Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1924)
TK E H jE B M lST O a HJSBXLD. H ER M ISTO N , O&EQQX. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MB» LOCAL AND KISONAL '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I s ■ BREVITIES ■ Aluminum Ware Akftftt the Clir sag Tta. Sheet metal work and Plumb ing. Call 7<3. I. B. Putman. 11-tfc. i I B GREATEST VALUE PER DOLLAR IN COOKING W ARE Mrs. Prances Kennedy, of Grey bull, Montana, left Saturday for her home after spending a week In this city visiting her sister, Mrs. 8chults. | who Is employed as bookkeeper for the Oregon Hardware Company. ■ We have ju st received a very complete assortment of Viko Alumi ■ ■ ■ num Utensils and have arranged an exhibit which we are sure you will find interesting not only because of the beauty and quality of the artic les, but also because there is such a variety o f them for so many differ Mr. and Mrs. Robert French, of La Grande, are guests at the W. J. ent uses. Kennings home. Mrs. French is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kennings. We have also included in this sale a few special bargains of the Mr. and Mrs. French will leave soon for Portland where they will make If ear Ever and West Bend Pure Aluminum. Every article on display their future home. in our window is a bargain, but the most special bargains are: Rev. Young pastor of the M. E. chuilh is planning to give the young people of this city an outing at Wal. 3 Quart Double Lipped Sauce P a n .................................... .90 jowa lake next month. Rev. Young ■■ Is endeavor ng to find Jobs for those 12 Quart Lipped Preserving K e t t l e .................................... $1.75 who wish to earn money for the trip. 3 If you have any odd Jobs you can help 6 Quart Lipped Preserving K e t t l e .................................... 1.55 some youngster enjoy an outing by notifying Mr. Young. 8 Quart Colonial Preserving kettle . . . . . 1.80 10 Quart Lipped Preserving kettle - - The Shotwell Construction Com 2.05 pany was the only bidder on the work Set 3 Piece Mixing Bowls . . . . . advertised by the city to be done on 1.40 Hurlburt avenue. The Improvement Colonial Tea Kettle - - will consist of graveling this street 2.80 from the Intersection of the Colum Plain Tea Kettle - - bia highway to the railroad tracks, 3.20 costing about *2,000. 8 Quart Waterless Cookers Regular $6.00, Special 5.00 An eight horse outfit driven by 10 Quart Waterless Cookers, Reg. 7.50, Special . . . Donald Shotwell and belonging to 6.00 the Shotwell Construction Company 12 Quart Waterless Cookers, Reg. 8.25, Special - 7.00 went over the bank Thursday. The team was haul'ng gravel for the gov. 10 Quart Pressure Cooker, Reg. $27.50, Special - 1 - 15.00 ernnient at the time of the accident. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schwerlng, of Sale will start Saturday morning. No charge sales will be made. Eugene, are visiting at the home of S. M. Campbell this week. Mrs. Everything must be cash. No further cash discounts will be allowed. Schwerlng Is a sister of Mrs. Camp bell. There are only a few of the SPECIAL BARGAINS, so if you wish to Herb. Shesley has been adding to stock your kitchen with pure Aluminum Ware, come early Saturday the appearance of Pearson’s gjir morning, June 14. age by painting the sign that hangs Mrs. Cora Nolan and three child ren, of Los Angeles, are visit ng at the Jay Pelmulder home thia week. Mrs. Nolan Is a sister of Mrs. Pel mulder. Otto C. Pierce K IN G S L E Y S I IN C . H t R M U T - O N ; » H O U 8 I O F Q U A L IT Y A IM Q »«HVICI ' ' Legal Blanks at The Herald Office WE WILL HAVE A FEW FIR STACKER FOLES AND A STOCK OF DERRICK LUMBER IN THIS WEEK IF YOU EXPECT TO BUILD A STACKER THIS YEAR IT WOULD BE WELL TO ENGAGE THE MATERIAL NOW MATERIALLY YOURS, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A. BROWNSON, MGR. The Methodist ladles aid will be hostess for a lawn party at the home of Mrs. Walter Blessing Wednesday afternoon, June 18. Delicious home made Ice cream will be served from 2 to 5 at 10 cents a plate. All fr'ends of the Aid, come one, come all, coma spend the afternoon, or Just make a call. ’ F. D. Callahan and family have moved Into their new home on the south h'll. They plan to begin work at once on restoring the grounds to their former beauty, and they plan to make the place again one of tho moBt charming and hospitable homes on the project. A. S. Johnson leaves tomorrow for Hot Lake for a week. When he re turns Mrs. Johnson w'll Join him and they will leave for Portland. Eugene, L ob Angeles. Cascade mountains and the beach. They expect to return September 15. la b o r — ir. a a c y , I' • • ’. s i r .z JOHN DEERE Pain Sweep Rakes and Stackers —— r ? J o h n D eere D a in S w eep R a k es are b u ilt to d o a real d a y ’s w ork. T h e y h a n d le large T tia n tlties o f h a y e a sily — q u ic k ly . B e st jkality m a teria ls used . T e e th are g en u in e D*ln C«Mp JOHN IM-FRt -DAIN UN£ OF HAÏ TOOLS Ko «ara Bulky, ftidft - d»|jv»rr nmt •wnop r a k « . » la s k e n , varíeos Style*, fifty toftdftra, rarteiicvtyi«« M oto r, one and t u o - h o r » bfti-re. lo n g -le a f y e llo w p in e. D a in S ta ck ers h a v e sp rin g h a y retain ers, d o u b le A fram es, lo n g cu sh io n sp rin gs, e x ten sio n sills, a n d o th er e x c lu siv e fea tu res. T h ey p la ce th e h a y in th e cen ter o f th e sta ck , m ak in g th e cen ter so lid . S ta c k s 1 m lt w ith D a in O v ersh o t S ta ck ers s e ttle righ t an d sh ed rain. S to p in th e n ex t tim e y o u are in to w n and a sk us a b o u t th e D a in lin e o f h a y to o ls — th e m o st u p -to -d a te lin e o f la b o r-sa v in g , serv ice g iv in g h a y to o ls o n th e m ark et to d a y , an d for th e p a st th ir ty -n in e y ea rs. ' SAPPERS’ INC. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -i B ■ ■ ■ ■ | 3 S ■ ■ Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. f 3 the W. J. Kennings left tho t rst part of last week for Hot Lake. He made the Journey tn hopes of get ting relief from an attack of rheumatism. While there he ex pects to have htg tonsils removed. Lawrence Barr returned laat Sat urday from Lake Odell where he had gone on business. 'Y o UTELL'EM Mrs. Bert Mullens and children left Thursday morning for Lewiston. Idaho, where she will visit friends' and relatives. Mrs. C M. Jackson returned from Pendleton Sunday where she attend-1 ed the funeral of her thlrteen-monthe old niece. Barbara McPherson, who was burled In that city. ■ Sappers’ Inc., a corporation, day of May, 1924. Plaintiff. W. J. WARNER, vs. Attorney for Plaintiff. C5-7t Postofflce Address: H. H. Robinett and Elsie Rch- Hermiston, Ore. Inett, his wife. Defendants. Summons. Equity No. 3880. Want Ads Bring Resulta To H. H. Robinett, one cf the above named defendants. :llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaHIIIIII In the name of the State cf Ore gon, You are hereby required to ap A pear and answer the complaint filrd against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons. And yon will take notice that if you fall to appear and ans wer the complaint within sn'd time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will i apply to the above entitled Court j for the relief prayed for in plain tiff’s complaint filed herein, to -! wit: for a Judgment and decreei against defendants H H. Robinet t and Elsie Robinett, his wife for the sum of *400.00 with interest there on at the rate of 8 per cent per an num from February 1, J 923 and the further sum of *85.00 attorney's fee bn plaintiff's first cause of suit, and the sum of *44.3 2 with Inter, a est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from January 2, ■ 1924, and the sum of *121.31 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from January 2, 1924, and the further sum of Y O U TCLL CM *25.00 attorney’s fees upon plain tiff’s second cause of stilt and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements In this suit and for the expenses of the foreclosure and sale of the pro perty described in the complaint herein: and for a decree foreclosing “ V ❖ plaintiff's two mortgages and or dering to be sold the following des. ❖ ❖ crlbed premises, to-wlt: Lot num ❖ bered Eleven (11> In Block Six (8 , •> ❖ In Hermiston. Umatilla County. Ore ♦ ♦ gon, as located in the SE14 Section ♦ « Ten, Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. W. M. Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office 9 ALEMITE ime tnhj be mo n but trqs T p e o p le y r e fe r 'th e ^ reen k in d Bring in Tour Films (Archdeacon Goldie will hold ser vices at the Herm'aton Annex at 8 P. M. Monday. June 1«. He will also talk on his experience in Rus sia during the war. Everybody wel come. J. Cochlln. father of Mrs. 8. M. Campbell came up from Eugene the I f rst part of the week for an extend, ed visit with his daughter. i /NCff£ST£R stows B Mrs. A. S. Johnson returned from Portland Thursday where she at tended the wedding of her cousin, Mr. Donald Hood to Mlsa Dorothy Wickham Thursday evening at the east side Baptist church. You can handle hay from meadow to stack and build your stack without any hard work pitching—save time_ I In front over the street. The father and brother of Curtis Simons were visiting the latter In Hermiston Saturday from Walla. Curt'S returned home with them and spent the week-end In that city. Save Tame In the H ay Field ■ ■ h igh Pressure Lubricating | ■ System " J Quickly and easily installed. Makes positive, complete, chassis ’ lubrication possible in 5 minutes. « Take the guesswork out of it. í- PEARSON’S GARAGE ♦ O ur fin is h in g d e p a r t m en t, th ro u g h u p -to -d a te m e t h o d s a n d e q u ip m e n t a n d e x p e r t h a n d lin g , can h e lp y o u g e t t h e k in d o f p ic tu r e s y o u w a n t. T o u se s io n : a “ W e ’re f in is h .” s la n r e x p r e s then a .- And that said mortgage he de creed to be a first and second Hen respectively on said real property and that the rights of both defend ants In and to said premise, be sold and the proceeds from the sale ap plied as provided by law and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and equit- able. th e This summons Is published pur. suant to the order of Hon. G. W. Phelps, Judge of the above entitled MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY Mrs. W. H. Starr Is quite tl| at Court duly made and entered on »he her home tn the Minnehaha district. Phone 101 Hermiston, Ore. Bth day of May, 1*24. directing that publication hereof made o n e * « Dewey Payne has returned from DI THE CIRCUIT C O U R T O F JT H I S’vek f b r a period of1 six weeks, and i seat and ta visiting friend» and STATE OF OREGON UMA- (be first publication hsreor in made yeltllvgg here. t to Mid order on the tth PO« «W ft -be ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Grounds for divorce are usually battle grounds. You will never have any grounds for complaint If you make It a prac- * ce of coming here for your needs in the line of MEATS For the summer picnics, the wise hoeteea turns to canned fish meats for attractive salads and fascinat ing Mndwtches. The cost g small. CITY MEAT MARKET ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «O ELLIS. PB0P. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦