Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1925)
• r e r j Thursday at Hor- Umatllla County, Oregon by Crowder, M ltor and Man- itered as second clam matter, l>0< at the poetofflce at Hermiston, Oregon. iubecnption Kates M r One T e a r ----------------------|1.00 VW Sta M on th s------------------ 11.00 Payable In Advance. THE MAN FOR THE JOB For a long time this slate has Veit the need of another senator e t Washington of the McNary cali bre who would represent the great commonwealth and procure fort It the recognition that It rightly de serves. During McNary's term of office he has made good. Not only does this state recognize him a8 a man of ab ility but the nation at large has been quick to acknowledge his worth. McNary hag been in a pec u liar position. The burden of re presentation has been placed very near entirely upon ht|i shoulders. Bob Stanfield hag not been worth his mileage ticket to the state of Oregon. There is going to be a change lust as soon as the voter Is given an opportunity to pass judg ment. The question now that con fronts the people is to find a man to fill the place. The possibllty of the entrance of Fred Steiwer, Pen dleton attorney. Into the race for the Republican senatorial nomina tion was the material for a front page story in Sunday’s Oregon Jour, nal by Ralph Waston, political w riter for the Journal. W e do not beleve there Is a bet ter man in tile state of Oregon for the position than Fred Steiwer. He has a clean record behind him and would work with untirin g effort for the best Interests of Oregon. T ru ly the McNary and Steiwer com bination would be hard to beat. The Coffee Cure Coffee was once regarded as a cure- all. The first advertisement of the beverage was published In I lie I ’ubllck Adviser of May 19, 1057. and an nounced that the proprietor of a shop In Bartholomew I.nne, London, was stocking “a very wholesome and phy sical drink” called coffee, the virtue of which Included helping the digestion, quickening the spirits, lightening the heart and proving ‘‘excellent good against eyesores, coughs, colds, head aches, gout, dropsy, scurvy, king’s evil,” ntid a long siring of other ull- ments. Atmotphere Above Earth The exact height of the earth's at mosphere Is not known. Some esti mates, based on the calculated heights of shooting stars when they first be come luminous, place the limit at width atmosphere has a density sttttl- clent to produce any observable f t fects at about 201) miles. Very little oxygen Is present In the air at n height of 110 kilometers (<W.,°,1 mllca). There Is none at n height of 120 kilometers (74.02 miles). On Growing Old We all have to grow old. so do your best not to worry ahont It. For over three thousand years people have been trying to discover the secret of per petual youth, hut they have never dis covered It, and they never will. Old age la n gracious and a happy state when we accept It naturally. It Is. only when we struggle Hint It becomes a tragedy. Only One W ay Man glories In Ids physical strength, and well he may. But the greatest strength that a man may possess comes from being clean and straight and right. Strong moral fiber Is made h,v right living. There Is no other way to gnln litis.—Grit. Man of Coniu» Mad» Companion» of Dog» In "Memories and Notea ef Persons and Places,’’ Sir Sidney Colvin gives an Intimate glimpse of Oeorge Mere dltli's conversation with his dogs. "The most characteristic strain In his ordinary manner was this blend of the most scrupulous courtesy with the frankest raillery, both somewhat elab orate of their kind. He would take and keep the same tone with servants. He would even take It with bis pet dogs. I have noticed that the dogs of men of genius love them more passionately and devotedly than they love ordinary masters, 1 suppose feeling In them some extra glow and lntenalty of the emotional faculties calling for a re sponse In kind. To the succession of black and tan or pure tan dachshunds given to Meredith by various friends, Kohy and Bruny and Pete (for ’Ko- bdld,’ ’Bruno,’ ‘Peto’), and Islet, on whom he wrote bla well known elegy— to these It was a delight to bear him talking eagerly by the half hour to gether In terms now of caressing en dearment, now of Irony, or sometimes, when the poaching instinct had proved too strong In any of them, of pained parental reproof." And in the same chapter Colvin quotes Sir James Barrie's account of Meredith, written after the latter’s death: “He came swinging down the path, singing lustily, and calling to his dogs. Ills dogs of the present and the past; and they yelped with joy, for they knew they were once again to breast the hill with him.'* H a tty Buying Not a Fault of East Indian» COME IN AND COOL OFF FREE Ice Cold Lemonade ALL D AY SATURDAY VAUGHT’S GASH GROCERY Harvest DOLLAR Sale JULY 11-18 y Stock up now at these exceptionally low prices. will be surprised what your dollar will buy. ROLL EDGE DISH FAN $1.00 White Enamel, 17-quart size. LEAN BACON BACK, Tb. 35c We lead In specials every week and Swift’s Sugar this good heavy 17-quart white Cured HAMS, lb enameled rol edge dhih pan is a Half or Whole real value. DON’T MISS THIS BARGAIN 35c EASTERN SUGAR 39c Come In and look over our entire CURED BACON, lb lines. You w ill always save money. SHOULDERS. lb 25c BOSTON BUTTS, lb 28c picric CANNED VEGETABLES Standard Corn, No. 2 tins, « for - ...................................... $1.00 12 cans $1.9$. case $3.85 Sifted June Peas. 6 cans.......... $1.00 12 cans, $1.85, case $3.65 String Beans. 8 cans................... $1.00 12 cans $1.85. case............ $3.85 Tomatoes. No. 2 1-2 tins, 8 for. $1.00 12 cans $1.85, c a se .............. $3.65 Saner Kraut. 8 cans $1.00 12 cans $1.85, case............... $3.50 Hominy 8 cans ...................$1.00 12 cans $1.85, case............. $3.50 American salesmen, trained to high pressure and quick-result methods, Calumet Baking meet with puzzling experiences when Powder, 5 lbs selling In India, where men and wom en appear to be hunting always for FREE an excuse for delaying a decision to a future date, says a writer In the One Can Ohio State Journal. BEECHNUT A New York trained motor sales Prepared Spaghetti man learned that fact when he tried to the to sell a handsome motor to a man of wealth In Delhi. There had been some FIRST 24 LADIES reductions made public In the price Visiting Store Saturday DEL MONTE VEGETABLES and the salesman assured the man of Crosby Com, 3 c a n s ......... 85c wealth there could be no more reduc SPECIAL! 12 cans $2.50. case $4.90 tions for at least a year, using that SUNKIST LEMONS 65c statement for the purpose of closing Small Peas, 3 cans 39c Dozen the sale. It did not bring that result. 12 cans $2.50, case $4.90 $1.00 SALAD OIL ly smiling and saying he planned a Fruits— In Syrup Amaizó, Mazóla vacntlon for u year and would look Peaches— Yellow Cling— over the curs on his return. 2 cans 45c, 6 for ................ $1.30 1-2 Gallon.......................................$1.00 Im portant Agreement The Webster-Ashburton treaty was a treaty between the United States and Great Britain, negotiated by Dan iel Webster and Lord Alexander Bar ing Ashburton In August, 1842. By this treaty the frontier line between the state of Maine and Canada was definitely agreed to. By thia treaty, also, seven-twelfths of the disputed ground and the British settlement of Mailagnska were given to the United States and only five-twelfths of the ground to Great Britain, but It secured a better military frontier to Canada and Included heights commanding the St. Lnwrence, which the award of the king of Holland, who had been chosen arbiter, had assigned to the Americans. Ily the eighth and ninth articles pro visions were made for putting an end to the African slave trade, and the tenlh article provides for the mutual extradition of auapected criminals. FREE 12 c a n s .................................... Apricots— Peeled— 2 cans 45c, 6 f o r ................... 12 for .................... Pears, 2 cans 12 cans ................ Gooseberries— No. 2 Tins— 3 for 50c, 12 for Raspberries— No. 2 Tins— I 3* for $1.00, 12 for Pineapple, Sliced or Grated— Buffet Tins. 6 for..................... No. 2 Tins, 5 for .................. No. 2 1-2 Tins, 4 f o r ............. $2.50 LOG CABIN SYRUP Large Cans, $1.00 You DECORATED BERRY SET— $ 1 0 0 Here is a value that you cannot du plicate at anywhere near our spec ial price. The set is beautifully tinted and decorated In colors. The bowl is 10 inches in diameter and the 6 fru it saucers are 5 1-4 inches. The quality is very good light In wt. and really a bargain at this price. Three assorted patterns to choose from. When In Pendleton— Call in and let ns tell you in person what we can do for you at this Beanty Shop. A satisfied customer is our best advertise ment. Come and see for yourself. All the latest methods are use! at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Trea'ments are Our Specialties Smart and Exclusive M’llinery at Most Seasonable Prices, 845 Main S t , 1 cadlcton, Ore. Telephone: 380 FI,OUR TEEPEE PATENT 49 lbs............................. ....... $1.85 Barrel ............................................$7.35 SILVER LOAF HARD WHEAT 49 lbs..................... - - ........,.......... $2.30 B a r re l................................. $9.00 RAMONA HARD WHEAT W lbs........................... $2.30 Barrel ................... $9.00 CEREALS Cream Wheat, 4 pkgs................... 90c Wheatena, 4 pkgs .................. 90c Quaker Oats, large. 3 pkgs.............90c Mother’s Oats, plain, 3 pkgs 90c Carnation Mush, Oats or Wheat, Prem., 2 pkgs ...................... 75c Albers Minute Oats, 3 pkgs . . 90c Kellogg’s Pep. 8 p k g s............. $1.00 Kellogg’s Com Flakes, 10 pkgs $1.00 Post Toasties, 10 pkgs............ .$ 1 .0 0 Kellogg’s All Bran, 5 pkgs . $1.00 Post Bran Flakes. 8 pkgs $1.00 Shredded Wheat, 8 pkgs.......... $1.00 JELÏIFS AND JAMS 10 lb. net Pail Pure Jelly........$1.89 Vo. 5 Tin Kerr’s Jam s..................95c Vo. 10 Tin Kerr’s J a n s .......$1.75 Pric’e’s Jam. 14 oz. jar.............. 25c Kerr's Jam, 14 oz. Glass............ 29c K en’s Jelly, 6 oz. glass, 2 for 25c Kerr's Marmalade, Orange, 14 oz. glass .......... ............... ....................29o 8 pounds ............................................25c $2.75 $1.00 100 pounds ................... NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY'S CRACKERS DEAL N 0.1— RED RIPE WATERMELONS SOcBox Soda Crax 1-2 lb. Flat Tins, 5 for.........$1.00 Each __ -....................................... 35c 35c Box Grahams Guaranteed i 1 lb. Flat Tin, 3 for........ $1.00 35c Bbl. Ginger Snaps Oysters. 5 cans $1.00 DEVILED MEAT Sardines, imported olive oil, 5c $120 Value .............................. $1.00 8 c a n s ....................................... $1.00 Small DEAL NO. 2— Large, 3 for . 25c Sardines, Booth Oval Tins, 20c Pkg. Long Branch Sodas 8 cans ...................................... $1.00 50c Box Grahams Citrus Powder, 4 pkgs...............$1.00 Shrimp, 6 cans $1.00 50c Box Premium Sodas ...............$1.00 Minced Clams. 4 cans $1.00 White King. 2 pkgs Borax Chips, 3 pkgs ...............$1.00 $1.20 Value................................... $1.00 VAN CAMP'S PORK AND BEANS Seafoam, 3 pkgs................. $1.00 ÎVOKYSÔAÎ Small, 5 cans 45c Peets Wash. Mach.Soap. 3 pkgs. $1 Large, 8 for ...............................$1.00 Medium, 2 cans ....... ...............$1.00 .......25c Lux. large, 4 pkgs Large, 2 cans ............ 45c Rinso. large. 4 pkgs......................$1.00 Medium. 12 f o r ........................... $1.00 Guest. 22 for ................ ............. $1 .00 iti VAUGHT’S CASH GROCERY ÏÏÏ WE ABE GROWING day by day. That la bemuse we please our rtistnmers w ith the kind of vulcanising! work we do. Our up-to-date vulcanising machines together with good m atrlala and workmanship turns out r first class job. « VULCANIZING PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY 2C6' i E. Alta St. Pendleton, Ore. CANCER SPECIALIST ABRAM METHOD OF BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON Pendleton, Oregon DO IT N O W TENTS AND AWNINGS Send us the price o f a year’; ubscriptiop if you are in arrean We Need the Mones DON’T FORGET U S ------- W hen you need any thing in the line of n e a t an d a ttractive Printing. In waging your battle with the house fly start early and make it successful by using the screen doors and window screens of ■ I i ■ Inland Empire Lumber Co. We have just received our new stock in and would be pleased to show them to you. ■ a SUGAR 14 lbs.............................................. $1.00 100 lbs.................................... - $6.89 $1.30 $2.50 CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 55c 25 B a n ..................... $1.00 $3.75 FEDERAL MILK ..................................$1.00 $1.85 11 Cans Mission Fancy $3.65 PINEAPPLE $1.00 Large No. 2 1-2 Tins, 4 for. .. $1.00 $1.00 1000 Sheets $1.00 TISSUE TOILET PAPER 12 Rolls .................................. $1.00 GALLON FRUITS 7 oz. Crepe Porto Brand “ ’TOILET PAPER In light syrup COFFEES— Canned 20 Rolls ...... ............................. $1.00 1 Blackberries Golden West. 5 lbs ............... $2.50 85c Loganberries.............................. Folger’s Golden Gate, 5 lbs $2.50 80c Bring Your Pail Pitted Cherries ......................... 95c Royal Club, 5 lbs........................... $2.50 BULK LARD Gooseberries 75c Ci escent 99, 5 lbs..................... $2.00 Pounds ...................................- 90c Rhubarb ...................................... Maxwell House. 5 lbs..................$2.50 65c Bartlett Pears, peeled 80c Blue Pine, 5 lbs............ ................$2.50 RIPE CANTALOUPES Apricots ............ " .................... Absurdity of M an 85c M. J. B., 5 lb s ........................... $2.60 3 for .................. ,..............................25c Really, when It comes to glory there Prunes ............ 65c Hill Red Can, 4 lbs.......................$2.15 Is no limit to the absurdity of man. Apples .......................................... . . 55e SUNKIST ORANGES A man will glory in a disease, a vice, Peaches 85c BULK COFFEE Dozen ..............—■...................... 29c the wealth of an ancestor when he Is Vaught’s Special Blend, 5 lbr $1,85 himself poor or the poverty of an an GALLON PICKLES— Glass Our Leader Blend, 5 lbs____ $2.10 cestor when he la himself rich ; the TRANSPARENT APPLES Si. het Midget ................... . . $2.25 $2.25 street In which he lives; the color of Box ................................. $1.50 Dad Choice Blend. 5 lbs fc'.s hnlr, of his eyes; the possession Sweet Medium ..............................$1.85 Extra Blend (Our Finest, 5 lbs. $2.50 8 pounds .....................................25c ......................»..........$1.35 of something which he picked up In Sour the street—even the abuse of some Dill ................................................$1.19 IARD AND SHORTENING „ MILTON TOMATOES one more notorious than himself. Men | GALLON PICKLES— Tin 8 lbs L ard....................................$2.00 2 Pounds ......................................... 25c will glory In unythlng. Just os the i Sweet ............................................ 1.49 $1.75 famine-struck will eat anything. Such Sour ............................................... $1.19 20 lb. Box .............................. $1.95 8 lbs. Swift’s Shortening 8 lbs. Snowdrift............. ......... _ $2.00 Is the appetite for glory. And why Dill .................................................. 79c 9 lbs. Crisco............................ . $2.35 Is It there? 1 say again, to make men NEW POTATOES achieve, to make them write bad verse, CANNED FISH build hldeoua houses, put up Impossi ble monuments, pass bad laws, and In Alaska Pink Salmon, 6 cans general destroy their kind.—Hlllare 1 lb, tall Belloc In the New Statesman. ¡Libby’s Fancy Red Salmon— FIGHT THE FLY Inland Empire Lumber Compan 1 Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW. MGR. ■ n 1 Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau WEST END FARMERS Have learned that The Herald prints the best butter wrappers. We have the large size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are— 100 200 300 500 for for for for $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 Many are buying them in the larger quan tities, but we are here to serve you all. If you want only a few we have them with out the name. These we sell as follows— 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents 4 T h e Home of Good Printing” THE HERMISTON HERALD W herever You Live— £>il Cookstoves Are “City Easy” <^T-f-yoa want a cool kitchen A / in summer, an all-’round, year-’round cookstove with no fires to tend— use a good oil- cooks tove. It will help solve your cooking problem by making your cooking “ city easy"! N o mussy fires to tend—no fuel or ashes to lu g - simple—noiseless— But be utrt to use Pearl Oil—for F ieri O il ii more than “je u Itnseut’'. It is refined and re-refined by our special process so it won't corrode cookstoves or heaters; it will give you nothing but absolutely odorless, in tense flame that’s all beat! Insist on clean-burning Pearl Oil— ask for it by a » * / — “ P E A R L O I L ”. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CMM.) Do you need a aew teat or aw ning! Measure your window kr front, mark size on this cat, mail to ns an d we will give yon prices. PEA R L O IL (K E R O SE N E ) — RIAD THB WANT ADS— MAKE Y0Ü1 WANTS KNOWN----- TRY THE HERALD WANT AWL- 4