whether bonds of said District In the sum of 987,500.00 shall be issued In denom inations to be determined by the board of directors, maturing serially one-tenth each year beginning Janu ary 1st, 1936 *and bearing Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable semi-annually on January 1st and July 1st each year, the pro ceeds thereof to be used for the pur chase from the Western Irrigation Company of all its water rights ex cept those for landa retained by It, water delivery contracts, rights of way, irrigation system and lands for use in connection therewith. Dated this 14th day of October, 1925. J. W. MESSNER. Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Westland Irrigation Dis trict. 7-5tc CALL FOR WARRANTS All outstanding City of Hermiston warrants are called as follows; Nos. 3833 to 3835, Inclusive; 3837 to 3841, Inclusive; 3843 to 3848, inclu sive; 3879 to 3882, Inclusive; Gladya Avenue Improvement Account war rant No. 3856; Water Fund warrants Nos. 189 to 198, Inclusive. Interest stops October 29th, 1926. GEORGIA HENDERSON, 7 -ltc City Treasurer. WIFE AND HUSBAND BOTH ILL WITH GAS "For years I had gas on the stom ach. The first dose of Adlerlka help ed. I now sleep well and all gas Is gone. It also helped my husband." (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoonful Adlerlka removes GAS andj often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stopg that full, bloated feelings. Brings out old waste mat ter you never thought was In your system. This excellent intestinal évacuant is wonderful for constipa tion. Mitchell Drug Company. La Grande— Eastern Oregon Light A Power Co. will build 920,600 of fice here. Klamath Palls— American Legion post building »25,000 home and au ditorium. i- i‘ . IfI Wallowa— Heavy sales range stock reported here. of GUNS —AND— AMMUNITION A FULL UNE News stand Cigars and Tobacco T h e n ew w in ter " R ed C ro w n ” is the a c h ie v e m en t of all o u r 47-years o f gasoline-m aking e x p e - ricn ce l-sp lit-sec o n d start in g -s m o o th acceleration —trem end ous p o w er-en erg y — mileage! O n sa le at Standard O il S erv ice Sta tions and “ R ed C ro w n ” d ealers. ♦ LODGE DIRECTOKT <• IF IT’S Q U E E N ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. B. 8 meats second Tuesday «venlng of each moot *t 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. Visiting member welcome. Alice C. Shotwell, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. S E R V IC E YOU WANT V »N EY A R D LODGE NO. 206. I. O. O. ¥ meets each Monday «venlng in OM Pall hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. See. O. C. Pierce.,N. G. CALL 25-1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) * COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITE1 RECLAMATION LODGE No. 107, K. of P . meet* each Thuraday evening in Mack’s Hall. at. 7:30 P. M. Vfcitiag brothers cordially invitad. W. H. McM'llan R. A. Brownton. K. K. and 3. C. C. * T. H. Gaither J - * TRANSFER AND DRAY ♦ PROFESSIONAL CARDS HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING BUTTONS aad BUTTON HOLES Dr. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Hank Bldg. Phone Connections Mail orders promptly attended to. T he boy o r girl w ho wears Buster Brown Shoes while growing will never suffer from corns, bunions, twisted toes, broken arches or flat feet. The Brown Shaping Lasts were created to give to the inside of Buster Brown Shoes (for each succeeding size) the correct shape to keep the feet physically perfect year after year. h r Girls g% g”“ For to y s THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. 322 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. W. J. W ARNER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston arc rfiade by skilled shoemakers from dependable leathers, and w ith Government standard oak-tanned soles. They excel in wear as they excel in fit. N o matter w hat shoes your boy or girl has worn heretofore, see th at they are fitted w ith Buster Brown Shoes hereafter, and thus insure sturdy, healthy feet and a natural graceful carriage. Oregon DR. W. W. 1LLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon L. F. M c A t e e Phone Rea. 712 Office 739 M c K enzie & lieuallen o f 2 to IS B uster B rown S hoes PAINTS, WALLPAPER, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PICTURE MOULDINGS Has removed from hia former location In the Bond Bldg. to Room« 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bldg. AND GLASS Pendleton 513 Main St. : Oregon Phone 158 R. M. HESTER, M. D. Pendleton, Oregon. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Among all the latest models in various fashionable leathers you will find here exactly the shoe you want. Office, 123 W. Court St. Over Telephone Building LAUNDRY We Wash Everything But the Baby. FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE Pendleton, Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian I'reata all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector T roy L aundry C om pany PENDLETON, OREGON Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE We Have One of the Best equipped Light Adjusting Stations A FEW IFS AND WHY! If you want some real bargains in IF yon want an auctioneer who ran apeak German a« weli as English, See Us WE ALSO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF FORD PARTS ECHO I ; J , (I I’ AUTO COM PANY ECHO, OREGON WHEN IN PENDLETO N MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS -A I - IF you Intend having an Auctlon( and IF you want to sell at good price«, and Used Ford Cars Residence second house west of the Catholic church. Phone, S2-R. AUCTION SALES! in the county WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and Water Sts. COMPLETE OARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes— Accessories PHONE 530 WHY the man you are looking for VLWAYS OPEN Tom Swearingen, Mgr. Colonel WM. F. YOHNKA 5 J. L. VAUGHANS 206 East Court St. “The an Who Cries Sales Everywhere” ANY AND HI« prices are reasonable and he doe« the business. Sale Dates can be had at ths office. Legal Blanko For Sale at The Herald Office HOW’S THIS? H A U L ’S C A T A R R H M K D I C I N E w ill do w h a t we claim fo r It —rid your system of C a ta rrh o r Deafness caused by C a ta rrh . H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E con sist» o f an O in tm en t w h ich Q uickly R sID ves the c a ta rrh a l In fla m m a tio n , and the In te rn a l M edicine, a To nic, which acts through the Blood on th e Mucous Surfaces, (hue assisting to restore nor m al conditions. Sold by drutralsts fo r over 40 T e a r« . F . J. C heney A Co., Toledo, O. : Everthing Electrical FOR YOU M Phone 135 T ;.'leton, Ore. ■ "» ■ ■ ■ ri j s & r s a i s o i a i f Legal Ëknfcs for Sale 'f J'; Gfi.ce W v itfilC O N ^ OcT.31-Nov. $ 9 0 ,0 0 0 in P rem iu m s SEE T H E B E S T IN T H E L A N D With «ntrie»coming In from over the entire country, the 1929 Pacific International Lhreetock Exposttioo, Ioc., will present the greatew array of livestock ever shown «onder owe roof In America. See fhowmMUof HeWend Dairy Cattle. Home. Swine. Sheep, Ooera and Poultry) In addition thy Tr jln y and Daf-y Show». Land and indiMCtial Product» Bshibots and the wen 1 famous Horae Show. REDUCED FARr 9 ON ALL AA1LROADS fat Klamath Palls— Building permits already total this year |l,» 7 9 ,» » 7 . — FOB— Krause’s Chocolates The Best in Candies LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING Neglect of the liver résulta In self FOUND— Pair of new autmobile cur tains; etablish ownership and pay poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, for this notice. H. H. Willard. 7-tfo but just as surely as It you drank poison out of a bottle .If your liver INTERPRETIVE DANCING, 50c per lg not doing its work of heplng digee class lesson. Ruth Seyler, Hermls lion, eliminating waste from the ton. 7-2tp bowels and purifying the blood, you will always be troubled with sick headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad Strayed— 4 young Jersey hef- breath, gas, aour stomach or constipa iers from pasture a t the light tlon. plant. Leave any information as Cleanse and tone your liver! Put to their whereabouts at the Her your system in condition so you feci miston Light & Power Co. 7tfc your very best again! Try Just a spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ex Polands for Profits. Stilling«. 37tf cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after the next few meals and notice the quick Improvement In the way you Try Burk’s for bargains. eat. sleep, look and feel— the return ADDING machine rolle at the Herald of strength, vigor and energy. You office. will be completely satisfied; other wise there will be no cost. GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone In terested please write Box 152, FREE! This Coupon is Good for Hermiston, Oreg. 20tfc Sample Bottle REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND Dr. Thacher’s Liver & Blood Syrup INSURANCE. J. M. BIQQS, RE if presented before the supply for ALTOR. 26-tfc free dlstrlbtlon Is already given away. Read the full dealls above, WANTED— Phone, write or see W. then act at once, as this offer Is A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa limited. Get a trial size now by hay for sale. In any quantity presenting this coupon to Mitchell Phone 40-J-3. 6-tfc Drug Company. H IT T Announcment I have purchased the con fectionery known as P at’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits O ver $80,000 B. Swayse, Pres. R. Alsrader, Vies-Pres. A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamrrf, Asst. Cashier C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y ’•¡O' sc-a DON’T FORGET --------- U S ---------- When you need any thing in the line ol neat and attractive Printing. Hermiston Transfer We Haul ANYTHING ANYWHERE ANYTIME TELEPHONE 31