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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1925)
jrgjB_ggnM IBTOy ggBJX D , gEUMTHTOK. OBTOO3T, 10CÀIS After spending a year or more at the home of her daughter and other Published every Thursday at Her. Canol Ant Destroyer Is a surs cure places in California. Mrs. Nora Prana ■nlston, Umatilla County, Oregon by lor the ant nuisance. Buy it at the has returned t0 her home In Hermis Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man Mitchell Drug Co., Ceno! Agency. ton. ager. Cenol Roach Destroyer kills the George and Ed. Beddow and Chas. Entered ad second alas« matter roaches. Easy to use. Mitchell Drug J Burk« left onday for Meacham where December, l»0», at the poetofflce at Co., Cenol Agency. they will pick huckleberries. Elsie Hermiston, Umatilla County. Oregon. Jes. Pof» s 7 v . (Parker Is in charge of Mr. Burkes Jess Goff who Is a wheat farmer store during hi8 absence, Subscription Sates ______ One Tear ................................... »2.00 in the Holdnian district w m In « Six M onths............... ................. »1.00 town Monday. Mr. Goff state« that | R. B Hough, principal of the haivestlng to well under way In his,Columbia school, to at preeent in (Payable In Advance) community and that the wheat is | Monmouth. He will return here making twenty-five and thirty bush this fall and have charge of the THE CLEAN TOWN els to the acre. A number of his school again this year. neighbors seeded Hard, Flederhtion Cleanliness, it has been said. Is and the yield this year to very sat Little did E. P. Dodd realize when next to Godliness. A dirty Individ isfactory. he laid out the townsite of Cold ual is neither clean spiritually or S pringa that some day it would be Mrs. Jim Pearson and two child a second Hollywood. Now since mentally. Dirt makes for ruin physically, mentally, morally. This ren Florence and Walter returned they have started to make p ictu re, Is as true of a town as of an Indi home Sunday from a vacation spent In the vicinity perhaps Mary Pick- ! vidual. The dirty town, the town at Bingham Springs. ford and Doug., Charlie Chaplin. lull of rubbish, of untidy homes, of Thomas MelghRn and other screen Mr. and Mrs. Will Haven and two celebrities will build palatial homes muddy streets, of unsanitary condi tions, Is non-progressive materially, dahghters, of New Haven. Conn., on some of his lots and it may be morally and educationally. Neither who have been visiting at the home come the Mecca for the movie word moral or material advancement of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Norquist, left with scandals and high class boot- ' llourlsh In dirty, unkempt dwelling,, Monday morning for Portland. leggers. Verily it is the unezpcct- ¡ They will return home by the south ed’ that happens or In unkempt towns. It any town or city |g ambitious ern route. a Lion afraid of a cock,? Medieval wiseacres used to w ag their heads and tell tales like this in the village marketplace. A n amusing superstition, o f course, but is it any more absurd than the belief that there is something mysteriously "better” about eastern motor oils just because they cost more and come from eastern crudes ? Professional drivers and economy-run experts out after records don’t share this superstition—w h y should y o u pay tribute? , Zerolene— the choice o f Western Motorists Zerolene lubricates more cars in the Pacific Coast states than any other oil made— a better oil if it does cost less. Zerolene increases the gasoline mileage, reduces the carbon removal and maintenance costs and lengthens the life of any car in which it is used. FIGHT THE FLY In waging your battle with the house fly start early and make it successful by using the screen doors and window screens of Inland Empire Lumber Co. We have just received our new stock in and would be plea ed to show them to you. for advancement, or If even a few of George Day, who recently resign- The A. R. Rebnan and D. D Fol- __ ___ _ Its men and women are ready to de ed ___ as ___ superintendent of Hermiston vote their time and energy to the lett famllles returned Sunday from public schools, was In Hermiston betterment of the community, the a three days’ fishing trip on Camas Wednesday. Mr. Day drove through surest way to achieve success l„ to creek. They report good fishing in from Montana and will crate up his clean up— make back yards and that locality. household goods for shipment to his i Zerolene checked fifteen times fo r quality new location. front yards clean, make streets Miles Beiasley was taken suddenly As a m atter o f fact the best crude so far dis clean and keep them clean, encourage covered for the manufacture o f motor lubri the people to beautify their homes 111 last Friday night. He had eaten S. D. Thomas and wife who have , and their yards, stimulate a love tor in apple that it iH believed contain, been visiting relatives “t Hoquaim. I cants is obtained on the Pacific Coast. A nd the and a pride in their homes and In ed poison spray. He was much im Wash., for the past two weeks, re most highly developed refining process is the their towns., repair the tumble- proved Saturday and Is able to ba turned home Monday. high-vacuum process, the patents on which are rut again. down yard fences, paint up. make held by this Company. And 15.positive checks E. P. Dodd and J. K. Shotwell things as clean outside as they Marjorie Pelmulder. of Woodburn, were business visitors in Pendleton on Zerolene at the refinery make quality con should be inside, and then that com rrlved In Hermiston Sunday to Monday. trol absolute. munity will look up mentally, nior spend (nome time vbdtlng friends. ally and materially. Phone 331 W h y pay tribute to superstition when you Edwin and Georgianna Briggs re No community which does not She will go from here to Echo to i turned recently from Portland after w ant the best oil you can get? Insist on Zero " The Yard of Best Quality *’ clean up and paint up, which does visit her uncle who lives there. I an extended visit with their sister lene—ask for it by nam e. not do Its best to have clean streets H. M. STRAW. MGR. Miss Nettle Anderson of Portland. In that city. and clean yards, has any right to j Exclusive Representative« of National Builders Eu Oregon, completed a months’ vaca G it the Facts! look up and face the world. irr«< Oren Felthouse was taken sudden It might be said a dirty town tion at the home of her friend, .Mrs. A series of independent and impartial reports C. E. Schilling, ano returned to ly sick Tuesday night with an acute makes a dirty people; a dirty people ■ S S S S S B I I I H I I I I i a i a a n g g g g g a B ta t. showing the experience o f large users w ith attack of Indigestion. The doctor makes moral and material dirt and Portland on July 27. Zerolene has been collected in our booklet, was called and the latest reports decay. It Is the duty of all men Mrs. C. E. B. Roberts and daugh are to the effect that the gentleman " W h y P ay Tribute to a Superstition?” Ask any and women to make their homeg and ter Clarice spent July 26th and 27th Is Improving. Standard Oil Company representative or Zero their home towns Just as clean and attractive and beautiful as possible. as the guests of Mrs. H. M. Schill lene dealer for a copy. Mrs. Orville Blevins, who has He who falls short in this respect ing. Mrs. Roberts home is at Good ing, Idaho, where she to associated been visiting at the home of Miss fallls short of his duty to God and In siif on man, it matters not what else he may with the teachers’ staff of Gooding Ada Roneson for the past two w, eks college. left Wednesday morning for Cald ZEROLENE do. Have learned that The Herald prints the well, Idaho. even i f it does —I------------- Mr. and Mra. T. D. Worater In COST LESS best butter wrappers. We have the large A SIGNIFICNT REPORT form their friends Ithat they are Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Reid motored (Oregon Journal) having a very pleaaant vacation In to Pendleton Wednesday morning size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are— The annual report by Seattle’s de the vicinity o fKlamath Falla and and returned during the afternoon ----- (CALIFORNIA) * partment of lighting suggests that Crater Lake, Oregon. driving a spanking new Ford equlp- In Seattle might be consumed 2Q0,- ed with balloon tires and all of the «00 horsepower of electrical energy Mr. and Mra. George Harrla and up-to-date accessories. from Umatilla rapids. laughter of Lewiston, arrived Sat Tacoma, It Is further suggested, urday and will visit for a few days Julius Glmble and wife were In might use 100,000 horsepower. with Mra. Harrla’ sister, Mra. George Pendleton Tuesday. It Is the belief of the department Wagoner. »hat current from Umatilla rapids MrB. W. L. B lc’slng and Mrs. Har might bo supplied both cities so Frank Bllderbnck left Monday vey Payne entertained the member,, cheap that It could be used for for a vacation that will be spent in of their Sunday school clasess of the Many are buying them in the larger q u a n heating as well as for Industry. Se the Willamette valley. While he Is Methodist church at the Blessing attle ha, lts own light and power away Gorge Wagoner will take hla home this afternoon. tities, but we are here to serve you all. If plant, and to developing 550,000 hy place at Hltt’a confectionery. you want only a few we have them with Grandma Reeves, mother of H. A. dro-electric horsepower from Skagit Hooker, celebrated her 83rd birth liver. The import states; out the name. These we sell as follows— Bert Wilson, claim agent for the MAKE TOUR WANTS KNOWN------- TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— The Skagit is all needed for Indus O. W. R. & N„ wa« in town Saturday day anniversary on Thursday. Mrs. try and lighting. Those who want and Sunday. Mr. Wllaon made the Reeves was a pioneer of the western any extended use of electric heating ‘rip here In connection with the rec- country coming to Oregon many must seek federal aid fo rthe build nt accident of George Corse's at the years ago. ing of one of the great reclamation highway crossing here. SUPT. OF CONSTRUCTION prljects, with Jlectrlc current de VISITS RECIAMATION OFFICE veloped as a by-product. Mrs. J. K. Shotwell and two The report also says; daughters, Miss Dorothy and Mrs. Mr. S. O. Harper, General Super As an example of what could be Edwards, returned from a trip to done, the fedral report recently Is Portland Monday. Mrs. Cheever. intendent of Construction, Bureau of sued on the Umatilla project places who has been a guest at the Shot- Reclamation, was at Hermiston July Its capacity at (20,000 horspower well home for the past week, also 22nd and 23rd. Owing to the fact that Board of Survey and Adjustment and estimates Its cost at the point accompanied them on the trip. has not made It« report, practically of production to 1.2 mills. Seattle could easily use 200.000 horsepower Mra. Pat Doherty and children all construction Is being suspended. for heating, which would heat about left Monday for the Mount Hood Mr. Harpr'se headquarters are at one-tenth of the present city. An Loop. Pat Doherty la In charge of Denver, Colorado. THE HERMISTON HERALD estimate front the city of Tacotna the road work being done on the placts the amount easily sold there Loop by the Shotwell Conatructlon M n ig h t « iter the evening meal is the at. 100,000 horsepower. ----------- company and Mra. Doherty will Join W right hour” . Then read aloud to WHAT IS ADVERTISING? the fam ily Here to a formal report by Seat- her huaband for the Rummer, W W 7* H a ro ld B ell tie’s department of lighting, offlc- tally made. It declares that Seattle Mrs. Frank Fowler w«s s visitor “Advertising is the education «, of could consume 200,000 horsepower In Portland over the week end. the public as to what you are, where from tlhe Umatilla rapids project, la te s t and best s to ry 'A Son of H i* J . llu i ' . S v e rn i K u rd » u i i, yon are, and what you have to offer and that an estimated 100,000 could i'i s are d d n r th h w th :n a w • k j t i ;< r r The regular meeting of the Amer in the way of skill, talent or com w ir e iv n. b - o e o f t'i m $ .(»)?»<• p » be used by Tacoma, for heating pur. ft* • 1 1 h ”< 1 » ,* ■ < ican Legion auxiliary was held at modity. The only man who should h!‘ h r*. .*5 Wee* ♦ r . l trtr.e t. ? « ' t pw<s. Thl« to In addition to the the home of Mrs. Hiatt. The next not advertise is the man who has publicly owned electric power re- meeting will he held at Mrs. nothing to offer the world in the aourcee of the two cltlea. Crowder’s Thursday. August 13. al way of commodity or service.’’ 1» la example of the market that 8:30 P. M. Everyone please bring —Elbert Hubbard. would appear for |i:, developed needle, thimble and scissors. horsepower If the Umatilla rapids project were once completed. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKeen re turned Monday from a vacation McKay Dam Attracts Water Fowl Do you need a new tent or awning? Measure your window or front Construction of the McKay creek spent In Hoquiam. Wn„ where they ■ » — « * « mail tlani and creation of a reservoir were the guesta of relative« of Mrs McKeen. , I ' I Round there for storage water for Irrigation T rip purposes t« expected to prove an at Dr. Hlsley returned from Baker [KONSHSClTy B x aurslen traction to water fowl, according to WE ARE GROWING Tickets STLOUIS R. M. Conner, government engineer Sunday where he had gone to bring day by day. That to because we o «11 principal CHICAGO | I T Eastern In charge of construction. Recently back his wife and little daughter C itie* plea3e our customers with the DETROIT on sale daily workmen on the dam reported to who had been visiting relatives kind of vulcanizing work we do. there for the past two weeks. CINCINNATI hnve counted lg pelicans on the Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines CLEVELAND to Sept. IS •mall body of water that has back together with good naatrlals and Final return TORONTO Nell Morrison, formerly employed ed up behind the partially completed workmanship turns out a first class M ONTREAL limit Oct. 31 dam. by the Hermiston creamery, has sev Job. PITTSBURGH Libert, I .to,,over ered his connection with the p n v tleg r, going ag PHILADELPHIA returning ery and to now located at Union WASHINGTON PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY where he to conducting a eream sta NEW YORK Waif f A. /of*» • Ion fnr the Mutual Creamery Co “back Cage" I BOSTON 20«% E Alta St. Pendleton, Ore. now wAtfe ffw fer.g are Zow Inland WEST END FARMERS STANDARD OIL COMPANY 100 for 200 for 300 for 500 for $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 12 for 10 cents 30 for 25 cents 62 for 50 cents 100 for 80 cents The Home of Good Printing » TENTS AND AWNINGS 4 v v rs g h t’s T r/p f VULCANIZING When In Pendleton— Low ta m a le o I . N a t lM u l P ark and Y a lla w a tm e READ THB WANT A D » _ A to for free book k t , de-.rtpetve o f th.-w f.tnoue m o r n F. C. Woughter, Agent, Hermiston, Oregon jWm. MrMURRAY. Geni. Pasa A lt. at S " M y<”> “ per,on w h,t ** can do for vox jh°P A c “ tomer is our best advertise- ment. Come and see for yourself. •the. htert ®ethods are used at this Beauty Shop and all w o. k is done under sanitary conditions. C A N C E R SP E C IA L IST ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Marcelling. Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties Smart aad Exclusive M’llineryat Most Reasonable Prices Mam St., Pendleton, Ore. Teleph«?; MO it kbudtov Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON a i « 1 I a « a a a