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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1925)
y HERALD, hermistok , obbemmt , IRRIGATION ASSESSMENT Credited to Luck Lot • 50 Feet, F. C. McKenzie .................... ........ „ ....... _........ $3.50 Lot 10 50 Foot. J. Pelmulder $3.50 Lot 11 50 Feet. J. Pelmulder $3.50 Lot 12 50 Feet. J. Pelmulder $3.50 Lot 13 50 Feet. City of Her miston ............ — A ....... ........ $3.50 Lot 14 $4.9 Feet, Geo. Bancroft ...................- ....... - ................. $5.94 Block 2— Lot 1 45 Feet, Ed. Graham ............ ........................... »3.50 50 Fact, H. R. Newport ........................................ »3 50 Lot 10 Feet, H. R. Newport ...... ................................ »3.50 Lot 60 Feet, 11. R. Newport ....... ............................... $3.50 Lot 10 60 Feet, H. R. Newport ....................................... $3 50 Lot ÏÏ 60 Feet. H. R. Newport ......... - ........................... »3.50 Lot 12 50 Feet, H. R. Newport .................................... .. »3.60 Lot 13 50 Feet, H. R. Newport .............................................. »3.50 Lot 14 87.5 Feet, H. R. Newport .................................................. $6.12 Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this 20th day ot February, 1925. C. H. SKINNER, City Recorder. Lot 3 LODGE DIRECTORY A good Gift to be Judged by (Continued from page three) Lot 17 IB Poet. I . r. Parrish »150 Lot IS 30 Feet. Wm. Shaar.. $3.00 Lot 1$ ,25 Feet. Wm. Shear.. $2.50 Mo hl*h«r prtewf g ift could be more adm ired, Lot 2$ 25 Feet, Henry Notx $2.50 or co veted th an th e Lot 21 25 Feet, Henry Notz $2.50 alcaaic Parker Duofold Fen. Lot 22 25 Feet, Frank Bllder- baek ......................................... $2.50 Te<Ae«en(fn< If you will Investigate you will Lot 2$ 25 Feet. Frahk Bllder- Parker Duofold >7 back »2.50 Lot 2 45 Feet. B. J. Shaw $3.15 find that the most of the LUCK Lot 34 26 Feat, L. H. Berry $2.50 Lot 3 45 Feet. A. L. Larson $3.16 you hear about is not really luck Lot 36 25 Feet. L. H. Berry $2.50 Lot 4 45 Duofold Jr. $5 at all, but lg due to Just plain work, Block 13— S. Jensen Lot 5 45 $3.15 at alt, but is due to just pain work. Lot J 50 Feet. L. A. Hunt.. $5.00 Lot 6 15 1st Lot 2 50 Feet, L. A. Hunt.. »5.00 Work does the business— luck walks church $3.15 Lady Duofold #5 Lot 3 L. A. Hunt.. $6.00 50 F u t, off with the credit. ' Industry is one Lot 7 46 Lot 4 50 Feet, H. W. Coe ... $5.00 Lot 8 49 Feet, A. L. Larson $3.43 You know Parker Duo* of the foundations of success. This, fold—the beautiful big Lot 5 50 Feet, H W. Coe.... $5.00 Lot 9 49 Feet, Chas. G. Burke lacquer-red pen w ith coupled with frugality— the saving Lot 6 50 Feet. H. W. Coe ... $5.00 ..................................................... $3.43 th e flashing black tip s Reports of A lfalfa Freezing Over habit, and the ass', itancc of n good, Lot 7 50 Feet, H. W. Coe.... $5.00 Lot 10 45 Feet, Chas. G. Burke a n d 2 S -y ea r auper- o m o o th p o in t . N e a t Estimated Lot 8 50 Feet, H. W. Coe.... $6.00 reliable bank like ours, will bring ........................................ $3.15 gold pocket-clip or gold Some time ago there were reports, Lot 9 50 Feet, City of Hermis ring end for ribbon; Lot 11 45 Feet, Free Methodist success to you. We invite you to also stron g Gold Gi r die. ton ___ — ......................... $5.00 church....................................... $3.15 circulated to the effect that alfaita w a s SI extra, now free I make use of our excellent banking Lot 10 50 Feet, Sappers’ Inc. $5.00 Lot 13 46 Feet, Chas. G. Burke T oday, step up to our had been seriously damaged by facllltlese. Lot 11 50 Feet, .Sappers’ Inc. $5.00 pen cou n ter and g et ........................................ $3.15 freezing. This early report seems your C hristm as Duo- Lot 13 50 Feet, Sappers’ Inc. $5.00 Lot 13 45 Feet, Chas. G. Burke sold s In tim e to h ave Block 15— th em engraved. ....................................... $3.15 to have been greatly overestimated aa Lot 1 60 Feet. H. M. Schilling Lot 14 45 Feet, A. L. Larson $3.15 a number ot those who are spring-! ....................................... $5.00 Lot 16 45 Feet, Ed. Graham toothing at present find that only , Lot 3 25 Feet, C. J. Cook.. »2.50 Estate ..................................... $3.15 a small per cent of the old plants Lot 4 50 Feet. C. J. Cook.... $.600 Lot 16 45 Feet, Sappers’ Inc. $3.15 are hurt. Lot 6 50 Feet, C .J . Cook ... $5.00 Block 3— From now until they are all gout Old timers relate of one cold win Lot » 40 Feet. C. J. Cook. .. $4.00 Lot 1 40 FegL-Ctty of Hermis of Hermiston Lot 10 30 Feet, City of Hermis- ton .C—........................ $2.80 ter in particular when alfalfa had all I w ill sell one ladies brooch at one- Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $90,000 ....................................... $3.00 Lot 2 50 Feet, City of Hermis ton the appearances of being froze out quarter the regular price, w ith every B Swayze? Pres. R. Alexader, Vice-Pre Lot 11 30 Feet, E. A. Smith ton $3.50 but later came up from lower down purchase of 00 or more Estate ....................................... $3.00 Lot 3 50 Feet. Hermiston Pro A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm. Asst. Cashier Lot 12 20 Feet, E. A. Smith duce & Sunply Co.................. $3.50 on the crown. Estate ...................................... $2.00 Lot 4 50 Feet. Hermiston Pro Block 16— duce & Sunply Co.................. $3.50 Birth Announcements Lot 1 10 Feet, H. E. McKeen Lot 5 50 Feet, Hermiston Pro I have for sale or rent, 5 acres % The following births at the Hay ........................................ $1.00 duce & Sunply Co.............. $3.50 mile southeast of Hermiston. Lot 2 10 Feet, H. E. McKeen den Maternity Home for the past Lot 6 60 Feet, Hermiston Pro- Plenty water, shade and large ........................................ $1.00 duc» 41 Simply Co.................. $3.50 week, are announed. chicken house; an Ideal place for Lot 3 15 Feet. H. E. McKeen Lot 7 50 Feet, I. E. Putman $3.50 To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Montgom JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER .............................................. $1.50 Lot 8 50 Feet. I. E. Putman »3.50 ery. of Holdman, February 22, a 9 chickens. I offer this tor $1500, Lot 4 20 Feet, H. E. McKeen Lot 9 50 Feet, R. C. Challis »3.50 w ill take small payment down, .............................................. $2.00 Lot 10 50 Feet, R. C. Challis »3.50 pound boy. balance on terms. I want $150 J Lot 6 20 Feet, H. E. McKeen To Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bleakney, Lot 11 50 Feet, City of Hermis .................................................. $2.00 cash in advance rent for for year. ’■'OR SALE .................................. »3.50 of Echo, February 23, a 10 pound ton 5 Feet, H. E. McKeen Lot 12 50 Feet. City of Hermis Wm. DeVore, Pendleton, Oregon,' Lot 6 1 boy. ’ I '— ’’WIT .................................................. $ .60 ton »3.50 SEE Box 574. To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Long Lot 7 20 Feet, City of Her Lot 13 50 Feet. City of Hermis miston ..................................... $2.00 '•'OR SALE—Two fresh Holstein cows ton »3.50 horn, of Enterprise, February 25. an WANTED— Phons, writs or see W. Lot 8 25 Feet, City of Her Lot 14 50 Feet. Floyd Knerr »3.50 8 pound boy. I Furrer, 2 1-2 southeast of miston ..................................... $2.50 Lot 15 50 Feet, Floyd Knerr $3.50 A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa Hermiston. 24-2tp hay for sale, in any quantity. Lot » 25 Feet, City of Her Lot 16 40 Feet, Floyd Knerr $2.80 Town Ha» Long Hietory miston ..................................... $2.50 Phons 40-J-3. i-tfc Lot 10 26 Feet, R. Boswell $2.50 Block 4- Nice or Nicaea in ancient times was Lot 1 40 Feet, Chas. Hatin $2.80 Bargains in ladies, men’s and child Lot 11 25 Feet, R Boswell $2.50 Lot 2 50 Feet. Chas. Hahn $3.50 a town in Blthynlu, a small country — READ THE WANT ADS— Lot 12 25 Feet, R Boswell $2.50 Lot 3 60 Feet, Chas. Hahn $3.50 of Asia Minor and a province of the ren’s lisle and mercerized hosiery, Lot 13 30 Feet, R Boswell $3.00 Lot 4 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3.50 Roman empire. It lay to the south —1 0 1 — white, black and colors, below Block "B”— Lot « 60 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3.50 east of the Sea of Marmora. During FOR SALE—Asparagus' plants, Lot 2 47% Feet, City of Her cost. Mrs. Emma Johnson, second Lot 6 50 Feet, Chas. Hahn »3.50 the Second century before the Chris large strong strong roots, Mary miston ...................«................ 34.76 Lot 7 50 Feet, Nettie Goodwin iiouse east Catholic church. 25-2tp tian era Blthynlu was au independent Lot. 3 47 % Feet. City of Her ............................................. »3.50 kingdom and Nicaea was the seat of Washington $4 per 1000; Pal miston ..................................... 34.75 Lot 8 50 Feet, Nettle Goodwin the royal government. Nicaea Is cele metto, $3 per 1000. L. Wal Lot 4 47% Feet, E. E. McMil For Sale—240-egg Old Trusty incub .............................................. »3.50 brated as having been the scene of the i lan Estate dorf, Kennewick, Wash- 23-4tp .............................. 34.76 Lot 9 50 Feet, W. L. Blessing ator, used only two • seasons, good first general council of the Christian Lot 5 47% Feet, B. E. McMil ........... yr.......................... »3.50 church, which sat from June 10 to Au —AND— as new, one-half price. Good heavy lan Estate .............................. $4.76 Lot 10 50 Feet, W. L. Blessing WANTED TO TRADE— Two small Lot 6 47% Feet, E. E. McMil gust 25, 825, and adopted the creed, leather harness with breeching. 350 33.50 lDcubators for a large one. W. which, taking its name from the name lan Estate .............................. $4.75 Lot 11 50 Feet, W. L. Blessing lb. se p a r a te C. C. Clinesmith, 1 Lot 7 47% Feet, City of Her H. Ogden. »3.50 of the town in which the council met. miston ..................................... $4.75 Lot 13 50 Feet. Geo. Elliott »3.50 Is known ns the Nlcene creed. This mile north. 24-tfc I 8 47% Feet, City of Her Lot 13 50 Feet, Geo. Elliott »3.50 creed emphasizes the divinity of our WANTED— Men or women to taka Lot miston ..................................... $4.75 Lot 14 50 Feet, A. Soneson.. $3.50 Lord and the doctrine of the Trinity. For Sale—Mower, rake, springtooth, orders for genuine guaranteed hos Lot 9 47% Feet, City of Her It Is the fundamental creed of all Lot 15 50 Feet, City of Hermls- iery for men, women and children. miston ..................................... $4.75 plow, stacker complete, 2 hay sleds ton .................................. ........ »3.50 Trinitarian churches the world over. Eliminate darning. Salary $79 a Lot 10 47% Feet, E. E. McMil Lot 16 40 Feet, Sappers’ Inc. »2.80 fresno and disk. Price reasonable. lan Estate .............................. $4.75 week full time, $1.50 an hour Block 5— See J. M. Biggs. 24tfc Lot 11 47% Feet, E. E. McMil Mind Had Slumbered spare time. Beautiful spring line. lan Estate .............................. $4.75 Lot 1 45 Feet, C. S. Sanderson A curious case on record is that of International Stocking Mills, Nor Lot 12 47% Feet, E. E. McMil ......................................... »3.16 a blacksmith, Paul Stengel, who was UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. FOR SALE— Dining room set. Dr. ristown, Pa, 39-20tp lan Estate .............................. $4.75 Lot 2 45 Feet, C. S. Sanderson kicked In the head by a horse while W. W. Illsley. 23-tfc ......................................... »3.15 in the middle of a sentence addressed E. R. Pell, Umatilla, Oregon Block “C"— Lot 3 45 Feet, C. S. Sanderson Phone Umatilla, 3 8 -j-ll Lot 2 50 Feet, B. H. Parsons to his assistant, and rendered uncon WANTED—Small farm, equip FOR SALE—In Hermiston, West ........>............................... »3.15 .................................................. $5.00 scious for several days. On recover 4 45 Feet, J. H. Strohm »3.15 ped for poultry raising, with Operating Stage» Between Pendleton side: Monarch malleable range, Second addition to Hermiston ac Lot 5 45 Feet, Anna Strohm »3.15 ing, his mlpcl was an absolute blank, and Umatilla good heater, brass bed, springs good soil for gardening and al cording to plat filed with the Re Lot until one day he fell down a flight of 6 45 F«et, Anna Strohm »3.15 corder, Umatilla County, April 22 Lot and mattress, dresser, small rock- steps, pitching on his head. Effective November 10, 1924 falfa. Answer No. 100 care 1907. Lot 7 45 Feet, Anna Strohm »3.15 I He was picked up In a dazed condi sr, 3 burner Perfection oil stove Lot 8 49 Feet, Anna Strohm $3.43 Leave A. M. P. M. Hermiston Herald. 23-4tc Block "E”— Lot 9 49 Feet, I. E. Putman $3.43 tion ; and on recovering his senses the Umatilla and oven, 30 pullets, half W. ............. 8:34) 12:16 Lot 3 64 Feet, Mrs. W. S. Boyn first words he uttered were the com Lot 10 45 Feet, I. E. Putman $3.15 Leghorns, half P. Rocks, Just TRADE— Good Ford touring car for ton $5.40 Lot 11 45 Feet, City of Hermis Hermiston ................... 8:50 12:35 pletlon of the sentence that had been starting to lay. D. H. Cook. 23 1:10 fresh cows or heifers. P. O. Box Lot 6 54 Feet. Alice M. Ross $5.40 ton ........................................... »3.15 Interrupted by the horse's kick some Stanfield ..................... 1:15 Lot 7 64 Feet, Alice M. Ross $5.40 Lot 12 45 Feet, M. S. Kern.. »3.15 months earlier. E ch o .....„...................... 9:30 1:15 261. 19-tfc Block "F"— FOR SALE— Hatching eggs from Ar. Pendleton .......... 10:45 2:30 Lot 6 64 Feet, Frank Reeder $6.40 Lot 13 45 Feet, W. E. Goodwin $3.15 year old White Leghorn hens, Leave P. M. P. M. FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel Lot 7 54 Feet, Frank Reeder $5.40 Lot 14 45 Feet. W. J. Warner »3.16 Took a "Day OH" hatched from trap-uested stocjk. Lot 8 54 Feet, Frank Reeder $5.40 4:00 Lot 15 45 Feet. W. B. Beasley $3.16 logg & Schlmke. 2 -ltc Lot 9 32.4 Feet, Vane Boynton The longest night in history, Sep Pendleton ................... 12:00 280 to 300 eggs mated to O. A. Lot 16 45 Feet, W. B. Beasley »3.15 tember 2, 1752, was when the Gre Echo ...»...................... 1:15 5:15 .............................................. $3.24 C. pedigreed roosters. 75 cents FOR RENT— 10 acres with good Block 6— gorian calendar was adopted in Eng Stanfield ..................... 1:30 6:30 Lot 9 21.6 Feet, Vane Boynton for setting of fifteen. Phone land, through the Influence of Lord Hermiston ................... 1:55 .............................................. $2.16 Lot 1 85 Feet, F. L. Sampson house and outbuildings, one mile 6:56 42-J-B. 23-tfc Chesterfield. The calendar arranged Ar. Umatilla ................. 2:15 from town. R. J. Frlstedt, Rt. Lot 10 54 Feet, City of Her 6:11 Lot 2 60 Feet, M. $3.50 J. Lomax by Julios Caesar, by not making suf miston ....................................... $6.40 1, Box 165. Hermiston. 2511p Sunday schedule: Leave Umatilla Lot 3 50 Feet, M. J. Lomax $3.50 ficient allowance for leap year, had Block ’’G”— FOR SALE—Library table. Dining Lot 4 50 Feet, H. A. Frick »3.50 caused the English date to become 11 9 >00 A. M., Pendleton 4:00 P. M. , oom set— buffet, table and six FOR RENT—Laundry, electric wash East % 270 Feet, H T. "raser »27.00 Lot 5 50 Feet, H. A. Frick »3.50 days behind the right time. These Umatilla to Pendleton, $1.45; hairs. H. A. Pankow. 18-tfc er mangle, living rooms for small West % 270 Feet, Cctholtc church Lot 6 50 Feet, Marjorie Hall $3.50 days were omitted after September 2, $27.00 Lot 7 50 Feet, Marjorie Hall $3.60 ao that tbe next day was reckoned as round trip, $2.50. family In connection. Apply to BABY CHIX from high producing Hermiston to Pendleton, $1.2»; Lot 8 50 Feet, J. T. Dowell $3.50 Hermiston hotel. 25-ltc Block "H"— W hite Leghorns, 19 cents up to Lot 9 60 Feet, J. T. Dowell »350 September 14. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 8, City of Her round trip, $2.25. miston ..................................... $22.00 Lot 10 50 Feet, C. B. Lomax $3.50 100; 15 cent, In larger numbers FOR SALE—Milk cows, Lou Rog- Stanfield to Pendleton, »1.06; Lots 4, 7, 9 and 10, Peer Bookish Lot 11 50 Feet, C. B. Lomax $3.50 A ll Right Thi» Time Wm. H. Ogden. 19-tfc 6-tfe ers. round trip, $1.75. ................................................ $22.00 Lot 12 60 Feet, F. L. Sampson $3.50 Said a hunter to a farmer who rode Echo to Pendleton, 96 cents; Lots 5 and 6, C. M. Henderson Lot 13 50 Feet, R. G. Gale.. $3.50 ................................................ $10.80 Lot 14 85.7 Feet. F. C. Stone »6.00 beside him: ‘‘I wouldn't ride over round trip $1.50. OR SALE—Two wagons, one heavy AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery those seedlings if I were you. They direct from mill to wearer; all wagon with gravel box, $60; one Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this Block 8— belong to a disagreeable fellow, who styles and colors; salary paid for 20th day of February, 1925. Lot 1 45 Feet, W. B. Beasley light wagon with hay rack, $25. might make a fuss.” ........................................ $3.15 C. H. SKINNER, City Recorder. full time or spare hours; no money See R. A. Brownson, Tum-A-Lum ’’Well,” said the farmer, ‘‘as him’s Lot 2 46 Feet, W. B. Beasley needed for samples. International me, he won't sny nothin’ about it to Himber Co. 7-tfc ........................................ »3.16 Mills, 1038, Norristown, Pa. ..................... » day.” CITY IRRIGATION WATER ASSESS Lot 3 45 Feet, G. A. Beasley MENT FOR 1925 S3 15 FOR SALE— Small heater and elec D IS T ii'.’T Lo. 2 LEVELING LAND—See Peter Cas- Lot 4 45 Feet, G. A. Beasley tric sewing machine. Mrs. Shes- trlc, experienced and reliable, 3 ....................................... »3.16 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Notice is hereby given that. In ely. 4-tfc STATE OF OREGON FOR miles north of Hermiston. 4-tfe accordance with Ordinance No. 96 of Lot 5 45 Feet, U. A. Beasley ................................................... »3.15 UMATILLA COUNTY the City of Hermiston, an assess FOR SALE—Team of horses. J. K. Etta Elizabeth Elliott, Plaintirf, ment has been levied upon and Lot 6 45 Feet. City of Hermis When you need any Burk’s for bargains. ton $3.15 against the following lots and par Shotwell. 18-tfc vs. thing in the tine of 7 45 Feet, B. Haneline $3.16 cels of land In the Irrigation Dis Lot 49 Feet. B. Haneline $3.43 George Francis Elliott, Defendant. Polands for Profits. Stillings. 27tf trict hereinbefore established in the Lot neat and attractive FOR BALE—Some good fresh milch 49 Feet. A. A. Hall.. $3.43 City of Hermiston in tbe amounts Lot Summons Equity No. 3977. Printing. Lot 10 45 Feet. A. A. Hall.. »3.15 cows. Mrs. D- Hammer, 4 miles TYPEWRITER ribbons and set forth below. To George Francis Elliott, the The total amount of assessment Block 9— east of town. 8-tfe paper at the Herald office. above named defendant. in said Irrigation District is »503.83), Lot 1 40 Feet, A. W Purdy 32.80 In the Name of the State of Ore The contract price to be paid for Lot 2 50 Feet, A. W. Purdy 13.50 USED CARS FOR SALE— Terms WANTED TO RENT— For a term of Government water and O. and M. Lot 3 60 Feet, A. W. Purdy »3.60 gon, you are hereby required to years, small ranch with Improve Lot 4 SOFeet, P. Doherty »3.50 appear and answer the complaint given. Prices right. Kellogg A cbage is $201.82. ments. Ten t0 twenty acres. R. “Science Flu« Farm Practice” 5 50 Feet, P. Doherty $3.50 The estimated opeation and main Lot Schlmke. 11-tfc •C. Todd. 20-tfc tenance charge in said district for Lot 6 50 Feet P. Dohertv 33.50 filed against you in the above en Oregon Agricultural College titled suit within six weeks from Lot 7 60 Feet, T. D. Worster »3.50 1925 Is $302.01. FOR SALE— Standard make l t t GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone In The City Council will sit as a Lot 8 60 Feet. T. D. Worster »3.50 the first publication of this summons W I N T E R S H O R T C O U R S E S Board of Equalization at 8 o’clock Lot 9 5 Feet, Walter Botkin horsepower gas engine. In good and you will take notice that If you 1 ... terested please write Box 152, on Wednesday evening. March 18, . , . . , , , Eleven courses with nameg and dates ................................... »3.50 , order, $30.00. Wm. Leathers. fall to answer or plead herein within ... Hermiston, Oreg. 20tfc 1925, and will at said time examine Lot 10 60 Feet. Walter Botkin 22-tfe M ° ° WS’ ....................................... 33.60 said time, the plaintiff for want' said assessment roll and correct all Dairy Manufacturing January 5- errors therein. Any person feeling Lot 11 60 Feet, R. C. Challla »3.50 thereof will apply to the above entlt- Try Burk’s for bargains. himself or herself aggrieved by such Lot 12 60 Feet. R. C. Challis »8.50 led Court for the relief prayed for In For Sale—4-horse fresno. Enquue Lot 13 60 Feet. R. C. Challis »3.50 plaintiff’s complaint filed In said I n »,rr Management— January Matthews, C. E. Baker ranch. 24-2 ( AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO assessment may apply to the City Lot 14 60 Feet. A. W. Shawver to March 20. Council, when that body 81% as a cause, to-wlt: for a decree of div ................................... $3.50 Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of Board of Equalisation and an op orce dissolving the bonds of matrl- i Fourth Annual Cannera’ School- FOR SALE— Four room house and each week. If yon have anything portunity will be given them to Lot 15 50 Feet, A. W. Shawver ....................................... 13.50 mony now and heretofore existing Febiuary 1-20. six lots. Terms. Enquire of H. have such assessment changed. If to be hauled te or from the above between the plaintiff and defendant P a lt r y Husbandry— February 2 In the opinion of the City Council Lot 16 40 Feet, City of Hermte- A. Cook. 25-4tp named city, I would appreciate such ton . ............. ......................... »2.80 and for an absolute decree ot divorce1 March 14. changes are just. your business along thia line. I T’-a a»-<o«nt of tb »asc-ament sp. Block 10— In favor of plaintiff and against d e-1 I'Rnd Classification and Apprals- FOR SALE—If taken before March am also In the market tor chickens nortinned and asses -d s-nlnst par. Lot 1 40 Feet, D. H. Prindie 91.84 fondant. »1— February 2-7. 10, I offer my property for $1500. Hi-olsr lots and par« «h» o' land Is as and veal. Ray Challis. Phone Lot 2 60 Feet, D. H. Prindla 82.301 m , , ___ ____i Farm Mechanics: follows: This summons is published pursu Mrs. R. V. Ashmun. 25-3te Lot 3 50 Feet, D. H. Prindie »2.30 20-R. Pendleton phone 406. 9-tfe Cffv of Herm lsi'- a'-ordln- to Lot 4 50 Feet^ D. H. Prindie $2 30 ant to an order of the Honorable , 1. Farm Power and Power Equlp- eii„s i— itp »he r "orr'< ’ - v ^f Uma Gilbert W. Phelps. Judge of the ment, January 6 to March 10. Lot 6 50 Feet, City of Hermls- FOR SALE—Used hand power wash REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND tilla County, March 21, 1905. ton .................- ....... •••••■— • ” "* above entitled Court duly made and I»- Gas Engines. Tractors and Equlp- ing machine. Westinghouse elec INSURANCE J. M. BIGGS. R E Nan - Amount Lot 6 50 S j n M; $Y30 *ntw*4 12th d8P of January,' «»ent 9 i Feet, f V. r .ncroft tric range and a used car In ALTOR. 26-tfe Lot 7 splendid shape. Terms. Henry ............ 85.88 Txit 8 60 Feet. J. M Biers »3.50 1925, directing that publication be *• General harm Repair. January ”1 2 50 Feet. O B ncroft Tx>t 9 60 Feet. John Ellis 92.30 made herein once a week for a period ; 26-30. Young, at M. E. parsonage. W ANTED— A hack or good strong • ....... 83.50 Lot ]0 50 Feet. John Ellis $2.30 of R|x consecutive weeks In the H er-. 1- Farm Water Supply and Sanlta- 50 Feet G TV- ,-reft buggy. Apply this office. 24-3tc Lot 11 50 Feet. W. J. Warner 12.30 Her>1(| >nd , h# flrRt pub„ .|tlo n . February 2-6 FOR SALE— Model Incubator. 175 ........................................ 33 50 T>ot 12 50 Feet, D. H. Prindie 62.30 hereof |(| made pMninBnt t„ 5. Gas and Electric Light and Pow- egg capacity. A. F. Beisse, tel. K« 0 ’ R oeroft 13 50 Feet. D. H. Prindie 13.50 25-le ...................................... 83.50 l>rt 36-W-3 Lot 14 60 Feet, D. H. Prindie 63.50 e**'1 order t*>*» 15G» day of January,) er, February 9-18. Tot 6 R« Feet. G o p-orroft 6. Farm Concrete Construction, Ix,t 15 50 F e e t. D H. Prindie $3.50 1925. Lot 6 50 Feet. F C. McKen- Lot 16 40 Feet. D. H. Prindie 92.80 February 18-20. W. J. Warner, WBCTXLANEOUB zie . ........................................ 93.50 Block 12— -TXT THE HERALD WANT ADS— Lot 7 60 Feet, F C. M'Kenzie Attorney for Plaintiff. For full Information address ........ ........................... a ... 93 10 Lot 1 86.6 Fset, H. R. Newport DEAN OF AGRICULTURE, P. O. Address, Hermiston, Oregon. la r k la hearqus riera for Army Lot 8 50 Fset, F. C. McKsncle 36.0$ 19-7te CORVALLIS, ORE. ------------------------------ $3 50 Lot 2 50 Fset, H. R. Newport F ir s t N a t i o n a l B a n k HWANT ADS Q™ •tfcoo ■harp la wUcaSM- Altea C Kathryn L. Gamer. See. in e y a r d lodge no . n t l o . A m v BM.U each u ñ h d a y . v m i a c ^ t g i r â n r â t hall. V p ilin r jnem bei s eurdtaliy ürvtMd. V W .R . Loayhora. Sec. - M. ------ L — WatM^M. e. RECLAMATION I of p.. each 1 Muck s Hall. » c - M P. M. brochar» coruiuliy invitad. W. H. McMillan R. A. T M. R. and S. ANNOUNCING The association of Dr. W. M. KELLY of Spokane, Wash., — with Dr. F V. PRIME Hermiston. Oregon Evenings and Sundays by AnflrfPf- ment. SPECIAL W. J. W ARNER Attorney-at-L*w Hermiston Oregon : DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Swgnon W M . H. O G DEN Phone Res. 712 Offles 19$ M c K e n z ie & lieuallen Eye, Ear, N ose and Throat Has removed from hi» form er location In tb« Bond Bid*, to Room» 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empiro ] Pendleton H IT T :: Oregon DR. THEO. B EL E T SH , Veterinarian Treats ail Domestic Animats. Inter state Stock Inspector GUNS AMMUNITION Residence second house west of Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. WHEN IN PENDLETO N A FULL U N E MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS — AT— WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and W ater St». COMPLETE GARAGE SEBVMB Tires— Tnbes— Accessorfak 1LWAYS OPEN PHONE SS Tom Swearingen, Mgr. 1 «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I J. L. VAUGHAM E lectric Fixture» and Appliance» Phone 159 _ i IO S ■ , O o u r t S t . P a n c lle t e n , O r v , q (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a : A LL SH O ES I | 2 5 per cent off. | ■ r S • = ' ■ M en’s H alf S oles $ 1 .2 5 S ■With H eels $1.75g DON’T FORGET --------- US.---------- OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgers, Prop. _ ■ ■ SB Burt Mullins C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y A n n ou n cm en t I h a v e p u r c h a se d th e c o n fe c tio n e r y k n o w n a s P a t ’» P la c e an d s o lic it a s h a r e of y o u r p a tr o n a g e , K rause’s C hocolates T h e Best in Candies News sldhd Cigars and Tobacco CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is often csuM d by an InflsnMd or t h . m uroui lining of t b . ~ T u I m . When t h l. t i b . ta In h s v . a rumbling sound hwu-tng. U nlra. tb . Infl bo reduced, your hearing ■troyed forever H A LL’» CATARRH MWDICIM» do what w e claim to r It—rid your i o f Catarrh or fio .fn .m eau Catarrh. H ALL'» CATARRH M l h a . been euceeesful In the treat) Catarrh for over Forty Tears. Bold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O.