Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1925)
HERMISTON, OREGON. H 30M 1S T O H t "The best worker Somebody Is Saving Didoyu kno wthat last year tha savings of the people of thia country amounted to <,93$ million dollars? Thia Is 334 millon more than a year ago, and 600 millon more than two years ago. So SOMEBODY la saving, that's sure. Are YOU? That's the ques tion. The huge advance In savings may be due to prohibition or many other causes, but it sows that our people are beginning to “salt down" more money than In really prosper ous times. We invite you to open an account at our bank and Join the WISE crowd. of Hermiston B. 8wayze, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Pre A. H. Norton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier S T A N D A R D OIL C O M PA N Y (California) LOST— Hat, somewhere In vicinity of the Dairy and Hog show build ings. Peter Castrlc. 45-lc ZEROLENE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE ALTOR. 26-tfc We W ant Yon To S e e Us — READ THE WANT ADS— I have purchased the con fectionery known as P a t’s Place and solicit a share of your patronage. — FOR— GUNS K rause’s C hocolates T h e Best in Candies —AND— AMMUNITION A FULL U N E News stand Cigars and Tobacco O + ÏO o + O O O + O + OO + O ♦ ❖ IF IT'S OUR 676-STORE BUYING POWER SAVES YOU MONEY LODGE DIRECTORY « : service * YOU WANT ESTHER C HAPTER N o. 101. O. E. 8„ Q U BEN inatts second Tuesday sv a n ia g o f each month : it 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. V isitln « members velcom e. A lice C. S hoiw ol). W. IL K athryn L. Garner. Sec. * t T. H. G aither * O TRANSFER AND DRAR ♦ V I N E Y A R D I i O D G E NO. 208, I. O. O. F . ¥ m eets each Monday evening in Odd Fellow« hall. Vial tin g members cordially tnvitad. W. R. Loughorn. Sec. M. L. W ataon.N. Q. RECLAMATION LODQK N o. 107. K. o f P ., m m ls each Thursday evening in Mack’s Hall, at 7:30 P. M. V isitin g brothers cordially invited. W. H. McMillan R. A. Brownson. K. R. and S. C. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING BUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Dr. F. V. PRIME Hermiston, Oregon Dentistry Evenings and Sundays by Appoint ment. Mail orders promptly attended to. Ar. Umatilla 3:00 P.M. and 8:20 P.M One round trip Sundays: Leave Umatilla 8:30 A. M., leave Pendleton 5:30 P. M. Fare— Hermiston to Pendleton, $1.45. round trip $2.45. affidsummer Mon 775/fcf flies, bugs, roaches, an ts, m o sq u ito es, and m o th s. T o all principal Eastern Cities AND GLASS P IT T S B U R G H Liberal stopover privileges going or returning NEWVORK U N IO N P A C I F IC SYSTEM H O O D H IV E R S P R A Y C O M P A N Y H o o d R iver, Oregon " b e c k E a s t” | n o w w h ile t h e f a r e s a r e lo w U jw fe r fia ir j to Z to n N a tio n a l P a rk and f e llo w stona N a tio n a l P a r k For Sale at Mitchell Drug Co. FLY-DI V isit t h e f o lk s A .k for free booklet, descriptive o f these fam ous retorts F- C. Woughter, Agent, w Hermiston, Oregon Wm. McMURRAY, Geni. Paca. Agt. enney Has removed from his form er location In the Bond Bldjr. to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. Pendleton 513 Main St. Co w c. D E P A R T M E N T ST O R E S PE N D LETO N , O REG O N FOR LESS :: Oregon Phone 158 R. M. HESTER, M. D. Pendleton, Oregon. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat Office, 123 W. Court St. Over Telephone Building WHEN COMING TO PENDLETON Bring along with you that suit or dress to be cleaned. We will send it back to you by parcels post promptly, T he P antatorium ?endleton, Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian 1'reats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector ¿ ft Cleaners, Dyers and Hatters 719 Garden Street Phone 473 Pendleton, Oregon BUYING M OST W E BUY FOR LESS— SELLINC MOST WE SELL Office 733 McKENZIE & LIEUALLEN Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat PICTURE MOULDINGS LAUNDRY f i NATION-WIDE INSTITUTIO N- Oregon : : : Phone Res. 712 WASHINGTON I BOSTON FLY-DI Is non-polsonous, w ill n o t stain, and has a pleasant and refreshing odor. Y o u n eed FLY-DI all the year r o u n d —always keep a bottle o n han d. L. F. M cA tee PAINTS, WALLPAPER, PHILADELPHIA Hermiston DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon R ou n d T rip E x c u r s io n T ic k e ts on sale daily to Sept. 15 Final return lim it Oct. 31 W. J. W A R NER Attorney-at-Law THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L, Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. DENVER OMAHA KAksascuy 5T.L0UI5 CHICAGO DETROIT CINCINNATI CLEVELAND TORONTO MONTREAL m LOST— Chauffera license No. 10163, Lafayette L. Christian, Defendant. Summons Equity No. 4060. somewhere within the city. Rea To Lafayette L. Christian, the sonable reward If returned to this above named defendant. office. 40-tfc Injthe name of the State of Ore SHIRTS', nightshirts and pajamas gon, You are hereby required to ap made to your measure. 600 pat pear and answer the complaint filed terns of the finest silks, madras, against you in the above entitled and flannels to select from. Made suit within six weeks from the first by Ferd Klaas Shirt Co. Imperial publication of this summons and on Cleaners. Phone 53-W. 38-tfc or before August 22, lf 2 5 , and you will take notice that If you fall to I have some good pasture for rent. answer or plead herein within said Inquire First National Bank. Wil time, the plaintiff, for want there of, will apply to the above entitled liam D. Prior. Court for the relief prayed for in Burk Is hearqusrters for Array plaintiff’s complaint filed In said «boos. cause, to-wlt: for a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of mat Herald Want Ads Bring Yon Results rimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant SMITH'S SECOND HAND STORE— and for an absolute decree of divorce You get more for your money; In favor of plaintiff against defend Isn’t that funny. Furniture, ant and for the custody of the minor stoves and everything. Jnst walk children of plaintiff and defendant. in and forget to ring. 35-tfc This summons Is published pursu ant to an order of the Hon. I. M. Burk’s for bargains. Schanoep. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for NTED—Men or women to take Umatilla County duly made and en ■dere tor genuine guaranteed hoa tered on the 1st day of July, 1525. ry for men, women and children. directing that publication be made Ilmlnate darning. Salary $75 a herein once a week for a period of eek full time. $1.50 an hour six consecutive weeks In the Hermis tare time. Beautiful spring line, ton Herald, and the first publica iternatlonal Stocking Mills, Nor- tion is made pursuant to said order stown. Pa. 39-20tp this 9th day of July, 1925. W J. WARNER. T R A D E — Good Ford touring ear for Attorney for Plaintiff, freak cows or heifers. P. O. Box P. O. Address, Hermiston, Oregon. $51. l» t fc 44 7tc FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel CALL FOR WARRANTS logg R Schlmke. $-<tc City of Hermiston Warrants No. UTVELINO LAND—See Peter Caa- 378(1 to No. 37$9 Inclusive, No. 3802 trie, experienced end reliable, 1 to No. 3821 Inclusive, No. 3824 to mile« north of Hermiston. 4-tfe No. 2832 inclusive: also Water Fund Warrants No. 157 to No. 155 ln- Polands for Profits. Stillings. $7tf cliistvn, are eal’-d for payment. HART KNITTER— Anyone In- Interest slope July 15, 1925. GEORGIA HENDERSON. tefed please write Box 152, 45-lte City Treasurer. mJston, Oreg. JOtfe H IT T * CALL 25-J ♦ * COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITE1 J WANTED— Phone, write or see W. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa FOR SALE— Pony, saddle and cow. hay for sale, in any quantity. F. F. Wisner, Phone 21-W-3 46-2t Phone 40-J-S. >-tfc FOR SALE— Crab apples. Mrs. F. P. Phipps. 45-3tc WANTED— To buy, cattle, hogs and sheep, any quantity. W. A. Leath ers. 4 3-tfc FOR RENT— Six room modern house. W. L. Hamm. 42 *"Fe«Z» those PASTURE for horses or cattle, shade oil-starved Fords** and plenty of water. E. P. Dodd. UBHD CARS FOR SALE— Terms 43-tfc given. Prices right. Kellogg & Schlmke. 11-tfc QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING AND PRESSING. We call for FOR RENT— Five room house on and deliver. Imperial Cleaners. Gladys Ave., next to library. En. Phone 53-W. 38-tfc quire A. W. Agnew, Phone 21-J-2. 29'tfc NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL to keep in mind the FOR SALE— Team scales. W. A. REPORT fact that in addition to Leathers. 40-tfc In the County Court of the State of printing this n ew s Oregon for Umatilla County FOR SALE— 750 pound Primrose sep In the Matter of the Estate paper we do job work arator. Enquire inland Empire of I.umber Co. 43 tfc of any kind. W hen Meshach Lopp, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the in need of anything USED PLAYER. PIANO in perfect condition, with large selection of underslgnel executrix of the last will this line be sure music rolls; real bargain. Pendle and testament of Meshach Lopp, de ton Music House. 43-2tc ceased, has filled her final report with the Clerk of the above entitled Court and that the Judge of said Court has designated Saturday, the miscellaneous 8th day of August, 1925, at 2 o’clock UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. In the afternoon as the time, and E. R. Pell. Umatilla, Oregon the rooms of the above entitled Phone Umatilla, 3 8 -J -ll FOR RENT—Pasture, $1.50 per head Court in the County Court House at a month. Plenty of water. J. W. Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon Operating Stages Between Pendleton Hamman, half mile south of Her as the place when and where hear and Umatilla miston. 44-3tp ing Is to be had thereon. All per Effective March 15, 1925 sons interested are hereby notified GOOD BLUE GRASS PASTURE, with to then and there appear and show Leave— shade and water. W. A. Leath cause, if any they have, why said Umatilla...... 8:30A.M. and 4:00 P.M. ers. 43-tfc report should not be approved, the Hermiston.. 8:50 A M. and 4:20 P.M Stanfield.. 9:15 AM. and 4:40 P.M. executrix discharged and the estate Echo.......... 9:30 A.M. and 4:50 P.M. AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery closed. Ar. Pen......10:45 A.M. and 5:50 P.M. direct from mill to wearer; all Dated this 6th day of July, 1925. styles and colors; salary paid for Leave— MINNIE LOPP, full time or spare hours; no money 44-5tc Executrix. Pendleton.. 1:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. needed for samples. International Echo.......... 2:10 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Mills, 103$, Norristown, Pa. Stanfield.... 2:25 P.M and 7:40 P.M IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Hermiston.. 2:45 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. STATE OF OREGON FOR FOR RENT— An up-to-date modern and spacious dwelling on Gladys UMATILLA COUNTY Avenue. For further particulars Nellie L. Christian, Plaintiff, see Mrs. Anna Strohm. 42 vs. Try Burk's for bargains. C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y “Yea, sir, that old Ford hasn’t soldiered a day since I took to using this new Zerolene ‘F ’ for Fords.” Ford owners who “tried out” Zerolene “F ” for Fords when it was first put on the market have been sticking to it ever since. Zerolene “F ” for Fords is made by the Standard Oil Company’s patented vacuum process. It lubricates all the bearing surfaces where oil is needed, especially the wrist-pin bearings and the upper half o f the cylinder walls, which are frequently “oil-starved” when an unsuitable lubricant is used. The re sult is improved gasoline mileage, quicker starting and increased freedom from carbon and other motor troubles. A Ford is an A-l transportation invest ment. Protect your investment by proper lubrication. C a p ita l, Surplus and U nd ivid ed P ro fits O v e r $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 for sals SEE A n n ou n cm en t First N ation al B ank WANT ADS Burt M ullins cP Residence second house west of tko Intimile church. Phone, 82-R. ROUGH DRY WHEN IN -—and— PENDLETO N FINISHED WORK MAKE YOUR II K A D Q U A R T K R S — AT— Opportunity knocks at your door four times a week MONDAYS - TUESDAYS THURSDAYS - SATURDAYS Call the following Agents: WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and Water Sts. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tnbes— Accessories V.LWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. HERMISTON— BERT MULLINS Time Inspector 0.-W. R. & N. Co. STANFIELD- McDERMENT ECHO— M. E COE 105 N ew Links A re B e ing A d d ed T h is Y ear to Our H erb G reen And our driver will be at your service. Jeweler and Watchmaker DON'T FORGET THE DAYS DIAMONDS, WATCHES. CLOCKS SILVERWARE We never fail to make the trip G reat C hain o f Busy, T hriv Troy Laundry ing D ep artm en t Stores, G iv ing a F ar-R eaching 6 7 6 -S to re C om pany Pendleton, Oregon SERVICE an in c r e a s e d s a v in g p o w e r . —TRY THE HERALD WANT ADS— 3 206 East Court St. ANY AND j ■ Z Everthing Electrical ■ 5 FOR YOU ■ HOW’S THIS? RALL'fl CATARRH MEDICIN» wtll do «h at we claim for It—rid your systsm of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL’S CATARRH MKDPCINE con- elata of an Ointment which Quickly Relieve« the catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces. thus assisting to reetors nor mal cotidlilona Bold by drussists for over «0 Tears. F. J. Cheney A O . Toledo. O. Pendleton jna■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ s J .L V A U G H A N ! a QUALITY B u yin g P ow er T h at P rovides Y ou and Your Fam ily w ith 726 Main Street 3 Phone 139 ■ J ■ Pendleton, Ora. jj Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office