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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1924)
O r Wrmwfcm jHmtlh - VOL. XVIII LAMPSON SPEAKS BEFORE CLUB HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12. 1924 THE CALL OP THE HOME MRS. PHELPS GETS LOCAL POSTOFFICE CUTTING UP BIG IRRIGATED RANCH N a 40 Referring directly to the state, meats of Mr. Rack, as enumerated above, the following are the facts: In 1917 seepage water appeared on the south side of the Cold Springs canyon about 300 feet from the A canal. The bluff was sloughing SAYS STATEMENTS CONTAINED slightly but the canal was in no way ALICE BEASLEY AND GEORGE ARE UNFOUNDED endangered, not even threatened. WAGONER WED IN PASCO Iq 1919 the sloughing had become I more serious and the reclamation ser. I , Allege» Bagley Ditch Spoken of By vice took steps to stabilize the bluff After the Ceremony th® Couple Spent Mr Rack in Letter to Oregonian by driving piiee, throwing in rock a Short Honeymoon in Spokane, and brush with good results, but the It Unknown Here Home Will be in Hermiitoa. COLONEL M’NAUGHT ANSWERS LETTER PROMINENT YOUNG COUPLE ARE WED (By Miles Cannon, Director of Farm Economics, U. 8. Bureau of 800 Acre Farm and 1000 Acre» Other Reclamation) Land in Small Tract» Chickens do not constitute the sum E. P. Dodd has decided to cut up total of the poultry Industry In the SAYS CO-OPERATION IS BEST FOR United States, as is proven by the CHARLES SKINNER'S TERM WILL his 515 acre ranch which he has been SELLINO FARM PRODUCTS EXPIRE JUNE 18 improving the last three years. Into 1920 census which tedicates that small tracts and place them on the there were at that time 3.627,000 market. He believes that the trend turkeys value »13.00«,OOP; 2,819,- Kennewick Association Has 88 Per 000 ducks, »3,374,000: and 2.939,- Mr». Phelps Has Been aa Active Soc toward the cities is at an end. Cent of the Early Potato Crop ial Worker and Prominent in Wages are fail'ng and Jobe are dif- 000 geese, »9,429,000. la the hands Sign®d Up in the District of fanners. fcult in most of be big centers where Red Cross County Work mills and factories are running on Turkey raising is an Important short shifts. While farming has Industry because of the great num at that time that the seepage water | ------ ■ Lee Lampson manager of the ber required for table consumption. Word was received Friday of the been down for a few yesrs It f8 the To the Members of the Hermiston Ir came n.ainly from the A line itself George Wagoner and A„ w r Three R'vers Growers’ association, It Is altogether probable that thia appointment of Mrs. Leila Phelps as general Impression that there will ■ igation District: and that l’nlng the A canal would ,ey. two proullnent gpoke before the Hermiston Commer demand will continue for all tin e postmistress at Hermiston. Gentlemen: In the dally Oregon prove effective. It did not. »h® this city, wer. married June 4? Ï Mrs. be a big return to small tracts In cial club last Tuesday. Mr. Lampson and In view of the prevailing prices Phe'ps will succeed Charles Skinner the near future. Especially where fan of June 9th appeared a le tter, seepage increased and in 1923 real Pasco, Washington. water Is sufficient will farmers be over the signature of Frank Rack, danKer existed. In January 1924 a was la town to attend a meeting of during the past decade it Is rather who has held the pos'tlon for the The wedding occurred at the home remearkable that the number raised past four and one-half years. Mr. look'ng during this season of drouth which contains startling and mis- drainage flume was put under the the potato growers of the project of Mrs. M. V. Wysang, a friend of the Mr. Dodd will offer tracts from annually hag steadily declined. Skinner’s term expires June 15 and leading statements which were brief- cana» and apparently was doing bride. Rev. Shaw, pastor of the held In the library Tuesday eve I good service. The whole amount ex. While the western reclamat'on Mrs, Phelps will no doubt take acres and whatever the purchaser ly as follows: Congregational church at Paaco, of ning. seems able to handle and he ex First: That the dangerous con- pended ln “‘inkering” at try ng to ficiated. states, from oariy viewpoints, are charge on thlg date or soon after. pects that his farm will supply places dlton of the A line has been known stop th® dra,naK® water prior to the In his talk Mr. Lampson stated naturally adapted to the growing of Mr. Skinner has made an efficient After that ceremony the couple that it w a g s proven fact the farmers turkeys. It is rather strange that, postmaster always accommodating for 15 families. since 1917. ’ recent big break was »7,982, Instead left for Spokane for a short honey could get better returns for his pro- with the exception of California, and even going out of his way to Second: That the reclamation en. moon. They arrived ln Hermleton *daee by co-operative selln g. Two Car» Collide The cost of repairing the recent they are far behind even when es serve the patrons of the local post- Two cars, one driven by Arthur gineers have spent »50,000 or more break and stablliz ng the bluff— all Saturday and will make their fut He stated the^'w ere numerous In. timated on a per capita bast«. office. Charley states that he has ure home ln this City. Wilson, employed at the highway tinkering and trying to stop the stances where an Individual outside That there has been dur'ng the not any plans for the immed'ate fut camp, and the the other by Dick drainage water from coming out of a permanent nature except the Both of the contracting parties of an association Would get a better flume which will have to be renewed past decade a decided decrease in ure but contemplates selling his pro Thomas, a resdent of the Columbia from under this ditch. are well known to the people of price for a product than the asso in about five years— will be »10,000, practically all parts of the country perty here and moving to other this community and have a large Third: That the ditch is in a and not »50,000. district, collided on Main street Wed ciation. Th*n he aserted was one of Is shown by the 1900 census which fields. He has made a hoet of nesday night. circle of friends who wish them an worse condition today than ever be the hardest things a selling organ When all the lands of the Furnish reported the total number of'turkeyn friends while serving as postmaster abundance of prosperity and happi The car driven by Thomas receiv fore and that it will cost »50,000 at ization had to contend with. This in the United States to be 0,594,(95, and their good wishes will go with ed the greater amount of injury least to put It ln a temporary condi project are taking water, unques ness as the years come and go. situation is very eas'ly understood, tionably the seepage flow will be In or almost double the number report, him upon his retirement. The groom Is employed by the re merely tearing a fender from the tion for further use. Mr. Lampson said. “Any man can creased, but I feel quite certain nqt ed for 1920. Mrs. Phelps is well known to the Wilson car. Fourth: That when the McKay to the extent that we can't take care els mat Ion service. The bride la a take a small quantity of produce and There are a number of causes foi\ people of thlB community, having dam Is completed, the drainage water , of „ and j fee, reasonably sure (hat trained nurse and has successfully dispose of it for a better price than taken an active part as a social will wash the A line away and water ’ |t wlII pot ..drown nermlgtOn out.” followed this profession. It can be sold in carload lots. But the decrease 4n thq number raised, worker and a prominent figure in log 1600 acres and drown Hermiston , w h e„ the- prpsent repairs are com in order to sell It in large shipments but It may be assumed that the prin county Red Cross work. Mrs. Phelpg and get the best consistent price cipal reason is the detail attention pleted we will be in shape to take OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL is a woman of exceptional abll’ty which the turkey requires In com. Fifth: That the project can never care of vastly more seepage than REVIEW available co-operative marketing Is parlson with the other classes of and the people of the community pay the »2,800,000, for »1,000,000 ever before. the only solution.*’ i can be assured of the same efficient Albany— Mrs. Sarah Helmick, feed of that money was for the Bagley According to Mr. Lampson 85 per poultry. Blackhead has proveu a Our Indebtedness to the govern service in the future that has been menace to the Industry and the ditch— nothing but a shoestring. cent of the early potato crop of the ment on the f i s t day of January. 101, July 4, presented a 5 1-2 acer extended to them In the past. These rambling and reckless state 1924, was »1,650.000 (not »2,800,- grove on highway near bridge across THORNTON OFFERINGS BAFFLES Kennewick district is signed up with range problem Is generally In evi dence whenever increased product ments have no foundation ln fact 000) and no part of that sum was Lucklamute to Btate lor camping the association and a good price is VISITORS ion Is contemplated. School Ma’ams Write Concerning and are harmful. It is unfortunate for the "Bagley ditch, nothing but grounds. exepected this year. There Is no line of business with and regretablc that a reputable cltl. i Bhoestrln(? „ nor for any o(her Hike He stated that the asparagus hand We are In receipt of a letter sgned Hermiston Meets Stanfield Here Next zen of the project should see fit to d|t<sfc> excppt a cagh payment of Eugene building permits first five led thlg year was a fifty per cent In out its» perils. Concentration and brodcast baseless statements that can 5 000 and water r)ghts for 300 months »1,247,000. crease over last year, thirty thousand application are the watchwords in Hunts King, Mary Sawyer, Bonnie Sunday, the Last Game at be founded only on false rumors or aPreg pa)d for the Maxweil canal, crates be’ng sold through the asso any occupation. Nature’s laws are Circle and Isabel Mayhew, who wer» Home This Season Newport— Concrete seawall half, utter Ignorance. Nothing helpful to The Bag]ey ditch is unknown here ciation. A large quantity of the Irrevocable and the most worthy am teachers in the local schools last him or constructive to the project and we are le88 acqualnted with the mile long to be built on water front. asparagus was shipped east where a bition of anyone Is to conform to year, giving an account of thetr cou d possibly result. His charges! ope m„ Hon do)larg alleged to havP better price was obtained than could her decrees. For the capital Invest hike from The Dalles to the snow After their defeat Sunday week against the reclamat'on engineers I . __ Oswego— Ladd Estate to build re be procured through the markets of ed there Is perhaps no line of pro line of Mt. Hood and thence to Port at the hands of the Stanfield aggre. regard as whimsical and foolish and been pa d for it. sidences at lower end of Oswego lake. the northwest. The Kennewick as duction more profitable than turkey land. The school ma’ams took the J. F. McNAUGHT gation the locals got their dandruff this feeling Is emphasized by the paragus is from five to six weeks raising when proper methods are train to The Dalles and from this up and walloped Echo last Sunday fset that it is not generally admit employed. ¡La Grande to drill tast well for point began their hike. earlier than that grown In the east Community Club Luncheon to the tune of 5 to 3. It was a good ted that Mr. Rack Is a competent water supply. The experience of Mr. Wm. H. Ed- The following Is the letter address, and commands a top price. The re. The Community club luncheon game of base ball and the fans re judge of the qualifications of en turns from asparagus shipped this ley, of Powell, Wyoming (Shoshone ed to The Herald: The four teach will be held at the Hotel Oregon on ceived their money’s worth. Klamath Falls-i-S. p. Co. bought gineers or of engineering problems. year to the markets of the east nett project) would seem to support the ers who were seen dashing around Monday, June 16, at 1:30 o'clock Thornton served the pellets for However, I am not particularly In 19 acres as sight for railroad shopo, ed the grower forty cents a crate claim on behalf of turkey raising. He the streets of Hermiston in hiking There will be two papers on th> the locals and fed them an assort terested in the engineering feature I more than the home markets offered. has a forty acre tract which he crops apparel and knapsack shortly after ment of curves that the opposing at th e particular time except that ' program, “Oriental and Ancient Salem packers aeeeptlag all Wil Mr. Lampson said the Kennewick to alfalfa, beans, potatoes and grain. school closed, report they have batters could not fathom. He was Mr. Rack chargeg the engineers with | Mus e" by Mrs. R. O. Horning, and son, Oregon and Marshall straw» During the season of 1922 he conclu. asociation was only too glad to co reached the’r destination. Upon given good support by his team "The Columbia River" by Mrs. J berres. the responsibility of situations and operate with the local growers In any ded to experiment somewhat in the reaching The Dalles packs were dis. B. Knight. This will be the last mates. turkey Industry and purchased a set conditions that no one, except God , way possible and by the two dstrlctg carded in favor of a small red wagon Umatilla humbled Stanfield Sun Almighty himself, could create or meeting of the club until fall. Those ¡Salem— 100 business men and em working together under a co-opern- ting of thoroughbred turkey eggs for and the party proceeded westward day beating them by a score of 16 prevent. I know no more about expecting to attend will please phone ployers go on record against closed »12 which gave him ten turkey henB tlve selling plan a mutual benefit on foot. The one way traffic on a by Friday to any member of the com shop methods and endorse American with which to start the season of street in Hood River was blocked to 1. According to those who wit eng'neerlng possibly than Mr. Rack as to marketing could be realized. nessed the game It was more of a does, but I can recognize facts from : mittee on arrangements, cha’rman plan. 1923. for a time while we carried our Mrs. H. M. Straw, Mrs. J. L. Waller. From this flock he received a cash wagon up the hill. From Hood River track meet than a ball game. Uma. fiction and possess a fairly keen scent | SIGNAL HONOR COMES TO Mrs. John Schimke. The price of Condon— »76,000 bond Issue to return of »478 and still has 13 heng we made a trip up Mt. Hood as far tllla Is still leading the legue, hav that is useful ln ferreting out that | COUNTY RED CROSS ¡omplete 17-mile highway between ’.eft for the 1924 season. This large ag the snow line where afternoon ing lost only one game, Hermiston element which Is too much inclined the luncheon will be 50 cents. Arlington and John Day carried. return is accounted for, hi part at tea made from melted snow was en taking this game from them. to spread the f'ctlon. It certainly ! Selected as Subject For Special Arti A Line Break is Repaired Sunday Hermiston plays Stanfield seems queer that of all the positive least, by the sale of 28 hens and 10 joyed. |A one day stop was made Water was turned Into the A l’nc cle in The Courier, National Granite monument to he dedic toms for use as breeding stock. This at Eagle Creek where we overhaul at Hermiston. This will be the last statements made by Mr. Rack In his ' game of the season at home. Her remarkable letter, not one Is free ; canal Thursday morning and is again ated June 15. g'x miles east of Al Publication of Order is a bona fide record and was Intro ed our “Pack-hard. available for Irrigation use. The bany, to Joab Powell, the circuit miston lost the last game with them duced into his system of diversified Along the highway the story had and are aching th’s return game to from the taint of fiction, and this | new flume cross the break success rider. A signal honor has come to the fanning without detriment either to fact brings to the forefront an ex- wJtfc pp >p. proejeeded us |h p t we (were cross i > get the revenge they have been har cept.onal Imagination and mind of Umatilla county chapter of the Red h’s crop or chicken business. |g & we]1 POngtruct. country hikers from Portland, Me., boring in their heart. Crosg In the selection of this chap Coog Bay—Carload of machinery Mr. Edley was not an expert In bound for Portland, Oregon. unusual capacity for the storing up ed Job. ¡Beneficial rains and cooler for Coos Veneer and Box Plant ar ter as the subject of a spec'al arti the turkey growing business and of bogy stories. We reached Portland June 2 weather during the week kept the rives. cle in The Courier, the national pub. what he has done on his 40 acres, I have faith that the people of crops from suffering during the licatlon of the American Red Cross. in addition to other lines, can easily pleased with ourselveg and our little this project realize that their present time the water was off. The work Copco—California Oregr n Power A canvas of the entire country be accomplished by any other person red wagon. financial distress ’g due mostly to Of strengthening the lower bank by We are now planning a similar Company to build hydro-electric was made by the National Red Cross of ordinary capacity and patlonce. economic disturbances and not to gravel fill will continue for wnK power plant at cost of »4,000,000. office to secure two outstanding ex It is suggested, however, that If any trip for the coming summer to Glac local causes. I have faith, also, that ier national park or Yosemite. We time. amples of service to veterans of the of our readers contemplate engaging the government will yet come to the Vernonia—Oregon American Lum- World War—one In a b g city, and in this side Hne that they address heartily recommend this mode ot rescue and assist the project ln get Pet. W L Children'» Day Program ier Company will start operations one In a rural community. Umatilla a comunicatlon to the U. 8. Depart travel to anyone who wishes to ting back to normal times. It Is up Umatilla « 8 1 .888 The Baptist Sunday school wll’ iune 15. I county chapter was chosen aa the ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. really see the Columbia highway. to the project to push forward and give the lr regular Children’s Day 4 .555 H ermiston 5 example of rural v o it , which la to Gi ask for Fanners Bulletin No. not to pull backward and to step on program Sunday, June 15, ah 11 Ashland may get modern up-to- .333 and crush out sentiments such as 6 3 be AvrlttW up in a special war aef 1409. Mrs. P. . Hayden Is Improving af Stanfield o’clock. This Is not only a child date hotel. vlre nuraber of The Courier, to he Echo 2 .222 were expressed In the Rack letter. 7 ter her recent Illness. ren's day festival but will combine Corvallis—S ’te purchased for new ¡»euedJtnta- 21. with It a commemoration program hotel: ground to be broken within Those who not only devoted the'r celebrating the centennial Ot the 30 days. time and energy to the work of the ♦ EXPERIMENT STATION ♦ - American Baptist Publication Soc . Red Croaa for our. « e u In service ♦ NOTES ♦ iety. The songs are arranged foi Albany— A »100,000 woman'p daring the wgr, hat who have since p (By H. K. Dean) ♦ the music of our master mus'clan? building assured college here. d an with unrelinquished I’ and the program will be interest , Ipir to keep alive the spirit of $ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • $ Rainier haR an Alaska red fox lng to all. rorv’ce during the difficult years of Rain On Alfalfa farm. rearfjrotment since the war, feel a The recent rains have raised the thrilfftxf prl«» to Warn that the question of their effect on the feed Steal» Clothe» From Line Seaside—-Plans being prepared One day laHt week the family Undvflln County Red Cross has. ing value of hay. An appreciable washing was hung out on the line for gymnasium at Union high School been chosen an a banner chapter port'on of the nutrients Is leached at the J. K. Shotwell home. Some to cost »40,000. out by rain. The Colorado Experi worthy of this honor. time during the night a thief stole The issue in which the story of ment Station found after rains of Astoria— New Junior h’gh and the wearing apparel from the line Hie local work will appear is one 1.80 inches that of the original nnt- elementary school building to rise. No clue has yet been unearthed as devoted to the activit és of the Red trients In alfalfa «0 per cent of the to the possible culprits. • Cross since the war in behalf of crude protein. 41.0 per cent of the Harrisburg— Contract awarded for our ex-service men. particularly nttrogeu-fTee extract and 33.» per construction of bridge here at »183,- those disabled and handicapped by cent of the fat— or »1.7 per cent of Methodist Episcopal Chnrch Runday, June 15—Sabbath school 200. their war time hardships. the total dry matter was lost. The at 10 A. M., morning worship at 11. The story of this chapter’s pro crude f'ber was increased from »«.( State board of control votes pur Epworth League 7 P. M., evening gram w ll lay a special emphasis per cent to 33.8 per cent. The rains chase of 276-acre site for state train, worship 9 P. M. Weekly prayer on the'strong county organisation at Hermiston last week and this and Bible study Thursday evening lng school for boys, one mile north of our local Red Cross. There will totaled .»3 inch so the loss to hay west of Woodburn on Pacific high at 7:15. Henry Young, minister. be «tressed the splendid co-operation exposed has not been as high as way. service made possible through th« the above figures. However the act ¡Mrs. O. M. Boyer, of Ontario. Ore efforts of branch representatives in ual damage la somewhat greater There has been »0.000 pounds of gon Is visiting at the home of her all of the towns, and it will he ex than the analyst! shows aa the nu Cascare bark sold from the Stuslaw mother. Mrs. P. . Hayden. plained that the r contact with local trients lost are thoee most roluable national forest so far th’a year. problems forms the basis of reaUy and hence most easily digested. effective county wide service. • NUMBER 1 A N D 2T O B E T A K Ashland-Klamath Falls highway«, particular kind of service »he« Free Lecture EN OFF SUNDAY IS RUMOR built by co-operation of stata, coun branch workers render, and th Al, old Hermiston hotel dtnlnft According to a rumor coming ties and forest service. Ig now eom- stragctic part they P»aV in th«jv o rk room Monday. Juno 1». at I » . M. from authentic aorcea the two p|Pted. of the chapter, will be described » M. McLean Ooldle will speak on local trains No. 1 and 2 will be detail In the article. My Experience I» the BolsKerifce discontinued on Sunday at an Friill canneries at Carver and The membership of the Umatfflh early date. While t)«ero is noth Canby are In operation: expect to Revolution.” 8ota(a4. R’*ty f Countv Red Crosu-.1h«wughout the Short. Mr. GoMIe was eoe of ing official to verify this railroad can over 50.000 cases thia year. rh,rtee aw-U w ith . Interest »»«• appointees of the Root men beheva the trains will he taken off. Lack of travel »« the number of Th« Courier. te M f r hr w Roeeburr—C ty council easou. several paving contracts. _ , HERMISTON WINS GAME FROM ECHO STANDING OF TEAMS IN THE IRRIGATION LEAGUE R ead y, B oys