Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1924)
TH E HER M ISTO N H ER A LD , H E ItÀ flsT O N , OREGON. Notice of Annual School Meeting Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 14 of UaaatIlia County, State of Oregon, that the Annual School Meeting of said district will be held at the school building; to begin at the hour of two o'clock P. M. on the third Monday «f June, being the l« th day of June, A. D. I t 34. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing one director for three year term and one clerk for one year term and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 14th day of May. 1S24. Attest: R. A. Brownson F. B 8wayae. Diet. Clerk. Chm. Boardof Dir.. B etter Than Cash Br«r hare to pay a bill tWk*T Ever even have the «uspicion that you had done aoT There lg a way to avoid all that. It 1 b by keeping the money in the hank and paying your bills by check. Then you KNOW you have paid, because th e canceled check you get back la a receipt. It is a better, safer, surer, more modern method than paying the cash. ts-tte We are moving into a small house and must dispose of a good Monarch range, china cabinet, dining room chairs, bedstead, springs and many other articles. We are offering no bugs In this sale. I also have 100 fine hens for sale or trade. Dad and Mother West. 39-2tp Capilal, Surplus sad UsdMdad Profits Ore* 800,000 P. B. Sways«, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlee-Pre A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier bo in Hermiston June 1 to resume my practice. I w ill Dr. W. W. ILLSLEY Office next to Poa office T i f H erald publishes saor» genuine paid want ads than any other u p er published in a city »f th* same size in East ern Qregon. TH ERE’S A REASON It Is easy to reach us when you want your clothee cleaned, prsauii or repaired. Just phone tl-W -2. We’ll call. 19-tfe REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS. ALTOR. _ 2«.«fe FOR SALE—Young frys. Ogden Jewelry Store. Inquire at FOR SALE— Refrigerator, holds 100 pounds, also fruit Jars. Inquire this office. FOR SALE—Team of horses. J. K. Sfcotwell. 18-tfc Stillings. 37tf See I. E. Put- 34-tfc FOR SALE—Young Jersey cow giv ing milk, cheap, have too many. Enquire this office. AUTOMOBILES— Fords and other makes, 335.00 and up. Kellogg & Schlmke. 36-tfc FOR SALE— Modern 5-room house, furnace, hardwood floors, complete plumbing, bullt-lta (work, fine shade trees. Terms. Address box 888 for particulars. 39-3c MISCELLANEOUS Pasture for Rent—One mile north of town. J. A. Campbell. 39-Itc Pasture for Rent—J. W. Hamman. 89-3tp WANTED—Team of horses not over 8 years old; also wagon and har ness. A good Jersey cow to be traded In. Address Box 427, Uma- ,!IU- 23-tfc For summer pasture call 9-F-3 or Write box 35, Echo, Oregon. 39-4e WANTED— Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hoe. tory for men, women and children. Eliminate darn'ng. Salary 375 a week full time. 31.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Nor- ristown. Pa. 39-20tp WAN fhD —Phone, write or see W. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa hay for eale, in any quantity. Phone 40-J-3. »-tfc White Leghorn baby chlx, April hatch, 318.00 per hundred. Place your order early if you w an t any. Wm. H. Ogden. 19-tfc TOR SALE— I dining room table, 8 dining room chairs. 1 china eabl. net, couch, 2 rockers. Mrs. F. B. Swayxe. 40-ltp FOR SALE— Registered Holstein bull. Heavy producing atra'n on both sides. James Ware. 4O-4tp I have purchased the busineee known a* the Hermiston Exchange from J. O. Lawler. I have a number of bargains that will be to your in tereel to Inveet'gate. Come In and g:t aeenainted. Prleee right. M. B. Ryder. 4»-lt< Phones: Office 931. Re«, i l l Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M„ 2 to 5 P. M. D R . F . V . P R IM E Dentistry WHEN IN Dental X-Ray and Dla<noef» Bank Bldgr. Hermiston, Oregon PENDLETON MAKE YOUR HEALQUARTERS —AT— W. J. W AK NEX WESTERN AUTO CO. Attorney-at-law Cottonwood and Watr Sts. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires—Tubes—Accessories ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. Hermiston M c K enzie & lhbujmmbim Eye, Ear, Nose and JITMt Han removed frem hi» Bond M ft. to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire 1 FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been. Used successlully In the treatment o f Cktarrh, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists o f an Ointment which quickly Relieve« by local application, and the la a l Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucoue Sur faces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Pendleton ^ h s t-ie save make tidiigeasier a n d fl Im baking a cake" Sitoratown CORD TIRES \oA pfetita won’t rett— to raaUion v ith & ta r l O»7] Summer or not you must keep o n cook« ing and eating, bo w h y not make it a lot easier w ith a good oil cookstove and Pearl Oil? STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CsMaraia) DEARL i QjL ;: Teacher of VOICE AND PIANO and Los Angeles. Q ih r c r to w n s A clean'burning, intense ffatne u ’i»' sential— so be sure to ask for Pearl Oil by name. It’s refined and re-refind by the Standard O il Com pany’s special pro cess-non-corrosive and odorless— the highest grade kero sene made. ® t KATHRYN SHORT SEE A co o l k itch en , and no coal or w ood to pack! Just a clean, fast, economical fuel — the last w ord in convenience. : :i Graduate Artist Pupil of the F. X. Arens Vocal Studio, New Tor» Kellogg & Schimpke DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian Treats all Domestic Animal«. Int«r- state Stock Inspector GUNS —AND— AMMUNITION Residence second house west of tfc« Cathoilc church. Phone, S2-R. A FULL LINE BERT M ULLENS Barber ,Shop- And Bath A gent for the Troy laundry Shop at Siscel’s Confectionary J. L . V A U G H A N Electric Fixtures and Applianoes Phene I 139 PhMM » 2 O r o . g ih liiia ia k ia iiiiiiis —THAT— Oyorating Stage« Between Pendleton and Umatilla : Sunday Schedule Leave Umatilla, 9:00 A. M. 31.75; 31.25; 31.05; cents; STANDARD S OF QUALITY STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( C a lif o r n ia ) NOTICE I wR not be responsible for any debt« oea traded by the Hermiston Exchange Store, situated In Herrn Is. ton. Oregon, prior to May 28. 19*4. « . B. Ryder — READ THE WANT ADS— — READ THE WANT ADS— 1 Jeweler and Watchmaker A. M. . P. M. 8:00 12:15 8:20 12:35 8:45 1:00 9:00 1 • 15 10:15 2:30 Umatilla to Pendleton, round trip, 32.50. Hermiston to Pendleton, round trip, 33.25. Stanfield to Pendleton, round trip, 31.75. Echo to Pendleton, 95 round trip fl.5 0 . g ; Men’s Half Sole« 8 $ 1 .2 5 8 W ATCHES ■ WM. H. OGDEN ¡W ith Heels $1.758 iiiiiia iia iia iiiia ia Leave Pendleton. 5:30 P. ALL SHOES O GDEN Schedule Effective June 9, 1924 Leave— P. M. P. M. Pendleton .................. 12:01 4:00 Echo......................... 1:15 Ç« I f Stanfield .................... 1:35 5:35 Hermiston ........ l ’XK 5 • 3Ç Ar. U m atilla............... 2:15 8:15 Leave— Umatilla .................... Hermiston ................. Stanfeld ................... Echo ............. ........ Ar. Pendleton .......... s REM EM BER ■ 25 per cent off. ■ urn umatilla transit co . E. R. Pell, Umatilla, Oregon <•-« Telephone or call at Hermlsto» Hotel for appointment. —FOR— I SO» ». Court Ot. Pendleton, best m t hi Jong f\un Assistant Teacher to F. X. Are««. HITT These dealers and over 6 ,0 0 0 others o n the Pacific Coast sell dependable Red Crown g a so lin e— uniform w h en ever and wherever you buy it* Saves carburetor adjust ments and gives ready accel era tio n , 100% p ow er and greater g a so lin e m ileage» W herever you motor you’ll find the Red Crown sign and the red, white and blue pump. H ead for these and get the o ld reliable favorite— Red Crown gasoline. 5 JAKES TOR SALE—One buck rake stacker In good condition. See R. 0. Horning. 40-2p Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon Loatlon, Bank Bldg., Rooms 1 and I George Challis I AM MAKING REGULAR TRIPS TO Pendleton Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. If you have anything to be hauled te or from the above named city, I would appreciate your business along this line. I am also in the market for chickens. and veal. Ray Challis, Phone 20-R. Pendleton phone 400. 9-tfc FOR SALE— Stacker, 45 foot pole la good condition, a bargain. See C. E. Baker. 37-tf Furniture for sale, ECHO Echo Auto Co. E. J. Sommers I. H. Gobbell J. R. Jordan B0ABDMAN Latourell Aato Co. Ople Waggoner TOR PALE— 6 acre chicken ranch; 400 hens, team, wagon, and other fixtures. Come and see. Chester Wright, 1 mile west, 1- 2 mile south. 10-tfc man. Day or night calls auHwejfd promptly I am now prepared to do haul ing Trips made to the country. I so*icit a share of your patron age IRRIGON C. C. Grimm Burk’s for bargains. Office ever First Nettoeel BaWk Phone»-Office K l. R M id«M Ml Office Hour« 9 «• 12.30 a. m.j 1 to fcfO Eyes treated, tested and Glaaaee Fitted Electrical Treatment» X Ray work. Vibratory ane Electrical Maasace. H AULING RED CROWN GASOLINE UMATILLA H. G. Lane B. E. Leonard H. L. Connor C. G. Brownell Burk is hearquarters for Army Shoes. DR. FRACIS J. ADAMS Physician and Surgeon — - ' HERMISTON F. A. Chezik Kellogg & Schimke Person's Garage Our spring and summer line of Made-to-Measure Clothes are here. Suits, 323.50 and up. Imperial Cleaners. 19-tfc 70K SALK 24±i£ In H erm isto n District STANFIELD Peterson & Martin J. R. Goin Inland Empire Lumber Company Try Burk’s for bargain«. Pelands for Profits. Phone Residence and Office O N E ELEVEN ” , NOTICE! — THESE DEALERS SELL S. 0. s. First N ation al Bank 1 wish to announce to my patrons that LegxJ Blanks For Sale at The He raid Office i CALL 2 5 4 I For Hauling ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ 1. ! * 3 1■■■■ a■■BBEBBBBBBBrf fl.®. »tatti T. H. Gaither CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Dray and Tranafer Krause’s Chocolates We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact that in addition to printing this news paper we do job work of any kind. When in jieed oi anything in this line be sure To S ee Us OAK TAB SHOE STOKE Sam Rodgers, Prop. Bur-Bee Bars The Best in Candies N e u n ita m i I C ig a n and Tobacco -----r— —