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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1924)
7 1 Sty? Ibrmteímt _______ VOL. XVIII BREAK IN A CANAL CUTS OFF WATER HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1924 ♦ ♦ EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES ♦ ♦ ♦ (By H. K. Dean) ♦ CITY TO 016 TEST WELL NEAR BUTTE v ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * CAUSE IS THE UNDERMINING OP BANKS BT SEEPAGE WATEH -, Farm Accounts How do you Judge which are your most profitable farm operations? By the amount of money you aot ally receive from them without re gard to the cost? The trouble with most systems of farm accounts is that they are so complicated that they are not kept up after the ln't- ial enthusiasm works off. Any one can devise and keep simple cost rec. ords of the time and material used by hla particular farm operations. Farming is as much a buslneae as banking but too few farms are run as businesses. A little time regu larly set aside for the purpose of keeping records from which you can analyze your business can be made your most profitable moments. HERMISTON BUTTE IS THE SITE CHOSEN HERMISTON AUTO PARK CHERRT MAGGOTS STOPPED IS BUST PLACE THESE DATS BT SWEET POISON SPRAT V ♦ *■ ♦ ♦ STATE MARKET AGENT DEPARTMENT Camp Has Been Enlarged and Many Mother Fly Likes to Eat and Play ♦ ♦ Conveniences Hav“ Been Added Before Laying Eggs, and Eager * « « 4 « 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « * B y New Management ly Laps the Fatal Bait The Hermiston auto park it a busy place these days, says O. W. Bailey, who has leased the grounds from the city. 147 cars registered there during May, and 10 and 12 cars is no unusual number for a night. Mr. Bailey has made many improvements for the convenience of tourists. He has moved the main part of the grounds onto his own property, which gives tourists the advantage of a windbreak on the south and west. A number of new ranges for cooking have been set up, some in building^ which have been erected on the grounds. These shelters are electrically lighted.* Many tables and benches have been set up« and minor points of comfort looked after. Mr. Bailey dlsposeg of all his farm produce at the camp. He finds that all his work Is being well repaid in adver tisement, as many travelers from some distance make special efforts to reach Hermiston for the night, having been advised to do so by-par ties met on the road during their trip. Mr. Bailey says that he finds in talking to tour'stg that the situ-, atton in California Is cutting down the travel quite a little. « * MANY RIDERS C0MIN6 17277230 * « c In the morning papers of Port land under date of May 19. there ap- apeared a story under headlines ‘Co- Operative Associations Declared Fail ure," which quoted State Market Agent Spence wth filing a report with Governor Pierce In which was the statement "It is time to go no further with marketing assoclatons" and In the headlines and story the impression was carried that the mar ket agent had seen the futility of further work on co-operative lines and recommended abandoning the work. Because of the fact that the story has been more or less printed by the country papers, and because of the further fact that was not true, the market agent wishes to correet the errors. This was not a report filed with the governor, but simply a part of a regular press letter to the state press. In It the market agent stated “It Is time TO GO FURTHER with marketing as sociations.” while the story In the Portland dally stated "It Is time to go NO further," making an exactly opposite statement than was made. Only half of the article was print ed. leaving the co-operative story half told. The error was doubtless a confusion with the writer or In the newspaper office. BEN J0R Y IS MAKING PLANS FOR The cherry maggot that makes you THE RODEO afraid to eat a cherry in the dark is kept out by three sprayings with Large Pore« of Men and Trains are Experiments W ill be M tde in An E n sweetened arsenate solution, by the I’ qw Rushing Repair of Brook. Cowboys From Several States W ill Oregon experiment station. The deavor to Procure a Better W ill Flam e Over Gap in Canal Compete Here for Prises «first Is put on about the time the W ater Supply the 3rd and 4th Royal Anns begin to show color— about the first week of June in many Last Saturday morning a section parts of the state— the next in ten With an Idea in mind of pocur- ot the A line east of Hermiston went Ben Jory, veteran rider and horse«, days and the third 7 days later. ing a better and purer water supply c t and water has been cut off the The maggot comes from eggs laid man. Is making plans to stage one of the cty council has let a drilling ■r part of the project until tem. ed by small flies which usually ap the biggest and best rodeos ever pull contract to A. A. Durand, of Walla poirry repars can be made. The pear June 5 to 20. They are sun ed off In thlg part of the country lovers and will sport around in the Walla, who will drill a test well in ace where the break occurred haa when Hermiston celebrate« July the sunshine on the upper surface of the vicinty of the Hermston butte. ru under observation for some 3rd and 4tb. the outer leaves, lapping greedily . ui.d a week ago water was turn The city some time ago started In order to make it an affair of the honey dew on the foliage, or ed off for a couple of days so that a well on the same site where Mr. the sweetened poison. Egg laying action and thrills Ben has secured th e lining of the canal could be in- Durand will drill. The well at that usually starts within 10 days after ] -•« t-d and reinforced. some good horses and riders. time was being put down by hand the flies appear. The spray is ap 1 lie cause of the break is the un There will be 10 head of the FAREWELL RECEPTION IS and upon hitting a strata of cement plied before egg laying saarts, as dermining of the earth below the Drumhelier string of horses from TENDERED B T FRIENDS gravel the work had to be abandon the spray is not injurious to the canal by seepage water from higher Walla Walla, five head of the Bob ed. The city council feel that by worm inside of the cherry. irri-nted lands to the south. Dur- Studnick string of Loe Angelw, and Thje latte dark meated cherries, On Friday evening of last week a letting the contract to Mr. Durand ” " ’»-ing a large d tch was dug about 20 others. they will have a chance to teat out such as the late Duke and Lambert, tb ■ rd a huge culvert farewell reception was tendered Mr. The Judges for the riding events the site chosen. are moet likely to be wormy. The be ain canal in an and Mrs. Ed. Haugeberg and Mrs. Jt. will be Wild Bill Swltzler of Uma fruit of seddMng cherries are gener- If after a test conditions are fav B. Spencer and daughter Marjorie by attempt to gather ¡and drain« the tilla. Dean Dudley of Athena, and an ideal place for propogating the water in the vicinity into the low the friendg ° t the church. The base, orable no doubt planB will be made Helstand Moore of Butter Creek. worms because the fruit tends to to sink a well from which Hermis ment was cleared of the school ap lands to the north. A weir and gage First prize in the bucking contest ripen later and remain on the tree ton can get better and purer water, e e instated end constant check paratus and the friends and neigh will be 9100, Becond prize 960 and longer. The earlier white meated , been kept on the flow of seep bors had plenty of room. An enjoy the location being out of the strata third prize 825. cherries are probably more common of cesspools and other drainage. able evening was spent In games and age water in case of any increase. Some well known rlderg have sign, ly Infected than generally supposed. Mr. Durand will move his machin Th's point on the A line has been visiting, then delicious refreshmentg ed to appear in the show. They In HERMISTON LOCALS The maggot would naturally be very ery here and start work at once. were served, during which the fol - known as the slough from the grad elude Floyd Williams of Montana? small at the time these cherries are Canada takes almost any steps th< Pat Owens of Horse Heaven, Frank ual falling away of the banks ot lowing program was rendered: Toast The M. E. Ladies’ Aid will hold harvested and would escape detect farmers ask to relieve conditions. Steals Gas From Car mistress, Mrs. F. P. Adams; Relation ti e stream of seepage water. Richmond of Prosser, and R. H. Ben. to the Church. There has been a good deal of a cooked food sale at Sapper's store ion. The legislature of Quebec has passed nett of Ellensburg. Other riders Saturday morning the land on the of the Ladies The sweetened spray is made by a resolution to exempt farmers from upper side of the canal started to Rev. H. Young; The Aid as a Social comment and various opinions offer, on Saturday afternoon, June 4. mixing lead arsenate one-half ib., the provisions of the bankruptcy have signified their intention of par. slough, rapidly feel away from the Factor, Mrs. Frank Silvey; The Ach ed as to who Is the meanest man ticlpatng. "Dad” West has sold his home molasses or syrup 2 quarts, and 10 law, no that they cannot loss their concrete, and about forty feet of the ing Void, F. P. Phipps; Neighbors, In the world. But If you were to this city to Otto Pierce. gallons of water. This amount is Mrs. Rena Waterman; The Vacant ask Charley Skinner he would tell property on credit. canal fell in, the earth under the LAND SETTLEMENT MEN sufficient for spraying fifty trees. concrete was washed out a number Chair, Mrs. F. P. Phipps. These you It was the fellow who stole the Frank Ralph was a busines visi- One pint to a uart i senough for TO VISIT IRRIGATED DISTRICT were given in the form of toasts and gas from the tank of his Ford a of feet back from the break and The co-called “effete" and conser tor in Echo Tuesday. a tree. The solution is applied as the rush of water down to the lower were responded to by Mrs. Spencer few nights ago while it was parked fairly fine droplets to the upper sur vative east is making rapid strides A tour of the irrigated lands of lands made a pretty clean sweep of and Mr. and Mrs. Haugeberg, after out In front of the house. The next R. R. Lewis, who is well known face of the leaves. The knapsack In farmer co-operative work and may the county to see the progress that which all joined in singing "Blest be evening after the thoft Charley everything for several hundred feet to the people of this community and sprayer is usually the most conven yet be showing the west the way tc incldding about 200 feet of 20 inch the Tie,” and a general farewell came home from work and proposed make It work big. A committee of has been made during the last few hand shake was given the honored to the family that they take a ride who a few weeks ago was hurt while ient method of applying. Spray es ten appointed March 13, to Investi years is to be taken Friday, June 20. concrete pipe used to carry the seep, at work on the McKay creek dam, is pecially well on the sunny side of out in -the country. The family age water away from the vicinity of guests. gate the best means of making the readily acquiesced and he went out do'ng nicely and is able to get around the tree. There is no advantage in dairy industry profitable, has made by members of the reclamation and the A line. with the aid of crutches. spraying the fruit itself. land settlement committee of the to wind “Lizzie” up for the Journey. Water was cut off at the reservoir CASH AND TROPHY OFFER ttg report. It recommends an organ, Portland Chamber of Commerce, ac. and plans formulated to bridge the ATTRACTS CLUB MEMBERS He cranked and cranked but the lzatlon of all the dairy farmers on Dean D. Sellers, who at one time Ford slept peacefully through it, not gap so as to get water back into cir. Illinois Patriarch Is “Oldest Member” New England states under contract cording to a letter received by the attended the Hermiston schools, but culation over the project as soon as $800 and Four Caps F a t Up at State even showing an Inclination to Seventy-six years a member of the to deliver products to one co-opera, Pendleton Commercial association at present is a student at Pacific cough. Charley called It all those same church and forty-one years a tlve agency; that producers own and from Whitney L. Boise, chairman of possible. F air By Oregon Breeders and University, Cottage Grove, Oregon, endearing names that a man gener Ralph Connor, superintendent of member of Mt Carroll, 111., Camp of control all the facilities necessary to the committee. had his name written In on the Dem N ational Associations The members will arrive In a ally ealls a stubborn Ford, but the .construction of the McKay Creek Modern Woodmen of America, Jas. manufacture their own products and effect was not noticeable. Someone ocratic ballot In the pr’mary eltMt- S. Maloney, now aged 91, is bellev- by-products; central markets, well special car from La Grande on the dam, and F. T. Crowe, construction Club members will garner $800 snggesed that perhaps the gas tanl$ lon and nominated for the position to be the oldest s.nd active and In equipped plants, etc., In fact a great night of Thursday, June 19, and engineer of the Tieton dam, were of county clerk of Washington called into consultation with the lo and four trophy cups put up by Ore. was empty but Charley disregarded good standing as a member of any organization to reduce the cost of the tour will be taken on the foU county. He was a resident of the gon breeders and United States breed the suggestion for only the night be. cal engineers. Both these men have fraternal Insurance organization In marketing, reduce prices to the con lowing day. Included in the mem Columbia district while here. z large experience in engineering and associations for prizes at the state fore he had filled the tank. How this country. Mr. Maloney Is a re Burner and Increase prices to the pro. bership of the party will be Roy T. they immediately confirmed the fair this year. This is additional to ever he decided that life was too tired farmer. He began voting for ducer by co-operative handling and Bishop, manager of the Oregon Wor Vane Boynton is the owner of a Judgment of the engineers here that the sum allotted by the state fair short to spend moet of it cranking presidents In the fifties. His father manufacturing all dairy productp sted Co.; E. E. Favllle, editor of new Chevrolet. Western Farmer; A. S. Edmonds, as. Ford and started to investigate. the best and quickest way to han board and the Portland business men. was drowned en route from the east from the farm to the retailer. slstant traffic manager Union Paci to Illinois with his family eighty dle the work was to flume the gap, Some donors listed by L. J. Allen He found that someone had stolen I On Wednesday, June 4, the M. fic System; R. W. Pickard, general hlg tank of gas and in order to drain carrying the flume on trestles. Men assistant state club leader, follow years ago, and his mother, left alone Co-operators are having to face freight agent g. P. ft g.; Marshall E. ladles held a social all day meet Oregon Jersey Cattle club $176 the tank had broken the feed pipe. were immediately set to work pre ing at the W. H. Simmons home in In a strange country with a family the fact that the answer to the of N. Dana, associate editor of the Ore paring the ground to receive gravel Oregon Duroc Jersey Swine Breed Of course it was bad enough to lose Columbia district. There were 28 of four small children to support ten asked question of how to get a as a foundat on. Every available ers association 825 and sliver tro the gas but the worst part of it was ladles present and each boasted a and Just 812 In money, Invested all fairly reasonable price for their pro. gon Journal, and Mr. Boise. truck is engaged in hauling gravel phy, Oregon Guernsey Cattle club to let a fellow crank his head off man escort. Lunch was served un her capital In a cow. On the milk ducts, is “get control of the selling from the pit south of Leather’s ranch silver arophy, Oregon Shropshire as when he had absolutely no chance. der the trees after which many ladles of the cow James waxed big and end of the business." ¡Producers MOONSHINER CAUGHT strong and presently became the can't expect to make profits so long where the drag line from the drain sociation |6 0 , Pendleton Woolen This wae adding lnjust'ce to Injury. NEAR HERMISTON were given a ride on the merry-go- age ditch work north of Hermiston Mills 8100, Cass A. and J. M. Nlch Charley thinks It a mean trick and round. A cooked food , sale was father of eight children of his own, as they permit middle handlerg ti has been sent to facilitate faster ols of Salem 825, Jim Linn of Salem anyone who has gone through the planned for Saturday afternoon, al| living. Are there any other can add two dollars to one dollar betweer C. L. Walden, a traneient, who la didates for the honors In the “old the «farm and consumer. Farmers better known to the resldenta of this loading of the trucks. Barricades trophy cup, J. G. S. Hubbard of same experience will no doubt agree June 6, at Sappers.’ with him. est member” classs? have been thrown out and several Monroe 810, W. J. Durbin of Salem have got to do their own selling, be e ty as "One Eye Slim,” was caught thousand yards of gravel will be stiver trophy cup, Oregon Holstein- their own middlemen, and retain near this city Sunday and arrested Small bladed knives were used In Methodist Episcopal Church dumped along the side of the slough Berkshire association »25, Ready for July 4th Celebration these middle profits. They have got by the Sheriff's office on a charge the olden days to repolnt the long Sunday, June 8— Sabbath School , closest to the A 1'ne to forestall pos Frelsian asoclatlon 850, National The M. E. Ladles’ Aid will have a to organize solidly to do this. It wll of moonshlnlng. At the time of his quills used for pens, hence the name sible further washing. Ranchers Duroc Jersey Record asoclatlon 850 at 10 A. M. Morning worsh'p at 11 penknife. refreshment booth during the cele not be a difficult undertaking when arrest he had 50 gallons of mash and have promised all available teams American Berkshire associaion 826 A. M. Epworth League at 7 P. M. bration July 3 and 4, where they the farmers all come to thlg one way 148 bottles of beer. In Justice for gravel hauling and two shifts of and Chesaer White Swine Record Evening worship at 8 P. M. Week, Action on the Reclamation bill, will serve most anything called for of thinking. Parke’s court Monday morning he ly prayer and Bible study Thursday which is based on recommendations men are being worked, some of the association 850. pleaded guilty and was sentenced to espec'ally delicious home made Ice The number of awards made to evening at 7:45. All evening meet of the interior department is expect •men and gravel wagons having been cream. The organization of a huge sell serve th'rty days after paying a fins club members last year at the state ings will be held in the basement ed before the adjourment of congress. rushed down from McKay creek. Ing agency to handle the north Of 8200. Water will be turned back into the fair was 403. This number with of the church. It is delightfully cool The bill would bring relief to set More than 20,000 houses have been west's five million dollar prune crop . A line at the earliest possible mom the work supported as it is by the and comfortable there. Henry Young, tlers on all government reclama built in Yokahoma, Japan, since the crop is under way. It is a federation GET READY FOR CAMP! ent and in the meant'me harvest breed associaalons bids fair to be Minister. tion projects. earthquake. of the growers of Oregon and Wash. Young people who want to camp Increased greatly this year, Mr. Al ing of the first" crop of alfalfa is Ington. The crop will be graded with the Epworth League at Wal ien believes. going on throughout the project. standardized and scld collectively lowa lake, and would 1’ke to earn The awards will be made for the under mod-rn marketing systems. Its some money to help pay exepenses, best types of animals in the various Potato Growers Meet success very largely depends on man. are requested to register with Mr. classes and for related achievement Last Saturday evening the potato agement. There s no reason why It Young at the parsonage. gTowess of the project met and took in excellence by the club members. cannot succeed as private big bust Householders and others who need The manner In which the animals up the plan of selling their crop extra help during June to do chores ners organizations succeed. There is through the Three Rivers Growers are fitted for the show and the plenty of room between what the etc., please call Mr. Young at the Association. A committee was ap method of handling In the show grower gets for the fruit and what parsonage. There are a number of pointed to sign up the growers and ring will be given consideration. the consumer pays for it for higher young folks who want to earn their have been meeting with good re- prices to producers and lower prices way to a camping trip tb Wallowa Community Club Hold M eeting su'ts. When the necessary number to consumers. If the organization lake. I I of signatures have been procured a The Community Club held an un will cut out many of the middle meeting will be called ot the growerg usually interesting meeting at the handlers and their profits and sell Notice to Library Patrons and Mr. Lampson, of Kennewick, library Tuesday, June 3. There direct to the big chain stores and Those who have books which they will attend and instruct them as to were two excellent papers read, : other like retailers, the prune Indus- wish to return outside of library grading and packing. The acreage "Thrift,” by Mrs. A. D .. Croeland ( try may again become profitable to hours, will find a box on the library in potatoes according to an estimate and “Edgar Guest” by Mrs. H. M, ' the northwest. porch In which the books may be ot H. K. Dean will be around forty. Sommerer. Mrs. Croeland took up dropped. the evolution of the thrift movement POTATO GROWERS The hours during the summer 'Fn'nisb Reservo’r About Empty and- told her audience of the three WILL MEET TUESDAY are 1 to 6 every week day except The Frtrntsh reservoir on the classes of thrift, individual, nat'on- Saturday when the hours are 3 to 5 Umatilla river which furnishes the at and International Dwelling on water for Stafcfleld Is about dry, ac. individual thrift, the speaker gave There will be a meeting of the and 7 to 8:30 P. M. A new book on Co-oneratlve Mar cording to a statement made by practical suggestions for wise buy- potato growers ot the project Tues Aubrey E. Perry, county watermas- ng and use of materials, food, etc. day evening at the library. At this keting by Steen haa Just been re ter. This is the first time that the as well as the thrifty disposal of time I<ee Lampson, manager of the ceived. reservoir has gone dry at this time our most valuable asset,— time. Ed Krnnew'ck association, will be pres, of the year. In the past It has fur gar Guest, Mrs. Rommerer said In •nt and instruct the local growers nished water until the first or mid her paper, although aif wise and In grading and handling. IO. R. Hy- dle of July. Mr. Perry states the understanding la the ways of human slop. chairman of the state board, water for irrigation purposes all over nature as a man who has lived a will also be In attendance. The po the state Is much under normal this whole lifetime. Is really Just a grown tatoes of the local growers will this reason. r’i'jj up hoy, getting as much pleasure out year be handled In carload lots by of llv'ag as he Is giving to his large the Kennewick association. L The Baptist Ladies Aid will hold circle of P et W an all day meeting at<-fhe home of .8 7 5 7 1 Umatilla , rorty elz cities of the United Mm. r .nlsen. five ml?ee south of .500 Light travels 1S8.0M miles per 4 4 Stalee show one hundred per cent Hermiston town June II. Everybody bring second and radio waves 185,99« miles .375 6 3 boost In rentals during the last ten Stanfield their laaeh and com«. Completing the Wall STANDING OF TEAMS IN THE IRRIGATION LEA6UE • second. years. «Echo 2 6 .260