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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1925)
ÄS ©he Wrmbttmt ìforalh VOL. XIX PROJECT POULTRYMEN MAKE SALES CONTRACT HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 5. 1925 SYNOPSIS OP THE OPERA -T H E MIKADO” W ill Be Produced at the Andiaorium Two Nights. March 17 and 18 MIKADO DATES ARE MARCH 17 AND 18 RAISING DAY OLD CHICKS (A continuation of the article pub llshed last week by Mrs. Will Rhodes) DECLAMATORY CON TEST MARCH 13 No. 26 FORMER RESIDENT PASSES AWAY COMMUNITY CLUB HAVE FINE PROGRAM Word was received this week of the sudden death on February 14 in If toe picking or cannibalism de "The Mikado" Gilbert and Sulli Los Angela« of Mrs. Gladys Smith van's famous comic opera, which Is LARGE NUMBER TRAINING FOR velops. darken the room a little. The GRADES ARE PLACED IN TWO DI- Fowler. Friends will remember AT HOME OF THE PRESIDENT, to bo produced at the auditorium on cause of cannibalism ls the direct COMIC OPERA VISIONS Mrs. Fowler as the daughter of Mr. two evenings, March 17 and 18, has rays of the sun shining on the brood MRS. C. S. M’NAUGHT and Mrs. Elon E Smith, who were E gg Producilo in This D istrict Takes been a prime favorite with theatre er floor in such a way as to cast t at one time residents of the project. On N ew Phases March 1 goers since Its first appearance In Seat» W ill Go on Sale at Drug Store ! shadow. The direct rays of the sun The funeral was held from The 1885. It has been called the show makes the room too light. When this Eighteen Pupils From the Grades Several Papers Were Given andSteph- Lltt’“ Church of the Flowers with I Monday, March 9 .....Drem Re of a thousand laughs, and well de- happens tho chlckB will hover In the and Five or Six From High en Foster Musical Program Interment In Forest Lawn cemetery. , Bgg production In this district hs3 serves the title. The scene of the hearsal For School Children shadow and pile up. Or again, they School Entered. Mrs. Fowler attended school heie taken on new phasee beginning Mar. operetta ig laid In Japan and In the Is Given. will stand in the sunlight trying to and was a high nchool student when I 1. Producers have made contracts present. iA synopsis of the opera get warm, and fail to go to the hover the family left. She leaves h e r ! — —— (By Princess Chrysanthemum) w th the Pacific Co-operative Poul- ¡,may be welcomed by many who pre In that way they are liable to gel The local declamatory contest of husband, infant son. parents, sister i The Community club meeting at tty Producers of Portland, E. C. fer t(J know the theme of a play be- chilled. . ■ He March 17 and 18 have been set as the Hermiston schools will be held ; and brother to mourn her early . (be honie of their president, Mrs. C. Dixon manager, and express tates fore seeing It. When the chicks are ten days old the dates for the presentation of the here been reduced. In addition to j S. McNaught Tuesday afternoon was begin feeding green stuff. Give them Friday evening, March 13. in the death. Manki-Poo, son of the Japanese these marketing features the Farm Mikado has fled from court disguised comic opera "The Mikado.” . ................. i one of unusual merit both as to at- a little at a time at first, just what high school auditorium, according to The leading tenor role Nankl-Poo they can clean up quickly and feed plan8 announced at the school this WRESTLING CARD TO BE PUT Bureau ba« opened Its new building ¡tendance and program. After the a wandering minstrel, to avoid an.’ will have the Crosby mixture | marrU<e wlth Katiska, a lady of un Is taken by Hugh Walker. Nanki- It every day from then on. Alfalfa week. There will be eighteen pup-, ON BY PENDLETON ELKS r<”Hlne of business Mrs. Briggs gar« mask and reta l at cost prices to certain age but fiery temper. Ar Poo, the son of the Mikado, disguis or vetch makes good green feed. Per ils from the grades entered in the ______ 1» very a“ r,ctlve word picture of a ed aa a minstrel, loves Yum Yum, members. , . iderennial garden. Mra. Voyen read sonally I prefer vetch to any other r iv in g In Tltlpu, he falls in love For two years the local poultry- w)th the Iovely Yum Yum_ ward of who la betrothed to her guardian, green feed. It is very tender and the various divisions, and about six or, Robln Reed vg. Dee Hatton, Billy a paper on tbe ,ife of stephen Fo«- Edwards vs. Frank Pilling, all star, ■ ter wbicb was followed by personal men have been seeking some form of the Lord Hlgb Bxecutloner, Ko-Ko. Ko-Ko. A clever battle of wits en leaves are easily picked from the eight from the high school. This year the speakers from the this ls the wrestling bout that 18 be- I reminisences of his life and home «.operative marketing. The b>« j Ko. Ko would like to marry Yum Yum sues which keeps one gueslng as to stem. It is also easily grown. When association of the state refused to himself, so frowns upon Manki-Poo’« which one will finally wed the love feeding vetch do not throw It flat on grades are placed In two-division, «ng staged by the Pendleton lodge of I by Mr9 Todd Stephen Foster's folk take them in be.tiii‘9 of lack of num suit. Manki-Poo, Intent upon sul- ly Yum Yum. Nankl-Poo’s splen the floor but rather across wood the lower division being the third, F[ ,<’“y f ebruary Tbe ^ n g s and ballads are the moet pop- bers and for gsig i aphlcil reasons. , cide because of his disappointment, did voice and hl8 affability have won horses about two feet high with affair is in the nature of a double jar an(j loved of our American gj] of tbe wrestlers compositions. "Old Susanna,” "Un. These objections have been overcome L ,nto vlew of Ko. Ko juBt a8 tbe for him the love of two women and enough of them so the chicks can feed fourth and fifth grades, and the up- mB, n event |clo Ned" and ‘‘Nellie Was a J.ity" ard the Pacific Co-on. wll handle all ’stter has received a demand from this adds to the complexity of the without tramping on each other. per the sixth, seventh and eighth, engaged are real headliners. tfcr eggs that Hermiston producers the Mikado that Tltlpu produce some situation. Mr. Walker plays the Begin cutting down on amount of In each of these divisions the con The first match between Reed and were sung by Mr. Barnett la hl» difficult role splendidly. ex-» send tt. The former express rolled oat8 fed as soon as the chicks testants are classified according to Hatton will start at 8:15 and will usual pleasing style. “Old Folk» at executions, beheading» having fal The part of Ko-Ko, played by Mr. rates have been reduced about half. len off during Ko-Ko’s term of of appear less eager and gradually re the nature of their selections, as hu be for one hour and 30 minutes or Home” was well rendered a« a bari until one wrestler secures two falls. tone solo by Vernon Watrman. Sev The Pacific Co- >p. charges for sell fice. Falling In hiB duty much lon Raymond Crowder, is really the com. duce till tnken off all together. Keep morous, patriotic or dramatic. The The Edwards Pilling go will be on edlan part and ls being very well ing costs are two cents per dozen. eral of his songs were sung by Mrs. ger Ko-Ko is threatened with dis handled. The portrayal of Ko-Ko is increasing the chick feed ration ac high school divisions remain as for Crate« have been shipped to local cording as the chicks seem more or merly, humorous, dramatic, oratorical the basts of best two out of three L. G. Goldman, of Gooding, Idaho, ac missal from office by tho Mikado. the most difficult of all because he ls men at a charge of 25 cents each, falls or to a two hour time limit. companied by her sister, Mrs. E. F. A happy thought strikes Ko-Ko. so nearly all the time on the stage less eager for It. Keep them On Friday, March 20, a week fol 'it s total cost fer all handling Averell of Pendleton. Mrs. Goldman scratching and happy at all times. lowing the local contest, the section If this wandering minstrel insists on and so much depends upon his ready rn-rj-n« have been finally determined has a rich, clear voice and her songs committing suicide, why not prevail speech and clever acting, and to say It Is very Important that the litter al contest will take place to select MRS. E. MUMMA ENTERTAINS mined but It is thought to he be to ttu murra r n PARTY werp lueatly enjoyed. Mr. Hamm's upon him to change hia method of that Mr Crowder does the part Jus •be kept dry to avoid mustiness. WITH DINNER PARTY vloJ)n go)os wpre ypry good and h |s the speakers to go to Pendleton for tween three and four cents per Separate the cockerels from pullets the county contest. death and let Ko-Ko behead him. tice would be putting it very mildly. dozen. The local people will have violin obligntoee which accompanied This will appease the Mikado, fall In The sectional contest will be held Pooh-Bah and Pish-Tush, played the sixth week. At this age begin the same privileges as western Ore On February 21 Mi's. Mumma en the duets and trios were fine. The gradually changing their feed to with Nankt-Poo's wishes and remove by Wallace Reid and John Waller, at Hermiston this year. F. K. Guil- gon growers. They can ahip all eggs wheat or cracked corn or developing foil of the local school 18 the present tertained at a 12 o’clock dinner In duets by Mrs. Gralapp and Miss which will be sorted Into their sev him from Ko-Ko's path as a suitor are noblemen. Booh-Bah when all honor of Mrs. Cressy and Mrs. Percy. ¡Compton and the trios by Mrs. Gra- grain. At eight weeks they should for Yum Yum. After much discuss the offtcer9 of state resign, accepts sectional director. ers’ classe, and sold or put In cold Rev. Mr. Dietz was also an honor lapp. Miss Compton and Mr. Barnett be on developing mash and grains ion It Is settled that Nankl Poo will all the offices and os legal advisor -t-'rnge if the market is off. guest, being an old time friend of were of the best. The song, “Hard wholly. Make the change from grow v»sr contracts are madn. A «•ubnilt himself to the headsman If to Ko-Ko, finds it difficult to give REVIVAL MEETINGS CONTINUE Mrs. Mumma's brother. Rev. W S. Times Come No More,” brought forth ing mash to developing mash at the membership fee of 85.00 is charged he be allowed to marry Yum Yum advice that ls satisfactory to himself sotto voce such expressions as “I am IN MACK BUILDING Coder of Akron. Ohio. same age and manner as you change and have a month’s honeymoon be in each of these other capacities. i-id «in common stock must be taken After an old fashioned dinner was with you” and “My sentiments too.” their grain feed. No brooder hea* for every unit of 100 hens to be taken fore the execution. Just as things Plsh-Tuah ha« ‘.he habit of putting Don't miss the revival services now served Rev. Dietz sang several beau- The Community club is a good place is needed after six or eight weeks. out of shipments of eggs at the rate seem to be arranged some one dis In a remark now and then that ls in progress. Services each evening ttful hymns. Mrs. Mumma gave a to forget hard times and every lady See that chicks do not pile up at covers a Japanese law which says moot disconcerting. Both Mr. Reed of one-half cent per dozen. Produc night when brooder heat Is shut off. at 7:30 In Mack building. Sunday pleasing response when called upon on the project is most heartily In ers may ship as long a8 he can sup that the wife of a man who Is to be and Mr. Waller give excellent Inter vited to attend and make our club Begin teaching them to roost when school at 10 and preaching at 11 for some of her original songs. executed must, at hts death, be bur pretations of the character they are ply a case a week and he can with Those present at the pioneer gath one of the best. six weeks old. When you have set and 7 Sunday. You are welcome. 1 H draw from the association by giving led alive herself. This doe8 not ap representing. ering were Mrs. Cressy, Mrs. Percy, peal to Bay little Yum Yum. In the Reserved seats will go on sale at tled on a good brand of feed, stick to J. K. Mumau, pastor. C. E. Dietz, Mrs. Longhorn, Mrs. Leah Longhorn, notice on November 1 of any year. The following paper was read by it. This article will be continued. evangelist the midst of their dllpmma comes the Mitchell drug store Monday, Those who have completed con Mrs. Crandall, Mrs. Hall, Miss Clara Mrs. Briggs: newB of the Mikado’s approach, and March 9 at 9 o’clock. All seats for tracts to date are W. H. Ogden, Arn Hall, Mrs. West, Mrs. E. P. Illsley, In considering the planting of thia old Buhman,, I* C. Dyer, Pat Sulli with the connivance of everyone the I7th and 18th will be 75 cents. Mrs. J. K. Shotwell and Mr. Dietz. small garden let us consider It a sug Nankl Poo and Yum Yum slip away Children under 15 years of age will van. Frank Fowler, Harry Spinning, gestion for the Inexperienced garden and a number of others now have to be married and depart the neigh be admitted to dress rehearsal Mon COMMUNICATION er. The plan for planting this gax- forms and are making contracts. It borhood while Ko Ko and everyone day night, the 16lh, for 35 cents. —ff"~ "i u n i.— irAW ’i ii,. I , J jr r v . -■ 1 '■— den of flowers will not be found to The orchestra from the McDonald Is expected that every grower who else give the Mikado vivid accounts Devoted to the Interest argi Development of the Hermiston Schools I have been asked to pnulish thf she bUrtApgly original. 1» ray >eara of the thrilling death by beheading school of music will play he orches has 200 or more hens will take ad- findings of the cream pool commit of gardening I bare noticed that of the wandering minstrel, Nankl Poo tra accompaniment. .-3nta''e of these marketing facilities Voi. 4. No. 1 tee. The full committee has held ginners want everything. They are a”d that the poultry business will in accordance with the demand of three meetings and a sub-committee not satisfied with half the contents the Emperor for an Immediate exe r o w to much greater proportions In The tournlament held at Pendleton was play ed last week during the has held numerous conferences. The of the seed catolog, they long for it cution of some one at Tltlpu. the near future. The demand for last Thursday, Friday and Saturday absence of the regular players at the tentative term8 of contracts have all so that a very great variety of Ko Ko expects praise from the day old-chicks is very large and a was a great success, seventeen teams tournament. The junior and senior been agreed upon and are now being the amount of land. Mikado for his prompt obedience and new Petaluma on the Umatilla pro participating. We drew Athena on teams, being losers, wll entertain the put into contract form. It ls plann The tall growing plants such aa might have got It. but for the fact tect Is In sight. Ideal conditions High points In the rabbit drive Friday morning and were eliminated frehmen and sophomore team and ed to have this contract printed and dahlas, asters, rudbeckla, grandl- prevail for successful production of that the sharp eyed Katlska who has in the first fray. Harden, Athena’s their girls at a party Saturday night placed in the hands of every dairy flora hybrid, cosmos, marigold, del- eggs here and since the marketing come In the Emperor’s train and on for Bunday: man at a mass meeting within the phlneum are placed In front of the the lookout for her runawey Nankl Meet at the W. H. Simmons ranch center, was the outstanding star of at the I. O. O. F. hall. arrangement perfected this industry the game. Hermiston lost their next two weeks. J. D. Mickle, state garage wall because a green vine will Poo, has discovered that Nankl Poo, at 9:30. I Is assured of great development. heads In the last quarter letting At dairy and food commissioner, and be grown to hide that wall and theee the supposed victim of Ko Ko’s axe, This will be a combination club The local Declamatory contest will Writers In the Country Gentleman hena score sixteen points. We were be held Friday evening, March 13, Prof. C. .1. Hurd of O. A. C. have been fine flowering plants will have the end noultry periodicals refer to the and the Mikado’« son are the same. and shotgun drive. Corral« will be marked with flags. outweighed and outclassed by the at the high school auditorium. The asked to be present to explain all the background for which they call. Pacific Cooperative Poultry Produc The penalty attached to the killing of the son of the Mikado appears to After lunch another drive will be fast Athena quintet, and the finals district contest will be held March details of the contract In order that One plant which would be excellent ers of Oregon as the best conduct there may be no misunderstandings. for such a place Is the new type of be boiling In oil, melted lead or he held over the ground north of the were by the Athena and Pendleton 20. ed and most successful throughout teams. Pendleton won by a 27 to The committee feels that It has hollyhocks (Exquisite). This cornea something "lingering” and Ko Ko reservoir. the United States. in varied colors. The variety of seems to be in a bad way, when after Lunch will be servpd at the r.orth 15 lead. It Is said to be the best Chester: "Why didn’t you answer worked out a plan that ls Just and plants I am giving for this garden tournament ever held In Eastern Ore fair to all and will be very much somewhat frensled casting about end of the reeervolr. PARENT-TEACHER gon. Coach Barleskle of Whitman that letter I sent you from Pendleton more profitable than under present will provide color from early June for an escape from death, hehlts up last week?” MEETING MARCH 12 referred the games. until September. apparently sane citizen ant he or she on the Idea of marrying the elderly conditions. Nancy: "I didn't get It.” All the phloxeB are lovely and If gazes past you with a vacant look Rome of the Items in the plan are Kntlsha thus releasing Nank. Poo The regular monthly meeting of Chester: "You didn’t.” vigorously cut back a few inches and moving lips murmur, "O nid bik- The Forum will meet Thursday, as follows: the Parent-Teacher association will from his "grave.” from Katlsha and Nancy: "No, and besides. I didn't kurl shakkurl to!,” its perfectly all March 5. The program consists of The creamery getting the contract as soon as the topmost florets drop, be held March 12. The folowlng pro restoring him to his father, and in right, but to get the rest of It debate on "Government Ownership like some of the thfng8 you said.” cream the same as at present. will accompany those others In bloom cidentally savnig Ko Ko’s neck. So eram will be given: you’ll get to go to the auditorium of Railroads” by the three Stockard The conract provides that the pro, ¡until after the frost. The Le Madhl everything ends, but whether happily Oroup of Songs, The Hind, Naples, "Alleen says she’s never been on a ducer may may cancel his contract an- an-1 « deep purple, the Elizabeth Camp or not one can only guess for Katlsha on either the 17th or 18th. T ak e, brothers versus Isabele Dodd. Sum- 'The Trout, Sixth Grade. bell, the Mrs. Jenkins and the early tlp from one who knows. Go on ncr Robinson and Gerald McKenzie. petting party." glvlng not- tells the Mikado she has "just mar nually after 1927 upon Tennyson’s "Sir Galahad.’’ Sixth dwarf are used. A border to set off "Possibly she not familiar with Ice. the 17th and then you'll still have ried this miserable wretch," gnd Ko grade. Donald DeMOse, Marlon Cas- game slang expressions." the 18th left to go again. The bid for hutterfat now in the these beds of bright color might be ady. Phyllis Duncan. Mabel Parsons, Ko sings plaintively that— hands of the committee Is a very of sweet allyssum or dwarf ageratum. "The flowers that bloom in the Mary Brownson. Barbara Root. substantial Increase over what we are Back of these single white petunias spring, "Sir Galahad” picture study. Mar now receiving and will save the should rise and fall. Stake a few Tra La guerite Ellis. dairymen considerable sums of with bamboo, let the other» fall above Have nothing to do with the case, Vaine serenade, piano solo, Flor or below. I've got to take under my wing, money. ! I i ence Udey. Dwntf fruit trees, apricots, pears, The directors will hire and pay the Tra La Lochlnvar, Scot, reading. Hazel also dutcla Splrea. flowering almond, tester and weigher. A most unattractive old thing, Pengh. or wild currant or chock cherry, To pay the tester and weigher and Tra La Full Moon, piano solo, Louise Im to create a reserve fund. 2 per cent might be used at the farther Bide If With a caricature of a face.” ide. will be deduced from each eream the garden ls large. Below those the Pooh Bah, an arrogant lord who Boy Scout Movement, Miss May check the same as in our feed husl- borders for flowers are the place» serves under Ko Ko, holds the offices hew. which call for spring bloom. Hera ! now "The Nation’s Boy Proplem” as of First Lord of the Treasury, Lord crocus, daffodils and tulip« will do To secure these advantages we Chief Justice, Commander In Chief, given by Judge Lindsey will be read. have to deliver an average of 900 well when close to tree roots, for- A membership contest Is being Lord High Admiral, Master of the J getmenots and the hardy alysnum, pound, of hutterfat dally. Buckhounds, Groom of the Back conducted In the grades. The grade sutten’s silver queen, a lovely pale Talk It over with the committee. stairs, Archbishop of Titipu, Lord which turns In the largest number yellow for a border. Here later Iris F. P. Phipps, Chm. Mayor, Registrar and Coroner (and of names will be presented with a I will be beautiful used with Darwin draws the full salary of each, tra potted plant for their room. The |or cottage tulips. Mr». Elizabeth contest le not limited only to new W» anceetry back to a protoplaamal Illution Shaft,red I Lenard Strange In a recent publica- her« hut also to Include old member» , Primordial atomic globule. Plah A young man who Imagined he had ' tlon suggested use of a pearl color a floe tenor voice attended service nt who have not up to date paid their T««»« «» * noble lord who la alwaya a church and in Hie responses gave ed Irl» with a tulip of vivid flame, membership fee. ' PUtl-Slng and a pale tulip with a purple Iris, place rather too free vent to hia feelings. A committee of mother» with Mrs. Pcep-Bo «re high school girl ch In the midst of one superb ejacula the lavender tulip exquisite near the ftihlmke as chairman will aet a sh o « -,oi Ynm Yura- alwa^ wltl» her and tion lie was suddenly brought to « pink flowering almond, rose colored tense, and serve light refreshment» al’"'*y* ««KK11“«- stiindstlll by the verger, wlm. tspplng tulip beneath the lilac and so on. after »he meeting. | , Tbe choru- * ho° ’ «‘rta’ nob- him on the shoulder, said. In a wlils- Annuals can then be planted here i lea. guards and coolies contribute |ier loud enough to be heard all over I without disturbing the bulbs for ij.nwiHUB 111 ir m i vivid color to the scenes and sing the tbe church: I MRS WWERTY IS HOS- that hay. road« (be Mlkado fara "Here, young fellow, hold this i later blooming. TESS AT PARTY i OUg for , orty years. Instrumental noise; we pay men to do that here.” I The green cover for the garage wall suggested might be amphelopaM. • -------- i music will be furnished by the Mc- ,, < ax »» This fine leaved Japanese Ivy 1« « A pleasant tea was given on Wed- Donald school of music, of Pendleton, Human Q u a rt,r ot rk grww r an rlae on y neaday of this week by Mr». P. B. ( Principals and chorun are all local A *‘qni»rter horse Is n term spplled ’ . 4 A _ ... to an Individual who can make spec- • bo“‘ ’7 ’" ’nPh« ’"«h' ’“ f Doherty for Mrs. Geo. Prtndle. The,and are working hard to make the tacnlar records, hut cannot be relied p» very beautiful. afternon was »Pent In sewing after presentation of the opera the biggest upon for a good, steady pace In his — — ■ ■— which delicious refreshmeat» were thing that haa ever been put ou In undertakings. The term was origin MrR w A H, BeMna ot Umapine, nerved. Those la attendance were Hermiston. Pendleton haa already all, used on the race course, meaning Margaret Mrs. Geo Prlndle. Mrs. Jess Prlndle, ««hed for a boohing. Rehearsals are ■ horse In a race »ho was capable | ” " ” • Mra. So 111 van. Mrs. McMillin. Mrs. being held every night, in fact three of lerrldc speed fir ■ short distance, |Orenduff. of Milton, and Mr» B. A. Agnew Mm Morrison. Mrs. Biggs. or four rehearsal« are going on In such as one quarter of a mile, and , Williams of Pendlteon, motored down »ho ended the other three quarters nt Raturda and spent the week end at Mrs. Crowder. Miss Prana, Mm. different part» of town every night the tulle at greatly reduced speed. , b« Hlnella» ranch. , and If you »»e»k to »ome hm tofor« BtoYbO, Mn. Sheaetey. FAC. CO-OP. POULTRY PRODUC ERS WILL HANDLE OUTPUT 2^ High School Mirror RABBIT DRIVE SUNDAY ’’’nr H ,,, # „ B I