Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1925)
roa HBBMiOToar Wmü* Published every Thunder *t Her. aateton, Umatilla County, Oregon by Haymond Crowder, Editor and Man- ■ntered a* second oleae matter December, IS Od, at the postonica at Herrn latón. Umatilla County. Oregon. One T e a r ___________________12.08 Six M onths--------------------------»1-8* (Payable In Advance) BEFORE THE DISTRICT BO OVD- ARY BOARD OF UMATILLA COUNTY. STATE OF OREOOS In the Matter ot Petitions (rom School Districts Ntoa. 14, 112 and ^15 Notice of and portions of Districts Special Nos. 8 and 26 for the School formation ot a Union Meeting. High -School District. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 14 ot Umatilla County, Oregon that a special meeting and election of said district will be held on the 13th day of November, 1925 at two o'clock in the afternoon at the school house in said district such election to be held open for vot ing until 5 P. M. for the following purpose to-wit: to submit to the legal voters of said School District No. 14 the question of uniting School Districts Nos. 14. 112 and 115 and all of School District No. 8 of Uma tilla County, Oregon, -excctft that part of School District No. 8 lying east of a line described as follows to-wlt: Beginning at the Northeast Cor ner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 4 North Range 28 E. W. M., and run ning thence South three miles to the Southeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 3 North, Range 28 E. W. M„ ' 1 *'■ and all that part of School Dis trict No. 26 of Umatilla County, Oregon, lying outside the following llneg to-wit: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Section 36, Tp 6 N. R. 29 E. W. M. thence north to the Northwest corner of Sec tion 25, thence east to the Southeast corner of Section 24, thence north to the Northeast corner ot Section 24, thence west to the Northeast corner of Sec tion 23, thence north to the Northeast corner of Section 14, thence least to the Northeast corner of Section 13, all in Township 6 N. R. 29 E. W. M„ thence south to the central point of the section line between Sctlons 13, Township 5 N. R. 29 E. W. M. and Section 18, Township 6 N. R. 30 E. W. M„ thence east one-half mile to the center of Section 18, thence north one mile to the center of Section 7, thence east one-half mile to the center of the line between Sections 7 and 8, thence south one-half mile to the Northeast corner of Section 18, thence east to the North east corner of Section 17, thence north to the Northeast corner of Section 8, thence east to the Northeast corner of Section 2, thence south to the Northeast corner of Section 88, thence east to the Northeast corner of Section 27, thence north one- half mile to the center point of the section line between Section 32 and Section 23, thence east one mile to the cen tral point of the east section line of Section 23. thence south three-quarters of a mile to the Southwest corner of the North west Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, thence east one-half mile to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the North west Quarter of Section 26, thence south three-quarterg of a mile to the central point of the section line between Sec tions 25 and 38, thence east one- half mile to the Northeast cor- bzbjlxd , bebmutos . oregok acr of Section St, thence south to the Southeast eorntr of Sec tion 38, all is Township I North Range 21 E. W. M„ thence west seven miles to the place of beginning. -aid election to be held to deter mine whether said School Districts and parts ot School Districts shall be united for high school purposes only, thug forming a Union High School District. Dated thi3 29th day of October. 1926. in Shape for Fall and Winter Now H. M. SCHILLING, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: R. A. BROWNSON, District Clerh. Junction City — Arnold - Horton Auto Rail Co. will complete Its 18 mile line this year to reach 4,000,- 000,000 feet timber. Baker -City— Idaho Copper Com pany, with properties on Snake river, will build 1000-ton smelter at or near Homestead, Oregon. G ef 7 kings LIFE IT S REPAIR TIME The life of your Storage Battery depends largely up on the care you give i t But it depends even more upon the Ability and Experience of the Service Station where it is Recharged or Repaired. SELECT LUMBER FOR REPAIRING Make up your mind what repair or building work you an going to undertake within the mart few week*. When you’ve figured out how much lumber you will need, tell us stout it We offer atfect, carefully inspect ed lumber, shingles, lath, plank, fence pool*, etc., at most reasonable prices. a Materially Yours Our constant endeavor to send our customers away highly satisfied is giving us an enviable reputation. We realize that your satisfaction means our success. Our Service Costs no More I ■■■■»■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■»•■•■■■■■■•■••■I 1 FIGHT THE FLY ■ ■ ■ ■ | In w a g in g your battle w ith the house fly start early and m ak e ■ it successful b y using th e screen ■ doors and w in d ow screens o f ■ 2 ■ ■ 5 ■ 1 ■ 1 Inland Empire Lumber Co. W e h ave ju st received our new stock in and w ould be plea ed to show them to you. , Why not treat your battery to the Best? T u rn -A -L u m L um ber Co. B. A. Brawason. Mgr, Phene 111 Inland Empire Lumber Compan Schimke Battery Station Phon« 331 “ The Yard of Best Qualit« NOTICE » . M. STRAW. MGR Notice Is hereby given that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, will meet at the City Council Chambers In said City, Wednesday. November 18th, 1925, at 8 o’clock P. M. for the purpose of reviewing the Budget for the year 1926, at which time and place the following estimate? and Budget may be dis cussed with the Levying Board. * The total amount of money needed by said City for the year 1926 is estimated in the following budget: AUTO PA R TS CITY OF HERMISTON BUDGET Estimated Expenditures: A u to C learing H ouse, Inc. ITEMS Library Salrarlee, Librarian ............................................. 3360.00 Siaries, Janitor ...................................................... 40.00 Miscellaneous ......................................................... 200.00 Auto Camp Grounds Indebtedness .............................................................. 100.00 Interest ..................................................................... 30.00 Miscellaneous ........................................................... 20.00 Interest on City Warrants ....................................... Street Fund ................... ....... ......................................... General Fund Street Lights ........................ 860.00 Fire Department .................................................... 580.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 540.00 Salaries Recorder .................................................................... 600.00 Treasurer .............................................. 100.00 Attorney .................................................................... 240.00 Police ......................................................................... 1300.00 Health Officer ........................ 120.00 Total........... Fstlmated receipts -License Fees and Fines.. Exclusive Representatives cf Nations' Puib»> NEW AND USED You can save money and time here. : 1 ' Phone 38 I 728 Thompson Street Pendleton, Oregon Night Phone 961 YOUR OLD CAR BOUGHT 6600.00 Salem — Two Egyptian officers here to study Oregon highway sys 150,00 tem. | ■ ' I , « i 200.00 1200.00 Albany— A1 Sternberg opens sad 1980.00 2360.00 6490.00 200.00 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET CITY OF HERMISTON Expenditure for three Fiscal years next preceding the last year. Bend had 1456 school pupils en rolled last year, and now has 2154. • HERMISTON IRRIGATION DIS TRICT Notice of Election. Notlcte la herby given that an election will be held at the office of the Hermiston Irrigation District on Main street In th City of Her miston, Umatilla County, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of November, 1925 for the purpose of electing one director to serve for three years, The polls will be open tom 8 A. M until 5 P. M. of said day. W. J. WARNER, Secretary Hermlaton Irrigation Dis trict. 7-8tc nr THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR UMATILLA COUNTY In the Mattter of the Estate of Citation. ITEMS James Alexander Craig Thom, w • Deceased. c • xi * 2 ; X To John M. Thom, George I. Thom, Thomas R. Thom, Richard H. Thom, b. L J SC *» Robert E. Thom, John M. Thom, Jr., w Y - S k o S A Frederick C. Thom, Georgia Thom 1 = 2 K « I l i e S & g 5 and Nellie MeNurlen, and all other M — * « -3 B « . persons Interested In said estate. LIBRARY Whereas application has been 3360.00 6180.08 6380.00 6 180.00 made in due form to the above en 40.00 20.00 20.00 26.00 titled Court on the 29th day of Aug. 200.00 172.81 100.00 210.11 list,, 1925, by John M. Thom, admin Total .......... ................. v _____ <00.00 378.81 300.00 596. 562.30 448.90 Istrator of said estate, for an order PARK AND AUTO CAMP authorising and empowering him to Indebtedness ....................................... 100.00 100.00 sell the real estate belonging to ................................................ 30.00 12.00 Miscellanei us .............................. said decedent and described as fol 2.00 123.20 Total .............................................." lows, to-wit: AH that part of the 225.00 300.00 240.20 230.50 333.18 SEU SEU and the N14 SWU SE% Interest on Warrants............................ 200.00 200.00 200.00 Btreet Fund............................... ........ lying north of the "A” Line Canal 300.00 300.00 928.40 600.00 872.38 372.98 702.00 331.50 In Section 12, Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. W. OENLRL FUND M. In Umatilla County, Oregon, and PERSONAL SERVICES: City Recorder .................................. #00 00 Whereas said Court fixed on the 300.00 300.00 100.00 City Treasurer ................................... 00 7th day of November, 1925. at 2 50.00 50.00 81.52 X^ity Attorney ................................... 240.00 o’clock P. M. at the regular Novem 120.00 120.00 200.00 City Police ......................................... 1300.00 ber, 1925, term of thia Court, at the <05.34 380.00 583.18 City Health OW’eer.......................... UO.OO court room of this Court In Pendle 80.08 100.00 , Total ton. Umatilla County, Oregon, as 2360.00 1573.70 1841.00 1238.00 , Street Llgts ...... the time and place for hearing any R60 00 880.00 416.85 410.08 151.35 858.86 707.40 724.15 and all objections to said petition Fire Department 440.00 440.00 438.41 375.00 1080 02 10R0.08 175.23 557.00 Miscellaneous ..................................... 54O 00 640.00 and the granting of said order and 138.37 380.00 <64.83 <64.83 328.13 780.44 license of sale. Therefore, Grand Total ......................... 5525.00 3745.82 3573.01 5378.88 4551.58 4387.17 The following is a full and com In th« Name of the State of Ore I . Y A Î I gon, you, and each of you, are hereby plete classified summary of the In I II- ‘ , »-.» • r«r» I ' I debtedness of the City of Hermiston Instructed, directed and required to I ■ H li Ronds: be and appear at said time and place ‘V rps; r» • — | • ' '*(! Outstanding Water Bonds ................. 25000 00 and there show cause. If any you • “ : w i ; ‘•I Warrants Outstanding have, or If any exists, why an order 888.30 Warrants outstanding, street Improv. 3710.48 j of sale should not be made as la said I lf? Tr.7 petition prayed for. and why said Warrants outstanding, Ilurlhurt Av... 703.00 Warrants outstanding, Gladys Ave ... 3211.88 petition should not be granted and * ' ’T1 said order and license should not !▼ , * U1 ..................................................... 33528.71 issue. Witness the lion. I. M. Scbannep. I. C. W. Kellogg, doe. hereby cettify that th . above eetim lte of eWenrfltur _____ rr the year 1928. I , Judge of said Court aud the seal Of get allowance,, < c„ for the first six mrnths of ---------- current year aud expeadltoree for the three flecal years 1 1 this County affixed this Slat day preceding the current year and summary of Indebtedneee as show« above, have been of August, 1925. complied from records In my charge, and to th« boat of my knowledge are true and correct R. T. RROWN, c . W. KSytÇOG, City Recorder, Hermiston, Ore. <S-Bte) Clerk. ' •’ i WEST END FAR; Have learned that The Herald prints the best butter wrappers. We have the large size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices re 100 200 300 500 dle factory, removed from Texas, to employ 20 men. Amount necossory by taxation..................................... 66290.00 We the undersgned Chairman and Secretary of the Budget Committee of the City of Hermlaton, hereby certify that the foregoing is correct as made by said Budget Committee. F. C. McKENZIE, Chairman. E. R. CROCKER, Secretary. Estimated Expendí- 5 ture« for ensuing a -3 year. • s Come and see Us. Heat w h e r e you w a n t it* anywhere in the house Y ou n e e d n e v e r dress, bathe or dine in a cold room w ith a portable oil heater and Pearl Oil in your home — necessary auxiliaries to the fireplace and furnace! Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by the Standard Oil Com pa ny’s special process — so it burns clean! No odor — non- corrosive. O rder by name— “ Pearl O il.” for for for for $ 1 .2 5 $ 2 .0 0 $ 2 .6 0 $ 3 .7 5 Many are buying them in the larger quan tities, but we are here to serve you all. If you want only a few we have them w , i, • out the name. These we sell as folic 12 30 62 100 for f^r for for 10 25 50 80 cents re cents cents “ The Home of Good Printing” THE HERMISTON HERALD T E N T S A N D A W N IN G S 1 _______________________ 4 Do you need a new tent or awning? Measure your window or front, mark tise on thia cut, mail to us an d we will give yon prices. WE ARE GROWING PEARL HEAT &■ LIGHT day by day. That la because we please our customers with the kind of vulcanizing work we do. Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines together with good matrlala and workmanship turns out a first elasa Job. VU LC A N IZIN G PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY 20fli/a E. Alta St. Pendleton, Ore. CANCER SPECIALIST ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. B rundage PENDLETON. OREGON