Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1925)
A ble to Hoar Noises Made by Electrons D ollars For a D im e By means of the radio vacuum-tube amplifier, scientists have beeu able to hear the noises made by electrons, the Infinitely small units of electricity as they are “bombarded” against the plate In the tube from the hot fila ment, siys Popular Mechanics Maga- slne. These electrons. It Is held, carry the current and make possible the operation of the tube, which Is capa ble W tremendous amplification. Through this, a new way of measur ing the value of the electron charge has been developed and a method of research opened which may lead to valuable knowledge concerning the electron and Its properties. Previ ously, It has been studied by means of tiny drops of oil, observing their movements between two electrically charged plates. Droplets are made to fall slowly or rapidly or are held sta tionary between the plates, according to the presence of charged electrons In them and the voltage applied to the plates. With proper amplification, the roar of the electrons in the tube can be magnified to produce a volume like that of Niagara, It is said, and this action is to be studied In the hope that facts not presented in the gravity tests will be learned. If you had the opportunity to buy sold dollars at tea cents each. It would mean nothing to you If you didn t have a dime. Of course not. It Is having the ready money when the opportunity arrives that puts you In a position to make pro- fits. Why not start a bank account today with us and thus get ready to meet opportunity? We Invite you to do so. Yes, more. We URGE you to do so, for your own good. First N ational Bank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits O ver *5 0 ,0 0 0 P. B. Swayze, Pree. R. Alexader, Vleo-Pra A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm. Asst. Cashier Explaining Origin of the “ Vegetable Dinner“ Try Burk’s for bargains. WANT AOS FOB SALB FOR SALE—A 7 room strictly mod ern house, full basement an dgood lawn. Close to school. Might trade. See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc FOR SALE—Or trade for good cows, 1918 model Studebaker automo bile. Inquire at this office. 46tf FOR SALE— An electric washing machine, dining table and chairs, four burner oil stove, Majestic range, Perfection oil heater, sin gle bedstead and fruit jars. Mrs. J. P. Hayden. Phone 39-.F. 46 FOR RENT— Six room modern house. W. L. Hamm. 42 The death of Patterson M. Vege table, one of the m ost corilislly hated GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone in men in North America, brings to light terested please write Box IB2, for the first time the story of the In Hermiston, Oreg. 20tfc vention which earned him the position he occupies, “C. F." writes in the Kan REAL ESTATE EXCHANGBB AND sas City Star. It was the old, old story, yet ever INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE ALTOR. 26 Me new, of two men and a girl ; in the ensuing triangle poor Patterson found WANTED— Phone, wsite or see W. himself hopelessly the hypotenuse. Soured and embittered in love, he A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa turned to the soli; and In his little hay for sale. In any quantity. truck garden on Long Island he de Phone 40-J-3. *-tfc voted long hours to raising obnoxious species of plants and herbs. This mor WANTED— To buy, cattle, hogs and bid tendency led eventually to his fa sheep, any quantity. W. A. Leath- mous Invention of a platter with va ers- 43-tfc rious compartments, into which he fit ted one species of each unpleasant PASTURE for horses or cattle, shade plant he had produced, calling the and plenty of water. E. P. Dodd. whole affair, in his dryly humorous way, a “dinner.” 43-tfc The comparative economy of this QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING Idea appealed to the resiaurants; and the embittered old man found the last AND PRESSING. We call for yeain of his life considerably bright and deliver. Imperial Cleaners. ened by the sight of thousands of res Phone 53-W. 38-fte taurant patrons set,ted before these plates endeavoring to eat one of Vege TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon table's “dinners,” or “Vegetable din paper at the Herald offfee. ners." as they came in time to be called. USED CARS FOR SALE— Terms given. Prices right. Kellogg & NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL B EP0B T Seklmke. 11-tfc Burt Mullins LEVELING LAND—-See Peter Cas- BIDS FOR SCHOOL BUS ROUTE trie, experienced end reliable, S Bids will be received by R. A. miles north of Hermiston. 4-tfe Briownaon. clerk of school district No. 14 for route commonly known Potaads for Profits. Stillings. <7tf as North Hill route. Bids to be In ADTWNQ machine rolls at the Herald by 6 P. M. July >1. 4<-2tc R. A. Brownton, Clerk. I have purchased the con fectionery known as P at’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. --- I ■■ ■ ~ .1 Send us the price o f a year’s nAecription if you are in arrears We Need the Money — FOB— GUNS K rause’s C hocolates T h e Best in Candies A STANDARD FO R TH E PEOPLE m illions now living w ill never die — AND— AMMUNITION A FULL U N E N tu ts stand Cigars and Tobacco oo After six thousand years of effort man points proudly to our pres ent day civilization as the acme of his attainments. ♦ A civilization stooping to brutalities too inhuman foi savages, makes the standards of Christianity but empty and hollow professions. ❖ ❖ ♦ From this hypocrisy there Is a tearing away. A spirit of lawless ness flouts laws and customs with an abandon that does not stop to con sider the consequences, so persisten; are the attempts for release. But what new standards— social, politic tl, and religious— are to succeed the present? ♦ ❖ ❖ ❖ In the fulfilment of prophecies so marked at the present time, there is outlined a program that was foretold In the Bible, a standard that promises adoption, because present troubles were foretold as shaping the Standard for the People. H ear G. R. POLLOCK OF NEW YORK, Ñ. Y. TUESDAY, AUG. <8- « ♦ $ <■ LODGE DIRECTOR! IF IT S SERVICE e n bbtu er c h a p t e r no . iol o. b . 8„ Q u e nitwtn second Tuesday evening of n-s-l» • k 8:00 sharp in Masonic ball. Visitintr walcoine. Alice C. Shotwell. W. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. YOU WANT CALL 25-J COUNTRY HAULS SOLICITEI T. H. G aither TRANSFER AND DRAR X/INEYARD LODGE NO. 20«. L O. 0 . F. n’,T " “ ch *<ouds> evening In Odd Fellows hall. Vhltina: member* cordially invited. N . R. Longhorn. Sec. O. C. Pierce.,N. O. RECLAMATION LODGE No. 107. K. of P . meets vach Thursday evenln* in Mack’s Hall, at 7:30 P. at. Vleltin* brothers cordially invited. W. H. Me Vlfllan R. A. Bruwnson. K. K. and S. C. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING Dr. F. V. PRIME BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phone Connections Mail orders promptly attended to. Hermiston Auditorium Hermiston, Oregon 4 THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. || 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. W. J. W ARNER A ttom ey-at-Law Hermiston : : Oregon DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon L. F. M cA tee 8 o ’clock P. M? Bugle Calls Ancient DO IT NOW H IT T A n n ou n cm en t In the County Court of the State of Of very ancient origin are the vari on Oregon for U m atilla County ous bugle calls still used by modern Seats Free FOR RENT— Five room house Gladys Ave., next to library. En. In the Matter of the Estate armies. The “tatoo” dates back to of quire A. W. Agnew, Phone 21-J-2. (he Thirty-Years’ war. from 1615 to 184.3, and was originally the "tap to” 29'tfc Meshach Lopp, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the call, a signal for the men to cease FOR SALE— Team scales. W. A. underslgnel executrix of the last will their drinking by closing the bung Leathers. 40-tfc and testament of Meshach Lopp, de or “tap” of the barrel. "Retreat” call was used by the crusaders. The FOR SALE— 750 pound Primrose sep ceased, has filed her final report cow’s horn was the first bugle and it arator. Enquire Inland Empire with the Clerk of the above entitled is mentioned in the Bible. The ram’s Lumber Co. 43 tfc Court and that the Judge of said horn was a later variation. Many stu Court has designated Saturday, the dents of musical apparatus say the 8th day of August, 1925, at 2 o'clock bugle la the oldest of musical instru In the afternoon as the time, and ments. WgfTFT'T.ATrenTTfl the rooms of the above entitled Court in the County Court House at Love Songs Old as Race Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon The making of love songs Is an an FOR RENT—Pasture, *1.50 per head as the place when and where hear cient art. Before Pau blew upon his a month. Plenty of water. J. W. ing is to be had thereon. All per reedy pipes tliere were love songs. They were sung In the Garden of Ilamman, half mile south of Her sons interested are hereby notified Eden before and after the serpent to then and there appear and show miston. 44-3tp wiggled his way Into that earthly par cause, if any they have, why said adise. Men wove theirmaglc into the GOOD BLUE GRASS PASTURE, with report should not be approved, the first crude language of the human race shade and water. W. A. Leath executrix discharged and the estate when eaves were used for dwelling places and the hunter went forth to er». 43-tfc closed. Dated this 6th day of July, 1925. the hills to strangle his prey with bare hands. Helen heard them sung to her AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery MINNIE LOPP, direct from mill to wearer; all 44-5tc Executrix within the walls of Troy. All through the countless ages of the world since style» and colors; »alary paid for full time or spare hours; no money IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE time began there have been love songs. needed for samples. International STATE OF OREGON FOB Mill», 1038, Norristown, Pa. Scotch Terriers UMATILLA COUNTY Nellie L. Christian, Plaintiff, The first pair of Scotch terriers FOR RENT— An up-to-date modern ever exhibited nt a bench show in this vs. and spacious dwelling on Gladys Lafayette L. Christian, Defendant. country were shown to the public In 1883, at which time there was a de Avenue. For further particulars Summons Equity No. 4060. cided dislike for the dogs, and the see Mr». Anna Strohm. 42 To Lafayette L. Christian, the show was criticized for admitting the above named defendant. pair, but after Doctor Ewing of St. LOST— Chauffer, license No. 10163, In the name of the State of Ore Louis and other men began developing somewhere within the city. Rea- gon, You are hereby required to ap the dogs and were able to show their sotnrtrte reward If returned to this pear and answer the complaint filed finer qualities, public sentiment de office. 40-tfc against you In the above entitled veloped in their favor and Scotty Is ■ welcome dog at all bench shows and SHIRTS, nightshirts and pajamas suit within six weeks from the first has won his way to national popu publication of this summons and on made to your measure. 500 pat larlty. terns of the finest silks, madras, or before August 22, 1926, and you and flannels to select from. Made will take notice that If you fall to Pertaining to Ages by Ferd Klaas Shirt Co. Imperial answer or plead herein within said A century begins with the begin Cleaner». Phone 53-W. 38-tfc time, the plaintiff, for want there ning of the first day In Its first year, of, win apply to the above entitled and does not end until the close of the BURK Is headquarters for Army Court for the relief prayed for In last day in Its hundredth year. The plaintiff'» complaint filed In said Shoes. mode of reckoning Is often confused cause, to-wit; for a decree of divorce with the common mode of stating the forever dissolving the bonds of mat age of a person. A person bom at Herald W ant A di B ring Ton Result» rimony now and heretofore existing the beginning of the Christfan era SMITH'S SECOND HAND STORE— between the plaintiff and defendant would be called one year old during You fe t more for your money; and for an absolute decree of divorce his seennd year, that Is during the course of the year two; he would he Isn't that funny. Furniture, in favor of plaintiff against defend called two during the year three; and ant and for the custody of the minor stove» and everything. Jnst walk forty during the year forty-one, etc. In and forget to ring. 35-tfc children of plaintiff and defendant This summons is published pursu Qualities of Sugar ant to an order of the Hon. I. M. Burk*» for bargain». The sweetness of sugar Is tested h.v -Schannep. J-Jdgo of the County Court of the State of Oregon for diluting each kind of sugar with an WANTED— Man or women to taka equal amount of water until only one Umatilla County duly made and en tastes sweet. It Is easy to confuse orders for genuina guaranteed hos tered on the 1st day of July, 1925 the sense of sweetness with other iery for man, women and children. directing that publication be made qualities of the sugar, one bplng the Eliminate darning. Salary *75 a herein once a week for a period of melting quality—that is, if the sugar week full time. *1.50 an hour six consecutive weeks in the Hermis melt» easily In one's mouth, the sense »pare time. Beautiful spring line. ton Hefiald, and the first publica of sweetness comes more rapidly than International Stocking Mills, Nor tion 1» made pursuant to said order If the sugar dissolves slowly. All In ristown, Pa. 89-20tp all, It is believed that white sugar la this 9th day of July, 1*25. sweeter than brown. W. J. WARNER, TRADE— Good Ford tourlnfe ear for Attorney for Plaintiff, freak eown or halfen. P. O. Box H A D THE W A IT AIM m . lt -t f c P. O. Address, Hermiston, Oregon. 44-7U FOR NEW AND USED 1&ARB— Kel- -READ THE WANT ADR— logg * Schlmke. l-«tc SEE CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Phone Res. 712 Office 733 M c K enzie & lieualleh No Collection PAINTS, WALLPAPER, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat PICTURE MOULDINGS Hun removed from hi* former location In the Rond BUI r . to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank RMy International Bible Students A ssn. AND GLASS Pendleton 013 Main St. Oregon Phone 108 R. M. HESTER, M. D. Three Reasons There are three reasons why our customers recommend us to their friends. There are three reasons why they always come back. There are three reasons why they always speak of us as “ My Battery Station.’’ They know we offer-' Honest Methods Modern Equipment Service A lw ays Why not make our Battery Station your Battery Station. Schim k e B attery Station Pendleton, Oregon. Office. 123 W. Court St. Over Telephone Building WHEN COMING TO PENDLETON B ring along w ith you th at suit or dress to be cleaned. We w ill send it back to yon by parcels post promptly. T he Pantatorium Cleaners, Dyers and Hatters 719 Garden Street Phone 473 Pendleton, Oregon LAUNDRY Pendleton, Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter* state Stock Inspector £ Cf» Residence second house west of tha Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. ROUGH DRY — and— WHEN IN P E N D L E T O N FINISHED WORK Opportunity knocks at your door four tim es a week MAKE YOUR IIK A D Q U A K T K R S — AT— W E S T E R N A U T O CO. MONDAYS - TUESDAYS Cottonwood and W ater Sts. THURSDAYS - SATURDAYS COMPLETE OARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes— Accessories VLWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. Call the follow ing Agents: PENDLETON : AUGUST 5 Eye, Ear Nose and Throat HERMISTON— BERT MULLINS STANFIELD— McDERMENT Time Inspector O.-W. R. & N. Co. ECHO— M. E COE And our driver w ill be at your service. DON'T FORGET THE DAYS We never fail to make the trip Troy Laundry C om pany H erb G reen Jew eler and W atchm aker DIAMONDS. WATCHES, CLOCKS SILVERWARE 728 Main Street Pendleton ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i J. L. V A U G H A N S Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE 206 East Court St. ■ ANY AND ■ E verthing E lectrical ■ ; FOR YOU H O W ’S T H IS ? rfMowot/s sue o r s h o w t h is y i a h C 0M F 5L S U ( TO AMfiOVOC’ TL_t, NO STRICT PARAPt < T j. a» tas oa AMv oTHtn o r . , - T> P E R F O R M A N C E S !« RAIN or suit!" «U zL H A L L '« C A T A R R H M E D IC IN B w ill do w h a t we cla im fo r I t —rid your system o f C a ta r r h or D eafness caused by C a ta rrh . K A L L ’S C A T A R R H M B D F C IN E con sists o f an O in tm e n t w h ich Q u ic kly R elieves the r a ta r r h a l Inflnm enatlon. and th e In te r n a l M edicine, a Tonlo, w h ich acts through the Blood on th e Mucous fturfaces thus assisting to restore n o r m a l conditions. Bold by druggists fo r ov e r M Tears. F- J. Cheney A Co-. Toledo, O. Phone 139 Pendleton, O.c. J ■ ■ Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office