Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1925)
la » Bvrmifííütt Hvralh VOL H X HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, CHARLES SKINNER RESIGNS AS RECORDER NOTICE Book» Turned Over tv C. W. Kellogg. Mayor to Appoint Successor. 6E0R6E CORSE CAR HIT BY TRAIN NUMBER OF NEW BOOKS RECEIVED FROM CO. LIBRARY PICTURE TO BE FILMED ON SWITZLER ISLAND HUMANE OFFICER VISITS HERMISTON ASPARAGUS 6R0WERS GET SEASON RETURNS A number of new books have been C. Robert Wade, field officer of received from the county library. . the Oregon Humane Society, was in A few of the titles are given: Charles Skinner, who wan elected Hermiston Friday looking over work Harris— My Book and My Heart. city recorder at the last city elec ACCIDENT HAPPENS AT CROSS’ s UNIVERSAL WILL ERECT MOVIE 8tock ln th ,s v,al““ y. After a nin- Lewisobn— Up Stream.' tion and who has been serving In vestigatlon of project stock he THREE RIVERS ASSN. HANDLE Finck— Grieg and His Music. ING NEAR DEPOT thlg capacity for nearly a year, has VILLAGE found everything In first class eon- Holt— Happy Baby. CROP SATISFACTORILY resigned the office. Mr. Skinner ______ dition. He is working from The I Davis— God Wills It. left Immediately for Halfway, Ore , Dalles east and says he has found ! Monroe—Behind the Range«. gon, where he will work as foreman Dr. I ls le y Render» First Aid to Corse Some Time W ill Be Spent in Vicin- Htilo violation of the state law in ... _ Boyd— Drums. Tor a construction company on a any of the wheat produoing) dis- ,lG™we” Net Slightly Over $1.00 Per And Take» Stitches in a Num Please Bear This in M ind ■ Grey— Thundering Herd. ity of Cold Springs Shooting highway Job. Box for the Season. Need Felt ber of Cut* Received. ¡trlcts where the operations are most Stallings— Plumes. The books of the office hae been For P;«e-oooling Plant For Scenes for Western Special ly confined. He also stated that ■■■■■■■■■■■■a turned over to Claude Kellogg and Wililanison— Secret Gold. Next Season’s Shipments. _ _ _ _ _ I during his tour he found most of Wodehouse— Bill the Conqueror. he will act as recorder until such Last Thursday while driving his the farmers getting away from the time as the city council appoints an car across the ralroad tracks near The people of Hermiston will soon tractors and back to "Old Dobbin," other. This no doubt will be done j the depot George Corse narrowly ee. VARIEGATED CUTWORMS Members of the Project Growers' have tbe opportunity of seeing how J this was especially true in the har- in the near future. Mr. Skinner's caped death when a freight car that Association who shipped their aspar RAID GARDENS AND FIr LI) moving pictures are made. They vest fields of Sherman county, son William will also be employed was being switched collided with the agus through the Three Rivers as will have a chance to see In person 1 . on the Job. automobile. sociation of Kennewick last week Poisoned Bran Mash is tre Control some of their favorite movie stars According to Mr. Corse the car had Rcommended by 0. A. C. and watch them do their “stuff''' in ♦ ♦ received their final settlement for AUTOMOBILES AND been cut off from the train and was front of the camera instead of on ♦ FARM REMINDERS « the past season. All asparagus AROUND THREE HUNDRED TONS Variegated cutworms are making the sliver sheet. shipped from this point this spring HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION coasting across the highway crossing went In the express shipments and without a brakeman or light of any serioug raids on field, garden and WILL BE GATHERED THIS SEASON The Univrsal Film Corporation, of •> most of the fields being new plant- Immense Sum is Collected Prom the kind to warn motorists. It was af flower plants in most parts of west Los Angeles, have picked out Swlts- Common vetch and gray^ winter tegs, , he shipments were not heavy. ter nine o’clock when the accident ern Oregon and in some parts of ler’s island at Cold Springs for the 0»ts Licensing of Motor Vehioles have been used' ln the O. A. C. The returns eastern Oregon They eat every part occurred and owing to the darkness to growers here have filming of one of their big western station trials for dairy cattle Two Carloads of Cans are Ordered of some plants— leaf, stem and roots specials. The directors of the pic- $1.00 ■ per -« t______ »11- , I nettd slightly - over ------ — flat Prom 1907 to July 1, 1925, the Mr. Corse was unable to see the ap To Handle th e Honey. Good and also gnaw Into such fruits as ture have been conferring with E. E. general Pl proaching car until It was too late ve( ch f , h t i J . 2 Pr‘C’ state has collected the immense sum Price is Expected. Purple vetch for the coast seems very satisfactory to growers. apples and tomatoes. Calls for Help S h .» »ho cold S , rt» „ , l 0 „ . ............. ..... prom, „ T i_ ,M„ ~ of $26,805,950.66 from the licens to avoid the collision. The impact ing of motor vehicles. Of this total nt the collision threw Mr. Corse for have come by the hundreds to the time pest Io r « . t d lo loeo- , nd th, „ „ „ „ d u d Hun-1 wa n , , , n . ... ward against the windshield and he experiment station and to county tion and other matter« pertaining to Parian vixtrh rttAnmmihntilx e 8 ’”35* The average expense According to bee men of this vi $141,286 was turned into the gen very h e ^ v l . n T n r T t " a " 7 “ ’ inClUd‘ng brokeraS8’ ware’ received a number of cuta and agents. Poison bran mash made as the venture. After they had gone cinity the honey crop this year on eral fund of the state treasury to bruises. The freight train hooked follows is the control rcommended: over the territory in company with districts. w ln ter bar,ey ^ n ” be e t T "» g t e e n X U 1 T i t ? ™ the Umatilla project will be the larg and Including the year 1912, and Mix 15 pounds of coarse bran with onto the auto, dragged it a number Switz^e^Tslan^offered Tor^the fUn" ~ est ever gathered here. Conditions the balance or $25,331,137.16 hag 10 ounces of parig green and 1 pint during the past season has been been exPended In the construction, of feet down the track. There were of salt. Dilute 1 pint of syrup with Ing of the picture was realized. ¡of the opinion that th© Kennewick Ideal for bee8 and men who own imPr° T®ntent and repair of state and a number of witnesses to the accl enough water to make a moist crum • J h e movie company will erect a company have handled the crop in colonies are very optlmletlc over! county highways, according to a dent and they rushed to Corse’s as bly mash such as will fall apart city on the Island. It will be typi- ststance but before their arrival he T 'ead arBenate may be combined a highly satisfactory manner and. the prospects of gathering a record Btatement prepared by Secretary of had managed to gain his feet In when dropped from the hand. ’ Scat cal of the frontier villages In the Iw,tb bordeau* mixture, nicotine s u l- |doubtIeFS next spring the asparagus breaking crop. |State Sam A. Kozer. ter this mash about the plants and early days, according to reorpts ’fa tt’ cod Prepapratton oli emulsions, arca wil1 b® increased materially, A carload of cans ordered by the Froin 1913 10 1916 Inclusive, spite of the dazed condition he was over the inflest(e,d grounds, whekfe a number of Intlans from the U m a-iand eltber BeH-boiled lime-sulfur, Qulte an acreage was p'ut in this In. He wa8 taken to Dr. Illsley local association has arrived and all , of the funds collected and the doctor rendered first aid worma will find and eat it on their tllla reservation will be brought 'Oregon cold mlx or dry mix lime sPrlng and there was much too of them contracted for. In the I from motor vehicle licenses was way to the plants. and an Indian attack on the ' and K,,fur- When combined with y°ung “ > b® cut this spring. With Shipment there were 1577 five gal- turned back to tb* counties for use taking a few stitches in the cuts he This bait is preferred by the molve city will be made by the In d -|Ilquld Hme-sulfur the latter is firBt the coming into the market of the had received. The car was damag Ion cans, 1800 ten pound palls and ; in bulldlnK and up-keep of the pub- worms to the plants and ig greedily fans. During the fight the town I dilutcd to spraying strength and one combined area, neary an of which 3916 five pound palls. It was jIlc roadB- but this amount is includ- ed considerably. A claim agent for eaten. It is likewise quickly fatal. will be burned to the ground. Some 1 Pound ° f hydrated lime or caseinate i ,B Klgned with the association, there the railroad was in Hermiston last found that this shipment was In- 'ed ,n tbe great*r amount above The variegated cutworm Is almost of the lumber used in its const, uction BPrpader added. Just before appll-! muat bc pre-cooling facilities which sufficient to take care of the honey ' quoted. Of tne $25,331,937.16 ex Saturday and Sunday, no doubt to so a duplicate of this order was sent pended on a” roadB throughout the i'T_ajnd 8ettle ,or the damageB sue always present, but its num bm are is being hauled from Hermiston to cation the lead arsenate is sifted in. ,he Farm Bureau Co-op. have prac- kept down by its natural enemies— Cold Springs by truck. A number When two or three classes of plant , tlenlly assured they will take care talned. In to the American Can Co. of Port state, $15,986,121.60 has been ex 3 fly that lays an egg in the worm, of carpenters are engaged in putting ! troubles—eating Insects, sucking in. nt bX building the flrBt unit of a pended through the medium of the land and another carload is expect and birds fowls and even pig!1. In up the buildings and very soon the sects and fungous disease»— are pres- :cold storage system. ed in the near future. The cans state highway commission and $9,- BEAUTY DOCTORS — -------------- MUST BE LICENSED favorable seasons it gets the jump command of "camera" will be heard. ent at ,be same time the growers can ; were sold to bee men who have col 446,815.56 hag been expended by on these and then destroys millions A month or more will be spent in Bave time and labor by combining Legion Entertain Auxiliary at Picnic onies at Boardman, Umatilla, Her the counties, directly or Indirectly. It will be a violation of the law of dollars worth of crops unless It the vicinity of Cold Springs shoot- Ihelr sprays and controlling enem- Tbe local post of the American The total amount expended in th© miston, Stanfield, Echo and Butter Is checked by man. It was a bad ing scenes for the western special. ies with a single appliaction. ¡Legion entertained the Auxiliary creek. , j construction. Improvement and up to engage In hair dressing, facial massage or skin treatment after July pest In 1900 and in 1914. doing In • with a picnic at Columbia beach. It ig reported that a honey buyer keep of the state highways in the 31, 1925, without a state license one year two and one-half million Increasing deanind for canned j Umatillai, Wednesday nljght. Title state, however, since the 1913 law was in Boardman a few days ago The office of the state board of dollars W’orth of damage. « ♦ <• ❖ ¿• goods and other horticultural pro-i first part of the evening was spent endeavoring to purchase a carload went into effeet creating the State ❖ The grown worm Is 1 3-4 Inches health is receiving applications and ductB Rlye ground for belief that the I In swimming after which fires were of honey for the New York market. Highway Commission and authoriz ❖ ¡Oregon cane fruit Industry will con-J built and weiners roasted. A num- CHURCH NOTICES It ig absolutely necessary that all long, rather fat, and of a yellowish ❖ ing the issuance and sale of bonds He was offering nine and 'one-half •Î tlnue to hold Its own and undergo her of watermelons also helped to operators file by that date. Any green to a dark brown color. It ❖ cants a pound. Honey men believe for road construction, through the ❖ ❖ ¡ some slight expansion. nearly always has a few light yellow one who has been actlvvely engag Future > fill up the hungry gathering. These that a better price will be obtained medium of the highway commission ed in cosmetic therapy six months ish dots on the middle part of the plantings should be limited by pres- picnics are becoming popular! and BAPTIST CHURCH for their product later on in the has been $82,487,2651# including prior to Jujy 31, 1925, will be. en: back. It Is hatched from th< eggs ¡ent and prospctlve market eondl-(the Legion and Auxiliary are plann- Sunday school at 10 A. M. season. Some have already con aid received from the redearl gov titled to a license by exemption. AH o f a rather large moth With grayish : ernment, the counties and railroads. There will he no morning ser lions, says the experiment station, as ing to hold others ln the future. tracted honey for a higher figure. those applying after July 31 will be red-tinged front wings and clear vice, but an evening service will be P°,en “ a' Production is far in ex- , -------------------------- At a meeting of the beekeepers Of this latter amount $38,860,499.37 required to take -'an examination. white rear one© with soft brown ln charge of the Ambassador Club ce88 of preBent ne<‘ds- Western AL. G. BARNES BIG CIRCUS association held last Saturday the was realized and expended from the Applications should be made directly edges. The eggs are laid In masses of the Pendleton Baptist church. gTOwera wl11 prof,t b* recognizing WILL EXHIBIT AT PENDLETON association instructed W. G. Rodda, sale of state bonds; $8,391,262.12 to the Secretary of the state Board on plants and even the family wash It 18 expected that they will bring | ,hat Produ(,®rs are largely servants --------- county bee inspector, to rigidly en from the motor vehicle gas tax; $7,- of Cosmtlc Theraph, 301 Fitzpatrick ing.- The worms come out in March Al. O. Barnes’ big four ring clr’- their famous quartet. You will en 'of consumers and must produce only force the law pertaining to the pro 893,532.31 represented cooperative and again in midsummer in larger building, Portland. joy attending this layman's service. to the extent consumers can be In- "us,will exhibit afternoon and night curing of licenses for colonies. As aid. from the federal government; It Is estimated that there are over numbers. duced io buy. Vigorous demand for ¡at Pendleton on August 6. The an- a result Mr. Rodda has turned in $5,543,921.33 cooperative aid from two thousand cosmeticians operating any cane fruit does not mean that . nouncemnt of A. G. Barnes circus seventy-five names of bee men who the counties; $5,633,428.91 funds de METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH the demand Is unlimited and Justl- appear,, In this Issue. The coming In this state. No cosmetician will HORSE KILLED IN COLLISION have failed so far this yar to lic rived from the one mill road tax, be slowed to operate after July 31 Sabbath school at 10 A. M. Morn fles unlimited plantings. ¡of this organization is welcome newg Last Sunday forenoon while Jack and $ raised by the ense their colonies. 1926. without a license. ______ | as the circus Is one that always pre- quarter mill road tax. Smith and a number of other boys ing worship at 11. the subject of the sermon is "A Great Need.” Core break-down of Oregon pearn -’ents a clean, wholesome and enter- In 1924 the total amount of high were going to the beach at Umatilla STATE BUILDING PROGRAM way expenditures in the United State Guarantees Harvest Expense on horseback Jack’s horse became Prayer and Bible study every Thurs can b© controlled by picking at the talnlng program. This year, ac- FOR 1925 AND 1926 The state board of control has frightened at a passing auto. The day evening at 8. Epworth League, prener time. This can be done with- cording to announcements, the clr- States was $990.683,770. An aggre gate of $632,487,440.53 has been, ex voted to guarantee to farmers In the horse became unmanageable meet at 7. Misss France8 Bale will lead out .sacrifice of either tonnage or eus has been greatly enlarged and For the year 1925-1926 the state pended on federal road projects on frosted area of eastern and central ing head on an automobile going the meeting. The evning service of quality of the pears, reports the ex- in addition to the all new spectacle Institutional building program, which amount the government con Oregon harvest expense© not to ex ln the opposite direction and driven devotion will be followed by an il périment station. ¡ -if Pocahontas al the Court of Queen funds for which have been provid tributed $276,305,407.66. The to ceed $2.50 per acre. The money - Anne with the enormous caste se- C. Ashby of Salem. The rider lustrated lecture. Bring the child ed by the legislature, calls for an tal mileage In the federal aid approv. probably wifi be advanced by the was thrown forty feet to the side of ren to see the pictures. Henry Young CITIZENS' TRAINING CAMP lected from the 1800 employees. ■expenditure of $915.738, a large per ed system in the United States was banks of the respective communi the road but was uninjured. The Minister. COMPLETE MONTHS’ TRAINING other new features are: 180 horses centage of which will be contribut 174,350 miles. In Oregon the ap ties. Tfye state, to Insure repay horse, however, was killed instant- In one big act. the Fez-Ton tribe ot ed to labor, according to a state proved highway system covers a to ment, will demand that it receive CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Th® 650 young men from Oregon j Arabs from the Sahara desert, the The car was brought to town ment prepared by Secrtary of State tal of 49,769 miles of public high preferred considratlon for its claims for repairs and the remainder of the The Christian Science services are Washington and Northern Idaho who ¡Canton troupe of Chinese circus ar- Sam A. Roger. I i « way of which 878 miles have been covering the loans. Indications are, passengers made the rest of their held in rooms next to the Auditorium la8' we*k comPI®‘‘,d a month’s train- , Hats, the Imperial midget family The largest items in the list for treated with hard surface pavement; according to the board, that the trip by rail. every Sunday at 11 o’clock. Sunday _at ,h^ cltlze"H' military training from Bavaria. Joe Martin (himself) which contracts have been awarded 1,949 miles hive bee a g*av<led or farmers will repay every dollar of the school at 10:16. All are cordially j camp at Camp Lewis carried home the giant gorilla man, Lotus, In and construction ia in progress, are ¡standard macadam and >18 ____ Mrs. Dave Mittlesdorf returned invited to attend. Wednesday eve with them. In the aggregate, over only performing hippopotamus miles the loans previously made for the for an addition to the Eastern Ore- have been graded and ready for sur- purchase of seed wheat under the re Saturday from Portland where she ning meeting first Wednesday each one and one-half tons more of solid the world, the famous exclusive Al. gon state hospital at Pendleton fori facing. flesh than when they came to camp. ¡G. Barnes feature, 40 dancing horses lief act of the 1925 legislature. had been visiting. month. On the average, there was added to | and 40 dancing gil ls and Al. G. which the 1925 legislature provided The federal aid projects In Ore- the weight of the Camp, each day. Barnes appears in person at each $271,000 and the contract made gon aggregate a system of approxl- over 100 pounds In ertra avoirdupois, performance. wlth th state board of control calls mately 2.900 mile«, for the moet part The«© figures have been complied for $225,000, and the branch cot- being roads of an interstate charac- Owlng to the enormous size of | by Major Thomas W. Burnett, MedL (he circus this year, the management tage system for the boys training ter or connecting roads which have ¡cai corps, U. 8. A., camp surgeon. announces that no street parade will school under construction near been deeignated a part of the net- ¡Upon arrival in camp June 19, each be given In any city visited, however Woodburn for which the 1921 legis- ional federal aid system, and the AW SHUCKS// l'VE HAP STATIOMS ON THE PACIFIC Ì man was carefully weighed. He In place of the omitted procession, lature set aside $218,238 and the federal fund» allotted to Oregon tO A S T TH E ATLANTIC COAST 'N CLEAR POWN j was agin weighed prior to his de- i mammoth open air free exhibition 1925 session an additional $25,000. ¡from 1916 to 1925 amount to $14r T o CUBA ANP WAV UP NORTH IN CANAPA — parlure. The average gain in his will take place on the show grounds loRES » HOOKEP 1H.S ONE UP MVSELF - I'M 60IN Other buildings to be constructed «283.489, of which $4,552,662 was under contract and direction of the allotted for forest road work, weight was five pounds. The great- at l and 7 P. M . Iinmedlatly pre- _____________ hoard of control are a new dormitory | TO APO A ¿DUPLE TUBES, est Individual gain was 12 pounds, reeding the opening of the doors to for the Institution for the feeble- COUNTY TtT.T. inr.EPT.1ia Fat cltlden soldiers lost weight. The tbe circus, and the largest traveling TO HER ANP SEE (P (minded appropriation $7 6,450 and ! UNLOAD CARLOAD OF CANS , 'arcest Individual weight loss was maagerle In the world, comprising I CAN'T pUL.L J in UPI contract $60.000, and a new p avll-; ______ 8 II pounds. This Individual last over 400 rare animals from all quar. BUROPE - A KIP ¡year entered the camp weighing 232 ters of the earth. ¡a? a»^»íínrtet^tent^ ^ Cn,, 08l’ ■^06P,' Attother Car of C aa. W ill Be Mooes- tai. appropriation $53,501 and co n -, pounds and left weighing 190. The circus performance starts TH'ROAP HERE A PIECE tract $30,000, for work under imme- ; n iy to Haadle the Crop of the Major Burnett’s report further promptly at 2 and 8 P M. Ample dfcTS ENGLAND REG West End Honey Prodacers. diate consideration. The construct- j ¡shows that since the first Citizens' ' parking space for autos Is reserved ULARLY ON HIS FAP/0 Ion of a cottage for the children's ' ' Military Training Camp at Camp on the show ground© and a city tick farm home of the W. C. T. U. near 1 tjewls four years ago, there have et office where numbered reserved Last week a carload of cans was Corvallis, for Jwhlch appropriation unloaded here by the Umatilla j nevei been any fatalities from dls- chairs may he obtained at same price ¡easa or Injury. Three thousand charged on the show grounds, 1» was made and contract let by the County Bee Keepers association for board of control and the board of use In caring for this year's crop , men have been trafned in the five maintained In ench city, trustees of The home for $15,000. of honey. The carload contained camps starting in 1921. All camps have been free from disease result ------- ------------------------- enough cans to hold 113 1-2 tons Auxiliary to Make Rugs ing from misconduct. No cases of new S uperintendent of honey. The head nurse of Hospital No. acutely Infectious and easily com 77. the Veterans hospital at Port FOR SCHOOLS ENGAGED A second carload of cans has been municable disease occurred during land. hag appealed to the Amrlcan --------- ordered to take care of tbe except- Urof A. R. Cecil, of Ephrata, tonally havy crop that In in pros- this year's camp, although in the Legion Auxiliary for rag rugs for Waeblngton. has been engaged as Ipect. Conditions have been exeept- four previous camps there werw one the hospital. Ruch luxuries are not superintendent of Hrmiston schools tonally favorabe for a bskvy honey case of pneumonia, one scarlet fever, helng furnished hy the govern next yeer. The new superintendent flow. Buhman brothers have a de- one niumpa and one chicken pox ment. Tho Hermiston unit will wlll arrive in Hermiston soon and monstration farm and practice the case. All students were protected start work at oncp upon It’s quota. be ready to assume charg© when beet and most approved methods in against accidental exposure to Anyone having rags suitable for this school opens in tha fall. smallpox and typhoid fever by vac purpose which they would care lo their handling of bees. They expect ¡dilation. All food supplies for ¡donate, kindly call Mrs. Sbesley at 250 pounds of honey to the colony LIBRARY NOTICE ¡Camp L*>wls are closely insepeted. 28-J, or tell any Auxiliary member. this year. Since 1922 production During the month of Augnat the p©r coloay hag ranged from 121 the milk is pasteurized and the Library will be open for two hours pounds to 2Q5 pounds, The varla- ' water supply perfect. The Kellogg Motor Company re only, each day except Sunday, honrs «op to accounted for In tho differ port the sale of Ih following FOrda: Curtis Dyer was In psndleton Sedan to William Logan and a truck 9 to I r. M. once la eopdttiono. Monday, to Charles Sanderson. Advertising copy and all items intended for publi cation in the current is sue of The Herald should reach this office not later than 4 P. M. Wednesday afternoon. PROSPECTS OF BUMPER HONEY CROP c J o ltin g th e C it y C o u s in r I