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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1925)
1. • Stye Wrtwlmt Wrath HERMISTON, UMA1 4,[,Nh-»»r«TY, OREGON, THURSDAY, N O V E M B E R 5. 1925 VOL XX ARMY OFFICERS PAY IFNE HERE PAO TUICC 1C ANOTH ER FLOCK OP LEGHORNS G.- R. Robinson Writes Concerning Chickens. No. 9 ¡INTERVIEW CGNCEI CONCERNING WELL ♦ ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft« UAn in ic r Io BEING DRIL DRILLED FOR OIL LOCAL BOYS * STATE MARKET AGENT * FARM LEADER TO CAUGHT HERE1- - - P. - - Dodd - - - Tens What is Need and DEPARTMENT ♦ ARRIVE IN DECEMBER W IN HONORS : ’> ♦ What May be Expected If Drilling is Resumed. To the Editor or the Herald: (C. E. Spenc», Market Agent, 714 The following fgureg taken from WRECK STOLEN AUTO AT BRIDGE WILL ASSIST COUNTY IftlENT IN PLACE FIRST IN STOCK JUDGING Court House, Portland.) the records of a flock of Leghorn A number of inquiries Is coming ACROSS MAXWELL DITCH CONTEST AT PORTLAND MANY PHEASANT HENS pullets, may bo of interest to some HIS WORK to this office in regard to the well A "Solid Boiled Department of your readers Interested In poul where drilling operations have been One of the most active and effic-I try. They confirm the impression, an endeavor _______ to strike1 Thirty-four Team» Representing Ore- 1 lent departments of the state Is the ! In progress __ _ in . __ A. Pankov Makes Arrest After now pretty generally held, that Sheriff Pankov Arrests Man After oil. J------- — .. . « _ 's " ~ Sealer of Weights and . . Measures . Time to Be Divided Between East On Monday we — ask **- Mr. Dadd *. to' I Description is Phoned gon, Washington and Idaho Tip is Phoned In. Each Fined Hermiston Is one of the best poultry tell Us a few things in regard to From Pendleton. which is now under the state mar Compete. and West End of Uma districts to be found on the coast. $50.00 and Costs. the well and below we print the In ket agent, and the quarterly report j This flock suffered more than terview. • tilla County. just filed has much interesting data, ! the normal run of adverse condl- What about the oil well? What? Last Saturday deputy sheriff Pan- ______ The livestock judging team repre Thls department will weigh one | Lieutenant W. B. Stockland, 2210 tons and still made a very satlsfac-I kow received a phone call from Pen- The Herald inquired this week. senting Umatilla county! boys and hundred tons of hay at nine o’clock i south 13th street. Geo. Gassaway, | tory showing. They were badly dleton informing him that a Stir Still there, still needs money to girls clubs covered themselves with and jump to milk bottles the hour; A farm leader will be on duty on 2nd and Burnside street and P, A. i frozen In the cold spell of last De- car had been stolen from McKay go down. It is 500 feat now and glory and brought distinct honors to It will inspect a loadometer and then | the Umatilla Project In December, K. Waif, who also gave his address cember and for six weeks were prac. creek dam along with a description is a good hole. The rig is ready to Hermiston, when they won first place herry boxes; It will Inspect two or Some of the farmers have asked what as 2210 south 13th street, all of tically out of production when eggs of the auto in question. Monday go any minute somebody can pay in the judging contest at the P ac-1 th,ee thousand scales and then g o ;are to be his duties. Portland, were arrested Saturday were at the highest. Then, Just as morning the officer waB sitting in the driller for his work. ific Livestock Exposition bqjng held to P|llow sliP8 and mattresses; it A ‘‘Farm Leader" Is strongly ad afternoon by deputy sheriff Pankow they wei»e recovering from the Mullins confectionery reading the How much money does It need? in Portland. Jump» from candy boxes to gaso- vocated by Dr. Elwood Mead. In an on a charge of having In their pos- freeze, they were moved Into a new paper when a man came in and or- About ten dollarg a foot. The boys were in competition with 1 llne PumPs. and then on to water article In the Reclamation Era last sesston a larger number of pheas- and unsuitable building where all |dered a drink. While waiting to How many feet lg needed? thirty-four other teams represent- meters, wood piles, bread loaves, summer he stated that the farm ant hens than Is allowed by law, were afflicted with bad colds and be served he engaged In converse- Depends on what you are after. ing the northwest states of Wash- f,our’ honey' lard and scores of leader lias proven highly successful and fined fifty dollars each and 70 died in the course of two months. tlon with the clerk, telling him of a Why, how’s that? ington, Idaho and Oregon, but walk- j °ther things. It is called the solid In Europe and Australia and coatg In Justice West’s court. Lieut. It t8 Obvious that under better con wreck he had with a Star car early Just this. ed away with the honors In a man-1 bo,le|dl department because of the wherever tried In this country. Stockland is on duty at pre army ditions their production would have Monday morning on the highway a If you want gas. It might be found nqr that reflects credit for their fact that the oit,clals never cover He lg largely what the name Im been materially better. "recruiting station In Portland, while short distance from town and how he anywhere after another 150 feet. ability in this line of club work. A up or’ play favorites— they report The average number of birds In Injured his foot in the smash-up. The ga8 wells 35 miles north are ' good deal of credlt lg alBO due Hen Mr. Gassaway is a retired army man accordng to facts. During the plies. He may be called an agri V. I— TA i to _ «AA . . r it, having reached the rank of colonel. the flock tg based on the number at Pankow Immediately began talking i____ the ____ report X just cultural engineer, a demonstration brought in at i C 650 700 feet. V )f * Somnierer who ig leader of the boys three months of P A K. Waif cast® along as driver the beginning of each month. The to the traveler asking him questions you want oil, then the geologstg say calf club. covered there were 3,332 scales in agent, or an assistant county agent. » of the army car In which the men figures cover the year November 1, concerning his misfortune. When that anywhere after 800 feet you spected, sealed, adjusted and con But whatever his name his work Is The team consists of Lowell Stock. were traveling. The men left Port 1924, October 31. 1925. the man Unshed the drink he walk can expect it and should be had at ard, Oscar Mikesell and Leroy Gut- demned; 7,270 weights Inspected and with the farmer. land xpectlng to spend a few days Average number of hens in the The farm agent is paid by the de ed out of the store and Pankow made least at 1500 feet. The new field ln singer, of Hermiston. The team was 7 condemned; 3,022 Mquid measures flock for year.............................. 276 a hurried trip to the scene of the Idaho came in at 17506 feet. Most In this vicinity hunting. They had partment of agriculture and Is sent were Inspected . and 26 condemned; awarded a gold medal at a banquet tried out varlous places with little Income: Eggs sold................. 91413.19 wreck which was at the bridge on first sands In Montana are found at held In Portland Monday night. 594 gasoline pumps were inspected here under an act providing for re 51.81 the highway that spans the Maxwell lesg than 1500. or no luck and were about to give Birds sold................................. Grant county, Washington, won and 10 put out of business, and clamation projects, but at no eost up In disgust when some one told ditch. An investigation proved the What would gas do? It would second prize and Union county, Ore there were about 75 other Inspect to local people. The joint committee them of a place close to Stanfield Total ......................................... 1465.00 car wag the one stolen. When Pan heat Hermiston for one thing. Car gon third prize. There were eight ions of various kinds. If a wood of the Farm Bureau and Commercial situated on the river where the birds kow came back to town he was un bon can be made and carbon is high een team8 entered from Oregon, four dealer gives short measure a re club, by the assistance of H, K. were pletlful. Upon reaching the Expenses: feed and cases... 589.56 able to find the men. He had In Factories could be established. At quest to the department will bring Dean, secured the approval of the teen from Washington and three from location the men found the informa Cost of replacing 160 hens sold a deputy to the place ln quick time; department of agriculture by C. C. quired of a number on the street Riverton, Wyom., dry gas Is piped 19 Idaho. or died .............................. 120.00 concerning the thief and given them miles and made into carbon In a fac If a poultry buyer uses faulty scales Cooley and through Paul V. Merle tion In no way exaggerated for the Department will be hot after extension director of O. A. C., piec pheasants were thick aB fiddlers In a description as to his clothes and tory that cost 8150,000 and em 709.56 so forth. One of the men whom he ploys many men. Other factories him on request. Everything under ed the matter before the County the regions where coal la never ad Total maintenance ............ 755 44 had accosted happened in to the bar. and business follow. Hermiston weight and masureB will be Invest! Court and County Agent Bennion, vertised and asbestos Is not guaran Net profit .............................. 2.74 ber shop and while getting a shave would grow into a city. And the gated without charge. The depart which the law requires. The sum of teed to be fire proof. It was verily Profit per hen ................... 5.30 recognized the fellow as he sat reari discovery of gas would lead to other a hunter’s paradise. Every few Gross income per hen........- ment lg of the utmost benefit to 81500 was provided by the depart 2.57 ng in the shop. But while a phone exploration for oil and Induce large producers and consumers generally. ment of agriculture which would pay steps a bird would fly up in front Total maintenance per hen Average production for flock, 189 call was being sent out for the companies to investigate of the men and some of them were salary and expenses for more than so tame they did not even bother to eggs. six months. It was then proposed officer the man left the barber shop Yes, 83,000 or less might tell t he STATION TO BE PUT IN ON HIGH- Average price received, 3 2 l-2 c and walked over to the hotel When tale. fly. It was great sport and the ntm- to use the 82000 set aside by the rods had visions of handing out a per dozen. WAY NORTH OF TOWN Pankow arrived h.e was informed court and budget committee for We spend thousands for develop The per cent of production by as to the man's whereabouts and in bird apiece to all of their trends and fruit inspection for Umatilla county ing agricultural resources to build bragging of their prowess In this months was as follows: Nov. 33.3 a very few minutes he was under a town and community, when rtay- and employ a man for the year line of sport. One of the men even per cent; Dec. 33.8; Jan. 38.2; Peb. arrest. The thief was placed In jail be 81500 to 82000 might accomplish Will Be Distributing Center for Her Gains 1 4 2 ,0 0 0 Members In Year round, hulf time on the Umatilla had two or three birds picked out 60.8; March 74.7; April 74.8; May here until officers arrived from Pen more. It might build a tow n ’end project and half time ln the East miston and Adjacent in Schools Throughout that he was going to have mounted 66.1; June 59.1; July 52.7; August dleton. When arrested he refused bring in a pay roll; and with every nd and other parts of the county. Territory. for a memento of the occasion. It 43.0; Sept. 44.4; Oct. 33.0. A schedule lias been arranged by to divulge his name hut after he was man earning money on a payroll United States. It will be seen from the above arraigned. 1n Justice N. Berkley’s so happened that a covey of quail the county agent and others where come six persons, including business was In the path of the trio and as that the production was abnormally court In Pendleton he stated his men, women and children, who by the farm leader will be where he A new high level In peace tlnn Rumors from responsible sources they flew up the men were unable low for December and January and name was John G. Greeson and would make a market for what ,lhe are to the effect, ¡that the [Union membership of the American Junior is needed mostly at different seasons to control ther trigger finger and not exceptionally high at any time pleaded guilty t0 the charge of lar farmers produce. The bigger Jhe 01^ company heave let a contract for Red Cross Is recorded for 1925—Its of the year and his work will be sup the quail fell a victim of the bunt. of the year. I believe the results ceny and was bound over to await ranks numbering 6,788.648 school girls plemented at all times by the county more. the grading or a spur that win con and boys—a gain of 142,000. lieutenant Stockland’s leave was could be equalled or surpassed by the action of the grand Jury under agent. The national act proviuco Is this possible? nect the O. W. R. & N. track with This unique and powerful children's that the farm leader must be under tip at twelve o’clock Saturday night almost any well bred flock, under bonds of 81.000. Greeseon had Figure It out yourself. These a plant to be built ln the near fut organization started as a war mens so early In the afternoon the birds fair condtions in this district. the direction of the county court, or been employed for several months things do happen. This Is going to ure Just north of the present Stand ure, but today Is one of the greatest G. R. Robinson were gathered and loaded In the car with a construction gang on McKay happen over at Briggs, a little place ard Oil station. According to re Influences for peace ever known. An county agent, but that the funds and a start made for home. creek dam. near Dubois, Idaho. The state sent ports construction of the plant will Increasing participation ln local pro provided must bo devoted to the U. grams of service has featured their g, Reclamation Projects. Some one who saw the hunters Its geologist to make a srvey. Drill begin imiTjedia|tely. year’s growth. It Is Indicated that to and knew they had over the limit ♦ As mainly suggested and outlin Auxiliary Entertains Legion ing was done and the sand waa The Union Oil Company has no a greater degree than ever pupils In nt game allotted by law, called Pan- ♦ OREGON WEEKLY >- The Hermiston. Auxiliary enter found In much the same geological other station ln the territory and the schools are performing Individ ed now. his work here will be de V-,-. on the phone and tipped him ♦ INDUSTRIAL REVIEW tained the local post of the Ameri formation as this. Such Is what the the one here will be a distributing ual and collective acts of service ln a voted to forming a cow testing as- off, stating1 the men were leaving mclatlon, helping direct the poultry can Legion at a party last Tuesday Herald on its weekly round for center for Hermiston, Echo, Stan true Red Cross spirit. for Portland and would pass through The success of the Junlon swimming business, aiding In the markptlng night held in the Shesely home. news and column features found. field, Umatilla and Boardman. program, launched last year through of asparagus, early potatoes, melons, Richland— A new paper, the News, Cardg furnished the entertainment Hermiston on their journey. Pan eo-operatlon of the Life-Saving Serv kow stationed himself on the high published here by Jesse Allen. of the evening after which refresh How to Use Concrete Ice of the Red Cross, has led to a de etc., investigating the production of REV. J. T. DOWELL ACCEPTS way In the vicinity of the station ments were served. A number were termination to make It a regular tea alfalfa and fertilization, studyng There are hundreds of ways and CALL and waited. In a short time the successful methods of some of the La Grande— Chris Miller, furrier, present and a good time had by all. ture of both these branches. places where concrete may be car which was easily recognized by buy# 170-acre tract for muskrat An outstanding feature of the farmers and urging their adoption for economy and advantage on It's government lnslgna drove up. farm. Rev. J. T. Dowell of this city farms— ln barns, silos, fence posts, Juniors’ work this year wag the par by others, helping to apply some of Union High Question to be Discussed tlclpatlon for the first time of a Junior Mr. Pankow stopped the car and ask has accept d a c 11 to serve septic tanks, floors, troughs, walks, Red Crons worker ln the disaster re the proven results of the experiment There w ill be a meeting of the ed the occupants how many birds Chiloquin— OH company starts Farm Bureau at the Columbia school as pastor of the Baptist church walls and basements, storage, cel lief operations following the tornado station, giving Individual direction they had. The men declared they work on large oil distributing plant house Friday night. It i8 also the a t Burns, Oregon. It is an im lars, hog wallows, manure pits, la Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana to beginners in dairying, egg produc- h«d only the limit and no more and here. Schools ln many more fortunate local ton, and vegetable and potato grow annual meeting of the Farm Bureau portant charge, the church hav foundations, etc. If any farmer Is ltles displayed a keen interest ln willingly displayed this amount. ing. He Is not so much to help the Interested he may secure booklets Co-operative. Among other ques ing a large and active member sending toys and hooks for the nse man who knows as to help him who However Pankow was skeptical and on any particular use, without charge Medford— Suncrest Orchard Co tions that will be brought up for ship. Rev. Towell will rent the of the children in the disaster area. doesn’t know or Is slow to learn. started to search the rear seat of the by writing to the Portland Cement The Junior Red Cross porgram has auto. He found a number of large buys 317 acre,, orchard and farm discuselon will be the Union High ranch th at he owns here. Association, 1009 Gasco building, flourished not alone ln settled corn Nor Is he so much to start anything cans and upon investigation came land and will build 25 employes’ school. Portland, or the O. A. C., Corvallis, munltles, but has been extended to new as to production as to help pro cottages and 8150,000 fruit plant. across the extra pheasants and Lebanon— Growers shipping 700 These booklets give estimates on Indian schools, and to native Alaskan duce that which we have proven to two quail. The men were lmmedl- Commercial trout hatchery being tons squash to Salem and other can cost, blue prints, how to1 mix and schools where many Eskimo children be adapted to this locality. To suc Portland radio fair entertains 10,. undertook Junior work. In addition ceed be will need the help of all the stnlv brought before Justice! West established at Oakridge. neries. general Information. the International correspondence be and a plea of guilty entered. A fine 000 interested visitors. tween schools Is proving more and farmers. He will be a man not fam of fifty dollars each and costs wan more popular. American schools are iliar with this project and Its local Portland building permits for 9 assessed against them. Their guns now corresponding with those In thir conditions and his success will de were also taken away and will be monthg total 831.257,930. ty-four countries. pend a great deal on the help and sent to the state game commission at friendly attitude of the project set Salem— New 8180,000 Y. M. C. A. Salem. The guns were high pric Strong M em bership A p p eal tlers. If the plan "proves successful ed shooting Irons and an endeavor building almost completed. In Red Cross D isaster R elief the position will be permanent and will be made by the men to get them will become one of the greatest fac Asking themselves “What If disas Salem— Polk and Marion county tors ln the general welfare of tha ter should visit our city?” the leading After the fines were paid the of corn show set for November 19 to 21. citizens of many communities of the farmers and the progress and devel- ficers left for their homes In Port United States have adopted the Scout ! ,,praent of this project that has ever Reedsport— Lumber payroll here land stating It was a real hunting motto to "Be Prepared." , __ lg more than 81.000,000 a year. Impressed by the frequency and the he trip but rather expensive. 0H SHOCKS'/ wide range of peace time calamities I yJOA/DEC IFTM4T in their country, they have organized A Myrtle creek gardener sold 8600 CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK FAREWELL SURPRISE FOR i their communities with the thorough ujiATHEftMAN ToU> worth of strawberries from 2 acres. Children’s P-ok Week comes again ’ ness which normal conditions permit, MR AND MRS. C. F. STANYAN THEM 1 WAS COMIAN j against the possibility of a time when the week of K. "mber 8 to 14. and Cotage Grove— Anderson ft Mid there will be no chance for thought Ihe librarie > ' -ounty are pre- SvRPRtsFEVKVPoPy A surprise party was given Thurs dleton now have 126 loggers In the or plan. Red Cross Chapters In many c- •• <ual. paring to r' day afternoon of last week at the Rujada camp. | localities are similarly prepared. As Chr I mas noma-be» e* rents home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wure are begl >*'•« I • hlr’ '"f bookj »" ter at Umatilla for Mr. and Mrs. C. Astoria will raise 1410,000 in C hristie i pre- !s p ' vlll - b P. Stanyan. who are leaving shortly taxes for 1926. -o k • it ar alt '"1- nigger' ' I f for their new home In California. »- • -vo’ thy too Ive, During the course of the afternoon Eugene— Cascade national forest •,rloe of of le 'n r ' "»»« several speeches were made compli had 85.400 registered visitors last / / ibrs- n a- ’ a Ite any child H " menting Mr. Stanyan on his good summer. shelve« many r ' be : •» alt active work done and favors given thej ---------- and readable of th ' 'dr: ' ’ i boeSs water users of his district. Each Corvallis — Agricultural college and th" librarian wi 1 *" glad to were presented with Indian robes, j radio elation, KFDJ 500 watts, la. shew these to anv parents A spec- Mr. Stanyan with one of the frln g-' opened for service. lal list de -ned to aid th" Interested ed beaver pattern and Mrs. Rtan-i _____ parent Is on sale at »he library for yan with a Yellowstone pattern.' Cascade Locks— Bridge of the .five rente a copy. Every parent 1« 1 ^ Appropriate speeches were made by God» loll bridge aerose Colombia Is, much Interested in what his child the donors and responj^fm ade by river will be started soon, •reads as In what he eats and will '¿/J> the neeealents. Evedv hvalor User _____ he glad of help in »electing from of the district subscribed, for the Klamath Falls—City plane a 9250- the mas» of pbllcatton« thoee moot hlanketa and nearly every water user 000 newer system for 192ft. • ¡suited for hl» own child. was present on the occasion. ______ f t The county librarian In Pendle- ........ ——.. , Sutherlin — Eugene peppermint, ! ton also ha» a collection of books During September 961 tested news grower buys 640-acre farm here for ». m. tr.» 'of Interest to parent« and the librar In Coquille val’ev averaged 28.49 936000, to grow 100 acres of ian will be glad to help anyone In pound* of bttttsrfat. . permlnt. making selections of books. CHARGED WITH HAVING TOO UNION OIL CO. TO BUILD, RUMOR JUNIOR RED CROSS AIDS PEACE BY BIG GROWTH F o ile d A g a in JQLN S’