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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1925)
(Tip î-bnttwfcm Wralít VOL. XIX HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 16. 1925 NOTICE Miss Irma Buchner, Daughter of M n. DAIRY SHOW IS TO BE BIGGER FARM POPULATION DECLINED DÜRING 1924 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Among the several thousand pee sons in the Cascade National forest over the Fourth of July week end. only eight were found violating the state and national fire laws, accord ing to Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor. Twenty-four Oregon youths who re cently completed courses of military training at various institutions la the state have accepted commissions as second lieutenants in the officers' re serve corps, the war department has announced. China pheasants have become so plentiful at the state game farm just east of Pendleton that some of the birds raised this year that have at tained their growth are to be releas ed to make room for broods that are just hatching. The Baker white pine lumber mill was damaged to the extent of 64000 when a large engine flywheel flew to pieces, tearing holes in the roof an<l we8‘ 8lde were °f the found building. Pieces of , he wheo, Qn thg roof INDUSTRIAL REVIEW * The farm population of the United Slates decreased approximately 182,- 000 during 1924. according to esti Announcement* have been receiv Astoria— union o n company lets B r ie f R e s u m e o f H a p p e n in g s ot ed here of the marriage of Mia, Irma COMMITTEE WILL MEET SOON TO mates based on a survey of 25.000 contract for extensive oil docks.. m « 11 . a . representative farms made recently Buchner, daughter of Mru. J. Iff. _____ the Week Collected for TALK OVER PLANS by the United States Department of Buchner, to Mr. John Humfeld, Jr., Grants Pass— Plan* being drawn Our Readers. Agriculture. This is a drop of which took place at the First Pres byterian church, Portland, Dr. Bow. Dates Set for October 9 and 10. Show per cent during that year, the esti for sewer system to cost 6150,000. mated farm population In January man pastor, performing the cere Postal receipts at Portland foi May Be Extended to Cover a 1, 1926, being 31,134.000 compared Salem— Catholic school, church Juse exceeded those of the same mony on Sunday morning, Please Bear This in Mind Period of Three Days with 21.316.000 on January 1, 1924. and parish house will cost 6100,- month last year by 6*4 per cent. July 12. After the ceremony the Thlg estimate Includes not only the 000. bride and groom left on a short The annual state encampment ol ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I camping trip In the Mt. Hood dis- agricultural workers, but all men. the Spanish War Veterans will be Portland — 64,696,000 building At a recent meeting of the -Her women and children living on the i trlct. They will be at home after held at Port Orford July 23. 24 and 25 permits for June passes all prev July 15 at 32nd and Boyd stret, miston Dairy and Hog Show com farms on that date. Linfield college will not be moved ious monthly records. mittee plans were discussed In re Milwaukee. Oregon. The movement from farms to cit from McMinnville to Portland, trus gard to making the 1925 show bet ies, towns and villages in 1924 is tees of the institution have decided ®«mbn of the ter and bigger In every way. than Hood Rivert—Searchers lor lost estimated at 2,075,000; the move The Cottage Grove city council will ela»s the Her previous events. ment to farms was 1,396.000 mak gold mine finds valuabe silica clay open bids July 20 for construction ol miston high school. The groom Is a deposit. ■ ; iM ; According to plans that are yet ing a net movement from the farm ............ • manager of a chain store of the I a 1,000,000-gallon water storage reser in the embyro various concessions population of 679,000 persons, or Anderson grocery stores. I i voir. Many national forest districts UMATILLA DEFEATED IN CHAM and side shows, including a merry- 2.2 per cent. Births among the farm „ . . . Portland ranked . second a , In v building, closed, to tourists because of fire go-round, will be a feature of the PIONSHTP GAME SUNDAY population during 1924 are estimat KING APPLE IS construction on the Pacific coast dur hazard. show. There are also plans on ed at 763,000 and deaths at 266,000 and for a distance of 130 feet from ---------- ' AGAIN ENTHRONED ing June, according to building per the mill. foot to hold a big dance and a leaving a natural increase of 497,000 Willamette Valley flax crop re mlt figures. smoker. Sensational F ielding on Both Sides ------- Coos county's bond election has which reduces the loss due to the Loss to the docks of the Standard Committees from various organiza cityward movement to 182,000, or ported best produced in Oregon. Is Feature of The Game Great Britain now P aying Homage been definitely set for July 30. The Oil company and the Union OH com tions will meet soon and talk over .6 per cent. issue will be for 6280,000 to repay the Played Here To This Monarch o f Fruit Reedsport—Sash and door plant pany at Willbrldge in a fire was esti state for money advanced to build the plans for the show. The people A similar estimate made In 1922 reopened for steady business. mated at approximately 655,000. Stanfield won the 1925 Irrigation of this locality and other patrons roads In the county and 6700,000 for showed a loss in farm population of Several small fires have been re a bridge at Marshfield and to con- Hood River—Shipments of Clark league pennant by defeating Uma-1 The doctors of Great Britain are on of the show can feel assured that 460,000 as against 182,000 in 1924. Seedling strawberries totaled forty j Ported in the Siuslaw national forest struct highways as laterals through- tllla Sunday on the local diamond Ithe run. At least that is the lm- the event this year will eclipse all The gross movement from farms to eight care. but none has spread to timber, ac Out the county. by a score of 11 to 5. In the first pression one would gain from read previous endeavors. cities In 1922 was 2.000,000 com ______ J cording to R. S. Shelley, supervisor. inning Umatilla gathered four runs ‘ng the short paragraph that ap- The dates set are October 9 and The Harrisburg-Junction City five- Contrtaet let for resurfacing ' Headquarters for the Oregon Trunk mils sector of the Pacific highway and the prospects begin to look peared In the Vacation Guido of the 10. The show may be extended over pared to 2.075,000 in 1924, a slight anything but bright for Stanfield. ¡Cincinnati Post a ‘few days ago. It to cover a period of three days. This increase. The gros« movement back, Niagara-Detroit road, 12 miles In i railroad have been established at paving has boen completed. The to the farms in 1922 was 880,000 Santiam forest. i Klamath Falls with J. J. Hoydar, gen- ' stretch of that highway within the However the pennant winners tied is quoted in full as follows: will be settled later. compared to 1,139,000 in 1924, a , eral agent from Spokane, In charge. the score and through errors and “APPLE A DAY” in England city limits of Harrisburg, more than very decided Increase. The net Astoria—Building permits for 6 The first forest fires of the season a „ills long, Is all that remains un- consistent hitting won the game by American Plan of Advertising Being J. C. PENNEY COMPANY movement from farms to cities In nionth* reach 6606,565. | for Dcuglas county were reported at paved In the Rtate. This will be pav- a big margin. Followed OPENING 105 NEW STORES 1922 was 1,120,000 or 3.6 per cent Eugene— First six months of 1925 Roseburg, four of them being spotted ed immediately There was enough of sensational "An Apple a Day” is now pursu and in 1924, 679,000 or 2.2 per show 61,406,000 building permits • 'n widely separated sections of the plays on both sides to satisfy the ing the doctors of Great Britain. Guy C. II. Corliss of Portland, at Some day it may be .mid that cent. issued. I county. fans and keep them on their feet having probably reduced all Amer- torney for the original trustees of the ■|ike a blanket covers a bed so do Two geographic divisions, the New most of the time. Flies knocked out ! lean doctors to penury. ______ l Preliminary work on the paving ol E. Henry Wemme endowment fund, J. C. Penney Company's stores cover England and South Atlantic states Bank clearances for six months ' the Klamuth Falls entrance to Crater :n the field that seemed to be sure j A series of “Fruit Weeks” In the the United States.” Each year the showed a net increase in farm pop reach 612,500,729, 62,000,000 over Lake national park has been started can collect 625,000 for attorney feet hltg were pulled down by the guar- I various towns of Great Britain, for the nation-wide institution of which from tills trust fund for protection of ulation for the year 1924 of .9 per same period in 1924. by employes for the Warren Construc the fund against the suit of heirs to dians of the different territories af- , the purpose of spreading tho frult- the J. C. Penney Company is a part, cetrt and .2 per cent respectively. tion company. ter long and difficult runs. Some'arian gospel, has been arranged by break the Wemme will, the state su adds new towns to Its already long All other divisions showed decreases Salem— Building permits for June The new girls’ dormitory at the premo court has held. of the fielders were compelled to the Fruit Trades Federation. list. Announcement is made that the Mountain states leading with a reached 6285,000. state institution for the feeble-minded use one hand to nab the ball but It “This intensive scheme,” said an 106 new stores are being opened by A. W. Allen, Portland druggist end loss of 2.8 per cent. at Salem will be constructed of con for 33 years secretary of the Oregon seemed to' make very little defer official of the federation, “follows the organization this year, making The decrease In farm population Klamath Falls— New lumber mils crete, it was ordered by the state State Pharmaceutical association, wee ence for after turning two or three the lines of the American ‘aftepQe the large family of 676 retail store?, due to the cityward movement, not and warehouse being erected here. board ot control. somersaults they would come up week.’ By means of advertising elevated by unanimous vote to the in all. By the time snow fals again taking into accounts births or —------ J More than 7,000,000 salmon trout i presidency of that body at the final with the onf->n In their mitts. There America has Increased the con there will be J. C. Penney Company deaths, was highest In the Monntaln cannon Reach Giant redwood are ready for liberation at the state session of the convention at Corvallis, were, a number of hair-raising plays !sumption of apples ten-fold; we stores In every state of the union states 4.3 per cent, followed by the log, delerict on beach for 40 years, trout hatchery on Salmon creek at Gearhart was selected as the place of pulled In the infield also. hope to do the same thing here— except Deaware, Florida, Rhode Is Pacific and West South Central sells for 63,000. Oakridge, according to Charles J meeting for the 1926 session. Fred Hoskins slammed out a home at first locally and later nationally. land and Vermont. states. In all other divisions, ex run during the contest. Hall superintendent. The state highway department haa "Scoltand,” he added, “has re The Pendleton store Is fortunate cept New England, the percentage Sllvfu-tjoni— Ground being broken ■Between 350 and 400 people at sponded enthusiastically to the in having at Its head a man who Is In a timber sale conducted by W been engaged the past few days of decrease due to the cityward fo i new 630,000 state armory. tended the game, coming from Echo, idea. Practically every fruiterer L. Tooze, Sr„ register of the Port sprinkling the section of the Old Ore- not only efficient and a capable movement was equal to or less than Stanfield, Boardman and outlying has joined the scheme, and one Is land federal land office, 5,248,000 feet gon trail between Lone Tree, three executive, but what is equally as the average for the whole United Glendale— Benton group of mines districts to witness the teams bat tempted to wonder whether Soot Important who has become part and States, 2.2 per cent. New England on Mt. Rubin may soon have mill of timber In four scattered tracts was miles east of La Grande, and Union, tle tor the championship. sold for a total of 69363.19. which will be oiled. The macadam land may be Induced, for at least parcel of the community. We refer The Mosier Fruit Growers’ associa under oiling will he closed to traffic Walpole and Logan Todd acted as a week In the year, to forsake her to Mr. J. E. Akey, the genial man alone showed a gain of .3 per cent and employ 100 men. since more people moved front t it tion has reported contracting Its en until the work Is completed, probably arbitrators. breakfast porridge.* ager. During the six years Mr. les to New England farms than left Lincoln county will harvest the tire 1925 tonnage to the American a fortnight. The origin of the apple wave now Akey has been in Pendleton and In farm«, for cities. heaviest evergreen blackberry crop Fruit Growers, Inc. Principals to the Some unfeeling man watched the UMATILA HAS AN _____ sw\eepj(ng over England and Scot- charge of the Penney establishment The movement from farms to cit on record. deal declined to reveal prices. hanks of Pony inlet, in the out-of-the- IDEAL BATHING BEACH land is an interesting story. One In that city., the business has grown ies was found to be at the highest Edward J. H. Joehnk of Marsh- W8V portion of North Bend, until a --------- of the big orchardists of the North. by leaps and bounds, each year show Umatilla has fixed up a real bath- west, wlth extensive marketing re ing a decided increase over the prev. rate in the Mountain states, 13.8 field hns been appointed U. S. referee number of young women had gone in Hood River— Apple Growers As In bankruptcy for the Coos Bay dis to take their daily swim, and then per cent, followed by the Pacific, ing beach this year. There Is a lations in England ran across a copy lous one. New England, Middle Atlantic and sociation contracts for cooling equip trlct by Judge Wolverton to succeed walked off with most of their cloth large float or scow touyed up by 12 of .‘150 Recipe« for Apple Dl8hes. East North Central states in order. ment for Odell warehouse, costing William E. Coleman, resigned. ing and a considerable amount of large oil barrels and made very sub- ! published by the Union Pacific and A uxiliary E ntertains Legion' W ith In the movement to farms from cit 630,000. Plant to store 100,000 Completion of the pumping plant jewelry. The girls went home In their stantlal of large 8x8 timbers and was 80 impressed with its merits Picnic ies, the Mountain states again lead, boxes will be ready September 1, for the new Malin irrigation district; bathing suits. bolted together. There is two dandy lhat he 8ent ,t to hla repre8enta. The Hertniston Auxiliary entler- with 9.5 per cent, followed by the diving boards on It and It Is anch tives in England to Inquire if the was announced by the reclamation Reports from 24 district attorneys Im itate Gary's System ored out In the river with a space apple was receiving the cordial con tained the local post of the Ameri New England, Pacific, Middle At service, and within a short time water and sheriffs of the 36 counties in the can Legion last Thursday evening Secretary Jardine told Oregon lantic and East North Central will be pumped Into the canals. state, received by W. S. Levens, state fenced off for the younger folks and sidération there that it was In with a picnic on the oLgan Todd states. farmers they must follow the sytem Mrs. Myrtle M. Hilsabeek, 45, was Prohibition commissioner, for May. those who cannot swim. Trees | America. The answer was con of Gary’s steel corporation and In a along the beach also affords nice spicuously lacking In enthusiasm. Tanch.,During the first |>art of killed when the automobile driven by show that of 168 arrests made, 121 the evening most of those present measure control production and set her husband, Delbert Hilsabeek, convictions were obtained. A total Methcdist Epicsopal Church shady nooks ideal for picniclng. This booklet, however, set the donned bathing suits and enjoyed Sunday, July 18: Morning watch their own prlceg on their own goods. F. M. Gast, chairman of the beach wholesaler to thinking. "Why has plunged down an embankment on the of 629,185 In fines was assessed and a dip in the A line. The ladles leave church at 6 A. M. Breakfast If they went down the line with Eugene-Lorane highway near Eugene. *9671.30 paid. Twenty-nine stills were committee, called the Herald up not 80me one u EngIand had brought baskets filled with goodies at 7 o’clock. The League Invttjes Gary they would buy together, sell . _ , , seized Tuesday and stated that Umatilla enough to do this?” he inquired of of all descriptions and a picnic sup all children who are eligible to Jun Loss . by fire In Oregon during June . d and 516 gallons of liquor de- together and operate their own exclusive of Portland, totaled 6233,- S r° 7e extends a hearty welcome to the hi® associates. "If w ecan get a per was served. After the eats a ior League to come. Sabbath school wholesale agencies. Of the 546 accidents reported to the people of this locality to use the book like this into the homes of 053.74, according to the report of the big fire was built and around this at 10 A. M. Morning worship a t ll. state Industrial accident commission beach at any time they sodeslre. ' state fire marshal. The Dalles suf Great Britain we can multiply the the crowd gathered and sang songs Epworth League at 7 P. M. Eve GROWERS ASSOCIATION WILL ! fered the heaviest loss reported, 635,- during the week ending July 9, four I consumption of apples tremendous- until time to go home. Everyone ning worship at 8— Illustrated lec. resulted In fatalities, according to the SHIP THIRD CAR OF POTATOES 000. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ # ly.” He immediately cabled his present reports an enjoyable time ture. Weekly prayer and Bible weekly report of the commission. A rich strike of gold, which assay •representative In the Northwest and rarin’ to go again. , study Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. The Growers Association will load Those fatally injured were Charles L. STATE MARKET AGENT for several thousand copies and In All meeting,, are held in the base another car of early spuds Tuesday od at 640.80 a ton, the highest value Shattuck, general superintendent, DEPARTMENT I of gold yet recorded In I he operations lera than forty-eight hours they Portland— General cargo ship ment of church where it is always of next week. This Is the third car Prineville; Hugh B. McCauley, boiler ♦ ♦ I ¡Were on their way. On arrival In ments for June were 2100,000 above cool and comfortable. U R lnvlt- of early potatoes to be shipped from : has been ntade at the Mother Lode shop worker, Portland; Robert copper mine, 28 miles northeast ol England they were distributed prl- Thomas, gang saw crew, Portland; jed. Henry, Young^ ^minister. here this year. (C. E, Spence, Market Agent, 714 marily among the wholesalers, but May. Baker. James Thoo Sprague, timber falter. Court House, Portland.) An Invasion of cutworms, advanc •soon reached the attention of the The so-called Warren patent paving Of Interest to Shippers Ing from field to field (n large num Fruit Trades Federation. Needless case was ended when Attorney-Oen- Complaints have come to the hers like an army, Is reported in the I . „ - . * - ., . At to sa5r 1 he ent*re supply vanished eran Van Winkle and the state high elate market agtent regaddlng) the like thb tradltlonafl hot cakeB Rogue river valley south of Phoenix way commission, representing the charges of express companies on the Nearly a mlnk>n copleg Much damage already has been done state, and attorneys for the Warren weights of poultry, veal and other far been In tho Talent district. Construction company, reached a com- products from country shippers. cn th,g g, de Qf thg >nd Proposed freight rate Increases on proni,*e agreement for the settlement One of them was that aerate of gotlatlon8 are ppnd, ng f another fruit and vegetables by carloads to of , hn casfi ,,ut8lrto of Rourt „„ th„ poultry that weighed 281 pounds at |s8„e of j 60 000 Portland from California points via the ha„|„ of a paymPnt by the 8tate of shipping point was verified at 255 Southern Pacific line were suspended ,225,000 for royalty. The agreement pounds by the express company in — _ by the interstate commerce commts , | o8ed a controversy of several years Oregon Hag 77 Co-operatives Portland, but the express charges slon until November 6. regarding the right of the constnic- It is often said that Oregon laga were collected on the shippers' E. O. Hopson of Portland, W. B. tlon company to royalties on the use weight. Another was a shipment o f !*n co-operative movements, and the Dennis of Carlton and G. A. Coveil by the stale of ifs patent formula for veal that weighed more In Portland reason «««»gned is that the producta of Corvallis were reappointed by Gov bltulithtc pavements. than at shipping point, but the ex- ot the »▼«rage farm are so many ernor Pierce to succeed themselves for Spa|pd bld8 on construction work In press company charged on basis of tb»t a farmer would have to be a terms of stx years each on the state 8evpn counties will be received by the Portland weight. Following Is the memher of from one to ten associa- board of engineer examiners. state highway commission at the Mult- offlclal ruling of the Public Service tlonB t0 cover his products. It will Residents of Oregon during the fls- nnmah county cohrthouse July 68. Commission covering this. It is of- he »omewhat surprising to know that cal year of 1925, which closed June Among the projects are: Grading and flelal express classification No. 29: ‘here are 77 operating co-operative 30, paid federal taxes aggregating 98,- surfacing 5.83 miles broken stone on associations In the state and the ag "Unless otherwise specifically 162 098.72, according to a preliminary Klugs valley and Perkins market gregate amount of business done by provided, charges must be based summary of taxation announced by roads In Benton county; 23.2 miles of these organisations would be more on the actual gross weight of the bureau of Internal revenue grading, gravelling, 894,000 cubic surprising. While Oregon is not each "shipment. at the time it H. J. Cavanaugh, of Pendleton, was yards of excavation on the Burnt Hill- making the drives and noise of many la received for tralsportation.” appointed a member of the pension Chetco river section of the Roosevelt •ether states, the co-operative work board by the commissioner of pen coast highway In Curry county at an is steadily going ahead. sions upon the reeommendat |>n of estimated coat of 6900,000. Eight and a N ew Potato The U. 8. Department of Agricul Representative Hlnnott of The Dalles. eight-tenths miles grading. Involving The Michigan W ay approximately 225,000 cubic yards of ture has secured from the high He will take office Immediately. mountain districts of Peru varieties Oregon's wheat rrop thia year was excavation on the Siletz bay-Rocky The spud raisers of Michigan have estimated at 18.000,000 bushels by F. creek «eelIon of the Roosevelt high of potatoes that are as yellow as a well-organlied association through i L. Kent, agricultural statistician at way In Lincoln county; 12.56 miles of batter and a delicious nutty flavor, ¡which all the potatoes are marketed , Portland for the United Htatea depart grading and surfacing of the Albany- These are being crowed with the,through one pool. A careful eeti- ment of agriculture. Mr. Kent estl Lebanon section of the Santiam high Amerlcan spud and It la given out mate is made of the total quantity mated this year's oats crop at 9,500, way In Linn county, and .66 miles of that the experiment promises a new i to he sold and the one-aeventh of 000 bushels, the potato rrop at 4,950,- grading for the Meacham over-croes- variety that will have the flavor (his quantity Is shipped every month OjO bushels, the hay crop at 1,600.000 ing section of the Old Oregon trail la and color of the Imported stoch. from June to December.,Through tons. Umatilla county. with the size ant reliability of the | thia plan every member gets (he North American tuber ant that It average season price, a part of thia will readily adapt Itself to thia ell- money every month, and overhead Baker— District votes 641,0000 MeMlunvIlle— Local Ice plant be m t« . (bonde for new school house. ing rebuilt and enlarged. Advertising copy and all items intended for publi cation in the current is sue of The Herald should reach this office not later than 4 P. M. Wednesday afternoon. J. E. Buchner STANFIELD WINS iDDiniTinu ri in The brlde was a innluAllUll I LAb 1924 graduatln8 a a : ♦ a a a Have Him Follow You on Your Vacation