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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1925)
HgBAJJQt HEBMlBTOy, ORTO OX. SPECIAL Saturday Only 4 Cans APRICOTS $1.00 See Our SUMMER BARGAIN COUNTER LOCAL AND PEKSONAL ■ BREVITIES • Bring in Tour Films ■ to T t o r , A to u t t t o C i l , a t o Red Star and Florence Automatic OIL STOVES - Min Carrie Baniford, a graduate ot the Kimbal] School of Theology, la assisting Rev. Young of the M. E. church while hr la engaged in teach ing at SuttHe Lake. Dating the month of July we will allow 20 per cent discount for Cash on oar entire stock of Red Cenol Bed Bug Deatroyer kills i bed bugs, la odorlem, stainless and absolutely effective. Mitchell Drug • Co., Cenol Agency. . ---- - Cenol Roach Destroyer haa prov ed Ita efficiency. Use It to rid your premises of nasty roaches. Mitchell i Drug Co., Cenol Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bridge and gon Harry of Pontiac, Illinois, arrived i today for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Embry. Mr. Bridge is Mrs. Embry's aon. F B. Swayze ha areturned from a vacation spent at Camp Sherman. Otto C. Pierce K IN G S L E Y S H E R M IS T O N • IN C . H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V IC E " Screen Doors and Box Factory Wood We will have a car of box fac tory wood the last week of June. Let us know before this car ar rives if you want some of this cheap fuel. . Materially Youra , T u m -A -L u m L u m b er C o. R. A. Brownson, Mgr. AUTO PA R T S NEW AND USED You can save money and time here. Come and »ee Us. Auto Clearing House, Inc. 728 Thompson Street Pendleton, Oregon Phone 38 Night Phone 961 YOUR OLD CAR BOUGHT Miss Emily Cheever. of Los An- ^eleg, la visiting at the J. K. Shot- ' well home in this city. Miss Cheever la a cousin of Mrs. Shotwell. AMERICAN SHOE SH O P Hermiston (next door to postoffice) Expert Shoe Repairing A trial order is respectfully solicited, and all work guaranteed. Parcel Post paid one way. All 1 W ant Is a Trial, V J. H. FARRA jfn To use a sk-'g -xpres- sion: “ We're there ». the finish.” \l $40.00 $48.00 $78.00 $92.50 $18.50 $24.00 $30.00 20 Per Cent Cash Discount MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY Hermiston, Oregon BUSINESS LOCALS Ed. Haugeberg, who at one time was a resident of the prjoect, is con fined to a hospital at Kelso, Wash ington. Mr. Haugeberg underwent an operation some time ago for ap pendicitis that wa« unsuccessful and was compelled to enter the hospital again for another operation. The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church will hold a cooked food sale Saturday, July 25, a tSappers’ store commencing at 2 P. M. HaroI(j McKeen anrt wlfe ,eft the f,rgt part of {he week for Ho<]Ua)m Washington, where they will spend their vacation. Jack Harman and wife left Mon day for La Grande. Jack will be Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Edwards came employed In a logging camp near Tuesday from Port Townsend, Wn., that city as a blacksmith. Mr. Edward» returned the latter part of the week but Mrs. Edwards Mrs. W. W. Illsley and little will reman for some time visiting daughter left Sunday for Baker with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. where they will spend some time K. Shotwell. with Mrs. Illsley’s folks. Mr. M. L. Thompson, Pendleton Tom Fraser and family left Mon layman, will supply the pulpit of th - day morning by car for a vacation Baptist church Sunday morning at to be spent at Seaside. 11. Sunday school at 10 A. M. Mis Chas. Taylor took pity on two pltable and long neglected bach elors last Monday evening and In vited W. L. Hamm and the editor over to dinner. x BED STAR DETROIT VAPOR.......3 Burner ............................... RED STAR DETROIT VAPOR....— 4 Burner - ................................. BED STAR DETROIT VAPOR........ 6 Burner Range....................... RED STAR DETROIT VAPOR-___ • Burner Range— ................... FLORENCE AUTOMATIC................... 2 B u r n e r . . . ....................... FLORENCE AUTOMATIC..... .............. 3 Burner ....................... FLORENCE AUTOMATIC................... 4 Burner — .............................. Rev. Maxwell and family, of Woodstock, Illinois, were guests at the Mumma home Monday. Rev. Maxwell is superintendent of the Woodstock orphanage home. Bert Mullin« has Installed a new pop corn machine In his confection ery. fri fowa low prices. Bill Hughes, wife and son, of Hoquiam, Washington, are visiting at the S, D. Thomas home near this city. Mr. Hughes is a brother of Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. F. C. McKenzie was a visitor In Pendleton Tuesday. E x p ir e d ? You cannot afford to cook over a hot range when you can got oil stoves of this quality at such The pulpit of the Baptist church A little work on your wagon or was filled last Sunday by Mr. Mason machinery might make It serviceable ;of Pendleton, who le a layman of for several years. Come in and the church. Those who were in the talk it over with the blacksmith. congregation Sunday state that the ■ gentleman Is a speaker of except Yes, we will shoe your horses. ional ability. Many men dig their graves with Bob Galloway, who ha« leased the thetr teeth. Constipation Is a ter E. P. Illsley backsmlth shop In this rible curse. Stagnant decayed mat. city, arrived Sunday and has taken ter in the stomach and bowels may charge of the business. Mrs. Gal cause serious trouble. Take HOL loway will arrive In Hermiston and LISTER’S GOLDEN NUGGET TAB they will take up their residence in LETS for constipation before it is the Jack Harmon house which they too late. Results guaranteed. Mitch have rented. ell Drug Co. Miss Alice Wentworth, who has been employed for some time past in the offices of the Oregon Hay Growers, left Sunday for Ellensburg. Washington, where she has accepted a position with the Northwest Hay Growers. These prices stated are the Regular Retal Prices on the Stoves in the Northwest, but in on k r to reduce onr stock we have decided to make this Big Redaction. O ua finishing depart ment, through up-to-date methods and equipment and expert handling, can help you get the kind of pictures you want. Hermiston blacksmith shop is now Mias Dorothy Shotwell returned open for business. home Friday from Port Townaend and other points where she had See C. D. Porter for all kinds of been visiting. Insurance. At Dodd’g offfice. 21-tfc Word was received here recently to the effect that L. A. Hunt, man ager of the Northwest Hay Grow ers, has resigned his position with the association. Has Your C ome •» CL • aî renew tf neri Subscription time you an Star and Florence Automatic Oil Stovee. Through the courtesy of Mr. Stan ley Campbell, local Standard Oil manager, the editor was privileged to visit the orchards of Patterson, Washington, last Friday. Among thoee visited was the pear orchard of N. W. Jacobson. Mr. Jacobson has seventy-five acres In pearg and ship« on an average of forty cars a year. Mr. Jacobson has an ideal place in every way and all the mod ern conveniences ror packing and shipping. He irrigates the orch ard with water pumped from the Columbia river using a Deslal en gine that pumps five hundred gal lons per minute. The Umatilla Rapid Transit Co operating a stage line between Pen dleton and Umatilla, last week In stalled a new Reo bus on the run. According to E. R. Pell, the pro prietor the new bus which is up-to- date In every particular, and having a seating capacity of 18 persons, is one of the best In Eastern Oregon. H. A. Pankow and family left Wednesday for a short vacation thal will be «pent In Ihe Willamette val T«/«<rapA T e r r ifie d M a n y ley, Harry McMIlen wll act as cop When Prof. Samuel F. B. Morse, In and water superintendent during ventor of the practical telegraph In. Pankow's absence. stniment and rode, first put them Into practice In 184fi many Intelligent citi A seven pound girl was born Mon zens were sctuslly terrified. Some of day to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lane, of the more skeptical spoke of him ss being In league with the devil. The Umatilla. Brat message sent over the line that had been constructed for the practical W. T. Walpole, of Irrigon, was a tryout whs : “What hath God Hermiston visitor Tuesday. Mr. wrought!" Morse was s painter, and Walople stated that the prospects not an electrician, but he combined of a bumper melon crop In that sec the principles and devices that elec tion Is very bright. He stated that trical scientists had produced up to the shipments of melons In crates that time and In that way won credit will begin In about ten days. The for. the idea. He met with great op position In getting the Idea accepted. acreage planted to melons ha« very nearly doubled this year. The as- T h e C o te -T r e e soclatlon has added a bookkeeper to thetr force and are prepared to han. J la Colombia there la a tree known as the cow-tree. It Is treated much die lh» new business. as we treal a cow, or, this vegetable cow Is bled; rather. Its veins are cut, Mesdames, Vane Boynton, W. S. that la to say, the bark of the tree la Boynton and L. E. Sullivan, made a Incised. Immediately the laclferona trip to Pendleton Tuesday. vessels thus bisected yield so abun dant flow of «'bite liquid which a* Born— To Mr. and Mr». HJrnry regards Its appearance, taste snd nnur- Ishlng properties hardly differs from Snmmerar, at the Pendleton hospital ordinary milk. Evaporated by gentle July 8. a four pound baby girl. heat, thia vegetable milk yields a de lightful sort of marapan with a slight ly aromatic «der. Fsarn th«” Wonder J. U Waller le driving a Book of Plant Life by Jan» Chevrolet touting car. which Fibre. rltvqrH to b ln Tuesday. t» H» Oregon Hardware & Impi. Co. LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING Legal Blanks For Sale at The Herald Office Neglect of the liver results In self poisoning! Not so quickly, perhaps, but just as surely as if you drank poison out of a hottie .If your liver 1« not doing its work of heping diges tion, eliminating waste from the bowels and purifying the blood, you will always be troubled with sick headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa tion. Cleanse and tone your liver! Put your system in condition so you feel your very best again! Try just a spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ex cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after the next few meals and notice the luick Improvement In the way you 'mt, sleep, look and feel— the return if strength, vigor and energy. You vill be completely satisfied; other- vise there will be no cost. !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ADAM GOOD TIMER I I Our Screen Door stock is com plete. These doors are made with 16 mesh wires. This is a very fine wire that w ill keep out mosquitoes and gnats. Be sure to see these before buying. SPECIAL A SNAPPY SPARK EVERY TIME Easy starting In cold or wet weather. Fool Proof. More Power. Smoother running motor. Starts your motor on the mag neto. It is a positive Make and Break Timer, using Genuine Tungsten points, the same as used on high priced cars. It Is self lubricating and requires no grease or oil Inside the shell. Put it on and forget it. Guaranteed for one year. S’R EIj! This Coupon is Good for 'ample Bottle Dr. Thaeher'j Liver & Llood Syrup if presented before the supply for free distribtion is already given iway. Read the full deails above, ?hen act at once, as this offer Is 'imlted. Get a trial size now by presenting this coupon to Mitchell □rug Company. THE ADAM GOOD TIMER IS POSI TIVELY WATER PROOF Headaches are often cautVd by Constipation— HOLLISTER’S GOL DEN NUGGET TABLETS quickly rid /ou of Constipation. Mitchell Drug Co. Pearson’s Garage The Christian Science services are ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M * V held in rooms next to the Auditorium ivery Sunday at 11 o'clock. Sunday 'chool at 10:15. All are cordially 'nvlted to attend. Wednesday eve ning meeting first Wednesday each month. Y O U TULL CM Harry Humfeld and family at- ‘r-nded the wedding of hi« brother John to Miss Irma Buchner at Port 'and July 12. :• •> <• 9 N .. 9281. Rvatrvt Dial. Ne. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Hermiston. In th e State of Oregon, at the close of business on Jun e80. 1925. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ......... $166.30136.166.80136 Overdrafts, secured .................. $ Unsecured ....... 13 99 13.99 (J. S. bonds to secure circulation (r&r value) 6.250.00 6,250.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc ... 76.934.86 Banking house ............... .......... 8,000 00 Furniture, fix tu r e s ............. 1,821.14 9.821.14 Real estate owned other than banking house ................ ...... 9,530.88 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank ............... ... 17.932.55 Cash in vault and amount due from Nat* ional hanks 37,657.72 Total of item s», 10. 11, and 13. 37.667.72 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer .......... 312.80 Total The only thing that keeps boot leggers in business is customers. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS is what keeps us in business! It is our aim to help you cope with the High Cost of Living by giving you just what you want In high quality... MEATS U 21,756 00 : CITY MEAT MARKET LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in _ ............................... 25.600.00 Surplus fund ......... — .................... - ..... 10,000.00 » Undivided profits ......... 20.912 87 Leos current expenses paid ........... 20.912.87 > Circulating notes outstanding*. 6,250.00 Cartifiad chart s outstanding ....... - ....... 70.49 s chc<kb o u ts ta n d in g ........................ J0HM ELUS, PROF. : ♦ « 4,060.09 Total of item* "1. 22.23. 24 and 25 4.130 58 Demand d e p o t« Individual deposits subject to check . 170.288.66 Certificates of deponitdtie in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 38.215.06 State, county or other municipal deposits 22,850.00 Other demand deposits ----- ------------- 740.30 Total Items 28. 29. 30. 31 and 32 238.0« 01 Tima Deposits: ’ Certificates of deposits (other than far j money borrowed) .......................... 26.369 54 | J Total time deposits .. , 26.369.54 ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a aa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aa a^ Total 3324.756.00 State of Orsyon f _ Count, of Umatilla I *- *- L A. H. Norton, cashier of the above named hank, do polemnty «wear that the above statement 1» true to the best of my know led ire and belief. A. H. NORTON. Cashier SabscTibed and sworn la before me thia 8th day of July 1926 W. J. Warner. Notary Public for Oregon. Wy commission expiree Jan 9, 1929. C yveM Attest: ' R. ALXXANDER. CHAS- K. OPBL SWATXK. Ptiactcn . HONEY LABELS j ■ ■ a ■ a a To Your O rder and at Reasonable Price« THE HERMISTON HERALD 5 5 a ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas